Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 10, 1882, Image 5

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    IITV: A U.XB "J.1 ,B'l T"
vr- j .t'.m'i "juj.t jl;vi' :i' m
rvti-ifcu'i . "Jt.pi 1 ',' m-' .' h'imb,
I'lU'ji j m..'j.ji: ni. mmmimtm" uj j-ii'tmr.'
tTTijlwuwi.iJrif''imai HLnrjmmn.uuii
- -WETurorw Mijmam
ii 1 1 ii ii wwii i 1 1 iii wim ii i i iiiinnniiin
From Ijoa. m,:9 p. m. Sun4ay, from
11 m. to t p. m. 1 .tunes an.l ctheit pleuc
'.ike notice.
6 15
7 i
s If)
&M. TIMET A 13 J
9-.' 1:31.1 11 MM;.-ffa
a 1
no .irniiiN ........ ::
il Nemiilm ( Ity , V, I
II 1 lirownville....,...! 52 5
21 il l"ni- II
a? 1 ...Harney 11 a
) i MltltfMVlIlt' I
n mi
5 w
.1. Ji V Y1CHS, Agent,
Month Auburn, uli.
Coal, coal.
J. W. Jvorns.
Cream Soda Water at NickuU'.s.drug
Mason's fruit Jars at .Nickel) &
ShmtW. .;
Major Ford, P. M. of Carson, was In
llio city .Sunday.
Susan 1). Anthony is going to lecture
in Texas, liully!
Ifnrvo McGeeand wife wove
of Ous. Mooro Sunday.
Extia copies of Tnu Advhiitisku
nt. A. V. Xickoll's, lirownville.
.1. S. Miniclc. of Jlrownvillo, spoilt
'J'liursday niglit in South Auburn.
Conrad Schrinor, brewer of lirown
ville, was in the city peddling beer Sat
urday. T. "W. Englo, of lied ford precinct, re
newed his subscription to the Oi.n Ai
VKitTisEii last week. Thanks.
Miss Lu. Arnold, one of llro'wnville's
sweetest young ladies and an excellent
imisician, spent Sunday in our city.
Mra. 1. S. Miniclc, acuoiupauicd 'by
her daughter and Miss Allio TTittO,
woro visitors in South Auburn Thurs
, (leo. Davis, one of the 15. & M. sur-
"V'cyors, and a jolly gootl fellow, wis
shaking hands with his many friends
&l this city Sunday.
Dr. Oppennan, of the north side,
seems to be doing a good business, for;
ho keeps that span of whites on the
go most of the time.
Tho lot and building belonging to
Thk Advkutisui:, just north of the
Jloldreiie. is for sale. Price reasonable.
.Kiuiuiro at the postollice.
Thomas Shanks, ono of our Scotch
farmer friends just east of this place,
made the printers' heart glatl by a re
newnl of his subscription Monday.
Prod, Nuclide's residence is nearly
finished. Wo understand that Prank
Parker has rented it for his father and
aistor, who will soon remove to this
Some lady in Plattsmouth vecontly
bought a Si'so dress, and the papers of
that village are all agog about it. They
don't know exactly who it was. or what
use will be mado of it. They are better
posted on calico,
Vo received :i pleasant eall from
Mr. , John A. Reynolds, of SUmberry,
Mo last Tuesday. Air. ii. is a conduc
tor on tho Wabash and an old subsprib
or of thoAnvKirrisKu.
Sincothe 1st bf October thero has
been sold in Danville, Va.. 22.2M.000
pounds of leaf tobacco, at an average
of 80.78 per 100 pounds, against 25,
12S.000 pounds at an average of $0.02
per 100 pounds tho preceding year.
Piov. Henry Sanford, Congregational
minister at .ianesville, Wis., died sud
denly a few days ago. As there w ts
somo mystery surrounding the mutter,
an autopsy was held, and considerable
poison found in ids stomach. It is be
lieved that he suicided.
Tho clouds in heaven were weeping
on Monday. Plattsmnnlh tintri'itrlsr.
That's tho lirst weathor report we
have seen from that country by an edi
tor. JJiit what wero thoso clouds weep
ing on Monday for? What had Mon
day dono?
' T-
A Canada paper reports .that Dr.
