Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 13, 1882, Image 5

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    V Ml
t--.T- ,., .
-J "" -il..JTii1 J i l
Hates of Advertising:
Local Notice!, first week, 10 cents per line j
inch subsequent week, 5 cents per line.
Display locals, 15 cents per line.
Advertisements on local page, 50 cents per
each pcrueelc.
Miscellaneous ads 50 cents perinch per month.
Legal ads at legal rates.
I n iiMHMii 1 was nw CTWer3
From 4:30 a, m. to 9 p. m. Sundays, from
:a m. to 1 p. m. Farmers and others please
take notice.
Coal, coal.
J. W. "Kerns.
.Strictly nuru Sugar
Symn ut Devin
A. V. N'tckell, roliablo newsdealer,
For Lumber Limo
ami Cbal go to
Cream Soda Water at Xickell's drug
A. AV. Nickoll, reliable druggist.
A. W. Xickell, the bookseller.
Hxtra copios of Tin:
for sale at the nostolllce.
Kxtia copies of Tin: Aivnirrisi:n
at. A. W. Xickell's, J3rovnville.
(io to tho Xi'v Store
for bargains
Xorth of the postollien.
A liord of Unll.ilo fourteen miles in
length was seen recently near Glondina,
J. II. Plant, a wholesale clothing
merchant of St. Louis, suicided a
days ago,
On Sunday of last week, 1,000 Mor
mons arrived in New York destined
for Utah.
England is ' preparations,
io givo Egpyt a thrashing, which slio
seems to deserve.
Co to tho Xew
Storo and
get the
highest market price for your produce.
i A street rope walker in Omaha
week, named Foster, fell ."0 feet,
was killed. Tho rope broko.
In Chicago last week hogs were
worth from $7..")0 to 90 higher than
they havo been boforo for eight years.
Tho only improvement wo noticed
while in Brownvillo recently was tho
tearing down of tho large livery stable
by tho Union Hotel.
Wo noticoby the Torchlight that our
old friond D. 11. Colhopp, of Tecumseh,
has gono to Pawnee City to make
cigars for Jacob Weber.
LTndor tho head of improvements,
the Drownuillo Ripublicitn says that
Dr. Collins has cut the grass in his
front yard, ilow sublime.
AVo are ready to receive produce in
-rrrrmmin imtimimi iininMiwiTnw. rwri .wninn nu
exchange for goods at tho Now Storo,
first door north of the postolllee.
n,J-i "I'lf ftrirnirnmnn
This paper will bo printed on a new
press and by steam powor in a low
more weeks. So says tlio Tecumseh
Torchlight, and wo heartily wish it
)r. C. P. Stewart, of Brownville,
Neb., was a caller at these headquar
ters a few days since. It always does
us good to see Dr. Stewart as he is one
of the best friends wo over had, and is
ono of thoso men that it will do to tie
to. Nebraska Furmer,
About one-half tho newspapers in
the United States indulged in conjec
tures as to tho display of fireworks
which Guiteau is supposed to have
seen on tho Fourth of July. There
seems to bo a unity of opinions on this
That tho south is beginning to sco
the light is indicated by a remark in
tlio Aricksburg Herald to tho effect
that "ono of your earnest fellows who
secures capital to build a railway, a
factory, an oil mill, or anything,of ma
terial value to tho south, oyen if tho
capital is dam-radical' monoyj la worth
n cow-pen full' of howling Bourbons
On Saturday last tho report reached
Brownvillo that Tom Slntrtz, our pop
ular druggist, had boon arrested and
taken to Omaha to answer to tho
charge of soiling whisky without a 11
conso. The report howovor, was en
tirely unfounded, and started from the
fact that ceitalnaKUlles by tho namo of
Miller and lirtt5y, who aro as devoid
of honor as" a setting Jion is of teeth,
Went to Tom and told him that if ho
would givo them II fly dollars they
would not file information against him,
and if ho did not, they would telegraph
for tho United States Marshal and hli'vo
him arrested. Tom was very indignant
at this attempt to blackmail him, and
knowing that ho was innocent of any
charge' they might bring, told them to
go ahead and telegraph, and then after
they got through telegraphing they
might go to well the place were there
is no winter. Probably Miller and Far
low did not know that an attempt to
blackmail was a penitentiary offense,
but is altogether likely they will llnd
it out before tliey get through with
North Auburn Mixigrapha.
