iijuJiiijaj-HiiAiunRjfu,rJUAtxiBxiavA'ajxv.'r-nMrijiJi.!LJiii-ing irjra.'ajiuiiimii.iUJBtiii jiimiTiu.xaMmjiuviu-iw-inw ggefrrajftn Iwxtmx LOOAL ISTK-WQ. (ifrud corn woatlior. f. . ., , ,-. Unity for ViiWitthie. WittormoloiiH urc ripe. See our market reports. Fruit CUU8IU Willing J)roa. & Jor tlitus. FURNITURE At. Willing Wroa. & tlonlun'rt, 0. A. Cecil, of JJrownvlllo, win in to'( Tuesday. y Our old friend John Maley wiw In llio 6ity TncHday. duns and Ammunition at Willing JJrofj & Joixlan's. ItJla unjld day when Howe iretfl left in Somalia county. The safe and counter foV tlio Cmson lisuilc arrived yesterday. CliriH. Krw'iu is Imilding an awning in front or the Howard building. We would liku to enquire if Amos Hughes liaa heard from JledfordV Well, it snenm t,o he Hrownvlllo and Peru agalnat tins rent of the county. An J ln your pnptr mentis tlint vr svunl A '" ' pay finr MitiMurliuloii, Itouh.JIomle.s has built him a' nice little Htahlo in the reiirof his reHidenee. ,T. 11. Docker aifd A. 11. Davison Ciinw out from Jirotfiivillo Tuesday af ternoon. , - - ..... , May htt vu do not know what ia for the heat interest of tho center, hut we think wo do. ' Oct. Willing, of tho llrm of Willing Uroft. & Jordan, In preparing to remove to thin place. jjjL , Tim Advkktimiu Is proud In being Willi the great ninjotityof. tho people Ul IIIU LUIIIll. i' William II. Hoover, of Brownvillo, Hircad IiIh jieculiar autograph upon tlio lloldrego register lajfMonday. Our old farmer friend, J. W.Dunkin, came in and paid 'lUa Hubncription a year in advance Tliiifriduy last. Harvo .Tohnaontlie boss carpenter of this 1 1 ico, is engaged in doing tho woodwork on llovJ'Frey tag's houso. McGco & Mooro aro making prepar ations for tliiVlrugcat stock of fall and winter goodsjover seen in Nemaha '.county. ?$$,. Louis T. WnH'iig, of Green Caatle, l'a., a hi other ok Win. and Georgo Willing is vlsitiiigHiia relatives in this county. f Wp notice thuttfoiir friend, Barney Ottens, of HiekoryGrovo, occasionally brings a load of hisfc.hiekory wood to tins market. Mr. 11. 15. Clancy,ii'nd his good-look Ing son, Llmer, aro very busy this weok opening and marking their stock of hardware. ( mtt i 1 1 1 Mr. John Thompson, of tho Brown villo Jtejmlilivan, was'ahnking his ped estals at tho Social Cjrclo Hop last Fri day evening. Tho Kansas Republican Statu Con vention passed a resolution indorsing tho President's veto of tho river and harbor bill. m - South Auburn wi'ih visited by an out door athletic, performor Friday even ing. Those who witnessed tho per formance say it vas good, Mr. T. W. II. Millor. of Tecumseh, was In the city last Wednesday. He thinks tho B. & M.Toad will he pushed through to Wymoro'thls fall. Wo hope ho Is right. Our old Democratic friend, Nathan Cook, of Bratlon, dropped in on us Teursday, on his way to mill. Ho says ho likes tho old Auvmrrisuii llrst rate, as long as we lot his old friend, Samuel j. union, alone. Just as tvo go to press a "special" pulled up at our depot, containing, we presume, railroad ollleials on' a.totir of inspection of the now road. Wu now look for a change of tlmo which will materially benefit our town. R. W. Gerlaw returned from the east Tuesday of last week, and Is on gaged in putting up Ids immense crop of hay on tho Nemaha bottom. IIo informs us that ho will have enough to supply all tbo markettj in Nomaha county. 