Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 06, 1882, Image 8

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    fMcteltK k&vttitett
q, w. MinnnoTHin, sr. d. w. rAtnBrtoTHsn, or,
tlth F. 8AHOCR8.
IJubIiiosh Hvoly.
Cut down the weeds.
And Guitutui wwi hung.
Dr. $. I). Arnold, of Urownville, v;ib
in tho city Sunday.
i - - -- -
)r. II. L. Aluttliowa, of London, paid
Auburn a visit Monday.
The prohibition amendment carried
in Iowa by ao,io7 majority.
A. J. Haldwin, harness maker, of
Numaha City, was in town Monday.
Henry Harmon, living ono milo east
of North Auburn, purchaucd a fine
spring Wagon Saturday.
Tho Optln is the name of a new pa
pi'r started at Unadllla, Otoo county,
by Ellsworth & Dutchur.
Tho crop of domagoguoH in tlie stato
appears to bo on tho increaHO. Ike.
And thu greatest of all of them is
E . Hosow.itcr.
A tax on money is adirect tax on tho
wages of labor, and la not a tax on tho
"rich" at all, because the ultimate use
of money is to pay the wages of labor.
Stato Journali
1). J. Wood, Notary Public and Heal
Kstilte Agent, reports hlB business
lively. lie has made a number of
transftrs of real estate during tho
past weak.
Wo understand a farmer by tho name
of Gottua, residing six miles north of
town, was struck by lightning last Sun
day. Ho was not fatally injured.
Possibly he was hit on account of his
name. Too much liko that of a fellow
recently choked to death at Washing
ton. As we sat alono in deep solitude
the other evening thinking how truly
wonderful woro thu works of (Jod, wo
wero.suddenly Interrupted In our med
itation by tho merry rippling of voldes
when there came by a party of young
folks and stopped near us and began a
whispered conversation. Wo know tlion
there was something going on, when
u young man said: "I'll go and bring
him, and when he asks you, you must
not give him the mitten." And tlioy
said, "No we won't." Tho young man
What's tho reason wo cannot havo a
larger attendance at our Sunday school ?
Surely our young men must think that
staying at home or lounging around on
the cornet-H whittling dry goods boxes
is hotter than going to Sunday school
and spending an hour in serving tho
Lord. Now, young men, cannot you
say within yourself that I will attend
and try to got others to go with me,
and by so doing you will help build up
our Sunday school. Lot us now boo
how many cm attend next Sunday and
say that I will bo on Lord's side.
On the 14th of this month the sub
scription tlmo of many of the original
subscribers to tho "Calvort Courier"
will expire, and wo solicit a renowal
from all. Thk Advkutiskk in taking
tho Courier's place came to do the
work tho Courier was started to do to
create and perpotunto the "boom" at
tho "center" and to speak for the poo
plo of the county generally in every
good work. Thk Advkutiskk will
over bo found true to this trust, and
all our friends are earnestly requested
to renow their subscriptions, pay up
delinquencies and stand by us.
The county superintendent has tnado
arrangements for an institute for the
purpose of instructing teachers on
methods of teaching, which will bo
held at Urownville, beginning July
18th, and continuing two weeks. She
will be assisted by Prof. Wilion, for
merly principal of tho Urownvillo
School, Prof. Wightman, present prin
cipal, Mr. W. M. Clary, a practical
country school teacher, and MisB Lou
Tucker. Lectures will bo given by
some of tho best educators tho stato
affords. Suite Superintendent Jones
will bu presont part of the time. No
teacher in Nemaha county can afford
to let this opportunity pass unim
proved. Two dollars will be charged
as a tuition fee to help defray oxpenses.
An effort: will bo nmda to obtain board
.at fouridollarapor week'. S.
sf T T
Owing to tho hot weather last
Wednesday evening the concert by Miss
Ida Shutts, at Satnuelsou's hall, was
not vory well atUnded, but those Who
did attend wore woll paid for doing so,
for it was a grand musical treat. Miss
Shutts has no superior as a pianist, and
of course pleased her hearers immense
ly, and her pupils, without exception
did woll, showing excellent skill in tho
manipulation of the ivorys, and prov
ing that their training had been first
class. Wo wore surprised to seo MIbscs
Mary (Toot) Hoover, Cora Ponn and
Stella Hotzcl, tho youngest of tllo pu
pils, whom we havo always considered
little girls, such skillful performers at
the piano. Mrs. Jlollo Jhtiloy, who is
Well-known hero as an excellent singer,
Mr. J. J. McCullough, of Nebraska
City, who can't be beat as a tnnor, and
Miss Celia Furnas an excellent con
tralto, of Urownvillo, wore especially
good, and added variety to tho occas
ion. Wo notice amongst a lato list of post
office appointments, that Clarcnco E.
