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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1882)
wwiWT'nmiBnnmcn? ittvvvugjtAirorrniVjjuij',! aiuju-ahii'm. i'iiiiriiiim.jiuijiuuiuwiii '""T-WCTSS i.IUJJB' UMMU lAfWJUMAiAMI il IntUHT iV f BY G. W. FAIRBROTHER & C0. SuMCmpflOM 82. PfR YlAR IN AovANCC. Rato3 of Advertisings Local Noticei, first week, 10 cents per line j Inch subsequent week, 5 cents per line. Display locals, 15 cents per line. Advertisementi on local page, 50 cents per each per week. Miscellaneous ads 50 cents perinch per month. Legal ads at legal rates. Jliichino Oils at Xickell & Sliurtz. TI10 Utah commissioners aro at their post of duty. Mr. Froytng ijaida, business visivto Bcatrico last week. . ',,.' TI10 time .for tho adjournment of congress is not yot named. - .... Ciipt. T. A. Jliiiley is on a business trip to our sister stato Kansas. Senator Hon Hill's condition is very critical. lie may die at any moment. Miss Alderman, of lJrownvillel is visiting the family of J. U. Merger, of this city. Our old farmer friend, Smith Thomp son, was in the city Tuesday with a nice lot of apples. Charlie Hell, ona of JJrownvillo's young men, paid a Hying visit to south Auburn last Sunday. Miss Xellio Huddart, of CJlen Kock, was visiting her cousin Stella at tho Holdrego last week. .Too Croan is just now laying low many a field of waving grain with his little reaper and binder. You can't eat enough in a week to last you a year, and you can't adver tise on that plan either. Master Albert Smith, son of thoton sorial artist of tho same name, is now employed at tho Holdrego. I Milt. Long, ono of our city grangers, bus about completed tho harvesting of. ninety acres of small grain. J. L. McGeo and wife, with Miss Minnie and Master Jim were visiting lat tho centro last Sunday. , Xi A first rate harness maker would llnd a good location at South Auburn, Xemaha county, Nebraska. ) Mrs. C. M. Ilayden wont over to Lon don precinct last Sunday, on a visit to friends and former neighbors. That most terribly "delinquent con gressman" was again playing bis gulji blo game in IJrownville on Monday. .Tohnnio Smith, tho barber, recently built a little homo for himself and family in tho western part of town. Ed. Jordan and wife, of Nemaha City, woro in South Auburn last Sun day, guests of Mr. and Mrs Willing. Al. Townsond and Ed. llolden, ac companied by two of the prettiest girls of Tecumseh, sampled tho viands at tho Holdrego last Sunday. Mr. It. 11. Clancy has about finished tho work on tho interior of his hard ware store, and loft on Monday for St. Louis to purchaso his stock. Mr. J. N. Brush, our worthy mayor, is helping to wait upon tho throngs of customers who patronize tho extensive establishment of Willing Bros. & Jor dan. Tho pasto brigade of Colo's circus ornamented tho dead walls of our city last Sunday with llaming bills, setting forth tho wonders to bo found in this "only greatest show on earth." Linn & Cooper have a forco at work building driveways to their elevator at this placo. This enterprising firm aro get ting ready to handle- the immense