Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 14, 1882, Image 4

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ItbxnsU SUM'tisw
Bates of Advertisings
Local Noticet, dm week, 10 cent per line $
Inch I'- Jequent week, 5 cent! per line.
Display locals, 15 centt per line.
Advertisement! on local page, 50 cents per
each per week.
Miscellaneous ads 50 cents per inch per month.
Legal ads at legal rates.
South Auburn wants
harness Hliop.
a Hitihllo and
Dr. West is fixing up tins .Maxwell
hoiiHO for u residence anil will stay
witli us.
Nkw Goods Kail Styles of Hat at
Mrs. Miller's Millinery atoro, South
Auburn. Low Prices. 12
Ilanlan luw issuwl ohalliiiiRes to
Courtney, Koss and Lee, to row three
miles for 62,fi00 a side.
Charlie JJrowning, one of the Urown
villo "Urieks," was in town last Mon
day and took dinner at the Iloldrego.
Jeff. Hohorts. a farmer near Harris
burg, Ky.. during a quarrel over an old
feud, was shot and killed by Samuel
Miss Clara Mercer, of Hrownville,
iiihI'Mshs Aggie Ahlmy, of Kulls City,
Were in the city last wi-ek visiting with
Mrs. Florence Cross.
Mrs. Susan Walsh, mother of our
townsman, A. V., arrived from Clove
land, Ohio, last week, and is visiting
with children at Humboldt.
North Auburn No ws.
The Republican ticket nominated in
tinge county is: For state senator,
Elijah Fiiley; for representatives in the
-lowor house, Casseli, Morrison, Fuller.
Walter Tyrrell, as soon as discharged
'from the penitentiary, was taken
charge of-by the sheriff of Dawson
county for burglarly committed in
l'lum Creek. Tyrrell will probably
gut another term in the pen.
N,Union iBBtrongth."
It is-relatud that JSurou Rothschild
mpou Ids death bed called around him
his children and giving one of them
41 single stick requested him to break
it'Whicli was easily done; then hand
ing him a bundle containing several of
the same size, made the samo request
which hi son failed to have strength
s'.rrtluiont to break. Using the example
'lie taught thorn thu truth: "Union is
strength," and to-day as an outcome of
Una incident, Unit tuiniiy rules con
tinental Europe, by means of its vast
wealth. Now in our now town, which
tis physically divided; for you may call
two boys .John, us far as tlio name goes
thoy:are one, but they are separate and
distinct and no amount of calling them
one will make them one. Wo are and
will always bo two separate centers of
Ivuriu and a certain amount of rivalry
will exist as certainly, as between two
men of thu samo business in the same
town. Each will try to excel. There
aro things in which the two towns can
unlto to their mutual prollt; but if
everything that comes up must be
viowed by jealous oyes, and in a jeal
ous spirit, then these two towns never
will bo able to do anything for them
selves or tho county that will induce
the people of tho county to think well
of tlium. Again in our own end of
tho town we must work and pull to
gether. If one business man won't
take hold of somo project that another
has proposed simply because he ia a
rival in the in trade; then ho cuts his
own throat. Some 0110 must originate,
start and move new enterprises to
bring people to this place to llnd
nmusomont'uud prollt, or else they will
stay away. If you try one plan to get up
a crowd and no ono helps you it gives
you a cold bath and you feel like retal
iation should some one else mako a
similar effort, and when ho falls then
you say "good, perhaps ho will boo how
it is to bo loft alone." Now both of
you wore working for tho samo ond,
and if it was readied would bo of a
mutual bonollt, ho both lost it because
each stood on his own dignity. I say
wo want to Btaud by each other. Say
a good word when you can. Do you
think it makes a favorablo impression
if a purson comes into your place of
business and In order to sell goods you
turn in and borate a competitor in
your lino of trade? Xo, ho thinks you
aro selllsh and do not tell tho truth, so
ho grows to havo a dlsllko to you.
Let's suppose a llttlo. Supposo both
towns wero united In ono In fact, had
tho junction in tho midst, would wo
not havo been twteo our present size?
Why, simply becauso people would sco
wo weru united. Now oven in each
ond of town there can bo a feeling of
"every man for himself," that will
mako every business man stand alono,
Which plan is calculated to bring tho
most success? A good fouling, mutual
, interests; shoulder to shoulder; you
help mo and I'll help you; simultane
ous efforts to draw trado and tho farm
ors to our town in ullposslulo ways; or
it jealous feeling; ovory man for him
self, you kick mo and I'll return incon
stant growling at tho success of othors,
spreading slander, udvislng men to boII
or buy olsewhoro when outside of
your lino, otc. Each plan will reap a
harvest. A good town whoro it is a
plo.iauro tot ratio, or tho deserted vil
lage that all pass by. X. X. X.
