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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1882)
I fft glcbnuihn dvcrliticr. U, ft ntMMffUt.P.btm,, FitythU: AfWCK.H, i j " Xf'.flltAJfKA. Till! NK1IIT lUWUItl', IMfl. run mow- Oi (tin tilitlil 1itotn tn inimlnt, YfjiMit llin tlu mnilU mint wan WtrtMu, It wn tiUiwtiit i wl In im Ankle r.j( lUtutiitti ttiivmt Hint um- jfM Midi IlilWHt 111 tltllll'U Ul'iVtlltU (III ttih mutil liKtntH llii iiinrrliiit, )Uil wlii'ii unit my fnil wmt UnjHtt, Misil mm din wild Mm iintlniti I nun Hut lmtti nitlln' unit lly im 'tlitntlitti nii'Vlluu lltivfimnwl tnrrinu ernnn, 'nil hlnwliii un Hint lltitit warn tyinit Unnniiwimi tlmliiilntin ilflm. Jlill Inn nut Imiu nnimt uulnut I'JIwl llm iiwn'Um Willi finboii iieiit Ami wiwmi nwi mum, in hbwililiiK liny, llwt xhmiH lie. iii'Kiliif Hih May, And iilni lli-y vthimihi iniwlly Mowliiif On llii filulil liKtnin llin imiwlnu. Miil'lmi, imbi ntititnilKmwIttu, Mulili. Willi Dm finmit luilr Hotrlnw, yy II I nyi-n lihni m Hih nklt iiImivh, I'llMI lli flllril lid' HUH Of brfll, (miwiiwI wllli yiiiilliiiiiil Jny Mini Ixmiily, 'limn ulinll imiiii ilivliwr iluir. Oil trlinii llnliim fiilm! nlinwltitf il nHtly for llm iiiiiIiii 'J'liwi KlniMliI ImiiiIiIk, iiiiii orilrlf't l-ii llm lilmlii hi lliy you iik Urn, Id mil friii i mi miiiin kwcoI iniiiiiiw 'Jllllll nlmll li'Mlli Him liiif dorioty, Mum A. Han. In lliiiiiri'n ll'ffhlit, OMTItlCII-llllMIMJ. JillliiH ltibuHlf mi llm Urbiiii I'iiiIiIii llior llin Oni'timl nMliiiiiiil Dilvnu lulu HliliMe.llin nf Him MiiiiIkim NIm. Captain .fitini'M FhwhiiiIHi, mid his Ikoii (loinpiiiiliiii, 'I'liiinimi Itiiri'oil, iii- omuiy ruiiiiiuul hoin mi ostrich hunt beyond llm Tiwnviiiil, In llm neighbor hood of llio Orange Itlvur. 'I'lio ( 'apluln Irt II Viiloriili, mill llin neoniiiil, of it III I In (iMi(ii'liiiioo if himself mill lltllTOll Im ln IliriiNlIll, Tim (mini IiiIhiIiIIikI II1111I17 imrlloiiM of Africa fnini yil. 11ml llin lliuliiii'y Hlulnii lo llm (,'npi'i, itml worn lit) mil. 1 110 iiiiihI, I1II11II11 iumo In llm world, II. would lutvn lionn mIimomI Im iimfiilii lo (iiiiluro or nImmiI. IiIiii. 'I'lm oxIrldli'H mI;j;IiL mid Imiuln inn wniiilm' fully Ium'Ii, mid Ikh'mii run 11 1, llm ruin of 11 inlln In I wo inliiiiiim for 11 lon limn, lull, with nvnry nilvniilnKn on Mm mIiIh, IiIm own wluplillty pro vim liln ilimiruo linn. 'uphill! I'oWMiiilMutmllilMfrlnnd worn wnll iuoiiiiIimI, liul, mi llm iluy wiim hx- Inuimly hoi, limy plullml llmlrmilmiilN uiiiIoi'dIiiiiIo linnimiil llirowllmnimtlvni on llm ground IdmiiioIco mid rnHl uiilll llm huh hIioiiIiI ilonooml lownr In llm nliy. A Imlr-liiiur lulor, ('iipluln I'mv niiiIiIi oullmt itllniillon to 11 ourloiiH vIm llor npprnimlihiu;, Art llin two ImnlnrH row In tlnnY roiil (hoy poivolvoil iluil Im wiimu liiiHliinmi, without, imy oovinliur forhlMlmiul, wllh ii vory Homily nIiIiI, no fool gour, mill with hUtiiitisorn nIiiiiu; ovoi-IiIh Nhoulilnr. 'I'lio ma of (Iihnu tiouKoiM wcrn llllnd wllli ttonmthlnir vhluh nvpmulml llinin iUihomI, lo dm iinrnllHK polnl, Whim tho nvlnnlnn niv. IU ummuip hiMMU'otuUy lot down tlm liouvlly wnlghlnil mu'inout, mid drnw out nn OMtrloh i;, rhlih ho luvnontoil to (Jnptulu KnwMinllh. "Lot um mo how ninny ho lum," mild Humid, who iiiiiooimIoiI to llnd out tlm onpiinllv of tin rntlioi' lltippy trousoin li'K1. 