cirmhii gdveriincr. 0. W. rAIRBROTIIER. k 00 Proprietor-. fe ... i.m ;w T&wiMJAtoirxl Aunuiux. vm iH""" "i ALWAYS ONE AOAfo'JftoiIAIR. Thcro Is no Hook, howovor wntchod and toiidcd, Hut ono rirnil lutntt In thcro; TIktoIh no llroslflo, JiowHoo'or dof cndort, Jiut hnM ono vacant filiulr.j ( t Tlio nlris full of farowolltt to tho ilylnff,- aiki mournmtfn wr mo uomii; Tim heart of ItiiolioK for her children crying, Will not lm coinfortod. i Lot ns ho pidlontl Thrflo nnvoro iillllctiona Not from tho kioiukI nrlHo, Jilt t onoiilliuoH rolotlnl lxnoillutlnnn . Ahiiiiiio thin (lilrk 1IhkiiIko. Wo hoo lint dimly through tho mints and vn iMirH, I Amid lliuio ninthly rintnpn, "Wlnil Kuiiiii tmt mid, hinoronl tnporfl, May ho Huiivcn'MlHluut Jumps. Thnro Is no ilonllil Whnt poems -.6 I trnnfll , tlpn: , " i. Thlriilronf inmtilltirfiith In hut nmilmrliof thollfoKlyflliin - ' Whoso portnJ wo oull ilonth. Lonufdlow. Till LMKIVS SECRET, By B. Ii, Ptirjoon, Author of "Broad, OhouHu and KIrhoh," ClUl'TKIt III.-Contimii:i). ""Heilry, Hqiiry!" she exclaimed, " Mr. Dalton, Wluil, in Hoiivoii's niuno, duos UiIh mean?" "Nrithbig Hint in the lonsL ctxti ufl'ecL you, Ellinor. A business disagreement between tuyriolf mid Ml. . Margrave; nothing morel" ' , Ilirt wife looks nwtiy from liitn, scorn fully, nnd lurnlng to Hornco Margravo, roslH Iter hnhd on fho scroll-work nt tho buck of tbo cliulr in which ho is soiled. H'is so small tin notion in itsolf; but it says, its plainly as w'drds could over speak It Is ho whom I trust in splto of you, In splto of tho world." It is not lost on llonry Diilton, who looks n grave, reproachful glance, and says: j'1" " Under theso circumstances, then,' Mr. Margrave" "1 had no right tccomo horo. Grunted .until should not havo como, but1- Ihy'hosltalod a moniont, nnil Ellinor interrupted him"- " I wrote to my guurdlun, requesting him to call on mo. Mr. Diilton, what is tho moaning of thisP What mystery doos all this coucealP Am 1 to see my best and oldost friond insulted in my own house P" " A married woman hns no friend but hor husband; and I may not choose to rccoivo Mr. Margravo as u visitor in our hotiso," Henry Dultoii says, coldly and grtivoly. "You shall not bo troubled any longer witli Horaco Murgravo's Boaiotyf Mr. Dalton." Tho lawyer rises as ho sponks, mid walks slowly to tho door. 41 Good-morning." Ho litis his liund upon tho look, when ho turns, and, with u tono of suppresod emotion in Ids voico, says to Mrs. Diilton; " Ellinor, shako hands with mo." Sho oxtondod both hor hands to him. Ho catches thorn in Ids, bonds his dark head ovor them for a moniont, a9 ho holds them in his grasp, and then says: "Forgive mo, Ellinor, and fnrowolll" llo is gone. She rushes out on tho landing-place,, nnd cries after him: "Mr. Margruyo, guardian; Horaco, come back if only for ono moniont, como back!' Hor husbnnd follows her, and catch ing hor slpndor wrist in his strong hand leads hor into tho drawing-room. " Ellinor Dulton, ohooso botwoon that . man and mo. Seek to renew your no quaiuluneo with liim, or hold any com munication whatever with liim, that doos not pass through My , hands, and wo part forever!" Stio falls sobbing Into hor olinir. "My only frioni," sho cries; ' my only, only friond, and to bo parted from him thus!" ' Her husbnnd stands at ulUtlo distance from hor, earnestly, sadly watching her, ns sho gives passionate vent to hor wild outburst of emotion. "What wretchedness! what utter wrotohodnossl" ho says aloud. "And no liopo of a termination to it, no chanco ol an end to our misery!" CUAiTlilt IV. HOHACi: MAW1I1AVH AX UAUHyiN C0UI1T. Henry Dalton prospered in his beloved profession. Gray-headed ,old Judges talked ovor their nftcr-dinuorport of tho wonderful ucumon displayed by tho young barrister in tho most important and dillleult'oakos. One;, jtwo.f th'reo years passed away, nnd tho namo of billion began to bo ono of mark