CZJlTJlZmZTZSTJI irXBTHMtXlKXU vmMimBHm9iiniuLnimjXikmMiMl ULJL1J-U tSS3!aBBCaiatUiLlLl.LAtltiXia Locals on ovo7 .mgo, Stick to 4,lio coiiiprbiniHi!. Vote tlic ticket Blniiglit, buys. Coiiuriwa mljouriiuil slue die on tho Kill illHt. Anot hr lino reslilunoo going up on Maxwell ritrait. Threo inoro now resilience., will soon lio coniinunccil In: re. Ctirzon, the Jowelor, lias received liis big burgliti'-pioof Hiifo. Tho irolilbltlonl.HU of Ohio have iioiiiiniitt.'il a Htato ticket. If you want to buy a farm or rent a bouse call on Wort & C '. Hilly Walking now residence ia neat ly painted and looks real cosy. Hank Wort will Hell you u Bowing machine cheaper than anybody. Tho II. & M. raiload from Auburn to Toouiusoh is Hearing completion. Several "prairio schooners" passed through South Auburn last Saturday. Hon. V. S'Uiders, formerly of Tin. A DVHitTisKit, removed to Lincoln last week. A Hiilfulo maro known as Hulfiilo mile in tiirl," recently paced paced a '1 !"'( Our now school ediMeo on tho hill will show off well for many miles around. Arthur Prescott, of Urownvillo, was perambulating around our streets last Saturday. 11. k M. surveyors are running a line from Dawson, on tho A. & N". to Mo lilalia City. Dog. Collins was in tho citv mending tooth Jast week. JIo comes the lOih of each mouth. There was u light frost in sonic of the canyons of Hrownville, on Tues- iay nignt, last week. r - . Prank Johnson and Oeorgo Ann futiuo rftrong were looking about county seat, Thursday last, the Tho TToldrege is crowded with trav elers nearly overy night these times. I'eoplo hooii Ibid out a good hotel. A V-'WEnm. iii the Omaha uauoruit 51b Hayrrtiiat ;ur. icrv ii. of Pinv- Ibo I nee has withdrawn from tho guberna torial race. Prof. F. It. Sykesand wife, of Liing-don- Mo were in tho city Thursday. Mrs. Dr. MeUrow, of London, accom panied them. If you want to soli dflrTOyffur farm or your town propertyleSvofa with Wort & Co. They will IffiTfTtnkor it one win be found. The Catholic church, interiorly, is uomg olegantly Mulshed. Tho outside has received a second coat of white and looks well. Our delinquent's letter isn't well re eoived in the district. Kven.tho Beat rice papers say his simplo denial is en tirely too thiti. If you want your paper that con stantly advocates the local inteiests of all to live and prosper, call and pay your subscription. "Do wo like pl'(o)?" We should tiinllo to titter -but not llko that when tho old door camo down with hod pounds of typo on It. The B. & M. R. It,, known as the "Buiiingt Ion Route" offers special ad vantages to travelers. Seo their ad vertisement in this paper. (1-23 Congressman Valentino has "got away" with tho delegation in tho third congressional district. And Hosownt er, the arch demagogue, is not happy. Two sons of Mr. Clancy, the now hardware man, arrived hero Monday uvoning. They are nice looking voung men, and wo hope they will llko their now location. It will bo seen by Dr. West's card that he has moved his otllco Into the building, second Moor, where ho may bo found, when not pro fessionally called away. Mrs. David Kito called Tuesday and had her, husband's namo entered on our subscription list, and paid for tho pa per for ono year. That s business. Tho lady has our thanks. May other wives follow her exainplo. When you want any tousorial work dono in Brownvillo, call at the place of Prof. Ross Wltchorly, Mrat door east of tho postolllco, where ovory appointment is neat and pleasant, and work dono in tho best stylo. Our esteemed old patron, Mr. John Hastlo, of Clifton, called Tuosday and paid liis subscription. May ho live long and prosper. Wo beliovo "Mr. II. is now in tho hog shipping busiuess at North Auburn. . On Monday last Mr. Hill Daily was in Auburn. Daily, you know is a "orushei," and that was his business here Monday. The forenoon hit spent at North Auburn, and getting that end lixed by noon, ho took In tho south end in the