Claggett is finally re-appointed post
master at Johnson, this county. As to
Who is or is not p. m. at that place
doesn't matter much as it Is not worth
more than llfteon or twenty dollars a
mouth, and the matter to us Is Inter
esting only in tho fact that our "delin
quent congressman" worked all winter
in Washington to have some other man
besides Clagett appointed, when a sig
nal failure seems to bo tho result. Tom
is a stalwart, too, you know, but we
wouldn't give a d for any stalwart
who couldn't havo influenco enough
with this administration to procure our
appointment to a llfteon dollar p. o.
Wo wore pleased to seo our aged Un
do Hilly Cummings and Aunt Lydia,
of Nemaha, at tho celebration on tho
4th. Thoy are about 80 years old and
havo seen many big celebrations, but
they pronounced this ono amongst the
largest thoy over saw. And Uncle
Hilly said wo havo a nice town.
The Advkutiskk novor misses an
issuo on account of holidays.
Whilo tho boys had to take in
some of tho celebration thoy worked
enough to get off the paper, even if it
is not quite up to the usual in amount
of, reading nmttuv.
; 4n
If Miss Luolla Jackson or Mrs. if
ola Thorrow sees this item slio will
confor a favor by addressing N.
Keith, South Auburn, Nebr. Papers
in Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa
and Illinois copy and help a poor
man liud his sister.
You noticed where the big pole, with
big flag stood on tho 4th, betweeirNorth
Auburn and South Auburn ? That is
tho spot wore the court houso will be
built, when there is ono built in No
maha countv.
Tho voters of Kearney, Neb., havo
voted $.'10,000 to aid the "Kearney Canal
Company," and K. rejoicetii in tho
prospect of utilizing to her Incalcula
ble benefit tho waters of tho Platte.
Fred. Huchelo is building a nice res
idonco fronting west on West Avenue.
Mr. B. Is an enterprising, industrious
mechanic, and knows whore to put his
monoy to return the biggest profits.
John McCullough, of tho firm of L.
Wessel & Co., was present and took part
in tho concert here Wednesday even
ing. Mr. M. is an excellent tenor singer
and acquitted himself nohlv.
Wo had tho pleasure of meeting and
smoking with J. J. Hender, the Nma
ha City druggist, on tho 4th. Mrs.Hon
dor accompanied him and they staid
and saw the tire-works.
II. W. Lake, owner of the Leadvillo
water-works, Homer and Frank John
son and David Oampboll, of Urown
villo, wore in tho city Woduesday.
Thk Advkrtisku received a pleas
ant call from Misses Celia Furnas and
Stella Ilotzol, of Miss Shutta' concert
company, Thursday last.
Wo never saw a Fourth of July
when the weather was so delightfully
cool as that of 1882. , v
Much wfioiit and ryo will bo reaped
this week. Splendid harvest weather.
Foar Not.
All kidney and urinary complaints,
cBpeclaUy Hrlght's diseaso, diabetes and
liver troubles, Hop Hittors will surely
and lastingly euro. Casos exactlv liko
your own havo been eured in your own
neighborhood, and you can find roliablo
proof at home of what Hop Uitters
hos and can do.
At Prices that will Suit. Remember you can get
Farm Tools, Stoves, Iron, Nails, Firearm, Ammunition, Etc.
d Cood Tin Shop in Connection with the House. A fto.l workman in
Charge. Custom work a Specialty
Oeixtral .Veixxxe., 3Xoxllx .Aaxlxxxix? TVelwalia.
The flroworks were immense.
Several drunks again last Saturday.
County Clerk Joe Douker spent the
Fourth With us.
A. W. Nickoll, the druggist, spent
the Fourth In Auburn,
Mr. and Mrs. John Crother, of Ne
maha City, celebrated at Auburn.
South Auburn was most beautifully
and abundantly decorated with flags on
on the 4th.