1'rof. WUeheriy, ot Brownville. htw removed his baclnjr rtiop two doors west of tho former rooms, and Is now first door vst f the pft dllee. Ho now )ius four chairs, first-class assist ants, and the only luvbor shop In the city, Hut It is a good one. The first dance by tho Social Circle Club wan given at Samuolson's Hall, Friday evening, and was a very pleas ant affair, The club was organized for tho purpose of giving somo kind of an ' entertainment every two week's, and nil should Interest themselves In inak- Iji'n it u success. We haven't time and space this week to review closely tho legislative ticket nominated by the Republican convention last Mon day. It Is certainly a very strong ticket. Judge J. S. Church consented with reluctance to accept tho position at the head of tho ticket, and the people are to ho congratulated In his nomination. Bolhg a well read law yer, a scholar, a good farmer, with leg islative experience, of tho highest or der of moral worth, a good'speakor, ho is tho best man Nemaha county could have selected for Senator; and when ho takes hls.seat in the Senate the people of Nemaha will feel assured that they lnvvou't got a wooden man thcrqthistimu. Georgo II. Shook is one of tho old settlers, and needs no Introduction to the old folks of Nemaha. Several limes before this ho has been called to servo the people In a legislative capaci ty, he has always done so with marked ability and satisfaction to tho.su he represented, Mr. Shook is at present filling tho position of county surveyor. IIo is a farmer, slock feeder, has In tegrity, ability, solidity. Hiswoid Is good as his bond. His record as a citizen and an official is without blem ish. Jacob Good, also, Is an old settler. He was raised In Nomaha county right amongst tho neighbors who brought forward and advocated him as a proper citizen, to ropreseiit tho county in tho legislature which is the best recommendation a candidate can have. Hu also is a farmer, a reading man, a leading citizen, and will he an honor to the county if elected. We have witnessed nianv hot politi cal struggles in Nomaha county as to who should control the piimtrles; but never before did wo see moro strenu ous efforts used by cither side than the recent light between Church How and those arrayed against him. For Howe woro Howe himself, assisted by many friends and workers, but none, especially remarkable as caucus ma nipulators or wire pullers. Against Howo and constantly in tho Held were such professional exports in tho latter rolo as Tom Majors. Bill Daily, Judgo Stull, Wash Gulp, F. E. Johnson; as sisted by Ruch non-oxperts as e Governor, Robert W. Furnas, I)r, C. F. Stewart, ex-regent Carson, S. A. Osborn. Esq. and others on dow:i the scale. With such an array of states man ability, wisdom and science, and the noise and confusion they cre ated, one heforo tho battle, while vic tory for ITowo seemed sure from tho count of noses, coulil scarcely no pir suaded that It would not bo at least closo. But It was not close, Howo delegates wero elected from every pre cinct In tho county except three Brownvillo, Peru and Benton 18 dele gates against Howo; 41 for him. It wasn't tho work nor tho workors that wrought hucIi a Waterloo defeat to tho allies. It was tho uprising of tho peo ple to rebuke bosslsm the rings, unholy alliances with democratic ofllco seek ers. Church Howe is with tho people and the people are with him. John S. Stull, county judgo of No maha county, was in tho city Tues day. Mr. Stull will be a candidate for district attorney tho coming fall in this 2d judicial district. Plcittsmonti Her ald. While in an arttclo In this paper we take exceptions to Judgo Stull's spoccli in tho convention last Monday, and show what a difference it makes with tho judge when ills own ox is gored Instead of his neighbor's, wo aro freo to say that ho would make a very efficient district attorney. Hut wo fear tho judge's enthusiasm in picking up lame ducks, a business wo havo heard him severoly condemn In others, and which surprised us to see him en gaged in, has perhaps "cooked his goaso" for a while at least until ho changes his tactics and gets his "cut and dry" work In light heavily. The colored proaolior, at Nemaha City, Mr. Walker, Was at Brownvillo dining tho forenoon of tho day of tho primaries, and thoro was a heavy pres sure brought to boar to get him to sup port Furnas. We hoard him say, "Afore God, massa, doy offered" mo