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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1882)
T ;, ' Uft Vkt ,- .- - ' Jctoslta fMlisw SuflSOniPItON $2. P YtAR IN AovANCt. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET, For 8tftto Senntor JAUVI8H. OIIUROH, of llodforJ. For Hcprcsntatlvos GEO. H, SHOOK, ot Annlnwnll, JACOB GOOD, of Ltiyfnyetto. For Coutitr Commissioner, 2d Dlntrlot KIIANICUKDFEKN, of Ixilidoli. J '. . . i LOCAL NEWS. Screen wiro (it Willing Bros. & Jor dan's. Stationery of all' kinds at tho post olllco. For Lumber Limo and Coal go to J. W. Kkkns. Strictly pure Sugar Syrup at Devin & Fisher's. Try the Non-Explosive Safety Oil at Devin & Fisher's. Hardware and Furniture at Willing Uros. & Jordan's. Hxtra copies of Thk Advertiser or salo at tho postollico. Go to the New Storo for bargains North of tho postolllcc. -- Blank deeds, notes, mortgages etc., for salo at this otllce. Tho American Forestry Congress mot ia Montreal, August 2 1st. Wo are ready to receive products in exchange for goods at tho New Storo first door north of tho postofllce. .Toe Goss wants to fight Tug Wilson for 82,500. Wo presume ho can be ac commodated, and got licked in tho bar gain. James Watson, living near Lincoln, was recently seriously gored by a Jer sey bull. Ilis injuries are believed to bo fatal. For Good Pictures go to Goss' rooms North Auburn. IIo is permanently located here and it is to his intorost to do good work. In Franklin county, Nebraska, a great deal of broom corn is raised, and thoy advertise for a largo numbor of hands to take care of it. Mr. Lovi Benefiol, of Anderson, Madison county, Ind., was in town last week. Ho likes Nemaha county, and concluded to purchase a farm as a fu ture homo. Fon Sam:. 20 head of fa, cows and GO head 2-year old steers, at private salo ono or all to suit purchaser. Ad dress John' G. Kite, Burchard, Neb. A man known as"Tip" Davis at Corn ing, Mo., went to sloop on tho railroad track. There were scarcely enough of tho pieces found for a funeral. Perhaps Tip tipped tho convivial glass once too ofton. At tho recont convention of Illinois distillers, thoy did tho very curious thing of passfng a resolution favoring the enforcement of tho Sunday laws. Thoy also favored tho increaso of li conso foes. A. C. Ilessing, formerly a Gorman editor and politician of Chicago, was recently murdered on his rancho in Sonora. Moxico. It is believed his servant did it for his money. Later reports say that tho abovo is a mistako A tnlegram from Chicago says, "con tracts will bo at onco lot for an exten sion from TecumseU to tho main Doii vor line, making another saving in diBtanco." This extonsion vrill bo to Beatrice or Wymore, moro likely tho latter. J. F. Dovin and T. K. Dunn, two of South Auburn's gay and festlvo gen tlemen, took a Hying trip to Talmago last Sunday, and returned heavily laden with grapes and peaches which tho good pooplo of that vicinity bhw fit to bestow upon them. A boy named Forbos, at Oxford, Ind., coming homo wot and explaining to his mothor that ho had fallen into tho crook, she petulantly said ho ought to havn stayed there. A fow momonts later tho boy got a rovolror and shot himself through tho head. Dr. 1). Boll Andrews, of Nemaha City, has Ills office at his resldoiico, whuio ho Is prepared to treat acute and hronlc diseases. Pleasant waiting riidins for patients. Suruinil disease a women a specialty. His surces iu .i Hurgmm Is woll known from ease In this vti'inltv operated uKn with per manent rolinf. Wall Paper. it Xkkell & ShurU. Does Good Printing Pay? "We do not suppose thuro is anything that men buy which gives them moro genuine satisfaction in its uso than good stationery. Thero is a pleasure in using good stationery, ospocially in private correspondence, which can not bo obtained by tho uso of a poor article, iiowovor it may bo managed. Tho valuo of good stationery to business men is rarely appreciated by even thoso who are in tho habit of jising it. A letter always creates an impression. Especially is this true when tho lettor is from a stranger. Accordingly it is woll for every ono who writes letters to consider what kind of an impression Ids epistle is llkoly to create in the mind of tho person to whom it is ad