Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 20, 1882, Image 3

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The number of insects destroyed by
birds more thim balances the loss of
cherries and othor ripening fruits.
After coloring, currants will hang
on the bushes many days, and improve
all tho time. For jolly pick early.
Prairie Fanner.
In n recent effort to stnoko out a
woodehuck, a Now England farmer
burned over an aero of land and de
stroyed fifteen rods of feuco. But ho
got tho game, and Iho ashes. N. Y.
Dry Swept Corn: When tho kernels
aro plump and juicy, boil tho cars long
enough to set tho milk, then cut tin;
kernels from tho cobs and dry in the
shade. Dried corn, if woll cured, is a
wholesome, cheap and salablo food.
Prairie Fanner.
A feverish thirst that cannot bo
?uonchud by water may bo thus allayed:
'brow a slico of bread upon burning
coals, and when it is nil aflamo throw it
into a tumbler of water and drink of
tho water. This remedy has boon tested
and proven good.
A very appetizing salad is mado by
chopping coarsely sorao cold boiled po
tatoes; thou season well with salt pop
J per and mustard; lino a salad dish with
frcsli lettuce, thon put in a layer of po
tatoes; on tho top put a layor of cold
boiled buets, also chopped and seasoned,
garnish tho dish liborally with lottueo,
and just boforo sending it to tho table
add vinegar, plain, or with ordinary
salad dressing. N. Y. Post.
London Purplo: To uso it for de
stroying potato bugs, take a quarter of
a pound of it, mako a thin pasto with
water in n small cup, and then stir this
into twenty gallons of water and sprinkle
the plants tho same as if double tho
quantity of Paris green wore used.
Never uso but half as-much of tho Lon
don purplo to tho same quantity of wa
ter. It is equally as cllicacious and not
so dangerous as Paris green.' Qerman
lown Telegraph.
Mr. Rice, at a meeting of the West
ern Now York Farmers' Club, said farm
ers often do things without thinking or
considering what tho results may be.
Ilo know a man once who had a. steam
saw-mill, and a largo pilo of ashes and
sawdust had accumulated. He hired a
farmer to draw them away in winter,
who drow them on an old orchard,
spreading them three or four inches
tfiiek. Tho orchard became very pro
ductive, and for seven years bore heavy
crops of very fair fruit
To mako apple fritters peel three
largo apples, core them with a column
cutter and cut them across in slices rath
er less than half an inch thick; put them
in a Hat disli with half a tumbler of
brandy and strew plenty of powdered
loaf sugar over them; let them remain
. covered for n couplo of hoard, thon tuko
eaoh piece separately, dip it in batter
so that it is well covered with it and fry
ai golden color in plenty of hot lard.
Lay tho fritters in front of the lire, and
when all aro dono pilo them up on a
napkin, shako plenty of powdered loaf
. sugar over thom and serve. N. Y.
r ' Herald.
How to Italse Strawberries.
One very important principle is often
overlooked by tho cultivator. It is that
tho production of tho seed or fruit is a
very exhausting process. When a man
buys a tree from tho nursory and it
bears a half dozen samples of fruit
the first year, it stops its growth just
about one year. Hence, until a tree
gets a good growth it should not bo al
lowed to boar. Trees that aro growing
rapidly do not bear, and if a tree is
bearing at all, it is to the detriment of
the growth.
A strawberry plant usually bears a
crop or fruit and also produces new
vines. Now, if the blossoms of those
plants from which we want to raise new
plants aro cut oil' in season, tho whole
strength goes into the now plants, and
one thousand runners grown trom plants
that aro not allowed to fruit are worth
more than five thousand grown from
plants that boro fruit at the samo time.
Old plants arc worth nothing now
plants from an old bed aro worth noth
ing. Tho qnly plants worth using are
young plants grown from such as are
not allowed to fruit. The true way to
raise strawberries is to get young plants
of this description and not allow them
to fruit the first year. They will throw
out plenty of strong, vigorous runners,
and tho next season before bearing take
a part of theso to make a now beu. A
new bed should bo made every year.
When we plant in the spring wo should
get no fruit tho samo year. Tho next
year wo get tho largest crop we over got.
The vines can stand and bear a partial
crop the next season, or be plowed un
der as soon as the crop is gathered.