twenty dollars to go away and not voto, but I 'tolo 'om I was for Massa Howo, sure. Esau sold his birthright and do devil tempted our Savior, and so doy tempted me, and wanted mo to violate my word and my conscience, but I heard of dem kind of folks afore." That surprised us somewhat, in view of the blowing wo continually hoard about tho uso of money by Mr. Howo. What Is thfl use of lighting Church Howo now, that ho has overwhelming ly received the Indorsement of the coun ty VEveu If hoHliould be defeated in tho district convention that would not affect his standing or popularity In tho county, ami ho can retiro from politics temporarily, or forever for that matter, with. as good an indorsement as a man ever hud. Tho people hero now, that tho B. & M, Is finished to Tecumsoth, are anxi ously expecting a new tlmo table, which will Improve our rullroad cou reiileuclos. Tho present arrungaraoiit has been quite Ti detriment to the business, growth amrproapeets of our town. Dr. Stewart, of Dakota, ha removed from Deadwood te Minnokata. near tho Hot Springs in which ho is Interested. He says they aro tho "most won derful medicinal waters In tho. woild. CAEPETS McGce 8f Moore's. TOR SALE OHEAK I.v Nkmaha City. Two lots and a new houso with lvo rooms; a base ment, kitchen, dining room and cellar. Good barn and stables with many oth er conveniences. For particulars in quire of M. P. IIanacian, Agt. FRESH TIMOTHY SEED! I For sale by Nlckell & Shurts. Tho (imploycs about the white house during tho late President Garllold's Illness have presented their bills, ag gregating 611,4151, for extra services. This is abut 8140 per diom for attend unco other than that of doctors and recognized nurses. It would bo pretty steep in other hope's. fyh Tho Nemaha 'lTmls says that Ma jors, Furnas and tho democrats have united to defeat Howe, and call it an independent movement, and that next fall the democarts aro to havo tho of fice of troasurijjxkierk and shoriff. If this bo true woliopo Church Howo will beat tho trio out of thoir boots. Pawnco Republican. Fx-Senator Tipton informs us that ho will lectuio at Klin Grovo school house, in Lafayette precinct, August JlOth; at Johnson, August Slst; at Cen ter school house, Bedford precinct, September 1st; at Hillsdale September 'Jd. Subject, Woman Suffrage. SELLING OFr ATOST. Mrs. Miller will sell Millinery Goods at cost for tho next Thirty Days at her store in South Auburn, to make room for a very large stock of fall and win ter Millinery, ladies' furnishing and fancy goods, as she has decided to con tinue tho business. 10 w'2 Tho crop reports of tho Iiepartmeul of Agriculture at Washington are very encouraging in regard to all the great staples of tho country, and the harvest throughout tho United States of cot ton, wheat, and corn will surpass in yield many previous years. Mi. G. A. Waring, of Petersburg, III., is visiting his sister, Mrs. John CoddingtOM, one mile east of this city. Mr. W. is looking around for a place in which to settle, and as lie likes South Auburn we hope ho will con clude to go into business here. Vigorous, enterprising, wide-awake Auburn, with Douglas precinct, did itself proud last Friday when it rolled up 86 majority for tho Howo ticket. Tho people who contributed to that result voted directly for their own local interests. Atlanta, Ga.Augsut 10. Senator Hill was buried this after noon. Ten escort was the Atlanta bar and congressional committee with a long lino of carriages. Fully 20,000 people assembled on the streets to view tho procession. Mi.ss Sarah Brown, daughter of old John Blown, has been appointed to a position in the Adjuster's Department of the Branch Mint in San Francisco. Tho position was voluntarily offered her by Superintendent Burton. The Agricultural College, at Hano ver, N. II., will admit women pupils at its next term, who will be given a spe cial courso of study, including