M X H A !- 4 ir"TraTr7" ix'. sa.Wi'Uixu.i'mfttp , jnnm..tm QlllVilrtljit Qi t)Uwitifiv vSJiVM I cUUrt Ml VX K '&S u. SBzxsaa&aasamtmt SuBSClllPtlON $2. PlH YtAB IN AovAV' TIIVnsDAY, ArGl'.STai, iiss. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. Kor StntoSenntor . JAUV.ISH. CHURCH, ' . , ,t , ot Hodford, 1 J'or Iloprestitntlvp r MO. Il.BIIOOK, ot Asplnwull, -i i .TACOI1 GOOD, of I.nyfnyntto. Tor County Commissioner, 2d Ulstrlot FUANICltEDFKHN, of London. LOCAL asn-JAATS. Screen wire at Willing Bros. & Jor dan's. For Lumber Linio and Coal ro to J. W. KUKNh. A. VT. Xickell, the Ikowiwille. .. , . bookseller. " Strictly'puro Sugar- Sy i up Tvt' . Dovi n & Editor's.. . . '"' ' Nickell, tho'dhiggiSt.'Will' givo you bargains in tea. Try tho Xon-Explosive Safety Oil at Dovln & Fisher's. -fc- l - " - ! Hardware and Furniture at Willing Uroa. & Jordan's. "Wrap Uh up in an ice-chest, too to breathe these days. hot Go to tho Now Store for bargains TPTW1" "- ---"" North of tho postolllee. Extra copios of Thk or salo at tho postolllee. Advkutiskh Wank deeds, notes, mortgages etc., for salo iit this office. Paul Douglass, one of. McGco & Monro's popular clerks, spent Sunday in Urownvillo. The Omaha Hee is not tickled to any groat extent by Church Howe's lato victory in Nemaha county. Miss Stella Huddart, chaperoned In James Curzon, the jeweler, took a dy ing trip to Urownvillo last Sunday. If you want to sell or rent your farm or your town property, leave it with Wert & Co. They will find a taker if one can bo found. Since Fred Nyo took charge of tho Omaha Jiejmblwan wo read that pa per through and thlouah and wo al wavs find something wo would lhiVo been sorry to have missed, Frank Devm says the noxt man that throws a dog in his back door, last, will l)e prosecuted to tho fullest extent of the law. We did not know that Frank was such a timorous fellow. A lazy man near Fort Smith, Ark., abandoned a well after digging four feet. Tho nian who bought the farm dug down another foot and struck a vein of coal worth thousands of dol lars. AtMoline, Iowa, on tho 16th inst., a company of United States infantiy, supported by a lame crowd of citizens with arms, stood guard over a bridge from dark to dawn, that connects the city with Hock Island. Tho Chicago, Burlington and Quiney railroad wants to build a line right across tho approach to the bridge, and the people and tho government object. A hoosier youth named Gosley or Gosling, probably the latter, saw a girl at church, courted bor two hours, and at tho end of three was married to her. A man who does up all his courting in two hours and marries, misses lots of fun. It's liko .stuffing himself with cream and peaches for live minutes and having dyspepsia tho remainder of tho year, That restless old scalawag of an In dian, Bed Cloud, is trying to stir up a mutiny among the variegateilbretbren at Pino Bulge, D. T. Tho causo of tho ti oublo is that tho children of tho forest aro dissatisfied with the agent, one Mac Gilloycuddy. Perhaps tho agent's namo is too much for tho tawny sons of nature, and thoy want some 0110 with a moro rhythmical cognomen. How would Bosowater do? A "Bunch of Cowslips" isa little ont of season, but the words make a good titlo for a pretty song by A. M. Wake field, which is issued by the well-known publishers, Oliver Ditson & Co.. of Boston. Tho following seven pieces aro also of fine quality and worth pre serving: , L v Blrdllng, whither thy flight. (HO cts.) by B. Franz. Auntlo. Sorlo-comic song. (40 