Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 03, 1882, Image 8

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    1'mm.mjiLMiniir u"1!.1."'!''1,1 "i' ' iuw. "ivj,'w.ii"ir.
Tho Omaha dalllci arrive at .1 o'clock
in Die uftonioon.
S. A. Unborn, Kho,., Hindu a trip to
l.iiifcoln tlilrt week.
Uxtru copies of Tin: AivjMti.suk
or alo at tho postollloe.
Tlio R. V. H. H. 1h ilnlHlicd to within
ix mlloH of Teeiunsph.
Another now house - residence to
be built immediately.
- Illank iUmU, rioter, mortgagee
etc., for hHIo at HiJh olllee.
r- - --,-rfjii. ,,n.-a mm,
Mr. and Mra. M. A. llniitUcy, of
JiroV!jVlllo, are in the city.
Hcrt. Sanders him uccuutrd a position
in the drug store of Dillon & Groan.
Miss Futinlu Richards returned last
TuoMlay iVom u visit to friends at
(ileii Koch.
v that harvest in newly over
business in South Auburn is decidedly
picking up.
Henry ltoyco and Dr. Alfred Crane,
of lWownvillo passed through tdwn
Tho two coaches of the H. & M.
wdra crowded with iiussengers Monday
According to the lnmented Horace
(Irceley this is tho season of tlio year
lo cut eiders.
Tuesday old Sol got light down to
business and tried to warm things up.
lie succeeded.
A week ago Sliipon and Welch stuit
ed a meat market. Tuesday thoy sold
out to Henry Hann.
xVlbert Dillon and Joe Groan seem to
be enjoying themselves hugely during
the absence of their wives'
Wo suggest that it would be a good
idea to organize Auburn as'tPWlllngo?
What do the people think.
Tom Pinch, John Uollanoy ami Gone.
Combs, a trio of Xemahii City boys,
got uHiiunro meal at tho Iloldrogo last
m i....
Wen. Daniels, a farmor from near
Hrownvillo, was in town Tuesday with
a load of apples, which ho disposed of
readily at fair prices.
The lot and building belonging to
Tun Advkhtisku, just nortli'of tho
lloldrege, is for sale, l'rlco reasonable.
Enqniro at tlio postolllco.
Wo have been informed by sovoral
different farmers that tho recent heavy
rains havo caused considerable damugo
to small grain in tlio shock.
If wo havo not been misinformed
we will havo the pleasuro of putting in
typo next week an advertisement for
our friend J. W. Kerns if bo don't for
get it.
Did you notice that the Advkhtisku
is receiving more patronago from
North Auburn just now than from
South Auburn. Thoy havo live busi
ness men in North Auburn.
Mr. It. 11. Clancy returned Monday
evening from a trip to St. Louis,
wlioro ho has been purchasing Ids
Htock of haidware. Ills son, who will
assist lii in in the store, returned with
Marion Clark, a young and enterpris
ing business man of Tecumseh, and a
friend of the Adv KUTisKK.accompanicd
by his sister, Miss Kiln, paid a dying
visit to tlio center of Nemaha county
An ugly looking black cloud came up
from tho southwest Monday evening,
and a heavy storm, which could be
rieon and heard from this city passed
south of us. Our people wero somo
what frightened when they saw tlio
cloud for they ovidontly thought it was
Tom,theJ,negulator," says ho would
advertise his machinery tills week, but
from the fact that he has sold It nearly
nil off, and has nothing to advertise,
.aud will liave to -wait until ho can ro
coivo another supply, which Is expected
inn few days. It certainly Is not a
md business, when a merchant can
close out as large u fctoeJi iu Tom had
hi one season.
Auburn Oornot Baud,
On Monday evening at 7:45 p. m.tlio
meeting of tlio Auburn Cornet Jiatid
was held in Samuelson's hall, South
On motion of Mr. I). F. Parker, Mr.
John J. Maxwell was appointed chair
man, and J. J. Goboy, secretary.
Mr, Maxwell llrst explained the ob
ject of the meeting, and ascertained if
every one present was willing to be
come a member of the band.
Upon roll call It was found that
North Auburn was represented by
Messrs. A. D. Gllmorc, J. K. Hull, V.