dressed. Tho most important elopient in creat ing a favorable impression by the lotter ono writes is in the stylo and quality of tho papor and onvolopo, tho character of the printing forming tlio letter head' and tho tasto displayed in tho general arrangement. If tho wholo bo done in a way that indicates taste, a favorable impression is almost invariably made. On tho other hand, if tho general stylo of paper add printing bo slouchy, an impression qulto tho opposite of favor ablo will be created in tho minds of the persons addressed. Thero is nothing which tho business man uses in which cheapness is such bad policy as tho stationery employed in his correspond enco. lie may pay his clerks only half salaries, ho may descend to all sorts of moauness in his management, and 'per ceivo no disastrous results arising from his policy, because no one outside of his own store will know it. Such management can not bo patnnt to lib customers, and therefore can have mi effect upon their mind. On tho other hand, every ono with whom ho deals by tho medium of correspondence has an opportunity to judge of him by the character of tlio letter ho writes, and will not bo slow to form an opinion. A handsomely written lettor, upon good letter-paper, having a fine heading, indicating that good taste has been exercisod in selecting it, nevor'fails to creato a good impression. lirunxivicli (Mo.) News. There is a young editor wandering on tho face of tho earth who formerly' published a papor at Storm Lake, Iowa. IIo left there tho day after tho last paper, and is supposed to be crossing tho state on foot, to get away from tho Infuriated fomalo population. It seems theio was a concert given by the young ladies of the city, and the gallant young editor wrote it up in splendid shape. The same day ho had visited a herd of short-horned cattlo owned by a farmer in tho vicinity, and ho wrote up the cattlo show also. Tlio cross eyed foreman of the oflico got tho two articlos mixed up as follows: "Tlio concert given last evening by sixteen of Storm Lake's most beautiful and in teresting young ladies was highly ap preciated. Thoy wore elegantly dress ed, and sang in a most charming inan nov, winning tho plaudits of tho entire audience, who pronounced them tho finest short-horns in tlio country. A few of them are of a rich brown color; but a majority of them are spotted brown and white. Several of tlio heifers were lino-bodied light-limbed animals, and promise to bo good prop erty. Their limbs wero shapely and their movements gracuful. Thoy must prove good breeders, and tho farmer who secures thorn may well smack his lips." We have claimed, and do still claim, that Nemaha county contains citizens of average good sense and moral worth ; and being such would not persist in indorsing for high and honorable positions, a fool nor a knave. Tho Pawneo Banner, thinking over the matter, ovolos tho following very sen siblo marks: Wo believo that every man, no mat ter who. Is entitled to fair treatment from tho people and tho press. No man in the state is moro widely known in Nebraska politics than Church Howe. No man in tho state has been fought so iorsistently by tho press as ho, and among that number ourselves. No man has boon moro bitterly assail ed from politicians, both in his own county and outside; yet it spite of all this he has gone on frdm victory to victory lu his own county, where tho true status of tho man should bo best known, until ho now is absoluto mas tor of the field. One thing is cortain, Church IIo wo is a groat deal bettor man than ho is credited with' or elso Nemaha county is populated with moro knaves, poltroons and ignor amuses, to tho square inch, than any other county in America. Tlio Albany K cent wj Journal, which originated tho charge that ox-Senator Conkliug attempted to bribe Governor Cornell, now backs out of the story, and explains that "Mr. Coukllng did not in person, nor as counsel." attempt the bribing, "hut intimate friends of his visited the Governor and in his iiamo solicited him to sign the Mil." This putH an entirely different face upon tlio mattei, for tho Journal, emphatically and positively, state in its original publication that Mr. Cou kllng appi'oauhod the (io.'inor and at tempted to uso corrupt