tasto fMMttiattx BY G. W. FA1RBR0THER & CO. Telephones all over town. Nice, cool harvest weather. Heavy rains Thursday morning. Tor Lumber Liino and Coal go to J. W. Kkium. Stationery of all kinds at the post ofllco.sJ o. rs Screen wire at Willing Bros. & .Tor- dan's, o (''' A.'W. Nlckell, rellnblo druggist. Brownvllle. A. W. Nlckell, the, bookseller. Brownvllle. ' Work oi tho B. &M.froiuTccuinieIi, cast is in progress. ii ' ' - Nlckell, the druggist, will give you bargains in tea. Try tho Non-Explosive- Safety Oil at Povln & Fisher's. Hardware and Furniture at Willing Bros. & Jordan's. Go to the Now Storo for bargaiuB North of tho postofflO. Kxtt.t Copies Of TlIK ADVEHTI8EU at. A. W. Nlckoll's, Brownvllle. Machine oils of all kinds at greatly reduced prices at Nlckell's in Brown vllle. Fresh Broad, pies ami cakes al ways on hand at A. Palmer's, Brown vllle, Lwion Bantz, a popular young man of Humboldt, was In the city Wednes day last. ii i i - - . . .. - Ed. Waltz' has moved his barber shop into ono of the rooms vacated by tho Advkrtisbk. When you go to Brownvllle call in at NickoU'o drug store and get a glass of Cream Soda. You will now llnd tho, Adveiitihkk In its now quartern, four doors north of tho rooms it formerly occupied. We aro ready to receive produce In vnlmniM fni mxrAu tif. Mm Vnw fifirn v.,....,v w. h.b .. . nrBt door nortrroi -tub pouwunce.- - Devln & Fisher have had n neat. Hi gn painted ou their front. The painter that did the work understands his business. Nickel, tho Brownvllle druggist, has the largest assortment, tho best goods, and tho lowest prices of any drug house in tho county. .1 1MB The B. &M. R. 11., known as the "Burllugtioa Route" offers special ad vantages to travelers. 8oo their ad vertisement in thls"paper. -23 We are roliably imormed that a new time table will take .effect on theR. V. It. 11. August 1st, and that a through passonger will bo put on. Good. Twenty men arrived in this city Wednesday evening for the work on tho extension west. They must have a small regiment at the work now. Hi. Swartr. was in town Thursday and came in and "ordered that papor continued" to him at Nemaha. He al ho sends one to his brother at Joplin, Missouri. James Glnder, Jr., of Humboldt, spent Saturday and Sunday last In South Auburn. Jim expects to move up shortly and help his father in the stock business. Dr. B. Bell Andrews, of Nemaha City, has his office at his residence, where he 1b prepared to treat acute and chronic diseases. Pleasant waiting rooms for patients. Surgical diseases 1 1 women a specialty. His success as a surgeon Is well known from case in this vicinity operated upon with per manent relief. Matthiesen, the bltvcksmlth, some time since let the contract for the dig ging of a well to James Buckley, tho prico to bo paid being 6125 when n fair supply of wuter was found. Jim went to work and went down 65 feet when ho encountered a layer of solid rock, which, after being drilled and blasted for several days showed no signs of givln out, and Jim in despair gavo it up as a bad job. Recently Mattbieson re-let tho contract for 905 and the new contractor found water just eighteen inches below where Buckley left off, Jim is rather out of humor about it, and io wonder. lis Proceedings of Ooun.y Commissioners, At an adjourned meeting of tho Board of County Commissioners of Nemaha county, held on Saturday, July 15, 1882. Present, Frank Redforn, John H. Shook, John H, Pohlman, County Com missioners; J. B. Dockor, county clerk; G. W. Tate, sheriff. When tho following business was done, to-wit: Ordered that tho amount of 82,725.05 being the balance of 1880 levy for gen oral fund purposes be transferred to tho levy of 1882. Resignation of J, N. Shlppcn as con stable in Douglas precinct was accoptcd and placed ou file, and petition granted asking tho appointment of Edward Wert to fill vacancy caused by resigna tion of J. N. Sliippen. Concerning delinquent taxes on bl'k 80. Peru, for years 1872 to 1881, appli cation being mado to pay