WfS i' Jjif?" & '$' rr , riljiiOli' w ebrmw Jlhtvtim. M. ESTABLISHED 1856. .1 AUBURN, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1882. VOL. 27, NO. 13. OLDE8T PAPER IN THE 8TATE m SOUTH AUBURN DIRECTORY. A RKWRIGHT U CURZON, tt. JEWELERS. Ki.OIN, SPKINQFIKLI) and WAI.THAM WATCHES. South Auburn, ... Nebrnsltn. BF, WEST. M D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, SOUTH AUnUUN, NEU. OFFICE. Up Stain, over AnvzRTiseii office. CORNELL, G. W J ATTORNEY AT LAW; Offlco ouo door north or Klochors Store. SOUTH AUUUIIN, NEB. Will practice In nit tho Courts nnd nttctul to collections, CHICAGO LUMBER CO., Denlors In Lumber, Paint, Lima and Conl, SOUTH AUHUltN. NKMltAHKA. D' kILLON & CROAN, Dealer? In Drugs, Books, Stationery, Paints. Oils, Glass, Cigars, Etc Eolith Auburn - Nehrnskn. DEV1N St FISHER Gonoral Morouandising, UttY GOODS, aKOOEHIES. HATS, CATS. HOOTS, SHOES, Etc. Houth Auburn, - - Nebraska. DJ. WOOD, NOTARY PUBLIC, And Lightning, Klronnd Wind INSUHANCE AOKNT. South Auburn, Nob. ED- WALTZ, BARBER All kinds of Tonsorlnl work done with neatness and In tho Intent styles of the art. Shop second door north of tho Holdree. GEO. RIECHERS, Dealer In Clotliing, Hnts, Caps, Boots, Shoos, and QuooiMwnro. Mutter, EKKsn'id Produce taken In exchange for goods. South Auburn, - - Nebraska. G W. FAIRBROTHER, SR. NOTARY PUBLIC. Will pay attention to G'onveyanulnu, Land Agency business nnd Inking Depositions, ittauk Deeds Mortgages, and all sorts or blanks on hand, HOLDREGE HOUSE. Nest Hotel In tho City. TED HUDDART, Propriotor. First-class Hatuplo Kooms, Udod Livery Stable and good Accommodations. South Auburn, - - Nebraska. UTCHINS & ELLIOTT. Dealers In ' Agricultural Iraplomonts, Wagons, Carriagos Etc .South Auburn, - - Nebraska. HENRY HARM, Proprietor CALVERT MEAT MARKET, Nice, Sweet, Fresh Meat always on hand, at Ilonsonnhlo Hates. South Auburn, .... Nebraska. HJ. F. WERT & CO. Insnrauoo & Collection Agents. Special attention given to routing and buying and soiling Farms and city property. P. O. Building, South Auburn, Nob. L,Nf N Sc COOPER, Dealors In GRAIN & STOCK, Highest Market price paid for all kinds of Grain and Livestock. Oillcoat tho elevator. South Auburn, Neb. McGEE & MOORE. Dealers In GENERAL MERCHANDISE. SOUTH AUHUKN, NEIL Highest Market Prlco paid for Butter and Egggs and Produce MRS. A. H. RICHARDS, -"1 Mlllinor and Drossmnlcor, Full Stock ot Ladles Furnishing Goods am) Fnnoy Notions. Second door South of Dill on A Groan's drug store, South Auburn, Neb. ATICKELL & SHURTZ, Dealors In Drugs, Glass, Paints, Oils, Stntionory and "Wall Paper. SOUTH AUDUHN, - NEHU. T B. XV. j CLANCY, Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, A large and Select Stock of everything kept In n tlrst-clnss hnrrdwaro store. A good repair shop In eonnootlou with tUe store. Two doors houth of Illechers store, South Auburn, Neb. T HOS RICHARDS. "REGULATOR," Dealer in HUGOIES. WAGONS, and AG HICULTUUAL IMPLEMENTS South Auburn, Neb. W BILLING BROS. & IORDAN. Dealors in, Stovon, Tinware rurni- turo, Woodonwaro, Etc Spcetal attention pstd to Tin Hooflnn nnd Spouting. South Auburn, Neb. WM?MATTHIESEN, Blaoksmitliiug. WAGON AND OAHUIAOE WORK Noatly nnd promptly done. No 2L Contro Avenue, South Auburn, Neb, JOHN S. MINICK, gem: ii a i. MBRCHAWDIS Noniaha Cit", Nob. ') T W. KERNS' J LUMBER YARD, North and South Auburn, Neb. F. W. SAMUKI.SON, Danker, J). J. Wood, Cashier. Nemaha Countv Bank Auburn, Nebraska , X V V - Does a Gonoral Banking Business. Particular Attention Giv en Collections. Monov Loaned on Approv ed Security. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. This is tho Oldest Bank and has tho only Time Lock in the Oity. Kami I, onus negotiated nt I.orr ltnto of Interest. Exchange on all parts ot II, S. and Europe. T 1-1 E & i AlAixXMY) QQ9AJYU19 SOUTH AUBURN, NEBR., Is now open and prepared to do a General Banking Business. AMPUL CAPITAL. $ MONEY LOANED On approved security, at a Reasonable Rate of Interest. EXCHANGE Bought and sold on the principal Cities of the United States and Europe. JNO. L. CARSON fc CO. S. A. Osborn, Notary Punuc. . W. Ttiyloi OSBOKN & TAYLOK, ATTORNEYS and Counselors at Law. Calvort and Brownvillo. PRACTICE IN THE STATE AND ERAL COURTS. FED Special attention