Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 27, 1882, Image 8

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    nMJWMUummiiEm'U'W iwnw rw runiu witiuuus
mnotraugjiumnftft iramts w
j:j..j;;uaji.i;jfai.'i.liiinv,wJLiijrrfMi:.. saeasra
4 :
post ornoE hours.
Prom 4:3 11jit09j1.n1. Sun4.i), from
II in, to I i. 111. Farmers anil othen please
tikt notice.
Coal, caul.
i J. W. Kunia.
Miood corn weather." .
'gtVlutly puio. Sugar Syiup at J)oviu
A. W. Xlckull, i-uliubloiiuwHiIuulor,
, Uieain SoilvTitoiTiil .Xickull'H (Irtitf
Mr. and Mr.T. W.iMHlur, of Tcum
huIi, nru in tho (Jlty tliln vvtiok.
. Dr. IJ. Hell AndrcWH, Xomnlia City,
iq building nn addition to his residence.
Mils Kutlo I'ronly.of 1'oru, was onu
of tliu visitors to .Soutli Auburn, laat
A. II. (lilmoi'H, tiio iirlnoo nusnjliant
of North Auburn, wan a visitor at our
oilleo Tuunday.
Frank L. Martin, of Lincoln, show
ed bin .smiling eonntonnneo in tins
city last Friday evening.
Did anybody in tills bountiful land
of tho west over see inuro delightful
weatliur tlian wo arc at present enjoy
ing? Iliruni H. 1'erry lias sold Ids interest
in tlie FiivmlvtlloTeliiMjii and is now
traveling III tho interest of tho titalu
'Services wore hold for the lirsl time
in tho now Catholic church, in this
city, last Sunday, llov. .1. 15. l-Mtzger-ald
Mrs. Albert Dillon, who is visiting
friends at Anderson, J ml., writes to her
husband that her health is very materi
ally improved.
Hammond & Weslor, contractors and
brick-masons of Ueatrico, are in tho
city, and will do tho brick work on
Froy tag's residence.
1. 1 ,i, 1 1 L 1 -i.
Arthur Prescott, formerly clerk in
thoJIoldrege House, tills city, is so
journing in tho quiet and peaceful vil
lage of Brownville.
-Wo notice amongst tiio f armors who
do their trading at this place many fa
miliar faces that erstwhile were often
seen upon tho streets of Brownville.
Krt. Elliott and Frank Tarkor, from
tho south side, went to Atchison to see
tho elephant "Wednesday. Ed. wont to
sou tho future well, wo should smilo.
M. P. Hauagan, attorney at law, Is
tho authorized agent for tho Advhu
Tismt at Xemahii City, and will receipt
moneys paid him on subscription and
job work.
On Saturday S. A. Osborn left at our
olllce' a poach twig three inches in
length which contained seven largo
peaches fully developed. 1 1 came fry in
ids farm west of this place.
Charles Kopjiolbargor, a conductor
on tin? A. it X. disvision of tho B. & M.
K. It.,-was crushed to deatli at Tecum
noli, on Wednesday, tho 112th Inst., by
falling In front of a moving train.
Tho AnvKKTisicK is now in snug and
commodious yuarlorn, third door south
of Xickell & Suurtz. J11 moving our
olllce wo failed this wool; to get off our
usual . supplement sheet. AH right
II. J. F.. Wort has been commissioned
agent for the Springfield F. & M. In
surance company of Massachusetts,
and, w,lll insure your property from
loss by fire or wind. You will II ml him
at tho postolllco, South Auburn, Xebr.
Tommy Ilitte, from tho rural dis
tricts of Asiilnwall precinct, was In
the city last Monday, guzlng with open
mouthed surprise, and wonder beaming
from Ids eyes, at all tho sights con
tained in tills growing young metrop
olis. "Wo hope our subscribers at Nemaha
(Jity, upon whom It Ib inconvenient for
us to call, and whom wo but seldom see,
will pay their subscriptions to our
agent, Mr. M.P.lTanagan, who is au
thorized to glvo receipt for the same in.
Itobort T. Lincoln.