Harvest has begun.
Mr. Milt, moves his family from
Peru to this place this week.
Our new school house is up and
Thoro was a sound of revelry by
night, and wo learned that some one
had been to Calvert and bought one
bottle of the "Oh be noisy, ugly, sleepy,
liltliy.ect., just for a little cheap notori
ety." Tho first regular passenger train on
tho M. P. Ii. K. passed up tho road
Sunday last.
0. .1. Stowell went down to Iowa to
Stell-i Saturday.
Strangers in town by the wholesale.
C. E. Mathows, tho man thai puts
down wells and tank foundations for
tho railroad, lias moved his headquar
ters from this place to Lancaster, Kan
sas. The foundation for tho elevator is
about completed, and work on tho
building will commence in a few days.
It is told for a fact that a man not
a thousand miles from tho center of
Nemaha county, had his hands pois
oned by assisting his wife in weeding
the garden. A word to the wise is suf
ficient. Oh Monday last Mr. J. r. Kerns, of
'Ihis'cify, lostvhis pocket boolt co'iifafii-
ing 620 in money and some very valu
able papers, and after searching all day
for it, finally gave it up as irrecoverably
lost, unless it had fallen into tho hands
of some honest person who would re
turn it. Portunately this proved to bo
tho caso, and Tuesday morning the lost
pocket, book was returned to its owner
by Mr. Ilaynes, a farmer, living a
short distance from this place, who bad
found it in tho road between Mr. K.'s
residence and his lumber yard in Xoith
"Ingorfioll Unmasked," is tlio namo
of a pamphlet before us. gotten up by
0110 Clark JJradon. We have road it.
Mr. Mraden abuses Ingorsoll with all
tho vehemence of an ill-bred black
guard, but he doesn't "unmask" any
thing, and .scarcely attempts to answer
any of tho gieat infidel's aigunionts.
Anybody could write a lot of bosh and
name it "Ingersoll Unmasked," so as
to dupe anxio'is and innocent church
people out of thoir money, but it will
take a smaiter man, than Clark Braden
to cope with Ingersoll.
No one can succrsstully 'deny but
that fJod who ereatod the world in
teuded anil plainly said woman
the weaker vessel, and iiiiin aIiomUI hiIq
over her. 'eminseh Torchlight,
O, got out, Al yon must bo hard
pushed to call on tho HIblo to help you
out. It's not fair, either. If we aro
to leave tho question to tlio word of
the Loid, wh) of course we givo it up,
.James Patterson, tho catcher of tho
Plattsiuouth nine, met with a bad ac
cident in tlio ball gamo tho Fourth, tho
ball striking his middle finger on tho
left hand breaking it completely off,
so the bono protruded through tho skin,
It was a bad accident, and Jim will
carry his hand very carefully for some
time to come. Plattsmouth Enter
prise. Don't Fail to -Read This!! .
Any party -wishing to purchase n
Beatty Organ or- Piano, I will furnish
them any stylo dcsiied, less tho transportation-
to" any railroad station in
Nebraska. Address G. M. Bahjus,
Auburn, Tecumseh, or Beatrice.
'." Take
Your old Iron, rags, copper and brass
to B. O. AVhitlomoro's, in Brownville.
IIo'll buy 'em.
will givo you
Undo Sam's Nerve and Uono Lini
ment is for mail and boast and is a
balm for oyery wound. Seld by all
druggists. 6
A Delightful Novelty.
Ladios prefer Floreston Oologno be
causo they llnd this lasting combina
tion of exquisite porf nines a delightful
Children havo health and mothers
rest when Dr. WlnchoH's Teething
Syrup is used. It produces natural
sleep, roulates tho bowels, cures dys
entery and diarrluu'i arising from tocth-
liiif -i ntlwii- ixiiiuiiq. Slllll llV 'ill lll'llir.
