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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1882)
v. imm. '' V $ I " THf th it uil; i. it?i ,4 ,t :J iiiiih iminffegi BHMnMnnMMlaMHMaMii sh ' . 0. W. rAlRBROTHBRVrOO., roprtrfi. CALVERT, NEBRASKA. MISPLACED CONFIDENCE. I eat mo down upon my nesti I covoroil with my soft, worm brcnst Kluvcn caua no fair unil white. Anjljcnqw, ortliouKtit,Ikuow, that wbfen - a certain umo.uui jmismu, luniuioHi v i-.iovcn cnioa9 woum grcot my Big; Throo wcoksln this most dlKiilllpil ' T)llHniitXiil .Hit T flH ...1 1.1.1.. Mv tlmn T ilfil nnfr nvnn tnlrn t A Tho m-ceiwnry oxbrclsc. . 1'ram dnwn to unrk, siinint or rl?o7 1 eat thoro, for dour duty's suko., ' I hnrdlydnrodtoontorBlcon, ' ' Lost I should miss tho first fulutpoop. If overliving hondld tr ' ' to uo nor vqry iovui opt , uy I'icvcn og in a ncBt, Ilor utmoat duty, thon T hpiml th pin nook mrnlns I whh mora ulitd thrtn I tmri'toU: ?3 UV r' ml H tthnahoili in w raj So Kind wus 1 whon llrst theyjpeopM. And now tho ami Is oomo, umf now,"' 1 pmy you, lot mo toll you how, And what tho and roward l'vo reaped. . i Whon first thoy loft tho ncst,.my oyca , L Wnrn triple nil tvlth it irrrftt Hllltirl4M:M i " With dlro uKmuy my hoarrwhsWrttOktl 'Xhoy waddlodl waddlodl Do you hup As suro as I urn stnnuiug uoro, j My ovory gidukuii wiw whuii Imagine, If you can, In part, Tho Midncaa that wolicheU down my heart Whon llrst thla hroko unon mr vlow: t.'AjBwae of eouuuanae atawwl.i s-MHwimlm tfu inao o uoing immin-Hanu j cm w ido mo a Suu:hun throuah and throuKBi w m tf vu ot mii 5'dlmd my droatnsrihaw I wduldy brings rf -Both Httte. fotithorv. Huffy thlnir' '" Upjmte taenhood.-fRlr.nnd sWh Anowtrwywtmc ciianco nnvo ifjiunus Jly-kwrt With grluf to boo thciti bills a tnoir ruucuioua woooou ieeu vosomoVIothU' I do not know ro is nuirht that I can ilorUB jn roolYod, for ono.thatwhou mpoaou upon, i. ii "urujHK iho atorVovorywhdro. 'Wmti IJlndntHl.ithoiiirh but u hohR rrCarteltttiViTJ; ' $ 1' ImmciulenUi DAXSYJUKEEN DTAKKSCMX'TiS. .Wkj.r!sr- ' xt rtircdiLffto iiro " oiit.isBJJoi.vou', tmoKty o.u a .i. -m i ; . . -. . n -i i r ."I'.if rt '! j w 1 ? i.iT iWj iZl-'' 'iosir"b v 8 V-"T 4'01it ye?, ninmnui!1'. oSclaSmijil 'DivUy, enp:urb'' "I know tho waj' and ;I'll go arid do tho orratid and riot run, ror tutnWtJ down, or stop to play, or o nywhoro olso." ;,Very;wcll,. then, I will truit you,' nswcr5d Mfa Gr6on, and Daisy started inl, with PTfifit doliirht. H G nmiiii rrn nnii innnirii wii nfim.M irii uiur A mam noigfil liSLl imau to wan lwft tioron cnowi MfsU Jiorion way ono of Mr. Groen'e arishionors;Mand Was quite sick; "slffc Jnvod but a fuw' blocks away, yot it was farther .lhanDaisy, though nearly s,ovon Jycal'3"bidniad ovur yet voaturetf alone. She walked on with an amusing air of importance,) and";, soon v reaehod Mrs. Morton' jjlbpr. IVrs. Morton'SfSorvant answered.H'e'ivringi anttold heithaf tho lady waFdecW7dly btteK' DUlSy said lierjbniainma would," Uo "verv much re lievod tojLear'it,'' and'tumeil away, but aVtKogSto'r9hopr(usod to revolve in her actlvS'brain a plan that had just occur red to her. Why not makq sonio.moro calls now that alio was out?. Most 1 jkcly mamma would like to hoar from somo other people, only sho didn't think to mention it; and Mrs. Burke lived just around the next corner, so temptingly near. So a fow minutes laterjpalsy was ringing Mrs. Burkc-'a jfoll. ijMra. Burke camo to tho door herself. ''Why Daisy!" sho'oxclaimeu, ;"dld you come nlnnti P" ,t i alone?' i - "mall sin- low Mrs. . s'oc liow you was, I knew mamma would' like to know." . - " "Woll, ,I'm nicely, thank "you!'' laughct,Mra.'iBurko, M won't you como inr''t Moiui.1 3A r.