principal Ichs .interest, ordered that tho treasurer take lue principal less tho interest. Concerning delinquent taxes on bTks 2, 8, 4, 11, 12 and 13, Peru, for the years 1875, 1870, 178, 1870 and 1880, ordered that tho treasurer take 50 per cent, and costs on above bl'ks less interest. Concerning deliuquudt taxes on lots 1 2, 8, 4, 8, o, 10, 11 and 12, bl'k JW, and lots 1, 4, 5 and 12, bl'k, 60, Peru, for years 1872 to 1880, ordered that the treasurer take CO per cent, and costs on said lots less tho Interest. The Board granted the petition ask ing for an appropriation of 9250 to grade tho'road 'on .the Nomah bottom between section h and 22 and 10 and 2H, T. 5 It. 14 E. Nemaha county; pro vided how over that an equal amount be raised by subscription and paid J n' to tho county treasury for the same pur pose. f ' Tn t.lin mntinr nf nrlliiitftnnnt. nf f.lin claim of the Leeper heirs for right of way for county road north of Sheridan. ordered that tho amount of awurdB for damages be apportioned as follows, to wit: i 620 to Mrs. Copperwnith, 318.75 to Robert Leeper, 888.76 to Nancy keeper, 338.75 to Johu Leeper, $38.75 to Wm. Stoddard, and that tho former warrants No's 10, B78, 679, 680, 581, drawn May 16, 1882, be and aro hereby cancelled and clerk ordered to draw now war rants as per this order. Now comes O. R. Shook county sur veyor and makes his report on vaca tions and relocations of roads Nos. 71 and 122, the. Board finding no objec tions declare the Vacations and reloca tions granted, and clerk ordered to re cord the same. Goo. R. Shook, county surveyor, makes his report on the establlsment of road 205 which report was adopted and tho following order made, to-wit: In tho matter of Mm claim of Chris tian Volker, ordered that tho Board al low 310 for the variation of a road in x , j rp 1. R. 13. and that hrignt; or-waynhai auorMw-iaia over tor further consideration. Ordered by the Board that the clerk advertise the letting of a bridgo across the Nemaha river on the section line between sections 0 and 10, T. 6, R. 14. said bridgo to bo of iron and span 60 or 00 feet, 14 foot roadway. The report of J. B. Dooktr, county clerk, of foes for quarter ending July 1st, 1682, was approved and ordered (lied. Amount of warrants issued : On general fund $ 550 05 On bridge fund lim 05 On road fund 52 50 Board adjourned to meet on Satur day, August 5th, 1882. Frank Rkdfkrn, Pres. J. B. DocKurt, County Clerk. Worth Rememberin. Now that good times are again upon us, it is worth rememberinK that nv ouo can enjoy the pleasantest surround ings If in bad health. There are hun dreds of miserable people going about to-day with disordered stomach, liver or kidneys, when a bottle of Parker's Ginger Tonio would do them more good than all the medicines they hare ever triod. Undo Sam's Condition Powder pre vents disease, purifies the blood, im proves the appetite, gives a smooth glossy coat, and keeps the animal in good condition. All druggist sell it. 8 Uncle Sam's Ncrvo and Bone Lini ment is most effloient in rheumatism, nrulses, burns, scratches and many oth er Ills incident to man and beast. Sold by all druggists. 3 Nlckell, the Brownvllle druggist, has an immense stock of paints, oils, glass, also wall paper and window shades, which ho is selling at exceedingly low prices. If you want anything in the above line do not fail to get his prices as it will save you money. Dr. Jacques German Worm Cakes stand unrivaled as a worm medicine. Give them a trial. Sold by all drug gists. 2 When horses and cattlo aro spiritless, scraggy and feeble they need treatment with Undo Sam's Condition Powder. It purifies tho blood, improves the ap petite, cures colds, and distemper, in vigorates tho system and will keep the animal In a healthy, handaomo condi tion. 4 Children havo health and mothers rest when Dr. Wlnchell's Teething Syrup is used. It produce natural sleep, reulatos tho bowels, cures dys entery and dlarrhcou arising from teeth ing or other causes. Sold by all drug gists at 25 cents a bottle. 