Slade, the noted spiritualistic test me
dium was recontly exposed as a fraud,
at Toronto. "Tho slate writing." how
ovor, says the account, "was not ac
counted for." Itsoomsto us that as
the "slate, trick" is the main feature of
blade's manifestations, tho exposure
. would have- boon moro complete had
tin? slnto trick boon oxposud;
The Hepiiblicau (.'ontral Commit
tee of. Nemaha county, Neb., met at
tlie time and place named in the call.
Present: Douglas precinct.- If. Wil
son; Washington, ,1ohn II. l'olilmnn,
1. M. Buckles: Aspinwall,.!. II I-'isht t ;
Ulen Hock, J. K. Neal. X. P. Mi-auYr;
Lafayette. S. P. llobertson, Ii. Ii. Hub
bard; London, lid. Merlin, who also hail
Coleman's pro.w; Xemaha, Seymour
Howe, , I. V. Drain; lirownville. ( F.
Stewart, (i. W. Fair-brother, Sr.; St.
Deroin, F. II. D. Hunt. A.J. Hitter, dr.;
lieuton, W. WindshimV.
The following gentlemen were ad
mitted to 1111 vacancies: ('apt. Cran
diill, tif Douglas; T. .1. Majois and
Dan. Cole, fur Peru; V. P. Peabotly, for
Aspinwall; Church Ilnwe, for lied ford;
s. A. Osborn, for Jlontoii; Island, not
On' motion, Dr. Stewart was made
permanent chairman of the committee
and (. W. Fairbrother.Sr., secretary.
On motion of Mr. Church Howe, tho
precinct primaries will be held at the
usual places of holding elections, on
Friday, August 18th, 18S2; anil the
county convention on Monday. August
2lst, at 2 p. in., at Samuelson's Hall, at
Aubuin. Neb., for the purpose of elect
ing nine. 'delegates to the State Conven
tion; nine delegates to the Congress
ional Convention of the First District;
delegates to Judicial District Con
vention; and nominating candidates
for tho following named offices: One
state senator, two rcprcsevtuttvos in
the state legislature; one county com
missioner, Second District, and trans
acting any other business the Conven
tion may deem proper.
On motion, the members of tho com
mittee from each precinct wero re
quested to name the time of day for
holding the primary in their precinct,
with the following result:
Peru from ;i to 0 o'clock p. in.
(lien Hock I to 0:00 "
Washington 4 to 0
Douglas.. ..
Nemaha . . .
London I to 7
Bedford 12 to 2 " "
Aspinwall 2 to 5 " "
St. Deroin 3 to o " "
Hrownvillo '.) to 7 " "
Island 4 to (5 " "
On motion of Mr. Robertson the pri
mary in Lafayette precinct will bo helti
at Brock, on Saturday, August 10th,
from 2 to .I o'clock p. m.
Precincts are allowed one delegate in
Count v Couventitin for every twenty
I10ATjK1 iiv
Komombor you can get
At Prices tliat Avill Suit.
Farm Tools, Stoves, Iron, Nails, Firearms, Ammunition, Etc.
Jl Good Tin Shop in Connection with the House. A J'o. .1 work in an in
Charge. Custom work a Specialty.
, ..I toO
..8 toO
..a to n
votes cast for Hegent Powers, or major
friction thereof.
Mr. Osborn offered the following
ii'esoliitiou, which was adopted after
mm iltsfiissimi of llm suhii'cl; its to
whether Democrats should bo per
mitted to vote in Republican prima
ries: Hrsoh'rrl, That it is the sense of this
committee that at Republican prima
ries only Republicans, and thoso who
iwill agree to support the nominees of
the Republican convention, be allowed
to vote at the primaries.
On motion the committee adjourned.
(!. F. Chairman.
G. W. F.unuuoTiucu, Sec'y.
If you want a deed, or mortgage, or
power of attorney, or any other instru
ment ot writing mado tint in neat and
proper form, call ou (!. W. Fail-brother,
sr., notary public. South Auburn. He
is an old hand at tho business. tf
Ii. Ii. Wheeler and Walter Preston,
two young attorneys of Seymour, Bay
lor county, Texas. iuarrelnd about tho
ownership of a law hook, and Wheeler
shot and killed Preston.
Two men in Monroe county, Ky.,
named Bishop limberlon and Riehaid
Speakman, for committing an outrage
upon Mrs. .). Jl. Garrett, was shot to
death by lynchors.
Governor Ilubbell.of Minnesota, has
received a petition, with 200 names,
asking pardon for the Vo-mger boys.
They are doing well enough where
they are.