grain crop that will be marketed this year. Tricky Tom, tho illustrious delin quent of tho fraudulent census stink, says it is a political nocossity to crush Church Howe and Tiik Advkiitiseh. Tom takes up tho crushing business whore Bill Daily loft off. Ha! ha! Tiik Advebtisek and Church Howe novor before woro so strong as to-day. Wo have lately received a very pleas ant and ontertaining letter from our former townsman, Br. A. L. Pulton, who is now practicing. his profession at Astoria, Oregon. The doctor is woll and happy, and is satisfied with Ills prospects, all of which wo aro glad hear. Further developments in tho Majors' fraudulent censes matter lcaru little doubt that our delinquent" is solely and wholly the guiy party, it now appears almost certain that Majors filled up Alexander's blank certificate himself in which ho Inserted tlw cen sus figures of 1874 instead of those of 1872, and that in doing so ho imposed upon tho secretary or state who trusted to Majors' honor to fill, in tho correct returns. It further appears that in filling up tho blank he attempted to imitate the writing of .Dr. clwenk. This was all ubsdlutoly perfidious, ami tho moro so troni tho jfae't that Secre tary Alexander and' I)r. S!hwrikTtook tho risk they did of betrayal Avitlkml any further interest ill tho mutuVthau tho accommodation' ur'thujt;' friend Majors, whom tliey desiretbLO see suc ceed to a seat In (innirrpssl. TImjiidis Ik ,In an awful bad fix as a political ie- ' ?'.. . ll. .1.. il. T" . !....- iiirmiT. v'liucu iiowo you Know uas always been too corrupt for a Majors' stomach or tho stomach of a Majors' bnpfier. Some time ago a popular preacher in Milwaukee circulated a petition amongst the busness mon calling for the enforcement of the Sunday law. Now be it known that Milwaukee is a city known for her brewers, breweries, beer, heel gardens and beer, drinkers. Ad Uie ire of everything inspired by, or'pertatnirig to beer was intensely pro voked by said petition, and-inspired resolutions to boycol every signer there ofthat is, to withdrawal! putioiuige' from tho business men whose names appear on the petition; and the brew ers have the power, money, intluence to hurt whomsoever they will. The preacher has round things' so "hot for him since lie undertook the reform that ho has abandoned the field to. beer, and tlie impression is that tho pious busi ness men who signed that petition then and there bit oil' more than Lhey can (haw. Tho most outrageous and cowardly murder that has occurred in the south, ror political purposes, for some time, was the shooting down of Col. Blair at Columbia, S. C, on tlto 4th inst. Blair was 70 years old, was high minded, honorable, popular, but ho wasn't a Bourbon, and more than all, and that which demanded his blood, wits thfr ract that ho was the Greenback candi date for governor and stood tho best ' chauco of an election. Democracy could not admit this Ho must be de feated. And a bulldozer hy tho name of Capt. Hallo a true son of South Carolina chivalry while tho old man was unurmedt attacked him with a Winchester rille. and riddled him with