upon tho Northern circuit. Tho dawn ofton nu tiua ijiiiifiiifjjUiu rjiifitu Ml I 111 llll v IVB' somblyl or listouing to tho vapid plati Hides oi ono qijnornumorous nainii'Qrs nnd silent adororst With Ellinor Dal ton, to bo unbnppy wus to be reckless. Hers was that imimlsivo and emotional nature,- whiohyicannotAbroodupon itst griofs Jiiu thaJquiofbiroloof tvHolltary Jiomo. blio eonsiiloreil liorsolf wronged by hor husband's, parsimony, still more deoply wronged nnd sho sought in eu iy ins com roservo, sought in tlio gayest circles of fashionable London for the pcaoo which bad never dwelt at her cold ami desortod hearth. " His profession is all in all to him,!' sho said; " but tlioro is at least tho world left for mo; and, if 1 cannot be lovod, I will prove to him that, at any rnto, I can bo admired." At many of tho houses in'o was a constant visitor, Horace Margrave was also a familiar guest. "The fashion1 found him working in his chambers in Pupor Uirild)iigs,tvbtlulii3 hifutlsbmq ablo and wealthy bachelor lawyer was siiro of a wolcorao wherever mamma had daughters to marry or papu-monoy to Invest or mortgSgos to effect. To her old guardian EHlnor's mahnor never uudciwcut tho slightest shado of a clningd; "You may rcfuso to admit him horo; you may foroid my corrcspondcnco with him. I acknowledge tho right you ox erciso so harshly," she would say to hor husband, "but you cannot shako my faith in my dead father'! friend. You cannot control my sonllriionts toward tho guardian of my childhood." Hut by degrees sho found that Horaco Margravo was to bo scon leflq frequently every day lit those houses in which ho visited; it was growing a rare tiling now for her to sco tho dark, handsomo head proudly overtopping' tho crowd in Which the lawyer mingled; and oven whdn sh6 did meet him, though his voico had still ils old gentleness, there was a tacit iivoldanco of her in his manner, which ollbctually checked tiny confidence be tween thoni. This wus for tlio lirst two years after hor milrringo; in tho third sho heard neoidentiilly that Ilonlco Margravo was traveling in Switzerland, and hud left tho entire management of his very extensive business to Jiis Junior partner. In tho autumn of the third year from that of hor marriage, Ellinor was stay ing with her husband at tho country house of his friond, Sir Lionel Haldwin. Since that day on which tho scene with Horace Margrave had taken place in tho littlo drawing-room in Hertford street Ellinor Dalton and her husband hud had no explanation whatever. On that day, tho young man had fallen on his knees at tho feet of his sobbing wife, and had, most earnestly, implored her to believp in his faith and honor, and to boliovo that, in everything ho did, he had a mo live so strong anil .so disinterested, as to warrant his actions. Ho begged hor to believe, also, that tlio marriage, on his part, had bci'ii wholly a love-match, that ho had been actuated by no mer cenary considerations whatever; and that it he now withhold tho monoy to which, In all appearance, she had so good a right, it was because it was not in his power to' lavish it Upon her. Hut ho implored in vain. Prejudiced against him from tho very first, sho had only trusted him for a brief poriod, to doubt him more completely than ever at the first suspicion that suggested itsolf. Wounded in hor nfVoetion lor another an affection whoso strength, perhaps, sho scarcely dared to whispor toiler own soul her tooling for Henry Dalton be came ono almost bordering on avorsion. His simple, practical good senso; his plain, unpolished manners; his persever ing, energetic and untiring pursuit of n vocation for which sho had 116 sym pathy all these jarred upon her ro mantic and enthusiastic temperament, aim niinueu nor to his actual merits. Tho world, which always contrives to know everything, vory soon mndoJlsejK completely acqunjutcil with tho flteMc trio conditions ofTOr; AVdolrfTwlflfiind tho circumstances of Henry Datum's marriage It was known to bo amarriago of con venience, and not of affectiotA Ho was a vory lucky follow, and sho was vory much to bo pitied. This was tlio gener al opinion, which EHlnor's palpable in difference to hor husband wont strongly to confirm. