Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 13, 1882, Image 6

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Smith Australia lias n population ol
rtK8U(J. Its dobt Iiiih rrrnwii from
SlliOOO.OpO In 187JJ to nearly 850,000,-
a i. 4 irn
Tlio art of lroiiamoltinfr was known
In Kngtnml during' tho Roman occu
put Ion mill stci'l working was practiced
tlioro before the Norninn conquest.
Tlit' forest area of Victoria, tho
most Houthorn colony of Australia, con
tains 7;l,00:)8iunro miles of forest, of
which 7l,00 Is almost wholly of tho
eucalyptus tree.
--Somebody has taken the trouble to
figure out tho fact that one million kern
els of Indian corn will measure twelve
to fourteen bushols, according to tho
size of tho kernel.
Tho Gazctla ilr Napoli is authority
for the statement that tiio number o'l
deaths from delirium tremens and
chronic alcoholism aro: In Italy, l.flfl
per thousand; In England, 2.01; Nor
way, OH; .Scotland, '2..TJ: Ilelgiimi and
Switzerland, each, :i.8.'; Sweden, 0.25,
mul Now York, 12.08.
Kivo firms aro engaged in Pitts
burgh, I'a., in tho sand and cobbio-stono
business, with an invested capital of
over $100,000, employing' upwards of
one hundred men. From tho bods of
tho rivers between 800,000 and 000,000
bushels of sand and gravel are yearly
taken. Cobble-stones aro socurod about
fiovoiity-livo miles up tho Allegheny
In 1881 there were Mil silk-weaving
establishments, having 18,858 looms in
operation, in Franco, and in Switzer
land in 1880 tlioro woro eighty-six silk
iimmiineiurors, Having z.oau power
looms, and 25,000 hand-looms. Tho
Swiss ligures for 1872 woro: Manufact
urers, 79; power-looms, 1,150; hand
looms, 20,500. The ribbon production
in Miislo in 1872 was estimated at 67,
000,000 francs, in 1X70 at 52,000,000
francs, in 1878 at M, 000, 000 francs, and
in 1880 at 1)3,000,000 francs.
A ship ought to make a round trip
between San Francisco and Liverpool
annually. A good many do it. Some
have ipiito a margin to spare. There
Ls necessarily some detention "fit Liver
pool. This varies from two to six
week", (onu'Umi's longer. Last year
tho St. Stephen arrived at San Francisco
in April in a round trip of 201 days, in
cluding a detention of thirty-four days
nt Liverpool. Somo of tho vessels sont
off at tho beginning of tho ourrcnt
coroal year aro now arriving back.
Mississippi has something ovor 30,
000,000 acres of land much of thoiu
tho richest known to man. Less than
5,000,000 acres aro cultivated. Tliis is,
howovor, an Increase of sovoral hun
dred thousand acres ovor tlio number
in 1870, and nearly equal to that miliar
cultivation in 1800. Tlioro aro now
75,000 farms, ns compared with 08,000
ten years ago, and -12,000 twonty years
ago. Tho number of acres comprised
in tlio plantations is nearly three times
that actually farmed I. o., tlioro uro
M, 000,000 owned, and but 5,000,000
cultivated. Chicaqo 'limes.
An egotist's story oxtonds as far as
tho I can reach. Boston Transcript.
When a man has not a good reason
for doing a thing ho litis one good roa
son for lotting it alono.
Livo and not to-day. lie who
sjAmds one-half of his time in enjoying
his to-morrows will spend tho o'tlier
half in regretting his yesterdays. r.
l lirccd
An agricultural editor says: "Plant
your pitchforks under tho sliado of your
ohorry trees, points up.' ' 'Should your
neighbor's boy fall from tho, troo thoy
might prevent him from striking tlio
Tlio following is not tho worst of this
sort of rhyming that has been printed:
Tlioro whs a ytfmur Klrl hud two bouuv;
Tlio bcHt-lookiiiK ono wan iiuiuotl Muuux,
Hut toward thi' clonux
Of his mill ho would iloiutx,
And tnulco ti tmmt uoIho with IiIh iumuix.