Tho secretary of war, who is begin
ning to loom up n littlu for presidency
in 1NH1, In milking a splendid ollicer
quiet, Jionont ami oapablo. Ho says
army olliccru must go to their posts and
do their duty or get out of the way.
The liUor-O-wiii. says of him: Secre
tary Lincoln Ihih shaken life into some
of tho (had bones of tho army in a
way that will make him odious to sin
0 cures, but hccuih for him tho heart)
commendation of tho men, in active
services and tho public ingeiiorul, Olli
corn of tho iirmy have, a a rule, en
joyed tho grelite'st possible advantage's
of ease and social 'pleasure hIiico the
war, and have so arranged It that they,
practically, ljved through a continuous
furlough, being at no greater trouuie
than to sign a few papers and draw
tholr pay. The corps in Washington
instituted a social lobby that was all
powerful, its members being protected
'i II ... f . t Mil
ny a lujuuiiar lorm 01 uiiiocincy. a ncy
lived like lords, while the men in tho
real service, and perhaps more deserv
ing, woro kept hustling to meet the
emergencies occasioned by tho absence
from their immU of tho "men at tho
rear." The determined course of the
secretary of war has dismayed tho gen
tlemen in uniform who counted 011 a
soft thing for tho remainder of their
days, and rather than go to tho front
and perforin the services for whirl)
they are paid, these gentlemen very
promptly turn in their resignations.
Tliia will bo good for the real war dogs.
Promotions and lransfrs may give the
olllcers who have had seventeen years
of obedience to drum taps a chance to
taste the sweets of leisure, and find out
how it is to have a tour at a civilized
center. The order is being rigorously
Mr. T. J. Pagan, an old business man
of Sabotha, Kansas, is hero seeking a
new location, and Auburn strikes him
as the place, lie has secured commodi
ous business rooms in North Auburn
and will soon open ii ono of the best
grocery houses in Xemaha county in
Mr. Fagan. wo believe is a son-in-law
of John A. Ponn.of Urownville,
he has the appearanco ol one of the
got-up-and-diist kind of business men.
and Tiik Advijutisku bids him wel
come to our thriving young city.
Willing Bros. & Jordan, who have
been maintaining hardware and furni
ture stores in Brownville, Xeniaha
City and South Auburn, moved their
Brownville branch out this week, con
solidating it at Xomaha and South Au
burn. W. B. & J. is a ilvo firm with
the largest houses in their branches of
trado in southeastern Xebraska, and
anybody wanting furniture or Hard
ware,' at W. B. & J.'s is the place to
G. (which means Candidate) Howe.
7 'ten m.s uh 'J 'o rail I itIt t .
Al you should havo tho nuino of
your paper changed to Ulevtriu LUjht.
Simple, unassuming "torchlight" con
veys an idea of dimness that does your
brilliancy great injustice
Summur Millinery ;ohIn sit
Miss Dollie Terry will for tho next
thirty days sell summer millinery goods
at cost. This is a rare chance "to get
good goods way down low, and all are
invited to call at once.
Tho Turrfilljht says tho stalwarts
are tho going to the devil part. The
great and growing ambition of the
TorahU'tht, if wo may judge from its
present political morals, is to go to
Hosowator when it dies.
Johnson people are rejoicing over
tin fact that tho B. & M. railroad will
soon doiivcr their m ill. and they will
be troubled no more with star routes.
Sam Jiobst, thu carpenter who built
the elevator hero last fall, appeared
again in our city Sunday, accompanied
by lll'teen or twenty carpenters.
Xolsou Wood, brother of J).. I. Wood,
cashier of the bank, who recently grad
uated at Tabor college Iowa, is in the
city on a visit to his brother.
Kd. "Wort has been appointed con
stable for Douglas precinct vice Ship
pou''osigned. I5d, will make a good
oho. ''
iTolinny Smith, gardener of Brown
vlllo wiisln town Wednesday with a
wagon load of "garden truck."
Shall wo vote bonds to build a school
house. Answer this question at sain
uelson's hall Saturday evening.
Don't forget tho soboolincottng at
Samuolson's hall, Saturday Wening,
July 20th. " .. f?h
"Wo now get our Omaha mail.via. tho
M. 1'. road road, which arrives about
:i p. in.