bullets. Hailo is a cowardly dog. and a murderer, but, ho was not even de prived of his liberty a moment. .1. A-meeting of min mm it-present-ing tho Produce Exchanges of Boston, Now York, Cincinnati, Toledo, Indian apolis. Detroit, and Chicago was held in Toledo, reconty, to establish an in ternational grade of No. ! red wheat. St. Louis declined to participate. For universal trade No. 2 red wheat, is es tablished as red winter "wheat sound, plump grains porfeotly clean, and to contain not more than 10 per cent of white wheat. Tho following curious statement, in print attracts our attention: Broom corn is likely at no distant day to rev olutionize the bieadstulT supply of the world. A process has been discovered by which tho finest and most delicious (lour can bo made from the seed to the extont of one-half its weights, and leave the othor half a valuable food for making beef and milk. The aver ago yield per aero is :100 bushels. Tho Hon. Lorenzo Crounse, U. S. internal rovenue collector for tho dis trict of Nebraska, is now an openly avowed candidate for congressman in this district, and having had tho ex perience of two terms in congress, it is thought ho will provoa very formid able candidate before tho Hepublican convention. Grand Island Indcj-end-vnt. After Valentine's shoes. The i)Pinner;if'v nf ftnmirln ti.n-i. .- ,...t v. . t.vri f,. 111,1 J nominated Alexander II. Stephens for governor. This was a bittor doso for tho Democrats, but as he could beat any other man in the state, they took him to keep him from being brought out by tho independents. They had to either nominate him, or kill him, in order to insuro tho success of tho Dem ocratic ticket. On tho 10th inst. Hon. Itobert Smalls, a colored gentleman from South Caro lina, was admitted to a seat in con gress. Ho took tho seat of a tissuo batlot follow named G. D. Tillman. Tillman stepped out and Smalls stepped in. It's mean to steal a colored man's seat, and exceedingly humiliating to bo exposed and ousted by a colored man. The London Times expresses tho be lief that tho opposition in parliament will movo a vote of censure on tho dil atoiy action of tho government -after tho massacre at Alexandria in Juno, and its want of foresight and uronara- tion when tho bombardment of that city had boon decided upon. Tho Daily Teleyrupli states that Lieutonant Gonoral Sir Garnot Wolsey will command tho expedition to Egypt, which will consist of 20,000 troops of all arms. Castor oil plant-taken into a room will drive tho files ouFor kill them. X R. DYE will sell you n piano or organ from ;?2o to $100 less than any travelln agent. Uousons.why: I pay no city tax; Ipavnorenj; no traveling agent. I support my family from my farm. Address, ,' , J.UiDyk, TJ10 fdrcbofArafti Pasha is lnereas lng,.aiurho I&y-Oj&liijng ids Iniluence because of tlmlolajf or tho British troops. FoudtH A light blue The own er can get the same by paying for this notice. ' There are in tho United States i:i4, llo retail liquor sellers, and the annual cost of liquors in the states and toui tories is 7t.V7.'i,OO0. Bock Port, Atchison county, Mo., has shown much public. spirit in voting tftt.OUO to build a eit hall. Don't Fail to, Head This!! Any party wishing to purchase a Beatty Organ or Piano, 1 will furnish them any stylo desired, less tho trans portation to any railro.u! station in Nebraska. Addiess (5. M. Uaunks, Auburn, Tecumseh, or Ue.ttiieo. Mrs. Abraham Lincoln died on Sun day the Kith inst., and was buried at Springfield. 