V. Morrison, J. J. Cohoy, K. K. Wuite,
C. D. Dundasand J). 12. Long; While
South Auburn was represented by
Messrs. John J. Maxwell, I), F, Parker,
T. F. Dunn, Ted ll uddart, J. A. Keody,
Geo. Itieohors, E. D. JtlllOtt ami J2. W.
The next regular meeting of tho
Hand Association Will be held in North
Auburn, on Friday evening, August
6th, at 7: 15 p. m.
The gentlemen of thcexceutivecom
mltteo aro 0. K. Wuite, J. K. Hell and
V. V. Morrison.
Tlio baud will bo known hereaftoras
the "Auburn Cornet Hand."
It Is gratifying lo seo that such a
lively iutetest is taken in the matter,
and theio is every reason to believe that
it will be a success and a credit lo our
little city.
Before closing Mr. Maxwell suggest
ed that copy of the proceedings be
given to tlio Nkuuaska Adv.kutihku
and the Auburn Post for publication.
J. J. Maxwj:i,i Chairman.
J. J. (oiiki Secretary.
A boy about thirteen years old by
the name of Jones was drowned in Hie
river at Urownville, last Saturday
afternoon. Ho was the adopted son of
Thompson Faxton and had lived with
Mr. P. several voars. Mr. P. lives a
few miles in tlio country. Tho boy had !
gone town on an errand, and while
theio went into the river swimming
with some boys, and at once wont into
deep water and was swept beneath tlio
surging waters. The body at last ac
counts hud not been found. The hist
person before this one drowned in tho
Missouri river at Urownville, was Mr.
I'uxton's son Frank, which occurred
some nine or ten years mjo. Mr. and
Mrs. P. had a strong elTection for their
adopted son, and they mourn his sud
den and unexpected loss with great
sorrow. The boy had neither father
nor mothor. Wo believe ho was a
nephew of Mrs. L'ascoo, of Urownville.
Some of the implement dealers down
on the river sneered somo thno ago
when Ilutchlus & Co. ordered a car
load of threshing machines and ven
tured the prediction that they "would
not sell them In six years," but contra
ry to expectations this firm managed to
dispose of tlioin in loss than six weeks,
and last week recoived another car
load. They handlo tho famous Agita
tor. In Lowell, Mass., tho other day, a
Univorsallst and a Methodist minister
exchanged pulpits. Everybody ex
pected that there would be a riot, but
none occurred. Tho Methodist got the
good will of bis congregation by ex
plaining that only tlio wicked wero to
be damned, while the Univorsallst had
no trouble in convincing his hearers
that in being obliged lo liston to his
brother's sonnons overy .Sunday they
had already been punished enough.
PI) ilailelpli id News.
Mr. Samuel Bobst. the builder, who
has charge of the work on Lynn &
Cooper's grain-elevator, is now finish
ing up the work. Tlio stylo of tho
dumps put in is of Mr. llobst own in
venting, and said to bo much superior,
as to convenience and rapid unloading
to the usual elovator grain dump. ,Mr.
II. h a very efficient and ingenious
Daniel 1). Davis, of Aspinwall, was
in the city last Tuesday and purchased
a brand new threshing machino from
HutchitiH & Co. The funnel s of this
andpoition of Hlehardsou county are
learning that South Auburn is as good
a good a trading point as can bo found
in the state.
Vennor and Tico say tho season of
cyclones is over. Whilo these old
weather-cocks aro generally voted a
humbug, this news will all the same
givo great relief to women and chil
dren and tho editor of the TorchUyld.
Henry Uoyso and Dr. Alf. Crane, of
Urownville, passed through tho city
last Mondav on their way to the wild's
of Pawnee county. Heiiry has a quar
ter section of land down thorn that he
had forgotten about and ho went down
to see about it.
Judge Stall, of Hrownvillo, who for
two weeks was seriously 111 of hemor
rhage of the stomach, we are pleased
to say is again able to be at his olllce
for brief periods.
Plans and specifications for the now
school building aio now ready, and
scaled bids for I he work on tho same
will bo rocelvcd by the Hoard until Sat
urday night next.
A. W. Nlckell, reliable newsdealer,
Hrownvillo. .
Church Howe wont to St. Louis a
few days ago.
