Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 20, 1882, Image 8

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jMHJaiiimim.-.j.i.ji)tin.uiJJiivuiW!iii ,i..ju,j
SSCctasIui fMLmitew
Stock men report lioys scnico.
$7S7.2& for hoBH in this tnarkot.
A. W. Nickoll wns in the city Tues
Johnny Majors, of l'uru, wiw in town
Tliu wliual crop is jjufo moftt of it
in tlio slack.
J. II, ftromly, of Jkownvillc, was .in
tho city Tuesday.
David Campbell, wife and daughter
drove out to tho center Tuesday.
i -- - -
Frank Lytlo has moved his family
into his now resideueo on Maxwell
'Ehoa. lUcluuds, of tho "iWulntor;"
received a nico now llre-prTIof safe
Judge C. Wheeler, the famous bridge
builder, paid n visit to South Auburn
Chls week.
Jimmy Coryell, a compositor on the
Falls City Naws, is visiting friends in
this county.
M. 'P. Conner Is preparing to build a
lino large resideueo on his farm south
east of town.
Steps aro being taken for tho erec
tion of a Presbyterian church at this
pla'co at once.
Ed. "Wert is in TcouniBeh doing somo
carponter work for his father-in-law,
Hubert MoKce.
Insure in tho Springfield V. &M. In
surance company. Mank Wert is tho
agent in this city.
C. U. Iticharson, a thriving farmer
near hero, wants to read the oldest pa
per for tho ensuing year.
Tlieo. Davis wants to sell his billiard
hall. Call at tho South Auburn Ileal
Estato Agency for terms.
T. A. Ihilloy, who has been at Ikown
villo for several days, is again at his
post ready to buy your hogs.
Miss Ella Dyas, South Auburn's ac
complished toachor, is attending the
Teacher's Institute- at HrownvlUo.
Mr. and Mrs. David Campbell, of
Brownvillo, accompanied by Miss Ellon
Johnson, wero in tliu city on Tuesday.
Mrs. Shurtz, of Urownvjlle, was in
city last Saturday, tho guest of her son,
Tlios. D. Shurtz, our popular druggist.
Mrs. Joo D. Croan and Mrs. Albert
Dillon started on "Wedmtsday morning
for a visit to friends ut Anderson, Intl.
Mrs. ,T. W. Kerns, wife of our popu
lar lumborman, will start for Earl vi lie,
111., to visit relatives and friends
Several of our citizens aro going on
tho excursion to Atchison on Wednes
day next to take in Cole's "greatest
show on earth."
Samuolson is having tho wooden par
titions removed from tho upper ptory
of his block and lath and plaster sub
stituted therefor.
Tom Crummol, one of tho "boys" of
Browuvillo, was in town Monday tak-
ing in tho sights contained in this
young metropolis.
II. G. Johnson is engaged in putting
in tho sliolving in Mr. Clancy's store
room. Ilarvo is a good workman and
always gives satisfaction.
?Mr. Jopp passed through town Tuos-day-wlth
108 hoad of fat cows for tho
Oirmliu iimrknfc. Tin lirniiL-ht. fclinm
through on foot from Senuca, Kansas
Just a year sincotho Couuiku started
and all who commonced taking tho pa
por at that tlino aro respectfully asked
to coino in and rcuuw their subscrip
tion. Tho Catholic parsonngo that has boon
so long in an unfinished condition is
now recolYlng its finishing touchos
from tho skillful hands of Mr. II. E.
Thoro seems to bo a man notn thous
and miles from our boarding house,
that knows moro about running a pa
per and tho printing business, than wo
that ha vo followed it for twenty years.
This is tho season of tho year whon
it is most pleasant to go rambling
o'er tho lea at evontldo with tho ono
you love best hanging on your arm. It
is also nico weather for fishing and it
da said that suckers bito groodily just
Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Cross returned
Thursday last from a tour through tho
west. Thoy visited Denver, Salt Lako
and many other places of interest in
Colorado and Utah. Thoy had a splen
did tlmo and enjoyed tho trip hugoly.