111., in a manner becoming her name and station. Mason's Fruit Jars at Nickell vl Shurtz'. ' Without Alexander's connivance, Majors could not have inado the fraud ulent showing to the emu uiit tec, and on his own testimony the secretin y ol state is equal!) guilt)' with the woulu be congre.-.sman.-J)ow(( Ju-jmihi. 'Warniavr. All ppi-sons are hereby warned against purchasing a due bill for SD thaw 11 in favor of one. Thos. Mugco and signed by (1. W. Fairbrother & Co. as the same has bi'en paid in-fall, ami is un lawfully held bv Magee. G. V. FAimuumiKU & Co., Bated July 14, lf3?-'. The White Mountain Apaches, New Mexico", have grlno on the war path, and aro doing much devilment. A number of muillers, of Mttlers and teamsters are reported. The Indians make up for lack of muuhers bv al ways getting tho bide on the whites. . " Take Your old iron, rags, fopner and brass to D.G. Whittemoie's, in Brownvilk . He'll buy 'cm. Congressman Calkins, of Indiana, voted against tho seating of Smalls, of South Carolina, manifesting thereby a slight deficiency in backbone. Speaker ICeifer, however, brought up the re serve and saved the day. K. is a good one and generally with a precedent. In the United States thero are 1 II, 020 schools, 221,OI2teachers,and 7.200,- 0f!S pupils, at annu;doxponses of -for,-402, 72I." Old Mexico, on the 10th, had an earthquake shock lasting two minutes, which made the greasers take to theii knees. It came near shaking down houses. Mr. Frank Morrh well-known in this county and elsewhere as a first-class miller, has been engaged-to take charge of the Curtis mills (toruierly Allen's) and we congratulate Mr. Curtis, and as well allthoso who patronize bis mil in his good luck in securing the s?iv ices of Air. Morris. His mill has al ways had the reputation of making a superior quality of Hour, and tho aid of this old expert Hour maker is suffi cient guarantee that tho Hour will not retrograde nor tho mill sutler in lcpu tut,ion. The Democrats of Texas have nomi nated John Ireland for governor. Gov Roberts declined to bo a candidat foi ro-olcction. Thosenato lias pushed a bill reducing tho tax on tobacco to 12 cents per pound, to take effect January 1st, 18S2. Boston recently had a thunder storm and a waterspout, collars' wore tilled Willi water, otc. Bully for Hoston. u Livor, Kidnoy and Brlght's Disacso. A medicine that destrojs the germ or cuus'3 of Bright's Disease, dialn.f r. kidney and liver complaints, and has power to root them out of the system, is above all price. Such,atnedlcino is Hop Bitters, and positive proof of this can bo. found by one trial.jor by asking yoiir neighbors, who'jjayo beon cured oy it. .John Springer, aged m year, died Yfeuno8(iay