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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1882)
i ' rrjkmt.WJ,iii-' "Mi imf.-nTtgrTvmrrffi iarfr'i insi i i $ i ' i -I fc 'I b .'.'. cy - "fla '- 'mem i jHMi.:J (dL1- MHHh j mmm BY G.J HUH BROTHER & C0, Ratosof Advortifeing! Local Notice firt week, 19 crnti per line; Inch subsequent week, 5 centi per line. Display locals, 15 centi per Hue. Advertisements on local pge, 50 cerue ftr each per week Miscellaneous nil 50 cents fer inch r rr.onth. I.ogal .nil nt lcj;al ratet. CtJUNTY SjflAT REMOVAL. PUBLIcIeETINCI 1 or tho purpose of discussing this fjues tion, at SAWIUELSQN'S HALL, SOOTH AL'EMJltY, IVI2H., SATURDAY EVENING, AUGUST 112, 1882. HON. CHURCH HOWE, S. A. OS BO UN, And other Speakers will address tho CitfKons (if (he County uro invited to tuin (111L and hear this question dis cussed. t -.Stiitiomuy of all kinds at the post m Screw wireut Willing Bros. & Jor dan's. A. W. Xickull, rellalilu druggist. Jlrownville. For Lumber Linio itud Coal go to ,LTAV. Ki:hns. A. Xlukoll, tlioJbpok.seller.-- lil'OWTtVUlC, Strictly pure Sugar Synuit Devi 11 Jc Fisher's. Xlckoll, the druggist, vIlivo 3011 bargains in tea. $ ,, , 4", Try the Xou-Kxplosivo Sniffy Oil at SDovln & Fisher's. -J Hardware and Furniture at Willing Jiros. it Jordan's. (!o to tho Now Store for bargains North of the postollleo. Kxtru copies of Tun Advdutisku or nalo at the postolllee. -- Manic doods, notes, mortgages etc., for sale at this ollleo. Machine oils of nil kinds ut greatly reduced prices ut Xlckoll'.s in Jrown vllle. M A great tomporauiiJPcainp mooting was hold nour Vlhoannes, Ind luat week. Jm 9fifi nU8UEI.KrvFlinoiiy 8eod for CtJJ Hle, Hddrim gx, A.' Stawurt.HmUU Auburn Nbruska. '-'tflWx, Emnui TnniplColumbus young ludy. jvnnonmHoiittho street In miilo attire and wMnawRfcl mill fined s?io S umd cosu. Tr ( A-little ba$1Voud 0f his now Jacket, withW UrWbuttoius on It, cried out to liis Blstwm'T.ook 11 hero, als, ain't iimix-uttttintiar An I tot has bueh arrested for imbi uvtleliiwHtton bv Jamos Ktxl ih.thocoVornmontalleL'f'H. nmwn a murder of landlords. thy XafciOnal Catholic Total Ab- , ititmxta Unldn met in twelfth annual Hftlntlvii Ut St. Paul last week, the -;tt numbering 51)1. Hlshop Iro- ,&Httl(l'iyiMfi'ftiin elnnnoiir. nlivi In tlin ivmon iH?& ? t4iU.i'ww. i , ii 1' , . . SofiiiUoily has romarked: "There's itWf snld that hns not been said be fort.M Dut If that writer could see mm of ther awfully original poctiv in Ytutfih by South Auburn suntlowers, Wltlieutt the least provocation, ho SrfMirt'tHkeUJmQk. 'mnca aava: "To Hud the woiirhf. Imllow cast iron ball: MnltinK- !ilHfrrmiin nt Mm cnlia nf" Hut . 'T'wEV'ZV tl" v..-.w . ...u iiuiv'i iwu inner diameter in inches by .isos." The New Orleans Pfcujitne says that an ordinary junk dealer would put the old shell on a platform scale and 'trv that weigh. P ft A Oultm-M I11 nt !..- ull 1. i? " "' """"'"I '" "l nil.'l H.MIUUU and genial smile, accompanied by (loo. Cross, tho chap who soils lumber cheap for cash and also duals in doors and sash, who handles the famous Marbjo liuml lime, and is full of business all tbo time, paid a visit to tho embryo city of Johnson last Wednesday , Y Majors Unmaukod Tlio Wind Lot Out of tho Now Deal. Tho political situation h Xomaha county at tho Absent time (Hont'iits an asneet. in one sense ludicrous, and in another sense disgusting. Figuratively wo behold the ludicrous position of a robust political (nihilist knocked out of time, sprawling 111 the dirt, his seconds throwing up llnj sponge, yet howling aiound in a futile attempt to lindsomo man to stand hcloic the champion. Not figuratively, tho disgusting spec tacle is presented of a would be states man with pretensions claims to con gressional Illinois, who, realizing tho iactlhat lie is not wanted, that his claims ato ignored, stooping to the most contemptible political tricks to thwart tho will of the people. liver since tho national census was taken and additional congressional ion resentation mooted, Hon. Church Howe and Hon. T. .1. .Majors liavo been pros pective candidates for congress. Every body in Xemalia county knew that these gentlemen would bo candidates for the indorsement of the Republican party of the county, and Hint they would, as UMial, bo antagonistic. Well, that