butter and cheeso making, and dairying in all its brauclit's. A woman dentist at Quebec lias been denounced by tho pvoss for pursuing an unwomanly avocation, and tho cler gy of two parishes have prohibited their people from having anything to do with her. Mrs. May Kearns, of Benton pre cinct, while in tho city Saturday pre sented the AnvuimsiiH with an ele gant bouquet of Uowers. for which wo extend our heartfelt thanks. Somo loouoy has written an article on "Tho Women Men Liko." Ho does not seem to understand that men like all kinds of women but some better thou others, Ux. Win. Johnson tho, man who attempt ed to wreck a train on the Chicago and Northwestern railway, Was sentenced to six years' hard labor In tho pon Itontlary. Tho "Sheridan" correspondent of the State Journal dosen't seem to bo vory well posted as to who tho Republican candidates for tho legislature aro. No candidate will go to tho conven tion with a biggor or moro enthusias tic boost from his own county than will tho Hon. Church Howe. Tho Friend of Women Is a monthly magazine recently started in Moscow, Russia. It is conducted exclusively by wopleu. Tho Woman's Congress will hold its tenth annual meeting in the. City hall, Portland, Mo., October' lltli,' 12th and 13th. , IT" A good Bopubllcau always stands by tho will of tho majority. Tho half breeds kick. Pavite in Herionsly thinking of brliiR-uKuutttx-Cov. Dave Uutlor for Con- 1UK gross Pirst District Congressional Convention, . Tho Republican Electors of the First Congressional District of Nebraska aro hereby called to send delegates from tho several counties to meet in Con gressional District Convention, at Ne braska City, on Thursday, September 7th, A. D. 1882, at 7 o'clock p. in., for tho purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for member ot Congress from 1st Congressional District, and to transact such other business as may properly como before tho convention. Tho several counties aro entitled to representation in ttio convention as fol lows, based upon tho vote cast for Isaac Powers, Jr., In 1881, for Regent of tho State University, giving one delegate for each ono hundred and fifty (150) votes, and ono delegato for tho fraction of soventy-Hvo (75) votes, or over; also, ono delegato at largo for each county: C o a J 5 150-1 11 inn o 1117 l) 1 1 hi o I7'A) 'l -iVIO) IS COUNTIES. COUNTIES. 2 I ' Otoe 1677 Cues KM HiuindurH..... 131)1 Hnrpy 1(0 DotiBlns V336 lUclinrdsnti Nemalm Pawnee Joliiinon ClrtKO LiuiciiHter... It is recommended: First That no proxy bo admitted to the convention, except such as are held by poisons re siding in tho counties from which the proxies aro given. Second That no delegate shall rep resent an absent member of his dele gation unless ho be clothed with au thority from the county convention or is in possession of proxies from regu larly elected delegates. By order of Republican State Cen tral Committee. James W. Dawes, Chairman. John Steen, Sec'y. "WT-IE 1ST YOU TBAVEL ALWAYS TAKE THE JM.R.R.R. Examine map and time tables carefully. It will be seen that this line connects with C, B. & 0 R. R.j in fact they are under one management, and taken to gether form what is called the BURLINGTON ROUTE!! SHORTEST AND QUICKEST LINE TO Chicago, St. LouisfPeoria, UO UiVlUOOj X,U AOIUUU, AND ESPECIALLY TO ALL POINTS Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois, Miohigan, Ohio. PRINCIPAL ADVANTAGES ARE Through Coaches from Nebraska to destination on C,, II. tc Q. R R, No transfers; changes from C, B. & QR. R. to connecting lines all made In Union Depots. THRO UGh""T!CKETS AT LOWEST RATES CAN BE HAD lTpon nppHcfttlon nt any station on tlio rond, AuonlH aro also prepared to check bnimiiKO tliroutdi: glvo nil Information iih to niton, roult'H, time, conni'otloiiH. etc., and to Hccuro Hleeplni; car accommodations. THE NEW LINE TO DENVER And all polntH In Colorado,' iThls extension Is completed and ready for huslnesM, and tho public can enjoy all iho advantages of a through lino to Denver anil Chleitfo all un der Ono management. 