Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 27, 1882, Image 3

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    of a Cblncso Falaco.
Although the imperial winter rmlaco
KtTl'okiiijb and has boon for many years
past gfirmlcd day-hnd night by hunurods
of sentinels, a .band of ingenious burg
lars have roqcntly contrived to plundor
it of nearly all the valuablos accumu
lated within its walls during tho last
two reigns.- A venorablo Cbinoso supor
ttition was Instmmontali in procuring
tho thiovcg facilities joA carrying! obt
their ontbrpriso and iramunitjfrom de
tection or interference tluripg ttioir
predatory operations. The palaco walls
bristlo with watch-towers and omrv
mental turrets. With tho conuivanco
of accomplices in tho imperial house
hold, tjie robber band, it would, appqar, 1
lias innabitea several of tneso constric
tions for years past. Whon any of tho
higher palace olUcinls, noticing by acci
dent that tho turrets woro lightou tin at
night, nmdo inquiry of their uhdorltngs
as to the causo of tho luminous nppear
anco in question, they woro invariably
assured, that Hu H'sian, tho fox-fairy,
was doinir penance for her sins by torch
light. -After tho phenomena had been
nccountodjor in so thoroughly satisfact
ory a manner,' it could" not bo expected
that tho worthy court mandarins would
trmihln thnir heads about them, anv
moro. No doubt they shared thpjtwiuij
,lar belief in roynaraissupcrnatunu guts.
Jrriiroughout China thdi ''red rogue" is
creuueu jviin ituiniy.wj uimugo miu
eolf into'au old wifaan upon completing
his fiftieth 'voar, arictagftin intoVadovoly
maiden half a century lator Immor
tality is his; but tho Celestial atfthbritios
regard him as sucliaubivetpra.tQ.spamp
that they dcclino to recoivo him into
paradise before his thbtisandth birthday,
unless he has given solid and frequent
proof of unaftcctod, ropentanco for his
sins in the llesh. 'While hov was sup-
oscd to be performing expiatory sorv
ccs in tho wall-turrets of tho palaco tho
pious chamberlains would upon no aci
count disturb, him. Tljoirprofound ro-w
spect for tho l ftW-iairy's contrition, In'
fact, kopt tho coast clear for tho burg
lars, who were thus! enabled ,tppUlago
tho palace' systematically and. at their
leisure. Tho booty carried "oft. includ
ing several hundredweight of gold plate,
is valued at, between ono and two mill
ions sterling. London Telegraph.
mt -
-Emery is so called from Cape Emorf,
in tho island, of Naxos, where
tuo best
vanotv is jobtoinod n. V
V E" t
l.U- - ' t KL.
.fc.-j. - . ..- . j-''' w.
cuicst intellects minor most.
Young men wliohnvclc'lallfcofidlsBlpatloti
, and excess, reform 1 Give toiutj) to Btom
acli, regulate tbt liver, strengthen the urinary
organs, relievo those dull pains in the limbs,
rid yourself of that feeling of nausea, ncrv
otisncas, languor and'dobllltT byusttig" Dr.
Guysott's Yellow Dock and Sarsaparllla; then
will you cxperiapoe a genial warmth and
awakeqingllfo, in place of that, dond.'yeoHnf
of decay, nnd uy'8popsla,"tnilky urine! cld,Mp
longcrundemiino vour const! tuttbrf. ' DelnV
is dangerous.
"Anobmn-a" Ko, we dbnot think it; would
bp practicable to feed tho live stock on an
ocan steamer in the tropgh of thojica. Bqs;
ton Tost , ij'
Aioentleman writes : u I Buffered for jcars
fronf weakness of the urlnaVy and digestive
organs, and was fast approaching consump
tion and a premature grave. I happened tqhear
tome ono say that Dr. Guysott's Yellow Dock
and Sarsaparllla was good ior dlfczlucJJs' and bad
blood. 1 tried it and have beau madowclL'1
A coiixnn
in relieving
In ginger Is reported. Useful
cucumbor quirks in, the abdo-
Hiding to Save a I-ifo.
A Georgia newspaper gives, an interesting
account 'of the heroistn'of tJonii Tdttbr, n ten
jcar old boy who rode a horse twolvo miles to
Macon for the purpose of,cnllIngr a physician
to attend hls'm6ther,' whovwas behoved to bo
dying with colic. Tho doctor could not bo
found, but a kind druggist gavo tho lad a
bottlo oU medicine and ordered him to hurry
home. The brave, lac) rode hom6,'ipqlIvlJreJ
the medlclno, and then fdliitcd from nervous
exhaustion. The medjejuo ccurcd tho sick
woman, and tho boy is well. It is only neces
sary to say that tho precious medlclno was'
TunnY Davis' Pain KitLitu, which never falls
to curo disorders of the stomach, Cholera
Morbus and Bowel Complaints, i Sold by all
Druggists. ,. ,,,,
Ik ono should send water pitchers as a pres
ent to a friend how should ho sign tho note
accompany lug them? "Ewers truly."