In tiio language of Cross, tho time thoy
Jiad was "boss."
North Auburn Mixlgraphs,
Too late to plow corn.
Harmon & Ellis aro at work mould
ing brick.
Considerable Bick among children,
but it is thought that none are danger
ously ill.
J. II. Loveless lost ono of his horses
ono day last week.
Work on tho new hotel has begun
and not many days will pass before wo
shall have what wo have so long need
ed, a good hotel.
M. Erericlis, who is to succeed F. P.
Tennoy in tho hardware business,
was in town last week just making ar
rangements. Mr. Weirs, of Benton precinct, is
going to build a business housti hero
this season.
Does tliu prayer of Guiteau sound
like tho breathings of iiiHpiration'from
a just GodV Does tho verses that Gui
teau read from tho tenth chapter of
Matt lie w sound any more as though
tho author who over ho was, was by
God inspired?
Tlios. Horn, of Peru, was visiting in
town this week.
C. J White has rented his wnon
ahop to M. L. young, who will continue-
the business.
Chllo, tho wise Spartan, taught GOO
years before Christ that "honest loss is
preferable to shameful gain."
James Hrjown is building a house on
his lots west of Tenney's residence.
Let their eyes bo darkened that they
see not, and make their loins continual
ly to shake. Thus did tho Psalmist
pray for his enemies.
Gilbert Green has built an addition
to his house.
There is no more disgusting and des
picable spectacle than to see a man
boasting of ids religion, making long
pray ei s, talking nice in meeting, dis
puting about divers washings and bap
tisms, and not lifting his finger to re
move the cause of transgression, to
lift the fallen, diiect tho erring, com
fort the mourner, and give bread to the
We were nlonscd on Monday to meet
Dr. J. M. Glasgow, of Oxfoid, Iowa,
who has located in North Auburn. The
Dr. is a brother of (J. W. Glasgow, of
Peru precinct, and comes well recom
mended as a physician ami surgeon.
Tho papers of his former home speak
very highly of him. We clip tho fol
lowing from the Oxford Journal: "Dr.
J. M. Glasgow removed this week with
Ids family to Auburn, Xcmaha county,
Nebraska. The doctor lias lived in
Oxford the past five years and had
built up an extensive practice and
gained a good reputation as a success
ful physician. Ho goes to Ids now field
of labor with our heat wishes for ids
success. Tho people of Nemaha coun
ty, Nob., will find Dr. Glasgow a physi
cian of excellent medical acquirements
whoso extensive practice hero will
make him a valuable addition to the
profession there. Ho bus recently add
ed a large number of fine instruments
to his surgical outfit and is thus pre
pared to treat cases in surgery with
skill and succoss. I lis genial social
qualities and ripe experience as a prac
titioner of medicine will soon enable
him to gain a footing in ids profession
wherever lie may go.
llov. S. C. Dickey, a Presbyterian
minister of Hillsboro, 111., preached at
Samuelsou's Hail, Sunday morning and
evening. Mr. D. is an agreeable young
gentleman, a good speaker, and well
liked by our people, and If tho neces
sary arrangements can bo made ho will
locate in this plaeo, in which case thoro
will .bo a Presbyterian church erected
John Knulk, ono of the wealthiest
farmers of Richardson county, was in
city Monday of last week. While hero
ho purchased ono of those famous
"Agitator" threshing machines of It.
P. Ilutchlns & Co. That is certainly
drawing trade from afar, as Mr. K.
lives but a short distance from Falls
II. J. V. Wurt'liasbei'ii ooinmissionod
agent for tho Springllold 1 & 11. In
surance company of Massachusetts,
and will Insure "your property from
loss by flro or wind. You will (Ind him
at tho postofllee, South Auburn, Xebr.
Hutchins & Co. on Juno Iflth made
an unusually largo salo for ono day.
Thoy sold a threshing machine, several
buggies, n cord binder and sundry other
nrtlclos, amounting in all to something
ovor $1,200.
