r i i (, Ml Mi 5 Simwm i USEFUL AND SUGGESTIVE. Chocoluto Biscuits: Mix somo choc- r.1 jlnto powder, with whito of cjrirs, nnd powdered louf sugar, into a paste. Mold tliis into biscuits and bnko them at a gontlo heat on a sheet of whito pnper. Dr. T. II. Hoskins, of Vermont, who has been a fruit-grower for thirty fivo years and owns an orchard of over 1,000 trees, is "willing to confess that thero is a great deal still to bo learned about tho business." Ho adds: "I have never found the kind of men that knew it all of much value a3 totichnrs." To mark tools: Cover tho nnrt to po marked with a thin coating of tallow c-r bcoswaK. Then, with a sharp in strument, write tho name in tho tallow, cutting clearly into it. Then lill in the letters witli nitric acid. Lot it ro maiu from one to ton minutes. Then dip in water and rub off, and you will have tho mark etchod. N. 1 Sun. Pianos and organs aro becoming common at farm houses. Tills is all right, as farmers' daughters have as much right to tho refined accomplish ments as city ladies. Hut in addition to music, farmers' daughters ought to know how to wash, iron, cook a good meal, mako bread, make shirts and dresses, and then tho man who marries her gets a fortune, whether sho has money or not. Joioa hinte uegmor. To Prepare Spiced Ulaokberrics: To six quarts of fruit take two and one-half pints of sugar, pno and ono-lialf pints of vinegar, one-half ounce of cinnamon (ground), ono-half ounco cloves', one half ounce allspico and a lfttlo,maco broken in small pieces. Boil tho 'sugar and viuegar together, with tho spices, putting these hist into muslin bags. Then put in tho berries nnd lot thoui scald, not boil. Denver Tribune. A correspondent of tho Fruit Iic cordcr says that cotton soaked in tur pentino and hung among tho 'branches of plum trees just as the blossoms aro falling and frequently renewed until tho plums aro half grown will olFoctually pioloct the fruit from tiio deprodatious of tho ciirctilio. If gum camphor or any of the essential oils, such as pep permint, pennyroyal, sassafras, etc., aro dissolved in tho turpentine it produces an odor so strong that it becomes intol erable to all insects. t Carrots as Food for Horses,, A correspondent nulls nil!- fittintinii L of long oxporienco to tho following ox- tract from tho London Live Slock Jour nal, adding that he has himself jfjfiTcar rots to cart anil other hoi'ics fdrfthirty years witli good results, as hundreds of others have also dono throughout tho Eastern States, and that ho has nevor heard of any injury from their uso; Wo do riot entirely agreo with thoso who maintain that tho carrot is tho most vholesomo and nourishing food which can bo given to horses. Tho carrot, Bays Jt Agriculture, is excellent when cm- ....U w... .-..W..-.W.. W ..W -W..W .. ,-, inoyed as a tonic for old horses in order to purify and strengthen tho blood; but its uso is dangerous for young horses, nnd especially for stallions. It gives tliciu too much blood; makes thorn nerv ous, irritable, spiteful or vicious when nt work, and predisposes thorn to apo plectic fits if thoy do not tako onough exorcise. Geldings and marcs ; might not bo particularly liable to inconven ience ol this nature; nevertheless, in all cases carrots should bo given with tho greatest moderation to Tiorscs of