Is you owo anything call at our of
fice mid tell us you can or cannot pay
At Prices that
Farm Tools, Stoves, Iron, Nails, Firearms, Ammunition, Etc.
Jl Cood Tin Shop In Connection with the House. A Jso.l workman in ;' s' ; ' r
Charge. Custom work a Specialty.
Uuow.v IJaunim At the residence
of Rev. Thos. Lycll, near (lion Mock,
on Friday evening, July 2lst, 1882, Mr.
Win. Brown and Miss Sarah Barnes',
all of Quitman, Mo.
Tho freight handlers of Xew York
City railroads have been 011 a strike
now over four weeks. They number
uearjy -,ooo men. They were getting
17 cents an hour and struck for three
more cents, which tiio roads have re
fused. Their aggregate earnings since
they struck would have amounted to
SlfiO.OOO. And they have had to live,
tho cost of which in addition to what
they have lost by idleness, could not be
less than SoO.000. Laborers, too often
do not get enough wages; yet we sel
dom see an instance where they make'
it pay by striking.
fleorgo Keel, a young Gorman car
iientorof this piare, while working on
tiio elevator Tuesday, outthoforelinger
of his left hand nearly oil' with Ids
hatchet. Dr. Opporinan, of Sheridan,
dressed tho wound ami tho yo;:ng man
is getting along as well as coulil ua ex
pected. Special ISTotices.
Notices uiuler thin lii'iul "Wmitoil," "For
Hale," "Kor Hunt," etc., Ilvo cents per llnu,
ctich Insert Ion.
I TOLlMtKOIS." A No. 1 fuiniilorook wnti toil
1 I at tiio llulUroKU lluuhi'. Apply liiiino
illutuly. Foil S.U.K.- A wood rrslilonro In South
Aiiliiim. Apply to 11. I. V. Wert rt Co.
MO.VKY TO LOAN... We eiiu till eliolco
loans In UtrcuiliiyN. Apply toOslmrn it
TTVJUHAl.K. Illiuik Deeds. Chattel anilllenl
l1 KstatoMortKitues, Mllli of Kale, Notes, Ktc.
in" 'J in: AiACKTismi olllce.
PiXTltA copies of Tmc AnVKlin.SKitforsale
I2j at the. poKtollleu.
NOTIOK. If YOU oro ns anything on
subscription ph'uso oomo In or send In
anil pay ns. Wo need our money,
ipoil HA M-3. -Clover liny. Call on Barney
(iOOl) Business lot on Center Avenuo,
- near hotel. Houth Autuiru, lor salo cheap
hy II. J. K.Werttt Co.
WANTKDTO MTV. Two Rood farms of
li'oni Nl to 1UU aeres, near tlm center of
Nemaha county. Apply to II. J. I WortiV
Co., nt postolllce.
I lOO.MS TO HKNT. Kotir nice rooms In the
I V l-'ahllnner it Kiel block to let. Hates
reasonahlt). Knqulroat 1'ostolllce. flwtl
uiaKTBannixKcatuBauma tTwrfm a.wunaeaatatuKXKa
Legal Notice.
To Mary A. OMliclJ; non-rcsulcnt, defernhnt.
You are hereby nutilird tliat nn the zzd day
ot July, 1X82, John M. CJIdhelJ tiled a petition
.gainst jou in the district court of Nemaha coun
ty, Nebraska, the prayer of whieh is to obtain a
divorce from )ou on the ground of adultery and
desertion You arc reijuired to answer said pe
tition on orbefoie Monday, the 3rd day of Sep
tember, 1S82. John M. Oluhm,
II y Osborn Sc Taylor, his attorneys.
Legal Notice.
To Francis M. Richards, Samuel Daily, R.T.
Daily, Morrison.