'I'ln ownor, on oomlim; upon tlm osltlnh mini, hint iloiUul IiIm fi)Wr nr mniit, lorn olt'u ntvlp from llm wnNt liiuul. with which ho tlnd tho bottom of oiwh tiMUNnvH lojr, 11ml tlmn Im hud m. ooodi'd to diiipoU tho with um nmoh onlhuMlioou im tin Amorloiut mvhln oft on hIiowh In jillmrlnj( upoclmons for his collcollnti. Tlioro wow n of thorn nu In ono log, nonn In tho othor, Whim tho luulv f llm u-nrnmnt oontnlmul u nurnd do. m uv). Wlmn U U nmdo Known tlmt vtrnh ogg woltfhod nliont, thivo pounds. iud wns oipuvHu point of nomlslnuont to twonty-fom' lum'n tws, tt will lio pnon tlmt not only w Uon:p:mltv of tlio tiMunoif tostod to tlm utmost, tint vnlutvlilo supply t food whs omd to tho huKhmnu iv his fnmllw Tlm lomtors hud tivstod ostrich cu hcfoiv, luit. found thorn no stwn tlmt they did uot Invuk the ihcll of the one loft them ly tho bushnmn, vlu went nwny pIiojUv svttcr, but hs thev wvtv In sn s. tvlch CAmtr they ivmountcd their lmcs lrttcviu the nfternoon, :uu ijjrt. loped nn whv jww inser.ivhof jruc, well iwrtv, from jnvvtou enerTenv, of the atllloulllrts In the wiw of success. nmtUffthrt beads of tbolr beiges to wnM n.stwidy vblgrs twx or three miles nway, ttuw le nlouc, until the Ivvse wus tiearh' ivacbcd, when tbev wljrned 1 mi iu.uiiin m signi 01 ,nn oMnch nest. nnuosi m www twymth. The tjvtrttn As Uuwo all hsWd alike, tt was W for any one to count them, if errAl feet dtvtants Ub the cilded stim of the iyrtu chmvh wWeh we xvj, trying to enumerate, during iheserwoH, they are so similar that thev V4aw,1 m1 nm toother so that the eve has hr4 nik u make sure, of tW nolvsf. The cttong tatlw Knows h,w i KxHip the upo of egs g,ng; intoa m gathering in all hk that lwtv-Wvs follow, h will sktimtll.v raw owt'th tfs with a long stick nttnor tfcree vln. Hhe does his ywrt weAl the uuMher when he tMtrns will wot notic that thtw atv le-s thatt a Wen, ad V1 ntiAue Utng all thwngx the o. . t K ftw lvne to iVuW.M The uiihds aow rode to the tw of the rMtfe. hJng and tVtug a eatv-fnl mwxvx of the eontr before them, the W" V ,lwt AvaVcwsl hooe am1 dehu Uvhan a )mU we xWl xv?l . tVfC wW Milh the ma on vhlvA Unw wfl Ifcaltnd. w Miwmthe Iva-u WJ a24 wora uOft Im wlmu JNexr ha ttvhbttc of thU iw o.MrJoitoi j..v ....,, ,,,, Mimiw hi examine in nor nana, was wawnir at the ferrv be curious .vlfbt a tUtle mora oloely. lwk when a uwn of nliksant mlilnvi 11 wns stmuly scxMped out of the saml a aiMrxwe.hHt hw Mil said: tool and a brtlf deei,, and fully ft " Ma.Um, that is r. n- tine nose- rnrnm. The oivts stol on nnl. m taV mil iiiiii'ii iivtiii vim.. .... l.k ..... Atmfiq Ir'iitt thfi i'Wl, lt)Hi of n'frttrttiitiK Htfl tittinitftitif( Ui Hank Win ti'wU, Win homtiniti tinUt at U'imny KHofi iti fi ilirliofi of Iff cntU'.ni umt nt Mm? vnMry. 'Hi'm vnt fiMrrowr Wihu Win iifipmUn opnfiin, wliluli thr Uith olTi'rwi Win wry lil iftfi in fi Wfirfil for tli AnU to nnmpn, tar Miy moiiM AjiwJy (Jtli Miroilfi II Into tho opufi lioiifitrjf hovoii'l, whom limy would ho fifo fwnlfit hnrm during tlmt nftor fioofi ftf. fiirwt; hilt It It ofi KiM-li oi!Ciiilon tlmt M10 otlrii h ititm mi oxhlhlllon of flliililillly whlrh Kj;iroi-lMw tho miirvol um. 