V" Do not grasp at; the shadow andloso,
tho substance." ' Kltlhcy-Wort'is able to con
vert you from a shadow ot your former self
into the substnnco of established health. 8ald
a suiTerer from kidney trouble when asked to
try Kidney; Worffor a remedy:' 'I'lftryitv
but it will bo my .last dose." 'If cured him
nnd noWherecommemls lftftrall. If you hdvo'
disordered kidneys don't fall to try it.
"How n' YrtaovtFogg1" Vo-askoM,' is -wo
eaw our old f i lend trudging along with a big
carpetbag. "Where aro you boundl" "Down
to Ilackmctack IJeaoh;" he replied, Thought
you wcrb sick there 'all last'sumrrter," w d'ro
rnarked. "That's just It," said Fogg, as ho
moved along. "Doctor adYUedtoolo be look
ing after my health, sd'I .thought I'd go to
llackmotack. Loft it thonflast summer, you
know; haven't SooHwiJiygililg&i, itydptei 8o
loug." iV.' Y.'ITenM.
5300.00 Reward - v s. .
Will bo paid for the'Uetctloh' ano? conviction
of any person dealing in bogus or imitation
Hoi' Bittkus, especially Bitters with tho word
Hoi' or Uol'sJh tUelr. nanie, fthaLla hitended
to chcat'tneAubHcor foVanythfifji'iiretcdd.
ingto bo the same as Hop Utsrans. Tho
genuine has a cluster.of .atflCN'Hopd (notico
this) printed on the wlilto label, and is tho
best medlclno on earth, especially for Kidney,
Liver and Nervous Diseases. Beware of all
fnrmnln. nr rnnlnns of HOP BlTTKKS DUbllshed
lni)anerg'orfoBale,.as thby arc frauds and.
uiniiino. Whnnver deals-ln. any but tue
Whoever deals-ln, any but
I bo prosecuted. ' '
Kcnulno will
Hop Bitteks M'r'a. Co., Rochester, N. Y.
A man advertises for a corapotcnt person to
ldertakoTthoajoof tew mod clnfe, and
Ids that "It will bo "highly lucrative to tho
l'orsonai,, . s.
The Voltaic Bolt Co., Marshall, Mich., will
nond Dr. Dye's celobrated Electro-Voltaic
Belts and Appliances, on trial r thirty days,
to men (young or old) tbo aro) afflicted wljh
nervous doblllty, os vitality and kindred
trouble, iriinranteoini "combleto restoration
of vitality and manhood. Address as above.
N.B.flo risk is incurred, aa thirty days
trial is aljowcd
Isn't it a base insinuation for an editor, on
noticing a now paper, to say:, Before us ues,
tc1 Frankfort Jleralil. ' ' '
Aa Interesting Clin
tor from the lAtet of tk
(Boston Globe.)
The readers of this paper were moroor less
atnaicd at a'most re'marljablo statement from
ono of our leading eltlzGps.wlilch appeared In
yesterday's issue. 8o ituusual wore ituo'ck
cumstanccs connected wltlwit, and so much
comment did Jt occasion orTllie street andln
social drclHthat'a'(g!prcscntatlvoJ)t tluVjja
per was commissioned to tevstlftofUs 'de
tails andycHfy its facts, tho article referred
to wste ni'slrtioment madovby Mj. 6. I? ffctrra
bec, of the Kcw York and Boston DTspntch Ex
proas' Company, whose ohldo la bn Arch strcel.
MA I.orrabco was found by the newspaper
map in his prlvatooluco, and ou being ques
tioned said: " . . ,
"Well, sir, logically I havo been dead, but
really I am as you !an seo mo. A little over
a year ago I wan taken sick.. My trouble was
not severe at first and I thought it was tho re
sult of a Blight cold. Somehow I felt unac
countably tired at times although I took an
abundancoof sleep. "Thcn, agaip, J'haddull,
ntiil ntrnnirn tihlns (n.vnrinils tuirtsof mv bodv.