You are hereby notified that I am the owner
of a tieasurcr's certificate of sale No. iai, of
the following described real estate to-wit; I'art
of the southeast quarter of section six, township
six, nortlj of range fifteen east, containing fifty
acte situated in the northeast coiner of said sec
tion, in Nemaha county and State of Nebraska,
and taxed in the names of Francis M. Richards,
Samuel Daily, R. T. Daily, Morrison,
other name unknown. On the 5th of Decem
ber, 1S70. said lands were sold for the delinquent
taxes of iRo, 1871 to 187S and years interven
ing Mid dates, amounting to one hundred and
twenty-five and 34-1 jo dollars, and has paid up
the taxes to date. And that the time for re
demption will expire on said property above de
scribed on the 28th day of September iSSz, at
which time the undersigned iill apply for a tax
deed. Dr. John F. Neal,
Owner of said certificate by Osborn & Ta)Ior,
bib agents, 2W4
Sheriff's Sale.
VJ OTICE Is hereby given tiiat by virtue, of
II an tinier 01 xnio ittsuuu uui in inu urn
trlut Court of Nemiilm county, Nebraska,
and to 1110 dlrcctedlffts silent or nam county
upon .n decree iu1u Jndgme it rendered by
said court. 111 11 enso wherein Warren O. .Mo-
Clurn was nlaliitur. mid tho atute Hunk of
Urownville was defendant, will oiler for
sale, at publlo nuotloaal the oorof thucourt
house, in urowiivlllo, in suiiicouiuy, on
Saturday, July' ill 111, 1SS2,
nt one o'clock In thouftornojni, tho following
described land to-wit: l.oth Jlfteon 15J und
sixteen run. in i-iocic twoiwy-four tail: mid
lot fourteen II, In lilook tWonly-two, In the
oitv or JSl'OWIlvllie. lOlHIIr wnn iwi nil
nroveniQitis ami privitegew uiureio uoiung
lug taken on said ordr of Wo as tho prop
ertyof tho Stnio Uanlc oDUrownvlllo, No
TerniR of snln msb.
union una luiti day of jno, a. u. loa-.j
..:.:. -v. -"" i . . ,,.
'atk, Slierf
will Suit. Kemember you can get
I will mull (free) tho receipt) for a slmplo
Vegetable Hnim that, will remove tun, fleck
les, pimples ami blotches, leaving tho skin
soil, clear anil beautllul; nlso Instructions
for pjodurlim 11 luxuriant growth of hair 011
bald head or smooth face. Address IiicIom
Iiir :ic stamp, Hen. VaudilfitCo., 12 Ilnrclay
street. N. Y.
The ndvortlsur havlnc been peimiiuontly
citied of that ill end dlsinse, Consutnptloii.tiy
a simple remedy, Is unxlmts to maltu luiown
to IiIh leilow sullurors th t.ho means ot euro
To all wlio desho It, he will send a copy ol
tho prescription ufed, ifiee of charge.) with
tlm iilrectlons fhf !prepnrlnt and nlm; the
same, which they will tlnd a sure cure lor
cmiuhs, colds, consumption, asthma, bron
chitis, e(c. 1'urtlcM wishing tho prescription
Will plfiisi) nddress, Hov. K. Wilson, 101 runu
street, Wllllainsbuigh, N. Y.
Irrors o'f youth!
A Ketilletcan who sullcred lor yetirs from
nervous debility, prcmnluto decay, and all
ttii-ntlects of youtlifnl Inillscretlon, will for
the Kakeofsiill'crlni; humanity, send tree to
all w ho need U, the rcclpound dliecttou for
mtiituiir the simple remeiiy tiy wiilcti ho was
allied. Knife re m wishing to prollt by tho nil
vertlsei 'k esperlene can do so by addressing
111 perfect coillldcnc JoilN li. OonMN,
51y 1 2 Cedar street, New Y01 k.
AN'I'KI), Agents. Startlli g as tho
pages ot roihnnee Irotn tho lowest
depths of shivery to n position among the
Urst tu the land. "Life and Tlmim" of
written byhltm-elf; 18 full page Illustrations:
price frfiU. Out) Ivuls ' Undo Tom's Cabin''
In thrilling and romantic Iiitciesl, with tho
lidded ohm in that every word Is trno. A
niarveloushtory most graphically told ami
ol great hlstoi leal value. This nliitnowill
be eagerly sought for by Uu hundreds ol
thousands who have watched tho jcinarku
bio career and have been thrilled by tho elo
quence of this wonderful man. Tho work
gives an account ol many interviews with
prominent men and narrates many anec
dotes concerning them unknown to thogen-
erai punue. ji aiioiimis in many grnculiu
touches both of wit and eloquence.