'IhoxJhtof tho hunuint nitkln for tho oiMiloni ojioolfig of tho vnlloy MoiiffimMolvo llio otlrfohrm tho hi-liof that Ihoir cfiiifiiloH wont trying to out o'tholroiily iivoniio of flight, mul lii Mloiul of luniliu llio opiioHllo wy, thoy limliuilly utiiriod on tliolr lou, Hwlft hot Uiwnrtl tho point at whloh tho limit out woio ulo himiUnu wllh much tho Mint of llm blnk Tho two oitrlohoM fllNihiyoil nllll mom murknil fiilluro to "Knttiji llm wltiiiiilou." Tho Mliiuhir iihiwo ooiihl not luivo IhmIoiI lon, whon llio hlnhi, ruiiiiliiif itlnMmt ulilo by hIiIo, iiiiimI-luivo mii'ii lliiitlho horxomoii woro Hiiro lo iiuicli llio opotiliii iilmitd of llmni, Hut, not only did tfmy rofiiNO lo turn Imolc, hut limy hIho fiillnd lo ttworvo in tlm Mllglilimt doroo from Iholr ooiirKo on whloh Ihov hud Hliiilod; limy Hlmply hicroiiHod tliolr Hpiind, mid with llmr minliily iincliM oiilHlrolulmil, Hlrui'lc 11 Iwo-mlii ulo trot mill Hpml itwity for tho iiiohI diiiioroiiM point on llm horl,011. Ah tho pui'Miioi'M worn ipiilo cnrlulii of tliolr iiniii, limy now Hbutkoiutil Umlr wilt muimwliitl, mid ouch llrnd iinIioI, Tlm hiillntof C1111I11I11 I'owhiiiIIIi woiitthroiih llm hriiln of It Ih bhd, which run 11 few Hlnpii In 11 wild HiunrliiK way mid thou wont down, Ui Imml plowing iiin (l furrow In llm hiiiiiI. I.nuplni; from IiIh Hiuldln, llm Ctiptulu Imrrlnil lorward mid 011I llm Ihrout of llm oilrlch, ho iih lo cud Hh NiiirnrluM. Il wan 11I11101I tit Ihn Hiiinn IiihIuiiI, Hint IIiiitoiI (IIhcIiiii'W'iI 1 1 Im rtllo. mid, hccIiio; urn nun lining MirniiKi'iy. un whh con lldoill. of Imvliitf iiilllnlml 11 moilitl wound, mid wiim Nimrcnly behind tlm Citptnln In Mprlnlnjf lo llm ground In illNimti'li his prlo. lint Im inailn 11 sllylil mlstako, fur wlmn Im phmml himself directly In llm mtli of llm bird mid held is IiiiiiIIiil' uilfn rniidv lo irlvn him llm llnlshinu- touch, llm ostrich suniund lo brlL'lilnii up. ed I Mnl'orn llm gcullcmmi HUspncl iIh lulniitlou Im dnllvnrcil 11 Inrrlllo kick which Imulilcd llm Imnlcr over 011 Ids buck as If Ml ruck by a fulling tree. Tlm ostrich Is oupiibln of kicking with niicIi force as to kill llm punllmr or Juokiil, and hn dons It by ihrowlng Ills fool forward, llm smne iih 11 man. In the prnsenl. Inst unco ISIr. Ilarrod foil so ipilekly iluil I'upiidu I'cwsmltli ran for nni in huh in. ,sMisiinir nun 10 ms feel, Im was found lo be (it tin Injured, all hough be decliircd, with agrbnsinlln, tlmt. Im knew more about ostriches than be overdid before. The bird kept on trolling straight away until ho vanished In the twilight and was seen no more, while the hunt ers were glad enough to go into oamp anil wall till the morrow. There arc dlllerenl methods of hunt ing the ostrich. K cry school-boy ro calls the iilclure of the bushmnn awk wardly disguised as one of the birds, who Is thcrebyeuubled to approach elom enough lo a herd to bring down smcral m un ms now unu arrow. 11101 nerca-es. the hunter lies in wait mid ums poisoned arrows. In North Africa, the gaum Is nurs Kept sueil ou horseback, the chase bcliur t up for several da vs. until the bird Is literally run down nnd incapable of gating further or making resistance. Sometimes a herd Is forced into the water, where It Is an easv matter to knock (bom In the head. The Kuropo an horsemen prefer to conceal them selves near pools ami springs where the bird is In the habit of coming to drink, so as to shoot him unawares. The value of (he oMrtoh, of course, lies in its pin mage. These