"Will Taggart, tho accommodating
mail carrier between North and South
Auburn, Is tlm only liveryman' in tho
placo that makes regular trips to and
from all trains. Will deserves to suc
ceed. Tho Chicago Lumber company have
established a yard at Johnson'. Jim
Smith has been thero a couplo of weeks
building sheds and arranging tho yar.
Tho soft glovo fight between John L,
Sullivan, of Boston, and "Tug" Wll
bou, of England, In which the former
agrued to donate to tho latter 81,000 if
he didn't knock him nut of tlmo in
four rounds, whb brought to a conclu
sion last Monday evening, at Madison
Squaro Garden Xow York City. Tho
battle lasted only fifteen minutes, dur
ing which tho "HInrsted. Britisher" was
knocked down twenty-seven times, and
hammered and pounded all over tho
ring, but ho managed to last through
tho four rounds nnd secured the 31,000,
which will soon obliterate tho marks
made by his opponent.
At Prices that
Farm Tools, Stoves, Iron, Nails, Firearms, Ammunition, Etc.
Jl Good Tin Shop in Connection with tho House. A Jo. 1 workman in
Charge. Custom work a Specialty,
OciitxalAjvcixu.c5 !IVox'ilx .AjLxlbxxi'ia., .LVeHwaslta.
Special HSTotices.
Notices under thin heml "Wanted," "Fdr
Hnlo," "For Kent," etc., live cents per Hue,
cncli liiHcrtlon.
TTOIiDUKOH. -A No. 1 fotniilocook wanted
I L it tlio JIoldri'KO lloiiMi-, Apply linmo
dlntoly. ITIOK BALK. A Rood nHldinrn In Hntitli
V Auburn. Apply to II. J. F. Wort .fc Co.
VTONKYTO LOAN. Wo nui 1111 oholco
1M loaiiH In ttirouitityH. Apply to Unborn &
FOKHA1.I2. lllnnk IVi'ds, Chattel and Henl
F.Htalu Mortitiijjos, Hills of Hulo, NotoH,lClc.
in im: aiivkhtihkk cuiico.
JJ1XTKA ooploxof Tiik AnVKltTiSKrtfor huIo
j at tliu poHtotllec,
NOTICK. irYOU owe tin unytlilnK on
MiiljNcilpllon pleurtu 001110 In or.tsund In
and pny tin. Wo need our money.
TUMlSAIiK. Clover Hay. Call on Ihirnoy
1 OtteiiH.
OOOI) HuhIupsh lot. on Center Avenue,
near liotel, .South Auluirn, tor nuIu cheap
by II. .1. F. Wert & Co.
WANTED TO HUV. Two good farniH of
from hi) to 1IS0 acres, neiir tho center of
Nemaha county. Apply to II. J. F. Wert A
Co., at potitolllcc.
ROOMS TO HUNT. Four nico rooms In the
FatilliiKcr it Kiel block to let, Itatott
reasonable. Knqulro at I'ostollloo. fiv3
Ulllce. where the iei tonsorlal work Is
ilouu In Ilruvvuvlllo, or Nemaha county.
will soil yon rt piano or organ from
.?ur to $100 less than any traveling
agent, ltoasons why. I XVtf u city
tax; Ivmvnoront; no trhMenng agent.
I support my family from my farm.
Address, ,1.11. Dvi:,
Xemaha Uity, Xeb.
A light blue zephyr shawl. Tho own
er can got the same by paying forvthis
Don't Fail to Read This!!
Any party wishing to purchase a
Beatty Org in or Piano, I will furnish
them any stylo desired, less tho trans
portation "to any railroad station in
Nebraska. Address (J. M. H minks,
Auburn, Tecumseh, or Beatrice.
Livor, Kidnoy and Bright's Disaeso.
A medicine that destroys the germ
or ciius'j of Bright's .Disease, diabetes,
kiilnoy and liver complaints, and has
power to root them out of tliB syhtem,
is above nil price. Such a medicino is
Hop Bitters, and positive proof of this
can bo found by one trial, or by asking
your neighbors, who have been cured
by it.