Judge Julius Schultz. edilor of the
German paner, Wwhmlihitl, of A us.
tin, Texas, was murdered a few days
ago. Sehnltz was a prominent Repub
lican. An old man, 'a strangor, m Omaha a
fow tlavs ago was conlldenced out of
all tho monov ho had, by sharpers
around tho railroad depot.
John W. Clyde, a colored route agent
at Charleston, S. C was arrestotl for
robbing malls. Ho evaded all human
penalty by killing himself.
Mr. Camporg. postmaster at Ruttors
ville, Fnyotto comity, Toxub, was shot
ami killed by a man ho refused to
An Extraovdiuary Offer.
There are a number of perumtout of employ
ment in every coulity, yet energetic men willing
to work do net need tp lie. Tltoie willing to
work can make from Sioo to $500 a month
clear working tor u 1 in a . pleaunt and permanent
buiincM. The amount our agents nuke varies,
some make at high as $500 a month while oth
ims as low as $100, all depending on the energy
of the agent. We have an article of great merit.
It should be sold to every house-owner, and pays
over 100 per cent profit. Each sale is from
$8.50 to $10, One agent in Pennsylvania sold
:l in wo days, and cleated $64, An agent in
New York made $45 in one day. Any man with
energy enough to work a full Jay, and will do this
during the year can make front $2,000 to Sh,ooo
a year. We only want one nun in each county,
and to him will give the exclusive sale as U nga
he continues to work faithfully tor us. There is
no competition, and nothing like uur invention
made. Parties having from $io to Si 020 to
invest, can obtain a General Agency tor ten court
ti.s or a state. Any one can make an investment
of from $25 to Si, 000 without the least risk of
loss as our circulars will show that those invest
ing Szj can after thirty days trial return the goods
unsold to us and get their munay back, it they
do not clear at lest $100. They show that a
General Aent who will take ten counties and in
vest $2 1 6 can alter a trial of 00 days return all
coods unsold to us. and have money returned to
them if they fail to clear at least $750 in that
time. There are many person! having money to
invest, who could not give the business prrvyul
attention such can employ sub-agents without
leaving home making a large amount yeaily out
of a very small investment. We are nut paing
salaries, but want men willing to work and ob
tain as their pay the profits of their energy. Men
not willing to work on our terms will nut work on
any. Tiinir. mkanino iiusiness will receive our
large descriptive circu'ar, an: extraordinary otl'er
by enclosinea three cent stamp, with their ad
dress. The first to comply with our terms will j
secure the county or counties they may Wtsti to
work. Address
Renaer Manufacturing Co.
1 tS Smithfield St., Pittsburgh, I'a. 84
The Groat Oivilizers.
Judge Payne, of tho supremo court
of "Wisconsin, spoke the following true
words regarding uses of railroads:
"Railroads are the great public high
ways of the world, along which Hie gi
gantic currents of trade and travel
continuously pour high ways compared
with which the must magnificent high
ways of antiquity dwindle into insig
nificance. They are the most marvcW
cms inventions of modern times. They
have done more to develop the wealth
and resources, to timnlate the indus
try, reward laber and promote the
general prosperity of the country than
any other, ami, perhaps, than all other
mere physical causes combined. There
is probably not it man, woman or child,
whose interest or cojnfort lias not been
in some degree subserved by them.
Thoy bring to our doors productions of
tho earth, thev enable us to anticipate
and protract the seasons. They enable
tho inhabitants of eacli clime to enjoy
the pleasures and luxuries of nil. They
scatter the productions of the press
ami literature broadcast through the
country with amazing rapidity. Thero
is scarcoly a want, wish or aspiration
of tho human heart which thoy do not
in somo measure tend to gratify. Thev
promote tho pleasures of social life
and of friendship; they bring the
skilled physicians swiftly from a dis
tance to attend tho sick anil the
wounded, and enablo the absent friend
to bo present at the bedside of the dy
ing. They have more than realized the
fabulous conception of tho Knstorn
imagination, which pictured tho genii
as transporting Inhabited palaces
through tho air. They have taken in
habited palaces from tho Atlantic
coast, and with marvelous swiftness
deposit oil thorn n the shores that are
washed by tho Pacific seas."
Special !Notices.
Notices 11 tutor till lumtl -"Wnntotl," "I'nr
Sitlc," "for Hont," ttc, ttvn fonts jior line,
ciioh Insertion.