was all right, and tho people of Hie county weie ready to hoist the Mag of tho winning man. Trim to tlds state of affairs Mr. Majors souio time ago, when his aspirations as a contin gent so suddenly collasped at Washing ton, hastened home, unfurled his battle ling, had his hair cut, swelled himself up, and bombastically entered the Hold to content for the Xoniahu del egation against Church Howe. Since that time until within tholu.sttcn days imi.1 i-i-i 11 mini 111 i-nni vu. 111! IlilS traveled through every precinct and into every ueighboihood, setting the pins for himself and pulling tho wires sor a Majors legislative ticket. Xow, then, that this contest has been most, conspicuous between the two po litical gladiators, we think that fair play, ordinary gentlemanly conduct and common decency would demand that Mr. Majors acknowledging himself too weak to contend for the prize should take a back seat, and let him who lias so fairly and luanlv won it wear it. It would he hut decent in Mr. Majors to acquiesce in the obvious will of the par ty and people in tho matter. There is probably not another aspirant for congressional honors anywhere who would not graceful v as possible retiio and leave the Held to the man who had vanquished him. iiut no. Xot so with Mr. Majors. Ho is still making liim seir conspicuously energetic now, not as a candidate hiniholf. but to over throw .Mr. Howe, and the will of the majority of the Republican party who support Mr. Howe ami "sat down on" Mr. .Majors. Wo llnd Mr. Majors now, either in person or by his lackeys, in tho camp of Mr. llowo attempting to deceive, soft soap and proselyte hi friends. A di. moral izer, a disorganize!-, a demagogue and deceiver in the party he professes to love, his motto is to ruin if he can urn, ruio ir. j 110 "now deal" that we hear something about is wholly and soully a scheme of Majors to distract and stampede Mr. Howe's friends. Uut how extremelv thin it is proving to bo. Ho a Tow days ago sent a delegation of those he puts forward to do his dirty wovk to Hon. .1. S. Church, our popu lar lied ford farmer,, with proffers to make him the congressman. Tho gauzlness of this proceeding is made perceptible in tho fact that Judge Church has evor been a warm friend supporter of and co-worker with Mr Iiowo. .Tudgo Church Is a solid and sonslblo man, and ho said in effect to tho Majors temptero what Christ said to the dovil, or words to that effect. And that scheme falWd. Next Gov Furnas was approached with a liko proposition. Hut the Governor, too can seo through a mill stone, especially If it has a big holo in it, and lie wouldn't bite. This 'innears to have hrmnrhr. tin. in. tlo noisy Majors crowd about to the end of tiioir rono. and we loam Mm. tllOV lll'tt amnnL the nnotiln flimlfii'tn... that there s n "now" ,....1 ..,. having their plans well matured, some "i wioin are declaring that Judge Church is a candidate for Congress, while others are siivlmt Mm um.w. r 1' urnas. Tho truth, to our knowledge, K that neither Mr. Church nor Mr. 1 urnas is a candidate. Tho former porsonallv informed us that ho would not permit his namo to be used in con nection with tho congressional contest under an v considorat ion, and Oov. Fur nas said the same of blmsnir i, v.,,.i- ous members of tho central committeo ami oiuer gentlemen who last Satur day (lUestioiied lllm rrriilt,..r ll. matter. h How disgraceful the various tricks that our "delinquent" has boon guilty Of lately, ami how ovtreimtlv lutmlltiit. ing tho exposures would bo to one with less cheek than Tom Majors or a gov ernment mule. A word of caution is scarcely neces sary to tho people, or at least to tho friends of Mr. Howe. Thev under- sianu .Majors and his tricks. Thev know that these subterfuges he is at tempt lug is an acknowledgment of his own weakness with tho masses of tho people. Thoy know his disposition to ruin when ho cannot rule, and that tho efforts of hliufielf and lackovs In this county at this time li not in tho inter est of tho county, tho country, or tho people. When you see a tnll emU.