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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1882)
h u. I. VStWh ASil SUGGESTIVE. In tho Boston market Maine, Ver mont ami Canada horsos aro said to britig twenty-live per cent, moro than Western horses equally brod. Orfe pound of oilcake, Bays a dis tinguished French chemist, is equal to three pounds of corn meal, nine pounds of 'bran or ten pounds of hay. J Hroadeloth when worn may havo a new face put 6n it by Ih'o .following method: Rip up carefully, brush thor oughly, lay on tho right sido a cotton or linuhcloth wrung frora.cojd vator, and pass a hot iron over tho cotton, ro movo and press tho broadcloth on tho wrong side. l'ickled Beets! Boil very tender in quite salt water, vskin,' slice and placo in an earl hen pot or any convenient dish. For ro very good-slzeil beet allow a thin slice of onion, a tablcspoonful of grated horse-radish and half a dozen cloves. Cover with cold vinegar. Thoy will not keop over a week. Hural New J'orq Tho American wonder or premium gem, peas sown in August will, jf thoy escape- mildew, make a fair autumn crop. Much every way depends upon tho weather fqr success, and from our own experioncp wo prefer August to July. Mold from tho woods make 4 a very nice fertilizer. Tho ground should be iinoly and deeply pulverized. N. Y. Ucfatd. I'o Cure Nursing Sore Mouth: Mix together a tcaspoonful each of pulver ized alum and borax, half a salt spoon ful of pulVprized mttgalls and n table spoonful of honby (sugar will' unswer the purposo) ; pour over the mixture a tcacupful of boding water; lot it settlo, ami with a clean 'linon rag wash tho mouth four or live times a day, using n fresh bit of linen every time. This will euro sore mouth in mother and child. N. Y. Tribune. ' Chicken Cholera: When you give medicine for this disease-be careful that tho water the fowls drink is pure. Wo give a plenty of green food, chopped nntbmndo palatable hy mixing with otlv erc'dibles.; if you see n thick-skinned fruit on tho ground break it. so that tho bird may get at its best part, or at least be tempted to try it. The Poultry World prescribes equal parts of peppermint, laudanum and camphor -live to ton drops of the mixture cvury day. Injurious Insects. There are few tilings more humiliat ing to humanity, thau the,sejise,of man's helplessness before very small insects. Tigers or wolves we can exterminate easily enough, if wo really set ouivelves to work lit it; rats, mice and weasels wo can keep down somehow. But be fore the Colorado beetlo or tho seven-teen-vear locust wo are practicallv al most, resourceless. And before the phylloxera or the liop-lly wo can hardly do more than look on regretfully with folded hands. Yet it is somo consola tion to reflect that what seems at lii'st sight u useless and purely ornamental science can help us to somo extent in dealing with theso infinitesimal posts. Tho only way to cotuiuer them, it wnv there be at all, is to learn their wholo life-history; to know them in tho egg, in tho larva, in tho pupa, in itho fufi lledged insect; to crush them in ovory stage with whatever weapon the subtle ties of chemistry or mere ingenious brute force can suggest; and to do noth ing which can in any way give them a single extra chance of life. .Nothing, in fact, could better show the intimate in teraction and reaction of knowledge and practice than this int'oroVtlrig study. On the ono hand, no means can bo devised for getting rid of iii'iirious insects ex cept by a thorough scientific acquaint ance with their origin and metamor phoses: on tho othor hand, no such care ful observations on particular lil'o-his-tories have over been undertaken, prob ably, except with tho stimulus of .some practical advaniige lo mankind in view. Thus science and agriculture both gain by the conjunction. Kven buttorlly hunting has its