less than ten years of ago. Tor horses past this age thoy may bo harmless; arid with oats, may constitute a valuable articlo of food. Horses eat them with avidity, especially whou they aro mixed with coarse bran. This diet gives horses now blood, which seems to restore- their youth. Unfortunately, tho carrot is not to bo had all tho year round. Wo need not regret this, however. An articlo of food the effect of which is so powerful is only valuable when employed for a timo. Its prolonged uso is ot no good; for tho body can get accustomed to everything, oven to tho most violent medicines. Tho carrot might bo very appropriately called the regenerator of old worn-out horses. A horse which has been improperly treated, is fatigued, thin and exhausted, improves visibly when fed upon this generous diet. Bui if thoso who have tho care of tho animal aro not careful to let it tako regular ex orcise or to take a little blood from it, or, better still administer a strong pur gative, they will find that, just when tho embonpoint and vigor begin to bo no ticeable, tho horse is seized with apo plexy, and perishes, just when it ap peared to bo completely mado over ugain, and fit for work. Adulteration. Adulteration has become a tcienco. Wo water our stock, and sand our sugar, and dilute our prayers with many words, and have fallen so low that wo uso glue in our ico cream. What an appetizing combination is gluo anil cretnvi. Wo don't know what tho gluo is made of, and for that matter wo don't know what tho cream is mado of, though wo have a strong feeling that any solf-resnecting cow would repudiate tho idea that sho had anything to do with its manufact ure, but v hen tho gluo and the cream aro properly compounded one is able to buy a heaping plate of tho refreshment at tho old price, while the profits of tho saloon keepor are indefinitely increased. Tho bounty of tho gluo is that it makes tho ice cream frothy,, anil deludes tho unwary into tho bdliof that ho gets a groat deal more than ho pays for. Thero may, however, bo a moral side to this matter, and if-gluo takon internally will only nuiko some men btiek to their word, and make others stick to their business instead of spending mot of their timo attending to other people's, it will ccaso to bo an adulteration uud becomo a boon.- N. Y, JJeriiltl, Japanese Bamboo. There are somo fine old bamboos in a neighboring grovo, standing in sym metrical order, their foatliery tops piercing tho sky. Tho bamboo not only gives voice in its growth, but it grows bc rapidly that you can sco it incroaso in height as you look at it. Ono gentle man of our party assured mo that ho hos bamboos growing on ids placo that nro increasing in height throo foot in twenty-four hours. Our host told mo that tho grovo wo woro looking at at tained its growth in about thirty days, and thoy were at least forty foot in height. Tho first fo'w days tho growth is not so rapid as during tho lost fifteen days. Tho bamboo never grows in diameter aftov leaving tho ground. Tltoro aro many different species somo as delicate in their rotundity as a lady's riding-whip, while somo aro several inches in diameter At a ripo old ngo tho bamboo flowers and dies. Tlio grovo wo woro looking at was standing in tho placo whoro had grown, blos Bomod and died somo of tho same family. It