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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1882)
m X "v ISBkk L i 4 f IM. )Kj'LLiaiiiirJitiJxriaorngvruja;auiiiiT3nwt ggclmuslui gktiM'ttssM BY G. W. FAIRBROTHER & CO. Rates of Atlvcrtibing: Noticei, fint week, 10 centi per line j Inch sntieiient wccU, 5 cents per line. HiipUy localj, 15 centi per line. Advertisement! on local page, 50 centi per each per week. Miscellaneous aJ 50 cents per inch per month. Legal nils at legal rates. UMeacL'asuxtsxstsasaiumMa.v iUMi.,i 1 ,mxuJt Yellow fovnr still rage tit IJiowiih ville, Texas. If you want to buy a farm or rent a house call 011 Wort & u. 00,000,000 postage stamps aro annual ly used In tho United States, It. Strohlo, or Itrownvlllo South Auburn last week. was In Machine oils of all kinds at greatly reduced prices at Xlekoll's In Urown vllle. It Is said to ho not probable that the Otoe Indian lauds will come into mar ket this fall. The Second .Judicial District conven tion will be held at Nebraska City, Tuesday 1'Jlli inst. fion. ('rook ItiiH gone to Arizona to look after those red-skinned lousy wards of Uncle .Sam. Nicw (loons Pall Styles of Mats at (Mrs. Miller's Millinery store, South Auburn. l.oioTrhvs, l: Gratiot, 111., isticvcrely alllietcd with diphtheria. Five children recently died there in one family. A jeweler of Omaha, a few days ago, was oonlldenced out of 000 worth of diamonds and other valuable baubles. Alexander M. Sullivan, an Irish M. I. will soon arrive in the United States to present Ireland's troubles and posi tion by a series of speeches. Mr. S. is said to lie a brilliant orator. Missionary work seems to pan out in Madagascar. Out of a population of!,r,00(,(, tU01n !ir" 70.000 native christians. The first missionary visited that island about sixty years ago. Near Las Vegas, N. M., at a small Mexican town,.). . Perry was killed in i tight with some Mexicans over a Mexican woman. Perry fell at his post, killing two greasers before he gave up his seuorita. At Anoka, Minn., a train ran Into a carriage containing four young people, William llackett, Joseph Cole, Miss Florence linker, and Miss Ullio Daw; son, roturnlnir from a dance. All four wore kilhd, togother with the horses. A substantial fanner at Casselton. .'Dakota, disgusted with the report of ' Hie local papers and railway agents, desires the Timi-a to state that the av erage crop in the very cream of the wheat district of that Territory will not exceed ten bushels per acre. An insurrection has been raging in Oorea recently and the king ami queen havti been assassinated. The dissatis suction was created by a- late treaty with the United States and England, which the natives thought would ad mit too many of those heathenish for eigners to their country. The Atchison Cmmpion says: "The Missouri Pacific will construct a branch line this fall from Avoca on the Oma ha line to Lincoln, Nebraska, a distance of some twenty miles. This branch will bo of material benefit of the trade of this city, and will also Increase our railroad facilities." A correspondent Valentine's district in Congressman says "The lite, while professing to be the organ of the people, has appeared as the supporter of atownslto corporation." We pre sume the JU'i) was paid for it's work, as it would go back on the people very suddenly for money. The (list congressional district contains 8,000 Republican majority when united: but it will be Impossible to unite a full vote on any one man. While such Is undoubtedly the case, any Hepubliearr who may receive the Indorsement of iheeonvention will be indorsed at the polls by at least (5,000 majority. Toniinv Wolfe, of the Seward .V porter Is well named a wolf to all In 'tout 11111I purpose. Thu little coyote, who always coin m the howl that comes from lhwowntor's den, Is now yelping across the line, "If Howe Keta the nomination, the party will be divided." The iiovot had belter mend the party, which lie hart mivcumI, in his own coun ty, before he begins to advise others. OitizonsTakoNotico, We the undersigned citizens of South Auburn, feeling the need of a county fair, and thinking the following plan can be made a siiccchs, hereby call u meeting ut.Hatnuelson's Hall, Saturday evening, to consult on the matter. The plan being as follows: To make a dis play ol' fruits, grains, vegetables, Mow ers and 1. idles' handiwork, such as is generally found in a Moral hall, using Mr. Saniiielson's vacant store room, the hall, and if necessary making a temporary shed on the vacant lots north of said block. The entrance of all display articles being free. A small admittance will charged to the fair, one-half which will be paid out in pie miiiins which will bo published. Tlio other