1 1 OMHtKOK. A N'n. I it'iniilui'oolt wnntml
I I. ntilto noldrotfo llotiso. Apply limuo-
riOH SAIjK, A kooiI icslitoncn In Nontli
11i1ur11. Apply to II.. I. I-'. Won .UU
- TON'KY TO LOAN. Wo en 11 till oliolce
111 loniiH In three iluys. Apply to O.xbotn V
'I'u v lor.
iTtDUNAI.K. Ulnnk nocdN.CIinttcl nntl Honl
I; Ksliilo MortKiitO's, Illlls of .Side, Notes, Kit'.
m '1 ur. AmnrrtM-.n otiiee.
popltw or Tun Avi:itTiMiaifofsilo
If YOU owe as imyt lit iisr on
111II011 pieimc eonio In or miihI In
mill pity us. We neeil ottr mutiny,
?USA1.K. Clover Hay. Cull on llnrney
I .iXTIt V en
I j ui the p
i Niilisen
South Auburn, Neb.
I.1 OttmiN.
(iO()l) Itimlni'.n lot on Outer Avenue,
near hotel. Sunt h Auburn, I'or snle tilieup
liy II.. I. K. Wert A Co.
WAN'IKDTO Ill'V. Two 15001! fitriiiH of
lioin mi to PI!) neres. nenr the eenter of
Neiimlui eotintv. Apply to II. .1. V, Wert A
Co., at postollice.
MliiiMS'l't) IlKNT. Konr nice rooms In the
(V I'-nhlliiKfr A Kiel liloclt to let, Untes
reasonable. Kniilrc at Postollice. ."v:i
IHBH'WI.l'i'lJI.llllttlrt H111UU1' IV.P 1UJ?l'l .'AlC'I'-Jll lT-WIJ!i'JlS
HSTA B 1 , 1 S 1 1 K I ) 1. H7 0.
Manufacturers of the Conover llro's
Paiem Uarighf Pianos,
And Wliolcsile Agents tor
Stein way,"
fill i 1r nrt n if ''
Kranicli Sc Bach,
Linclcmaii, fisclicr
and Haines Pianos.
Publishers nt' Music ) ( Jolilien in Musical
and Mucic Iluulo, ) ( Mrreliandiie.
(Slit .Main Slreel, KANSAS CITY, 310.
Nemaha Co., Neb., liecn iccently Surveyed and Platted tin
SEC. 7, T. 5. 1- '3.
In ;he Western part of Nentelia County, Ne
braska otfeu rare chanees forj
1 I XwiJ)t i
Cheaper Hum any
Firm on Earth.
Pfl By n
0 l.
II Z" O W 3VV r I IL. J
Paid-up Capital,
General Banking Busines.
-11 nil tlioirlnclimloltli!3 ui the
United States anil EJuropo,
On approved xnrurlt.v only, 'I'lnii! Drul'tH illitooiiiit
fit, unit iiievlnl uei inioiliittiitmuriiiiloil to iti'iioHlt
rH. DculerHlii flOVICIlNMKNT HON' IKS, ,U
IttTPlvi'd piiv:ilileoiiini'l'i I anil I N'l'HlllOH I" il
owed on tliiinccrlllli'iitiMofdHi(Mlt,
ntltKCrOKs.-Wiii.TTTin, II. M. Pulley, M.A
llHiiillny. t'rank K. .IoIiiihoii, Lather IIohiII.v
Win. Kraltlier. ,.
.1011 N lt. (JAKKON.
, II. DAVISOV.CilSlller.
I". .Mi'.N'al'oiirov, AiMl'C'afllilui,
Tho riiittsniontli lintrfprtm- nays tlib
liottotn has fallen out of the nrlee In
lumber In that city. Hatner
Early neacheu are rotting badly on
tho tree. IJotter gather thorn before
thoy got vary rino.
Col. S. It. Proctor, New Orlotum,
brother-in-law of Gonornl Tluaureganl,1
sulcliletl 1st lust.
The National ilebt wnsIeor'iwoil ilur
ing .Inly souii'tliiny over l.unn.OOO.
Tho Pj. iL,mncliiiDsliQliatPlnlt3
montb M9 lighted by otofltrlcHy.