is suhl that as tho "twig is bent tho treo is inclined." As tho bam boo shows itsolf nt two feet abovo the S round, it ronm'ns in girtli during its fo. It shows tho same appearance- al ways. Tho secret of its iiuoly-liborod exterior is thus accounted for. Tho bamboo of to-day will bo tho same un til it adorns itsell witli its death chap lot. It is tho very personification oi vigor. When it is onco rooted in the soil it is thero for all timo, or until every vestige of root fiber is eradicated. It extends its roots in all directions, and grows as fast almost laterally un derground as its shoots do above. When tho shoots make thoir appcar anco so rapidly do thoy grow that tho ground is raised and broken about them. In China, for tho punishment of certain crhnes, it is provided that tho culprit shall bo bent over n grow ing bamboo a torriblo infliction of punishment it must bo, becauso it means nothing more nor less than im palemont. And yet so tender aro the young shoots that thoy aro eaten as a vcgctablo, and considered a delicacy. Yokohama Cor. San Francisco Chronicle. It is estimated by tho census ol 1880 that thoro is an average of five and a quarter persons to each family. In ninny of tliom tho husband is the quarter. Tho Opinion or a l'liynlclnn. A physician writing ol Dr. Quysott's Yellow Dock uud Snrsapurilln, having carefully ana lyzed Us ingredients, Bays: ''I feel enthusi astic over tliis great health ronower. There can be no other remedy so harmless and yet bo effective. No other posslblo combination of drugs will mora rapidly assist nature in hastening the euro of general Ill-health. In chronic diseases of tho lungs, liver and kid neys and nervous system it Is especially bene ficial. In its composition I was especially pleased to find Iron, Celery and Juniper com bined with the Sarsaparllla and Yellow Dock. Iron of Itself Is seldom beneficial, but in con nection witli sucu vaiuanie vcgetcbio tonics its effects will at all times have a tendency to promote health and strength." If you must chink Ice-water put a Httlo oat-meal iu It The oat-meal doesn't help tho water any, but gives you timo to make a will. Detroit Post. Mit. M. A. Coons, of Illploy, O., writes : "I have been taking Dr. Quysott's Yellow Dock and Sarsuparilla for impuro blood, weak kid neys and liver complaint. I found it very effective. What pleased me was its mildness. ' When I left off taking it thero was no craving lorits luruicr use, nor was mere any reaction and consequently no renewal of my complaint. I think a gicut deal of tho medicine and rec ommend It strongly." Tiinr.i: members ot a brass band In Illinois were practicing in a hotel struck by lightning, and never knew that anything unusual was going on. Chicago Trtbutie, "Bugiiupaiiu." Quick, comploto cure, all annoying Kidney Diseases. $ 1, at Druggists. 