Mr. Frank Morris well-known in this
county and elsewhere as a llrst-clnss
miller, has been engaged to tako charge
of tho Curtis mills (formerly Allen's)
and wo congratulate Mr. Curtis, and
as well as thoso who pat ionize his mill
in his good luck in securing the serv
ices of Air. Morris. His mill has al
ways had the reputation of making a
superior quality of (lour, and tho aid
of this old expert Hour maker is sulll
cient guarantee that tho Hour will not
retrograde nor tho mill suffer in repu
tation. A CARD.
I would tinnounco to tho farming
community that I have permanently
located at North Auburn for tho pur
pose of engaging in tho grain business.
1 now liavo in course of erection a
steam olovator. which will bo completed
and ready to receive grain August 1st.
Our facilities for handling all kinds of
grain are unequaled at any point in tho
county. I Will uso tho old-tried and
reliable Falrbank's Scales, pay the high
est market price for grain, and fiiaran
tee satisfaction in evay particular.
lw Gko. W. Ckaio.
mmiuumiWxMU, - -
Nomalia Cit, Nol,!
will Suit. Kemember you can get
oS tri , (QO
1 111 go :i
o? t - J nil S3
S is 3 "lib
H StiMtvt iKcinoit ttitUltoi.i Ainiriin t Hnir httivrrr nml 9
nj Prviit?, fitiiri'l f r IU ru'inlinr i ntil i lit ivrfutit, H
E 'ecr KnlU to Itcstoro dieyor I udeil lhilrn
3 , ktWwm
S lift S8l '- -,.rn tufWM
nvmm. I
(Ilns-rr, lliirlm, MnmlrnUu, btlllliii?lii and
mnny of the l.cst medicines known me lierc com
bined inlonincilicincof such varied nnd effective
powers, n j to make tho Greatest Wood Purifier &the
Best llei'tli and Strength Restorer Ever Used.
It ctnej Dyspepiia, Kbeumatism, Sleeplessness,
nlldivmcscftlie Stomach, liowcls, Lungs, Liver,
Kidneys, and nil Female Complaints.
if you nra waiting nway with Consumption or
any disease, uso the Tonic to-day. it will surely
help you. Remember I it is fjf superior to Hitters,
Essences of Ginger nndoin. Tonics, as it builds
up the system without intoxicating. 50c.. nnd $i
sizes, at all dialers in dm rs. None genuine without
sipiatureof Hijco)C&Co.,N Y. Sendtorcircular
50,000 IN USE I
TTsos Ordinary ICorosono.
Babes and Cooks Equal to any Cook Stove.
O X 33 -V:E1Xj .VIVID, OHIO.
Teitcrn Branch. 49 LAKE STBEET, GHICiGa
A fnvnrltA HrNirrlntlan of ono Of ttld
moitnotHi and uprcsl1ll f i.'lallst la tlioU.B.
tnow retlrod) for tliciirif Xervon Itviitilty.
)Loiit3tauhou,WcnUnettirenu. bi-ul
UJ plttla svulud n vouHVe. ItruKBUU cull flil .v.
AddreM DR. WARD & CO., Louliknu,
WANTED ("' I'.m .10
Z.i 1 W lhuf I iM-nl U.-. ! "'. Irifw
rulC(C !- f yf t. Kl-Il vn. J'-i- wk
Manufacturers of the Conover Bro'a
Patent Upright Pianos
And Wholesale Agents for
Kranich. & Bach,
liiudoman, Fischer
and Haines Pianos.