.li;- ..J- 11- ... . .. ttrtfflii ! f?
yiaia ill -. uuinn n uwnnv. 1
in 1 mini t ii
When horses and cattle are spiritless,
scraggv and feeble thtiy need treatment
with Uncle Sam's Condition Powder.
It purifies tho blood, improves tho ap
petite, cures colds, and distemper, in
vigorates tho system and will keep the
animal in a healthy, handsome condi
tion. 4
Any person with a cough cold, or
any bronchial coinplaint or even in the
first stage of consumption will be re
lieved and cured by Eilert's Extract of
Tar and Wild Cherry. It is especially
prepared for Hronohial complaints.
Thousands wco havo tried it now live
to U'Htiy of its merits givo it an im
mediate trial you will be surprised at
tho result. 0 -
Liver, Kidnoy and Bright's Disaeso.
A medicine that destroys the germ
or cause of Bright's Disease, diabetes,
kidney and liver complaints, and has
power to root them out of the system,
is above all price. Such a medicine is
Hop Bitters, and positive 'proof of tilit
can bo found by one trial, or by asking
your uolghbors, who have been cured
W it.,
Worth Eemoniborin
Now that good times are again upon
us, it is worth remembering that 11
one can enjoy the pleasanteat surround
ings if in bail health. There are hun
dreds of miserable people going about
to-day with disordered stomach, livei
or kidneys, when a bottle of Parker's
I (iinger Tonic would do thorn more good
than all tho medicines niey nave over
will sell you a piano
organ from
25 to $100 Jess, tl
at traveling
agent. Hcasous w
no citj
;&v J'l'' wi,wf''4iP (l '"yPn "k'lt
1 support uiy iiuiuiy iroin my, num.
Address, ,I.H. Dyi:,
Nemaha City, Neb.
Mrs. E.Monahan, of Marysville.Mo.,
will bo at North Auburn on the
17th and 18th days of .July, when
she will- bo propaied to treat all
forms of eye diseases. Her treatment
is a permanent euro lor granulated eye
lids and all forms of ipliamimition of
the eyes. C01110 and sco her.
Will bo at Nemaha City on tho 10th.
Mrs. Mouaiiiiu will also bo in Brown
villo on tholfithof each month.
Surgical operations will bo perform
ed by Dr. 1). C. Wilson, of Maryvillo.
Two Monsters,
To tho Kdltor of Thk AnviatTisint:
Slit: As 1 was coming to town on the
morning of the 3th, I espied two terri
ble looking monsters, throe miles west
of Auburn, and being of a nervous dis
position, L shunned them for a while,
but upon closer inspection thoy proved
to bo two of tho mammoth air-ships
sent up on tho night of tlio Fourth.
But pirates had boarded them and
there was not a living soul left ol all
the bravp crew to tell tlio sad tale. No
more till next Fourth. C. B. B.
Amorican Nowspapors in 1082.
Geo. P. Howell it Co.'s American
Newspaper Directory for 18S2, contains
tho names of 10,011 periodicals in the
United States and Te;-ritories, which
is a gain of ;M1 in tho year just passed.
The number of daily papors has in
creased hi a somewhat larger propor
tion, and is now represented by a total
of noo against 021 in 1881.' Tho largest
iilcreaso has boon in Now York 10
fdalies, 29 of all sorts. Illinois and
Missouri show a porcontago of gain
which is ovon groator, while Colorado
leads all othors in tho porcontago of in-
crease, both of daily and weekly is
sues. California, Nebraska, Nevada,
Oregon, South Carolina, Tonnesseo,
Vermont, and West Virginia have
fallen behind 1881 in tho total number
of periodicals issued. It Georgia,
Maine and Massachusetts tho suspen
sions have exactly counterbalanced" tho
'now ventures. In every stato not men
tioned above, and in the Territories,
thoro has been an increase.
Screen wire at Willing Bros, & Jor
Xickell, the druggist,
bargains in tea.