& 3 Palsyfdllowo"d iMr Burko'intb;, the sittinjcrroom whoro her little girlj alovlo-' ly littlo creature about two yoars young er than Daisy, was playing with her, baby sister. Daisy refused Mrs. Burke's in vitation to tako off hor things arid plaV with tho childron, and 'rested Jiorsclf stillly on tho sofa saying: " I told mamma I wouldn't stop to play with anybodyfland I only come tofimako a stylishcall on you." $F " Woll.J feel quite honored, Wla'ughod Mrs. Burke. . J t fs , "I should think you would," ''said' Daisy, benevolently, "but it's uo trou ble to mo, I like to make calls, but my papa just hates it!" Oh, Daisy! Thero was a brief silence: Mr3. Burko was try ing to crowd out of hor truly Christian? heart a feeling toward hor ministoEJhaj would fain have oxpr.osspd itself- irnpi'oj words: " then I hopd ho "won't troubld' inmseii to can noro very oiton," anus Daisy was trying to think of' somo topio of conversation bofitting the dignity of hor position as a young) lady making calls. At last sho opcuod with: "Did you go to hoar tho sunflowori1 man when lie was in Boston?" " Tho sunflower maul Wllomido you mean?" exclaimed Mrs. Burko. "Well, tliat's what I call him; ho calls himself Oscar Wildo, ho tries to, write poetry sometimes when ho don'tl fnnl wnll; mv nana wont, in hnnr liiml icctttro one niglit." i "How did your papa like him?" asked! Jlrs. Uurko. "1 don't know, but lie said no was? k'rribly asthmatic," replied Daisy. i( " I guess your fatiior said lustliotio, didn't hoP"'Hugge3tod Mrs. Burk'e"r'i "Torlians that was it." ropliod her caller, "but I suppose it dpntijnako mucn (iiiieronco." " It mijjlit make considerable difl'cr- enco in tlio young laughed Mrs. Burko. man'a (edlihgsl'!,, 1 ho baby now bogan to cry, and Mrs. liurko's attention was diverted from Daisy a fow minutes and the latter soon took her leave. " Ycs'mv,yMi3WGrp'd' thatk nor. "MammaSentmC'to'scel Morton was, and 1 thought XA - : i.2 i i i i ; ' ' A few blocks further on HvodtMrs. Cheliis, and hero" Daisy mado her sec ond call. Mr. Chollis was nthomo and had been' smoking and tho room 'wa4 still full of ,tho fmsranco of his cigar. No sooner was. Daisy toalcdthan she curled up her littlo noso and said: 'I shoultl, vthhik Ujerp twjs,ft queer, smell hordl" 3irl CirclHrjatfglie'd'anM8aid: "' f have just, boon .smoking,-and, of course, you aro not accustomed to that sort Of thing." "Oh, yes I am t" oxclaimcd tho irre sponsible child, " my papa smokes, out mamma uon't lot inm smoKo m tno parlor5he'liasMto,go' down 'collar to smoko." m f "Well, I novor would havo believed itl" ojaqulatod Mrs. Chollis. "If tho truth woro1 always known, there wouldn't bo so much to choose be tween saints and sinners after all," said Mr, Chollis, with ill-concealed satisfac tion at having apparently discovered It Haw in. his minister. By tiiis timo Daisy's attention was at tracted by Mrs. Chollis' hair, which was quite elaborately dono up on her head and down on hor forehead. Daisy had often wondoved at Its marvellous ar rangement, and now determined to sat isfy her curiosity. ' ''Do you wear storo hair, Mrs. Cheliis?" she asked. Mr. Cheliis laughftd heartily at his wife's evident discomflturo under this abrupt question, ami said: ' Good for you,' Daisy!" " This irritatod hls'wifo still moro, and she said: . "You aro a vcryimpollto littlo girl, Daisy Green; my hair grows on my own head." ( '--V-S"ft meansHhattafpRitof 'it grows tliero", toaisysardMfChollis, Btill laifghiilg, but Daisy foltquile mortified at being1 called impolitoand hastened to npologisso ,n 1 i'l'vnKM'tnn .Mra f!1inlHa T flinnirtih toreliairwaa.vory nice; I sco lots when I goinclpwu with mamma. J I Baw somo veal pr6tty yellow curls in a (vind6w tho other, day, and I wanted niamnia to buy, thorn to wear on Iter head, but sho sad sho didn'tfproposo to make a sunflower of hor head) by put thiar' yUmy ourls round hor black BrW- , . rt You, must., try- and cnltivato your Biotheris toslcgi Daisy, donH- lot