special commercial uses, when the butterlly turns out to be the parent of tho gesoberry qaterpillar, or to lay tho oirgs from which u warm sun will hatch out tho destructive cabbage worm. ' Many of theso observations help to bring out the minute interaction which often obtains between different parts of the organic balance: so that if we want to exterminate a particular insect, we must sometimes begin by encourag ing or repressing somo seemingly un connected bird yr plant. For example, botanists have long known that wet seasons aro particularly faorablo to charlock, and that alter two or throe such seasons the liolds. unless diligently weeded, are yellow all over with its bright blos-om. But charlock is ap parently the native food-plant of tur nip lly, from which tho insect spreads easily to the cultivated turnip -a close ly alMoil artificial form; much as tho Colorado beetle, originally parasitic on a solatium in tho Rocky Mountains, took readily to tho richer food of the very similar potato vinos, as soon as extend ed tillage began to approach its natural habitat. it is only bv such careful observation, with practical application of tho results, that we can hope to outwit our insect foqs; for tlio more widely tiny particular crop is grown, thw'luqro generally can its natural enemies spread and survive. Even in England, where hill and dale, copse and hedge break up the tilth, and whore small fields of various staples lire habitually much intermixed, the Insects can easily ungrate from patch to patch of their special food-plant: whilo In America, where the samo crop some times covers hundreds of square miles together on tho unfonccd and unbroken plain, locusts and army worms can march straight across country, day alter day, hi regular battalions. St. J'jnneb1 Gazette. A German Fable. """ . A German satirist has produced tha following fable: "Tliero woro once four Hies, and thoy woro hungry ono morning. Tho first sottlod upon, rt prtu sngo and made a meal. But ho speedily died of- intestinal inflammation, lor tho sausagd was adulterated with, aniline. Tho second lly breakfastctl upon flour, and forthwith succumbed to contraction of tho stomach, owing to hn inordinate quantity of alum. Tho third lly was .slaking his thirst with tho contents of tho milk-jug, when crumps suddenly convulsed him, and ho gave up tho ghost, a victim to chalk adultoration. Qnntnr fKtcf tlin fiit-M ir ,!,! tnrl tin- In jkJUUIll" l.IllJ, W1U AVll&fci III lllllVV.lllg &w ; himself: 'Tho sooner it's over tho sooner to sleep,' alighted upon a moist- cneu sneoi 01 paper cxiiiumug uiu in scription, 'Fly Poison.' Ho drank to his heart's content, growing moro vigor ous and chcorful at every mouthful. Even tho fly poison was adulterated." ' Bayard Taylor's Monument. A handsoiuo monument has boon placed over Bayard Taylor's grave, near Kennott Square, Pa. It is of gray Indian limestone, in tho form of an antique Grecian altar, on tho drum of which is a bronzo bass-rolief of tho Eoet, half encircled with a wreath of ay and oak, his civic honors, beneath which is the following inscription: " IlAVAim TAYI.OIt, Jnnunry 11th, 1.'5 December HUh, 1873.'" , On tho reverso sido of tho altar is tho following inscription, from his own poom, l'nnco Doukalion:" " For life, whoso source not hero liotrim, Mut till the utmost ttplinro of mun, And, bo oxiniiHlliiK. 111 toil bo Alon tho lino of (Joel's ilccrco, To tliul In endless growth nil ifooil, In ondless toil, beatitude." Above tho quotation is a butterfly in reliof. On the frieze, surmounted by n plain cornice, is tho following text: ' Ho buliiff doud jot poukcth." licit, xl. i. Twonty-threo convicts of tho Stato Prison at Frankfort, Ky., professed con version under tho revivalism of Barnes, and woro taken to tho river for bap tism. The Warden, though protesting that ho did not doubt the sincerity of their repentance, escorted them with a strong guard armed with rilles. Courier-Journal. 