' lie. is such a remarkable man that people
llltn to read about, him, and no wonder."
Boston Congregationalism
"It Is as Inspiring as n poem,,, Woman's
"Noatratigerstorv has been, or ever will
be, told." Boston Advertiser,
"It Is 11 more absorbing tale than any crea
tion of fiction."- Troy (N. Y.) Times.
"Destined to a wldosale." Htutford Cour
ant. "The whole story Is exceedingly well told."
Hoehpster Democrat. Address J. K. Good
man it Co., Chicago. III.
Nemaha Co., Neb.,
Having been iccently Surveyed and Platted on
SEC. 7, T. 5, R. 13,
In the Western part of Nemeha County, Ne
braska offers rare chances for'j
'11 IjQIV
von cash on ox tlvb.
Apply to s Ai OSBORN,
Hrownvillo, Johnson, or Calvert
Private Disease
Persons desiring the popular prescription of the
late Dr. Jonas Crane, for Venereal Diseases, can
have the same filled by calling upon
J)r. Alfred Orane,
at his residence, Brownville, Nebr. 6.15
1' Ulllcu. wtiero lliu bust tonxorlal work Is
dono In Urownville, or Nemaha county.
A fhwnrltn uroni" "nllnn nf onn of tha
moatnotvd aucl tucceiuiful nm-cwilalf la tho U.S.
(now retired) fortliocureof AVri'oun Itvhllttti.
Sioat 3Iuiihoat1,.Vcur.i.vnH ami J'cay. bunl
hi plain sealed en volopVce. UrucBlslmauflll.
Addrost DR. WARD & CO., LouiUcna, Mo.
O KtlHiif 1 Irt-rul I-
1 Im. I
nili"lilP'"l Nitw I 1
'jW'iNt, U k UuU V ... t-v I. -. lu ..It Im
1 .th in tarn
"l)i.,. In hi Hi., li rih .ilm" t ulwr.Uu.
I 9 Ittbl. In.', ttllli ( ".! Hhlhhti , ML r.w i:lltlt llvtl
Vi rlV III4" I' .U Mill tu.1.1'. '(li II" .JU StKflllb
AJJrti. l.VII !.:: IlAAU t wil.lU.uu' .,., t, .i-iU
i t ;
'i Si tV '- m m?,4i
Am K.'fi
Manufacturers of the Conover Bro's
atentUuright Pianos
And Wholesale Agents for
Kranicli & Bacli,
Iiindcman, Fisclior
and Haines Pianos.
Publishers of Music "1 f Jobbers in Musical
and Mucic Cooks. Merehandiie,
(Jl.') Main Street, KANSAS CITY,:M0.
Tho iindcrhlgned has for Halo tho
Woll known to bo tho best, which ho will
sell cheapor than tho cheapest.
' Farmers, Call and See.
Examine map and time tables carefully. ' It will
be seen that this line cunnects with C, B.
8c 0 R. R.j In fact they are under
one management, and taken to
gether form wuatis called the
snoirrr.sT and (jvicki:st lim: to
Chicago, St. Louis.Peoria,
Dqs Moines Book Island,
and i:sim:c;ially to all points
Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana,
Illinois, Michigan, Ohio,
' 1 1 !
Through Coaches from'vNebraska to destination
on C, B. & Q R. R. No transfers; changes
from C,, B. & QR, R, t0 connecting
lines all made in Union Depots.
Upon npnllcatlon nt nny stntlonontho ronil,
AKonisnronloo prepared to eheol; ouul'iiko
tlirouBli: kIvo all Inforniatlon as to rutos,
routeK, time, connections, etc., inul to hecuro
Hleoplne, car iiecominoJatlons.
Anil nil points In Colornilo. This extension
Is coinpleteil ami roiuly for Imslnesi, and the.
publlo ciin enjoy all the nlvanliiuh ot a
tliroiitfh lino to Denver nnd C'hleimi nil nn
ilur oui) iiiiiiiuKomout. V. H. KUSTIH
Ueu'lTlcK-et Ant..
Omaha, Nkh.