feathers am verv costly, It rarely happening that more than two doon marketable ones can be obtained from a single bird. March or April is the best season, as the ostriches have re covered thelrmoult and the feathers are elastic and vigorous. It Is eeessuw also that (be feathers should be plucked from the body of the bird before tt gets cool, or thej will be found to have lost much of helr glossiness and disposition toeuri..Yoto) tr IWiuU fpAm Vy.s She rndciNteeil. A woman with a market lvwl-.t ,m her arm and a Wg Kntuet of flowers Wss sir." "I thlttkit is Ue nst one I saw, At I hav Wn in twontv ew.r sovon " Yis sir." v " T -4 sy tolling itself le t mt iw. Aovr.Ung to the Ian fwur f tSwwws, ih jvnsy Mnnds for: lUrtw, 1 tfUMM live withiMtt ott. 1 4rv( the tsehl. Hm JMkgwA iix roshwa is : M'm look hKir a fcwsfeAfta.' Mlan, ,h von Yn .. , 1 "IT 1 lawgwifo of that tutl, " TW mttp .jiyss sir, ikst it .wmiWl Wo 1 II Uw xm wlVsl im tb. the cwrr v.v Jer linn . . .1 u. w - -. .n, tvmJv. He smmrnM. DMrX iw JSas. m "1??.i1 ay.s,Aj of the Mowt N ftrtwm Cwotu Ho.4w, hfts no wlwrs M l MMirtMjW hi raWlr lMMr H JYvp fW ,w ftttpfeil. ton v. . . . ' . .Idrlrft In ft Vounj,' .Hah. Koop tip wih tho pror'OHnfon, my hoy. Oofrt UmiK Iwk tt tho brooohin. Voo ffiay ho mMi- to mk thing drug ft liltlo, iit yon iftn't hIojj tho toum, find you'll mf. in munn iilorij;, 'ilioro vm fi iiimi, an i-rruriortt iiKUhomufiiriuii, Dr. l.nnliinr, of Kngliuid, who piib lUhcd a trKtU.' to proro Umt no ilom uhlfi oiiild o.or orons tho Atlantic Oi'onn, find tho Mofimor Sirlun n fow wohJm hilor brought tho flrnt oopios of tho fmmphlot in Aiihtiwi, This mwno omlnont Molomiit alo "xtakoil his rop ulatlon as n, mnn of Holfnco," boforo tho Ifoimo of Coiinnoim, on his HalomnnL Hint no railway train could ovor go faslor than ton mllos an hour, and tho nl'ghtost curvo would Invariably throw it oir tho trrn-k. Uahinot. tho I'ronuh cah-iilalor, do'larod that no loloirmm could ovor ho irniuiiiitlod from Kuropo thiough the Atlunllo lo Amorloa. Thoro wan a man right horo in Amor loa, only 0110 hundred years ago, who oppoiod llm n-liollion of tho oolonioa hooauso ho knew It would bo a failuro. Thoro whh a man who laughod Iiimsolf oro at KiiIIoii'h absurd Idoas about Kloamhoatn. 'Iln-ro w.-ro momhors of ('ongross who wanted Morso Hhut uti in an insatio amlinn hcnunHn Im tnlV.l alioiit a toIograih. wlib-h was an Inijios Hlhlllty. Thoio wuh man who said you 0011I1I nover lit 11 Id 11 hrhlgo across tho MiMHlssIppi Thoro was a man who Huld you could m-wr raiso wheal on tho grout Aniorlcuii desert. Tlmro was a man who knew" that nothing but a Hlcain homo cniilil ovor trot in loss than U:I0. Tlmro was a man who "knew" you couldn't make llm huh draw your portrait. Thero was a man who "know you nevor could lint a butter llgliL than a whalo oil amp. I Imre was aimiher man who know you could inner beat lard oil. Thoro was another mini who huIiI Colonul Druko wuh u gibbering idiot because ho Haiti ho could pump a heller oil than bird oil out of llm ground like water. There whh another man who said Kill Hon whs insane when Im talked about an oloclrie liirlit. There was another m:m who said the phonograph was a clever I rink of vciitriloulsui. There was n limn who said tin-lelephone was a news paper lie. There whs a man in Kngland who led inobsof