afternoon. .Dally is im mense, when he gets on the war path, and a little place like this is "handled," as he calls K, in no time at all. lie amused I ho boys exceedingly Monday afternoon, and had thetii all laughing. A man you know with meagre intel lect and the presumption of a cow-boy, is always funny. William drove up to tho Iloldrege when lie camo into town. "Who's that V asked a man from Mis souri, in a group on the corner. "Why, that's Charity Hill," answered one who knew him. "Charily Hill, who the devil is Charity Hill, any relation to HulTalo Hill, or Canada Hill or any of those Hills notorious for handling pis tols or the little paste boards?" "No," only in sympathyonly in tho peace ful pursuits of politics. He started out to criibh Church Howe Into a po litical grave, but the llrBt really nan guinary light ho got into ho cried like a spanked baby instead of standing up and fighting like a man. I've got enough of Charity Hill- his salt water is too near the surface, He's now out dealing political monto but he's such a bungler that any one can see through his game." And thev all went over and took a look at the great man. Hurglars entered tho store of Mr. Nathan Miller, North Auburn, last Saturday night, broke into his safe and took his money, about eighty dollars. The safe was one of tho old-fashioned lire proof kind. Tho walls buimrnuulH of heavy sheet-iron filled in with some concrete composition, the burglars with apparently little trouble broke and out a hole through tho back of it with it crow-bar or pick and an ax. After punching a hole about eight inches squaio they easily reached through and socuied the contents. Who committed the burglary is not yet known, but it is believed to .have been a man who was cook at tho M. P. House, and who suddenly skipped out about tho same time. Hill Daily is one of the most un grateful or men. When ho stood up before a largo body of legislators and wept as it his Jlttlu heart would break. for a porlidinus and unsuccessful trick, and between sobs begged the pardon of those (lignilied gentlemen, it was his kind-hearted and forgiving colleague, Church Howe, who sprang to his feet and moved that tho gentleman bo par doned, and now ho is waging a deadlv war on Church. We'll bet the next time he sots up a howl, Church will not rush to his rescue but lot him blub ber It out. 'riiaiMtiiKor utmu'ii lent week in corporated under th General Laws of the State, with a capital of twenty-live thousand dollars, and since elected the following Hoard of Directors: Chas. D. Nixon, Church Howe. A. H. Gil more, P. p. Starin, Win. A. SUriii. Under tho new organization Mr. Nixon has been elected president of the bank, and Mr. P. P. Starin, Cashier. Mr. Kelsey tho former president being com pelled to devote the greater portion of Ids time to his Missomi bank. Mr. Nixon is expected from New York very soon. Gov. Furnas in his card savs if bis candidacy "tends to ohlitmvitn fin.. tions," etc. How can it so tend when tho governor himself is mado the tool of ono of those factions to dofoat the other faction. Wo use tho epithet "tool," because that is the word that exactly expresses the idea. If ho were the loader, we would so say, but Fur nas Is no lender. Tom Majors and Hill Daily are the leal loaders of the fac tion aim i-urnas Is the tool. That tho long and short of it. is Hon. R. 0. Phillips, secretary and troasuror of the Lincoln land company, came down from Lincoln last Saturday. Ho came purposely to attend the citi zens meeting held on that evening. Our pcoplo like Capt. Phillips and are a ways giatilled with his visits liore. Ho. watches with jealous earo the in terests of this locality, and takes a hand in any business in which thoso interests aro involved. Tf the business men of tills plaoo or any of thorn who aro at all interest ed in keeping up their local paper, would like to know what thoy aro do ing toward its support, we invito thorn to