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton had been stay ing for a week at Haldwin Court, when tho young barrister was compelled, by his professional pursuits, to leave his wife for a fow days under tho protection of his old friends, Sir Lionel and Lady Haldwin. " You will bo vory lumpy horo, dear Ellinor," ho said, "tho house is full of pleasant people, nnd you know how groat a favorite you tiro with our host and hostess. You will not miss mo," ho added, with usigh.i as ho U)pkod at hor indifferent fare. ' "Miss you! Oh, pray dp not alarm yourself, Mr. Dalton! J am not so u$od to usurp' your tlmo or attention. 1 know whore your professional duties uro coneorncd, how small a considera tion 1 am to you." "1 Bhduld not work hard were I not compelled to do so, Ellinor," ho said, with a shade of reproach visiblo m his voico. ' " My dear Mr. Dalton," sho answered, coldly, "1 havo no taste for mysteries. You tiro perfectly free to pursuo your own course " So they parted. Sho bade him adieu with as much well-bred indifference as if he had been her jeweler or her haber dasher. As tho light little phaeton drove him off to tho railway station, ho looked up at tho chiut.-curtained win dows of his wifo's apartments, and said to himself: "How longis this to ondure, I wonder? this unmerited wretched ness, this most qruol misconception!" Tho morning after llonry DiiUqu's departure, as Sir Lionol Haldwin, seat jod at breakfast, opened the letter-bag, 'h'qjjxcluimed, with a tono of mingled surpriso and pleasuro: "So tho wander er has returned! At the very bottom of tho bag I can see Horaco Margravo's dashing superscription. Ho has re turned to England, thon!" llo handed his visitors their letters. and then oponod Ms own, reserving tho lawyer's epistle till tho last, . "This Is delightful! Horace will bo down hero to-night." '" " Ellinor Dalton's cheeks grow palo at tlio announcement; for tho mysterious feud between hor guardian and her hus band llashgd upon hor mind. Sho would meot him hero, thon, alone Now, or novor, might sho loarn this se cretthis soorot which, no doubt, in volved some moannoss on tho part of Heury Dalton, the apothecary's son. , ' ' "'Margrave will bo an immense acqui. sition to our party will ho not, gontlo iiionP" asked Sir Lionol. An acquisition! Well, really now, I don't know about that," drawled a young Government clerk from White hall. ''Do you know, S'Lionel" fall tho young men under Government called tho old Huro;iclS'Lionol,.any other pro nunciation o"f his nnmo and title involv ing a degreo of exertion beyond their physical powers,) "do you know, it's my opinion, S'Llonol, that Hornco Mar gravo is used up. I met him at tit whut-you-muy-call it ltousseau and Gibbon, Child, Harold and tho Nou vollo Heloj80. You know tho place," ho said, vaguely: "somowhoro In Switz erland, in snort, lust July, nnd I never saw a man so altered in my life" "Altored!" exclaimed tho Haronot. Ellinor Dalton's f(fcc'groWpnlcrtstUI: J "Yes, 'pon my honor, S'Lionel1.' Very much altered, indood. You don't think ho over committed n murder, or any thing of that kind do you?" said tho ,young man, oilcctlvely, asjio -drow, ovor a basin olid deliberately .dropped four or five lunjps of sugar into his cof 'fco; " because uon my fhon6r, ho looked like that sort of thing." "My dear Fied, don't bo a fool. Looked like what sort of thing?" "You know;, a guilty .conscience, Lara, MniuYGd.' Tfoulinderstand. 