My appetito was good ono day and I had none
whatever tho next hnd my head pained me
moro or less much of the time. A while alter
ward I noticed much that Was peculiar about
tho fluids I was passing and that a sodlmont,
scum and a strange accumulation appeared In
it. Still I did not. realize that thono things
meant anything serious and I allowed the 111
ucsr to run alone uutil on tho 25th dav of Oc-
Utobcr I fejl pAnratolwhllo walking along Tro-
mont street, x was carncu uomo ami mu nut
rgp out of tho houso until tho middle of De
cember. I 'then went 'do n) town Tand at-
t ttemptcd to' attend to"(niyrbuBlueps until tho
lpth of last January, wlicii'l was taken with a.
i:.?ecy sevcro reiapso. AiyBymptoniBiweie.tcrri-i
mo. x was icarruiiy uioatcu; x suucrcu
sevcro palnstiu oil parts of my body aud it
wSj almost' impossible to breath,
jor six day a I hovor laldf defwn and
novcr Blept. I was constantly attended
by my regular physician, Doctor John
son, and Doctor liomlltcli aUo came to
see mo nearly every day. There Was
no doubtrtliat I was suflorlng ,from Drlght'n
disease of the Icidiicys in its worst form aud
last stages, accompanied by other tioubles In
my liver and heart. In splto, hoivQVor, ox tho
skill of the physicians, I kept growing worto
and finally they'tapped my sldo in tho vicinity
of thc.hcart, taking away forty-six ounces of
water.. This relieved mo for the tltnd, but J
soon became as bud as before. Then the. doc
tor gave mo up outlrely, declared I could not
live more tuati twonty-four hours and my
daughter, who was residing in Paris, was tclo
graphed fot. Still I lingered along for several
weeks, far more dead than alive, but never
giving up hope. Ono night it was on tho
20th of April, I very well rcniombor my'at
tendaut, who was reading tho paper to me,
began an artlclo which described my disease
and sufferings exactly. t told, how some se
vcro cases of Bright's dlseao had been cured,
and so clearly and' serislblyjlld itstatb the
case that' I determined to try thomcans of
curo'hlch-itde9crlbed.,"-Bo I sbiif'my1 ma"ri
to tho drug store, procured a bottlo of
the picdlelnc,( unknown to my physicians
and it rlmms, dmL took thei llrst dose at ten
o'clock. At that time 1 was suffering In
tensely. " I could not HlcepT-I- had the
short! breaths and could.scarccly get anvalr
into my lungs, rwastcrrlbly bloated from
hend'to fofiti andth motion of my lfearl was
ftegulhr ind, jMnfjiL ThQnext morning I
w as able to breathe JieclyjV tho pain "began to
leave, me and tho bloating decreased. 1 con
tinued .to fake the medlclno, and to-day, sir, I
am ak well as I cor was in my llfo, aim wholly
owing to the wonderful, almost miraculous
power or Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver
Ourc, I do not know what this medlclno is
llln A!' V1"-J ---. -." ..I ...IWM..TM.-
mv life when I was clven un
'by tliW
doctors and had really been dead for weeks;
.Uiat it has kept me In perfect health ever slnco
and has cured many of my friends to whom I
havo recommended It. There aro a number of
very reniarkablo cases in Lynn, and Salom, as
wall as Id this city, that it lias cured. My re
covery is so rcmarkublo'thdt 'it has excited
much attention, and physicians as well as oth
ers havo investigated it thoroughly. I am
glad they have, for I feel that the results of
aitch a wonderful euro should, b&known to the
thousands in all parts of the land who arc
suffering fr"om troubles' of tlfdkldnoys, JlVeror
heart In somoof their mony,dhngorou8 forms!"
'I TIiq representative of tho press thanked Mr.
Larrabco for his very' frauk and clear state
ment, and was about to leave the bfllee when
a gentleman stopped up tp him and Inquired
ii no wcro secKing lniormation auout :ur.
rabcejs stckncBs and recovery.. The scrlbo re
plied that ho was, whereupon the gentleman
said: ''
"And so am I, and I havo como all the way
from (Chicago for that very purpose. Kidney
troubles'scemtobo alarmingly increasing all
over tho couutry, and I havo a very near rela
tlvo who Ms afllleted much as Mr. Larrabeb
was. ii nave been to sctrtlio'bhvsiclanB of
Whom Mr. Larrahpe 'Bpoaks, ami J
air, itils sjmply wonderful." L'
''What did they say?" askc"d th
r K . W . ... r
ten you,
thd man of
'Say I why, sir, they fully confirm every
thing Mr. Larrabco has stated. I went to" see
Dr. 1), A. Johnson, at 30 Worcester strcot.
He was absont whon I called, and so I stepped
into the Commonwealth Hotel, whek-o Mr.
Larabeu was livlug at tho .tlmo otr his sick
ness. J Messrs. Brush '&. Carter aro the proprl
ctors.jand I asked them about Mr. 'Larrhbco's
case. Mr. Brugh pointed-tor the-clcctrlc an
nunclitor andald, ,' why for wceks-aiid weeks'
everj- time tlfat bell rang! said: That means
the death 6f Mr. .Larraboe.. No onoiarouud
the hotel qvor dreamed that ho would recover
and when the doctors would come dowu, from
his room they would shako their heads and
say tlifci o was no hdjie. The arrangements for
thcv-Xuneral were piado and his recovery was
simply a miracle.' U, -
I then called pn. Dr. Jojipspn who said" that
Air. Dari'ahee'B caso wns a' very rem&rkablo
one. Ho was his family 'physlcTuti atid ex
pected his death every hour fona number of
weeks and never called to. seo i,im amlnK
fhutllino. but hd was prepared for it. The
doctorsald the recovery was dtio'to IVamer'B
Safe Kidnoy and Liver Cure,-and It he had
friend:, mule or female, troubled wlth-Almi
men or any kidney troubles, ho should cer
tainly hdviso them to use this remedy. Dr.