The second reunion of tho Illinois
Cavalry Volunteers will bo hold at
Woodstock, 111,, on Thursday, Sopt. M,
rain or shine,
Hon. J. S. Church, of Hertford, was
in the city Wednesday ami gave us a
pleasant chat, while the blacksmith
wliod hia horse.
Some of tlio boys take great delight
In "codding" Charley Sykes about his
feet, I wouldn't do it boys. Charley
can't help it if his feet are small.
The Indianapolis Journal, in probing
for scientific faets, lias discovered "that
while whisky is an antidote to snake
bites, only a certain quantity is needed."
A newly-married man Complains of
tlio high price of ''ducks." He says his
wife recently paid for thieoof them a
duck of a bonnet, a duck of a dress and
a duck of a parasol. He says such "deal
ings in poultry" will ruin him,
Tho Macon ((Ja; Tvleyraph believes
that if the Democrats aro to control the
next national hotiso of representatives,
tho gains will hao to come elsewhere
than from the South, the outlook being
favorable for the loss of at least a dozen
members from that section.
At Kensington, III., about 200 men in
the Pullman brick yards struck for an
advance of twenty-live cents per day.
They have been receiving $2.25 to 84.00
per day. Tlio company is making prep
arations to start iij) five ct' tho eleven
machines without the aid of the strikers.
Nast, in Hurpei'n Week! makes fun
of the United States navy by a cartoon
of a washtub, and a marine sitting
with a old musket run through the
hand hold of tho tub ready for busi
ness. Every day of seasonable weather
adds to the promise of a good business
year. Tlio countiy just now islooking
to the great grain-growing Slates, and
however little Inlluence they may have
in Congress they are of overshadowing
Importance in determining tho status
of business. So far as tho Northwest
Is concerned, she given or is giving
her answer. It will bo a good business
year, 77itr Ocean.
In the editorial on tho first pago of
this paper, regarding the building of a
court house in Hock Port, in tho 27th
lino between the words "court" and
"contract" should be inserted the
words "cannot." Then the quotation
would correctly lead: "The county
court cannot contiact beyond its abili
ty to pay out of the current county
In another column appears a lotter
over tho name of T. J. Majors, in hi.s
own defence. Ho denies, and of course
should be acquitted at once. Logic of
of circumstances, common sense and
reason should not for a moment weigh
against Col. Tom's plea of not guilty.
When the investigating committee re
ports upon tlio matter, wo will publish
A good Austin father gave his son a
nickel and sent him to church, and
after ho came homo asked him what
tho text was. Ilo said lie did not know.
"Did you forget everything?" asked tlio
paront. "No," said tlio boy carefully,
"I remembered not to put tlio nickel in
tlio plate." "Why you heathen!" "If
I'm a heathen it's all right. I know for
onco that the poor heathen got the
nickel that was intended foi him. I
bought me some peaches for that nickel.'
Texas Sift In yx
Wo have frequently been asked
"How does the AnvKitrismt stand on
tho removal question? What do you
think of having the election this fail?"
etc. The Advkktisku believes that
we could move the county seat this
fall, and does not boliovo in "putting
oil until to-morrow what we can do to
day," but as there seems to bo a differ
unco of "opinion as to tho time of
springing tho question, wo suggest that
a public meeting be called at once,
where there can bo a free interchange
of thought, and such resolutions pass
ed as Hie majority may will. Let the
majority rulo in this matter, and Tiik
Adakutiskk will bo content, and with
tlio people in whatsoever they con
clude to do. .
The reason that the old soldiers who
fought through the robollion, or the
poor native laborer or tho hardy emi
grant lias to go hundreds of miles aw ay
for a homestead is because all the land
not already pre-empted or hoinesteaded
has been gobbled bj tho land grant
monopolies. lite.
Had it not been for these sanio"land
grant monopolies," tho chief of which
is tho Union Pacific railroad, Omaha
would to-day bo a villago about the
slzo of Hrownvillo, and the interior of
Nebraska a desort occupied only by
tlio wild animals of the plains, instead
of the vast settlements and nourishing
towns that wo now seo along tho line
of that great thoroughfare. Land
grants did it, and nothing else.