cts.) by A. H. Bohrend. Homo Bees. Eusy Polka, (25 cts.) by L. Mayor. Two Merry Eyes. Easy ."Rondo. (Q." cts.) by L. Meyer. Fashion Polka, (r.0 cts.) by Strauss. March of Jewish Warriors. (40 cts.) by O. Shlnn, Larghotto for Violin. (8f cts.) by , Bios, ii' if u-ai.i.vjAuamiJLi.'mi'.'jij.!!. a "umii m n 'iwwu'W' ' ' g' I'uwuw i wi"wj ,1r- Con wall, and .Dr. Winshlp, of Ouk.iale, perforWcl.'dn tho imh, tint.. h surgical oporuMon which is oansiti cuhI, v buliovo, a delicate and aliil ful oni ThuMibjcutwas Mrs. lVt:r aon. a middle aired lady llviiur about IIIIIU I1II11X1 DIM tll'Ciinb Ul Willvmuc, l 1UL bad beoii allUcted with dropay, She bad attained to hnmenso sio nrotltfjlj her trunk, and just boforo tlio opera lion, liad been all tho timo on tho pointol'sufl'ocatiou. Wo aro not aOlo to describe tho operation, except that a trocar was inserted into tho abdo minal cavil y and Hrt pounds of dark, amnions oflVnsivo water 'was drawn ..;.... ...11.. I. ...... i .. f..l... ...I.,, oil'. The patient is, of course, im-pro- mensely relieved, and nor juq is lomred at least. Tho operation was performed with but llttlo'piiiii to the patient. -ft".vt'i,iH and Plow. ' ' A mover on his wivy from Phelps to Urownvillo was robbed of a pocket book containing a suirt of money and SoOO worth of notes, by a tramp who had asked and obtained permission to rido in tho mover's wagon. Tho pocket book was abstracted fiom tho travel er's hip pocket and thrown among tho brush at thu roadside whoro tho tramp expected to find it when ho would re turn for that purpose; but boforo the thief had timo to securo his booty, tho pocket book was found by a little girl anil restored to its lawful owner. Dr. 13. Bell Andrews, of Nemaha City, lias ids office at ids residence, whero he is prepared to treat ncuto and chronic diseases. Pleasant waiting rooms for patients. Surgical diseases ol women a specialty. His success as a surgeon is well known from cases in this vicinity operated upon with per manent relief. Tho wearing of jowelry is going out of fashion in England, It is becoming vulgar to bo seen with a display of jewels, unless i?be on great occasions. Bare arm andrthoats aro the rulo in good society, the wearing of bangles, bracelets, chains, etc,, being loft to tho common people. Tho consus report will be published in thirty immense volumes, and the cost of publication, excluding the enormous expense of gathering and ;ir ranging tho information, will amount to a round 31,000,000. Tho last consus was published in two volumes. A million dollars in gold coin will weigh tons; in silver coin it will weigh 27a tons; in nickels it will weigh 100 tons. Mr. Vanderbilt is said to bo worth 8200,000,000. There fore, if lie had to c.iry it around in ft cent pieces it would requlro n good many of his cars and engines to haul it. Recently near Mount Pulaski, 111., Charles McMahau, a bachelor farmor and his two hired men Bob. Mathony niwr.rbhn Carlook were murdered. McMahau was 4." years old, quite woll oil', and his gold watch and money were taken. No clue as to who com mitted those shocking crimes. Secretary Bob Lincoln is left alone at Wasiiigton to hold tho Nation to gether. Bobort is solid and can be trusted. Tho people of this country will hear more of Bob. Filter Ocean. "Wo aro ready to receive produce in 1 iib . ii i a. in 1 mi Minn. 1 miiww exchange for goods at tho New Store first door north of tho postolllee. Fred Wilson, cashier of a bank at Indepondonce, Iowa, forged tho name of a grain merchant, and thus