FACTS AND FIUUM.S. Tlio tot ill exports of this country amounted liwlyour to $88.1,925,947, tho proportion prtnlucod by ngrioulture lo Inpf $729,020,010. or very nearly 83 per cunt. Chicago Journal. Tho loftiest nctlvo volcano Is 1'opo cnlnpetl ' smoking mountain" tliir-ty-tlvo mile? southwest of I'uoblo, Muxl co. It Is 17,784 foot nbrfvo tho sou lovol, and has a orator throo tnllos In oirotim foroueo and 1,000 fcob deep, Tho Pilgrhri, a steamer now boing built at Roach's ship-yard at Chester, Pa., will whon commoted bo tho largest nldowhuol atpnnwhin alloat. It is being built for tho Old Colony lino of steam ships at a contract price of $1,000,000. Tliroo hundred and liftoon vcssoli, ot a total burthen of 109,715.01 tons, aro owned by tho Unth (Mo.) cittzons. Tho vitluo of thin shipping, averaged at $22 nor (on, n low estimate. is 9H,0'ii,7U. On those vessels 709 oillcors and 2.JM2 sailors, a total of 8,112 men, aro em ployed. Newport News, tho deep water terminus of tho Chosapeako & Ohio , Railway, has only recently boon laid olT, but in less than two years it will bo a nourishing town, and in ton years a j'mpUr prediots for it 15,000 or 20,000 population. Tho principal improvements thus far have boon made by tho Chcsa poako & Ohio Hallway. Thcro is. a treo in Chestor, N. II., tlio circumference of tho trunk being Koventocn feet, ami tho distance from tho ends of the limbs on one sldo to those on the other Is ninety foot. Tho trunk is hollow, Tlio treo was planted in 1812, on tho Fourth of .fuly, bv l)r. West. It was out by him for a'walking Htlck, and on reaching homo ho Htuck it into tho ground In front of tho door. Tho hay crop of Mnino in 1880 was worth about tliroo times as much as all tho other field crops of that year. It was, according to tho statistics pub lished in the annual report of tho De partment of Agriculture, worth $16, 1.16,700, whilo tho ooru crop was worth only $8fi!J,17i; tho wheat crop $780,870; ryo $.'17807; oaUs$9GU, 15(5; barloy $ 188, C;l.r; buckwheat $210,000, and tho pota to crop $2,171,011, making ft total of $.r.fl0,Gf)l as thovaluo of all tho field crops excepting hay. Georgia has a mine of wealth far fjreator in value than her gold fields in lor timber growth, if she only utilizes it properly, beventoqn thousand million foot of limber at tho present market value, on shipboard at any of our ports, would ropresont a capital of $350,000, 000, and certainly, if the lumber inter est (which has advanced nearly 100 per cent. In value in tho last few years, whilo lumber has advaucod onlv i)0 per cent, during tho same time) is worth an equal amount, this would make the total valuo of thoso two great sources of wealth $700,000,000, vhioh sum far ex ceeds tho total valuation put upon all Still, Wo venture to say, that in tlio'llat of our taxable proporty tho lumber in terest is almost tho smallest in valuation. Atlanta (Ca.j ifews. WIT AND WISDOM. Accusational roport is callod a can ard because one canardly boliovo it. , ''1 should think that you would fool badly about leaving this place," said tho housemaid to the departing cook. I don't; I'm glad to go. I ain't sorry to leave any of you except tho dog. Poor old Tigor, ho always washed tho plates for mo!" Tho Oil City niizzardsayR boadH " aro tho fashlonablo stylo of trimming "on a glass of boor." A "glass ol boor," avo presume, Is a now article of fominino wear. Tho ladies do have such queer namos for thoir fixings, Noirtxtown Herald. Tho United Statos Fish Commission has recently placod in tho rivers of Ar kansas and Toxas 1,500,000 shad. This statement may bo bolievod. It's not tho numbor of fish they put into a rlVor, but tho numbor thov tako out, that men lie about. Boston Post. ' A Denver Chinaman, who has gono into tho ico cream business recontly, has tho following sign near tho door: ' You catch 'cm tlco.y holly two bittco all samo Slan Flancisco." It is more and'moro ovidont that wo aro ruined by Chtnoso ohoap labor. Boomerang. Philadelphia has a professional man who atlixes celluliod nosos with patent suction springs; reproduces lost oars; provldos aluminium, gutta-percha or celluloid cheeks; reduces protruding jaws; permanently euros facial redness; miotioes plastic surgery in nil its ) ranches; and thoroughly disguises tho ravages of time, disoaso and accident. Oh, would