-imiw. 1 Kcnun-oveii, goou-iooKing- rellow loung ing about tho depot in Xorth Auburn, and are in doubt as to will light or Hot, rail lidu a liar and sue. , . . . ' ' -iwnii'l, A OURIOUS M0NSTK08ITY, Written for Tj lie Advkutikkh. The quiet neighborhood in tho vicin ity of tho brick church, three and ono-lialf miles southwest of JJrown villo, is in a fever of excitement over a monstrosity, which turns out to bu a twin female born inside of her sister. Wliile these kind of monsters have been observed before and not wholly uncommon, yet the liko docs not occur in that vicinity everyday. Jtis visited daily by people curious to see "unnat ural things" that are perfectly natural, and exaggerate and warp their imagina tion with recitations from silly specu lation as to what it is, and what sin tho parents could have committed to thus tho Creator to visit their offspring with such hideous deformity. Your correspondent was icpcatedly solicited to visit the wonder and make note in tho Auvkutinku of what ho saw and hoard, and confirm as many different stories as it was consistent with superstition ami ignorance to swallow. Arriving on tho ground, wo found an elderly Irish gentleman, with pleasant maimer, who informed us his name was Lindsey. and that his wife, who in tho absence of a physician of ficiated as tho midwife, and that thn child was in hor charim and Mint, wo could seo the same. Tho following is Mrs. L.'s account of the parents' history: Mr. Chits, (ireen, and his wife, Alfa, are American born and lately Immigrated fiom Illinois to tliis state. Mrs. (J. has been the mot her of three children previous to this birth ail died in infancy the two Hist were twins. Xothing unusual occurred in tho ciiciiinstances of the previous births. We then examined the monster and found it to bo is called by medic al abdominal inclusion. It consists of twins. 0110 of the chil dren being fused or grafted into its mate to such an extent that tho head and body is whollv absorbed and ail of tho spinal column except the sacrum. The upper extremities consist of the long bones of the arms, with one fin ger and thumb on the left baud, and four fingers and no thumb 011 tho right hand. The naiN are perfect. There is no scapula or clavieal, but the two arms thus constructed are bound fast at their superioi extremities to the up per part of the sternum or breast bone of the more perfect child. About two inches down the breast bone, from the attachment of the arms, the pelvis of grafted child Is attached to the ensi forin cartilage,- it is llattened or spread out ami tho pubic bones in cluded within the bowels of the perfect child. The sacrum is apparently per fect, the legs and feet are perfect and look like the limits of a live mouths foetus. The bowel of tho grafted child becune occluded on iho third day, hut the bladders of both children act in a normal manner.' Tho head, spinal column and extremities of tho more perfect child are normal all but the right ear, which has no external open ing. I ho thorax and bowels are dis proportionally largo and undoubtedly contain tho imperfectly developed vis cera of the twin sister. This being has boon vory feeble from birth, and ow ing to a deformity about the navel and the absence of the omentum and other proper coverings to the bowels about the umbilicus the child cannot live. Hundreds of people have called to see thlsiirodigv. and inanv uuLLti'ntnd stories are in circulation by the super stitious and ignount, which no doubt are highly edifying to all but the grief stricken parents. In all times and ages of the world tho same things have been enacted when such beings were horn and tho ignorant finding it diffi cult to harmonize the spiiit relation of such beings with thoir "too previous" notions of things, class them as works of devils, sins of tho parents, monsters etc. Thostudv of tho science of Teratol ogy is a matter of great interest to the auatoniNt and biologist, and when un derstood there is nothing mysterious about these anomalous beings. The great mystery is why they do not occur oftener. Tho sins, friglits, longings, desires, hopes and fears, have nothing whatever to do in this matter. Xoithci' I are they "sports of nature," for nature never spoils, nor does winnisical tilings. Thero is always a cause for everything and this cause is in accordance with law governed by cieativo intelligence. Without going into detail 01 descrip tion of monsters of all kinds, or their classification, wo will attempt to make piain mo cause 01 tluunio monsters like