I like best to raise one lull crop and
only ono. It is less labor to make a now
bed than to clean up an old ono. It is
very little labor to plant an aero of
Strawberries if properly done, and no
othor crop pays so well. Tho only dilli
culty is to get tho right kind of plants,
but every man can raise the plants him
solfin this way. Strawberries will do
woll on any land that will raise good
corn. Cor. Prairie Farmer.
A woman of Stockton, Cal., believ
ing that sho was about to die, confessed
to her husband that she did not love
him, but had contercd lior affections on
a neighbor. Sho declared that she
could not dlo unforgiven, and so the
husband freely forgave her. Hut ho
granted tho favor only in view of her
speedy death, and, when sho unexpect
edly recovered, ho began a suit for di
vorce Her dofonso is that ho con
doned her fault by the forgiveness, and
a peculiar question of law is raised. -N.
Y. Herald.
Tho balloon lot looso in England
recently landed in Franco after a long
trip. The journey by air across tho
channel is now no novelty, having been
performed nearly ft century ngo; still
thoro is a revival of interest in it, so that
it has been triod thrco tlmos within as
many months. Tho first timo tho bal
loon lot tho voyagers down into tho
wator, whonco thoy woro iishod out by
a passing steamer; tho second trip was
wholly successful. As this last timo
SirClaudo do Crespigny was pltchod
out of tho car and broke his leg, while
his companion continued on his way,
tho chances arc obviously, on tho basis
of recent experience, two to ono in favor
of somo accldont. This is doubtless
enough to induce a ropotition of tho ex
periment by Englishmen who can lind
nothing in tho world which thoy consid
er moro worthy of an expenditure of
thoirenorgy. N. Y. Bun.
Thoro will bo enough oldor in this
dear old country next fall tomakoovery
man, woman and child boo stars. De
troit Free Press.
Chronic Ailments.
In chronic allmonts resulting from fixed bad
habits of tho body, the removal of the ovll to
bo permanent, must necessarily bo gradual.
Good health Is maintained and nourished by
tho projxir attention to the requirements of
tho body, and the nvoldanco of excesses. It
Is wasted and destroyed by ovcr-tuxlng tho
mind with study, anxiety, ev'l habits, Intom-
Eerance, and vicious Indulgences. Keep tho
ody and mind nourished by unlnjr Unit friend
of temperance nnd long life, that Queen of all
hoalth renowcrs, Dr. Guysott's Yellow Dock
and Sarsuparlllu, and Nature will soon assert
her mastery over disease.
A saloon-kkepbii has Invented a drink
which he calls tho bell punch, because- It
makeB holes In the pockets of his patrons.
Chicago Tribune.
Mns. Jane Meiiiiyton, of Paris, Ky., writes.
41 1 have been cured of suffering, caused
by weak luntrs and kidnoys, dyspepsia, etc
My habits are now very rozular, and I find
comfort In living. I used only two bottles of
Dr. Guysott's Yellow Dock and Sarsuparllla."
A matteii-of-fact boy defined salt ns
"that stun which mnkes potatoes tasto bad
when you don't put any on."
" Magnificent promises sometimes end
in paltry performances." A magnificent ex
ception to this is found In Kidney-Wort which
Invariably performs oven moro cures than it
promises. Ilero Is a single Instance: "Moth
er has recovered," wrolo an Illinois girl to her
Eastern relatives. "Sho took bitters for a
longtime but without any jjood. So when
she hoard of tho virtues of Kidney-Wort sho
got a box and It has completely cured her
liver complaint."
"What's that you're playlngl" said a New
Haven man to his daughter, who was pound
ing at tho piano key-hoard with moro notso
than skill. "It Is Wagnerian, pa; that's tho
music of tho future" ' Oh 1 It Is, Is It?" said
the old gentleman. "Well, let it bo a long
timo iu tho futuro before I hear any moro of
It. Play mo 'Comlu' Thro' tho Rye.'" "O
pal ain't you horrid always thinking about
something to drink." Jvow Ifaveii Jleglster.
$200.00 Jlawiirtl 'W
Will bo paid for the detection and conviction'
of any person dealing in bogus or Imitation
Hop IIittkhs, especially Hitters with the word
flop or Hops In their name, tliat Is intended
to cheat tho public, or for anything pretend
ing to be the samo as Hoi' Bittkhs. Tho
renulno has a cluster of Giieiin Hops (notice
.his) printed on the white labol, and is tho
test modlclno ou caith, especially for KUney.
jlver and Norvous Diseases, llowaro of all
formulas or recipes of Hop Bnrnits published
in panors or for sale, as they aro frauds and
swindles. Whoever deals In any but th
genuine will be prosecuted.