If you can't spare us a place in your
paper please give us a corner in tho
North Auburn is still looming mm
the prospects for the future aro of the
most ilattering nature. Several new
buildings have been commenced with
in tho past few days, and more aro
talked of.
Tho new barber shop with Messrs.
(5. A. Webb and Chits'. Stevens as man
agers, Is now under full motion. A
bath room is also in connection with
tho establishment, and hot and cold
baths can bo had at any time.
Work on the " Tannage" is progress
ing rapidly. Messrs. JJaird and Crau
dall have tho contract and Kerns furn
ishes tho lumber.
A car load of lino wagons arrived at
tho implement establishment of David
Campbell last week. Mr. Campbell
disposes of a groat many wagons and
is well pleased with having moved to
Mr. Clias. D. Nixon, of Xow York
president of tho Dank of Auburn, ar
rived in town last week.
Mr. Moore, of Chicago, Is in town
tho guest of 1 I'. Starin, of tho Bank
of Auburn.
Miss Dora Sklllman is one of our
school teachers for tho coming term of
school . She is away at present, visit
ing friends in Iowa.
We uro sorry to hear of tho painful
accident which occurred to Mrs. Thos.
Kearns. formerly Miss May Crandall
of IIiIh place. She was thrown from a
wagon recently while coming to town,
thereby causing a fracture of her collar
bone. Tho Injury however is nothing
serious and wo hope ere long to see her
out again.
Masters Paul and Walter (Jllinoro
entered tho Normal school at Peru as
students last week, and will remain in
tho institution until next June.
Mr. W. A. Hourly spent part of last
week in St. Joseph taking in tho ex
position. Charllo White is now ongairod as a
mechanic on tho Talmago. Cliarlio is
a natural genius and can turn his hand
to almost any kind of work.
Mr. Thos. Cogglns, of Lincoln, is the
new clerk in Mr. Kerns' lumber yard.
J. .1. Cobry goes to South Auburn for
a few weo'ks.
Peaches and grapes aro being
brought to town in largo quantities
every day. Mr. John Maley will have
1.000 bushels of poaches this year. Mr.
Maley owns ono of tho lluost orchards
in tho county.
Would tho two young ladies who
wore in town lately inquiring for the
"whereabouts" of a certain person, bo
kind enough to report as to whether
their search was successful ?
Mr. A. II. (lllmoro, a prominent mer
chant of this place, is having his store
building painted.
Little Jiirdio Wobb, who it will bo
remombored was hurt somo time ago
is improving rapidly under tho skillful
treatment of Dr. (ilasgow, tho popular
physician of North Auburn.
Cliarlio Waite, the good-looking
money dealor of Wall street, still
makes an occasional trip to Hrownville
for what purpose it does not belong
hero to investigate.
Mr. It. (). Follows, of tho Past, niado
a trip to Xebraska City last week. His
niece, Miss Kdiiii Wells, returned with
him and is still in tho city.
MIbs Ilattio Mutz, ono of North Au-
buau's charming girls was in Peru late
Now that tho weather has become
somowhat cooler and tho evening lon
gor, wo might soon vxpect to hear
from tho pouts. Any ono whoso tnsto
runs in tho direction of poetry can
tlnd plenty of subjects. Cliarlio Snow
can't you give us a selection ?
VlNt'lT O. Vkihtas.
Have Just Eeceived an Immense Stock of Drugs, Stationery,
And everything that pertains to the Drug Business. We propose to compete with
amy firm in the County. Call and see us, and be convinced.
Physician's Prescriptions and family Receipts carefully prepared.
HOLLADAY & EBEKLY, North Auburn, Nebr.
Ono Thousand Bottles of Marsh's Golden
Balsam to be Given Away.
Every person who is suffering with
Consumption, Weak Lungs, Bronchitis,
a Cough or Cold, Sore Throat, Hoarse
ness, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma,
or any disease of the Throat or Lungs,
can obtain a trial bottle of M Alum's
Coi.uiiN, the great Cough
remedy, free of charge, by calling at
Xickell & Shurt'.'s drug store, South
Auburn Xeb.
Persons who havo tried this valuable
medicine can procure tho largo bottles
at no cents and Sl.00. Thousands of
bottles havo been given away to prove
its extraordinary merit. Two doses
will beneiit.
For all Wood disorders and Livor
complaints use Mahsh's Goldkn
Blood & Livkii Tonic. It purifies
tho Biood, invigorates tho Liver,
Stomach and Bowels, regulates the
Kidneys and strengthens tho system.
Sample bottlo fioe. 12 w 4
One.'J-Sprhiy Wafon.
2 Lumber Wagons.
1 Set Light Ham es.
One 3-year old Colt.
Ono or all can bo bought cheap for
Cash as I havo no use for thorn.
Tkd. Huddaut,
South Auburn, Xeb.
Don't Fail to Read This!!