'II'mI" ejaculated Fogg. "So thoy say this play is takon from llfol I should say rather that tho life is taken from tho play.1' Boston Transcript. BETTKn than castor oil, Wiso'a Axle Grease, and we know ft. Lton's Ileel StlfTonors keep now boots and sVora straight. By shoo and hard waro dealers. m Wn see an articlo in tho papers about boj inventors. Wo hope thoy v, ill Invent a boj who won't whistle on his fingers ard yell on tho streets at night. AT. Y. Post. e TnEK you are fond of jachtlngl Very well. Then wo expect your vocabulary to embrace all tho torms In tho nautical dictionary, noni of them mis-applied. Who's got tho top sheet anchor halyards in his vest pocket! An swer quick. New Haven JltgisUr, a Tub excursion steamboat accident season has oponcd. To mako an excursion steam- Doai pcriecuy sine, ursi remove uio uouors and then beach tho boat A'". Y. Graphic. WnKjr it halls In Kansas It doosn't stop al pellets of ico the size of marbles and peach es, but works up to chunks as largo as or anges, and cows aro knocked down nnd horses bicak their necks In trying to dodge al! ways at once. Detroit Free Frets. An exchange asks : "Why stand yo with out 1" Well, stranger, it's becauso tho dog ii not tied, and wo haven't yet made his ao qualntance. N. Y. Commercial Advertiser. Whkn a young lady asked to look at a pap asol, the clerk said: "Will you pleaso give tho shade you wantl" ' I expo-it tho para sol to give tho shade 1 want," said the youu lady. A Nitw bonnet Is trimmed with radishes. As everything In dress and tho wearer must harmonize nowadays, it is presumed that this bonuet Is to he worn with u radish, and not a taru-up nose. NorrUUnm Herald. '" The Chicago people say that, talk as yot may of culture, tho product of their peni amounts to more than the Income of all thi authors of New England, l'lg thing. Dostot Commercial Bulletin, Focket stoves are now provided for plcnli parties. It Is a fine invention, though notb fug warm Is used at picnics except tho lomon ado, and that Is not carried in tho pocket, JV. 0. J'icayune. a When you bnj blackberry Jam at tho jrro ccr's don't ask hnn If it Is made of wormy tigs soft peaches and poor brandy. He was nova tolMS (pundryjvuero such tulnzs aro out un "Necessity Is tho mothor of Invention." Diseases of tho liver, kidneys' and bouols brought forth that soverolgn remedy Kidney Wort, which Is naturo's normal curative for all thoso dire complaints. In olthor liquid or dry form it is n perfect remedy for thoso torri blo diseases that causo so many deaths. At a family pirty Who company was so large that two boys had to wait at supper. When tho meal had long: been over and tho older folks still sat at flio table, tho elder of tho boys it was his seventh birthday was scon crouching ou the doorstop outsldo thosuppor room and was asked! "Whoro is Taull" With a deop-Wruwn sigh, the lad re sponded: "I don't know: I s'poso ho's Bomo whoro prayln' tho Lord for his supper I" EllenvUle Journal, "I Don't Want That Stuff" Is what a lady of Boston said to her husband when ho brought homo somo medicine to euro hor of sick headacho and neuralgia which had mado her mlaorablo for fourteen yoars. At tho first attack thereafter, Itwasadmlnistorcd to her with such good results, that sho con tinued its uso until cured, and was so en thuslastta in Its prat so. that sho Induced twenty-two ot tho best families iu hor clrclo to adopt It as their regular family mcdiclno. That ''stuff." is Hop BlttorlWitowfard. A ni.Acir, washerwoman will do In tho city, but In tho country tho girls always want a whito lawn-dress. Boston Commercial Mul letitu ' Our rroijross. As stages aro quickly abanMcd with tho completion ot railroads, so thcuvigc, drastic, cathartic pills, composed ot crude and bulky medicines, aro quickly