Hop Bittkks M'f'o. Co., Rochester, N. T.
DocTQiis now pronounce cucumbers a
tonic. Doctors, it will bo observed, havo an
eye to business. Chicago Herald.
Mus. Smitii Sayb: Makes tho skin soft,
whlto and smooth. Dr. C. W. Benson's Skin
Curo. Elegantly put up.
Periodical Headaches fly boforo Dr. Hen
son's Colory and Chamomllo Pills. Druggists.
Hair and Scalp diseases thoroughly cured
by Dr. C. W. Benson's Skin Curo.
Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomllo Pills
curo headaches of every nature promptly.
Qp course, It Is true, but Isn't It rather
heartless to speak of a blind man as an un
sightly person.
"Rouoii on Rats." Clears out rats, mice,
roaches, bed-bugs, vermin, chipmunks. 15c.
Nkvf.u strike a feather duster when It Is
Youno and middle aged men suffering from
norvous debility, premature old ago, loss of
memory, anu Kinurcu symptoms, should send
three stamps for Part VII. of pamphlets Issued
y woria's Dispensary iiculcal Association
'ultalo, N. Y.
Now tho festive Ice-man shortens up his
weight, and says: "It's a cold day when I get
left." JV. Y. Graphic.
DlnenflCH of Women.
Largo treatise for three stampd, giving means
St successful self treatment. Address Wohmi's
ispfiNSAiir Medical Assoo'n, Buffalo, N. Y.
Mummies aro tho only well-bchavod persons
who aro now left In Egypt. A'ew Orleam
Epilepsy (Fits)
Successfully treated. Pamphlet of particulars
one stamp. Address Woiild's Dispunsaut
Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y.
AT tho Hub "I am tired," sighed tho
wheel. "Poor felloe," spoko tho axle, "wagon
his tongue."
Tho Voltaic Belt Co., Murshall, Mich., will
gond Dr. Dye's celobrated Electro-Voltaic
Belts and Appliances, on trial for thirty days,
to mn (young or old) who aro allilcted with
nervous doblltty, lost vitality and kindred
troubles, guaranteeing complete restoration
of vitality and manhood. Address as above
N. B. No risk Is Incurred, as thirty days
trial is allowed.
A Western paper heads an account of tho
drowning of four young men: "A Fatal
Pleasure." Boston Post.
C3T" Mako your old things look like new by
using the Diamond Dyes, and you will bo
hanpy. You can get any of the fashionable
corors for 10 cents.
With some men the penny's mightier than
the sword, sure enough. Boston Transcript.
Thousands of ladles cherish grateful re
membrances of the help derived from tho us
of Lydla E. Pinkhnm's Vegetable Compound.
A tkamp called his shoe "corporations,"
becaUse they had no sole?.
'BncnoPArnA." Quick, complete curo, all
annoying Kidnoy Diseases, f 1, at Druggists.
EvEmrnonr has standing Invitations to at
tend open air mass meetings.
Rbddino'8 Russia Salvo has genuine mortt,
as all who use It will testify. Prlco 25c. Try It.
Solomon was tho first nun who proposed
to port tho heir In tho middle.
Ubb Wise's Axlo Grcaso on your fine car
riage, and keep it clean.
Ksowino ones say National Yoast Is tho bt it
Wakefield's Blackberry Balaam, for diarrhea;
Tht tho now brand, "Spring Tobacco."
DisnAELi said: "Iguoranco never settles a
?ustIon." There Is wcro Dir.r.y was wrong.
f It Is a question of a man's tltucss to servo
on a jurv, Ignorance always settles tho tittt's
tlon, and Iu the Ignorant man's favor. N. 0.
"Theue," said the dealer, "Is a carpet that
can't bo beat;" and tho man bought It. He
hates carpet-beating, and be wanted one that
It was no use trying to wrestle with.
One has to drlvn a pen, but a pencil Is lead.