call and see our books for tho last months or two, and if they are not ashamed of the meagre support thev aro giving it they ought to be. Wo have a very largo subscription list for a "country paper." Wo send papers i every whore. People form opin ions of towns and people by tho an pearanco of the papor. If any of our readers should judge of tho business of South Auburn by the business 'adver tised they will certainly concludo It is pretty slim. Mr. Diirrnha building, struck by g htn ng Monday, was insured against lightning, Mr. D. J . Wood's littlo daughter is very sick. Her recovery is very doubt ful. A nico rain shower and terrific thun der and lightning Tuesday morning.- Bon. P. Sander and wifo, of- Brown-villo,-Vere-iu the city to-d-iy. Tirst Distriot Congressional Convention The Kopublicnii Electors of the First Congressional District of Nebraska are hereby called to send delegates from the several counties to meet in Con gressional District Convention, at Ne braska City, on Thursday, September 7th, A. J). 1882, at 7 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for member ot Congress from 1st Congressional District, and to transact such other business as may properly como before the convention. Tho several counties are entitled to representation in the convention as fol lows, based upon tho vote oast for Jsaao Powers, Jr., in 1881, for Regent of tho State University, giving one delegate for each ono hundred and llfty (150) votes, and one dolegato for the fraction of seventy-five (75) votes, or over; also, one delegate at largo for each county: 2 30 I -i 1577 COUNTIES, COUNTIES. Klatinriltfoii Nemaha I'aiviiuu , .lollllKOIl Cliixi) LiuiciiHtor... Otoe t'liiw SaunilurH. Harpy DoiikIiih ... llttf i;iui ICO It is recommended: Pirst That no proxy be admitted t the convention, except such as are held by persons re siding in tho counties from which tho proxies are given. Second That no delegate shall rep resent an absent member of his dele gation unless lie be clothed with au thority from the county convention or is in possession of proxies from regu larly elected delegates. By order of Republican State Coii tral Committee. J a miss W. Dawks, Chairman. John, See'y. North Auburn Mixigraphs. Overcoats wanted. Sun Mowers are in bloom. Mr. Oeorgo Mutz has returned to us homo in Cass county. S. S. Leeds, of Hiawatha, has been spending a few days in town. Go to Jim Montgomery for a square deal in a horso tiadc. Jim savs bo would rather give a man a good horse at any time than to have- him think in advantage of that ho would take him in a horso trade. one on tiio elevator is progressing rapidly. George Palmer has commenced work on a house to rout when Mulshed. Stay thy cruel hand yet a few more days, Oil dreaded Jack Prost. Tho crafty politician is abroad in t'io land trying to catch with chaff tho unwary. Tim long moon jias gone down and a couple who have boon lighting the bat tles r nmrrlvtVliforur mix you Imvo agreed to disatrreo. Mr. Webb is erecting a dwelling boiibc and barber shop on First street, south of Gilmore's block. Mi. Starin, of Wisconsin, is visiting his brother, P. P. Starin, cashier of the Auburn Bank. Wo learn that Mr. Joseph Ord is pie paring to build an elegant residence on bis farm, northwest of town. Mr. Dightou thinks of building soon. James Montgomery is pieparing to build an addition to his house. W. II. Richaidsoii will commenco work on his house as soon as ho can get a lot to suit him. Warenco Ord and Dora Skillinau were aolected as teaebors for our school for the ensuing term. A day or two ago Mr. Church Howo and Mr. S. A. Osborn, who had been "bucking" against each other as to who should have the Douglas precinct dole gates, Willi some of the friends of both of theso gentlemen, camo togethor so far as to agree upon several gentlemen for delegates for Douglas precinct. As there are some changes being mado from tho original seven chosen, wo aro unable