'Upon my Word;" added tho youthful official, looking round with a' languid laugh, "ho had such a Wandering Jcw-isli and tiltra-Hyronic apperanco when L met him suddqnlyTi'raongJsoiiie verynmcom-' fortablo lciiul of oliiotno-lithogruphio mountain scenery, that I asked him if ho had an appointment with the Witch of the Alps, or any of those sort of peo ple?" One or two country visitors tried to laugh,- butf .couldii't; and tho 'guests front town onlyyjtared, as the young man looked round tho table Ellinor Dalton never took hor eyes from his face, but scorned to wait anxiously for any thing ho might say next. "Perhaps Margravo has been ill," said tho old Haronet; " ho told mo, when ho went to. Switzerland, .that- he was leaving' Enghrrill because her& quired change ol air and scene." "111!"' sahl tho Government clerk. " Ah, to bo sure; I never thought of that. Ho might havo been ill. It's dif ficult, sometimes, to draw tho lino be tween a guilty1 conscicnco and tho'.ltve'r complaint. Perhaps it was only '"his liver, after all. Hut you don't think," ho said, appealing, returning to his original idea, "yon don't think ho has committed a murder and buried tho body in Vcrulam Huildings do you? That would account for. his going to Switzerland, you kno". -Jy couldn't possibly stop Vlthjfi6 body could " You'd bettor ask him tho question yourself, Fred," said Sir Lionel, Jaugh mg; "if everybody had as good a con science as Horace Margravo, tho world would bo bettor honorable men cd follow; Pvij He's a plomow: i Atuaw-uipTiPrrwiu a"v militnry manHIiis month full of but tered toast aiHiiichovy paste. "And a first-rato billiard player," addetl his next neighbor, busy carving a hum. "And ono of tho clovorcst men in tho law," said n grave old gontloman, scn tcntiously. ' Extremely handsomo," faltered ono young lady. "And thon, how accomplished!" ven tured another. "Then you don't think, roally now, that ho has committed ft murder, and buried tlio body in his chambors? ' asked tho Whitehall omployo, putting tho question to tho company gonorally. In tho dusk of that autumnal ovon ing, Ellinor Dalton sat ulono in a, tiny drawing-room leading out of tho great saloon, which was a long room, with six windows, and two fire-places, npd with a groat many vory indifferent pict ures in oxtromely linmlsomo frames. This tiny drawing-room was a favorito retreat of Ellinor's. It was luxuriously furnished, and it communicated, by a half-glass' door shrouded by heavy amber damask curtains, with a largo Conservatory, which opened on tho terraco walk that ran along ouo sido of the house Hero she satin tho. dusky light, pensive rind thoughtful, on tho evening after her husband's departure Tho gontlomen were all in the billiard room, hard at work with tho balls and cues, trying to settle somo disputod wager boforo the half-hour boll rang U) summon them to their dressing rooms. The ladies wore already at their toilettes; and Ellinor, who had dressed earlier than usual, was quite alone It was too dark for hor to road or work, and sho was too weary and listless to ring tor lamps; so she sat with her hands lying idly in her lap, pondering upon wnac nau ueen said at tlio break fast table of her sometime guardian, Horace Margrave Suddenly a footstep behind hor, fall ing softly on tho thick carpet, roused her from her rovorie, andho looked up with a startled glance at tho glass oyer tho low ohlnmoy-pieco. ' . Jn tho dim firelight sho saw, rollootod in tho Shadowy depths of tho mirror, tho haggard and nltorod faco of her guardian, Horaco Margrave Ho woro a loose, hoavy groat-coat, and had his hat in his hand. He had evidently only lust arrived. Ho drew back on seeing Ellinor; but, as sho turned round to speak to him, tlio firelight bohind her left hor faco in tho shadow, and ho did not recognize hor. "I bog your pardon," ho said, "for disturbing you. I havo been looking ovorywhoro for Sir Lionel." "Mr. Margravo! Don't you know mo? It is 1 Ellinor!" His hat fell from his slondor hand, and ho leaned against a high-back easy