given to collections and sale of KEALJ.STATR. Notice to Farmers Tho undersigned has for sale the NORWEGIAN PLOWS! Harrows CULTIVATORS, Well known to be tho best, which he will sell cheaper than the cheapest. Farmers, Call and See. B. OTTENS. MONEY SAVED! I will soil you a BETTER ORGAN!! in every respect for $ 8 5.0 O , Than lire being sold in this vicinity for $100 and upwards. JAS. R. DYE, OmO Noniiilm City. BOOTS, SHOES, ANn HARIMrCC tvi'ikJ lin.1111 UDO. t Mmlo and repnlrud as well ns can bo .ln.... nHywtiere, on snort notice, and """" VKliY HHASONAIILR TERMS, At'liilihii CH3", olir. OHAS, D.NIXON, Proaidont. P.P.STARIN, Cashier. BANK OF AUBURN, AU11UKN, SEIIIIASKA, IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS And olfers Its Services to tho Cltii of Auburn i)im' -AND NEMAHA. COUNTY, For the transaction of any Iluslucss In thellnW IB a ii It i n & . V. M. BOAL, M. D.. pin'srciAir and suhgeon, Worth Auburn, Nebraska, OFFICE At Residence. 12yl J. M. GLASGOW, -PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON- NORTH AUBURN, - - NEBR 5Kesidonco Gilmore's Hloek. "" TAKE NOTICE ! Mrs. E. Monnhnn. of Maryvllie, Mo., will bo at North Auburn on the 17th and 18th Days of Septombor, when she will be prepared to treat all forms of eye dlsonses. Her treatment N a permit uent cure for uninitiated ejodlds and 'nil forms of Inflammation of the oyes. Come and see hor. She will also bo nt llrownvilU on the 15th of each month. Surgloiil operations wilt tie performed by Dr. D. C. Wilson. of Maryvllie. Dr. A. Oppermann, JPhusician and burgeon, Has been located in 'Nemaha County since 1 868. Strict attention paid to all ACUTE asd CHRONIC DISEASES. Afflictions of the Ear and Eye skillfully Treated. JBfcjy-Artiftcial c)es always on hand to""Q5a Suit any size or color. Calls at tended to day or night OFFICE Northwest corner Court end Second Streets. RESIDENCE Southwest corner Main and sd Streets, SHEttl&fNN-EB. "aoyi BROWNVILLE BUSINESS CARDS. J. IT. H H O A I) V , Attorney ami Ooiiimelni' nt I.nw, llrownvlllt .Neli J. S T V L L , ATTOHNICVS AT I, AW.. Olllceof County Jiulite. Ilruwnvlltu. Netirssks. CAM RICH, House, Sign, CarrlaRO and Ornamontal Painter. HHOWNVILT.E. .... NEIL Private Diseases. Persons desiring the popular prescription of the late Dr. Jonas Crane, for Venereal Diseases, can have the same filled by calling upon Dr. Alfred Crano, at his residence, Brovvnville, Nebr. 6-1 5 MITIIOI...KII ItV THE C. .S. UOVKILNJIr'.NT First National Bank O V II 1 tO AV IV Vir.L K Paid-up Vapltal, $80,000 800,000 Authorized a IS IMtKl'AUl'.') i'O TKANHACT A I General Banking Busines.. IIL'Y ANDSKf.I. COIN & CURRENCY DRAFTS mii it ll Mr principal cities of tlio United States and Europe MONEY LOANED On aiiprorcil rtpciirily only. Time Draftii rilicoiuit el. unit ilec I11I itccmnmimittlonittrniiteil to ilf po.nll rn. DfHlpmln (IOVKUNMKNT IIONDH, STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS KecHlveil pavahlPOii' and lNTKIlKra owfdou tliuecertttleatet ol deposit. DIItKCTORS.-Wni.T. Hen, B. M. Halley. M. A Handlny. KranW K. Joliunun, l.utlier Hoadlojr Win. t'ralther. JOHN I. CAHSON, A. It. DAVISON", fanhler J, C. IfcN nidicroN. A nit Caxlilor. I'rMldont TO CONSUMPTIVES. Thendvertlhor havliiu beon permanently oured of that dread disease. Consumption. by a simple remedy. I anxious to innlce known To all whiMleslrolt. be will send a eopy of ' the prescription uied. if rei of ehnre.) with te nis leuoiv suimrert tut-inn meitjiH ot euri ,117 lit, rutlMin .'. i'i'i""Min fiiti, linniu tliAiltvurtllnim In. It.lthD.lllll B.11, ....!.... the I same, which they will find a sure cure for I mitilu .nnttlltil tit Inn It.ll.m.i I...L.. ichltts.eic. l'nrtles wUhltiK the prescription win pipnoonuurean, uev. n. wimuii. mi penn street, WllllumsburKh, N, V. fcktt$hit gjfcdm'tisw SUP Entered at the postotTice at South burn, Nebraska, as Second Class matter. Au- OUR CANDIDATE. Oimthn Republican. The Hon. A. .1. Wouvor, who was nominated on Thursday for oonRross in tliis district, is a man whom all Ko publieans will find it a pleasure to sup port. Ills record is not that of a "dark horsp," hut coinhlnt'sthoatlvant aues of posltiveness with those of tin oxeeiitlonahlo fharactfr. Tho Douglas county delegation, returning from