iirieiilliiral laborers lo destroy threshing machines. There was a man in America who "knew" the in vention of the M'wing-inucliiue meant slarvalion for the poor seamstress. And there Is u man to-day who "knows" llm Indians can never bu civilized. Tlmm ! u iiihii who " know." wo hnvo numbed the limit, of human progress. Tlmro is a iiihii who "known" the people aro helplessly enslaved, mid will nevor rise to assist, themselves. There Is a man who "knows" tlmt all polities are cor rupt, all politicians mercenary, the civil sorvieu rotten In tlm core, and our so olid life is honet -combed with decay. Now, my dear boy, there's only ono way for you to escape that man's winning, and obstinate mulish opposition to ev erything, luiepsofnrabead of him you cun't hear him. And do you keep mov ing and drag him along. 'Hasp him with the double-trees, be has to come, fur llm old chariot never stands still u second. The dltl'crence between you and that, man. myyboy, is that von run, and be Is dragged. You spring along with your eyes open, your head erect, and you help to keep thins moving. He has his feet set in tho roail, his eves shut tight, his bade tip on bis shoulder ami bis heart nnderthc wheels. Kvery time ou make a leap you throw the dust back, ill his face l')on't, mv tioy, whatever you do. don't gel tiacK beside that man. Don't bae nn breeching on our barnc. I'm on a hreast-eollar and thai i cmmgli; you'll run more iignuv ami led liver, hot the man in the breeching hang back. All that you have to do is to step out. keep pace with the times, .sing as you match, and keep the man in the breech ing so covered with iluM the world will only know he's there by the dirt around bint. It may be, Teletnaclm. ou will run a little fast sometimes; it mav be that you will kick over the traces in your exuberance of spirit; you may .sometimes want, to strike a J:1U gait oh a !l..O mad; you may need more curb than whip, but go it.'nn boy. There is a good driver on the seat,' and a linn band on the lines, and I'd rather ec you coming down the long ista of his tory with the bit in your teeth, your heels In the air, the brake roil sprung, and the dash-hoard (lying, than down on your haunches, your eyes shut, and your back bowed, the la.h ou your thinks and jour collar up to onr cars, your legs et like crowbars' and the dust of the whole team llying in vour lace, witiie von hang back in the Livoehing and only come along because you can't hclpiu ftwnfrffc-, iii liur!io fiMJ Jtitrt tc Arizona covers an area of 72,000, 000 actus of land, four-tenths of which is mineral-bearing, it is larger than New York. lmnyhania, New Jersey and Delaware comb.ned Since lSvV there has been extracted from seven states and Territories the sum of ?:,. 100,tii for which California is credited $l.U$.;i7,; Nevada, $4t9. l&VMS; Idaho, i?71.MS,l; Oregon and Washington Territory. $4S,37.?M; Utah. !isVS48Sl, and AriwMia, $17. ?0,17.S. Ckuv)? 7,s. Thorna. Garvey, of Sattw, Ultr Omitm, N. Y., set a small child under a tree the other day. and while a few yards awy heanl a'hissins: noise. On looking aiMind he saw a" largo black snake of the racer snowies, jjnt ready to jww on the child. Bv a ?nik momnt he jump! upon 'the snake and killesl u. The Mkn measures! fully set feet. ,'rl MMinlty of th lte.hHises ahHtf i IAhIkw. Kiver J umt than You tli.s' Dtiimrtmcnt. MAflH I'ltOIlhliM. 