The numerous suits for breach of promise
rcceutly Instituted against old men by young
women Is having ItB effect. "Miss," said an
old man In a crowded sfrcct-car yesterday,
"Miss, I'll get up iid give you my scat If
you'll swoar before all thco wltuesscs that
you don't consider It an offer of marriage"
"Yor haven't opened your mouth durlngtho
whole session," wild a legislator to a fellow
member. "Oh, yes, 1 have. I yawned lliroimh
the whole of your upeeeh." was tho compli
mentary reply. Chicago Tribune.
" Two tiiains with but a single track, two
boilers burst, as one," shouts an excluingeover
a railroad collision.
Tumi: ought to bo a great many red ears In
the corn crop this season, it has been talked
about so much. Boston Commercial llullttln.
Tub tall of a fashionable youth's coat Is
very, very short. But it Is no"t as "short," In
a majority of eases, as the fashionable vouth
himself by a handsome majority. AVit-
toicu Herald.
Evvnv girl who cxpocts to keep up with the
times should wear clocks on her stockings.
X. Y. Commercial Advert iu Then the boys
will wuU'h her. Jloston Star.
Tin was so mad to find his wife not at homo
that he took tho soap and wrote iiiross tho
lUUniUt-LtlWDI .t H'WI W....W u . " .WW.I
lfilsliiv-trliita "Ktitfinv .Innn la n ttftr wml "
She ameuueu it wttn
a u-lfn
" Wr. never debt undercover," says Farmer
Lamar. Evidently this able agriculturist has
never stayed all n'luhtata summcr-cBortho-tel.
Atlanta Cmttltittn.
Smiffs Tonic Syrup
Tho propriotor of this celebrated medicine
Justly claims for it a superiority over all rem
edies over offered to the publio for ihe SAFE,
of Ague and Fever, or Chills and Fever, wheth
er of short or long standing. Ho refers to tho
ontire Westorn and Southern country to boar
him testimony to tho truth of the assortloo
that in no case whatever will it fail to care if
the directions are strictly followed and oarriod
out. In a great many cases a single dose has
boon sufficient for a curo, and whole families
have boon ourod by a single bottlo, with a per
fect restoration of the general hoalth. It is,
howovor, prudent, and in every cose more cer
tain to euro, if Its nso is continued in smaller
doses for a week or two after tho disease has
been chocked, more especially in difficult and
long-standing cases, Usually this medicine
will not require any aid to keop the bowels in
good ordor. Should the patient, howevor, ro
quiro a cathartio modlcine.aftor having taken
threo or four doses of the Tonio, a single doso
will be sufficient.
The gonuino SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP must
have DR. JOHN BULL'S prlvato stamp on oach
bottle. DR. JOHN BULL only has the right to
manufacture and sell the original JOHN J.
SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, of Loulsvillo, Ky.
Examine woll tho label on each bottle, If my
private stamp Is not on each bottle do not
purchase, or you will be deceived,
X3?1. J033CU 33XJTsTsf
Manufacturer and Vendor of
The Popular Remedies of the Dajr
Frfnclpal Office, 831 Main St., LOUISVILLE, ET,
It Is the concurrent
teitlmony of the pub
lic and tho medical
profcsilon, that Hoi
tetter's Stomach me
ters Is a medietas
which achieves ro
lulu ipeedlljr felt,
thorough and be
nign Hesldo rectify
ing liver dltordcr, It
Invigorate! the fee
ble, conquers kidney
and bladder com
plaint!, and battens
the convalescence of
t li o e recovering
from enfeebling dli
raiei. Moreover ltd
the grand apeclnc for
fever and ague. For
rile hjrUrugKliti and
Dealers generally.
An Knellsh Veterinary Surgeon and Ouemlit. now
traveling n thU country, lays that moat of the lloree
andUattle Powders aold here are worthleaatraah. He
ys that Sheridan's Condition I'owders are absolutely
pure and Immensely valuable. Nothing on earth will
make hens lay like Hheridan's Condition I'owders.
L. P. HASKELL, Dentist,
Has devoted no years exclusively to Artillclnl
Teeth. For no years has mado AX.lMCNM'Oon
Uoucus Gum Work," tho onlyperfretmrthodforArtl.
flclal Teeth. Write for his boik-"In- XS D ET ET
Jurioiu effects or Vulcanized itubbcr," rKCBs
sue, nne leaspooniui to one pint loou. bold every
where, or sent liy mail for eight letter stamps. I. B.