her a gopd ttlapy;le4gon$;but she'll bo wor rying if I don't go -Homo:" and Daisy rose and went toward tho door. "Come again, Daisy," said Mr. Chol lis, " I iind you a very ontortaining lit tlo jjirl: I havo enjoyed your call ex ceedingly." , " I'm afraid you don't mean all that; it sounds as if you woro making fun of ifie," said Daisy." " I'm glad you can sco through him, Daisy," interposed Mrs. Cheliis, "ho isn't to bo trusted." Daisy took the shortcsti.wayhomc, but in so doing had to pass tho place wliero Miss Helen,. Lawrence boarded, and it occurrad to lior to stop thero a momcnE'Mis Lawrence was a maiden of atleast UirbylAye, a', lovely wbman whosoonlyfcWGajcnessVJaSja foolish' son sitivonoss 16onceajri& Kdr '.'ownpilonoly condittonhtfalwayfBafedleflt-people should'tllhk;sheKd rcnialnid uninar x'tlboaUSd. tip bne had wantddhor.. No sooner Was Daisy, seated JnMisg(iLawi- ronej8i)ieatljttle parlor tlian sbbMuj.- conscioMsiy .attacked hor at this weak point, un imtiby? blf 3a.?tiiougiititKojyyoira no lonesome; seeing ypu'ro an .old maidr so I run in tojhmkajyou a call -, . ' sf'Vory kind, J!msure;1 jnurmurcd Mis3Lawrenooit'f1.who tola you that I am'ftri otdtmaid?!W(! & ' Why.iPvo heard Jny mother say you wasf ang sho thought It was a groat pity and'sho.said'sho guessetUypu glad.tojnarry Mr. Aiams," said tho torribloicalldjolt (' J sril - Y.pu iflay oll'lyoue mamma that I am,nqt ij)ady! toftuLhutf Mr. Adam's arms yet," nusyprqd.( Lawronco . . - . ..-. m'HT - ' Hhortlv.'anu slio left her seat and corn- loneedo watorte plants; that fil filled neoayvinuow,i-jL;iiiuuf-' hho coh tt'nqed, prosontlyj i'jthat you had hotter go ', home DnW, .your mother con would' bo distressed if sho .know what ymTJwcro about." Bollffelt uncom-i fpuj$ilci! Miss Lawrelt.(jofp)t .liurt that Jibr'iiastbr's wifo had spoken of her as an old maid, and tlio accusation of wishing to marry Mr..,Adams was tho mofcHbitter becauso in tho depths of her. hcartithtirc had been Just such a wish.. Dalsy'fqlJ;hur at being advised to go lionic;jsJiej didnildjeljipYe it was quite' proper tQ Hendcallora 'homo. But after a'briSOicltation sho, starfod. Slio, had gOlif,but-jv fow stops from Miss Law rence's floor when alio ui6t Mr. 'Adams. WhyiljalsyJ' who exclaimed, "aro youreftllvrbut alone this afternoon?" Yos, I'm making parlsli calls," slio, ronlled', with a most important air; "Iwotjust boon to soo MJss Lawrencp, and.Ltold her sh'a'd bettor cct married to you.'but sha'Saldsho wasn't ready to J falbyito yourrms yet." ".oiYi" .exolaimqd tho surprised gontloman, "l'nvory muchafraid your parish"piill3 havoj been of a very Ceceh trio naturiil ..You-Jiad botton cut for homo 1is-fast jislihbso small lpgs.willH carfyjbujU . jmdlMri Adams passed on, . but as liaVvbntljv'Mlss.Lawrendo's win-' dow-Ji'glftncedL'upwid, setting her (ilowors; ,tur rned-hisirrcetiitltthu rccblmcHon dt vruror 1H1V,J" nUH'tuiiiuiu 'l ouu iu" .. . -Wt ..Z' ,.1 H..U1.1 . clift.wua .Ittrl liDiir frirlmh mltn mnlrn1 wliQ",'ho" bj-ished. M-.. -, 51 luhT&jjttlro, tind found her niothijr treaty Iv alarintMl at her long alwehco.' Qjaisy fittnkly confessed wliero she had been, and hor mother talked kindly with 'her fall beliinduho.timofl,". said Mr. sCholus. "'I dlaA',llcftn,ifoij,mamma,V replied the maturtf vounsr' norsOnof soven. yl Daisyjflwbrus catted hpr tp'blijttij, und Mr.k Adams! wondered tljat ho had never; ijoforonptiqed what a yory Iqyolv Vomah about her wrong doing, but thd child interrupted with: " "0, miimma! 