tho convention in vhoso nomination it played the most Important part, feels that it has honored itself, tho party and tho candidate. Archlhald .1. Weaver is a nativo of L'enusylvania, and is in his itoth year. His father was a (termini and his mother was from New England. He was a farm hand until the age of six teen, and at tho agetd twonty-threo ho entered tliu law departmunt of Harv ard University, uraduatlng in tho spring of 1801). In May of the same year lie located at Falls City, Hichard son county. Nehraska, and entered up on tho practice of law. In the spring of 1871 lie was elected to tho constitu tional aonvenlion. He was after this elected district attorney, and made an excellent record in that ollice. Ho was again elected to tho constitutional con vention of 18T', and In the fall of that year elected judge of the First judicial district of Xehraska, which position ho now holds. In the winter of IH81 ho was a prominent candidate for the United States senate. POLITICAL POINTS Gathered at Tho Oougrossioual Oouvontiou. 1'ou were at tho congressional con vention? Yes judicial, too took 'em all In. Well Church was scooped why was it? O, that's an easy one simply hadn't voles enough. How many votes did ho get? His highest was '23. There wero but 20, however, who stood with him clear through, viz.: U from Somalia ; & from l'awnee; 4 from Cage, and li from .Johnson. Oaloj? of XdiucuBtor, ran well it, seems 'M to'.'JO.iill thotlinf?r" '- Yes, (Jaley is a splendid fellow, and ho died with his boots on. In fact he was dead about ten minutes before he or his faiends were awaro of the fact. It was never in the pins for him, but ho didn't realize it until after the train had pulled out under Captain Weaver. Church Howe was tho only one aboard balance all "loft." Is that so? That is certainly tho way it looks. Tlio Nemaha delegation led by Howe made the break from "instructions," which nominated Judge Weaver. And Weaver known it. Why did Howe make that break so soon? He seemed to be running all right, ahead of all but (Jaley, and you say Caloy could not possibly have been elected. There might have been a break somewhere else in the maclimo after awhile that would have thrown Ho wo on tott. That's what tho boys all thought, but Howe thought otherwise and they tie ferred to his judgment. When ho said lie could not make it, they supposed ho knew the situation, and acquiesced. When they realized that Howe could not be llrst, tho next best thing was second choice. Was Mitchell, of Otoe, Howe's lirst choice alter himself? No. Nemaha and Douglas allied their forces. Douglas preferred Mitch ell, and Nemaha voted with Douglas. And the truth is when that ballot was taken Howe was angry and desperate, and wouldn't have cared had Mitchell been elected, to spite Van Wyck, who was charged with not doing the right thing by Howe, Hut wo afterward bo eame satislled that tho Senator was not to blame in any respect, because the Otoe delegation was not his. (In that ballot is when Lanctster let the auspicious opportunity of tho occasion glide by unimproved. Mitchell's boom was short-lived. Yes, but Mitchell is an able man, and had not Otoe now a L S. Senator, his chances would have been very good. l'eoplo generally wero much sur prised at seeing Nemaha, so positively instructed for their candidate, the lirst to desert him. O, they did not desert him never would have deseited him as long as ho remained in the Held they went with him at his request. Hut Nemaha's sudden maneuver, breaking tho line, was a surprise to the unwary of tho convention, and nerved to demoralize the crowd. Howe, and Thurston, of Oinalui.wero not demoralized, but acted with an object in iow. Omaha had no ciiiMlid.ito was determined to sit down on Uneoln Weau.r wutild do for that purpose after consultation and would poll a .strong-rut in tho district. Mandursou or' Howe will probably bo tho successor of Saundeis. Howe might ilml his name on tho state ticket, if lie so desired. This, however, is mostly surmising, and there may be no such compacts. Majors and Daily wero there? Of course thoy wero, with Carson, Wash. Culp, and a few light weights from Nomalm to help tho Held heat Howe. Tom said to an Advbutiskk man In his most severe nasal twang "we wero