Tom Lorance, of Urownville. camo
out Monday night and spent the Fourth
in Auburn.
It was estimated that there were from
eight to ten thousand pooplo nt Auburn
on tho Fourth.
Mr. Eborly, of North Auburn, car
ried off tho prizo in tho shooting match
on tho Fourth.
Cassias Marsh and Dee Wheeldon,
Urownvillo Qranyer boys, spent the
Fourth in this city.
David Campbell and daughter of
Urownville, were registered at the
Iloldreg Wednesday.
Fred. Uuchele' has erected a nice
awnlit in front of his business house,
whorB,ursou's bank is going to be.
Tho lliawatha band is a gooil one,
but we noticed that they did not get
away with tho Urownvillo band to any
alarming extent
We woro pleased to see so many peo
ple from Urownville at tho big cele
bration at Auburn. Had tho H. & M.
run an excursion train on that occasion
many more people would havo been
horo from along that road.
Lost Hat.
Uetweon Calvert and Jno. Codding
ton's farm, a boy's white felt hat. The
finder will be suitably rewarded by
leaving the same at this office.
Eeduced Prices in Moat.
Tho Calvort Meat Market will furn
ish meat from this date at tho follow
ing reduced rates:
Surloin Steak 12 J cts.
Hound " 10 "
Hoast 10 "
Chuck 10 "
Hoiling peicos from Oc to 7c.
llKNUY IlAKM, Plop.
Uetweon Peru and Joe Curtis' mill
(formerly Allen's mill), one sack of
goodB, to-wit: Shoes, gaiters, dresses,
and material for dresses, belonging to
Mrs. Celestia Worley, to the value of
830. Any person will be duly com
pensated who finds and delivers tho
same to G. W. Cornell, South Auburn,
Nebraska. Atf
What Everybody Wants.
Is a reliable medicino that never does
any harm and that pievents and cures
disease by keeping the stomach in or
der, the bowols regular, and the kid
neys and liver active. Such a medicine
is Parker's Ginger Tonic. It relieves
overy case, and lias cured thousands.
Seo another column. Tribune.
Your old iron, raga, copper and hrass
to H. G. Whittomoro's, in Urownville.
IIo'll buy 'em.
Wlion horses and cattlo are spiritless,
scraggy and feoblo thoy need treatment
with Undo Sam's Condition Powder.
It purifies tho blood., improves tho ap
potito, cures colds, and distemper, in
vigorates tho svHtom and will keep the
animal in a healthy, handsome condi
tion. 4
Screen wire at Willing Uros. & Jordan's.
Solid Welded Anglo Iron Frame.
Vice-President and Gen'l Western Aeent,
57 STATE ST., Chicago, HI.
Lobs of Appetite, Bowels costive, Fain in
the Head, with a- dull sensation in tho
btvok part. Fain under the Shoulder
blade, fullnoss after eating, with a disin
clination to oxertion of body or mind.
Irritability of temper. Low spirits, with
a feeling of having neglected some duty,
'Weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering at the
Hoart, Dots before tho eyes. Yellow Bkin,
Headache generally over tho right eye,
Beotlessness, with fitful dreams, highly
colored Urine, and
TUTTS PILMnre especially ndnpted to
such cases, ono dose effects such a change
of feeling as to astonish tho sufferer.
They Increase the Appetite, and cause the
body to Tnlce an Flesh, thus the system Is
nnrlthcd. and by their Toole Actlen on the
Dltrestlvct Organs, Regular Stools are pro
auced. Price 25 cents, 33 Murray at., W. Y.
Gray Hair orWhiskxhs changed toaOUttsY
IIlack by a single application of this D vk. It Im
parts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold
ty Druggists, or sent by express on receipt of M.
office, ss hvrrat kt hew iobk.
CPr. TCrr AKCAL .f TaImM. InrormilU. ul
CmM Ktwlpta will IH MlM ran .spllMtUa. J
A certain care for Nervous
Doblllty, Somlnal Weak-
TtlA T7tsnlnA.Hl...rl li mil V.rrH. (nr OK V.m
and snlllusuattdsoolc of 40 pastes (riving full di
rections for self-treatment, sent free. Address
DS. T. WIZXIAHS. 435 E.WalerK.. iTiWm. Wk
Utiles, Shot Guns, Revolvers, Ammuni
tion, Fishing Tackle, Seines, Nets,
Knives, Ilnzars, Skates,
Hammocks, etc.