1 most forgot; Miss Law rence told mo to toll youlhat alio isn't ready to fall into Mr. Adam's anus yot." "What do you moan, DalsyP How cahio Miss Lawrence to say si'ieli a thingP" questioned tho siirprisod motlior. "Why, I told hoi- that you thought sho would like to marry Mr. Adams." " Oil, Daisy! I wonder how miioli mis chief you havo made this afternoon; T am so sorry you cannot bo trusted;" and poor, discouraged Mrs. Green looked as if alio could endure no more. A few days previous to Daisy's esca pade, Mr. and Mrs. Given had boon speaking together of Mis'? Lawronco, whom thoy both greatly admired, and Mrs. Green had said that it was a won der that so loyoly a woman had been allowed to remain unmarried, and that sho should think Mr. Adams would try and get hor, adding: "I don't boliovo sho could help liking him." It was this conversation that Daisy had so strange ly misrepresented. Mrs. Green went to sco Miss Lawronco without dolfty, told hor of tho message which tho child had delivered, and then made a full and honest confossion of tho conversation which had passed between herself and husband. Miss Lawrence was greatly relieved to iind that her friend had not spoken slightingly of hor as Daisy's words had seemod to indicate, and tho two ladies parted as sineoro frionds as over. A few days later Mr. Green met Mr. Chollis on tho street, and after chatting a fow moments, tho latter, who was smoking, offered his pastor a cigar. A littlo surprised, yot taking tho offer as a joke, Mr. Green lauglilftgly refused. "Don't bo blushful about it," said Mr. Cheliis, " wo havo found you out; Daisy let tho cat out of tho bag' tho other day." " I don't understand you," said Mr. Green, with a bewildered look. "Daisy told us tho other day that you woro a smoker," and Mr. Chollis re peated tho conversation which had Sussed between thorn on tho occasion of aisv's call. "Well! Well! oxclaimcd tho fathor of that small niiscliiof-makcr, " tho fact is, I havo boon inhaling iodine for my tliroat, and Daisy calls it smoking; L keep my inhaler down cellar, and uso it there because tho odor is so oflonslvo. But I should think peonlo would make allowances for children's stories. Daisy always gets things mixed and distorted in somo way." Mr. Chollis mado profuso apologies for having credited such a tiling of his pastor for a moment, but ho thought with dismay of the dozen or moro par ticular friends to whom ho had confi dentially imnartod tho fact that their pastor was. mluictou to smoKing. Thoro was also in the depths of his worldly heart a secret regret at having found that tho Haw in his pastor's eliaractor was wholly imaginary, yet lie was really an honorable man, and lost no timo in contradicting tho story lie had started, and explaining its harmless origin. But tho end was not yot. Whenever Mr. Adams mot Miss Lawronco, Daisy's words would como into Ids mind, and tho idea of Miss Lawronco "falling into his arms" did not seem at all distaste ful, in fact each timo thoy mot ho was moro impressed that sho would make a very desirable arnifiill, and at last, in spito of Miss Lawrence's blushes and ovidont avoidance of his attentions, he proposed and was accepted. And Daisy Green, aside from father and mother, has no moro devoted friends than Mr. and Mrs. Adams. Thoy dato all their happiness from the day on which Daisy wont out raakinir parish calls. Mrs. Susie A. Jiisbcc, in Uohlcn Knlc Tliat Was Who Ho Was. Not long sineo a young lady of Now City took it into hor head to get York Citv married without paternal consont. The young man whom sho lovod was ob jected to by hor father on tlio ground that ho was not well enough off, as fat as tlio world's goods woro concerned, to tako caro of his daughter, and, although ho had novor seen his intended son-in-law, ho asserted that ho was not compo tent to earn for her a respectable living. In spito of opposition, however, tho wed ding took placo at the timo appointed, anil it is needless to say that tlio father was not numbered among the guests. Tho young peonlo found a modest homo in tho neighborhood of tlio parental man sion, and still the irate father refused to recognize them. But ho was not of an