moons to In dued hliu to withhold a vote; and It has repeated tho assertion again and again. httr ititn. A liar and Hlandornr is always oow. ardly, and wluui In ehwe quartern will aekiimvlurigo thHr wrfllv, ax the AN Imny ltMhlntf Journnl, luw tlomt. Mntttltie Olli ut Xtokell & SlmrU'. rauAiiujmiMiJum MiwixwanBamnaaramm A nlco lot of picture frames cheap at Goss' gallery, North Auburn. John Drolstadt, Grcon Bay, Wis., shot and killed his wife, when drunk. Policeman Hugh Burns, of Indian apolis, was shot and killed, 27th ult. by a tramp named J.J. Jotter. Goss makes a spoclalty of copying and enlarging old pictures. One door south of Post building, North Auburn. Emery J. Garfield, a cousin of tho lato president, has mystoriously disap peared, and his friends havoadvortised for him. Chief Engineer Calvert, of tho B. & M., has been promoted to bo general superintendent of bridges and con struction. Tho Constantinople papers allogo that Gen. Wolsely lost 4,000 inon, at tho recont repulse of the British on tlio Suez Canal. Tho project to build in Wost Point a Catholic school, to cost 63,000. is being successfully agitated. It will bo placed in chargo of tlio sisters. Capt. B. M. Bailoy, with his daugh ter, Mrs. Geo. Cross, and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Win. lMloy, returned Friday from their visit to Tennessee. Bed Cloud Is an atiti-mouopollst and terribly down on railroads. In this ro pect ho doesn't hold much over the Omaha Bee and Tocuinsoh Torchlight. A fiock of buzzards ifttacked a largo rattlo-snako at Brady, Tex., and killwd it. II. C. Fisher measured tho snake and It mado eleven feet long, with six teen rattles. Jas. Lynch, who comiultted murder in Fulton county, ind., seven years ago, has delivered himself to the officers. Tho man ho murdered was William McNeil. Tho Bopublican Stato Central Com mittee, of Missouri, by a vote of 28 to 8, decided not to call a stato conven tion, Congressional nominations will bo mado in all districts not overwhelm ingly democratic, and tho party organ ization held intact. Two or three weeks ago tlio bank of Kowanee, 111., was robbed by two men, of $20,000. Since that a commercial tiaveler of Chicago, by the name of Edward N. Welch, and his cousin also named Welch, have been taken in by the Pinkertons for tho crime. Thero seems to bo a general impres sion that Gov. Colquitt, of Georgia, will succod tho lato Senator Hill in tlio United States Sonato. Tin Logislaturo will meet early in the,winter,and mean while Gov. Colquitt will hardly ap point anybody to fill tho term. An Iowa firm of farmors ono day this week paid Si 5,400 for two adjoin ing farms a lew miles west of Brown villo. Both wero highly improved and consisted of a half section each. That amount looks large, being nearly twenty-five dollars per aero, but in our opin ion these farms wero sold for little more than half they are worth. State Journal. Tho Chicago Exposition will open Sept. 0th. Tho Exposition will bo ex ceptionally good this year. The Elk hart carriage and harness manufactur ing company, of Elkhart, Ind., will exhibit their work with other first-class jnakers. Top buggies SW), throe-spring wagons ."SO."), platform wagons S75, sin gle harness, oak leather S8.."0 to 'J0, best team harness 2.". Thoy ship any where with privilege to examine boforo paying. At Tecumseh, according to tho de clarations of tlio Torclillyht, tho B. it M. railroad employes mustered at the primaries in favor of Church Howe. In this county they did exactly the le verso. Wo infer, therefore, that the B. & M. employes, or rather tho section men, track layers and other laborers on tho road, voted to suit themselves, so far as interference from tho railroad company was concerned, and that if there was any interference it was by the understrappers in tho employment of tho company who would bo politi cians had thoy the brains and other requisites necossary to run politics suc cessfully. Tho report of tho Commissioner of tho General Land olllco for the fiscal jear ended Juno no, l82, will show an inroad upon tho area ot tho public domain unprecedented in the history of tho country. Tho report last year showed tho disposal of lands by cash sales to amount to 1.537.