abandoned with tho In troduction of Dr. Plorco's "Pleasant Purga tive relicts," which aro sugar-coatou, ana uttlo larger than mustard seeds, but composed of hlglily couccutrated vcgctablo extracts. By druggists. IIanoimo n thermometer In tho coolest placo In tho yard to ascertain how hot It is, Is ono of tho paradoxes of civilization. Xcto Uavtn Jlcylstcr. TPiinyaoii's "May Qhcoii." Who knows that if tho beautiful crirl who died so young hud been blessed with Dr. PIcrco's "I'avorlto Prescription" sho might have reigned ou many another bright May day. Tho "Favorite Picscrlptlon" la a cer tain euro for all thoso disorders to which females arc liable. By druggists. "What's tho man yelling at!" asked a farmer of his boy. "Why," chuckled tho youngster, "he's yelling at tho top of his voice." SiitlHfiiotory. Mrs. Wallace, Buffalo, N. Y., writes: "I have used BimiiocK Blood Bitters for ncrv oua and bilious headaches, and havo recom mended them to my friends: I hcllovo thorn superior to any other medicine I havo used, and can recommend them to anyouo requiring a cure for biliousness." Pi lac, $1. F,Ti:iihAi, fitness was novcr more appropriate ly dove-tailed In than In tho euphonious namo of tho Gorman pianist, Hammerltt "I'oiirmi OU." L. P. Follctt. Marlon, O., states that ho has used Thomas' Koi.ecthio Oil for burns, and has found nothing to equal it In soothing tho pain and giving relief. OscauWimje has been taken for an Indiana herb doctor 1(10 times in the last three mouths. Ar. Y. Graphic. If tho blood bo Impoverished, as manifested by pimples, eruptions, ulcers, or running sores, scrofulous tumors, swellings or general debility, tako Dr. It V. PIcrco's "Golden Medical Discovery." Sold by druggists. That "tho living skeleton Is dead" Rcems strango onough ; but tho news was announced that way In Now York. A'. O. J'icayune. tSF'Nothlng so slmplo and perfect for color ing as tho Diamond Dyes. For carpot rairn, bettor and cheaper than any other dye-stuffs. Tub young skipper who takes a part) of girls out sailing should content himself wnu hugging tho shore. A'. U. J'icayune. "Kouoii on Hats." Clears out rats, mlco, roaches, bed-bugs, gophers, chipmunks. 15c . 3t was a Detroit girl who wanted to marry at llfteen, so an to hao her golden wedding hurry up tho faster. Detroit 7'rcc J'rcss. , Faumeus, teamsters, don't oxnoilrncnt, but use Fraor Axle Urease. It Is tlio best. I'ci-HOimtl The Voltaic Belt Co , Marshall, Mich., will send Dr. Dye's Celebrated Klcctro-Voltaic Belts and hlectrlc Appliances on trial for thirty days to men (young or old) who aro af flicted with nervous debility, lost vitality and kindred troubles, guaranteeing speedy nnd complete restoration of health and manly vigor. AddrcHs as above. N. B. No risk is lucurrod, as thirty day's trial Is allowed. Bt using Wiso's Axle Greaso you save horse flesh. Ir afflicted with Pore Eyes, uso Dr. Isaac Thompson's Eyo Water. Druggists sell it. 25u. Wise's Axlo Greaso makes wagons run easy. Tnv tho new brand, "Spring Tobacco." STETTEIH CtU0RATtOle, llometUr'aStomnch Hitters extirpate Uyspeptla with great it ccrtnlnty and promptltudo than nny Vnown remedjr, and U a most genial lnvlgorant, appetizer and aid to itrrctlcn. These art) not empty auerttont, at thoai and of our country men and women who lmo experienced Its r lfectn areawure. but urn backid up by Ir rvfrngntilo proof. The nitun nlno Klve a healthful itlmulu to the urinary or puna. For aalo ly nil I)rUKKlt and Deal er fc-vtierally. iffiftS AKIS-VTHI Ail!.VTN! AKiaiHl Wanted for tho Now Hook, "Our l.oal L-mplorara." a jujl nd u tuuitlo account of a JEANNETTE Hy onicor JVewcsnib oil other aurvlvor. rnoTooRArino DiTIi . 