that ho were lioro to put a wholo hoad on a fridnd of ours. Chica go Herald. An enterprising looking country man with a oreol full of lino brook trout " was standing In tho doorway of i rail road station. A passougor acoosted him nud admiring tho fish remarked: "Go ing to tako tliom homo for sup por, laup poso?" "Not if I can help it," said tho rustic, with ft grin. "Thoro bo a party of city bloods as wont fishing from noro this mornin Thoy'ro 'spooled back soon, and I'm sortor lyln' round waitln' to save thoir fqolin's." Brook lyn Eagle. A man undertook to paint tho de struction of Pharaoh's host in tho Red Son on ono of tho walls of ft room. After u very short timo ho much sur prised his omployor by asking him to jonio and view tho finished picture. On going to inspect it ho found tho walls covorod with rod paint. " Whoro aro tho children of Israel?" ho asked. Good Mornlngr, Professor. In this favorod land 'tho Professor is running tho Colonel n pretty. 0I090 raco, and tho Colonol may just as well under stand that ho has to hump himself or bo' 11 get shut out at the distance pole. Just after tho closn of tho war tho Col onol took such n start that tho most sangulno friends of tho Professor admit ted that ho nover could catch up. Hut tho Professor Is ono of tho Immortal fow that woro not born to die, and whilo tho Hopubllo lasts ho will bo on dock. Heed time and harvest may fail, summer may eoaso" and tho winter may not endure, moinlngand oven timo may pass away, but tlio Professor will bo horo. This is tho country for him, and whilo it is defi nitely Mottled by the last census that tho Colonol is dying out, and that there Is now but ono Colonel to every thirty seven of population, tho Professor is on tho Inoroaso and holds all that ho gains. Thd title is most honorable, and at ono time it represented only tho brand est scholarship, tho profoundest learn ing. It roprosouted long- years of hard, patient study of mou and. books and things. It meant, thought. It mount brains. It meant wisdom. It meant standing in tho world of intellect. It was a title hard to win and sparingly bestowed. Now A now barber comqs to town and opens "tonsorial parlors" one room and two chairs ho is Prof. Scraper. A man goes around tho country trading horses and soiling a cure for rlng-bono Prof. Snafllc, tlio eminent volorinnry mirgoon; because where a physician who ministers to human suH'oring, With all tho learning and skill tho colleges can give hihi, is content and proud to bo called doctor, tho traveling "boss doc tor" is always and ovorjNvhoro "Pro fessor." A man hires a llall mid teach es pooplo to danco Prof. Lightfook Ho may not bo able to makoout nis own bills, and spells sehottisho with seven lotters, but ho is Professor. A circus employe goes up in a" balloon Prof. Gasbag, tho daring aeronaut. A retired, 1)ri.o lighter opens a gymnasium and )oxing school -Prof. Hruisor, instructor of physical solenco and muscular devel opment. A man takes his rillo and makes thirty-nino bull's oyos in tho tar got out of a possible forty at eight hun dred yards Prof. Globesilo, all oyer tho country, fast as tho mail and telegraph can confer his degree. A Toxas cow boy conies north anil breaks horhos for a living- Prof. Toooalk. A man swims further than any othor man Professor. A man cuts corns and cures bunions for a living Professor; ho waltzes three hours without resting Professor; plays tho fiddle and imparts to others tho so orots of tho diabolical art Professor; walkH a slack ropo stretched across tlfo street Professor; goes without oating twenty days Processor; rides four horses bareback Professor; sings in tho choir Professor; teaches a brass band plays billiards for ft living vProf33sor; trams uogs- rroiossor; ponorms somo clover tricks of sleight of hand Profes sor; does anything in tho world oxcopt touch, and knows loss of books nud schools than ho docs of Heaven Pro fessor. Tho Colonol differs wldoly from tho Professor in that no reason is over as signed for his being. A man is simply called M Colonel," either bocaso ho was a Lieutenant in tho army or novor was in tho army, it is , Immaterial. Ho is just Colonel, that's. all. Hut tho Pro fessor cluims his tjtlo by reason of jiis " professiqn,'' whether it bo the cob bling of shoes or training of dogs. And ns occupations