unsocial nature, and lie was noted for making acquaintances on horse-cars on his way to and from business. It was not stranjro. therefore, that lie entered into conversation with a sociablo young man at Ills sido on his way homo tlio otlior evening, but it was a littlo sur prising, as lie was rather cautious, that no should havo been so entirely fasci nated by tlio young man's remarks. "Why," ho said, "you aro a person oxaotfy after my own heart; you display in your words a remarkable business tact, and aro destined to be a rich man. If it is not an impertinent question, who are you and what is your name?" "1 nm your son-in-law," quietly obsorved tho future Vanderbilt, as ho motioned to tho conductor to stop car. -- Cocoanut Pudding: Boat two eggs with ono cupful of new milk: add ono 'quartor of a pound of grated cocoanut; mix it with throe tablespoonfuls each of grated bread and powdered sugar, two rouncos of molted outtor, five ounces of raisins, and ono toaspoonful of grated lomon-peol; boat tho whole woll to gether; pour tlio mixture into a buttorod dish, and bako in a slow oven; then turn it out, dust sugar over it and serve. TIiHj pudding may bo either boiled or baked. Chicago Journal. youths' Dftpartiuciitp J M " TUB SWEETEST MOTHER." -M LltllO Hahs wna helping mother Carry homo tho lady a baskets ,, n, Chubby bands of courao woro lifting Ono grout tiauuio :nn you mk ur I As ho tugged away uoswo her, Kcollnir oh I so bravo Ahd strong. Littlo Hans was aof tly singing To hlinaulf a littlo long: " Somo tltn I'll bo tail n fathef, " ' Though I think It'a very fitnuyi And I'll work and lm Id big houses. And ulo mother all the mont-v . For," and little linns stopped Hinging, I i"coimg uni pu tuning unu grnuu, I have got tho sweetest mother , , You ran find In nil thu land." v I Mi. M. K. tsaiwitcr, n lhtvr Yoltntf iVople. iot ' 'jr i THOT'S ADVENTURE., 41 1.,'t Ono flno snrinir mornincr a fine.,liUlo ffirl camo toddling in to bo ad'Hilredjby icr admiring grandma and aunties bo foro going ((own town. . ;J i "Tee mytockings!" sho said, holding out one plump leg, and nearly toppling over tus sho tried to balanco herself 'on tho other. r ', ' "Booful, darlingt" . s:diliKiandma, obligingly; for in iter heart of hearts sho thought tho gay-colored stripes an abomination, and considered iwIUtp to bo tlie ''only proper thing, forwlittltj girls," or anybody olso. , '3 "Ozor oiio's booful, toolMigakl Trot, holding it out for inspootiom j u0 nst tnen xrofflnnptno?;, xrtjjymiy, canib' to tWdobr ami sami" 'fCome, precious, run; lioro's tlio car,'r',' Nvhloll startled tho girl so that sho toppled over entirely, ami had to bo piokml up and straightened out by grandnial'tuul kissed and comforted by hor iwunVfta aid' all hor aunties, which took so" long1 that two or throo. cars had, a chanco to trundlo by boforo thoy woro" ready to go. Mr. Dainty's sforo, so Trot thought. was a very dull and unlnterelng placo, full of big boxes, hnmmorri, saws, liloa and nails; so, after 'sliO'had nliown lior new stockincrs to her papa, elio wont out to tho door in search of amusement,, ami, not soel oelng anything but a yolld.w i)g which interested 'hoi5, slio spotted dop; slipped out and waiKou . composouiy down tlio street. . ' , Sho looked back once or twice, ex pecting to sco mother or fatliQV uftor hor, but thoy woro busy talking, and if thoy thought of hor at all they supposed that she was just outsido tho door. Not being at all in favor of straight lines, sho turned up this street and down that, gazing about nor witii groat uc liglit and trying to "make boliovo" that she was a " big, grown up lady." Sho did think of her mamma once, and seeing a plcasaut-looking man driv ing along in a buggy lio Htooil on tlio eugo of the sidewalk ami calleu out as loud as slio could: "Misted' Mistor Man!" """ Hq looked, at