JOHNSON CO.. lloston.Mass., formerly Bansor.Me.
I'a&sons' I' una ati vb I'iixs make now rich blood.
Tho only known spoolflo remedy for Iipllopsy.
Cures Spasms, Convulsion?, Bt Vitus Danoo,
Vcrtliro, Insanity, Paralysis, Norvous Prostra
tion and Qoncrnl Doblltty.
Never known to fall. It oquallzos tho circula
tion, repair iu waste, and ulvoa tono and vigor
to tho system.
Cures Scrofula and nil Nervous and Blood dis
Tho irrentcBt tonlo known. It aids dlffostlon,
Insures jrood appetite, jrives tono nnd vifror to
tho system, KUurttntcoH sweet nnd refreshing
sloop nnd rostoros enfeebled uud norvous con
stitutions to robust hoalth.
8nfo, Curtain, Snro nnd Speedy. It Is Invalua
ble to I.ntlles who nro o.erlenclnirtho chtuuro
Incldcnt to ndvnncod yesre, by insisting' uaturn
nt Its important period, retnlnliiK tho vlirornnd
tranquility of early life and cnrrylnir thom with
eusu nnd snfety throuKh.
s tho only honestly iniarnntoed remedy plncod
ooforo tho public. Wo minranteo every bottlo
ro irlvo satisfaction or return tho mnnoy. Load
nff physicians testify to Its boluir harmless nnd
rood, eminent divines declare ft excellent and
uncqunled nnd people everywhere bear choer
ful and voluntary testimony to Its trroat virtue.
(s unfailing and Infnlllblo In curing Alcobotlstn
nnd Opium Katlnu;. To come before tho public
with an absoluto euro or a specific to romovo
tho doslro for alcoholic stlmulmitti or the habit
of opium eating, seems to ninny, wo havo no
doubt, nn nlmurtllty; such Is the enso novertho
loss. nnd boforo offerinp; our modlclno to tho
publio wo thoroughly convinced oursolvoa by
actual experience that It would do all wo claim
for it.
for tho curo of all dlsordors of tho
Stomach, Liver, Bowols, Kidneys, Hind
dor, Nervous Uiscnses, llemlucho, Con
stipation, Costlvonesa, Ac, Theso pills
aro uinde to work iu harmony with our
Snmnritnn Norvlue.
For Salo by All Druggists.
In abundance at Alriilon puouds
Imported last year. I'rlces lower
than ever. Agents wanted. Dou'l
waste time. Bend for circular.
10 lbs. flood Iflnck or mixed, for fl.
10 IbH. Flno Itlnclc or mixed, for 8 2.
lO JI).JIiolco Miucitoruiixcu, sor ipj.
Bend for pound sample, 17 cts. extra for postage.
Then get up ft club. Choicest Tea In tho world.
Largest variety. Pleanes everybody. Oldest Tea
Houso in America. No ehroino. No Humbug.
Btralght business. Value for money.
Dlood, and will completely change tho blood In tho en
tiro system In three months. Any person who will taku
1 pill each night from 1 to 1 weeks may be restored
to sound health. If such a thing be possible. Bold ev
erywhere or sent by mull for 8 letter stamps. I. S.
JouHsotf A Co., Ilonton, Mass., formerly Uangor.Mo.
evaporators, &c.
Steam Engines.
KsVFor DscmiTmt
Cat auh) UK address
sales ARE xzunuunnrsan t
Teachers, Stu
dent, and oth
it Workers.
It will I'At
v tsiad as
ttrAudress, with stamp,
103 Btato-st, Chicago, IU.
Ilestln the World. Oft thn genuine. Ev
cry iinckitge hits our Truilr-iiiark unit Is
nsurked I'ruier's. ULI) KVKIl VWUKUK,
inrsTiTUT ja.
Established, iMTii Incorporated,
15J. Kortbn Cure of Cimcrrs,
Tumors, Ulcers, Ncroniln
an, I Hvm tlf.B..... ..l.l.i.., .t.n
b& - A3
iRLsssssWsWslsss f B9
rrfrPiflHSjsH M uffHSs
ust) o( Kulle or loss or dlood, and llttln pain Vvr
INrnKHiTinx, oiRnitLAKs ami KDnitNcr.i. address
DU, F, X.. rOJiI), Aurora, Kane Co., IU.