hero to see the majodty getaway with tho baggage." That was what Church Howe said at tho county convention. Yes and Tom doubtless thought tho quotation exceeedlngly pertinent. Not much in tho way ot evolving from his Wehstcriau brain original remarks.he is in the habit of quoting great men, but on this occasion Tom was infelicitous. When Howe remarked in his retort to Stull, that "tho minority was there to see tho majority get away with tho baggage," it could have meant nothing more, nor less, than that tho conven tion hail met to execute and make op erative tho will of the majority, and Col. Tom and others wore thero te seo it done. Was thero anything wrong in that? Wo think not. Hut what rela tion did Tom and his allies hold to tho district convention? Simply this: A largo majority of tho llepublicaus of Nemaha county wore there, by their delegates, under instructions, and Thomas was there, and even had ids pa with him, doing every thing ho could, fair or foul, to thwart tho popular will. It was per fectly right for the majority of thai district convention to get away with the baggngo, and for Tom to seo It done, but it was not in accordance with good citizenship, or tho spirit of true lle publicanism for him to bo there work ing to drfeat his own county and peo ple and subserve other interests bel'oro their interests, livery man should stand or fall on tho record ho makes, and those whoexultin vindictive deeds should he remembered, and when tho time comes ho made to take of tho medicine thoy think so good for their neighbors. Did Majors and Dally get away with any baggage i Not much, wo think. It was great giatlficatlon to them to see Howe tie feated, but they always belonged to. Dundy, and never supported "Weaver, for anything. Paddock was their mici Tom's especially, could they Imvy .made the thing work. Pad. you know., is ono of the Mormon Commissioners." and was at Utah attending to his du ties, hut suddenly camu homo as fast as steam could carry him. He was at tho convention, to the surprise of oviny one, who know thero was no Mormon, business to attend to at the- Nebraska City convention. Was Paddock a candidate- for con gross ? Not particularly so that wo know of; but if ho had been lolographtMl to hurry homo that thero was a splendid opening for a "dark horse." he would not be likely to fail on time. Nobody would rush around more llve-- ly to get into congress than our own brave old Pad. Judge Dundy seemed to be posted, for before Paddock ar-. rived, tho Judge informed a delegato on tho train that Paddock was to bo the dark horse to carry away the nom ination. Dundy. Dally, Majors wero really much chagrlnucd that the Pad dock boom, after all, fell still bortu Tho boys had plonty of good timber wit bout sending to bait I.uko tor n stick. Hut Tom and Hill deny it now and swear they wero for Weaver all the time. Well, we hope thoy are for Weaver now, at any rate, and tho peo ple here will bo agrowibly disappointed if they give him honest and cordial support something thoy seldom do when they fail to ho on tho ticket or dictate who shall boon It. In what shape, politically, does thin leave the Nemaha statesmen? Well, it leaves How-) in good enough shape on top in local or county poli tics, and witli more friends at bomo and abroad than ho over had before. Hy his manly tight in his county and tho district convention, he lias merited and is receiving tho approbation of press and peoplo. The other follows who wore born with their toes turned to the rear and aro constantly kicking their own backsides, aro in statu ono, Howe's failure to go to congress does not obliterate Tom's record, nor give Hill Daily any more brains. How will Weaver run? Ho will como as near polling the full strength of tho party as any man in the district would have done. How will Weaver's nomination af fect Nemaha county politics or rathov Hie kickers? 0 uiiiik. 11, win 00 oeneuciai soouii ing to tho kickers. There will bo no formidable opposition to tho regularly nominated ticket. Tho war department ha:-) been in formed that Payne, who has a mania for stealing tho Indian Territory, is under arrest at Port tleno. Hlack ('loud, a trotting stallion, at, Hartford, umdn threo straight heaLs i good Uino iM7?.f, 2:10, 2,;1&S 3