tt!2ald k,d?ey dlfilcultlc- are more
'Commqn than most .neoplo thinly I andthat
inany symptoms whlcli nVo supjJoH' to" bo
said that ladles after gestation aro specially
tiWt. l?l,enT,c,UJ,'l d?wn ind called 6n Dr.
fn Vv i "owulcn on I oy ston stroct,
StfSllS00,1" nd,,?c,J be reticent
but fully confirmed all I had previously
learned. Ho had attended Mr. Larrabee? "nS
supposed him beyond all hope, and he was
afterward restored, aa ho saM S wi,ui
Safe. Kidney and Liver Curo. ' X WarncHs
' I nfcx went to seo Dr. Molvllln V wi,s
at the Hotel Cluny, for -Von see I was d
mined to bo thorough in the SSStto? 1 fhiA
Dr. Webb a most clear-headed I & UllTn
formed gentleman, and he said:
tlZu'X nffi00.:8 ! from hav,ng
rector of a Life InsGranco Company and Jtisl
one of tho most remarkabln -B.?,.,YL?5?J'
met. Mr. Larrabco had all thn n,nnif.
tlonsof a complication of disease? and In"
their worst forms. Ho had albmnen and casts
in the urine, and a terribly diseased ?ivnr ?n.i
spleen. Indeed, ho wa. s'o bad U S "a throi
hlmsolf upon the floor, and with his head nn?n
a hassock, struUKled 'for breath. It waPSS
the night when ho was so had and Twh I all
his mcd!cl advisers had lonif given him urt
that ho began using Warnor's Bafo Kidney and
Liver Curo. Tho noxt morning at 10 o'clftck
ho was ablo to breathe freely, and has been
over slnco. I, subjected him to the most thor
ough etatnlnatton possible, after his recovery,
and I can't find out about him.' H9 kidi
neys, liver, lungs and heart aro perfectly well
and sound. I can only add that, from what I
h&vo seen, J would unhesitatingly recommend
this remedy."
Tho conclusions from the statements above
rnado which come to tho newspaper man as
kWsII as tho general public, must be twe-fold.
First, that a modem miracle of healing-has
lierti performed in our midst. an.d that, too,
by tho slthplcst means and one which Is with
in the roach of every one It should bo re
membered that Bright's dlscnso is not usually
a sudden complaint. Its beginnings are slight
and its growth slow, Tho symptoms by whleh
it may bo detected are dlffcront with different two peoplcf Msually having tho
same. This fact was manifest in the case of
.Mr. Larrabco, and ho had n6 Idea of tho terrl
bio complaint which had attacked him until It
became fixed upon him. Secopdly, tes imonl
als of such high character aud so out tpoken
In tono, conclusively prove tho value of tho
remedy and Its superior naturo to tho pro
prietory articles With which tho public havo
befth flooded. "Tho creator Includes the
less,'' and tho remedy which has been proven
so valuable and has saved a llfo after It wbb
brought down to death's door, must unques
tionably bo certain in all minor troubles which
are so disastrous uuloss taken in time. 3
BEroiiE tho wedding day she was dear and
ho was her trcasuroutaftcrwardshobL'camo
dearer and he treasurer,
To iMr-itovntho nppouraticoof the skin great
risks aro token; arsenic, morcury, or nlgh
nouud titled named articles containing theso
jdoath-doallng drugs, aro takon In hopos of
gottlng rid of all these troubles. In many
cases, death is the result.' N6 alleviation of
the burning, heating, itching ua itillamnvi
tlon Is glvon. All trouliled ith Eczema (salt
rllAltmt TnMnfd thtMAna Thflnmi.mllnn
wuaasi AVUWIO) AlUllllitOf AIIU tllltliUblUII
Rough, Scaly Eruptions of tiny klnd,D;ooBos of .
mu xiairanu cscaip, acroiuia, uiccrs, X'linpics
or tondor Itchlngs on any part of tho body,
should know that there is Iiopo for them in a
sure, perfect and elegant remedy, known as'
Dr. Benson's Bkln Cure, ithlch can bo ob
tained at druggists.
A touno married man. whose houso-rent Is
py ins tnptnor.nwaw, auuties to nor as
tsilarlirtg pay-rtnt,
Troiiblo Sirvml.