'J ho Newark Journal publishes a nqcm addressed "To an. Assassin." That's right! Assassins deserve pun ishment. Address your poetry to them Boston Vost. l'rotoct tho 'Women. Naturally pule Invalids can bo greatly im proved In health and appearance, tho mind and body strengthened, by using l)r. Ouysott's Yellow Dock and Sarsaparlllu. It brightens the oyes, gives rosy cheeks, and creates u per fect picture of health, strength and beauty. It Is woman's best friend for relieving tho many wuakticssca incidental to tcmalo life. If vou aro weak, nervous nnd dobllltatod, or, euiiur iiuiu uapupsiu, lb v,uj .gmmjf Ji!CllJtuk W.WSUI I'ffilll w I Tnnni: shouldn't bo muuTi ufuigcr to a for eigner In tho strcots of Alexandria. A man ought to bo ublo to keep dark In Egypt. Jin. Samuel A. Denton, or Lebanon, 0., writes: "My wlfo has for years been a great BUtTercr from female diseases. Her health was very poor, and her blood full of Impuri ties. She complained of pains about tho loins nnd back; and would sometimes keep her bed for days. I gave her Dr. Guysott's Yellow Dock and Sarsaparllla, which helped her great ly from the sUut, alid now I never saw hor skin so fair, her lips so red, or hor checks so rosy. She atteudB to her housowork horsolf now, and I never hear her complain." The poet who sweetly referred to tho "sigh ing of tho winds," should go out West nnd experience a slghclonc PhQaddjuhta Bulletin. m Personal. Tho Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., will sond Dr. Dyo's celebrated Klectro-Voltalc Uclts and Appliances, on trial for thirty days, to men (young or old) who ace alllleted with nervous debility, lost vitality and kindred troubles, guaranteeing complete restoration of vitality and manhood. Addicss as above. N. B. No risk is Incurred, ,as thirty days trial Is allowed. Mdstahd yellow Is the name of a new col or. Worn as trimmings to a corn beef nnd greens polonnlsa It Is too lovely. Oi.ii Ciu'kty, who has two protty daugh ters, says he has kept a bull-dog for years foi tin' express purpose of distributing the Sun day males. "It Is hardly fair In you to steel my thun der," as the cloud remarked to tho lightning rod. "Oh, I ehall draw it mild," tho rod re piled. Tun Third Avenue Iloise Railroad of New York lms had to pay $'J0,0J0 for crippling n boy. Tho price oi a full-grown New Yorker Iiiih heretofore averaged only about $r,0, but of cuiime everything Is going up in price. Ihtrult Fne Press, fio and see "Aladdin," and envy the girls their cool eostuii es. Hoston Post, If you want to sco Aladdin a cool costume, go to any river l)Mik.Pfiiladcljhla Xej. As to "what Is rarer than u day In .Tune?" the Hoston Advert her replies, "taking their number Into consideration, a day In Feb." And so It Is In other respects, for Buine of them are positively raw. Rb sure and havo a little hole In each of your fly-screens; then tho llys can got out ol the room when they are tired of staying In. Jlurliituton llawkeye. - 8aid Edith; "Mr. Squires told me last night when I out walking with him that he would payer marry." Said Alho: "Ho Bald the same to me when I was with him the night before, but ho mentioned your iume Immediately nfterwiud. Whkn a boatman breasts tho breakers, nnd tho white foam breaks from tlio bow like cas cades of cream, It Is not wholly Inappropriate to say that his scow gives milk. A statistician computes that 150 tons of human hair annually eiiungo hands in Franco. It Is Impossible to glvo tho figures in this country, as the Indians keep no records. De troit J'oit. A youno lady being told by a friend that hllk dresses were very much worn, said that bIic knew It, for hers had two or three holes In It. Always look on the right side. A mighty uu'ly lilted girl can rlu$ tuo bell for a might) good