Sustaining Her Reputation,
Young Hostettor McGlnnis, one of
tho fashionable young bloods of Austin,
took a young lady to church Sunday
evening, As lie had been up lato the
night beforo ho was rery sleopy ; con
sequently ho did not flirt with His fash
ionable young lady as ho had heretofore
been in tho habit of doing in church.
"What Is tho matter with you?" hIio
"I am not feeling well," ho whispered.
"you wake up and glgglo a little,
anyhow. If wo don't misbehave our
selves in church peoplo will think wo
aro married, and 1 want you to under
stand I havo got a reputation to sus
tain." After that Ilostetter McGinnis and
tho young lady acted so improperly
that tho sexton had to go to them and
whisper to them to keep quiet. Texas
Woarejwidy to recoive produco in
exchange for goo,ls at tlio New Store
first door north of tho postolllce.
w w.iini.iiiiini.itwiiiwii ilMtanana
The modern Democrats can be safely
entered in t lie class of "go as you
please." In Maine thoy back up Green
backers for Governor and Congress, and
piofess to hate them in oilier quarters.
They claim in Virginia to bo the great"
debt payors." and yet havo nominated
Massey, tlio loudostmouthed repudiator
in tiio State. In two-thirds of the
States they declare for "tariff for reve
nue only," and yet in States where sucli
doctrine is unpopular acomtuodato them
selves adroitly to the situation. There
is one cardinal plank in tlio platform of
tho party which seems to ho unanimous
that is freo trade in free whisky. If
there is a single great question of
National politics in which tho Dem
ocratic party takes issue with Re
publican they liave failed to designate it.
Inter Ocean.
Wall Paper.
at Nlckell & Shorts.
Tho ten thousand school ma'ams,
who go down the highways of Iowa
every morning, with linen aprons on,
and with the love of liberty and truth
in their hearts who have" made Iowa
what it is, more than any other dozen
forces in it, would take' any state in
tlio south and make its citizens
liberal, intelligent, progressive, refined
and republican in ten years. Iowa
State lieyister.
Reduced Prices in Moat.
The Calvert Meat Market will furn
ish meat from this date at the follow
ing reduced rates:
Suiioin Steak 12 cts.
Hound " l() " "
Roast 8 "
Chuck , 10 "
Hoiling peices from (!c to 7c.
'i IlKN'UV IIakm, Prop.
Machine Oils at Nickell & Shorty.'.
Linn & Cooper.
Calveit, Neb., are now ready to re
ceive grain of all kinds, for which they
will pay tho highest market price
Call at tho elevator.
J. G. fcSILILSj, .llsutHger.
Employment For Ladies.
The Queen City Suspender Company, of Cin
cinnati are now manufacturing and introducing
their new Stocking Suppotters for Ladies and
Children, and their unequalled Skirt Suspenders
for Ladies. None should he without them; our
leading phjsiiians recommend them, an! a-e
loud in their praise. These goods are manufac
tured hy ladies who have made the wants of
ladies and chidren a study, and they ask us to re
fer them to tome sellable and energetic lady to
introduce them in this county, and we certainly
think that an earnest solicitation in every house
hold would meet with a readv response, and thil j
a determined woman tould make a handsome
salary and have the exclusive agency for this
county. We advise some lady who is in need of J
employment to send to the Company her nmie
and address, and mention this paper Address
Queen City Suspender Company, No. 19 Main
Street, Cincinnati, Uhiv). 711
Loss of Appotito, Bowels costivo. Pain in 1
tho Hoad, with n dull sensation in tho
bftok part, l'aln under tho Shoulder
blado, fullnoss aftor eating, with n disin
clination to exertion of body or mind, 1
Irritability of tompor, Low spiritB, with j
a feeling of bavinp; noRlocted some duty, '
Wearinoss, Dizziness, fluttering at tho
Hoart, Dots bof oro tho oy en, Yellow Skin,
jionuucno gonorauy over tno rignt eye,
Hostlessnoss, with fitful dreama, highly
colored Urino, and
Hill 1
TUTT'S niXSiiro especially ndnptnl to
such onsen, 0110 dose eRocts such a change
of fouling as to antonlsh the sulTorer.