Harvest is now about over In this sec
tion of the eouutry.iunl tho professional
harvest hands have gone further north
towards newer Ileitis and pastures
greener. Our fanners are spending
their time rubbing their hands with
glue jingling prospective gold pieces in
tholr pockets, making hnv mid plowing
stubble. Ilenrv ('htv said that he had
rather bo right than bo president, but it
ho had lived in lS2 ho hail rather no a
run CASH 0
Apply 10 s A 0SB0 BN,
lirownville, .Johnson, or Calvert
tjO'lm l'urcNtiuiiI Ittxt Jlfillrlnricveriiiaili
A A cor:"iittnn of llnn, Jliirliu, Mnnilrnkr,
UHIl 1 l.'HU.;.'' !.JM, V 1 1 il I ft I" l,kt Hlill lIKi 1 I .1-11-
Av .-.? il I'jiif ailoiliT I .t4;nii:KilithiiKii.i(t- Illtod l'lirl'Jcr. I.tvi. ItMlllMln mill 1 tf,.
! anil II 'oJtU lluktoi uij Ai.'uul un turMi.
NO itlMVlMl or lit llr'fltttl ran ImMlUv tz-.n LtUl
jH'i.roltoiilt'.ttirBBro utol. o varied and iwuh- t
arti! r op n.; ' ui.
1 llei ilf nt Ii; .nA ttimr to the M ant lnrn.
ffi To nil wtiiiwi rin!liriiiiiUi ruiiwi Irrnil rlryr.f
thi.'i 1. v-H nr urinary .iruaiw. uro I",jijiii- mi
K 1 : -r.T.mlit unit inild RtlmulHnt, lluu iutUu
1 .Vl.U.illl Hltluut Intuxli-utliiK.
Xebraskii fanner
State Journal.
then anything else.
While a freight train was passing
through "Walton. Ivy., a drunken
wrotch named .lolm ltichy, came out
of a saloon and Hied several shots from
a pistol at tho etnployos on the train.
A brakonmu nuinod .1 . 11. Carann, was
hiliwl, TJio.mui-deiur was umwU'il.
V. V.,
I). .1. Woow,
Nemaha County Bank;
Calvort, Nobratikji,
Docs a, Gonoral Banldn
fttl rifltt'r Utint Vour fM.l,u.d nr wmiilntrk. nm. .1
vh f. iDillHiamt nr aUriMiftt U. u llm Hlt it. SI
"-'tTltiintlljouarlolc,l)iitlf ynu Vjilv fultt
I.I.m. Ijuh.I.u ..... .1... '... .. il 'K
....... i. i nirir, um mi. iiiin nflt IlIU'B. il UiY I
vuunrlifM. ItluMiuviylliitir'il
".Otl Will lA ,ilil rnri. mMilln. 'II n..f r..n.. ,
Jd . lJiiotNiff).riMirl. t viiui'i-l'-ulmuiilui.ljut
..o and u:;j.i t.ui to imi1Iud UltWm.
J Hii'XMnVr lf-.nI1ttrTnmnovtl,dni'r(tiHt.(lrunk.
ll'Illl ..r U,l"4lt!)M ltlrl llIItllt Sfi'llll-lnorviT
I'-ll1 t lll!T!l,4 'rU-HlI HIlU lliiiw,"d
ji.u i.iviiui iiMiiny mi-miu tin in.
tV't mm I Ii day. BiMlSl
r Covoit rtiwuliitlm wilt, tafnt and Iwiit.
A iJi.Mi. ti.
' rl' li,l..frnnil KIIiutImip.
I ,.li.t.i:. Ci!nl7aljarlliii -koninrtt.
,lip-ir;buluti,uiijlrn.Ml4;lliA,.urf(rilr mk
in ', umi or uuiuin, lutmiwi a Ik I tiaruo:ii i.
kII 'fgjt.:. l.IIIIUr.Mb.(-o.HMiMlw.N.y
w. r: aMiforCb.iM. U
A'artinrtar '3U(')i,fioii''.Cih',
ci) Calf erf ions.
Monov Loaned on Jkppvow
ort Soeuity. "
Ii,vrltmigr on all perls ol
17. S. anil tin rope.
0 a n, k ir c. '. ' .' . "'!' "
htrl K II u KJ ' i " A. i.i.i ur n i!i.i
pmumuuwiu I' HurrU I'uiupliltt
tv fl.u.i llii(il.Krt( n., ..I ,, I(lliir4. 4l4tiiu
I"- '" I" -.ll., ..1 '. UI'lM, I. t.f
i .1 ... , oi. t- i i' . r. , ' i 'pn.rt.1 ir-i.w
-.! Mtfi ..Kit 5; vi IIJUSiM.