ltita-Christiua. Siamese-twins, etc. Each class arise from causes quite dif ferent. So the law governing duplex beings arises from ouo cause only and have certain conditions of arrangement which cannot occur otherwise by any possibility wliatovor. tho same is ob vious to tho student of. embryology but cannot bo explained in this con miction for want of 'space and dia grams. Twins fuseu together must of necessity bo of the sumo sex. Thov must bo placed in four positions only, viz: hacks togothor, faces together, sides bound right and left Siamese like, and heads one way. Tho back of ouo child cannot bo fused to tho abdo men of its twin, mf tho bond of 0110 to the pelvis or the other, for tho generic law is as imperative and Inexorable as that of gravitation to the wholo uni verse, and c.tiinot be changed from its course and effect. In 1S:IU ;t Catania. in Sicily, was born a three-beaded child, this gave the stimulus to medical men to moro fully Investigate this matter, and now there' roiunlnR no longer any mystery, .and tho. .sin of the parents died out of Iho minds of oven the pious element of tho medical world. Find a double-yolkcd egg, carefully break 0110 end and empty out 0110 yolk, hold up the shell to the light and ou will seo one of three conditions, either a partition or septum, (being a reflec tion of the skin of tho egg,) or a par tial partitk 11, or 1101m at all. Tho skin of tho eggfs called the chorion, if the chorion partition separates the yolks, theio will be no monster nor cannot be if tlio egg is hatched. If tho partition between the yolks is only partial tlio chickens when hatched will bo con nected at ouo or more points, having tlio four wings, four legs and two heads. There is a membrane covering each yolk, we will cill this tlio amnlon,if 0110 of thesu is ruptured it will he absorbed by the other and the result is a fused condition of tlio bodies, or ouo into the other. Tho chorion containing two am nions without a partition is always one sexi'd. The lien's egg is tlio true renre- seiilatlon ami the same as all animal life in its embryonic reMilts. It. 15. A. Tho child monstrosity described in the foregoing article, died a low days ago. Kd. Advkuti.sku. An Iowa jury has started a)vory prac tical boom for the West. What the West wants, after capital, is women. Young women. An Iowa man kissed his cook. She found fault either with the size or manner of tho saiuto and sued him for damages. The jurv calcu lated Hit! damage at 5:l.ot)0. Xow in Massachusetts according to a recent de cision a man can hug two women against their will for 10, and in lirook lyn the retail cost is put on the same basis as the wholesale, "without dis crimination," as the anti-monopolists would state it. and one kis was taxed -"i. I'nwilling girls will therefore come West if they know themselves. Re side, the jury market value of the kiss is not lounded altogether upon the com parative difl'orenco in cost of women sweet enough to be kissed against their will in Iowa and Massachusetts. A great part of tho difference expressed by Sa.oou against 0, is the difference but ween the kiss of a robust and healthy son of tho prairie, and tho weakly sa lute of an eflete super-civilized bounHod Rostonian. When an Iowa man kisses a girl tlio immensity of the force ex pended compared to a Massachusetts kiss is a cyclone to the eddy of a lan guid fan. Equitably the Iowa man can better afford tfij.QOO for a kiss then the palo faced Harvard student can with propriety disburse a liver. Ho gets that much moro satisfaction out of it. This is by no means a discouragement to girls who contemplate coming. West. It is something worth while to exper ience tho earthquake of a y:5,000 kiss. A five dollar article must ho Mm sort of suffering and a girl ought to bu. it iiiuu imumiiuii lu Ullllg It WHO COtllt. State Journal. ' Dr. Anita E. Tyug, of Providence. R. I. has accepted tho position of ChitTf I'hysicianof tlio Philadelphia Women's Hospital. Tho position involves great responsibilities, having under its di rection four physicians, a largo mat ernity, dispensary, clinics, and a train ing school for nurses. Ur Tyug has sailed from Huston on tho steamer Palmyra, intending to spend two months in inspecting some of tlio hos pitals of Iiuropo. She will return, the lirst of September, to