1'OHTHIIT. MrtW I 11 IUCITIUTIOXS. Cot tttn liet, rfoii't l iu,nliuffiat l.j- l.ullMtloua. 33 2SZ. 3E 33 3D I T I O JST BOcaplfl, p, dttj- muttt Ity ll runvaticri, Hefld for ircuUr,tflrmandBKenc-y,to Amirlcan i-uMUhing CnmiManr, Jlartforu, IKMton, Cldcoffo, or ClncUuiau. tVMwulon Uil pHj.er. WHITNEY & HOLMES ROANS !aril All llllirr luTiiim ttnd Ilurat. MIII7. Hl"- I'lrat-Claas llt-nu. ollM. alnlilUlird It! Vnan. r.-V NT1 1.1 N. .M.W IIOI.I) HTOI-N, Whitney & Holme Organ Oo,,Qu!uor,111. tt. McMII.I'.A.VH IIOMKHTIO UUIDK. hdliwltli marwlou rapidity. Aittnt are maklnu 100rri!nt. roilt. LadU tell It with at muifi ucc-tt a Kintldin n Hnd for di trrlpttve circular, glvlof t-nnitAKent.orncloi"H1.0fnrttamtilM oinv of tha book W. W. WI l.I.I.V.MN, lis di in tt. CUUr Htrect, ClcvclumU O. 0 t -t x 0 PERRY DAVIS' A SAFE AND SURE REMEDY FOR Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Cramps, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Dysentery. Sprains AND Bruises, Burns AND Scalds, Toothacho AND Headacho. D A TTT TJTT T "I?T3 is tho well-tried nnd Jr 2J.1JN -JtxJlJLtJLtiilJrL trusted friend ol all whowantanrtand tafe tnedlclnv which ran bo frrtlu unrd. inlrrtinllt or externally. without fear of harm and with cnrCiili of relief. Its prico brluga It within tho rango of all, and It will annually lavo many times its cost In doctor bill. Price, AJtf cent, BO cent, and $1. OO per bottlo. Directions accompany eachbottt FOR SALE BY AIL DRUGGISTS. 5 UUU HI.U nLLIHDLLi ; JDr. SANrono's Liveu LmaonATonJ 7 nun ULiinuit. :a Sis it Strunlnrtl Family llomody for jl tutiBonoos of tho Liver, Stomnch iiintl Bowels. It ia Puroly JYogotnblo. It liovcr , JXUUJJIUIM.-U Al, 1U JOntlmrtio nnd (tTonio. . '.PT- .iB' JaJL.ll.IL - .0.0 w WiO'! &u:ao.iov' : 1 T l k 1 .V" . 11 1 ' Mri'.n" .nOV3Tvo( 1 "rt irkMo. A 5 wi 0X Bl V S0 A06 yvo at J. -fli, lw-J .T H 0 2 VJ1 1 5W a AM':e& Ai5 ' . n v . ii -. w I AVJ jm ia aJ? -.J rv& "L aJ ' 1 11 t t t A 1 . . 5wo. i:?' K& JCSSSS i o ; VfitoJS Tlie! Ivori Invitrornto: Jina been tibci in tuy nraotioi 5?" nnd by tho wublio. to. ".. a lor moro tlmn 35 vonrfl.? with unprecedented rcBiilte.2 IOO Pngo Book sont froo. - . 4Mn r (Si Ti WiSANFORD) MiDij HZWronKOlTxi AtV Dni'DOIST WILL TKIX TOO IT8 KErUTATIOS. atVt'UV.V.VatttVVWT.a MAKE HENS LAY An KnglUli Voterlnar fiurjoon and Olieralit, now trafollnif In thitcoutitrr, ajru that molt of tho Horia anil Uattla I'owilartioldliaro are worthleontrnili. II nayatliatHliirilan'aConilitlonrow(loraraalaolutalr puroanillmmentAlyvnluabla. Notlilnit on earth will mako hen lay like HlierhUn't Condition I'liwdera. !)(), ono teaniioonfiil to one pint food. Hold evrry wlmrn. orannthy mallfor nlglit letter atamiii. I. a. J()liNKONlCO.,lloiiton,MaM.,formerlyllanKor,M. l'AUBOUh' l'UHOATiVE l'ltxs mako new rich blood. TEAS' In abundance ," Wilon ni,oiii5 Imported latt ytar-l'rlcc lowrr than cer. Asents wanted. Uoa't waate time. Hcud for circular. 10 lb. Good Illnck or Ttllxod. for 81. 