Any party wishing to purchase a
Beatty Organ or Piano, I will furnish
thoin any stylo desired, less tho trans
portation to any railroad station in
Nebraska. Addtess G. M. Bahnks,
Auburn, Tccumseh, or Beatrice.
.Toliiisoix, IS"cl.,
Will open about SEPT. 10th, a Large and Complete Stock of
Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Furniture,
We propose to keep a full line of everything usually found in a first-class
Hardware and Furniture Store, and cordially solicit your patronage.
Will always pay the hi 'heat market price for Live Stock-
Remember the place JONISSBllOS. & JBAILEY,
and give us a call Johnston, INol).
Somo of tho papers aro complaining
that Jay Gould controls 8120,000,000
worth of property in Missouri, and
thoy think something ought to bo done
to take such an enormous interest out
of thu hands of ono man. That thoro
is great danger in tho concent intion of
wealth and in tho growth ot monopo
lies thoro is not tho slighest doubt, but
Mr. Gould should receive credit for us
ing that 8120,000,000 to dovolop tho
material interests of thostato, and add
to tho wealth of the country at large.
Ho furnishes employment to 42,000
men in the Stato of Missouri alone, and
that one fact goes far to redeem him,
when Ids policy of keeping his monoy
going is compared with that of Mr,
Vnndorbilt, who has nearly an equal
amount locked up in government
bonds. If Jay Gould may bo a very
bad man, and a dangerous man, ho is
doing a great deal to develop the coun
try. Inter Ocean.
Wo always begin to havo faith in tho
teachings of a groat man who is will
ing to acknowledge that ho "don't
know." Tho wisest men are those who
tlo know that thoro aro great mysteries
all about thum, which the human mind
ntuiint fathom. This is true of the
spiritual as well as the material uni
verse. Both Christian instructors and
scientists would havo suffered less hu
miliation and accomplished more good
if thoy had always accepted this truth,
and said "wo don't know." titer
A Kentucky man's idea of a gentle
man Is seen in tho following colloquy:
"Yes," ho said, "Judgo is very
much of a gentleman ; ho used to play
poker with Jeff. Davis."
Summer Millinery GoocIn ut
Miss Dollio Terry will for tho next
thirty days sell summer millinery goods
at cost. Tills is a rare chance to get
good goods way down low, and all
invited to call at onco.
Musical Ooncort.
There will bo a concert hold in the
Pairviow Church, Saturday evening,
September 10th, conducted by Prof. J.
It. Dye, tho proceeds to bo used to pur
chase an organ. All aro cordially in
vited to attend. Senator Tipton is ex
pected to address tho meeting. Ad
mission, 25 cents; children under 12
years old, 0 conta.
P. S. If tho inclemency of tho
weather prevents its being held on tho
evening of tho Kith, it will bo hold in
ono week, tho 2:hl.
M. V. Hanagan, attorney at law, is
tho authorised agent for tho Advkk
tiskk at Xemahn City, and will receipt
moneys paid him on subscription and
job work.
Eoduced Prices in Moat.
The Calvert Meat Market will furn
ish meat from this date at tho follow
ing reduced rates:
Surloin Steak 12 J cts.
Round " 10 "
Hoast 8 "
Chuck 10 "
Boiling puicos from (1c to 7c.
Hknuv Haum, Prop.
Linn & Cooper.
Calvert, Xeb., aro now ready to re
celvo grain of all kinds, for which thoy
will pay tho highest market price
Call at tho elevator.
J. . GASIUL.IL, Manager.
Prosit Broad, pies and cakes al
ways on hand at A. Palmer's, Brown
vlll'o. Go to tho Xew Storo and got tho
highest market price for your produce.
The Chicago Tribune, has boon sued
for slander. Damages claimed 85,000. j druggists.
The B. & M. H. It., known as the
"Burlingtion Houto" offers special ad
vantages to travelers. Seo tltolr ad
vertisement in tliis paper. 0-23
Uncle Sam's Nerve and Bone Lini
ment is for man and beast and is a
balm for ovory wound, told by all
fti 111 UlLlflUIlL w UtJIl vi
North Auburn,
Where you will find one of the finest stocks of General Merchandise in
Nemaha County.
You will find the nicest SPRING STOCK of CLOTHING for
all ages.
You will find DRESS GOODS of the latest styles and patterns.
You will find a nice line of LADIES' and GHILDREN'S Shoes.
You will find an excellent line of BOOTS and PLOW SHOES for
You will find a full stock of GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, etc.
You will find one of the nicest store rooms and the most gentlemanly
clerks in Nemaha County.
We extend a cordial invitation to come and see us before buying, and
we will guarantee that in quality and price we wil suit you.
Remember the place,
Mia vi n g
Jleccnthf been Surveyed and I'latlcd'-
ON SECTION 21 and 28, T. 5, 8. 14,
Commercial Mechanical
The Town is from 10 to 25 miles from any
other place of importance,
Aooly to S, A OSBORN,