A soft hammer turueth away noiso:
Old Ihuly "Oil, enrpontor yes while
you woro at diunor I ah tied some
rags round tho head of your hammer,
as I found tlio noiso of 'it, this morn
ing, disturbed mo vory mueli. Yoii will
find It much ploasantor now." London
First Hoy Aro you going to bo a
pirato tills summer?" Second boy- "1
dunno." " I know vou wouldn't. You
hain't got any grit.1' "I hain't, ohP
l'vo got just as much as you have, but
when a feller's mother is willing to buy
him a goat and a pair of roller skates
and a llsh-llno, what's the need of his
turning pirato? You said you was go
ing oil to fight Injuins, but you hain't
gone." "Iknmvl hain't. You don't
expect mo to go till I got big enough to
sloop alone; do youP" "Pooh!" "Pooh!"
And thoy rub along tlio fenco in oppo
site directions. Chicago Times.
The Northern Central Hailroad of
ficials had commenced oxaniing em
ployes of the road to ascertain whether
or not thoy were color-blind or deaf,
and thus lit or unfit for service. An
ollicial approached ono of tlio local em
ployes with: "Now, Mlank, take the
cotton out of your ears and listen! Can
you hear this watch tick where I now
hold itP" Mlank "cocked his our pro
fessional," and didn't hesitate a mo
ment in assuring tho otlieial that he
could "hear that watoh tiok as easy as
to hoar tho blows of a trip-liammor."
"Look bore, Mlank," said tlio ollicial,
assuming a more serious air; " do you
know that you're an awful liarP I wasn't
examining your capacity, to toll tho
truth, but your hearing; 'or it might go
hard with you. Thhtwutch is broken,
and husnlUiokod. -for ton years!" 7-
What Wo llnvo Noticed.
That people who wear the best cloth
ing do not always wear the best.
That people who boast that they al
ways speak what thoy think, have some
miiHity mean thoughts.
J hat the man who
noleots to livo within his income
one day bo trying to livo without it
Hint tho world is divided into two
classes those who aro ambitious to as
cend above mediocrity, and those who
aro ambitious that everybody else shall
descend below their own mediocrity.
Tlint tho man who barters health for
riches is never satisfied with his bar
gain. That tho man who has a largo prin
cipal in tlio bank sometimes snows no
prineiplo in anything else.
That honesty is tJio best policy in
faet, that nil raro things are reckoned
tlio best. .
That learning is a powerful auxiliary
to tho fool bout on displaying his folly.
That man and wife should not bo
yoked liko'oxon, but harnessed tandem.
To get along smoothly, ono must load
and tiio oilier follow.
That tlio strongest horso is generally
placed between the shafts.
That tlio strongest argument against
sexual equality is, that woman may be
as bad as man when she is possessed ol
his superior opportunities.
That the married man wonders why
tho bachelor does not marry, and the
bachelor wonders why tlio married man
married in fact, that' this is a world ol
That tho girl who doclaros that slio
would not marry the best man alivo
quite frequently proves her .sincerity by
iiiiii ij inr uiu mini niu; uiiu llliu.
That it Is the samo with thought as
with money tho less olio has of either,
the more eager ho is to make a display
of it.
That when a man is loved for himself
alone, it is himself who is tlio lover.
That whiio some men pick their com
pany, others pluck their company.
That when a man tolls you of aehanco
to make money, he neglects to mention
tlio hundred or more chances to loso it
in the same enterprise.
That when a man says, in a slighting
manner, that anybody can do this or
that thing, ho means that anybody but
himself can do it.
That the photographer who can mako
a llnttoring picture is more successful
than ho who makes n correct likeness.
That ho who sees no good in human
nature is too much given tosolf-contom-plation.
That tho most precious goods aro done
up in tlio smallest bundles. Tho loiter
1 is tho smallest in tlio alphabet.
That people who pride themselves
upon thoir nneestry do what tliov can to
mako their descendants humble when
thinking of them.
That tho man who could do n thing if
ho only tried is always vory careful not
to try. .s
That the man whega tjavH able tp
say tho right tiling in tho right place is
usually found in tho right, place to say it.
That it is bolter to bo good and home
ly than pretty bad.
That good taste is too often confined
to tiio palate.
That no mattor how ugly a noso may
bo, its imperfections aro overlooked by
its owner.
That tlio average man objects to pay
ing tlio dobt of nature, not so much be
cause ho Is afraid to dio as because ho
dislikes debt-paying. Boston Tran
script. Jay (.oiihl's Time.