Jt Is a remarkable fJct.thaETiiouAs'EciJtc
Tnto OiLlsasiroafor ibtemal as external
uso. t For diseases of, tbo .lungs and throat,.
back, wouuds and.jtqrjoa, it is tho beetjkjiowii
remedy, and much trouble is savpd by.havlng
it dhyays on hand. '
PiUZE fights artJ 'becoming Very frequent1.
xmsinay no caucu a roviva.01 tuo old stylo
of pound pdrtlos. rhlUdclpnla Chronicle. ;
bliNO men or middle atred ones, sufrnrlnir
frdni nervous debility ahd kindred weaknesses
should send' three stamps for Part VII. of
World's Dispensary DImo Sorles of books.
Address Wom.n's Dish:n,sauy MEniOAi As
sociation, Buffalo, N. Y.
nTnn pig has soniotlmes boon compared to a
musical instrument. Tho corn-ot seems to
hit his case. Ldwcll Courier.
Yhy is Mrs. LydiaE. PInkham's Vegctablo
Compound like tho Mississippi River in a
spring freshet) Because tJP Immense volume
of this healing river moves' 7?Ith such moment
um that it sweeps away all obstacles and is
literally Hooding tuo country.
h1wy w
"'31 la In trod
with chop sticks. 7
A Tqtnl Ecllpso
of all other medicines by Dr. R,,V Pierce's
"Golden Medical Discovery" Is approaching'
Unriyallcd In bilious disoruors, impure blood,
and consumption, which is scrofulous disease
of the lungs.
In the bright lexicon of youth tho' school
house Is sometimes affectionately spoken of
as "the tannery." ,
JSP Fast, brilliant and fashionable aro tho
Diamond Dyo colors. Oue packago colors 1
to 4 lbs. of goods. 10 centsor any color.
It Is not safo to whisper anything pn a
ppstal cMd.-rhtiadtlijhla Record. ' r
Skinny Men, "Wells' Health Rcnower" re
stores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia. $L
Yoa ne?er hoar1 of a" strike nmbng the
astrohomers. Their busiricis'lfalways look
ing up. rilladelphta Jlullctin.
I A IIlvo of lleea.
Burdock Blood Bitters Bring Back'health,
when 'the Body .Is Badly disordered By impiire
Blood, Biliousness, indlgetlon, constipation,
dyspepsia and other Bad dlsonlors cured by
Burdock Rlood Bitters. Price,!.
f m m
Wi(at Is the difference between Jumbo arid
gumbo? None whatever Ono Is on elp
'ihantj and the' other Is stew. Go deep for
this. . Jt.'s. pkaru.-TjtalUmvrt fling-li n.
Oi.nlady (to" dru'gglHtl-"Are i'ciu quite
lure UU Is carbonate-of soJanot arsenic?"
Dniitglsfc "Q'jite. ma'am, try U ami Judge
'for yourself," The Judyt. t
Gnduoi'. 'Eli6tt 'said that no man can be
wise n an duipty stomaclti busunse. If
that were so, h(w,would,tlienvuiagq editqrbu
able tb indite such fiigaelouB t'ditoilals as wo
uru co)itlnully reading Japurj;xchangos.
, Tuxati htjUwji.
"Thn't this ohcL'saiiRttlaxildl" awed tho
customer of the 'grocery clerk. "J, don't
know," iinswen-d'tiie llov vInroniy H pas
senger here. You must jiKJthesklpiitT."
Lowell C'i(i,vn.' m . i
" Tiin lridy who w-rlteTuDqer the najno of
iRai-ah Tytleri'M really Vri! Henrietta-Keel--
'die. It,soemstaa If Kedd'I might liuvji se
cured a T.vtlur frleqds woullj have nuei UeV
tcr. Ar. 0. l'lcayune. n
A. Ciiicaoo wife object to her husband
dragtrlng Jut arounl to wlofVis a'J'l lilllug
her sho from hL'Mbot to be used for a dice
box. Whut eno-mmV dice they mUit shake
in Chlcdgo. A'tw 7't JltgMtr.
A nsHi-KHATE character, io hpd commit
ted a robberv In Illinois. In Ufelng from ;the
oillceri, had u pait of his lirtl shot oil. It Is
not, oftuu that Justice follows, sb closoly jon
tho heels of crliiiu-
. " What aro your views of Hurppof "7.
sir?" patronizingly querleHthe uhltiui
note-book mauler, as he pc!a bja reaily
nil. "Mnatlv ati.rimafnnlt" WUB tllO 4ur
my .dear
ii Clintons
note-book mauler, as he wMi la reaiiy pen
cil. "Mostly Hturuoseonlc." wus tuo euri ro
nlv of hn t.ruvnl.Rtiilned bittwr. iV, J.iVtfUW.
CHAiiLKft CaiX, from Mil? osai bulled
out of thlrty-hvo ddllars before ho ha I been
two hours hi Boston. IIsliowa maiming
Call. Hotton Uorntnerctyl BMln.