ot last week. IJi tho county nuuiuar.v at .Marietta, uui Hon. L. Crounsn is spokhi of as the "coming man" in tho Thiiil congress ional district. Guess not. j- .All .Europeans have eft Cairo Egypt, oxcept 20 Germans who refuse to leave. BuBi k sift sw Isa 5k3 r A J 1 (5v?is n VsJSsK'TW&t?; 5 s iibi $ n mJijiLMf j. &?,. CURES DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, HEADACHE & BILIOUSNESS. PRIPAREDONtY BY BROWN MEDICINE & MF'G CO. LEAVENWORTH. Kam. to a 3 Try it Now! scsols sr all WMMEbWW m m M M mm iJm-JtKBMB-JK-KmL.JZ GCNTLiUMKNi 1 livo lunt Int. lUivrxu'ri lao.v vr.r In ninllcliifl. li.ivo licvrr finmil .MMMMMnMWMMMMWMWMBMMMiiNMMWMMMMM.MM . T J ' InoM Tonic doci. In mny cases of crvoiu l'rostraUuli, h'enialt l)lacutc, Dynttt-ndA, mul mi lm porcrUlinl comllUon (.'.iscs 11111 nave aide remedy. I asDii. llAHTEit it (fives color to tho btaoti,' natural health fill fAn to tho tltaeHttpn orfianii ami nrrroiif silste m, mnhlnfi J)cl'Utt, Tomt of AvveA tlteJ'ro.itratton of Vital J'otrerM anil Jmtiottnce.f ni iiio UHHid, uil.4 pecness n-nmuy. noa 111 1117 iiaiiui, uanw pu.uu miiiui-niiivu cs. numcii Romoorourmost eminent, n-u jivuivu iu.niiraiim inconiiur prpcrtiio It lit prefcrenco to any Iron pnparailoa mnilo. in firt, inch roinp'nju'l u litOH Toxtc i a ncecultv In tny pnctlcc. !" IJOULllf BAMl 1 1.9, MANUFACTURED DYTHE DR. H ARTER MEDICINE CO.. 213 N. MAIN ST.. ST. LOUIS. WHOLESALE LIST Til D y I D SEEDS ! "JUST LET ME SHOW YOU" me. l'ooTifs HAHD-D00K OF HEALTH HINTS .liitl Jlitulif Jtetlpe.i, Worth v'i."i. Tout 25o. IU ll. .Mlhnr of "Vlain lloitK Talk" anii "Mtut c'al Common Kr.imiu" IOC I'AUK-i! f A.tttf.ntxnl l)nlt) II.I.IU mO itnU lrr p. fir Cif. iiriimi. n All it.. i.U i n ..In l. Li-wV iif ll.l.rrtu. I' r tf y Kumlly. (Iiilt 25 t. nU. I), ) 'lit. Iln.t.1 U 4 C'l.l.l... ch..urf v.t Hj. k!.ii. fr .ll btM .. tr-.tit... i biit in 1 iiti. n. lb lll..llji'lnilc,llu M AmM I lillJrrn, Kn.ik, Knnwlnie, Hint, ott ... Nitr.lnr ll. 1Stkt on Eiit.rK.ncl.i, lllutt (.r 1'r.iri.Ni.l Wtmwn, Lchf ll imn. if th. l'rlNl. K.TM.ulf. of Dr. H.t. n I olli.r .hirr of liluh rel ut., .imI f.r r.i .rli f fcwJ l.i luv.lla.. IITAUKNTH WANItl). Murray Mil FnMIihing Co., 123 East 28th Strut, 17ov Toti CKy. PUD DM IP mCAsns rcurut New l.nnillWlG. I'.itM nmrkril out by Hint U1IIIWIVIU muht tmuulur NhiV mi ninUoil, ixylal nml ncnul nclctico. Plain Homk Talk ami Mkiiiual Common Bunik. Nenrly l.ono piiho., S00 tlliiHtnUlDiu: uy Dr. I'.. II. TimiUi. I'lirdmnorxiuorii ttll.Hl tu 1 roo coimultntldn, rltlicr tn IK'twin, or bv luittl. AUSUiotcriHUtotKV tnVrt. iruiklttM ltHvu(JllK.A.l- JIOOIC In tho I'.NUI.ISII or (lltllM M Livnu-ituvrii. IH i uif ;o (iiittvntH Tnliici ftvt. Wo iilwi wi.'t tn mimi'Iifi of Hit. rooTB's ItKALTir MoxriiLY with lint of n'tirly ltu premium; so i-ontn n rntr. -.iiullHAl' iULL l'UIIUSHlNO CO., U. . City. )I'urMtninl noUlMllclnnTcriiinJrO A onmMnitlnn nt 1wm 11.I.H r i- .. ""'Jte.ft.'J'iftp 03t lllouil PurlOrr, I.ticr Jtrr-ulufor on.T 1 ir. and Health ltut.iiii A.;.:,;i...:ETor uul utt U V flfinitdA a III I a. -- u .... u.rcumi iir ii, nc.