Sovoral weeks ago, when Jay Gould
was in Littlo Rock, ho was visited in his
spcolal car by a strango-looking, oddly
dressed man. "Mr. Gould," said the
visitor, "will you bo generous enough
to give mo ton minutes of your time?''
"es," said the millionaire, in a dry,
last-year sort of voice. " Ten niinutos,
thank you, sir; writo tlio check?"
MVhut eheckP" said tlio millionaire, in
a kind of lust-month voice. " Perhaps
I'd bettor explain. A noted mathema
tician lias calculated your income to bo
$1 per socond. With you, of course,
time is money, face valuo. Now, you
have given mo ton minutes, amounting,
you see, to 000. lluvo you got tho
money about you, or will you give mo a
cheokp" Tho millionaire looked at tho
man in silence. "I'll do tlio fair tiling.
Mako it $500. Hanged if J don't lie
easy with you, mako it $100 blnmo it,
say 8200." Mr. Gould looked long and
inquiringly at tho man, but didn'tsmilo
Arkansas Traveler.
Young Criminals.
Tho criminal news of a singlo week
recently makes a sad showing of boyish
depravity. An Illinois boy killed the
girl who rejected his addresses on ac
count of his dissipation. Two Arkan
sas boys quarrelled over a rabbit hunt,
and one slew the other with nu ax. A
St. Louis boy stabbod thopluymato who
teased him for his ignorance of English.
A West Virginia boy shot the rival in a
girl's affections. A Virginia boy con
fesses tho poisoning of two persons. A
Texas boy shot a littlo girl because slio
rotusod to put down a pall when ho or
dorod hor to. A Kansas boy was on
trial for intontloniUly drowning u play
follow. Two Wisconsin boys maltreat
ed a child nearly to doath. Throo boys
pleudod guilty to highway robbory in
Chicago. An Iowa boy is a forger. A
Missouri boy sot tiro to a house. A Now
Mexico boy shot a baby. A Colorado
horso thiol is aged oight years, and none
of tho criminals montioned aro ovor six
teen. Chicago Herald.
A Baptist olorgyman doolnres thoro
is a tendency hi chiidron to drift away
from tho church, and ho fears tlio boys
of tho future will bo largely non-church-goers.
Chicago Journal,
Tiio FremoiA, O., School Hoard
has abolished German and singing In
Texas Is to hold cloven normal in
3tilutes in August. Tho cause of educa
tion is attracting attention in that Stale.
Chicago Herald.
Mayor IJcmong, of Syracuse, N.
Y., having vetoed an appropriation of
810,000 for tlio public schools, tho
Common Council passed it over his
Tlio bronze statuo of Lafayette, on
which Mr. J. Q. A. Ward Is now at
work, will cost $25,000, and on its
completion in September will bo pro
sontcd by J. P. Howard, of Murlington,
Vt., to tho University of Vermont, tho
corner stone of which institution was
laid by tho French patriot in 1825.
A colored man, Mr. J. K., Ballard,
was recently ordained In St." John's
Church, Jacksonville, Flu., which is
culled tho most aristocratic chinch in
tlio Stnio; by Bishop Young, in the pres
ence of a 'distinguished audience. It
was tlio liivt e.'iso in tlio State that a col
ored man has been ordained in a white
church. ChrisltunWmon.
When President Arthur was n
school-teacher he did not punish the big
bad boys by seating tliein with tlio girls;
ho placed them on tho lowest bench In
tlio primary department and made them
rocito the alphabet with the little ehil
drn. My this siniplo method he per
manently reformed one very bad school
in exactly two hours by the watch.
Chicago Tribune.
At a recent morning service a young
lady fainted and was carried into tlio
lecture-room, and lay unconscious so
long that Usher Wliitnoy requested Mr.
Beochcr to call for a surgeon, which he
did. ( Proceeding with tiio Scripture
reading for a few minutes, and perceiv
ing no response to his call, he looked up
with a murrj twinkle in his weather eyo
and remarked: "Is there no physician
presentP Then the patient will probably
recover." And slio did. Brooklyn
Tlio annual crop of stories about
tlio struggles of the student mind with
tho dread realization of tho examina
tion pupor begins to make its appear
ance Ono student is quoted as buy
ing translated "Vous etes voustrompo,
monsieur.?" with "lluvo you trumped,
sirP" Another recently answered that
"pastoral poetry" was something sung
in tho country churches, lie supposed.