dinner. AN OPEN-.LETl'EU. ' Some OutapoUon StntominU of Yitluo from 1'nrttci of tho IllgUeat BtaKtlfnfcJ ... Great When tho people of Arnarlca become to thoroughly nrouscil,iand on a subjoct of such serious Importance yks the preservation' of thelrllvofl and hoiiltli, ItTii Tiutl natural that the ones who have been largely Instrumental In tjio origin of lis movtfmtnt should speak frankly and directly to the poplo most Inter ested. Jit Is for this reason that we thus coino b'ofoTa the rfubllcandiruko tho following revclit4pu,s: ' ,w Every careful observer who liassought to keep pace, with the march of events has noted the alarming lucrcao of ccit.iln peculiar physical troubles within thtpast fowyuurs. Theso troubles have tome at unexpected moments and In a most treacherous way. They , havo irianlfcUbU thuinnelvcs In inmftnurablu forms Hut they havo always had the smiic cause. They havo not allllctcd the minor parts of tlus body, but havo gone direct to the strongholds bl the system and their work linn usually been as prompt as It Is fatal. Their treacherous and deceptive 1 nature has often prevented a careful analysis of what cuuscs thcm,1and, n$ a result, liltcuso sulTcrlng'and find disaster have usually en sued. The real cause, however, has been a derangement of tho kidneys, and nil of these troubles aro, In fact, tho first symptoms of tho terrible Urlght's disease, which has cast Its dark1 shadow ovor so many homes In stho land, and Is increasing wonderfully -and con tinually. It Is now conceded by thq ablest physicians In every land ami by eminent sci entists the world over, that this disease, is the result of blood poisoning. This poison ing Is brought about by wasted and un healthy klduoys that permit the poison to remain In the blood, Instead of throwing it from the system. Jiut It Is equally evident to all who havo studied Into the effects and havo beComo conversant with tho' facts, that a disordered state of tho kidneys and liver produces most of tho common com plaints and pains which alllict the human race, and they can bo traced to this source just as certainly u's can llrlght's disease. To purify a stream we must no lo Its source, and to euro a dlseasd wo must remove the nume. It being true, therefore, that ntuo-tcnths of all human ailments aro caused by diseased kidneys or liver, the onlv certain way to euro those trou bles Is by treating the organs which cause them. HoW Intimately the kidneys aro asso ciated with the entire Bystem may bo under stood from tho fact that over 1,001) ounces of blood pais through them every hour, bolng more than 200 g.illons, or nearly one ton In tho course of twenty-four hours. This viiBt mass of living 11 tit tl is sent to every p.irt of tho body, mid If the kidneys ure diseased the Im purities that uro in tho blood arc not removed, and licutc paBs through tho veins, carrying disease In some one of its many terrible forms. Tho horrors which accompany most of tho diseases caused by disordered klduoys and liver cannot bo described In print, while tho dangers surrounding them aro even greater than tho agony. And yet a person may 13 troubled for mouths without knowing the cause of the dise.isca that have attacked him. Some of tho symptoms of the tlrst stages, any one of which indicates dlsordeicd kidneys or liver, nro these: Pains in tho buck and around the loins, severe headaches, diz ziness, inflamed eyes, n coated tongue and a dry mouth, los of appetite, chilly sensations, Indigestion, (tho stomach never Is In order when tho kidneys or liver aic deranged), a dryness of tho skin, nervousness, nlghtsucats, muscular debility, despondency, a tlrod feel ing especially at lyjit, pulling or bloating under tho eyes, etyw-tf any of tho following iLuvlbo Rytfcm,' V,, rioiws that, thu lddiwvs fcr'arftfMit of order: A v Joiosltr. -1 hcunTuTon the surface, an unusual thickness