milking a stake, he ran aWay with a frail wom an. The stage going into Globo, Arizona, was recently stopped by highwaymen who killed Andy Hall, tho messenger, and took from the treasury box 8.",000. A visitor in Leadvtllo, Col., says that in one of tho churches there is a notice. "Please do not shoot at tho organist; he is doing his best." Murders in Ireland aro still numer ous. A fanner named Leahy, at Kil larney, a few nights ago was dragged from his bed and killed. John Morloy, the son of a wealthy Englishman, died recently in Lead villo of dissipation. lie was found dead on tho street. Ladlos who tie bright satin bows and streamers around their waist must oxpect to bo taken lor packagos of prizo candy. A planing mill burned down in Chicago last week and n man named llonrj Miller was burned to death in the building. Ludovic Nyo, of Coldwator, Michi gan, is charged by his wife with incest with his daughter, and Is under heavy bonds. Stationery of all kinds at tho post office. Wall Paper. atNickell & Shuits. Take Your old iron, rags, copper and brass to B. G. WhittemoreS, in Brownvlllr. He'll buy 'em. Tuo Universal Vordiot is that Buown'.s I'kpm.v Tonic, cures Dyspasia, For sulc by Nickill & Shurtt. 1UC tiJMrjLri-jnjix.ww&sxu.ux3na33szttahulilJiiBX Employment For Ladies. Thr QaMnMP"f,cr ComMn, of" Cm cinn-iti, augM P"P?U.t,ufjni a'"1 intrudming their nWSteCKtiij Suppiittej ttr LaJict and Children, ahdtlicir vlftcflUalled' Sk.ft SuicnJcrs forl&dttfl. Nohe ihould be without .heni our leading pliysicLmi recommend them, and are lbud In their praise. Thwe goods are manufac tured by ladies who have made the want uf, ladies and chidrcn a study, and they ask us to re- Ter them to some rclhble and energetic lady to introduce them in this county, and we certainty think tint an earnest solicitation In every house hold would meet with a ready response, and that adaterm tied woman could make a handsome silary and have the exclusive agenr Air this county. We advise some lady who h in need of employment to send to the Company her name and address, and mention this paper. Address Queen City Suspendcf Company, No. 179 Main Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. 7WH Liver, Kidnoy autl Brlght's Disaeso. A medicine that destroys the germ or causo of Blight's Disease, diabetes, kidney and liver complaints, and has power to root them out of tho system, is above all price. Such a medicine is Hop Bitters, and positive proof of this can bo found by one trial, or by asking your neighbors, who have been cured by it. - What Evorybody Wants. Is n reliable medicine that never docs any harm and that pi events and cures disease by keeping the stomach in or der, tho bowels regular, and tho kid uoys and liver active. Such a medicine is Parker's Ginger Tonic. It relieves every case, and lias cured thousands. See another column. Tribune. Take care of your Liver. A great number of tho diseases to which man kind aro liable arise from a disordered condition of this organ. Keep it in a sound and healthy condition and you can defy disease. Prickly Ash Bitters aro especially adapted for this purpose, being composed of drugs Wicli act on the hiver, giving It tone and strength to withstand malaria. A Dolightful Novolty. Ladies prefer Floreston Cologne be causo they find this lasting combina tion of exquisite perfumes a delightful novelty. Any person with a cough cold, or any bronchial complaint or even in tho first stage of comsumption will bo re lieved and cured by Bilert's Kxtract of Tar and Wild Cherry. It is especially prepared for Bronchial complaints. Thousands woo liavo tried it now live to testiy of its merits give it an im mediate trial you will be surprised at tho result. 