Anothor defined "cant" us "the impos
sibility of boing able to do u tiling you
nre not ublo to do." Another said you
could seo an inipnlpublo object, for in
llumlot's nd vice to tho pluyers ho spoko
of tlioso who saw tho air. "What part
of tho heavens is north of tho equator?"
was asked. "The northern part" wus
mo answer,
Jy Anlimotical Problems.
73 lins ribe'uTnJlcs and diviiTcsbne
among his live brother and sisters. How
many has ho left?
lfa quart-box of strawberrios holds a
pint and a half, how many boxes will it
take to mako a peek, and how quick can
u tramp got away witn them?
If a farmer can mow six acres of grass
in ono duy. how many liars will it take
to mow thirty-eight acres of grass in
three days?
A guest at the hotel pays tho portor
twoiity-livo cents to take liis trunk up
stairs; ten cents to u colored boy to
bring him u pitcher of water; twouty
livo cents further to the porter to got
his trunk down stairs; fifty cents to tiio
omnibus drivor, and $!J to tho landlord
as tho regular rate of tho house. How
much has ho been swindled, and What
is ho going to do about it?
A coal dealer has a drivor weighing
185 pounds, who is weighed with 750
loads of coal during tlio winter. What
would have boon tlio gain to tlio con
sumers had tho drivor only weighed 150
If a policeman on night duty sleeps an
hour and a half each night for thirteen
yours, how ninny yours of such arduous
labor will it take to reduce him to a
walking skeleton?
In each county in tho United States
aro seventy inhabitants who boliove they
would make good State Governors. Of
this number only two per cent, over got
to be even a constable What is tlio
oxact number of constables, and how
mnny law-suits can a wide-awake officer
provoko in a your.
A grocer lias a horso which he asserts
can trot a mile in 2:10. IIu puts him on
tiio truck under u watch and linds his
best gait to be !5:28. What was the dif
ference between tlio grocer's estimato
mid tho watch, and why did he wollop
the poor horso all tho way homo?
A father at his doath Jolt 812,000 for
tho benefit of Ids only son, fourteon
years, eight months and twelve days
old, tho money to bo paid him when
twenty-ono years of ago, with interest
at six per cent. How much inonoy did
tho lawyers leavo for tho boy?
A merchant who has a stock valued at
88,000 advertises that ho will dispose of
it at one-fourth off. How muoh does ho
A citizen has a cow which gives six
quarts of milk per day, while his sales
foot up nino quarts. Thoro Is nothIn
for tho student to find in tills case
Simply turn on tho water.
A grocer buys a chost of tea weighing
oighty pounds. IIo soils twonty-sovon
pounds of it ns " my unupproachablo
sixty cent tea," and tho romuindor as
"our sploudld forty cent Oolong."
How muoh did ho receive in all and how
much did ho havo to givo to tho hoathon
that your to quiet his conscience?
A nlutnbor who does sixteen conts'
worth of ropairlng desiros to charge for
four pounds of solder in his bill. Pleuso
suggest how it can bo dono without in',
jury to his system. Detroit Free Press.
A Sensible School Drill.
It Is a notorious fact that while Coun
cils have taken decisive stops to compel
the owners of all hotels, mills, factories
and other outbuildings in which men,
women and chiidron aro obliged to re
main during tho day or night, to take
precautions to provent panics and fatal
accidents in caso of fire, tho city has not
tho moans to provide its own property
with iiro-cscapes. Of the public school
buildings which shelter over 100,000
children during tho greater part of tho
day, vory few of them have fire-escapes,
and many more aro so constructed
ns to bo little less than death-traps
in caso of lire and panic. In somo
of tlio schools, however, tho Directors
and teachers have taken the matter
Into their own hands, and by a sys
tem of drills have accustomed tlio
chiidron to a system that will enable
them to get out of the building in case
of a fire without accompanying danger.
At the Newton Grammar School, Tlurty
oight and Spruco streets, tho system
is now as near perfection as can bo ex
pected. Tlio Nowton School building at pres
ent accommodates about 050 children.