chair for support. " Ellinor Mrs. Dalton you here! I I heard you woro in Paris, or I should nover that is J Forho iirst time in hor Ufo Ellinor Daltomsaw Horaco Margravo so agitated that tlio stony mask of elegant indiffer ence and gentlemanly sangfroid, which ho ,ordinurilymvoro, eniiroly dropped away, and left, oim himself. " Mr. Margrave, sho said, anxiously, "you aro annoyed nt seeing mo here. Oh, how altered you aro! Thoy were right in what thoy said this morning. You are, indeed, altered. You must havo boon very ill." ?!) ISUIUS III" ' '..t.t.i . a - vck j ."jrcs;Xhave.had.ratlier a sovoro at tack fovoV exhaustion. Tho doctors, in fact, wore so puzzled as to wljat they shouldjcall my illness that they actually tried "to persuade me that I had neryes. like aoung lady who hal boon jilted by aTJifc-guardsman,-or Iforbiddon -by her parents to marrv ft country curato 'with sovonty pounds por annum, and tnroe duties every Sunday. "A nervous lawyer! My dear Mrs. Dalton, can you imagine anything so absurd? Sir James Clarke, however, insisted on my pack ing my p.cfrtnfn'ifU'au.jand sotting off for Afntlrit, ltlimirir sArfinfhlmr'nf llinf. lrin1. and I, being heartily tireofof tho Courts, of Probatd'.aud' 'Chanficry,' audTofulam. Tlllilllinrva ril.dt.'u f.iti iitna sm1i. ltn. n.1n.l uuiiuiiin, vji.vj a nii, iiiuuij mu t,"lTr to follow his advice, and tako my rail way ticket for Gonova." , "And Switzerland )uis restored you ?" " In a measure norhans: but hot on- tlrely.r You can so6thut I Urn not, fctf vory strong, when even the' pleasing emotion or .meeting unexpectedly with my sometime ward is almost too much for'iny. ultra-ladyliko nerves. ",Btit you were saying, 'my dfear'Mrs. Daltdn, that thoy had been talking of mo Jioro." , ( "Oil, at tlio breakfast-table this morn ing. When your visit vas announced, one of tho gentlemen saidlhe had met 'von in SwitzorlriifH, 'and? that you woro' looking ni-unbapiy " , "UnhiippyT fAh.finyfdoar Mrs.Dali ton.jfwhat nimisfdrturio it is for a man to havo a constitutional pallor, and a'head of dark hair! The world will insist Upon elevating him into a blighted be ing, with a chronic wolf hard at work under his waistcoat. 1 use myself un bv working too hard ovor a difficult will J cose, in which somo tiresomo old man loaves his youngest son forty tlfbusand pounds upon half "a sheet of noto-'naner: and the world, meeting mo, in Switzer land, traveling to recruit, myself i comes' homo and writes mo down unhappy! Now, isn't it too badP If I were blessed with red hair and, a fat faco, I might break my heart once in three.months without any of my sympathetic (friends troubling themselves about tho fract ure." My dear Mr. Margravo," said Elli- tior voico, in spito of horsoJf, troin-fcfciWJo-nV'kiam- really now quito amwimarried woman; and, presuming on that fact, may vonturo to speak to you with entiro candor, may I notP" "With entiro candor, certainly." There is tlio old shiver in tho dark eye lashes, and tho whito lids droop over tho handsomo brown oyes, as Horace Mar gravo looks down at tho hat which f.wings backwards and forwards in his listless hand. " Thon, Mr. Margrave, my dear guard ian, for I will I will call you by that old namo, which I can romombor speak ing for tho very first time on the day of my poor father's funeral. Oh!" sho added, passionately, "how well how well I remember that dreary, wretched, terrible day! I can sco you now, as I saw you then, standing in tho dcop em brasure of tho window in tho little library, in tho dear, dear Scottish homo, looking down at mo so compassionately,1? witli dark, mournful oyes. 1 was suo'lf a child then. I caifhcar your low, dcop yoico, as I heard it on that day, sayin" to mo: "Ellinor, your dead father has placod a solemn trust iiu my hands. I am young. I may not bo as good or ns high-minded a man as, to his confiding mind, il'Yecmod ,to bo; thorcniay'bo something