increase in variety so tho Professor inoroasos in number. Thoro is honor in the honorable old titlo still, to the scholars who have earned it well and woar it with dignity. And it is a sliaino that tho titlo which bolongs oolusivoly to their world should havo its livory worn in tho circus, tlio rat-pit and tho stables. Lot us boycott tho bogus Professor as au act of simplo justice to tho Professor whom wo all es teem. Burlington Jiawkcgc. CSBFUL AND SUGGESTIVE. A troo ovorloadod with fruit can noithor porfoot tho fruit nor ripen its wood prohorty. A grtfat many trees nro annually ruined fay too much cropping- Pino stumps may bomoro profitably romoyod by blasting with dynamite than by a stump-puller. A largo pine stump requires vory groat force to bo pulled out of tho ground, but it is easily torn to pieces, ann thrown out by two to four ounces of dynamite Indianapolis Jbnrnal. ' A good addition to soup is made by cutting broad In llttlo squares nud fry ing them in butter till thnyaro brownod on every side. About three minutes bo fore the sou) is taken from tho lire add tiio bread, so' that it will bo Unvoted with the soup, hut will not be soaked so it will crumble. iV". Y, Post. - ThoGulnOa-fowl is vory dostrjictivo to insects, and will feed on somo that tho hon$ will i(ot touch. .They arc great foragors. active, and 'go over n whole field in a short time. There is another point in thoir favor not generally known, which is that they aro not scratchors and do but littlo harm to plant3.-r--V. Y. Examiner. Steamed Hrown Broad: Two oups of sour milk, ono cup of wnrm water, ono cup of molasses, one largo teaspoon ful of soda, thrco cups of Indian meal and ono cup of Hour. Steam three lioiirs, and bako ono-half hour. It may scorn thin, but It will bo just right when it is dono. Please try it sisters, and tell mo if it isn't The Iloitsehold. W. A. Armstrong, of Elmir.i, N. Y., thus speaks of using ashes on a heavy soil: "1 havo applied ashes to corn with n great deal of care, timo and again. 1 know how tho work was dono, because I did it with my own hands. My soil is largely clay, and I novor saw any improvomont or ad vantage derived from tho uso of ashes on corn. I havo used ashes with material advantage on potatoes." About tact and management of servants Quiz says: "Wo knew a cook onco, n jewel of a cook, who made ex cellent soup out of a lark's skeleton or some light and inexpensive material, who porsistcd in remaining in a plnco she disliked baosftyo sho had a feather bed to sloop on. Tho tasto was peculiar, but it was nor tasto, and her employer hnd the fino tact to moot it, and enjoy tho services of an artist at tlio pay of a mechanic." Cocoanut and Rico Pudding: Boil ono loacupful of rico in milk until soft and dry. Whilo it is still hot stir into it a quarter of a pound of butter. Then add tho woll-bcatcn yolks of six eggs, a pound of sugar, a grated cocoanut, and rose water or lemon pool to tasto. Stir . ". . - . whites of lour oggs, Whon coo spread over the beatoiuto a What a Tint of Mnnuro Did. . A Wisconsin farmer sonds this oxpo rienco to tho American Agriculturist: "Last year, In hauling yard manuro across a field afterwards planted to corn, somo of It scattered ofl in driblets from a handful to ft pint or so in ft place. When planting tho corn I found portions of theso droppings, and whoro noticed drew thorn into tho hills, and with tho hoo mixed them a littlo with thi soil ns the seed was dropped. In throe instances, where a largo handful or about n pint of tho manuro wns thus put in, a stick was drivon down to mark tlio hills. When booing, wo noticed that In these hills tho corn plants had started ofl' more vigorously, were greener, and at the third hoeing they .were six to twelve inches higher than tho other hills adlolning. Our curiosity being awakened wo followed uptho ob-J servatlons, ana wucn gamming au crop each of tho thrco stalks in tho throo hills had two largo plump, cars, while tho surrounding corn did not nvorago ono good ear to tho stalk. This sot us 10 tlijnking ami figuring. That bit of irianuro had given the young corn roots a vigorous star,t, just as good feed starts oil' n. young, calf, or pig, or lamb, nud tlio roots penetrated further in ovory direction and gather more food mid moisture. Theso stalks being hotter nourished from