On tho first tloor is tho boys' grammar
ficiiool, tlio second is uscil by tlio girls,
and on tlio third is a primary school of
about 110 littlo children. Tho lust
nnniod arrangement hud to bo mudo by
the Directors, owing to a want of room
elsewhere, as it is not deemed wise to
have tlio cluss-rooms for tho littlo chii
dron so far from tlio street. About six
months ago, Miss Louisa D. Elmos,
Principal of the girl's school, began
drilling tlio pupils under her cliargo in
marching quickly from their places in
tlie school-building to tho yard. Mr.
James F. C. Sickel, Principal of tho
boys' school, and tho Board of Direct
ors, at onco saw the importance of tlio
experiment, ami in u snori lime u thor
ough system wus adopted. The neces
sary arrangements woro mudo so that
tho teachers on the different floors
could communicate with each other by
means of sneaking tubes, and by which
afire signal could be given from either
the lir-t, s-cojikI or third lloors. At lirst
tlio pupils were obliged to go through
the lire-drill two or threo times a week,
but now thoy havo become so thorough
ly familiar with what is expected of
them that the drill is loss frequent,
onco u week being till that is now neces
sary. This morning a Bulletin representa
tive visited tlio Nowton School with two
of tho Directors for tlio purposo of see
ing tlio fire-drill in practical operation.
It wns about ten o'clock, nil tho scholars
being busily engaged at their desks, no
warning having been given of tlio pro
posed drill. Tho first" alarm" was
sounded from tho lirst tloor. Mr.
Sickol went to a speaking-tube near his
desk, and blew into it sharply three
timc3, thus giving tlio signal to both tho
floors above At the snmo time ho -o-pented
the signal on the largo gong. In
an instant every scholar in the entire
building was in motion, tho teachers
had posted tliomsolvcs on the stairways,
and the regular lines of children woro
passing out tlio doors and from tbo
building. When the yard wns reached
the pupils remained in line just as thoy
had left their places, until the signal to
return wus given. Of course tho primary
children were tho last to get out. but
tho whole number 050 children woro
out of all possible danger within a min
ute nnd three-quarters by actual time.
There was not tho slightest confusion,
thoro was no crowding or pushing; and
tho t-lireo stairways could easily havo
accommodated another lino of children
at tho samo time. None of tho pupils,
except thoso in Mr. Sickol' s class, who
saw tho signal given, know whether
thoy woro simply drilling or whether
tlioro really wus causo for the sudden
dismission. At tlio ringing of a bol'
tho pupils returned quietly and in order,
nnd inside of four minutes from thn
timo tho fire signal was lirst given wero
at their desks.
The visitors tlion went to the girls'
school on the second lloor and tho drill
wus repoated, Miss Elmos giving the
alarm. In an instant each pupil, from
the little girls in the lowest grade to
the young ladies In the sonior class, was
on her feet. Tlio ono nearest tlio door
started at once in that direction, fol
lowed by the rest in tho rosrular order
in which
i thoy had been seated. This
was quite us .satisfactory as the
'In ease of a real alarm of fire th
pupils would naturally take their accus
tomed places in the drill, knowing by
experience how quickly they are ublo to
escape in that way. Thoy seem to en
joy tho ooiviso vory much, and tho
teachers stated that it is bonolieial in
more ways than one "Wln-n I liud
my girls becoming languid and dull,"
said Mihs Klines to-day, " I find there is
nothing which freshens thorn up so much
as this lire-drill, so that we are glad to
train tliein in it." Motli drills this morn
ing did not occupy mure than ten min
utes altogether at tho mo-i. Philadel
phia Bulletin.
'Father, you uro an awful bravo
man," said .a Detroit youth, as ho
smoothed down the old man's gra
locks the other evening. " How do you
know that, WillioP" "Oh, I heard
somo men down to tho store say that
you killed thousands of soldiers tliuiii"
tho war." "MoP Why, I was u beo'f
contractor for the army!" " Yes, that's
what thoy said!" explained young inuo
conce, as ho slid from tho kitchen.
Detroit Free Press.