to givo their names. This, would seem to indicato harmony, and we presume harmony was intended to bo tho result of tho comprise. Both of the goutlenion having agreed to tho selection of each name, aro we should suppose satislled with tho situation in Douglas. All .Mr. Osborn exacted, wo bolievo in this delegation was that it should hold as paramount to ovory other consideration tho interests of Auburn and county seat lemoval. And that's all right. Wo am credibly informed that tho Lincoln Land Co." will in a .short tinio havo tho land in tho vicinity of tho court house square laid clT into lots, which will bo placed in tho market. Tliosnrvoyors will bo here about the 20th inst., when that bountiful location will bo survejfil and platted. That will no doubt Kio 11 fresh impetus to tho "forward march" of Auburn. M. C. ShurtlolT, an old settler in the southwest part of tho county, was In town Monday rupresentiiiK tho interest of J)r. Popped, of Mt. Pulaski, 111., enquiring tho prico of town lots, the depth of wells, do. Wo hope that Mr. .Shurtloff may bo tho means of settling Dr. Poppolo amongst us in tho near iu turo. If you want to seo w.lpit tho cunning skill of a good mechanic can accom plish in tlio way of wood work, go up to tho now Catholic church and look at tho altar built therein by' Mr. II. E. Lyoiu FRESH TIMOTHY SEED!! For sale by XJckoll & Shurts.. 3 0 8 1 "2 I.VJI 11 inn i 1117 u n in 0 mm iv! swio is M. T. Connor has vacated his pretty residence on Maxwell sheet, ami moved to tho peaceful quietude of tho coun try. The noise and bustlo of tho city grated harshly upon tho sonsltive nerves of our friend and he sighed for thogreen lanes and pastoral scones of his old homo in tho rural regions. Sealed bids will bo received until Monday, August 21st, at 10 o'clock a. in., to build school houso in district No, "7, according to specification to bo found at McGee & Mooro'sstore, per order of School Board. Bead what "A Voter" has to say as to how they make votes against Church Howo in Brownvillo, on Mist pago. Jim. McNaughton, of Brownvillo, was in town Wednesday, looking into tho "pollyticks" of Douglas precinct. T. IT. Dunn, of tho Chicago Lumber Co., went down to Howe last Tuesday, on business ior tho company. YOT TRAV. AMWYY.S TAKU Till; B. & JUL R. R. Examine rtup and time tables carefully. It will be seen that this line connects with C, 11. Se Q R. R.j in fact they arc under one management, jnd taken to gether form what is called the BURLINGTON ROUTE!! SIIOIITIMT AND (fl'ICKIT I.lN'i: TO Chicago, St. Louis,Peoria, Des Moines, Kock Island, AND nsl'IXIAMA' TO ALT. 1'OIXTS Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio. rillNCIPAI, ADVANTAGES Altn Through Coaches from Nebraska to destination on C, I). Se Q. R R. No transfers; changes from C., H. & QR. R, to connecting lines all made in Union Depots. THROUGH TICKETS AT jLOWEST rates CAN BE HAD Upon nppllontlon nt nny stntlnn on tho rnnd, Aueiils aro also preputucl to check Iiukkhuu ilirotmli; i,'lvu all Information im to niten, routes, tlmo, connections, etc., anil to wecuro sloeplnt; car accommodations THE NEW LInTtO DENVER And all points In Colormlo. iTIiIh extension Im completed and ready for InmineHi, and Hie publlo can unjoy all the, advantages ol a through line to Denver and Chlcniro all un der ono management. V. II, KUSTIS, Clen'l Ticket Ant., Omaha, Neh. ICow Uow ftcstorcri ! Just published, a new edition of DR. CUL VER WELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on the radical cure of Spermatorrhea or Seminal Weak ness, Involuntary Seminal Losses. Impotency, Mental and I'hjsioal Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. ; jUo, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fit, induced by self indulgence or sexual extrava gance, &c, The celebrated author, in this admirable Essiy, clearl) demonstrates from a thirty year s successful practice that the alarming contequcrces of self- auuic any uc ijuk any cureu: pointing out a mode of cure as one simple, ecrtain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be. may curt: himself cheaply, privately, and radically. Say This Lecture should be in the hands of every outh and every nun in the I ind. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to an) address, post-paid, on receipt of six cents ot two postage stamps. Address TllO Oulverwoll Mod- ical Oo., 4 Ann St New York, N. V. s post Office Box, 450 (linger, lluclui, MuiulrnkuybtlllliiKin and many of tho best medicines known are hero com bined iutoamedicineof such varied ind effective powers, nstoinakellie Greatest Dlooiirurifiqt&tha Bctt Health and Strength Restorer Ever Used. Itcures Dyspcpn, Hhcumalism, Flecplessness, ulldiseasesof tlie Stomach, DowcN, Lungs, Uver, Kidneys, nnd nil Female Complaints. lfyon are wasting nway with Consumption or ony disease, use tha ToNicto-day. It will surely help you. Hemember! it h far superior to Mitten, Essences of Gmper nd other Tonics, s itbuilds up the system without intoxicating. 50c nmlSi Mies, at all dealers in druRi. NoncRenuinewithout lignatureofHiu-o)c&CoN Y. Send for circular LARGE 8AVIN0 IM BUYI.N0 THE DOLLAIl SIZE. wLAJ5CB.Oax ' L.ONt, B .BalUflH tliinotfiUJIouiiU!ip'rlwt IIMr linlrr nd U Prmliig. Aiiiulml forlUclMiillnr.t aml.i t- iwt int. Rj .NercrFnlUto ItcMoro (Iroyor I'aileil llalrB H la Um youtUul evior. (DcU.rml 1 ili-, nt ellJnil.u. H NOTICES. Notice to Kcdeeiii Front Tax Sale. STATE OK N HUH ASK A, . Bu CoU.NTV OK MtMAHA, )"' To 0. H. ThotniiH, Atnnmlii TlioninN, .Inno Noyes, Ann Noyes.MeltHNnNoyon, Wllllum Niy(!8 mid Charles Noyen, liclrs-at hiw of John Noyes, deceiiNedt unci II. C, Thomas ntitl It. H. Kadley, owners iitiii persons Interested In tho following described renliy, nml rj, jr AmiuiUn Thomas occupiiiitn of tmld realty: You and each of vou nrn hnrnliv nntinn.i thaltlio County of Nemaha, hi tho Statu of Nchranka, did on tho llrHt dny of November lBiO, iHiichnHunt public- wale, the following described realty, Hltuated In Kuld County 0l Nemallu mid Statu of Nebraska, to. wit; Of J'ho went 1ml! of tho northwest quarter of section two t, In township six 0 North, of riuiKC fourteen II East, lor tho sum ti.W. MiniohcliiK for tuxes levied thofoon for 1S7U, (said realty belnu; assessed for tho year 1870 to the above nntuud II. O. Thomas) and said' realty having first been ollorod tor biiIo and remalnlngunsold for want of other bidders' also onu-tlilrd of tho (junrtor oi section two 21, In town bIx Oi N., of ratiRo lourlvcntNj !;., for tlio sum of 81.08, namo belnt? Tor taxes levied thereon for 1870, (said realty beluK assessed for the year l70 to tho nbove II. 0. Tliomas), and snld realty having first been offered forsuloand remain Iiik unsold lor wunt of other bidders; also two thirds of tho southeast quarter of hoo tlon two raj, In town six () N.,of rnngo lour teen H E for tho sum of 311 feo, name belnc ror taxes levied thereon lor 1870, (snld renlty helm; assessed for tho year 1870, to tho above named U. S Hadloy). and said realty Imvlnir llrst been ollcred for sale, nnd roiiiuliiliig un sold for want of other blddors. That tho certificates or said tax salcH Imvo hci'ii duly nsslKiieil to Robert Mulby, who Is the owner nnd holder thereof. That tho time of redemption from said sain expires on tho Hist day of Novomber And you aro further notified that unless said realty Is redeemed Irom snld lax sr.lo within five months from tho dato of this notice, to.wlt: On or huforn December 20th lasJ, 1 slinll apply to tho Treasurer of Nema ha county for a Treasurer's Tax Doed, on or alter said December iMtli, 18JW, for said roal Viilne- , ,. . HoimitT Maliiy. Nebraska City, Neb., July 111, 183.!. 