Dnk of tho most recent laVentloni is a
process by which' dvcry mm fn. bf 1 own
photographer. All you hue td do Is tb pull
tho slide, stand iq front ol the cameri with
your best $r.7fi expression, mf then chWo tho
alldn liv nullliiL' a strlnr. ''iSeveil o( this
Oct the Original.
Dr.rierco's 'rellots"-tho original "Llttlo
Liver Pills" (sugar-coated) curo sick and
bilious hcadncho, sour stomach and bilious at
tacks. By druggists.
HaVh ji cjgar named for you, If you would
bo puffed.
ii ' ' i
, Don't DiBlnthobouso. "Rough oh Rats," inc.
Cleans out rats, mice, flics, roaches, bed-bugs.
Witr Is the letter B Ilka n man sitting at
the extremity of a branch of a treo? Because
it makes tho cud "bond."
Ir yoti Use Vrardr'AxIo'GrtaW, cbntlriu6; it
youiddn't, coiiiuience now. You'll not regret it.
. - ,
Ir afflicted with Sore Eyes, use. Dr. Jgaao
Thompson's Evo Water. Druggists sell 1L 25c.
. i
Tar tho now brand "Spring Tobacco;"
Frank it JessA
&e . containing the
onlu complete and "Bb ,
authentic account of lAcii.llold IltBhwnTm
I.nlrt information about the Kltondnr r Jr
The trlost rtvUlltr interetttno and excttlng bonk tttr
irrlriiyi. .rullr.IlliKtriileil. AVrlle inlek fur
trra. whlclmre Very Illxinil. anil ttiu ratimnktimom'v
fnt. JNow Is Uin tlinr. COlIUJtN JttXiV.ViMXK
rum.iNiftNO co., un, uh ana 100 Met-
i'i)ol(ui Jllpck, C'llcnU", HI,
Tho world bus novor producod its cquitl.
v Prepared fay C) WAKKVitLD & Co. UloomlnRtoii, 111.
1 TRY'lTt Foi'Balb'byAIIDrUBBlBta.
ITo other (Uemmo Is no prevalent In UiU ooun
try oa ConaUpatlon, and no romo Jy has over
oquaUod tho oololiratod Kidney-Wort AS a
euro. Whatever UiaGauso.howpveiobaUaiito
Uie caso, tills romody wm ovcroamo H,
Dll ETC THIO diatrosilnir com-
tUlnt la vonr iitit to b
complicated with oonaUpatlon. ZUdney-Wort
trencthena tho weakened Darts and anloklv
ouroa aU kinds of Pileiovon whon pbykloUni
ana mouianca jwvo Deioro lauoa. ,
U. Vflt you havo olthor of theie trotiblea
USE I DruKRlsts i
An Kntrllah Veterinary Burgeon and 'Oliemfa't. now
trnvolinif hi tlln country, aaye that tnoat of tils Hone )
ami uaiiie i-owiior emu Here are wortliloaatraali. lis
enr that HlmricUn'a Condition l'of do rVaroKliBolnifilr
pure and linmonaeljr valunbje. , Kotli liiit on earth will
nuko hen Inr like HhaHclan'a nonitfllnn lViWdnr..
Dow, on ttiaepoonfnl to one pint. food. K6M every-)
wnere, or nni iiy inaliwr oiiut JMtor atampt. . Jam,
, .TQJINHON A dO..IIOaUln,Mau.'.forliirly llanirnr.Me'
xAiuioti(irmiu.TiyKjiii,jin;Ko new run, diooUj
JKTo-xrov Grurjouat.
TIioho who tiho It otiro alWnyn uho Jt.,1
Aah fnr WIHHIMH wl,r vim -4it..'
-- ---' - MIV.V .. WAMMVfl
Employment for-Ladios.
The Queen Gty Suipendcr Company ofCln.
Hiiil, mif BpporUM lor iJidlf. (J
vM.iurrN, aim nicir unciiuaica nmri nuipt nart
fpr UdlM,andwntreluhlladyKenMtuifll
them In every houtehold. Our-agenti every'
wheie meet with ready tucccti and wake btndt
1 7
aoiee nlarlet. Write at once fat lermi and ae.
cure ctclutlve territory. Addreta ",
IIhum 'Ml. Ib.u.J.J r. -- .1 A.I.
037 LNa lyeitaa recolnled thete Buppoitem. 0 1
lit-rmaii Aatlimu Ciire nover Sail to irlvnn.
mt 1 ""t.1" tho worat cnaon,liiHurefl ootnfort-
ui;ionioei,,;ui3cu,curenwiicro mi otiiera fail. A
,V,X?PviPS4' '" ""' wepttntl. l'rloo fiOp, and,ui jru(wiHior iiv mau. Hunjilu If It I'M
' ''f ''("m'liarjrniAmnnraii .imn
ISsrol AITOIhrri InTonn.and Hum.