Largo Illustrated Catalogue FREE.
WANTED! Ladles and Gentlemen, to engage
with us to sell several Useful Household
Articles. Preflta large. Labor la llRtsi.
Exclusive territory trivet. No competi
tion. Terms liberal. Circulars FREE. Address.
Hewitt Mannfact'g Co., Box 808, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Sf, sars, cttanlr and cbaap. Sample Fackiga, ot.
Ptld, SO eu, AQENTS WANTKD. Addrsu,
Mfi J". EC. John.ton, Flttebarglt, !
of all kinds for sale very cheap.
uaiaiogues tree. Address, niUHAnU
HULL I CO,, Box 868. Pittsburgh, Pa.
M GWUrnAjtj 1
Manufacturer! of the Conover Bro'i
Patent Untight Pianos,
And Wholesale AgenU fur
Kranich. fc Bach,
Iiindcman, Pisoher
and Haines Pianos.
Publishers of Music 1 f Jobbers in Musical
and Muclc Books, J Merchandise,
013 Main Street, KANSAS CITY, MO.
I will rnnll (free) the rocolpo for n simple
Vegetable Hnlm that will lomovo tun, freck
les, punplcH nnd blotchOH, loavlng the skin
suit, clear anil bcuutllul; ditto Instruction
for pjoJuclni; n luxuriant growth of liulr on
n bald head or smooth face. AddresH Inclos
ItiK.'toNtntnp, Dou, Vuuiioli ACo., VI Uurcluy
street, N. Y.
ThoadvertlKor having been permanently
cured or tlmttlrend 11hcuko. Consumption, by
a simple remedy, Is anxious to mulce known
to IiIh fellow suirercrs the tho menus oi euro
To nil who rk'Mro It, ho will send a copy of
tho prescription used, (tree of charge.) with '
tho i IreotloiiH for preparing uml using the
Mino, which they will nnd n sure euro lor
coughH, coIUh, consumption, asthma, bron
chitis, etc. Parties wishing the prescription
will plenso address, Itev. E. Wilson, 101 reun
street, Wllllnmsburgh, N. Y.
A gentlenrnn who suffered lor years from
nervous debility, prematuro decay, and all
the olIectH of youthful Indiscretion, will for
thesiikeofNullurlng Immunity, send free to
all who need it, tho recipe nnd direction for
malting the simple remedy by which he was
cured. .Sufferers wishing to profit by the nd
vertlsor'K experlenc can do so by addressing
In perfect con lid em; John 11. Oopkn.
Slyl 4 Cedar street, Now York.
Notice to Farmers
' Tho undersigned has for sale the
Well known to be the best, which he will
sell cheaper thnn the cheapest.
Farmers, Call and See.
luoVluoaoj, T ' j ,s; j),i.m11 ) , n-nill dJJ
i.i..iMr m(u. ..i. nv
unnono aoj ; iks
pn n-mqni 'mniilo ;i sin 'sBiinnn4fi
jo; i)iiijui(iiaujijiiu3)tiioi.((i ujb oi a
Mmpn on ojpTj, -danif no.( ajojoq raani
tnoTJnfni jo rumluit uin.u jo; jo 'dlq
' Willi UU lA AUl( tfVJ W i,U ffVU r IIIJXV
aaioo NI OOOIS
nati(duioo apuiiJj
jCuvpodiia imiuiouktioidaoic RoanslOA
jni 'mivMinXJtitiiJn I'"" '4ni'IM JwaIT nnio tit to nit.
nvot'iTOiusKJ-'ilI arr asasaa Jjuxaxv
aMvuanvw 'anona 'sjou
(nMrt "O son 'oBiarpoie V)
jsnaxiia joh
JJJ Jk JJ T C lfc A mi. Itnl b.iltiN, nil. I. ,im
VWkl I CiU tun . u Ikt L. , to ,ll lb
"tj.U.fill di li,..i0 WkUU ;.l" tjr (utiienillon.
TnutliiinL, will,,,! i,f,rnn.t , tlc vullt frr
d (it lorn. i tliti Imurr ikir owr 8100 . laiuilk
AJJfw IM.ltAHUL I HI. lU.. .SI.L, M