1 rton't want to think. ArH fin llrfvlof piny; Thorn'. V'TythtiKf nniokcyl Awl win if tflny. Mvt tho iiit'n nin ff, Awl l!os Is forlorn; Ami my wry hMtflrn In wrfriklcl hiuI lorn. And I'm not n. bit hungry, Or fil eiu itml out; Fo what wi 1 ilo Hut nwliisc my fnot? 1 wl,h I wni blK' folks, Ami imiiKhty, tio; Ttuir'n no oii lo whip thurn Whiitovor thoy ilo. lint thoy must hnvo hnm whipped Wheiillttli-iiml (mil, If tlioy Ktolo Jinn noil thlins, Ami Kot iiuiiKh.y uml iiiikI. Well, tliun, who whipped them? I can't, cun't hoc. Why, Umlr fiitheni and mothore, Ah minu do mo. Well, tho fathers nnd mothers Who whipped them? Why. Mrs. Noiih did .liiihetnml Hhem. Well, then, who whipped Hvo? Why, Adiim, I kuuhh, I or miio stole uppieH An' cried for u dross. Hut Adnm wasn't punished, Not u hIiikIo lilt; Tlmro wiisn't Biiybody 'rouud Who could do it Oh dour! my houd nches 'I'lilnkliiK it out; When Is my turn uouilni To kcoiui stick 'UoutV Oh. I know now, 'I he very tiling, tool "I'll khiw up oh, awful fast, As other folks do. Then I'll buy Utile Klrls An' lots, mi' lots or boys, An' I'll whip 'cm lorcneli bud, bud thbiK An' every speck of nolsol Il'idc Awake. AltOUT PINS. What becomes of all llio pins? any of our young folks inform Can us? " Usui 1 up," aro thoy? and how? Wo scarcely ever sco a pin with tho head worn oil', so nono aro wasted in this way. Surely nono are brokon, nor worn to any porcuivnblu lessor size, nor "Hhortoned up," so as to bo thrown away; ami so wlmro do llmso important liltlo objects hido themselves? "Ciot bout," do thoy? Yes, oomo to think of il, somo do get considerably " warped" in tho using. Hut, girls, very few pins, according to tho whole number used, get thrown aside as worthless on no count of becoming "bout." Somehow, pins get out of ight utterly lost in a mysterious inannor. Occasionally, n pin is " picked up" from tho bottso lloor, or perhaps from tho door yard, but very low, indeed, aro thus gathered up for secondary uso. Wo aro no going to attempt lo toll just whero all tho pins go, after filling their too brief mission. But wo are curtain that oaob minute, useful urtiolu lllllls !. tibli'ii III U'liiidi In "i-iiul -in! " Its slim, wiry body. Suroly a " paper of nins" ought to last, at least, twice as long In a household as it does, hast ing longer, thoy would not got shorter, nor lose their heads, nor become loss in thickness of body, but only a liltlo more bout with age; and so to what placodo they go, after all? Hut mc thinks one bright-eyed, tiny niaidon says: " L can toll you where lots of pins go, nnd so aro lost; some aro swept into the dust-pan and put in tho lire ; some aro brushed out ot the door into the dirt ; and many are lost in tho school-room and church that are nover picked up, and roguish boys lose many in (bo dust while 'playing pins,1 anil some are lost while we are riding out and attending picnics; because every few minutes some one says : 'Give mo a jiin, for I've just lost ono, and don't wish to take the trouble to Ibid it.' " I' non re licet ion wo willingly accept this solution of the problem. Hut before we close, allow us to lig ure a little as to the probablo number of pins used in tho United States in one year, and we wish our young mathema ticians to "reckon" after us to see if we have