7 To 'Tho Bepublicaa Oontral Committee. Tho Republican Central Commtttoo of Nemaha county, Nebraska, Is here by called to meet in district court room in Brownvlllo, on Saturday the 6th (fifth) day of August, 1882, at 1 (Ono) o'clock p. m., for the purpose of call ing a county convention and doing any other business deemed propor by tho committee. The delegates appointed at tho convention of 1881, aro aa fol lows: ( ,. runu. . Henry Roberts, Wm. Bridge. ASI'INWaLL. J. B. Fisher, 11. A. Brand, ' WASHINGTON. . John Pohlman, R. M. Bticklcs. BEDFORD. J. S. Church, J. W. Huntington. IJKNTON. ' ' , W. Windschlfile. II. Stelnman. DOUGLAS. "Win. Hannaford, Herbert Wilson. GLEN NOCK. J. E. Neal, N. P. Meader. LAFAYETTE. S. P. Robortson, E. B. Hubbard. LONDON. Ed. Berlin, J. S. Coleman. NEMAHA CITY. Soymoro Howe, J. F. Drain. BUOWNVILLK. Dr. Stewart, G. W. Falrbrothcr.Sr. BT. DEKOIN. F. II. D. nunt, A. J. Rltter, Jr. It is very desirable that every dele gate above namod should bo at the meeting. C. F. Stewaut, Ch'n Central Oom. G. W. Faikhiiothek, Sr., Sec'y. FOR SALE ! One 3-Sprtng Wagon. 2 Lumber Wagons, 1 Set Light Harness, One 3-gcar old Colt, One or all am besought cheap for Cash as I have no use for them. Ted. Huddaht, South Auburn, Neb. Pear Not. All kidney and urinary complaints, especially Bright s disease, diabetes and liver troubles, Hop, Bitters will surely and lastingly cure.' Cases exactly like your own have been cured In your own neighborhood, and vmi can find reliable proof at home of That Hop Bitters hos and can do. ou wanaMsflMhur inorta:i'y. .r or or muiHr ndf other ifcStru- 111 Ml t 0 of writlinHWuu'e out in neat and propor form, call on G. W. Fairbrother, Sr., notary public, South Auburn. He is an old hand at the business. tf A Valuable Addition. Because it is beneficial to the scalp and adds to personal beauty by restor ing color and lustre to gray or faded hair, is why Parker's Hair Balsam is such a popular dressing. m an Linn & Cooper. Calvert, Neb., aro now ready to re ceive grain of all kinds, for which they will pay tho highest market price Call at tho elevator. J. G. OA.8KIIX, .Wnimgor. Do not neglect a cough or cold until It is too late, try Eilort's Extract of Tar and Wild Cherry, wo aro sure you will be convinced of its merits, chron ic coughs, and even consumptives are cured by following the directions, every bottle is warranted to give satis faction. 1 Tho Independents of Pennsylvania, by rejecting the proposition of tho reg ulars, to withdraw both tickets and bold a joint convention, in which the claims of candidates should be submit ted, have most clearly demonstrated that they are precisely what every well wisher of Republican party beforo believe them to bo tho rulo or ruin party. Take care of your Liver. A great number of the diseases to which man kind aro liable arise from a disordered condition of ibis organ. Keop it in a sound and healthy condition and you can defy disease. Prickly Ash Bitters are especially adapted for this purpose, being composed of drugs nich act ou the Liver, giving It tone and strength to withstand malaria. Uncle Sam's Nerve and Bone Lini ment is for man and beast and is a balm for eviry wound. Veld by all druggists. A Delightful Novelty. Ladles prefer Floreston Cologne be cause they flud this lasting combina tion of exquisite perfumes a delightful novelty. Any porsoh with a cough cold, or any bronchiil complaint or even in the first stage of consumption will be re lieved and cared by Eilert's Extract of Tar and Wlj.1 Ghorry. It is especially prepared for Bronchi"! complaints. Thousands yeo have tried it now live to testiy of its merlU give It an im mediate trim you will be surprised at the result. I 6 Bfl wHHaaaBHaWf I I iPri K'lHII H0el FINE FURNITURE, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. The finest and most complete stock in this county, at tlis Lowest Prices, & splendid assortment of Mouldings, for Picture 'Frames, and an experienced cabinet maker is em- . ployed