I piiHt. J t 4l(tlint I lri-CU nUf 1
Knv NTVi.ra. nkw no to h roi'H.
Whit... It, !!.!.. n .. n- n..i m
write TIlEUjfilAN ATAVXon 0O.UnaiuMd,o.
AUKNTH Wa:NTK for Hie Beat hntrrnMit
acIlUmlMiiUMlal llookaaildlllbM. 1'rician-iluctd
aapcr.cfnt. MiTioNaLl'DHUiiiiMO 00. t Vpllitd't ra,
I t 1 ,. 1 I 1 ) 1 ... -T 1 , 1 1 T 1 '
aT" A ra Ml aT" ATiiyenw tue loaa.oi
BMsSHJ' ml 'wmjfwf&MKb
" m
. w ..ww .m .wa.v.
-waw- w m w m. ai w mm b!
by mall, 75(1. Tub
A. vlllti Vb. Full Faculty. Order Catalogue.
KA IINEHA WN MKIlIOA.r. CfLI,i:nKnd Hoipital.
LarjKaat Iloinaoiiathtd CdrioRu; ForCatitloBuea,
BddreaaT.S.HOTKK, M,n.,,luX Wiliaah Avu.t CIi1cro.
UJflON COM.EdKOr' IAWi CblcnKO, III. The
admtta to the llar.of Illloola. 'For circular addreaa
iiua, 11. uootii, unicaaro, nu
CT. CI-AJIA'S AOAIlKMr. fclmlnnwa Moand, Wla ,
Ola moat inaKiilflMnlly. and healthfully altuatcd. . A
aplrndld new Academy I almost comph ted and will bo
ready for pupllaln the fall. For Catalogue, addreaa
Mother Superior, flt.Clara Academy, uiniiuawa Mound
P, O. OrnntCo., Wla.
year. Boeclmeni of 1'enmanahlp and Circular, Frte.
Talod. Anitrlcau 8c)wol of Telegraphy, Madlion, Wla.
Forlllialneaa at the (lldent li Tlnnt
uommerclaicollege, Clrcularfree.
Addreaa CIUtlu, Dubuque, la.
9.JB V JbA arf Bid I uen.ahainitirorea tllejrenerAI
fll jftfjIriALbA V.tiHl'lfVl'isssPm M
' I ' II I Ull III III
Is a 1'osltlvo Cnro
far alt tbnta Palnnd Comptnlat and WVn
oeommoa to our bo t finale papulation.
Until eVire Aitlrtlf the Vorit form of tVinale com.
plaint, all orarlan trouble, Inflammation and Ulctra- v
tlpn, Falllnp; and Dbplacrmf nt, and th eonso,acht '
Bplnal WfiOtnfM, and b rttcuUrlr adaptrd to the
ehanffo of Ufa.
JtwIlldlMoWo and eipri tumon frotntheutcruiln
an early itaco of dorelepuient. Tho tt ndrncy to ran
ccrout humor there It clirckrd very perdlly by It nto.
It rrmovci falntne m, flatulrncy, doftroyi all craTlnp;
tor ttlmulanti, and rttletci wraVnrm of the itoniarh.
It eurr Bbwtlng, Ilradachfi, Kerron rrortralion,
Oenrial DoUtUty, BIplcunrM, Drproulon and lndl
Rontton. ' ThttfceUno; of Ixarlntf down, oaiulno; pln,,welgbt
and bacVacbo, U alnaya pennanently ournl by It u mi.
It will aiaJHImp anil under all clnninuta&OM aetla,
harniony with tbo Uwi ttiat BOTrrn the female y item.
Tpr Uie euro of Klclne CoiupUlnta ot either otbl
Oompound U unurpaird, ,
I.YIHA K. PI.NKHAHt'A VKO'rrrA'ni.'K'COM'- '
rOUNl) la prepared at 133 and tii Wcitcrn Avenue,
Ijnn, Jlai. rricol. BlxlottlraforSv BenlbymaU
in the form of pitta, alio of loccturre, on receipt of price,
(1. nr box for either. 11m. I'luVbuinfrccly anturera'
all letter of Inquiry. Incloio 8c. BtAinp. Bend for
pamphlet. AddreM as abOTO. Xmtton thtt jtaper.
Vo family ihouM bo without I.VptA E. IltnCIUM'S
UVQl IULIA Tlioy euro eonttlpatlon, Mllotunee,
and torpidity of tlwj liter, ti oenUior box.