Tliey Inrreruto slio AiipMltc, nnd cause the
body to Take on 1'lenli, thus tlio syhtem U
MitiirUIitHl. nud by their Tonic Action oil the
IlKt'tlo Ortraii. Iteiruliir M00U are pro.
iluvtsl. l'rlco -a cents. M JI unity St., '. Y.
Ouay Haik onWmsKKits chnnced ton Glossy
Hi.ack by n sIiikUi implication of this 1)vk. It Im
parts a natural color, nets InKtnntnneously.Sold
by DruRBlMs. or sent by express on receipt or El.
OFFICE. S3 311' Hit AY KT., NEW VOItlt.
(Dr. TCTTS MIVCIL of V!mM Uroruttlon id
Cful lUcclpU will be nillri HIEK 00 typllotlgt.J
.Notice to Ilcdcciu From Tax
County ok Nemaha, '
To U. II. Thomns, Atnnurln Tliotnns, Juno
Noyes, Ann Noyis.AIollssiiNoyus, William
Noyes mid Uliurles Noyes, liclrs-ut lnw of
John MoyoM, deceased; uml II.C,Tlionius ami
H.8. Itndlcy, owiilth uml jieritoiiB lnlorcBiud
In tlio following described realty, nnd C. II.
ThomiiM iiLd AtnitnduTlioiuim ocuupuulH or
bald realty:
You and enclt of you nre liereby notified
tliut tlio County of NeinnliR. In tho State of
Nobrnsltn. did on the first day of November,
13M purclinnent public Hale, tlio following
vlusorlbcd realty, (situated In tmld County of
Molilalia nuil Stnto of NcbntHka, to-wit:
Tho went linll of tlio northwest quarter of
neotlon two U, hi townHlilp nix (0 Nortli, of
ratiKo fourteen W Kant, lor the mim ii.W,
niiino beliiK for tuxes lovlrd thereon for 1870,
(bald realty bolus; aHscssod for tho year 1870,
to tho nbovo named II. C. Thomns) und unld
realty having llrt been otrered for nalc mid
remiilnltiguiiHold for want of other bidders:
oIho ouo-third of tho outliest quarter 01
ncctlon twot'.'l, In town plx Oi N., of rani;o
fourteen 1JJ E for tho huii of $1.01. sumo
bolntr for taxes levied thoruon for 1871), (niiUI
really helnif iihwunhciI for the year 1870 to tho
above II. C. Thomas), and said realty
buvlni? llrst been o Mo red forimleandrotimln
lug unsold for wnnt of other bidders; also
two-thirds of tho southeast quiirtor of sec
tion two Vi, In town six 0 N.,of ruuifo lour
toon II E., for UioHtim of $11 b, samobolnir
for taxes levied thereon lor 1870, (said roultv
being assessed for tho year 1870, to tho nbovo
named 11. 8. Kiulloyj, nnd snid really having
llrst been oirorcd for sale, nnd remaining un
sold for wnnt of other bidders.
That tho cortlllcntos of said tax sales have
been duly assigned lo Holwrt Mnlby, who Is
tho ownor and holder thereof.
That tho tlmo of redemption from said
snlo expires on the llrst day of November
And you nro further notified that unless
said realty Is redeemed from said tax salo
within llvo months from tho dato of this
notice, to wit: On or boforn December ami'
ISh'J. I shall apply to I ho Treasurer of Neiiut
ha county 'Iteushror's Tax Deed, on or
II fter said December Mtli, 188'.', for said real
slate. HoiikiitMamiv.
Nobrnska City, Neb., July nu, 1SS.J. 7wl
Notice of Appointment of Administrator.
Estate of Samuel F. Hacker, deceased In the
County Court of Nemaha County, Nebraska.
Notice is hereby given that an application has
been made to the County Court of said County
to appoint Anne M. Hacker, administratrix of
the estate of said Samuel F. Hacker, deceased,
and that August 31st, A. D. iS8a. at ioo'clcck
a. m., at the office of the County Judge of Ne
maha County, Nebraska, in Urownville, Ne
braska, has been fixed by the court as the time
and place for the hearing thereof, when and
where all persons interes'ed may appear and con
test the same. John S. Stull,
Dated July 31, 1882, 7W4 County Judge.
notice of fl'rotmto of Will.