made any mistake. Now let us estimate the population of our coun try at iV.V.'OO.OOO at tho present time; and supposing six persons on an aver age to a family, would mako S, 700,000 families, and three papers to a family ou an average, yearlv, would make -u-100,000 papers of pins used annually. Now, M rows to a paper would bring :b5, 100,000 rows! Again, 'JO pins to the row gives ns 7,:0S.0O0,OO0 pin " used up" in our country every year. Allowing an inch as the average length of pins, long and short, and they placed in a continuous line, would roach 609, 000,000 feet, or 36!0i,090. 10-11 rods, or 115.310. 10-11 miles, which would reach more than four and a half times around the earth. Surely pins are very useful little articles, and people could net well do without thorn. .V. II. Christian JrftWrtfV. Short Story of Terry and Berry. " Oh oh!" squeaked Berry. " I've found a bird's-nost." "AY.." said Tern-. "Girls don't know anything. It's w nost at all tho eggs are laid fight in the sand." And such long, thin, dirt -colored eggs," piped Berry. Snch a bird a laid those eggs don't deserve to be a mother," observed 'Fer ry. "To put them right whero one would be hkely to step on 'em. and withomt aav nest, at all. I'll tell von, Berry, we'll take 'em home and set' em under tke brown hen, and when they i hutch we will have six little birds all to ourelvs- And Biddy is a magnificent motfMtrT" Thereupon each gathorod up thro of their tPMSttnw. and svixm-W - t the wwd-boHs, rtlnmbowd t,j h lhp onj-brt.x naihxl upon the -r j under Biddy, wno was selling ibercin. ror n loriiiigni i wo very eagur yottiio" pcoplo daily froip u uituy irijiini'liieii that wootE NllOII. Six bird-cages had boon prepared, nnd six pounds of bird-seod laid in. One day as they were playing In tho yard, the children woro startled by a Hcries of most appalling screams and cackles proceeding from tho precioiu shed. On rushing there they discovered that Biddy had forsaken her nest, and with distended oyos and crimson comb, hoards, and pinned them nan pcrciiun nursuii on n neighboring pile of wood, and was giving vent to n volume of wild and torriliod "cut-a-cut-cuts." "Oh, seo," exclaimed Terry. "She's hatched the dear liltlo birds, ami she's scared of 'em; she's boon used to chicks, you know." "Tho blessed littlo birds," cried Berry, scrambling upon the trestle by which she was enabled to just reach tlm box. Terry rushed to tho shelf, and now returned with tho six cnes. "Now," instructed Berry, "as I hatvl 'em to you, put each dear little bird in a cage, and mind you, fasten tho door well." " Ho careful," said Terry, standim with a cage with its door thrown wide! Berry had her hir in tho nest. " Don't squeeze u, or" A "Oh-oh my mi.' Get away oh un: squeausu liorry, jumping down from tho trostlo and running to tho far side of tho wood-shed. " There's something dreadful some thing crawly Biddy's nest," gasped Bony, with a shudder. Terry, with a loud "Shaw!" mount ed tho trostlo, and inserted his hand in the nest, remarking, contemptuously: "You girls aro so Ok! good gra cious! Keep oil for mercy's sake! What is it?" ami Terry was just about ono second joining Berry, his face every whit as scared as her own. And now papa, brought hither by tho racket, joined them, looked in tho nest, started back, and then commenced to