- Sold by nil llrugulats. -C ,
ii 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii' 11 1
Hlood. nnd will comnlfitrlv'clmiiBn tho blood In I ho en.
lira aviicnt in iiiito monllis. Any pt'noii who, will lax
1 pill tail) nlKlit from 1 to 1 a wcvka inrtr tnl n-atorci
Klit from 1 to 1 wcvka inrtr c
III. If audi a tliltm Im miaallilp.
ijrjrwlirre or emit by moll tor fcth'tUr Mnmpi. 1. ft,
JoilNaoK&Oo,, llojtun, Iins.. formerly llanuor, Mo.
.. 1 i
Engrlnoortttg' and Railroad' News
Pabllaheil at 73 Broadway, New York.
oa.SO per eknndin pnatnaca fr4e.
nEaUTj.JiATlES or GENTS mnje
keoiiorH-IJaoful,. praotlouUandmpnnular. Addreaa.
V. ., UWKNM, Slio Fulton Street, Chicago.
1rol' of ttf.l.'fl--MJWBe.n.vrr.WfCllit
...... ...., ..
, , III! 1. 1(. lit.,,,, nt, ) .,, ,
Ijlk.dcUTIONIKT'N .lOTJRNAI.. full of frrah
J and uooil plucca. only ten reuta of ull nvwaUcaltra,,
In otmnclatico-ft,, pillion nuande,
Imported laat youVJ-rricce lower'
than ever. ARcnts wuntcil. Xlou't
wuato tlmeScad for circular.
IO lbs. Good Hlnclc or Mixed, for $1.
lO lb. I'luo Illuck or ITllxotl, fur !2.
10 lba.Cliolco IlluciroiritllxTjdl for $U.
Bcmliof iibund flrt)ile,'17 ctejextra to poatnao
.'llicn ftet UP a cluli. Cnolccat Tea, In tbo world,
J,uri,'('t 'virletj'. Hlelmri ettn-ybollr. Oldrat Tel
IIUUBO 10 America. nu curunnv nu jiuuiuutf,-
.tilrktutit bninciri-Valuefor money.
W)U'I WKMJM3 Veaey SU.N. ,V..r.p.Dox 1287.
'i 1 1 ' 1 it i !
JxiCaa 3riflr'Trac:a.
Wif. KerlhCiirr! ufthtnerra,
Tiimnr. Ulcer, Ncranilav
And Hkin DltKAaaa. without tho
an ut'kblro'ur mh of iii,(M)ti, ami ll.tfomln .For'
iNronHATioN, oinoi'i.aiw. Atju nKrxnafn, adilnaa-
,ajia r. j. m -wiiai, Auroruinunavui, an,
And the IikhtMaciiinkkv In tiifi
I. Would for i
Mora or uteam rower 1
Uoox FxEn Adofen
IC.nnn OAUIITi:ilH now uaextunMiitv
iHUert him over I'rlwM'J.r.o. C'lrcularantiiljirlcrato
AgeuU.' AddrcaaK KOfll i 1IHO., New Oxford, l'a.
Wlg it. With B0it 0 o.V. nnywhmv Wliolrf.
laio&rurMii rricoiiat ri"r, iiKKineiiariin.
Htd mtitMlMH WiUsiUh r.Jb.cago.
3 wuwnp vij
Jir,"", ; r uut.
'atoliinuVi nr. Ilyirtnll.VSeta. Circular
4. H. lijItUH tV,CO.. UH Uuy hu. y.x
, Ii iii ,.. , ,, ,. Ti
. ... .V...tM lnM.... lh. I. .......II.IJ.-A J!.-
' BSSSaJal
'rnavuvrni i r.iiiw,i-H .i.n ia.iiJK uumiiii. ill liih
Hot ai, PiiKMKnVATlVK Oo. 9i9 H. 6th HU, I'hlli,. l'a! I
-flnCNTS WJIKfTFn-OObeat.
arijf4t'K)niiiit worldtt ramplc.ryM.
11 ,f ny llroiiaou, DArolt. Mich.
t C 1 M n per day at homo. Samples worth 85
U 10 VZUfxee.AddroMBriNsON&Col'ortland.Mo.
A MfJKTII and hdanl In yonr county. 'Men
or I.adlii. l'lcuaatit bulnian. Atldroa
l'.W.'tadLKKiiCo.. lloxlri, Chlcairo, 111.
Ht. Louib, Mo.
(TflnA WEEK In your own town. Terms and'
R 1 Ull Orchratrfl Muilr. UatnloRtira rrcc.Thotnpion
DArlU&CMell. 7MrrrmontNl Itoalnn.Mna.
P Tin A WEEK. $12 a day nt homo easily made.
J)I ACoatlr outfit (roe, Addrtua'l run Ac Co, Augusta, Me.
A. N. K.-A.
iriiKX whitish to Aiiviziinsnna,
plr-riAn i you uuw the Advertisement
in thl jiiijier.
tHAirennrill hnaluinr mII.KiihN. PriMthviiinNiu Ml ., I
Ii 1
I '
slio for a quarter." JWlfo J(ejMe