bolow, ran far away from thd poorly fed neighbors. As to tlio figures,; tho rows wore thrco and a half fedt apai't, and the hills' three feci distant in tlio rows, say -1,000 hills on an aero, and '1,000 pints of manuro is about si,ty-twoandahalf bushels or two largo wagon' loads, i Anybody can reckon the difiorence between six lnrge, well-filled cars of corn on each hill, and less than three por hill, and tho cost of the manuro as compared with the total value of tho final crop. Tho plowing, I and tho seed, and the hoeing, amount to tho samo in oach case. All I havo to say is, that every corn-hill planted on my farm this year will hayo at least a pint of manuro in it." in the stillly-boaw iiuvifjnKc. (skWlilLes of tvriK!rr.q HMUfciAikrr.UL ik -fBHHKBHBBT; t JSP6 with rf"'W!lR'cx-f?,.J!?fi 'u'cleqraph. i ... m hi m Orange Insects. When a dish of oranges is scon on tho tabic for dessert, tho 4acL is hardly re alized that in all probability their sur face is the habitat of an . insect of the Coccus family. This tiny creature is found on the orange skin in every stage of transformation, from tho egg to the perfect insect, during the winter months, instead of remaining dormant in tho cold weather, as is tho caso with most of the insect tribe. It would hard ly be possible to find a St. Michael's or Tangerine orange that had not hun dreds of theso little creatures in various stages of development on its surface. Lemons, too, are frequently covered. Upon inspection, the skin of an orange will bo found to bo dotted over with brownish scarlet spots of various sizes. Theso specks can bo easily removed by THE ELIXIR OF YOUTH I How old ago was rostorod to ' youthful vigor. Qcnkta, Kane Co., III., Sept. , lest. To the proprietor of Burdock Blood Blucrt, Buffalo, N. T.: Oentltmen-l purchased a bolt to of your Burdock Blood Bitten, and saw a request to !o Informed of Iti effecti. 1 therefore gtvc you a brief history of my eo. I wm Uken four years since with paralysis, and my ease was supposed to be fiopelcM I employed a physician until I was able to tit up, when 1 concluded to manage my own case, as I was so far advanced In life It would only be possible to surrlvc a short ttmc, being now a little oyer eighty years of age. I tried many remedies, and n6tvrlthUmllng the persevering use of them, 1 found nd permanent benctu until I used your Burdock Blood Bitters, which I tound to suit my case exactly, and I feel rejoiced to have found a medi cine of true worth and so full of llfvglvlng principles. Its beneficial effects were manifest from the first, and I now feel almost Ihc vlftd'r of youlli again. This Is my experience with your Burdock Blood Bitters, to tho merits of which I am very ready to give my testimony. Youis respectfully, D. II IIOWAIU). Bold byjdl DnigRlits, DR. JOHN BULL'S Smitli's Tonic Syrup FOR THE CURE OF FEVER and AGUE Or CHILLS and FEVER. lUototi About Roses. Ciono over," answered tho painter. lio next said tho Ilalloonlng, Wo aro now within a single year of thocontonary of tho first balloon, which was sent up on tho 5th of Juno, 1783, by tho brothers Montgollior. Their bal loon was inflated with heated air, but in tho following August M. Charles em ployed hydrogen gas for the samo pur pos'o. In Soptonuior tho JMontgolliors attached a card to a liro-balloon, and placed in it tlio lirst aerial travelers a sheep, a cock nud duok. The cock's leg was broken by a kick from tho sheep, but othorwiso the strangely-assorted trio sustained no injury. In Oc tober tho lirst human aeronaut, M. Francois Pilatro do llo.ior, who was afterward killed in an attempt to cross from Franco to England, niatlo his first nscont In a "captive" firo balloon toth erod to tho ground by ropes. In tho following months, accompanied by tho Marquiq d' Arlandos, Do Hozior ascended in a lreo tiro balloon; and ton days lator MM. Charles and Robert ascended in a froo balloon inilatod with hydrogen gas. Tho first balloon whs bent up from En gland about tho samo time, and in Fob ruary, 1781, tho first whioh crossed tho channel, whilo in August of tho samb year tho first human ascent from British ground was mado by Mr. Tytlor. Thirty-sovon years olapsod boforo thoro was any dolhuto advauco on tho nohiovd monts of tho first two years of aero nautics; but In 1821 Mr. Grown showed that hydrogen might ho roplacou by ordinary coal gas, and that a balloon might bo inflated and dispatched wlior ovor thoro was a gas manufactory capa blo of supplying tho nocossary quantity. London 'Ames. 