1. 11. EUSTIS, Gen'l Ticket Ant.. Omaha, Nejj. IKIJ2S2S3 . tit Tim iiiw iiwt f I'lMlmii nitiiYi v II (r htfflnr una LJ Hllf. A'tiiitrfil f r IU It WlliiH fllfl i riilWriiniit. K r t i i.. i.. i r.u..i ...i,: .,...!. ..,..... ' Si. t'rwwwt jiMiiuiru i' r in m h"'"h imi i-unin n,. rtcr mils to Ilcsfnro ilrey or I Met! ll.irs Ureyur I .Moil ILiIrft Mlfc 1 1 1 M rlU'ruvi'U, ,J I tV j WUkUIMI hVSVII a..tl.-,....lt.l..l. . I... ..... I. !.... .11. ., .... J 111 via m WHffi many of tfic best medicinos known me here com. lined into nmcvlicino of such varied and effective powers, ns to make Ike Greatest ISIooJ Puriner&tlie Best Health and Strength Restorer Ever used. It Hires Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Flreplessnets, all diseases of the Stomach, Rowels Lungs, Liver, Kidnevs. and nil female Comtilamts. If von are wasting away wnh Consumption or any disease, me tlio Tonic to-day. It vul mrtly help you. Kcmemberl it is far superior to Hitlers, Essenccsof Oinijtr amlotncr 'lunics, as itbuiMs 11a the iviicm ttitlinnt Intoxieatinc. ;oc. pndSl tUes, nt all dealers in dmes. NfMiccenmnewithout signatureoflli cox&C).,N V. Send lor circular 1.AUCK BAVINO IN I1UYINO THE DOU.AH BIZK. LADies :... IiLii ,U LnorrtMM tut, AH tt N it ,1 chut mjiJ fur I'r.l. t -tU'I'iii. . ulrtd'Ulltlt.J if n riif. rtit,,)(i,iiti,(ik rii tun . i iiiwic iMii,. Ml lrtih, tviaf 1 ttiu tt ti-,'iir Itr, tt.tf cq ILiidiMtk. 1M lit I IK I ,,l 1, 2IU41 I ti lit u, it o,n. -.1 irr tuasii .flivV C... 5T IUUIS. M0. MARKET REPORTS. SOUTH AUIIUItN MAltKET. " HtiunrCofreo IMfoH $l 00 HiiRnr "O" 0 to 10 IIir , i po Flour, Olon UoSk, por 100 llm, ....,., . a 75 Allen's 3 M " Nctnnhn Mill " HotnowootlH " rotntocn per bu , Apples, Green Dried 12 lln.., .. II 60 .. 8 60 .. '25 .. W .. 1 00 6075 Onions por bushel Halt per burrel 3 00' CADUdKO per uuna Jfttii EgKH per dor.en..... IVA Iiuitur - 12& GHA1K MAltltP.T. Wheat No. 2 70RO ' Spring M times, " Fnii mm Corn Hi's50 Out 20623 Hurley 4550" STOCK MARKET. Cattlo 82 OOQfi 00' Hoh. 7 007 30 LEGAL NOTICES. notice to Ilctlucm From Tux Sale. STATE OF NEHHASKA, I .. UOUN'I V OK i KMAH A, J To C. 11. Thomas, AiiiiuhIii Tliomnn, Jnno NoyeH, Ann NoyeH,MellBnuNoye, Wlllluin Noyen mid Clitirli'A Noyca, lielrs-iit law of John NoyeH, UeceutteU; mill JI.GTliomun and H. 8. Hiidley, on' n urn una persona Interested In the following described reuliy, nntl C. it Thoinus ai.d AinauduThomau occupants ol siitd realty You ana enclt of you are lierehy notlllcd that the County ol Nuitiitlia, in the Htntu of Nebraska, did on the llrst day or November, 1UM), puiclinseat publlu mile, the lollowlng described really, situated In said Cdunty ol Nemaha and Bliitoof Nebriislca, to-wll: The west hall of the northwest quarter of section two '2, In township six (UJ North, ot range fourteen 11 Kast, tor thu sum tji.90, satiiu being for taxes lavled theteon for lb7U, (said roally being assessed for tho year lb"D, to the abovo named II. C. Thomas) and said realty having tlrsl been ottered for sale and remalnluguusoid for want or ollmr bidders; also one-third ot tho southesst ((uurlur ol section two 21, In town slx(0j N., of range fourteen IHJ K tor tho sum of W.OS. same being for taxes levied thereon for 1S7U, (said really being assessed for tho year 1870 to tho above named 11. U. Thomas), and said realty having first beon ollered forsnluaud remain ing unsold for want of other bidders; also two-thirds of tho southeast quarter of sec tion two 'i), In town six (J) N.,of range lour teen II 14., for the sum of 811 Nil, iuno being for taxes levied thereon lor Ih70, (said realty being assessed for the year 1870, to tho abovo named U. H Had Icy), and said really having llrst boeu offered lor sale, and remaining un sold for want of other