6 Worth llouiomberiuo Now that good times are again upon us, it is worth romembering that nu ono can enjoy the pleasautesl surround ings if in bad health. There are hun dreds of miserable people going about to-day with disordered stomach, liver or kidneys, when a bottle of ParkerV (linger Tonic would do them more good than all the medicines they have erei tried. Children have health and mothers rest when Dr. WiuchelPs Teething Syrup is -used. It produces natural sleep, reulates tho bowels, cures dys ontory and diarrluyi arising from teeth ing or other causes. Sold by all drug gists at 2.") cents a bottle. 7 When horses and cattle are spiritless, scraggy and feeble they need treatment with Fnelo Sam's Condition Powder. It purifies tho blood, improves tho ap petite, cures colds, and distemper, in vigorates the system and will keep the animal in a healthy, haudsomo condi tion. 4 Dr. Jacques' German Worm Cakes stand unrivaled as a worm medicine. Givo them'a trial. Sold by all drug gists, a Foar Not. jvii Kinney aim uiiiiaiy ctiinpiiiiiiin, especially Brlght's disease, diabetes and liver troubles, Hop Hitters will surely and lastingly cure. Cases exactly like your own have been cured in your own neighborhood, and you can find leliable proof at homo of what Hop Bitters lios and can do. A Valuablo Addition. Because it is beneficial to the scalp and adds to personal beauty by restor ing color anil lustre to gray or faded hair, is why Parker's Hair Balsam is such :i popular dressing. PI1YIPLESI I will mall (freoj tho 20) tho mcelpii for n simple tlmt will romovo tun. freck Vo(;etablo Hnlm les, pimples nnd blotches, loiivln tho Hldn soft, clenr unil bountiful; also Instructions for pjoduclm? 11 luxurlunt Krowtb of Imlr on u bitld bend or smooth fuen. Aildreso lnelo lnKostirnp, Hon. Vuudelf ACo Vi Hurcluy street. N. Y, TO CONSUMPTIVES. The-advertiser Ii.ivIiik beon permnntntly oured of tlmt drend dlscithn. Consumption, by 11 slmpln remedy, Is nnxlous to njnko known te his follow sulferers the tho menus of cure To all who desire It, ho will send a copy of the proscription used, (freo of clinrue.) with tbodlreotlons for prepnrlin; and usln the some, which thoy will llnd a suro cure for couiths, colds, consumption, nsthinx, brou chltU. etc. Purtles wlshliiK tho prescription will pleuso nddress, Ilov. K. Wilson, 101 renn street, WIlUnmnburKli, N. . ERRORS OF YOUTH. Kontlcisim who suirurod for years from nervous debility, promnturo decuy, itnd nil U10 cheats or youiuiui iuuicreuon, will for tbnsiikoofsutrorliiK Immunity, send freo to nil who need It, tho recipe nnd direction for innlcliiK the simple remedy by which ho wiw ountl. Hutrerers wMiInu to protlt by the nd vertlser's oxperleno enn do so by iulilrnstnK In perifutcouuueue joii.n 11. uoikn, filyl VI Cednr Htreot; Now York. !wswsawsiiirmmmmmmwmtrw 1IE1BEBT r m Ji1lAJLAflU. 1JN- IF Th P . Itl L I'liillvB Mfofo 7omuwa A gric "t il h uti 1 Tniiro TiniKflnT rinr Hrum AMMUNITION, ETC. A GOOD 'In ooimootiou with tho Houso, CUSTOM WORK OKTTH.A.Tj .A.V.HN-TTE. Special ISTo bices. Notices iniilur tills lii'iul "Wivntoil," "For Sftlo,'"TorHoiit,"oU, llvo cunts per line, onoli Insertion. 