Publishers of Music J Jobbers in Musical
and Mucic Hooks. Merchandise,
1 Main Sheet, KANSAS CITY,:310.
I will nmll (free) tliu rcoelpo for iv ulmplo
Vugetiililc llalin thill will lomovo tan, trt'clt
Ioh. piinplcHnml blutclicH, IciivIiik tho skin
Hon, clour and tioiiutllul, also Instructions
for pjoiluctiiK ii luxuriant tjrowth or hair on
a bald hoad orHmootli fno.. AddresH IiicIoh
inn.lohtainp, lton, VaudultitCo., 12 Harolay
streot, N. Y,
Tho advertiser having been permanently
ourwl of tllat dread disease. CoTiHtimptlon.hv
a hlmplo remedy, In anxious to make known
to IiIh roilow HiitrororH tho tho linmiiH of cure
To all whodosliolt, ho will send a copy of
the proscription usod, (Ireo or charKe.) wltti
thoiilroctlniiH for iironiirlna and unlni th
, hiiiiio, which thoy will find a Hiiro euro lor
coukIik, ooUIn, ooiiHiimptlon, aMthina, bron
I chills, oto. 1'artlOH wIkIiIiik tho nrescrlntlon
will ploiiNoaddrofis, Uov. K. Wilson, 101 ronu
Htrt'ot, WlUliiiiibburch, N. Y.
A who sullorod lor yenrs from
nervous doblllty. prcmnturu decay, and all
IheelloetHol youthtul Intllsorotlon, will for
thuKiikeofHUllurlUK humanity, bend free to
all who need It. tho roclpoand dlnotlon for
1. .aklng thoHlmple remedy by which ho waa
cured. Hutrerers wishing to prollt by tho ad
vertlsor'H oxporleno can do so by addresNliiK
lti purfoctcontldono Jons H. Ooti:n,
Olyl -ii Cedar (street, Now York.
Notice to Farmers
Tho undersigned lias for Bnlo the
Well known to bo tho best, which ho wilt
sell cheaper than tho choapent.
Farmers, Call and See.
Alio fun ktaiul Ilcst .llnllciiifl cicr Jlaile.
Aoolroblnatloti ot Hop, Buchu, Man
drnkltoauU LnndollOrt,wltliaJltiiobetand
motaurntlviii,itif of nil oilier Hitters,
maieitiiEren'iBiooa Purifier, Liver
Res Uln tor, mill lufo ami JualtU iteitorlJie
Airent oiiTNBSBaBXHBXI eul 111.
No illneai-Qc
nonibty lontr m(I where IJod
ocI,jO Mined iOiO i.tifectartitljtlr
They give itw 11 wf aal7lg:r to til as 1 1 iaSra.
To all wliosu ev.uiploymcuUruuss Iriegularl
tjroftlieliowcliorulnary crvum, or wlio re
quire an ApiX'tlierVTcmlo uidiiiiiablliuuunt,
Hop lllttera at luial,Vuabl('i Without intOX'
ho mutter nliBtjoiirfrAollopri or (Tiiiiitnra-
are wliat tli illcur nllwaoul l uau Hop 1)1 1
tcri. Pon'tualt until yguavro ilek Imt If you
only feol twit or inUeralile,UMtlieni t once.
It may u yynrlifc,HlimI,ril hiiuUrudi.
S300 llliiilj fracnA they nlll ut
euro or In lp. Do uol mlTcr i f let your frlcndi
tulTtir,tjut utuamlurK tlum t9usu Hop B
Itcmember, Hop HltttT li noXJrU, iinre,
drunkfn iio.-truiu, litit tlie l'uret J licit
Sletllclneoeriimilcitlia "I.WiUDbW KIUE.1U
and HOOK" and no tanou or family
Miouia ut' wuiuik itiiw,
D.I. O.I' an ali-oliitfl and IrreslitlMe cure
(oilMiiiucni" "uMiuiuiiiii:ii,iouucco an
imrvntlr. AU ' ' I t'Y iliue-l'. Stncl
Hiiiuemi' "UMio(orlii!ii, tobacco audi
forClrculal. Hop lllllrr Hf. Ce.,
ltnrliMt'r V Y tirtTi"''i Or
J4i-im i wUl t 'u a, 1 c l.b. to icll lb.
r.S.i, .. In m 1.. r. V. rii, miil.i" tjr iiiliinploD.
Jginl. iii.i., viil. f.-J nl iiutr uu(uiiil it. wiili t ir
1. l'iw l.rmi t. ai .. I i. I. vw t yiiu u.uutb
Jju.. IMI UVUI'i... .! ID, 10., - .r,et,Uiii,Me