bidders. That tho oortltleates of said tax sales have been duly assigned to Robert Malby, who Is tho owner and holder thereof. That tho tlmo of redemption from said sale expires on tho fltst day of November lUtM. And you nro further notlllcd that unless said realty Is redeemed Irom said tax sale within Ave months from tho date of this notice, to. wit: On or heforo December 2flth' ltS2, 1 shall apply to the Treasurer of Nema ha county for a Treasurer's Tax Deed, on or after said December 'JUth, 18K2, for said roal estate. Kohkiit Mai.iiy. Nebraska City. Neb., July 'JO, XHS'J. 7wl Notice of Appointment of Administrator. Estate of Samuel K. Hacker, deceased In the County Court of Nemaha County, Nebraska. Notice !s hereby git en that an application has been made to the County Court of said County to appoint Anne M. Hacker, administratrix of the estate of said Samuel P. Hacker, deceased, and that August 31st, A. D. 18Hz. at loo'chick a, m., at the olriceof the County Judge of Ne maha County, Nebraska, in Brownvillc, Ne- braska, has been fixed by the court as the time and place for the hearing thereof, when and where all persons interes'cd may appear and con test the same. John S. Stull, Dated July 31, 1S82, 7W4 County Judge. Notice of Probate of vrilK Estate of Elisha J. Mcrriam, deceased. In the County Court of Nemaha County, Nebraska, In the matter of prosing the still of said Elisha J. Mcrriam, deceased. Notice is hereby given that August ,11st, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the otiice of the County Judge of Nemaha County, Nebraska, in Ilrosvntille Nebraska; has been fixed by the court as the time and place for proving the still of said Elisha J, Merriam, deceased, svhrn and sshere all con cerned may appear and contest the probate there of; John S. Stull, County Judge. Dated August 1st, iSSa. iVotlco of Eftl.N.soluf Ion. 'Nojice is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing bctsteen G. W. I-'airbruther, Sr., G. W. Fairbnther, Jr. and JJenj. F.Sanders, as G, V, Fairbrother it Co. publishers of the "Nebraska Advertiser," is this day dissolved by mutual consent. G W. Fairbrother, Sr. and G, W. Fairbrother, Jr. ssill continue the besinesi, assume all liabilities contracted by the firm, and all sums due or becoming due on subscription or other business of the firm must be paid to them, " G. W. Faikukotiifk, Sr., . G, W. Faihhrotmsk, Jr, Binj. F. Sandkus. Auburn, Neb,, August S, 1SS2. Notice of Dissolution. The firm of Clagett ti Son is this day dissolted by mutual consent, J. H. Clagett retiring, and Lynn M. Greene busjng his interest in the stuck. The business in the future will carried on by C E. Clagett and I. M. Greene, under the firm name of Clagett & Greene, stho will collect and settle all accounts due from the old firm, i'leasc change the names on your books andublige, Yours Respectfully, Clacitt St GmeENr, Johnson, Neb., July 20, 1882, How LiONt, How fitcHtorijri ! Juit published, a new edition of DR. CUL VERWELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on the radical cure of Spermatorrhea or Seminal Weik ncss, Involuntary Seminal Losses. Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. ; also, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits, induced by self indulgence or sexual extrava gance, ftc. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty year's successful practice that the alarming consequences of self, abuse may be tadically cured; pointing out mode of cure as one simple, ecrtain, and effectual, by means of which etcrs ufl'erer, no matter sthat his condltiun may be. may cure himielf cheaply, privately, and radically, Bfc2fThii Lecture should be in the hands cf every youth and efery man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, on rcieipt of six cents ot tsto postage stamps. Address TllO OulvQrwoll Med ical Oo., 4' AnnSt., Ne York, N. Y.; jwm Ollke Box, 45b, . i