SDn. Sanfoud'u Lrvnn IrmaoiuionJ
Jib r Standard Family Romody for .!
JdiBcaflcaof tho Liver, Stoinaoh jijfSft
Sund Bowoln. It is Purely Xkl' sssL
Vrr- 1 1 1- xi !
gvcgumuiu. jli novor
Debilitates It is X . .-r.WH
5&-oo r.r-& vo9x:,d0?
sTrrn' v.w rur-nwi '.o' j"
? .lw..l l.AftV
5w?ftoi v:f
i iiw. n i-
-o.i(' nPt
hna boon tisedi
in my prnotiooj
tl by tlio public,
moro thnn 05 ycanj,S
i)rcccucuMHl rcsulto,
100 Pnco Book sont froo.
Si Ti Wi oANrORDj MiOm HEvvionKoiTi!
5 m DituaaiBT hill tei.l you its ltKri'TiTiox,
for nil dlaoasoo of tho Kldnoya and
It liaaapoclflo action on this most Important
organ, onabllns it to tlirow off torpidity end
Inaction, stimulating ths healthy sooroUoaof
the Bile, and by kocplng the bowola In frao
condition, cffootlng its rogular disoharga.
Mnloylo Ifyouarosuffbring from
IWICllCtrlcIa malaria, liavo tho obills,
aro bilious, dyspoptlo, or oonstlpated, Kidnoy
Wort will auroly rollo vo and quickly ouro,
lath Dprlng toaloansotUoBystom, ovory
ono should taVo a tliorougli ooursa of It,
U. 8OLDBYDRUQQI8T8. Price 81.
Al.lli:nUI.K Kl'MVI.E INSTITUTE, Clmrlottea
vttln. Va. Vnll Knculty. Unlcr Ontalugnn.
year. Bnvclnirna of Penmanship and Circulars, Kne.
Engineering; and Railroad Norm
ralllihed at 73 Broadway, IW York.
St.XOper unuuin postaire frao.
Is the out and cheapft Agricultural Monthly, No pro
mlums. No rlnbs. Wn simply ailc Vr cents for each
subscription. Every Fanner wants It. ICstubllshed nluo
years. Sample copy for D-oent stamp Address
LADIKS or GENT8 ninko
money fast selling our NKVf
HOUlt. Inviiluablu to house
kveiitrs. Useful, practical nnd popular. Addn'ss
V. K. OWENM, AUU Fulton Ntreet, Chlougv.
for Prlce-I.Ut of Uf alnriae
Nilrlt I.nkS) Iowa.
UUbt't Fnnil is on oftht btit.chtajiutand mottT'UabU
ToodiinlhtWmUltandthoutanJiof rhOdrrn nrfmrtdtrrrv
ymbuii, ... It Is "thn" INVAMII'H JUKT.
olans of all schools the world over. Inoanof33cnU,
84 cents JH. 24 and if 1 7. bearing tho slgnatursof
VOUJLUICU d& CO. oa every label.
rUll aSBL. TL ana WoKon factory.
Uniabl A (.Hrgaln to right party.
Tltnun Casy. Address, Itox Utti, 1'KI.I.A, Iowa.
IR nfifs AKIT.NTKItH now use our Haw
IUUUU Filer to ale nil Iclnds of saws, so they will cut
better than ever Price H'd. (to. Circulars and prices to
Agents. Address E. ItUTIIdc BUO., New Oxford, l'a.
A Treatise on their
teedv euro HKNT KltKK. Im. J.n.
llorrMAJ. I'.O.IloxIM, Chicago, III.
Tinnirti iiS viiAiisa, I'Ai.vriNo,
lvVfJV3 Decorating, etc. KorlWi. elghty-pag
Illustrated Catalogue. Adore. s. enclosing threo .l-ccnl
stamps. Wk, T, Com stock. U Astor I'lace, New Yoric
write TIIE AULTM AN i TAYUHt CO , Mausneld.a
-riiiny min, iii mo wunui 1 (ampin rrt6,
Addrtss Jay Hronson, Detroit, illclu
SR ifl S9 R PCtlay at homo. Samples worth gff
J U Ufroo,Addro!iSnNSONfcOo., Portland, Mo.
A MONTH and board In your county. Men
or I.odlcs. Pleasant business. Address
P W Zuulih&Co., IlozM, Chicago, 111.
A WE KK In your own town. Tonna and
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