tho litllo red-chdoked mitbWd drew1 up his horse, saying, pleasantly enough: "Woll?" ' "If you see my mamma, tell hor, not to bo worried." " But I'm afraid shon7bo worried," saidtho I think ho must havo had a lit tlo rcd-chcokod girl atliomo andyou had'bo.ttcrgdb right into .my buggy and lot mo takoyou back to hor." No, fank yoril," rbplled Trot, with a graoious bow; "l'vo dot to doo (lis way;" with which slip walKOd sorenciy off and left hor now acquaintance gaz ing after her in surpriso and amuse ment. u "Whoso girl is that?" ho said to him self as lie went on. "I've seen hor somewhere boforo." It was not until hoiirs after, whon ho mot his friend Dainty'coming from tho police oflico; that ho was able to placo tho midget. Trot made very slow progress, for sho had to stop and gazo at everything; but slio had crossed and rccrosscd so many streets that tho fathor and mother, who woro frantically searching for her by this timo, were completely off the track. At length oven sho began to think of boinsr tired and tfoing homo! slio was not by any moans tho samo Trot who had slipped out of tlio stor0;d$or ,nnd started on and exploring expedition, for her hair was in her oyes and hory faco was sticky and dirty; also hor hands, in ono of which was grasped tho remains of a stick of candy. ' Tlio young man with hair parted in tlio middle was slightly surprised whon this little lassie wnlked in and said. "I'll tako a tick of candy." " Where's your money?" ho inquired. "I ain't dot no money, but my papa dot a whole pottot full," replied" tho small customer. f "Wliero is your papa?" , ,, "7 don't know," replied Trot,,' In differently! " JM1 give you a stick of canuy for a as " unifl !in kiss," said ho. "All right," she said, and, standing on tiptoe, she kissed him over tlio counter and trotted off, ovidontiy qiiito satislied. She had worso luck in- a bakery, kopt by a sour-faced woman, whero sho applied for a cako. " How many do you want?" said tho woman. "Just ono," replied Trot, patroniz ingly. ""WhatforP" was tho noxt question To cat, of tourso!" exclaimed the midget, astonished. " Where's your monoy?" "Ain't dot nono." . ?' "Thon go right out of my storo, you littlo beggar!" said Sourfacp, crossly. Trot retreated to tho door, from which placo of safety she faced tho woman und said, indignantly: "I ain't a beildarl You tinlc beddars wear dis kind of toekingsP1''alid stamp no. nlv ing her littlo foot sho stalked solcm Sho still tried MVmakoJboHovo that sho V 7y was a grown-up lady, but with ery poor suecossv sho waiitod hor mamma moro and moro with caoli moment, though. ah o.was quite ,abovo admitthig ft, e'Ven tb hefdftlf. 1 8ht"lhl"not' dare KskTinybtfdy to'slfo w her th,'vay homo, for hor confidence in the gonoral amiability of liuman-klnd was shaken sadly sineo her oxporionco in tlio bakery; hot" little logs, dospito tlio muoh-prlzod stockings, began to bo fonrfully tired, ami whon tlio candy was all gono sho. realized that sho was ex ceedingly hungry. Kcapioy'stroot, whero slio now wnn ddl'bd, Wiui ordwdqtl with people, and aaiL'ro wnlked alolig slio looked wlst fllllv'Mn ovory olio's face, feeling suro that' among so many people she must find horjnamnia; nobody spoko to hor, probably because of that calm solf-sus-tained air of iters, which mado her Seem as if slio know just wliero sho was gOlrig. So tired that sho could hardly move, sho at length sat down upon the step of a small storo, fooling- moro forlorn than sho had over felt in her life before, and wishing to see iter mamma with almost agonizing fervor. ,4 ' But her rest was not long; a boy who had boon loft in charge of tho store, fooling the immense importance of his 'position, camo out and shook tho littlo waif tutlfciy by Ihb shoulder, flaying! " t:omo, tret out ot liusi wo uon't Want you blocking up tlio doorway!" You let rtio Mono!" oiiod the mid get, jerking herself qut Of his .hand; thorii as tlio full lic'r sit uation camo upon Her', sho cried out In'a ilood of tears,;, ( " Mamma! I want my mammal" "Soo hero, sir! I've a groat mind to . sww ..M.