iiuiign aro iwuywjmwmu. uiu minis piiHsuu ojitlilnncss, a very dark or a very light color, a'vmrulug sensation In passing, an unusual odor, n retention, or a frequent desire to void and Inability to do so. Tho above are a few of tho hundreds of symptoms which Indicate the beginning of aggravated cases of kidney or liver dllllcul ties, and they require Instant attention. If theso symptoms aro not checked nt once, thoy are almost certain to result In some ono of tho many terrible diseases of tho kidneys. Hut unpleasant us all tlio symptoms and oven these diseases may be, they are as nothing compared to tho last stagos of tho coin plaints. The klduoys wasto away by degrees, accompanied by intense pains; tuo heart be comes uncontrollable; tho lungs nro op pressed; the eye-balls grow glassy, and tho entire system Is reduced and debilitated. For weeks beforo do.ith comes tho sulTcrer looks lorward to it as a blessed relief, and anything that can furnish oven temporary help Is glad ly hailed. Then it Is that bloating begins; the face becomes puliy and pallid; the breath can only bo caught In gasps, speech Is Impos sible nnd muscular action suspended. Tho patient finally sinks Into a state of uncon sciousness to everything except the pains which aro racking him, and death comes by certain but slow degrees. There can bo but one conclusion' which all readers of caro and Judgment will draw from theso facts, which is tho necessity of treating tho disease in time, nnd by that means which has been proven tho best and most ofllclent. It has been our privilege to treat more cases and cllect moro cures of this terrible complaint than has over been known boforo In the history of tlio world. The wonderful sale which our remedies havo nttulned Is due wholly to tho fact that they have cured tho ones who havo used them. Tho power and value of uny remedy inust rest wholly pn a basis of worth, and hero Is just where our Safe Kidney and Liver Cure has found Its wonderful power and success. Rut In this connection conies one Important fact: It has always been true that articles of merit aro subject to imitations. No ono seeks to coun terfeit tho bills of n worthless bank. Tho productions of a cracked inventor or witless writer ore hover copied. It Is just bo with a healing remedy. If It possess no merit It will not bo subject to Imitations. If, loweyor, It has pottcrnnd vulue, Imitations will spring up on cverv side. While It Is a tribute to the value of this medicine that It has imitations, still, in justice to those who are sutlerlng, wo feel that all should bo warned agulnst them. There Is but ono knuwn remedy that has over been able to cure seriouB kidney troubles or control these groat organs when once do ranged, and that remedy Is Wurner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. There nro numerous nostrums on the market claiming to bo just as efficient and some which even claim to be tho samo. Tho test of merit, however, is In what has been accomplished, and wo there fprc say unhesitatingly that for all diseases of tho klduoys, liver and urinary organs, Warner's Snfo Kidney and Liver Cure stands alone, not only In point of excellence, but. In the wonderful results it has achieved. In order to successfully u void the purchase of spurious and injurious medicines, observe these facts: Our remedy Is put up In dark anibcr gluss bottles, with tho Safe (our trade mark) blown In tho black. A private proprietary six cent Internal revenue stump is affixed to the neck and covers tho top of tho cork and Is of a light brown color. In the middle thereof Is a Safe In outline, and on It tho pfcturo ot a negro gathering herbs. If this stamp Is not found on every bottlo of tho Safo Kidney and Liver Cure, or If there Is any evidence that It has been tampered with, and if a Safe Is not blown on tho back of tho bottle, reject