of constitutional' weakness and irresolution in my character, wliich may render mo, perhaps, by no means the fittest person lie could havo chosen for your guardian; but so deoply do I feel tho trust implied in his dying words, that I swonr, by my hope in lleaven, by my memory ot .the dead, by my honor as a man and a gentleman, to dischargo tho responsibilities imposed upon mo, ns tin honest mnnandnuj honorable, gentleman shonld.disohargoUhem!'" ' "Ellinor! Ellinor! for pity's sake!" ho cried, in a brokou voico, clasping ono white hand convulsively over lus avert ed faco. , , "I do wrong," sho said, "to recalF that molunchojy day. You did -you did dischargo every duty, nobly, honestly, honorably; but now now you abandon me entirely io tho lusbnud, not of my choice, but imposod upon mo by a hard and cruel necessity,, and you 'do till, in your power 6 make us strangers. Yef, guardian Horace you are not happy!" "Not happy!" Ho raises' his head, and laughs bitterly. "My dear Mrs. Dalton, fthis'ii such childish talk about" happiness anil unhappincss two words wliich aro only used in a ladv's novel. in which tbohcroiuois'unhappy through hyu youinius ami- lureu-quariors, aim unutterably blest in the last clmptor. In tho practical World W do'n'fc talk about happiness and unhappincss; our phrases are, failure and succoss. 'Armani gets the woolsack, arid he" is successful or ho tries for it all his lifo, and novor gets it and wo shrug our shoulders' andsay that ho is unfortunate But a happy man, my dear Ellinor did you over soo ono?" J "You mystify me Mr. Margravo; but you do not answer me" to ue continued. Horlico Margravo ijas himself again by this lime Ho picked up his hat,( and,"idroiminirrja.ilv into the easy-chair,! ti !. Tho Era of Tornadoes. Xt has been liborallyxprophesiod that the years 188,1, '82? jMtyind oven iinjp the year lm, wouldjb AcharaotorlzodJ by tho existenco of meteorological dis turonnccsf an unusual severity. That thcro has bo'en, within tho last two years, a very "exceptional era of storm, of extremes of heat and cold, and of other uncommon phenomena will not bo disputed. How far this condition arises from the position of Several great planets with roferonco to the sun will not bo defined by this journal, for tho reason that it would be an impertinence. f6r laymen to pass authoritatively on points concerning whiclutherc is :i; dif ference of opinion amongithe astronom ical profession, it is, Jiowever, to ue said in favor of ono class of tho ItittSr that thoy announced some three years ago that this phmof would bo visited by exceptional storms; and i only remains to completo- their triumph that thoy should demonstrate that the "area of disturbance" iy5T sufficient dimensions to escape the charge of being no more than a local and an exceptional region wliich bears no cousiderablo,rolation to i mu wnuiu ui iiiurjiiuuuif vniuu,waa iujuu uucctcu. . Hut tho main consideration of the peo plo of tills country, and particularly thoo who liyointho.Wjjst; wlujro thjjs.0 dornadSesroTso f0?mj)nToccurroncoj is nol so much" as lowluitYiorllicso out- ,breaks aro caused by Urn coincidence of' . tho pcrihplla of several of the,, great planets, but as' to what are their lnm.e diato cause rind tho probability that something may bo done to control them, ofthoViu' their formation or their course It may seem to many good people npro suriiptuoiis inforToronco with the dqj.. -s signs of Providence .to suggest that ' something sjioiild bb done' 16 avert thdso calamities, as thov' look on them us punlshments.sent Uownlfor tho correc tion "of sinful men. Still, mankind has not 1 1 ineufiiireudcavormg to niitigatelho cas llanillotisfBeyeriUesofJ thesoj orran'f ov-M 'cIoiie3? Seiohco hns determined tficr , i ' . . t . . mr . - . origiu, tho birth-place, the feeding ground, so tp speak, of these destructive agencies; their course after having once grown to