-uiii oin poMlblr Jonir eiLit imr kit nw nr and iiM.t.. . -- iVinoniw Lo I nitl a,1rir,s?.r..h"M,."iltop mu nliitl'iadlvnaw, or aUment J, uw lion Iilttcin. ir,V,..V.iii '.," l" '.'"wninionoe. Jtiuuy II"7 ItliMnftTfMlliundreda. . 1 1. r-uiw IM11U I0rn-nM thrr will lint m.r n np. I'onotooiroriiorlctjourfrlcudiiiiuiTor.but llUyUnil UI"0 tll.iin ,n..oll.. l.l..I 'uu 5 Hinmbr.Hc)pnittrnil(inoTlJe,dni(ritol.dnink. Hmadoi t'10 "JnTolld-, fi'rleiid und Ilorve." luii aiiojinouorIaniuy.l,ouiaKwltJ?outt2SSi. uc. initio inu aur. siiHH Hor Couas Cuiuilath nwrtrt, fleet fcnd Uiit. JUlc CUlldrcn. SLB4?JSla I " WM w "J mmw inVU VJ. UrUlflfUrt, onn? ?a abB0ut0n irrMlirllUecuro fordrunlc 1 tmtr., vjimiii, muaogo IUIU HATCOUCHI .BAjdbTilrturLHitl. llonllltlu.. ML. f 1..I.... V V "- -'---. "-y -t,.... . otdq tor cirnii.r. n -jl.'ldO ii-- yi-ttr run In' i III till nl lioliii-U(irlllii fur I'.. O. Klilrdllir'.t Co., 10 linii-lny Hln ct. New Y"i I . St ml lor lli'ctr fiitnloiii' mill full pMiilctilitrH, l'J ly 1 lets. Itenidves g datldrnff, icntores natural color and ptcvcstibaldneu U) crntl arid (I ,b. at drujccUU. FLOIIEBTON OLOGHE. n J Aa fr.- rr.nt trf..m with AVrt .jr.!lonalljAillaf (.rol'.rtl.i. 1 5 nd 14 wall. aft2J: PARKERS An Invigorating Medicine that Never Intoxicates lint delicious comuinauon oi ningcr. iiuciiu, Mandrake, htillingia. nd tnany oilier oftlie teit vesetable remedies known, etiret nil diorder of the bowels, tlomach, liver, kidneys and lungs, &ls The Best and Surest Cough Cure Ever Used. If you are sufTerinif from Temale Cornnbinti, NervouinetJ, Wakefulness, Rheumatism Dyspep sia, oge or any dUease or infirmily. take l'niker's Ginger Tonic. It will strenrjtlien Uraiii and body and civc you new life and tijor, lOO DOLLAKS Paid for anythinclniurious found in Ginger Tonic or for a failure to lielp or cure. Wc. uul ( t Im .t irttnt In dror. Ur it!o r torus 1 Slu. bJ for Urtoltr to lliuoi Ji Co., Ill Win.Stn.T. t A 11 $ ? PI ToV , lr.utJ nllb L...tTtt VmmfrtJlQJmVjl (flu..r A lbur IW II.'., ,l,ru J ft, MiM. iiiw .ItM Vrnt. lllJ-rla'li.fililj tly n.t.i)trvlurilftfriliu..f(ilHriiMy, luttUnnif tut.. J-licilJOo. Th. .n.fl.l.l ii ulujlle la Uljr In dch. In BHHiMi PARKER'S1'! ' mm SKSBALSAM.l , IMeW ifll'' raBBBrP A prrfcctdifss" K mixi KmnBOk m'KKH J (limn! ntul urtn.l I JwffflJTOjlQBv B illMBBHllBBHfraMil mm.hmmmmm ' WmimKMMm CINCER TON C iiinna wniau n in 1 cauao:a?savi Never Fails! !A eomMnatfan of Trft tnjcdldttf ltiin,Vrruvint . ltarhniut'ht))ht'Uin n iialiitttliln Vr Tim otitifjirriHiratlun , -row Unit will mil lituchru th teeth, no clinvnctfrMlrof nfirt f mil art imrtitlin . m m 9 TtwiP In my practice, ami hi iMukniof anvtlilnir to clvp the ItJUlM that Pit. It.WITl ll'd fk MERCHANTS I SEND US YOUR BUSI NESS CARD FOR TRADE LIST. D. LANDRETH & SONS, PHILADELPHIA. RulUrl.i ll.f limit fvailntil .1 n Iwrfrrt I Inlr ll.dorrr l.t I Proline Ailiulrr.1 rrHiclu.Uiin.lvirfMilirl..n. I Nvtor Knllsto Ilctnro Oieyqi' l'liilcil ll.ilrj to U. yuutlilulwwr. ilmmidlilrMftliti. iTViT7T3tT7BijlAiij4Mirfii.MY(.; (iliiHcr, ltiiclitt, Jilntiilrnku. HtlHIitRln ana I l.innli.itnninciliclnaof such Vnried and effective I m.itu i.r iiieiKTtt mefllelnMicmiwn-itnnieTircom-i poft crs, nito makctlie GreatcstDloodPiirlfier&tliel Best lleallh and sircngin uesiorer tver uieo. It ctnes nyvcr!