tho bottlo at once, uud Insist on having a genu ine one. Wo are led to publish tho foregoing In 6rder thattho public miy know nnd realize Junt where we stand. Wo havo always sought to keop our meouallty from obtruding upou the publls, knowing full well thattho valuoof our remedy was tho essential thing, but the un cxamplcd uso which has been made of this medicine. And the volumes of hitlers wo aro constantly receiving demand a personal state ment from us. Wo aro lastly gratltlcd at tho confidence which has been shown us, and thankful for tho myriads of cures our remedy has performed, and we pledge ourselves for the future as wo have endeavored in tha past, to furnish tho best and only valuable remedy that can control and euro all tho many and terrible troubles arising from disorders of these great organs. Sincerely, II. II. WARNER, . CO., Rochester, N. Y. Tun mall-carrlcr has no fear of Highway men, tor It Is Imp'nslblo for hUn to sUnd and deliver, and the highwaymen know It, " Little thanks are due to him who only gives away what Is of no use to himself," Tho thanks of invalids tho world over nro being showered on the Inventor of hldncv-Wort, for It s giving health to all. Kidney-Wort movos tho bowels regularly, clertns'os tlio blood, nnd radically euros kidney disease, gravel, piles, bilious he.uluclio and palps which are caused by dlson crcd llvor ond klduoys. Thousauds havo been curedwhy should ybu not try It. Tnn small circuses that travol In tho West cannot till bo ipany tents as tho big concorns, but their advertisement aro qulto us wouder- iui. vuo oi mom, which does not oven au notmco the nunio of Its proprietor, Is "a glorious and colossal consolidation of big ruuroau shows." it Is "an ontorprlso sur passing In magnitude, outvlelng In splendor, and overwhelming In attractions any amuse ment corporation ever thought of slnco tho world began." $200,00 Jtmvnrd Will bo paid for tho detection and conviction of any person dealing In bogus or Imitation Hor RiTTt'.its, especially Hitters with tho word Hoc or Jlors In their name, that Is Intended to client tho public, or for unytltliig pretend ing to bo tho samo as Hoi Itirrr.n. Tho genuine has u cluster of ( Hops (notleo mis; pruned on tuo wuito label, and Is tlio best medicine on earth, especially for Kidney, Liver nnd Nervous Diseases, llowuro of nil formulas or recipes of Hoe Hitteus published In papers or for sale, as they nro frauds and swindles. Whoever deals In nny but tho genuine will bo prosecuted. Hoi'UiTTEits M'k'o. Co., Rochester, N. Y. When you see a mnu running with an open knife after a negro, It Is fair to suppose that ho contemplates a stab In the dark. . ' Visible Improvement. .Mr. Noah Bvtcs, Kluilra, N. Y., writes: "About four years at?o I had an attack of bilious fever, and never fully recovered. My digestive organs weio weakened and I would bo completely prostrated for davs. After using two bottles of your Burdock "Blood Hit ters the Improvement was so visible that, 1 was astonished. I can now, though 01 years or age. do a fair and reasonable day's work." Prlco, $1. The Hungarian vineyards havo boon badly nipped and American tourists will do well to taico a jug or cider along jjelruit J rce Pre, Reino entirely vegetable, no particular caro Is required wlillo using Dr. 1'lcrro's "Pleasant Purgative Pellets." They operate without disturbance to the constitution, diet, or occu pation. For sick headache, constipation. Im pure blood, dizziness, sour eructations from the stomach, had tasto In mouth, bilious at tacks, pain in roglon of kidney, Internal fever, bloated fccltugaboutstomach, rushot blood to "Hi take ur.nvco's "pellets." lly druggists. 