(117 acres. This year's report will show under the saiiiohoad:i,mu),Nl)D acres of agricultural lands alono. Including the trilling sales of Indian lauds, to which should bo added sales of 37,0 acres under tho mineral laud act, ami ltH),or5 acies un der tho desert land act. and 7,104 acres of coal lands. Tho homestead entry last yoar covered's.ioo acres, while for tho fiscal yoar Just closed there wore taken under this act tho enormous area of 0,347.720 aorw. The Increaso in HottlouiouU under the tlmbor-culturo act is no loss striking, the laxt report showing uritrlwundorthlrtlaw of l,7(J, 7IM) for tho lineal year ended JiuiuXO, 'Hi, while for the fiscal ynar ehnlng Juno 80. lHa, the nuuilHM of acre win K.OOU, 7D7. Tho grand total of acreage taken for tlfn ftooMl year ending June X0, 18SI, wnn tu,8ii,A07, agnlitrtt l&,Mo'dltf for U tteeul year vUmm but June. Summer Styles ! Summer Styles I AN IMMENSE STOCK AT THE Star Clothing House, Clothing Kqunl to Custom Work! Ileotn mid bliooN or Krcry Variety! JLiuUun' Fine Shoes a Specialty! Nobby Hoi anil Htiff lints! Elegant FurnlHltlng Goods ! Trunks and Vallso.H by tho Hundred ! HURLBUT. Tecumseh, Nebraska. HERBERT -D13A.X41SX& IN- Shelf Heavy Hardware A.griculturol Implements, STOVES, TINWARE, FIRE-ARMS, AMMUNITION, ETC. A GOOD TIN SHOP 'in oonuootion with tho House, CUSTOM WORK OE3sra?iiA.ii THE CHICAGO LumberGo. South Auburn, Neb. WILL. SB2L.L. YOU LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Etc., Cheaper than any ' Firm on Earth. It. J. F. Wert $? Co., Real Estate and Insurance Agents, SOUTH AUBUKN Pan fiirnlKh you wltti flood Knrmn, Im proved mid othnrvvlHi) In Noiimliu coiih ty, nnil viiriint mill Improvinl town IoIh In North unil Houtli Auburn mul Jolmnoti. HhvuiiIhoh niiiiiturnitiHln(!Hiwil ri-Hldiuicn hniiHCH In Houtli Auburn for rout, t'mi furn lull lilmikH of ttny illMcrlpllon. Apply at tlio pontolllc 'leu, t ulvort, .NotmuKii. wo nuvo FOR SALE A very iloHlrutilu roulilunue on Cumon HI. FOR SALE A uooil ilwolllnn liouMOon Nummirt ntnwt, Well, Htnhlo mul othor con ventunoun on tlie prumlftu. FOR SALE Ono of tlio limit ilKlriklilt) ninikll roxtiluurw In tliii city, Oootl well, trucH. uti. FOR SALE A jilwtKiwit lltUiiilwiilllnn on MuiwollHt. FOR SALE A iluilriililn tniNliiL'Mii lot on C'uiilro Ayouuo. FOR RENT Four tiunlnwM room fitvnriit)y lueiilm) In Houtli AulMirn. FOR RENT Nuiiirnii4tlw(ltliiKmiil milu of room lu illiletuiit pitrMof linvri. PIMPLES! I Hill mnll (frtM ttiH rtMHilp for u ulinplu VbkuIU Hmhi liiut w rmiiovH inn, frvnk !, pi in tilt H'lil tiloteliuH, IfMtvInu Hi" Hklu Mifi, cltntr u ml lnwtMllMI, ulto liMtriifttlnn for pjinlMrliu a iMturlmil riwth of hulr on u tfiM litmtl r "Mioolli fait. AtMrtfct liieli liitf fto ubiiflts vimlW ., i lUrohty WILLS0N, with a No. 1 Workman in ohargo. A SPECIALTY. NORTH AUBURN, NEB. Town Lots! JOHNSON Nemaha Co., Neb., Hiving been recently Surveyed mi I'UttcJ on SECk 7, T. s, R. i3 In the Weitern part of Nemelu County, Ne braska otTeri rare chaneei for Commercial Mechanics! Business. FOR CASH OK OX TIJE. Apply 10 s A OSBORN, y Hromivillo, Johnson, or Calvert YOU TRAVEL AMVAYS TAKIi TUB B. & M. R. R. R. lixamine map and time table carefully. It will be teen that thii line connect! with C, U. ScQ R. R.j in fact they ate under one management, and taken to gether form whatii called the BURLINGTON ROUTE!! SIlOItTKST AMI Ql'lCKHVV UNI. TO Chicago, St. Louis,Peoria, Dos Moines, Book Island, AXI ICSIT.OIAI.IA' TO A I.I. POINTS Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan,. Ohio. I'KINOII'AI. ADVAA'TAOKS AUK Through Coachet from Nebraska to destination on C, I). Sc Q. R R. Nil trantfert; changes ftum C., H. 6i (,R. R. to connecting lines all made in Union. Depoti. THROUGH TICKETS LOWEST R ATEF CAN UE HAD l'i(ut npiJtciklton ikt liny Nlutloiiniitliornn. AkuiiU uro iiIho iiriiinrit to olirolc Inikuhku tliroiiKli; ulvn ikll Informntlon u to rntm, roitltM, Mint, (Hintiiit'llniiN, oln,, mul to Miourt hIuu)Iiik i'ur uecoiniiioiliUlom., THE NEW LINE-TO DENVER Ami nil tiolntN In Oolormto.' Ttil ixliwitini ti iNiiinil-tH. ntii rimily fur (iiitin, mul tlin iiiitilla mm njo' ikll IIih ik'tvikiitHKfM or i ilirniiKh IIih to Pi'iiVHr unil (MiloMio nil uii ilur ouu innttHiiiMnvHt. !' II IHVH'IMH, (IwiiUTInlCft Aut.. 'OMAUA, NSH.