laugh, and laugh, and laugh, till tho cliuoren thought bo would have gono crazy. Finally he took down the box, and what do you think thoy saw? Four lit tin. ugly, wriygling, mapping turtles! "The mother turtle," said papa, aft tor tho oxcitomont had somewhat sub sided, " lays her eggs close to the shoro of tho creek, in some sandy spot, and then returns to the water, ' leaving tho sun and tho hot sand to inciibato tlioin; and when tho littlo turtles are out. they also scamper down to the water, which is just whore wo will take these lino fol lows." "What is 'incubate?'" queried Ber ry, an hour later, as with a very red face, sho Was tying up her bird-seed. "To hatch, of course," said Tony, crossly, jus ho gathered up his bird- , eager,. Youth's Companion. ' Mink. ) Amos Long lives on the farm next to ours. One day in spring ho caught a young crow in tho Held. Ilo took him homo and tamed him. Ho taii"ht him somo funny tricks. Whon tho crow was full grown tho cat had some kittens. Mink, as tho bird was called, would take tho tail of ono of tho kitties in bis bill nnd dra"- her around tho room. Neither the "kitty nor its mother liked this, and thoy orieil with all their might. Mink used to steal thimbles, spools of thread, gloves and other things, and bide them in out-of-the-wav places. If he saw a handkerchief sticking out of any one's pocket, ho would snap at it and drag it out. Ono timo 2lr. Lon- ten a tapping at bis back, and found mat .Mink was filling his coat-pocket with red berries. Y hen the men aro milking Mink will hop along and peck tho cows' noses. Mink will not let any ono take him up, or pet him: but if any person holds out a stick, no matter how short it is, ho will perch upon it. On this stick ho will lot himself be carried about the house. Our Little Ones. Transplanting Teeth. I performed an operation of trans planting under romantic circumstances on a certain occasion. A voting lady, as pretty as a peach, and a tino-Tookin"-young fellow camo to see me one morn ug. After no little hesitation, they told me they were betrothed, and that ho was in the army and was going away to I im- (Minus, lor ai least a year, hunt mo- Inutans. "And we aro very unhappy at parting." whimpered she. " Yes, wo are," almost blubbered he. " We hoard of transplanting teeth, and want you to take one out of each one of our mouths and transfer them." For a moment I was translixed with laughter and aston ishment, and I attempted lo reason them put of their foolish proposition both had excellent teeth, by the way -but they insisted, so 1 extracted one of her largest naek teeth and one of bis small est. lhrs litted his jaw all right, and lie went oil a few davs afterward to his post with his bulv love's molar. His tooth, however would not stick in; for within a week the young ladv came back with her face dreadfullv swollen. I reduced the inllammation 'and eased the pain, but could not replant her lov er s fang, nnd she went away with it wrapped up in paper. Oh' tne incon Mtency of women! Six months after she married a man old enough to bo her father. When the young Uonieaunt Mibsmpiontly returned he iMili-nuuiUr told me of the wanner in hi. hit hail Ihmw jiltc-d. sad request! TO,0 ilbuely extract the tu l-w ..l which 1 did, mit he ifcrew tt into tin mj-)JZ,riL yifiMjM J"4. Mft Dra.', in l a L (J . I