-',i Wteuinnthni, FIeeptcsncsj, ntldiieaies of tho Stonmcli, Howell, Luiik, Uver, Kidncvs. and all 1'ciiuIq ComnUtntt. If you niow.iiting nw.iy with Conittmptihn or any disease, tua the 'J ONictolay. it win mreiy lulpyoti. Kemcmberl iti-faritperiortiI!illfi, Esiencetof Gmucr nndotnr 'J'imtc, tu itUiuM .1 ..T.l !-.-! I M .h.I upiaekyiiicm wiinniu iiiiuxic3iiii;. uv.. m..... mrrt .1 ll il.ilrr. ii, !nirr. None Pennine WllllOUt tiBnaturcofHncox&CtN Y- Send lor cireuUr LAllllE HAVINM 1M lIUYinti TIIK DUIJ.AIW Dii.r Qr EVER KIND CHEAPER T1IA1I EV Hide, Hliot OtitiH. KvulvnrN, Ainmunl' Hon, I'MhliiK Tiicklo, PrU'in, UrSr ICulvnrf, llorti, SUntuHb IIitimiiovkH, iitn. Imtko Illuntriiti.-il CatultiKne FIUJE. GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, I'lTXSituitan, pa WANTED! Ladles nml Ocntlemi'ti, tornsiu;b with tin to noil Mvurul IfNPl'nl llotixt'ltolit 'ArtlclfH. lroflt litrce. l.nlior lu.Ilaht. I KxcltiNlvfi territory ulvon. No n)U)tl tfon. TormHllbonil. Clrculitrt VHIVR. Addro" I lln.vttf Maimnii-I'lr I'n llnv KI-.M IMIti.'.iirirl. I'. ...... ...-. o Vw., .v. .f . ..v.-....., M A NEW -CURB FOR ITATI 1 uaifiaacn AND ALL TROUBLESOME VERMIIL Pufi.. (inro, ttfMiWnrnl elmiu. Hnn)4 I'ncknw, ?ifl. Pld, 3.1 c AOR.NT-, WASriSI). AM, - T. X-3C. iTolinHton, 1'ltulitirBU I'u. IUSICAL IMSTBIOMENTS of nil kinds for solo vorychoap OntQlogUOS froo. Address, RICHARD I HULL CJ., Box OQO. Pltteburb, Pa. WET w try -.r- TiiErZMf j3tKrt.i tiio ruiii.liiil 11. -t Jii-diruio btit jliiil. Aoohinbiii&nr of Hopo, ruohu, Mun tlraUfknaiui lyandfliun-lt'allui'iix-iiiBn.rl most a HtriUTipri-iiir ( U Oliver Dlttart, in.lroB t tlit.iif"i '.i blood Purifier, Llror RsXtll .norB,tt' IJ'wuii.l H'ltl itustorlu Aucnt, oilWd.-iCMII3 "41111. Sodliaooaiiposrrlrlwn extV wli trollop Iiltti-rju a iix nl,i9Yrtrea!id pwrfeuiuroUiuir 0ciutluiiJ.iUil Thv civ o : jw li t anltlSfiJ tin 5 tnflr. Toairlioir) eAiiiBloynuUcti9 Irmrulart- tyof t!i(;LotjovVu'L"",y orH'v", r wl0 ro qulrunn .t.i.lu4 V'Xonls nt) mild Htlinulant, JloilHtter.inicv;l V"AU4,iWllIOUt inlOX" icntinu. uti aro wlint IJwdHea.jur.U Y,nieut In Uso Hop jilt, turn, liou't wl until uaWi' 0jT lull If you only fuol I Ad or uiln r&ulun uiu t.icm te our.. Ilo mutter wl)tjoiirfVullnKi or HTmnlnm. I'ltinoyor -y.. ii-l(,.Milimlr ed lum ir9, 8300 "III l Mt.l forftOii'i tby will ),0 cn.ucrlil,i. D.i uct Jitirr 0"ourrrleiiU uirur,uut iuwuuiJ r I aiaX tii Hop B ItomnmUr, J'jp lilttcm 1j noV, v"( drucTuj itioinksi iio.truui, l)i.t tltol'a tW"d Jit Moillcln.triii'Ml.itlu "liYHJDV. I-IUO nnu iioi-b- umi nu ii'ren or family h(AilJ 11 w'.thuit tlium. rrABHeu D.I.O.I Jn avow vi'l Im-ili' jq rurf o fllllM-IIUKOII ' l 111 ' 'I.I jUClvi kmSI iiuri-iill . Ml Id ! ' it I m, k(U1j ft tf4 rflrt-Jlur. Don SIMIrra Jt.'j. Co.. St. Lottt. Mo.. Ndt. Sfltli. ISM. MoJ aili Atp m. S 'F t'tirftEliaiiSll'iMtJ AGENTS t m. 'KA88IS REUCirr CO., ST lOUIS. MIL '-ir- . . I Itncli'.itrrS'.Y nn.lTn- . Ii.-t