1:1011 SALE. A Rood roxlilpnro In Month ! Auliurn. Apply to U. J. l' Wort Co. TVfONKVTO LOAN. Wo cull fill oliolpo 11 loium In tlirco tluyn. Apply to Oxborn V Tivylor. FOIt HAM?. -Illiutk Dt'ctft,Cliiittil lUitlHi-nl I'Miiti) MortitiiKoa, IMIIh of Mule, NotuH,Kto. hi. '1 111: AnvKiiTiHKit nflloo. ITiXTUA copios of Tiik Ai)VKHTi,snuforHiU J III tilt! pOHtOlllcO. NOTICE. If YOU owo us anything on subscription plenso ooinn In or Henil III and piiy ui, Wo noctl our money. 171OUSALE. Clover liny. Cull on Dnrnoy Ottuin. a00l) nunltiPAH lot on Conttr Avimup, ni'fu tiotol, Mouth Auburn, for salo uticiij) hy H. J. K. Wrt A Co. WANTED TO 1IUV.- Two stood furtnn of from hi) to 100 ncro. noiir tho center of Nomnlm county. Apply to II. J. P. Wort A Co., nt postolllco. ROOMS TO KENT. Kotir nlco rooms In the Kftblllinnr A Kiel block to lot, Hate rcitionnblo. EiHiulroiUI'OHtnllluo, Aw3 H. J. F. Wert Co., Real Estate and Insurance Agents, SOUTH AUBUKN Cftn furnish you with Oootl PnrtiiH, Im proved unit otherwise In Neumliu coun ty, nnd vucnnt iinrt improvod town lots In North mill Mouth Auburn and JolniHon. IIiivo nlso 11 nuinlicrnfliiiHtiieHN mid roriliioiice hniiHOH In Mouth Auburn for rent. Oni furn ish bionics of any ilNcrlptlon. Apply at the poitoltlco, Culvert, Nobrnsltu. Wo Imvo FOR SALE A very Uonlrnblo rovlrioiicu on Carson Mt. FOR SALE A ood dwelling house on Noiimhn street, -Well. Htnblo nnd other conveniences on the premises. FOR SALE Onnoftlio most desirable small residences In the city. Good woll, trees, ete. FOR SALE A ploiiMniit HtlloilwollliiK on Maxwell st. FOR SALE A deslrablo business lot on Centre Avenue. FOR RENT Four business rooms favorably located In Mouth Auburn. FOR RENT Numerous dwellings and suits of rooms dlllereut parts of town, In 1 JOHHSO Nemaha Co., Neb., lining been recently SurveyeJ anil Platted on SEC. 7, T. S, R. 13, In the Western part of Nemeha County, Ne braska offers rare chanrei for Commercial ND) s tm I ,! mrjuuaiiibcu Business. Jit JjOtV pi2 M'ls.'iti'cs. roii cash on ox tije. Awiy 10 S. A. OSBORN, Urownvillo, JolniHon, or Calvert JOHN s'MTNICK, Nemaha Cit'Not). Lots I y wis Wtlftfii MERCHANDISE, ' 1 S -WILLS0I, vy Hartlw are. T mplemoii Is, SEU TIN SHOP with a No. 1, Workman in ohargo. A KPEOIALjTY. NORTH AUBURN. NEB. THE CHICAGO Lumhei Go. South Auburn, Neb. whl 8Eix yoi: LUMBER, LATH SHINGLES Etc., Cheaper than any Firm on Earth. w;riioitizi:i ttv tiik i:. . (iovkii.nnk.it Firs! National Bank U 1 O V NVILL liJ PaM-up Capital, $o(),000 Authorized (( it 00,000 IS l'HKl'AIWiO PO TIIANMACT A General Banking Busines. HOY ANDNKM, COIN & 0URREN0Y DRAFTS uii ull tln iirlnclpnl clUf i of the UiiitoiJ. States and Europe MONEY JL.OANJ3ID Jo npprovpilterurlty onlv. Tlrtie llrsris dlicouut rfil, unil tin'clal iicvuiiiniiiilulloiiH rantttl to duiioilt rn. Iieulcrslu (IOVKHNMKNT 1IONDH, STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES D33P08ITS lecflvcil iMiynHIc on.ininiic . unit lU rKltK'ST a o weil 011 (iiiiHCurtltlciili'Suldeponlt. . JlltlX-rOllH.-Wiii.TTilen, B. M. Hallpy, M.A llumJIfy. Trnnk K. JoIiiihom, J.utlior Jfoadler Win. FruUMur. JOHN L. CAUS05, A. It. DA VISflN, Crtililiir. Ireitldnt. j, v.. .inj.N.uHiiiTON, Asii'ussmer., V. W. SiAMUKlAON, I'msiitlent. J). J. Wood, Cashier. Nemaha Countv Bank Calvort, Nebraska, Does a General Banking Business. Particular .Iff cut ion Giv en Collections. Monov Loaned on Approv ed Soonity. Exchange on all parts V. S. ami Biuropc. WANTED,..- Iinl Ixllwit MllltWh u U I. U Mil Ik. M jiU.tlu ii I.. . iiwiM ,iwMLrfl', mlnirnitoai luibciriuk. rl. 'JhlivJ, lntlA iWunlH Ir. ul ii, Itimt lh' hIU 1 i.rr i.uk.r , yiilu muiU Uifii IMI.UMTIlU I IU.IU., Ui ,HU4t J-