-', .. -, . .. i.v.i.v ..... lust your jacket for your' Hau a young man who had. seen ' V 4 tho boy, and hoar u heard poor little TrOt'sdospalnngor a 7.. c . k r painnffOry. "What do you mean I catcnlnir hold of a littlo girl that Way?" Tlio boy mutlered something nboltt blocking up tho door way, and Judiciously retreated. . A " What's tlio matter, dear?" liqithcn1 snlil. Mini hi if to TivU"AiWiniillftP" .."No' sobbed -flYot,- "I'm iheralimy .) " . V ."-".- '""" .mamma's last! .Andmy house, toot' .. Ho lifted hor up in his ar?ns, "niyl wluotl tho tears awav eontly from her floor little drty facoj ho was a younr. ollow, not moro than tw'Onty, plain and oven rough in his dress, but Trot know that sho Jiad found a friend, andpqttlng both her plump arms around his neck, sho said: " Tako mo to my mamma!" " Yes, darling," ho said; it scorned, n long timo to Trot since' sho' luul been called darling; ami tunc morning visit to grandma soCined so long 'ago that slio could hardly remember it. lie asked hor name, but could not understand hor answer, though he tried ids host; then lie asked her whero'sho lived. "On Bush street" said Trot; but alio could tell him uo moro, only sho could tell the house when she saw it. "All right!" said tlio kindly yotui" fellow, "thon we'll walk until wo iind it" Ho carrlod her, for sho was too tired and footsore to walk, block after block, in the gathering twilight; perhaps ho never realized uoforo how long Bush street was, or how heavy a littlo girl could be, but at last he found it. "Aro you suroP" ho askod. "Tourso I turol" responded Trot, joyfully. lie put her down on tlio doorstep, and kissing horgood-byq, walked rapid ly away, not ovon waiting to bo thanked by that grateful father and .mother wlioso gratittidp,wordsi could not havo expressed; but in theirtlmnks t.ftlmt nitrht tliov iiraved thata'shinlniimtrk might bo placed thai day ngaiusiit .....! f11rlWtl (1 7)Afi'llilH ! flit ftoftri 9 1I11I11U. Ulttllt U. Umi1,1, .1. UIII I17HUII Union. Grandfather's Spectacles. Ono day Grandfather Shrlff lost his spoctaeles. "Where can thoV boP May bo thoy aro on tho mantel." So ho hunted, but could not Und thorn on tlio mantel. !if u Wliero can thoy bo? Perhaps thpy aro among tho books." So bo hunted' and hunted, but could not iind them" among tho books. . "Perhaps thoy aro in tho otlior room.", So ho hunted and hunted and hunted, but could not find them in the other' room. Perhaps thoy aro up-stairs." So ho hunted and hunted and hunted and hunted, but could not iind thorn up stairs. " Perhaps I droppod them somowhero in the front yard. So he hunted ami hlinted and hunted and hunted and limited, but could not Jind them any where in tlio front yard. "Perhaps thoy aro out in tho dining room." bo ho hiinted and hunted and hunted and hunted and hunted and , hunted and limited, but could not iind thomMn tho dining-room. At last ho asked old Auntllnrriet, the ' cook. "Why marster, tlicro thoy .Is, right on tho top of your head." And, suro enough, thoro thoy were. Didn't wo all laugh at grandfather! Our Lit tin Ones. ' -Spmobody writes of Fran Matorna and tho telephone; "Tho telephone was another now tiling. I called up Chris Alirens and told him a lady wanted to talk with him, and tho next mlnu'fo thoy woro at it. All about tier many and in German. Lord, how that tolcpliono suffered! Tho paint fell off tho wires; nnd somo of thoso soven-cor-nered. words nearly broko tlio box. When thoy got through tho telephone fainted." A convicted horse thiof gavo a Now Haven lawyer a sail boat for defending him, and it now proves that tho boat was stolen.