J1. Hi. BITE!
nana n
NOTICEIs hereby clvon Hint by vlrtuo of
an order of milo hsued out of tho Din
trlot Court of Noiniilia county, Nnbrmtlcn,
ami to mmUrcoicil us sticrltr of enld county
upon 11 dcoruo mul Judgment rendered by
siilil court, 111 u 0110 whonilit Wnrren O, Mo.
Cluro Mil pliitutltr, Hhd tlio Htnli) Hunk of
llrownvlllo vii defendant, 1 will otrvr for
suit) ut public miction nl the doorof theoourt
homo In Urowiivlllo, In nttl county, u
Saturday, July SOlli, 18S2,
nt one o'clock In Mioiitternomi, lli following
ik'hcillii-d hind lo-ull: LotM Illiccii I5J mid
Nlxtcen tuj. In block twonty-four Ul.j uml
lot fourteen III, In blook twunly-two, In Mm
city or Urownville, together with nil tin.
rtrovemontinnil privilege, thnreto IkMoiiic
ln tukeu on snld order of snlo ns tho prop.
prtyof tho Htnto Hunk of llrownvllli-, No.
Terms of mitn pnsli.
Dnlud this loth ilny of June, A. 1). 12.,
' O. V TATK, Hnerlir,
Lobs of Appotlto, Bowols contlvo, Pain in
tho Ilond. with a dull nonnntlon in tho
bnok part. Tain under tho Bhoulder
blado, fullnosn nftor oatinc, with n disin
clination to oxortlon of body or mind,
Irritability of tompor. Low spirits, with
a fooltuft of hnviUR nogloctod some duty,
WearluosH, Diezinons, Fluttorlng nt tho
Hoart, Dots boforo tho oyos, Yollow bkln,
Hoadnoho generally over tho rlrjht oyo,
llostlossnoss, with fitful dreams, highly
colored Urino, and
such riiHoi, 0110 done olloctn mieh 11 cliiui;o
of feidlnn ns to nntonlNli tho Hiifleror.
They Inrrenso tin Aiictlte, ntul enue the
body to Tuko mi I'leali, thus tlin nystcm U
tiourlsliiMl. uml liy tlielr Tiitiln Artlnn oil tlio
DlKetlvo Orirmis, Iteixiilnr Nlonl lire tiro
iluuuil. l'rl co -M vents. :u .llnrrny .St., N. Y.
Okay IlAinon Wiiiskkiis clinnced toaOtossv
1II.ACK by n MtiKluiirillcntlnii or tills Dyi:. It Im
part a untuml color, nets Inntnntnliooiiiily. Sotil
by Druggists, or nont by cxprcis on receipt of (1.
orncr, ns siiiiikay st., new voitii.
(Dr. TtTTS MlM'tlj of Vlimhl. tntbrntllan nj
Citrul lUcflpU nlllb milled tfiEC oa pplltttloa.
JlEzJbw. A certain enro for Norvoua
T'ii&Piy Dobhlty, Seminal Woak
.Vir noss, Impotence, otc.
Xho Hocipesusud in .-j Ymctlco for 25 Years
nil nullltibtriitedbookofttiipnpod irlMni; full dl-lUonBforMr-trntiiiPTit
sjontfroo. Address
-U.T. WILLIAMS, 4 t. fi ulcr St.. llilwaot n. Wbl
.--juu sua u.i, 'fn.'ccwrga
r. fT' 1 . - .
Tssa mm
f v3'
uJ Ut
Solid Welded Anglo Iron Pramo.
f:" Ar;o burglar
mmisr kw .tiMUM xin 11 mm-mtmm 1 u
wo. Wa Morris,
trMtrui 111 nniiiiiiiiiiTrriywMwiMww 1
Vice-President and Gcn'l Western Affcnt,
57 STATE ST.. Chicago, .
ara7BS:TAVK'".,9"r virv'"-"!
The I!m(. Clenncst ond
most Economical llairl
Never ras o Kenon
the youthful color to grey
hair. 50c and $1
Floreston Cologne.