Tho vnults in tlio Chicago sub
roasury aro loaded down with such an
accumulation of tho precious motals that
it is feared tho walls will sottlo. Tho
bullion vault noty contains 125 tons Qf
silver and two tons of gold, valuod at
85.500,000, in addition to the moro
valuable but lighter paper. Chicago
Smith's Tonic Syrup
The proprietor of this colobratod medicine
justly claims for It a superiority ovor allrom
edies over offorod to tho publio for tho SAFE
of Aguo and Fever, or Chills and Fevor, wheth
er of short or long stnndlng. Ho rofers to the
ontire Weittrn and Sonthorn country to bear
him testimony to tho truth of tho assertion
that in no case whatovor will it fail to euro if
tho directions are strictly followed and carried
out. In a groat many cases a single dose has
been sufficient for a ouro, and whole families
havo been curod by a singlo bottlo, with a per
foot restoration of the general health, It is.
howovor, prudont, andin overy caso moro cor
tain to ouro, if Ha uso is continued in smaller
doses for a vreok or two after tho diseaso has
been checked, moro especially in difficult and
long-standing cases, Usually this modiclno
will not requiro any aid to keep tho bowels in
good order. Should tho patient, howovor, ro
quiro a cathartic modicino.aftor having taken
threo or four doses of tho Tonlo, a singlo dnie
will be sufficient.
Tho genuine SMITH'S TONIC 8YHUP must
havo BR. JOHN BULL'Sprivato stamp on each
bottlo. DR. JOHN BULL only has the right ft
manufacture and sell tho original JOHN J,
SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, of Louisvillo, Ky
Examine woll tho Iabol on each bottlo, If my
privato stamp is not on each bottlo do not
purchase, or you will bo docoivod,
xx?.. aronaxr-destjxjXj,
Mnnufacturor nnd Vendor of
Tho Popular Romcdloa of tho Day.
Principal Ontre, 831 Main St., LOUISVILLE, KY.
. ..'
T3 A TW TTTT T "CD isthowelltrlcdaml
JTiiJLJLN -IllijJjJCiXt trusted friend of all
who Want a turn and safe medicine which can
bo freely used internally or externally,
without fear ol hnrm and with tyrraitifi of
relief. Its price brlnps It within the rango of nil,
and it will annually avo many times it C08tln
doctor bills. Price. SS cent, JfO cents, nnd
pJ. OO per bottlo. DlrtcCon accompany tachbottle.
It la the concurrent
testimony of the nub
ile nnd the mcdlcij
profession, UiiuIIoi
tetter's Stomach Bit-
ters la a meillcln.
wlilch achieve. re
ulu speedily felt,
thorough anil be
nign. Beside rectify
ins liver disorder. It
Invigorates the fee
ble, conquers kidney
and bladder com.
plaints, nnd hastens
the convalescence of
thoso recovering
from enfeebling dbv
i-aes. Moreover It Is
the grand specific for
fever ami ague. Kor
sato by Druggists und
Dealers generally.
riViiinJ ?i i0,orln.arjr SurKon and Chemist, now
ami ? LffiLnp hl,iC0,,l,,?VM'r8 that mo,t ' tho ,l0"9
MMihilSh "l";"oldiero areworthlewtrash. Ho
J,?,.. tHhorldan sCondlt onrondersareahsolutely
,.-i lmmenB valuable. Nothing on earth will
mako hons lay llko Sheridan's Condition l'owdcrs.
-, .... ioai.oomui to one pint food. (Sold every
Tnii&orw Syj? ?" 'or eight letter stamp. I. H.
ri.jiBON' Puiioativk I'lixs maka new rich blood.
iivsi't'ptti' aa.
li.sialiU8lii.-a, lHTii Incorporated.
Ks). t-orthp Cun1 of C'uucrrs,
Tumors, Ulcers, Hcroruli
J Lm OK '"-non, and llitlc- pain For
INTonMATlON. cmoiTLAitH AND liEKKRitNOES. address
Mil. 1. I... l'(I.M), Aurora, Kane Co., III.
imii mawta irfijuuu
PlRnUQI DIIDnATllie m o m a k k
JoHvinvWcnnb? '"a" for H letter stamps. I. fl.
Jonyaoy&to., Boston. Mass.. formerly Ulngor.Me.
better than ever. Price Circulars andprlcSs to
Acenu. Address K. UOTU & Il0.,lfew Oxford. P.