hair to pay expenses and If any should bo left It will to the Public Library Association which will ad vance the necessary funds to make It a success. The time proposed is Sep tember -jo, 21, '22 and 12:;. The (list two days being for gathering the displays, the last two for exhibition. Some cel ebrated speaker will address the peo ple1, and a track for short races will be arranged. It is hoped from this to build up a county fair next year. Wo cor dially invito the people of North Au burn to unite with us 111 this effort as we did with them in the celebration of the Fourth of July. (il!0. HiKcuwrs, Alio. D. Cuosh, Tkd. IIl'dimkt, . W.M. Wll.MNd, JOd. T. Joudan. ui.xJLijmmiijiu.Ll.uituuuix,Mwmiis On the stilt li ult. thu HrltUh trmqw anil Kgyptlnns had tint Unit battle of Guy POUHCiitHtci. mIiico Him iNiiulnirtU triflllt of AWKMulrlu. lu. WoUeley ftiWiPkwl the forms oiitmirltwl utHltir Artibt with tfruHt ennftilunee but wis nntal with gvmu lit. 'Hie llrUltth Oomttor rmUr wtliitftiM that iiIhm 1 RflUlert) did not "top in tliwir r-tiwt bnlUa of th rrlm mimJ invert? of nMerfiMU 1 11 IU. all ho 11 ill ArnM UM Ohio. at iU to llm 1 1, mot trJft. Tin nt Mkiw.nml It took tlin immm nf , ml of IUUri rUll, h , Oi tjrwit l'iillh (IsooMtsI iiiiiotiKiit tho l.noo.nw, nmrlr tiv Mm miloout ..f j-if.iitrv ti I'H ol ,i p.(n all Uv. Notico to tho Afflicted. Dim. Calveit and Fillers, of Illinois, will heat the lloldrege, Auburn, Nu maliu county, Nebraska, Wednesday and Thursday, September dlh and 7th, 1882, for the purpose of examining and treating Hie several diseases of which the body is heir to, of the chronic form of every character, diseases of the nervous system, female diseases, kid ney troubles and urinaiy diseases, dis eases of the eye and ear, chronic dis eases of the stomach and bowels, dis eases of the respiratory organs, ulcers, sores, enlargement of tho joints. We will further say that we will 1m at the above named place at regular stated times during the fall and winter, for interest of the atllicted huuianitv, we intend giving general satisfaction and a trial is all we desire to convince in valids of our skill. Wo will visit pa tients in the vicinity that are not ablw to visit us. Consultation free, only where we visit patients. Prescriptions cash, as wo invariably compound our own prescriptions. Dr. W. M. UAI.VAKT. " IEEE TO ALL?" Ono Thouaatul Bottloa of Marsh's Goldou Balsam to ba Givou Away. Fvery person who is sulVering witli consumption, Weak Lungs, Ilronchilis, a Cough or Cold, Sore Throat, Hoarse ness, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, or any disease of tho Throat or Lungs, can obtain a trial bottle of Maumi's doi.itiiN Ha i.sam, tho great Cough romeiiy, ireo ol charge, by calling at Niekell & Shurtz's drug store, South Auburn Neb. Persons who have tried this valuablo medicine can procure the largo bottles at ."i0 cents and Si. 00. Thousands of mimes nave neon given away to prove us extraordinary merit. Two doses will benelit. For all IM001I disorders and Liver complaints use Mausii's (loi.mcx Hi.ooi) & Livkk Tonio. It purilies the Ihood, invigorates the Liver, Stomach and Howols, regulates tho Kidneys and strengthens tho system. Sample bottle free. 12 w 4 Roportof Oalvort Library Association for August, s.i 10 1 nu SI 70 fuKli on lininl Auk. 1st , limit roo'il for inotitli.... I'nlil for IiooUh C'ush on luuul .41 SO m si 70 IIooIcn loiuicil diirliiH Almost Will tho members please meet at the hall next Saturday night at 7 o'clock. There Is business of importance to transact. All come who are interested in having a good public library. D.J. Wood, Sec'y. Musical Oorrcurt. ' Thoro will be a concert held in the Falrview Church, Saturday evening, September tilth, conducted by Prof. ,j. H. Dyo, the proceeds to bo used to pur chase an organ. Allure cordially in vited to attend. Senator Tipton Is ox peeted to address Hie meeting. Ad ml.sshm. a cunts; children under 12 years old, 0 cents. P. S. If the lirclemenev of the weather ju events its being held 011 the evening of the I nth, It will bo held In one week, the siad. Itov. A.S. Powell, of Sterling, Xeb., will preach In Sainuwlson's Hall nel Sublmth mornliiK and evening Mr, Powell hone of the loading Prmliv terlau mlitistern of the state, and all who attuiul Horvteu will b well pi whom!. Hh wilt hIho dfllvwr a iHrture on Tnn dm night hi Uim hall. Mihjwt : "Sttihts uf thH CrUitHniiUI." ThU will lie aqual In a vlHlt to tUe dmiMiiiiHl.'4 Do nut fall to attMMl. N' tMlinlttNiH fte, HOLLADAT & EBERLT, (ft: - TD'JELTJ s s f s ISTS I SUCCESSORS TO S. H. MADDY. Have Just Keceived an Immense Stock of Drugs, Stationery, TOILET AETICLES, And everything that pertains to the Drug Business. We propose to compete with any firm in the County. Call and see us, and &e convinced. Physician's Prescriptions andfamili Receipts carefully prepared. HOLLADAY & EBERLY, North Auburn, Nebr. FOR SALE ! One ,'i-S)riii Waron, 2 Lumber Wafovs. 