Aniwii'l eiMillnlf fr-
punt nj Uitloj r(,
i'rice 21 ua "
A Pure Family Medicine that Never Intoxicate.
If von are a mr chanic or farmer, worn out with j
I overwork, or a motner run oown oy i.-imuy ornouw
hold duties try Pakkku s Gikcbk Ionic.
If von nra a lawyer, minister or hunnes man ex.
Iiiusteil bv mental strain or anxious cares do not
1 . . .. . - ... ....I
stimulants, uui usa i-arkuh b i
If you have Dyspernia. Rheumatism, Kidney or I
I Urinary Complaints, or if you are troubled with any
1 disorder 01 tne iimgs.Momacii uowci, diooh or if
I Von can ba cured by Paiikfh's Gingkr Tonic
If von are wastinE awav from ace. dissipation or
I any diseast or weakness and rciiuire a stimulant take I
l' ... .-- ;. '11 . 1 1.. ..1.1 1
1 uinukk iunil; iu uin-c; 11 win iuvi);iiraic iiiu uunu
you up from the first dose but will never intoxicate,
It has saved hundreds of lives it may savo yours.
IIISCOX A CO.. MJ Wllllna SI.. Viw Yk. I0. n4
I OB JoIIm ilut, al II Jln In niMllrta
Will mnll FJtKK tliolr Ciila
Iokuo for 188'J, contaliiliiK is
full iloMcrlptho l'rluo.-I.lst of
1'lowor, l'lold mill ClurdoJi
sssssBsssI IssssssV bsflP
lilllllK, OrilllllKllltlll (al'USHOfl,
uml InuiiortolliiH, GlmllpluH,
T.IIIph, KiihOH, VlimtM, Olirilou
InutliiliioptH, Moiiiitlfully llliii
179-183 East Main St, 200-206 Randolph St
ff-SK H R
WW m
rtLi.v x r-w a n rr-j ww tmt
..:- . -?aai
t.Pl.lll 1WI1
?j;S fflSk
7"Tnriri7vr ,
B. i M. R. R. R.
Uxinune m.ip ami timetables carefully. It will
be seen that thii line connects with C, II.
.V ( R. R.j In fact they ate under
one management, .nJ taken to
gcther torm what it called the
Chicago, St. Louis.Peoria,
Dos Moinos, Eook Island,
Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana,
Illinois, Michigan, Ohio.
Through Coaclits from Nebraska to destination
on C, II. (c O R. R. Nu transfer!) changes
Irom C, II. & OR, R, to connucting
lilies all nude in Union Depots.
AT '
I'pon nppllcntloii nt imy Nlnllonontlift roml,
Anynts lire nlho picpiiu'il to elicclc ImnKMut)
HiniUHli'. ylvo jill liiiormiilloii u lit iii(ih,
rdiilCM, lliiig, couum-t Idiih, ii., ntul to hochio
-"loi'pliiK oiir urcoiiuiiiiiliitliinH.
Anil nil pnlntH In Colormlo. Thin t'XIjjifSlnn
ih i'iiiiiiiU'IkI uml lowly for IiiihIiii'nv, mill tlios W)
ptilillu cull iMiJoy nil Mm nilvmitniti'H itl -iv
iimiiiKii lino to uunvor niKi uiiuinun nu 1111
dor 0110 iiiiiimiji'iiii-iit. P. 11. 1-HIHTIH,
Uuii'lTlvlcet Aut.,
Omaha, Nun.
ANTK1), AkpiiIh. Hlnrtllnu nu tlio
imui'H ol Mimniimi finni tlio low-Nt
ilnplliHiit nlnvi'ry lo 11 poMltinn mnoiiK tlin
llrnt In I Iip Intnl. "Llfo inul TIiiicm" of
wrlltmi liy lilnihellj 18 fiillpiiKollliiNtrntloiiH:
iilfi)$WU. OtitrlvulH ' Uni'loTom'H Ciilitn"
in tlirlllliiK '' romunllu InlorvHl, winli ilm
nilili'tl dim in Unit ovory wnnl Ih trim. A
itmrvi'lniiHHtory iiiohI itriiplilcnlly lolil uml
nl Kri'itt lilKiorll-ilt viiluu. TIiIh voliiuin will
liiM-iiKcrly noiikIiI for ly Mm liuinlrcilH of
MiotiNiuiilH wlm Imvo wnldicil tlio .ii'iiinrhn
liln uitrvor misl liuvo licon IIiiIIIimI Iiv IIiim-Io.