by this house who will make or repair youfurnitur in good style. Undertaking a Specialty. A full line of Coffins, Caskets and Trimmings, always on hand and Motal- Ic Caskets furnished on short notice. A. H. GILMORE & SON'S, Sheridan, XTeb., Where you will find one of the finest stocks of General Merchandise in Nemaha County. You will find the nicest SPRING STOCK of CLOTHING for all ages. You will find DRESS GOODS of the latest styles and patterns. You will find a nice line of LADIES' and CHILDREN'S Shoes. You will find an excellent line of BOOTS and PLOW SHOES for Men. You will find a full stock of GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, etc. You will find one of the nicest store rooms and the most gentlemanly clerks in Nemaha County. Wc extend a cordial invitation to come and see us before buying, and we will guarantee that in quality and price wc wil suit you. Remember the place, A. H. GILMORE! & SON, SHERIDAN, NEB, Take Notice! Mrs. E. Monahan, of Marysville,Mo will be at North Auburn on the nth and 18th days of July, when she will bo prepared to treat all foriiuvoC uya liuoivuaa.. IIvr't'rwinr.Qnt is a permanent cure for granulated oyo lids and all forms of inflammation of tho ayes. Como and see her. Will bo at Nemaha City on tho 10th. Mrs. Monahan willalsoboinBrown ville on tho 15th of each month. Surgical operations will be perform ed by Dr. D. C. Wilson, of Mary ville. Dr. G. II. Collins, Dentist, VIbUs tho following places in the fol lowing order, each month: Brownvllle, 1st to 7th. Nemaha City, 8th and Oth. South Auburn, 10th, 11th and 12th. Brock, 13th, 14th and 25th. If you wish to savo money, and your teeth, hold your dental work for Dr. Q. II. Collins. 02-tf What Everybody Wants. Is a reliable medicine that never ddes any harm and that pievents and cures diseaso by keoping the stomach in or der, tho bowels regular, and tho kid neys and liver active. Such a medicine Is Parker's Ginger Tonic. It relievos every case, and has cured thousands. See another column. Tribune. PAINTING PAINTING. I am now prepared to do all kinds of painting, graining, etc., in a lint-class manner, and at tho following prices: Two co.V, work, 15 cents per yard. Throe coat work, 18 cents per yard. I will do the work and warrant it for three years not to crack, scale, or rub off. Get your painting done in a workmanlike manner, by giving me a call. John Shipphv. Go to the New Store and get the highest market price for your produce. Wall Paper. at Nlckell &Shurts. .TAKING THE LEAD. The BUCKEYE COKD BINDER is the favorite, every man that has exam ined It says is tho "Boss." Go see tho "Regulator" at Calvert, and be will Bhow you Borne of its lino points. m i Reduced Prices in Meat, Tho Calvert Meat Market will furn ish moat from this date at tho follow ing reduced rates: Surloin Steak 12 J cts. Round " 10 Roast 10 " Chuck 10 " Boiling pelcos from lie to 7c. IIknuv Ha km, Prop. Steilem Wild, - Calvert, Nebraska, Dealer In Eafelemi f Every Seaoriptioa. 1UTU0HIZED BY THE U. M. UOTEKNMKKT First National Bank OF BROWNVILLK !ti-i, Capital, $tiG,000 Authorised " 500,000 IB PHEPAJUC.OTO TKANSACT A General Banking BusinesL BUT AND HELL OOIN & 0UEREN0Y DRAFTS nnUtha principal cltUa ofth United States and Europe" MONEY .LOANED On pproYertecurlty onlv. Tlm Drn discount ed. nd apeclal accommodations crntl to 4eotrit ri. DcaUra In OOVEHNMKNT DOND8, ffJW STATE, C0UHTY & CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS HecitlTtd payableondemimd.and INTEREST owed on tlmecrtlflcatcordeposlt. DIJlE5TOR2.--WJn'T-n' B M- Bailor, M.A Handler. Frank K. Jonnaon, Luther Hoadler Wm, Frataber. JOHN L. CARSOX, JP?AJIS0N'c,lh,,r rreildoot. , C. McNaiioktok, Aiu'Caahler.. P. W. Samuelson, 1). J. "Wood, President. Cashier. Nemaha County Bank Calvert, Nebraska, Does a General Banking Business. Particular JlticiitlonlGiv ' cm Collections. Moner Loaned on A.tnrov ed Seouity. Exchange m nil parts V, S. and Europe. JOHN 8. MINICK, GENERAL uij5 dppsppw j IE Ml Nemaha Citv, Neb . x 3