4 ii : . h Some traits run in families. Shakespeare's father, being illiterate, mado his maik. So did Shakespeare. Texa uiftluus. A sensation has often been mode by tho discovery of somo new thing, hut nothing has ever stood the tost llko Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills. p They rcnlly do cure sick headache, nervous headache, neuralgia, nervousness, sleepless ness, Indigestion, paralvhls, ami melancholy. l'rlco, M) cents per box, two for SSI. six for $2.o'J, by mall, postage fiee. Dr. C. W. Ren son, Baltimore, Aid. Sold by druggists. When tho chap wrote: Roll on, sliver moon," was ho ex' ectlng "change" In tho weather? Jioston L'ommerclid-Mulletln. A Fortune may bo mado by hard work, but can neither ho mado nor enjoyed without health. To those leading sedentary lives Dr. R.V.I'lercu's "Golden Medical Discovery" Is a real friend. It stimulates the liver, purifies the blood, and Is tho best remedy for consumption, which Is Bciofulousdlsoasoof the lungs. Rxidldrugglsts. Hanoino Is capital punishment, especially when you'ro hanging on somo good-looking girl's arm. Kill) It In. Jacob Locckman. 274 Clinton Street, RuiTnlo, N. Y., Bays helms been usIngTnoMAs' tiuo On, for rheumatism. He had such a Iiuno back that ho could do nothing; but ono bottlo entirely cured htm. No one ever believed beef could get up so high. It was qutto poor when It commenced to go up. Dr. IMorco'H "Irnvorlto I'rcserlptlon" always becomes the favorlto remedy of thoco who try It. It Is a specific for ull feuiule "weaknesses" and derangements, bringing strength to tho limbs and back, and color to uiu juco. vi uu uruggisis. It is stango that 4- woman can ever be found to marry a King, for ovor body knows that tho King beats tho Qucru. Wrlto to Mrs. Lydla E. Plnkham, Lynn, Mass , for names of ladles cured of femalo weakness by taking hor Vegetable Compound. ' When sorrow has left Its traces" what has hecomo of tho rest of tho harncsal Skinny Men. "Wells' Health Ttcnewcr" re stores health nud vigor, cures Dyspopsln. f 1. " That's what beats me," remarked a boy, as bo passed a pllo of sliiuglcs. Jioston J'ot. m 3fm The Diamond Dyos always do moro than thoy claim to do. Color over that old dross. It will look llko now. Only 10 cents. - - ' ! A mad dog Is a pronounced Instance of cur-raiia.'-J'htladcljihtn Quiz. Funs, roaches, nnts. bed-bugs, rats, mice, crows, cleared out by "Hough on Hats." 15c Ufli! Heddlng's Russia Salvo In tho house nnd uso Heddlng's Russia Halve In tho stablc.Tiy It. The front door-rnqt is always ready to ecrapo a now acquaintance. The finest Livery Barns use Wise's Axle Qrcaso on their light buggies. National Yeaht is rollablo. Glvff It a trial. 1 1 .1 -- i. i,i , . ... WakcficliTfl Blackberry Balsam, for diarrhea - 1 -.... 0 m i. Tar tho new brand, "Sprint: Tobacco." En Kttlf'i fiiHi one nlhtbtit.thmpntnnit tniutre tiobU fflUiHlhlWotttl.anilthounniltnrhlltlrfytntfMrntrrny yi lvUt ,. It fa "tho 'IN'VAMll'HIIIIT. lllDnit'S clutiiof llehonlthworM ntcr. lnfinofMcrnl, HoantiLtl JSmiilfl JK, ttlnthB nlffiinturnnf YUOIjKIC'JI ib CO. on CTfery label. T HE GREAT CURE ron. RHEUMATISM A It U for nil tha pulnful dlioaac of Uu KIDNEY8.LIVER AND BOWELS. It oloantM tho avitom of tho acrid notion thai oue tho dreadful uimtnir whloli auly tho vtcUma of ItheutnaUara oan rcalUo. THOUSANDS OP CASES of tho wont forma of thu tonriblo dtaoAat liars boon qulokly roilarcu, and In ahort ume PERPEOTLY CURED. nurr, 11. uqnnon hut, do in iit duigqists. 11- Dry CAntxt unit by mall. VIXL8.rUCItAJlDnOWJbCo..llurllnrtonVt PATENT ADJUSTABLE SUGAR GANF. MILLS Evaporators, &c. AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF, HIGH SPEED Stonm EnKlnoa. IVYor IJRmmriv Catauhiuk mlilrvM MADISON rri'F'G CO., MADIBON. VIS- M RICH BLOOD ! PARSONS' PURGATIVE PILLS M lllood, and wilt coiuplcirly cIiaiikp tho IiIikmI In Uiu rn llrii RVMrm In llimi muntln. Any prrson who will tako 1 plllcncli nlulit from 1 lo l weeks mny lio rr'lorcd tomniild luiillli, If micll utliliitflM! imMlliV. 