'Where nro Pharaoh's host?" inquired, paintor. 'All drowned," Wastefulness t roads on tho hools of oxtravaganco, and tho model farmor Will not tolerate either on his promises. All roses flower moro profusoly if vig orously pruned. It is best to cut tho old wood with an unsparing hand, for tho handsomest blossoms will spring from fresh gr6wth and young shoots from tho roots will bear tho largest cluster of buds. Hybrid porpetuals re quire to bo pruned as soon as their lirst liowers havo faded so as to produce a rood display of buds and blossoms in boptomber. Tlioy havo no claims to tho title "porpotual" as thoy novor bloom but twico in tho yoar and rarely that, unless thoy aro highly fertilized ami closely cut back whon they have ceased to bloom in early summer. They aro the most desirablo of summer roses be cause thoy hayo so luxuriant a growth and possess the charms of brilliant col orings anil fragrance. Great advance has been mado during tho past fow years in thoir varieties, which aro noiv numbered by hundreds in tlio English and French lloral catalogues, and our own florists ollor them in large numbers and at vory low prices. Ten cents will often buy a nourishing young plant which, in two or throo years if properly trcatctl, will become a large bush. 'Gen. Jacquomont" is a perpetual whoso liowers aro known to all lovers of roses and nro in much demand for winter bouquots. Among other desir ablo Varieties aro "Anna Slexioll," "lleautv of Wnltham," "Uoulo do Niezo," "Coupo d'Hibo." "Edward Morron," ".lulos Margottin," 'La Franco," "Mabel Morrison," "Mine. Lacharmo," "Mine. Charles Wood," "Mawo Haumann," "Haronnedo Roths child," and "Reynold's Hole." The la'jt mentioned was named for tho famous English rosarian who cultivates somo of the finest roses in England and takes tho prizes at all tho roso exhibi tions in his vicinity, and it is a roso of remarkable beauty. None of this class of rosos reijuiro protection during tlio wintor, but thoy will do bettor another year if thoy aro coveiod about tho roots with mainiro which can bo dug into tho ground early in tho spring. Large bushes of roses should bo tied up to stakos mndi) cither of small pino-trces or of wooi) painted green. Watoring with liquid manuro will inereaso tlio beauty of rosos at this season. That made from the horse stnblo or tho hen root will lo moro fertilizing than any other. Do npt put it on too strong, elso it will do moro harm than good. It is a good plan to fill a half-barrol ono quartor fill with manuro and add a pound of opporas, to it to koop tho worms awiy; fill it up with w.ator and put it on tho plants twice a weok. tak ing care uU to touch tho loaves. Mako tho watorho color of woak cofleo if horso marjiiro is used, tho color of woak toti if honWnuro Is proferrod. -8prin(h field (Mai.) Republican. illllU i .. -. i. - - - - .... i . 7,"rtvi.wcope, an interesting scene is pro- senicu, consisting oi a ittrgo numner oi eggs, which aro oyal white bodicsl standing on end, like littlo bags of flour, some of the inhabitants of which may vory probably be seen in process of emerging from tho opened end of the ag. Tho feinalo insect upon leaving tlio egg has six legs, two long hair-like appendages, and no wings; it thrusts a sucker into tho orange in order to ob tain nourishment, and never moves again, passing through the various stages ot development until it lays its eggs and dies. In tho caso of tho male insect, tlio chrysalis after a short period opens and the v insect Hies oil. Tho nialo is supplied with wings twico the length of its body, and each of tho logs has a hook-llko projection. It has four oyos and two nntonnie, and is so tiny that it cannot bo seen when Hying. From somo parts of Spain oranges come to us having thoir rind covered with a coccus of quite a ditl'eront typo. The surface of oranges, indeed, nfibrds tho possossor of a nilcroscopo an infinite amount of interest and amusement. Chambers' Journal. Do Your Own Repairing. Wo think that almost every farmer will agree . with us ' that every farm should havo its own workshop, anil ev ery cultivator of tho land should under stand how to uso