(liicncn of MiIh woiulorfiil innn. Tlio work
itlvi'smi nccoiuit ol ninny IiiIitvIowh wllli
proinliiivni iiiiin mill lmrrntcH ninny 111100
iIoIih rotininlnu Micm iiiilinowii lo Mii'Ki'li
f 1 nl piilillc. H nliounilH In innn) unuclul
lOIK'llCH tllltll Of M It mill l(lllPllfO.
' Ho Ih Hiidi 11 roinnrkiiblK mini Mint poniilo
"In- to rend nbnut him mid 110 wiUHU'r.''
Boston ConBrcgntlonnllHt.
"ltlHns u.Bpii'niKiiri u poem,,, Woiiiiui'h
tiiiiiiuutiT story Iiiih lii'on, or ovor will
ho, told." IloMion Advoillscr,
"It In 11 moroiiliKoihlnir tnlotlinn nny cii'ii
lion of llotlon." Troy (N. Y.)TIhh'm.
"DuNtlneilton wldoHiile." Iliiitfinil Coiir
"Tlio wlioln story Is dxcpoiIIiikI)' wiiII lolil."
KorhcHtrr IH-iiioitiiI. Adtlrohs .1. H. fioon
MAN & Co., Clilt-nito, 111,
Logal Notice.
To Francis M. Richards, Samuel Dally, R. T,
Daily, Morrison.
Vou are herrb) notilicil that I am the ownur
of a treasurer's certificate of sale No. 1 231, of
the following descrihrd real estate to-wit; I'atC
of the southeast uuaiterof section six, tiiwmhip
six, north of range fifteen eajt, containing fifty
acres situated in the northeast corner of said sec
turn, in Nemaha county and Stato of NebraskJ,
and taxed in thy names of I'rancis M. Richards,
Samuel Duly, R, T. Daily, Morrison,
other name unknown. On the 5th of D-eeeni-bcr,
1879, said lands were sold for thu delinquent
taxes ot iSfio, 1871 lo 1878 and jears interven
ing said dates, amounting to one hundred anil
cwent)-lie and 34-100 dollars, and has paid tip
the taxes to date. And that the time for re
demption will expire on said property uboie de-
scribi-d on the 18th day ot September insa, at
which tune the undersigned will apply foi a. tax.
deed. Dr. John K. Nml.
Owner of &aid certificate by Osborn U Taylur,
his agents. &w4
ttat. TiTmnfiPTi a '04
(A aiudlcliiDr ' ,v l,1,')
hops, nrnir, .iianimwkk,
AKtirnrPnn-'i " '"""' ,,i'i"',iQ'"'
II. uf AW. nrilMlU
All nir i"')f Ilii'Stnnindi, Onv.-K Unni, ii
uiuu, 1 . ,.i.'"i iMwICUjIi, VI
1 UlllUlD UUIj la.... f
Will br 1'iUl f'T 'i cac tin v v.'l no. nir-i or tf
1 ii..oriur ' ''I'll' I '-u'jrU'VWUS hi
' ' ' iu mil 1 1 1 .11. "I
Ak your tlrns's--''-' .rr H(
I ..Kit in; ovill'l.
j I I . - for
I) I ( l nn 11
IJlUllKu" "
u, 0
l.ri'. 1 .
Fk.s' ! 1 ii'-i-iali,
AM .) 1 '1J I v !' t-l
l p Ultt r SI I
(iciuo In llrowiivlllo, or Nemnlf
L uihpc. m norii 1 no uwi ii'iiturjni ihu i
. iiiui II'IW
vAi. I cu
jxr t. hiii4)iuiuiii.i.l wi
r inasasHrm