enter on her new work in Philadelphia. It has neon suggested that "In - migrants will slum Iowa on account ot prohibition." That will depend upon the reasons for which man but farms. If Iow.i enforces law no man doubts but that alio can reduce hor expenses for jails, penitentiaries, poor houses, and criminal courts one-half. If land is not worth more in a Stato full of. sober people and school houses and churches than where occupied by tipplers, jails, and poor houses, thn wo had better change our civilization. Intw Ocean. A fow weeks ago at Lancaster, Grant county, Wisconsin. Lewis Sisley mar ried Miss Einina Heel-ford, and they were at his mother's, at whoso house also lived a Mrs. Stout and Robert Hamilton ami wife. Tho second morn ing after Sisley's marriage his wife was found UK) rods from the house, dead, with several bullet holes in hor breast. After a prolonged examination Sisley has been placed under heavy bonds. Paruell is about to issue a circular, with a U'v to cheek the operation of tho Land Corporation. iWUJU h"w rV i -r-. IlOW lilINt, Blow (ICNtOI'tHl ! Juit published, a new edition of DR. CL'I. VElUVlil.L'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on the radical cure of Spermatorrhea or Seminal Weak ness, Involuntary Seminal bosses. Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity Impediments to Marriage, etc. ; also, Coniumption, Epilepsy and Fits, induced by lelf' Indulgence or sexual extrava gance, &c. The celebrated author, In this admirable Esiav, clearly demonstrates from a thirt) year's successful practice that the alarming consequences of self abuse may bi ladically cured; pointing out mode of cure as one simple, certain, and elTectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically . i:y This Lecture thould be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. sent under seal, n a plain envelope, to any address, piM-paid, on receipt of six cents ot two postage stamps. Ad Jres The Ulllverwoll MtlU JcalOo., 4' Ann St., New York, N. Y.- knur. Ollicc Bux, 459, LEGAL NOTICES. A'otlce (o llcuccm Sale. From Tax STATU OF NlSliKAHKA, ) (Jot'NTV of 'i;maiia, j 88. lo C. II. 'II1011111N, Anmiidn Tliomnn, Jnno .NojobiAiiii NofN,1MuliHnNoytM, William oyei uiitl Charles NoyoH, helrs-at law or John JSoyeN, deeeimud; and H.C, Thomas and it, H. llu -j Icy, owners and jiltsoiih lnturostud In thulollowlngduKOiIberi rualiy, and C. II lliomiiNitt.d Amanda Thomas occuimnts of said lenity: You anu encli of you nro hereby notlllod that tho County ol Xcmniiit, In tho Htato of rtcuriiMku. did on tho first day of Novomber 1U, iiuiciiuMjul jiuullo nuIu, tho followlmr described realty, situated la said County of iScmalm mid Stale of Nebraska, to-wlt: Thu won hall or tho northwest nimiter of section two aj, In township six 0 North, of iinifH iimr 11 rr 11 i..,L,t I. ...J .'...'. same, belnu: for tuxiN levied thereon lor lhTii v-.. . ....., j uuiiiH i.nni-niuil lur IIIO yClir 1871), to thoaiiovo named II. C. Thomas) and sani realty havliiK llrst been ollcred Tor sale and rullllll II lllLT IIIIHII.ll fill- IVI.Ill .if ..II..... 1. 1. I.I aNo otio-thlrd of tho southesst iitmrter ol niimimuu,iiiiuivn six u, r(., or raiiKo fourteen 11IJ1-' lor tho sum or 8I.IH. saiiio boliii? for tuxes levied thoreon lor 1H7H, (sahl really belnu; aH-essed for tho year 1870 lo tho nboye II. C. Thomas), and said icalty Olivine llrst been offered forsnloittid remain, nil? unsold lor want of other bidders: also iwo-thlnW of tho southeast oimrtor of sec tion two fai, In town six HI N.,of raiiKe lour teen HJ ).,., for the sum of $11 8U, s,mi0 i)iiimt for taxes levied thereon lor lh7ll, (snld rwtiltv tlMttir liMnuMint fnr tin. ....... luu ... . mimed It. S. ltadley). and said realty having ...o.wvn wuuiuii mi nine, una remniuini; un sold for want of other bidders. k That tho certificates or said tax snles have - been duly asiduned to Hobvrt Maiby. who Is the owner and holdsr thereof. Thai the llino or ledomptlon from snld snleexplies on tho fhst day of November And you nro further notified that unless snld really Is lecleemed limn said lax fcalo within live month from the date of this '."!., 'T1 ! v,t! V" "r lu,fnrn r)eeembor2(Jth' 1NS2, I shall apply to the Treasurer of Nomu hu county font Trensuier's Tux Deed, on or altei said December Stun, ISS'. for said real Neliiuskn City, Neb,, July ill), 1882. 