it. Ho may not do so when ho first enters upon farming on coming of ago; but after it year or two of -what wo should call apprenticeship, when ho finds that to "know how to do things" is absolutely indispensable, ho will rapidly learn to attend to most of his own repairing of tlio ordinary im plements and machines upon his prem ises, instead of incurring delay, ex penso and uncertainty by dopendin" upon professionals at a distance. Ratli or than to bo without a workshop and tho necessary tools, ono should bo orected expressly for the purpose, in a convenient spot, and daily warmed in wintor so as to bo ready at all times for uso, in which many odd jobs pan bo dono also not immediately connected with tho farm. All ordinary wooden rnrmlrmn- n,i,f to be dqny by tlio farmer and hfs hands during rainy days and in winter, whon thoro is plenty of timo on hand for that purpose Every part of a wheelbarrow, oxcopt tho wheel, ought ,to bo mado on tho promises; new forks and handles of iron rakes, repairing even some portions of tho farm machinory, building of gar den and yard fences, repairing roofs, building of corn-cribs, hog-pens, wa-on and cart sholvings, making of Iho frames of hot-beds, and all the many jobs requiring to bo dono about a well conducted place too numerous to men tion. A person becomes vory handy in tho uso ot good tools aftor a short ex perience, and saves many a dollar with out consuming nny timo necessary for tho usual demands of tho farm. Tho proprietor of this colobratod msdioino lastly claims for it a superiority ovortallrom odlos ever offorod to tho pablioifor the SAFE. CERTAIN, SPEEDY and PERMANENT cure of Arruo and Fovor, or Chills andFovor, wheth er of short or long standing. Ho refers to the ontiro Western and Southern country to bear him tostimony to the truth of the assertion that in no casowhatevor will it fail to cure if the directions are strictly folio wod and carried out. In a groat many casos a single dose has boon sufficient for a euro, and whole families havo been cared by a singlo bottlo, with a per fect restoration of tho genoral health. It is, howovor, prudent, and in ovory case moro cer tain to cure, if Its uso is continued in smaller doses for a week or two after tho disoaie has beon checked, moro especially in difficult and long-Btanding cases. Usually this modicino will dot' requjro any aid to koep tho bowolsin good order. Should tho pationt, howovor, re quiro a cathartic medicine.after having taken three or four doses of the Tonio, a singlo doso of BULL'S VEGETABLE VAMILY PILL8 will be sufficient. Tho genuine SMITH'S TONIC SYKUP must havo BR. JOHN BULL'Sprivate stamp on each bottlo. DR. JOHN BULL only haB the right to manufaoturo and sell tho original JOHN J, SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, of Louisville, Ky. Examine well the label on each bottle. If my private stamp is not on each bottlo do not purchase, or yon will bo deceived. -rv- -r-- -caenxr bxjXjIj, Manufacturer and wndor of SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, BULLS SARSAPARILLA, A BULL'S WORM DESTROYER The Popular Rcmodlea of the Day. Principal Office, 831 Main St., LOUISVILLE, KY. M" C.UBRAT.D-ll It Is the concurrent testimony of lue pub lic and the medical profession, that Hoi tetter s Stomach Hit ters ts a mcdlclna which achieves re sults speedily felt, thorough and be n!in Ilesldo rectify ing liver disorder. It Invigorates the fee .hle'j conquers kidney and Madder com plaints, mid hastens the convalescence of i li o s e recovering iroin cniccunnR dis eases. Moreofrrltls tho Krnnd specific for fever and agile. For sale by Druggist and Dealers generally. k STOMACH & PERRY DAVIS' Pain-Killer bsH !r!B'K-MtinBiiVB lisiisliisH A SAFE AND SURE REMEDY FOR Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Cramps, Cholera, Diarrhoea, Dysentery. AND Bruises, Burns AND " Scalds, Toothache AND Headache. P A T"NT1TTTT.17T3 ! thowfiMi!rf.B!?l! Who i want a sure and snfe metlMne which can j. " swerw niiuuui iear oi iiarm rollpf. Tt n.lnn .lr.. I miiAtl .:n, '."" "',"" '"''" ' ...v.,. nui uuiiuRiiy aavo many will's VV-"S doctor llll ph 'ir ... xn rents, una J.OOperbottle. Dlrecttont accompany tachbottU- FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, my or ncm"" ana witn cerwi"' ,y ...Itl.ln tin mn-fl (II ail. n. t In X