full dinienslfens-th'rftlsto say, tho general direction of tlioirmovement, ,their size, tljo sueodiof .their march, tho manner hi which thoy affect annihila tion of that whieli impedes their prog ress nil these facts are known. It would seem that wo,are n longway to 'wnrd fithlitigii remedy -for a dillioulty when wo have so thoroughly ..mustered ifs character. When it was finally set tled that the cholera hadaspeeilic'birth .pjace, that it always moved from that . point in a given direction, and at a measurable speed, the problem of 'how to deprivo it of its deadly qualities was more than three-fourths solved. ' i . It is said that watorspouts at sea may be shivered by the liring of heavy guns. Wo know that accumulated electricity may bo drawn off harmlessly by. tho use , of metallic conductors. In describing the movement of tho late cyclone which devastated Grinuell, ,it is said that tho serried ranks Sf tlfo storm moved inla (northeasterly direction till they crossed . hesitated tol invent and employ thorn ightning-rod; and iftwo can doJJiut jindf ivoWitf mav'lic tlutt we should bo iiisti-f mo traoK ot the railway, when thou course was changed to tho' southwest. Drowning men catch at straws was thqro anything in this iron railway -which induced this change of, direction, , , or which brought'tho 'whirling vortices of the disturbance, from tlio yippee air -4f till their ends trailed, on. tho t earth ? V i, Agnin, it is if fact worthy of noto that v these monstors rarely movo across a country without taking in their course some of tlio settled, places. Now, if it wcro the ease that'thcro is no'thing in a town to attract ono of Uieba6fial7catai. f . pults it would bo moro likely than not to miss striking a settled locality, for tho reason that' In nny State 'Ilko Iowa, the uresis occupied by tho towns is s,o small i compared with the unsettled portions that tho chance of a cycionestrking the former would bo almost ihfinitosiinnl. Who ever hears ot:rcclon6X ihnf-.Wnii! "I x Ifinos itsolf to tho open country? Tho last ono reported from Iowa diverged from its original course as if for tho ox press purpose of reaching the town which it destroyed. C'vclonos nrn not. sentient; they do not reason; thoy have no hatred tp gratify. If thoy change Hum- course across the 'open couritryso as to strike a town, it is for some reason or cause u hieh should be (within AlToH 0 J comprehension and, possibly tho' con trolof the scientist . ," J t If it-shall bJ tliat'tho investigations of scientific men can find no protection.,," against tho attacks of these atmospheric . bqimdrons; if they can discover no method by which their course c'aV bo di dried when it leads to a villao, thon it will be iieeouryjrorlpfoMc- con-Jl struct their houses sb jis ur isvXiii d,t., of tho dangers by wlueh they. aro now, so constantly menaced and' so often overthrown. Theio should bo under ground retreats constructed, whoso cov erings should present no opposiug.sur- face tcxltljojforcos of tho'fttdrinilJiirlnjr tho season of tho year wlu-n these aortal , maelstroms aro launched from the arid'' arsenals of tho dosort plains, a sdntinol should bo on watch night and day, and who, whon tlio convoluted masses arc ?cen qn .the horizon, shbuld signairtho i MIITlm.l. irt tlm .,..!.. (Ill V ...... v.. ,w inu jiuuuiw. u no pian, is a fcasiblo ono; the bost'of smli a hnfthod imttl.nii !... ii ' . "'V' hal '" '""-u na-i uiacuv lyun a lllUVOl preveutaiiNo, tho men and women of jnivno lii-n r!t;.wkii . i i wMa uy Uiiimuu UUU UUt, SlOOl). XV QV snip, marry, knowing that 'tlfnv An.r-3 . measurably scouro arrniiwK !.'' ir aro expected and most horrible death un- w " T -v- krtili .( ' . :T,,01 garablor's wifo rofors to her" ot protection would b,o snuill; - thdfdw f weeks during whl&iU VBffliyTnfty W C X expected Uirolknown and in ' f I t t Nb Jk fl V s O i uusuuim as nor Douorhaltt lQte i - l .I )