8ililn'V rrywlu'ro or tout liy mull lorH letter Mninpa. I. 8. Joii.nbo.v t Co., Iloiton, Mum. formerly lliiiiKr, Mo. TEAS In nlmmlnnco . itiiuioti poaii,u import' u iui rricen mwrr tli mi ccr-Apent wantoil. Dou't wuato tliati. Send for circular. 10 ll. Rooil HInolC or mixed, lor ft. 1() llin. I'lno HlncK or Mixed, lor 82, 10 Ihn.CliolcolllucU or Itllxcd, lor $3. Bend for pound nimplo. 17 cts. cxtrn for poMnpa. Then jsct V a oluli. Choicest Ten In tlio world. l.irK!l vurletr.-l'lcnucs cveryiioilv-U lilrsi 'lea Hoiibo tn Amerlcn.-Ko cliromo. Ko llumbiiK- HtrnlKlit l)itlnci.-Vnliio for uuiliey. l(lll'TWKUJ,4aVcM7KI.,N.l.,i'.0.oxl287. FRAZER AXLE GREASE, Heat In tlio Wiirlit. li-l Iho KPiiuliie. Kv cry iiiickuuu lu imr '1'iiiilc-iiiiiik unit I iiiuilK-U l'Vuzci-'a. l'.VI'.ltYWIIKIlK. RAMOAD GAZETTE. A JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION. Enginoorlng and Railroad News. Pulillilin! at 73 Ilrnmlirsr, f" York. ABENTS LADIK8 or GKNTS mnlco nuitiity lint Kt-lltiifc unr NKW HOOK. InenllllllllK lo linilir. lici-iM-ra. ftM-rul. practical nnd pupulnr Aildr i r i:. ovi:.n, nlio I'mion mi-cet, chinaico. 'to- IVIccT.t.tofUf-l-I.-,. lQj.W.HriuiiMi-r, naiCllQS Nulrlt I.itUe. Iowa. MAKE HENS LAY An KiikIMi Veterinary Knrgeon ami Gliomlut, now traveling In till country, nays that miwit of tlio lloroo nnd (lattln I'nwilersMilil iihth arnworthleutrasli. Ho aa)Htlint.Sliiirl(lan'a('cindltionl'c)Hilt!riaraaliitnlutly piiriinnil liiiiuniiHiOy valiiahln, Notlilimon tiartli will inako lien lay like. KliHriitan'n Condition i'nwilvrt. Dose, nun tuantiooiifiil to onu pint fooil. HoldoTerjr whnnt. or mint liv mall for nlclit letter atatnpi. I. o. JOHNSON AOO.. llontnu.Ma".. formerly Uanifor.M'i. IUiuonh' l'L'IKUTlVK 1'ILI.H inak now rich blood. EDUCATIONAL. A IHtlAK IIOI.I.KHK, A.lrlan, , Mich. Five BcliooU. JV BeiidforCutiiloKue. etc .to I) 8. Bteplu'ni. I'rra t. A MIKJIAUU; KFMAI.K INSTITIITK, Cliarlottci im.vllle.Va. Full Kuciilty OrcUrOatuloKUc. KAllMIA.VXaiKltH.'AIjtMII.LKOKiin.llIofpltal. Larueai ilumiriiii.illilo t'olli-Re. For Caiuloiruel, aildrcwT S. IIovkk, l I) , fB Waliatli Ave..CilciiCo. UMON COM.KdK OK .W. OlileuRo. III. Tho twenty fourth inr In KlnSi pt.unli.lrttt Diploma admits to thu liar of llllnoW. For circulars addre llos. II llooTil. Chlcano. 111. ST.OI.AlUSArAIIKJiy, BlnlnwaMounit. ffli., la moil maunlllceutly ami healthfully altnaU'il. A eplcudld new Aciidemy I almost coiupleled and v. ill bo ready for pupl la In the fall For Oitiilocuc, addreas Mother Buiierlor. K' Clara Academy. bluluawa Mound 1' O . UrantUo Wii JOIINSOH'SCOMCOLLEGEafftn? year. Bpi'Clineniof l'enmanslilp and Clrculiira. Fn'fl. VnilMR MCU If u want to learn Tcletrrapliy tn lUUflU mtn Rf,:u inonthv and be certain of a Ituatlon, addrt a Valkn riNK Hum , Jaiieavllle, Wli. OPIUM: MORPHINE TIAmiwri A Treatlm on tln-tr , jiuinu 'ln-eilv cure SKNT VHY.A. 1)k. J.lJ. lion Mis, l'.O lloi 13f.ClilcBu, 111. iceily cure SK.NT Fllhd. IR nnn (UltrKXTHIIN now n.eoiii-Nuw IUjUUU Filer lo till iillklndaof kiiw,otliey will cut lietter than ever l're Hi.r.O. I'lrculnnaiiiljirlcca tu AKenti. AddrtmK KOTH illltO., NcwOxonl. I'a, THRESHERS 77.i JItst it tht chet)ftt,li. 'trnted nrlco ll.t free, TIIKA0LTMAN4TAVI.OUCO,. MautiloM. O. ?H i Mnpcrdayatlioine. Samples worth (tK jj 10 JZUiroo. AddnaiSriNSD.VIiCil'ortlftnd.Mft. $47 A MONTH and lioaril In your county. Men or f.adlra. I'leanatit IniHlnitt. Aildrena 1' W ZikolkrAeCo., liux'JI, Clilcauu, 111. S66 A T.KK In your own town. Terms nnd l5unttltfrie.AUdr'ilI.Ualktt&Co.,l'ortland,Mo HAIR Vholfa!c and retail. Bend for prlce-llt. Oooila ent 0. 0, I), WIk Hindu to order. K. llUItNHAM, 71 Btatu Street. CJileaBo! ff nn A WEKK. ?12 it day at homo easily mado. 4)1 Costly outlltfreo. AU(lri)siTme&Co,AuiriU, .Me. A. N, K.-A. m l'IR.V WHITISU TO AnVV.HVIHHH, jUrimrt Hity yim tuiv llio .liUvrtlviifnl in ll( JiCIJlei'a " U &?! m I LLiMjTflBi3B B