10 U. Vino Itluclc or Mixed, lor !2. 10 lb. Choice IXIacIc or mixed, for $3. Bend for pound cample, 17 ct. cxtrv for poitape. Then net up a club. Choicest Tea In tlio world Ijirgcut variety. Plcac ovcrybodr. l)ldet Tea Homo in America. No cliromo No Humbug. BtrulRht bolnc. Value for money. U01I,JMiKU.S,43Yci7ht.,N.l.,r.0. Iloxll!87. AUF.NTN WANTED I'OIX THE THE via Vtij BY ALEXANDER H.STEPHENS. It contain nearly Iioo nne portrait and encraTlnc of battle and oth r bltturlcul itfncn.und l tho inont complete, and valuable lilntory ever publlalud. Itlaiold byubcrltlon only, and Agent aro wanted In every county. Bend for circular uud extra term to Agent. AOVlTLtl, Ni.TIOH.aI, FODLItltlKO Co., CIiIcoro, IU, WELL AUGERS, ROCK DRILLS And the Ukst Maoiiineuy iu tho VVoiti.i) lor BOniNQ d DRILLINQ WELLS by fiwrav ur oiiim rower Hook Fdek. Adrtrcu LOOMIB & NYMAN. TIFFIN, OHIO TIIrD00K TI,AT EVEBTOODy WANTS! III C1HANDEST V'OIIK OF THK AGE! lIlaUSALES ARE IMMIilKTSin I miMPFRifli wm IMPERIAL1 OV."!! x .?.""." " TOUT I1IVVN. HIGHWAY! O.W. BORLAND CO,, rvmituTHx, 103Btate-.t,ChlcfO,IU. t 70 A WEKK. 512 a day at homo easily mado. JJlUUMruuUil tree, Addrtaa True & Co, AufUJU, Mu. Hill III llffi !n rtt'm ll.l fa IJII - m m atm amawai' R atT Br4 i.T.j am: an an - Aitrow 11 i taft M afl n sfrll h m 4i IMV aR ZWtWr v OV.nU- U Y ntvi 5 nVWtqo;oJS ' vir mm &L,af aLi I ml mdJ: ih m rkjr n l VJaaaaTaaal aaaST. T 1 4 v&r m aJ - ttTlKlU aa 7W .f . A v . 1'aLatl "n'Wa rtA "iV Ktt -.! IT U a tTdaV fllwki x a turn AHJIJI "TlicS .- nm mm m mja r if m w Kit m v-- li 1 IPa.- UR wp. . Kal Bl aa pr 5il aWjr For DIARRHEA, DYSENTERY, FLUX. AND ALL IJOWKL COMPLAINTS. Tho world 1ms uovor proiluood Its oquitL rrcpamlby C. WAKunittuftCo., Hloomtnuton, UL TRY IT! For 8nlo by All DrusKtsta. HAS BEEN PROVED The SUREST CURB for K.DfEY DISEASES. Soa Alamo baok or dlaonlerotl tirlno Indi cate tlmt you are A victim f THEN DO NOT lEBBITATEi uo Kioney.vort at onoa, (arujf jlaUroooramondlDandlt wlUipoodlly ovor ooraa tho ilUooao and reatoro licaltliy action. mCIVIIODb to your cr. audi b rain andtroakneaaot, Kidney-Wort la uiurarpaaaoa a It -will act tiroinntly and anfely. ElUierBor. incontinenoo.Mitcntion onirino, brick duat or ropy deposits, and dull dragging palna, all apootuiy yiia to its curatlvs power, J- BOU) BT ALL DUUaOIOTfl. Prion f 1. EDUCATIONAL. ADUIAK COIiLKflK. Adrian. Mleli l'lro Bchoola, HeiulforUntaluirun, otc.lo I). H Mteplien. l're t. UNION COU.KOK OK LAW. Clilr.go. 111. Tlio twenty faunliyoarbrstniHopt 'jnli.M. Diploma, admit to (lie liar of Illlnol. Korclrrulnniaddirt llON. II IIootii, C'lilcago, III. OT. OI.AIU'S ACADKMV. PliiMnnwa MnumV, Wl . IO liiiotinaKn(nccnl)y una lu'itltlifully lluatid, A aplcndld now Acndrmy 1 almot eutiiplcud nnd will bo frady for pupil In tlio fall, For CaUJokuo, addtr lolfifT HiiM'rlor, NUCInrn Acndciny, Hlmlimwa Mound l,.0.,(mntCoWI.t'l'upllMtlriulliig()ur Academy have n-duccil rate on ltullroudn. Apply here for ticket. LEARHTELEfiRAPHY.iirar.rri: vnlcd. American Bchool of TcUgrapby, Madlaon, Wla. JOHNSON'S GOM'L COLLEGE Vnfu. year. Bpeclmctwof Pcnma'nMilp and Clrcitlani, Free. ENGLAND CONSEIWATORY GF iliminfi, SCHOOL OF ENGLISH IrHJllILl DRANCHES.LANGUAGEa AnTS.ELOCUTIO N S PHYSIC ALCULTUnE. ESPLENblDLY.FURNISHED. IN THE HEART OF D03TQN. RARE ADVANTAGES.LOW RATES. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. E.TQURJEE. AGENTS (I.iiillea or Gentlemen) Mnlto Money Fast Handling Irs. Oweais' Cook Book. Invaluable, to Ifoiiackvepei. I'riu'tlciil n ml lviular. Olltllt 11.25. V. V OWIKNH, fl.tO Kitltfin Htroot, CIiIimik.. WRITER VflSSSKtif Walohea ""io.1 Hulrll I.itU, Iowa. ARTIFICIAL TEETH! L. P. HASKELL, Dintlst, MtBl' Ila devoted It O yenr cxcluhly to Artlileliili Teeth. For ( year lia mado "A 1. 1. KISN' Con tinuum flmn Wort," tho oniyiierftclmetbodforArtl ftclnl Tcctli. Write for hi bonk-"!!!- CT r C C Jurloui effect of Valcanlzod ltublcr." t E. G ISSTITTJT 301. KttabliKin d, nti; IiHiirixirHtid. 1). Knrtlic fitro of !iiiic-ra. Tumor., IJIcera, Hrroriilw An1 Uirm fli.B.... wtt!.,.,.. ! tiu of kiilfuoruiKS or liwoti. ond lltlio pain 1'or INrOnMATION, OmaDI.AItl AND llKKKIIItNOIN, uldrtii I)IC. F. I.. X'ONII, Aiirotu, ICune Co., IIL Etnploymont for Ladios. The Oueen Cllv hu&firrtilr r,Hnidi,vi,f Tin. clnnatlaie now inanutactuiln.' anil InlMHtuatng their new Mvrklaf huiort.r. fur l-arilr. and lallana, and thcli unaiu.led bllrt Hu,radtn for lJlf, and want tellable lady ifrnti lo tell i them In cvtiy liouMhuld, Our Kentteverr wlute meet with read tuctevt and make Ikim loini talarlea. Write at ence for term, and aa cure eiclutlve territory. Adiliati Oihi tllr Ha.Daitr C-llm.lmmmit ml. 07 Lcaillng Fhy.lclani reconiinend thrui f,iiiurirrt, 0 TREATMENT OF COMMON ACCIDENTS And IiIHKAHKH and Kulc of Blmplo Hygiene. Hy Dr. Dawaon W, Turner. Ituvlted nnd llularged by twelve emlnrnt London I'liyilclana. Taper cover, 8f cent; tlloib, CUoent Kent poatpati) on ri'celptuf price. MAO SIII.IiANAO(llSl 4lh Ave., Nnw York. iXTIWAL (R nnil OAltPENTKIW notv u irMntv ltlUUUjJ,ertonieallklndtofwiw,otIieywlllcut lcttcr than ever. VttmH'i.(io. Clreulainnnd price to Agent. Addrcu E. KOTH ft DUO., New Oxford. I'a. 0, 10, 25 cent COUNTER SUPPLIES TOYS, NOTIONH, Ac. Catalogue free. GARY, FULTON & CO., HO Bummer 8t.,Uottm, Matt LIOUTNINU 1IANMO aiwl Oultar Imtructor ami HiMiiniu! ioiy of muntlily Dunlo ami Oultar dUUit.NAI, wui fur 14 t.tMH. tUrculara ruKt. B.H. blKWAUT, No, 4au. i:ight BU. I'lilla.. I'a! gq Witt who VJ nv witch I I WKAIt OUT SOT.Tl l)V WMchmaVcnrn. Hyuinll, as'nta. Clroulaf vVLilf VKKK..1.H, miiCUli CO.! I)8Ucy St.. N.2 HAIR I iirir uvir.Hcnir.o.ii.anyivliere. Whole, aalo&llruil I'rlu'lht r"r,Ooobigiuraii. lb l II I! bTltKim t,',7 ftbajli.avClilcago. V Ifl SOfl FrtUy atliomi' SmiiplcB worth 85 V O VU tUfrx. Aildn'iH.SriNJ()Vt.C),I,ortland.Ma. A MONTH ond board In your county. Men or l.udli I'l axaut buMuta. Aiidrrta 1 W Kntai.EHd.Cu,. HukUI. Chicago, III. ARPUTQ Aro mnklncr HtO a tiny boIHiik MUEIl I O ourgood rtendforrJrcularandU'riii!. Unat EnglUh Cutlery Co , llox Hl'.lS, JI0ton, Jla. tfiR A. WERKlnynuroun town. Tcrum and 0)UDluouUUfrw.Aildr'8ll,IIalltU&0).1l'urtlaiHl1Mo RIMnOrcutitraMi ' 4. OdUi;7H T. e,ul Ht 7i iZi. .H,' E"? Mllftl f,ululni,n..,H.A n.t ABURK CUIli: for i:)lltriy or Flta In 24 lioura. Free to poor. I)n. hiiume,.rlMAraenalBt.,St.I,uullM A. N. K.-A. 8M IViTKS Hit ITIXfJ TO AnVJCitTl.flCltB, Vlriltr muU vu ,ulv thm aerik.MIll (ft thittpuper, NhW H Rl I'.imay l'rco. Alo, Inal publMtrd, The Murphlnt l'trf !iX)pp. ( .U) I.islu K. Kaitt.Bt, M. D Burgeon C A A: it "il. Owioiit. ILL.. U. B. A.