7wl Sotico of Appointment of Administrator. Estate of Samuel I". Hacker, deceased In the County Court ol Nemaha County, Nebraska. Notice is hereby given that an application has been made to the County Court of said Countv to appoint Anne M. Hacker, administratrix of the estate of said Samuel F. Hacker, deceased, and that August 31st, A. D. 1882. at 10 o'clock a. m., at the ollice of the County Judge of Ne maha County, Nebraska, in Brownville, Ne braska, has been fixed by the court as the time and place for the hearing thereof, when and where all persons interested may appear and con test the same. JohnS. Stull, Dated July 31, iS8a, 7W4 County Judge. Notice of I'rolititc of V III. Estate of Elisha J. Merriam, deceased. In the County Court of 'Nemaha County, Nebraska. ln the matter of proving the will of said Elisha J. Merriam, deceased. Notice is hereby given that August 10 o'clock a. m.. at the, office of the County Judge of Nemaha County, Nebraska, in Urowmille. Nebraska; has been fixed by the court as the time and place for proving the will of said Elisha J, . Merriam, deceased, when and where all con cerned may appearand contest the probate thereof- John S. Stull, Countv Judge. Dated August 1st, 1SS2. " 'a "! 1IIIISJI'. To Francis M. Klchnrds, Samuel Daily. K. Dally, Morrison. '' ouaro hereby untitled Hint I nm thoown or of a treasurer s certificate of sale No I All of the following described real estate to-wlt: lartot thu southeast quarter ot section six. lovvnsh p six, norih ot raimo fifteen east, containing ftlty ncres situated In tho north oust eoriior of said sictlon, In Neniahacoun. tynmlbtiuoor Xehriiikn, mid taxed In iho mu"e' r111,,eUM. Hlehards, Samuel Dally, H. T. Dally, Morrison, oilier iianio unknown. On the 5th of December, iwti. said Inuds werosold for Hie ilellniiueiit tuxes of to lhTSund yeursi..te.ve1ilnVM.I,7 ilnte.s, amouiitl'iKio one humlied nnd t wen-ty-tlvound :i.(Ml dollars, und Ims puld nil tno tuxes to date. And that Hie time for n- emnili.n wl 1 explieon said piopoilj ahovo described on tlio lrith day or November 1KM' it which tho undersigned will apply for a 'xdepil. Dr. Jonjf K Nkw Owner of snld cortlllcnto by O-horn .tTaylor. his iiKviits. 7U; ' Legal iotic( Legal Notice. To Mary A. Oldfield; non-resident, defendant. You arc hereby notified that on the 22d day of July, 1882, John M. Oldfield filed a petition against )ou in the district court of Nemaha coun t), Nebraska, thepra)er of which is to obtain a divorce from you on the ground of adultery and desertion You are icquired to answer said pe tition on or before Monday, the 3rd day of Sep tember, 1882. John M. Oldfied, Uy Osborn & Tailor, his attorneys. Notice of m.ssoliitloiK Noiice is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existinc between O v p.t.t.....u.. "!. ;.)V..,,?,tbr-,her' Jr- and Ben3- .Sanders, as l. W. rairbrother & Co. publishers of the Nebraska Advertiser," ii this day dissolved by mutual consent. G. W. Fairbrother, Sr. and G. V. Fairbrother, Jr. will continue the besiness, assume all liabilities contacted by the firm, and all sums due or becoming due on subscription or other business of the firm must be paid to them. G. W. rAlKUKOTIIEK, Sr., G. V. Fairiirother, Jrp, , Benj. F. Sandlks. Auburn, Neb., August 8, 1SS2. . A'oticu of IiNo!utioii. The firm of Clagett fc Son is this day dissolved bv mutual consent, J. H. Clagett retiring, and Lnn M. Greene buvinL' lii inrrrecr in rl, .frL- The business in the future will carried on by C. E.' v-.jbc'i ano l, (vi. urcene, under the firm name of Clagett Sc Greene, who will collect and settle J I accounts due from the old firm. Please change the names on vour books and oblige, Yours Respectfully. CLAnrTT A. rSuvrfcrr Johnson, Neb., July 20, 18S2. Private Diseases7 Persons desiring the popular prescription of the late Dr. Jonas Crane, for Venereal Diseases, can have the ame filled by calling upon l")r. Alfred Crime, at his residence, Rrowr.ville, Nebr. 615 W1TCIII2III,Y .c HAWKINS." T?IRST DOOU EAST OF THE POST I1 Uttlee. vv ner.i tho i"t lousorbTl v?T)?li is done I., Ilrownvllle. r Sviwlm il'nily. ft. . j m b U , si ' 1 mi in oa h .1 J .11 1 ,,a ih.i4' u luuPtfril.uM. ii'i. .' : -, -" " " ' "m TZ.''l,ri ..' " ' ' '"lUititwwiiii 4k V & f f E