7wl Notice of Appointment of Administrator, Estate of Samuel I. Hacker, deceased In the County Court of Nemaha County, Nebraska. Notice is hereby given that an application has been made to the County Court of said County to appoint Anne M. Hacker, administratrix of the estate of said Samuel F. Hacker, deceased, and that August 31st, A. D. 1882. at 100'clock a. m., at the office of the County Judge of Ne maha County, Nebraska, in Brownville, Ne braska, has been fixed by the court as the time and place for the hearing thereof, when and where all persons interested may appear and con test the same. J0IIN S. Stull, Dated July 31, 1S82, 7W4 County Judge. A'oticc of Probate of Will. Estate of Elisha I. Merriam. decease.). In the County Court of Nemaha County, Nebraska. In the matter of proving the will of said Elisha J. Merriam, deceased. Notice is hereby given tilat August 3tst,at 10 o'clock a. m., at the office of the County Judge of Nemaha Countv, Nebraska, in Brownville. Nebraska; has been lixed by the court as the time and place for proving the will of said Elisha J, Merriam, deceased, when and where all con cerned may appear and contest the probate there-f"- John S. Stull, Countv Judge. Dated August 1st, 1S83, ICKnl XoUcc. T MHiivIIP,H M K'V"nr,lH. Samuel Dally, It. Dally, Morrlhon. t ami State ot Nehrnkn, and taxed In tho . i. j;aily, .Mori Hon, other iiiinin unknown. On the fith of Derember i""u ol ! ll irrTn01" f,r l,,p 'l'Ht ti xei' or IbMi.ll to ls.siiim yeaiHlntervenlnK Mild InteN. to one hundred and twill. y-llvoiind :j.iou doliarH, and Im ,i tho taxes to date. And that tho time r re. emptlon will expire on m.ld nmiifru .?ifvl uehcnued on tho lth day of November b' lax neeil. Dr, .IohnI' Nrvi Klllfr1' r"flcnto by7Osl.orn&Ti,yiV,rt I.t't;jil Notice. To Mary A. Oldfield; non-resident, defendant. You are hereby notified that un the 22d day of July, iS8a,JohnM. Oldfield filed a petition against you in the district court of Nemaha coun ty, Nebraska, the praver of whieh is to obtain a divorce from vou on the ground of adultery and desertion. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before Mondav, the 3rd day of Sep tember, 1882. John M. Olumeu, Hy Osborn Si Taylor, his attorneys. IVotlce of Dissolution. " Noiiceis hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between G. V. l'airbrother Sr., G W. l'airbr. ther, Jr. and Benj. F. Sanders,' as G. V. Fairbrother & Co. publishers of the Nebraska Advertiser," b this da) dissolved by mutual consent. G. W. Fairbrother, Sr. and G. V. Fairbrother, Jr. wilt continue the besints, assume all liabilities contracted by the firm, and all sums due or becoming due on subscription or other business of the firm must be paid to them. G. V. Fairbrother, Sr., G. Y. Faikbrothih, Jr , . , Binj. i SaniukL Auburn, Neb., August 8, 1882. IVolivc olUlNsolutlon. The firm of Clagett Se Son is this daydiuolvod bj mutual consent, J. H. Clagett retiring, and I.) nn 1 M. Greene bu)ing his interest in the stock The business in the future will cairied on byC E Clagett and L M. Greene, under the firm name of Clagett & Greene, who will collect and settle a I accounts due from the old Grin. Please change the names on your books and oblige, Yours Respectfully. T , . . Clagett (c Grust, Johnson, Neb., July jo, 1882. xstnwrcraw r0ME TREATMENT. Jmmjfo A ccrtMn enro for Worvnuci SOar 5Wilty, .Spmlnal 8KJK ,tfj!-5;?5s&aoJg' 0, etc. ff 28 Yeara Wu. In 1 U.Iinh nuu mejch "l)tlul.lln ti 1.. 4. y, To luch !. in, ,, j ,, , II .Vtil(" I 1.9. U hell ft.. ' J iuliiriiiMi, tfi ri uriai 11,., Min !,, . !.:,' !'" ""'"' " 'r. IIIAUvn.. , . . - , rMc,a ,,; N..iU,;hVtT'.iiu, 'ic,V hClllu I- rti.ri.l 111.. .-1 ,.. LEGAL - . '"'"J i"iiurii mm 1 am the own n? m, ",tr,ftH,Vul' " wrllllcnie of sale No. HM. iw '.'"'"yOWiiiK ilewrlbi'd real estate to.wlt 1'art ol the southeast quarter or section Mx township six, north of ianKo llfte n chsI Coiitiilnliiu llltv aeres kII,,,, !i 1 ' .. ' 1 fill fir., luifnti. . ...... . .r ami nn illustrated book f -'"" rotuonsforeelf.treatmtnt nnVl ,ug.1?1,1 m' DR. T. Wtt.t.t 1l '.Pflnt f reo. Address .a,ua, Ma j L. nttrBt.,aiwiiiiM !. I