F.state of Elisha J. Merriam, deceased. In
the County Court of Nemaha County, Nebraska.
In the matter of proving the will of said
Elisha J. Merriam, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that August Hist, at 10
o'clock a. m., at the office of the County Judge
of Nemaha County, Nebraska, in Brownille
Nebraska; has been fixed by the court as the time
and place for proving the will of said Elisha J,
Merriam, deceased, when and where all con
cerned may appearand contest the probite there
of. John S. Stull, County Judge.
Dated August 1st, 1882.
LckI Notice.
To FrnnclH M. Hlclinrds, Sninuul Dally. H. T.
imtly, MorilHon.
You arohoreby notified that I am Iho own
er of a tn asurer s certificate of salo No
of tht) following described real estate tn-wlr:
1'iirt nf thosoutheast quarter of section six
township six, nonh 01 ramto llliecn east,
eontnlnlngllfty acres Minuted In thonniih.
east comer of said stctlon, In Nomalincoun
ly and Htatoot NebniMcn. and taxed In tho
mimes or i,ianelh.M.HIchards, .Samuel Dallv
It. T. Dally, Mnnlsi.n. ot,t.r tiume
unknown. On the 5ih of December, ls7H
said lands were sold for Hie delinquent taxtN
of 1MHI.1S71 to l.S78iiiiil.eiirsliitM'fiilnir Mild
itnteH, amonntl'ig to one bundled anil tcn
ty-llvoand .'il-luu dollars, and bus paid in.
the taxes to date. And that tho time for r
d Mil pt Imi will ex pi ie on said propeitj nli,
dfo-erlbpd 011 the IKth dav of Novemhet isv
III which tho undeislgned will apply 101 u
'"X 'I''01- Dr. John V .j:ai..
Owner of said certificate by OMiorn ,tTa loi
Ids agents 7w-U '
t.tfxal Notice.
To Mar) A.Oldfield; non-resident, defendant.
You are hereby notified that 011 the 22d day
of July, 1S82, John M. Oldtield filed a petition
against )ou in the district court of Nemaha coun
ty, Nebraska, the praer of whieh is to obtain a
divorce from jou on the ground of adultery and
desertion You are required to answer said pe
tition on or befure Monday, the 3rd day of Sep
tember, 18S2. John M. Oluhed,
Hy Osborn & Ta!or, his attorneys.
TOJgx gawraraagmt-Ytaw-iCTTwy. ,r.
A perfect dress
ing.elcgantlypcp fumed and harm
less. Remove
dandruff, restores
natural color and
(0 rmti ami
itivi MdrupgWIi.
An riqulilttljrfra
rrml wrfumt with
S3 and 1! cnti.
An jnvlgoratlng Medicine that Never Intoxicates
This delicious combination of Ginger, lluchu,
Mandrake, Stilling!.-!, nrnl many oilier of the best
vegetable remedies known, cure all disorders of
the bowels, stomach, liver, kidneys and lungs, & is
The Best and Surest Cough Cure Ever Used.
If you arc suffering from Female Complaints,
rervousness, Wakefulness, Rlieumatitni Dyspep
sia, age or any disease or infirmity, take lirker s
Ginger Tonic. It will strengthen brain and body
and give you new life and rigor.
.,, 109 r o ii r, .a. n s
Paid for flm itltni. tnlurin.. fM.n1 In nLT.-l.
or for a failure to help or cure.
,,'f-"'1 l;'Miatdfl.r;lndnit. Ur i.Ttarboylni
11 Sin. 8nd for circultr lo lliacot & Co., Itl Wo.SliH.Yt
?'-mL. m.,- y 1 "kt-i
1 vJMiIMImW!mi
...- ,,. i.aijiviii-j t unit t;t uu
tatut rtfitvd and motowsiul iit-rt.tlra fn tho U.S.
nov rwtlredi for tliAiMirnof 'rwuiir SH4tUtuf
frmtXnthoot, IS tfiA,iriyw ftn.t IPeeuy. Sou
tiplnlnBlwlcnvolopf-iie. llruiiijlatatuuUll .
Mitaxt DB. VARD & CO. Uulticna, Mo.
A fWvnrffA .jnnnlnH-H -t- .t.M
. '.k