1 Set J Ay hi Harness. One f'J-year old Colt. One or all can bo bought cheap for CasjII as I hnvo no use for them. Ti:d. IIi?i)i)AH''r, South Auburn, Neb. A shipment of twenty cars of cattle were made froln Chicago last week, via. tho (brand Trunk & Frio roads, irr tho new palace stock cars. They are so arranged that cattle can bo fed and watered in transit without unloading. They are supplied wtJwsrter when the engine is taking vnJ'"' and maybe fed while the train is moving from the bins in the top of the car. This is ono of the best of hunjMtarian inventions. The cars are thr,tr 1 the Montgomery Palace Stock CarVdnipiiny, N. Y. Don't FaFtoRead This!! Any party wishing to purchase a Heatty Organ or Piano, I will furnish them any stylo des-i, less the trans portation to any railroad station in Nebraska. Address G. M. Hauxks, Auburn, Tecumseh, or Jleatrice. A most terrible hail storm visited Pesth, 2Sth ult., destroying crops of all kinds, demolishing lift y houses and causing thu death of a number of per sons. ;, Summer USUI in cry csoosIm at r'uost. Miss Dollio Terry will for tho next thirty days sell summer millinery goods at cost. This is a rare ehanco to get good goods way down low, and all are invited to call at once. Tho Omaha papers expose a dandy loafer of that city for insulting 11 lady on the streets. His name Is Joe Her. That is the best way of dealing with such mashers so that they will be known, and barred tho society of de cent people. II. J. V. Wert hasbec'i commissioned agent for the Springfield F. A, M. In surance company of Massachusetts, and will insure your property from loss by lire or wind. You will llnd him at the postotllee, South Auburn, Nebr. M. P. Ilanagan, attorney at law, is the authorized agent for tho Adyku tisuu at Nemaha City, and will receipt moneys paid htm on subscription and job work. Kotlucod Prices in Meat. The Calvert Meat .Market will furn ish meat from this date at the follow ing reduced rates: Surlo'.n Steak 12K ts. Hound " , 10 " " Hoiwt S " Chuck 10 " Moiling peicos from 0c to 7o. Hkn'uy IIaum, Prop. Linn & Cooper. Calveit, Xeb., are now ready to re ceive grain of all kinds, for which they will pay tho highest market price Call at tho elevator. .1. ii. (i tSKIBilb, .llHtiugor.. The Nebraska State Fair will open at Omaha next Monday. The Omnhas are making grand preparations fr it, and declare It will eclipse all previous fairs in Nebraska, Frtwh llroiul, plus and wikos irl- wnyn on hand at A. Palmora, Hrown vlUc Goto , t ltS yW .Sj;,,y j,Uf .?ft I1"' lillit . ,ket price for your uwdu. , Thu II. 1 M. II. H. known n the "HurUiiKUuii HontMoffn ap'ial ad vauUijiirt to trtiv)(M. bo lurlr ad YuittEutiKMit in tkln fmm. Dsta -AND- irwif?e FURNITURE uncoil, jTelb.5 M J?AtWVJu Jk&M& JL Will open about SEPT. iotli, a Large and Complete Stock of Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Furniture, UNDERTAKING GOODS, ETC- Wc propose to keep a full line of everything usually found in a first-class Hardware and Furniture Store, and cordially solicit your patronage. Will always pay the hiyhesi 'market price for Live Stock. Remember the place JOXES BROS. & J3A ILEY, ive us a tJoliiiNoii, IVel). and cive us a cal 1 fta IIb IlLllBBt & &IJI W) North Auburn, for Where you will find one of the finest stocks of General Merchandise in Nemaha County. You will find the nicest SPRING STOCK of CLOTHING for all ages. You will find DRESS GOODS of the latest stvlcs and patterns. You will find a nice line of LADIES and CHILDREN'S Shoes. Yqu will find an excellent line of BOOTS and PLOW SHOES Men. You will find a full stock of GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, etc. You will find one of the nicest store rooms and the most gentlemanly clerks in Nemaha County. Wc extend a cordial invitation to come and see us before buying, and wc will guarantee that in quality and price wc wil suit you. hemember the place, feliLs NOKTH AUBURN, NEB. 7 nrv 1. OWN LOTS, TOWN LOTS. n M I Hi Ug L ESavmg KvevHtly (e Surveyed and M'lalictl' ON SECTION 21 and 28, T. 5, It. 14, NIMAHA COUNTY, NEBRASKA, OFEF.RS RARE CHANCES FOR niiiereia pi pa g a nBullldllllia Miillrfjii oils b KtakfU sSNMiurt'. 'lH rtlUitrlt Waff ICsynSIKt wrll 1 IihI Sitiilr Ifth. BUSINESS. The Town is from 10 to 25 miles from any other place of importance, ISIS TIUCtNIEK Or TIIR COl'NTY, ANO M'RRulNUtli FARMINO i.ANU IN THR STATB. AT I.DW IMIICIW KU CASH OH ON' TIM I? i'v nit m:sr Lil I wmr w Aooly to S. A OSBORN. imow.wn vl. l.iU ,I.K ..r V IA .A u ' M r