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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1882)
n y " cteto Amtim Q. W. FAIRBROTHEn, SR. O. W. MIRBROTXER. JR. BBH F. SANDERS, BY G. W. FAIRBROTHER & CO. Bates of Advertising i Local Notices, first week, 10 centi per tine J inch subsequent week, 5 cents per line. Displayiocals, 15 cents per line. Advertisement! on local pace, 50 cents per each per week. Miscellaneous ads 50 cents perinch per month. Legal ads at legal rates. POST OFFICE HOURS. From 6:30 a. m,to8 p. m. Sundays, from 1 a m. to 1 p. m. Farmers and others please take notice. G. W. FAIRBROTHRR, Jr.. P. M. Private Diseases. Persons desiring the popular prescription of fhe late Dr. Jonas Crane, for Venereal Diseases, can have the same filled by calling upon Dr. Alfred Crane, at his residence, Drownvllle, Nebr. 6 15 looal israwa.: Coal, coal. J. W. Kerns; Strictly pure Sugar Sytup nb JDovIn & FiBher'a. ' ' ' A. VT. Nickell, reliable newsdealer, Browuvillo. Tor Lumber Limo and Coal go to J. W. Kekns. A. W. Nlckell, the bookseller. Browuvillo. Extra copios of The Advkktiskk for sale at tlicpostolllco. ' ExtiA copies of The Adveuti8Eu at A W. Nickoll's, owiTvlllo. Fresh Broad, pies and cakes, al ways on hand at A. Palraor'a, Brown ville. 5 -Blank deods, notes, mortgages etc., for salo at this office. yisit Dillon, Croan & Co.'s drug store for low pricos in ovory thing. Insure your lifo in tlio Centennial Mutual Life Association of Iowa. Mr. and' Mrs. David Campholl, of Brownville, were at tho Iloldroge -Sonday . During tha storm Sunday morning twSnty-six women and children sought shelter in one little cavo on Maxwell street. . Mrs. T. W. H. Miller, of Tocumseh, proprietor of tho millinery store at this place, was in the city on Friday last. Dr. Jacques' German Worm Cakes stand unrivaled as a worm medicine. Givo them a trial. Sold by all drug gists. 2 Uncle George Harmon, oLTccum soh, well-known to overy'old'sottler in Nemaha county, was shaking hands with old friends in South Auburn this weok. Uncle Sam's Nerve and Bono Lini ment is most efficient in rheumatism, bruises, burns, scratches and many oth er ills incident to man and beast. Sold by all druggists. 3 Thoro will be the most brilliant dis play of tire-works tired from the court house squaro In Auburn, on the even ing of the Fourth vor exhibited in iNemaha county, and the people for miles in any direction, can witness tho (exhibition by socking some convenient It' idiilluiiln. 4. . On last Saturday afternoon, we ac- fcopted an invitation from Col. Hutch ln to bo present at the field trial of tho Walter A. Wood cord binder, on the mum of Shol. Cochran. Wo were driven to tho scone of action by Mr. M. T. fConner, and at once repaired to tho ? Afield. Tho trial took placo in a field of ijjr heavy green rye, fully six feet in longth. "Xho machine was oneu anu started by Er Amos Hughos, who seems to under- ' stand just how to handle It, and worked very successfully, only missing two bundles just at tho start, and boforo tho machino was fairly regulated, and tHon running fully 300 rods without a top or missing a bundle. Thoro wore MYoral neighboring farmers present and we all followed the machine around that forty-acro Hold watching and discussing tho various interesting features, and at tho close of tho trial, all pronounced it a success, and thought pat Walter A. Wood was truly tho farmer's Friend," and bad really struck it rich" by Inventing this far mer's machine. 1 " Nemaha City, - Bonder has a tine stuck urfiult jars. Go to the old reliable dnlg storo for drugs and kinds of diuggistslsundrles. ThoEpiscopal church needs painting. Gardon truck is plenty, and cheap. Nemaha Mills motor power is still drowned by brick water. Somo good fish aro now bing caught out of tho Nomahu with hook and line. The Nemaha Dramatics appealed before tho public last Tuesday evening in tho play "Enlisted for tho War," and repeated tho drama on Friday oven ing, to full buses. Thoro aro somo vory fair amatours, and all did excel lently. Mrs. Mina Comstock took tho cars Thursday morning last with her chil dren, for Topeka, Kansas, whero hor husband is an onglnoor on a railroad. Tho foundation for Billy Hoovor's block is nearly finished. It seotns to bo a very substantial one. Tho mason work is being done by those veteran masons Tim. McLaughlin and Mr. Hen ry Hart, of A spin wall. Thoro are several young lallygags here who will want to got married about tho Fourth, and probably will unless providence should kindly intor fore. h. Deputy U.S. Marshal Gulp wont up tho creek, Tuo3day. Nemaha has a good crop of weeds, at usual, jnoio ts tho best time to mow them. Mr. Frank Harrjs, who has boon glu tton agent Jipro forjtho p;ut year, was ordered to another station and loft last Thursday. Frank was popular bore and ovorybody regrfitshis leaving. Tho Times says, "it is rumorod that two of tho largest business houses in Browuvillo will move to Nemaha City as soon as, Hoovor's block is finished." . ,KSkoenand J. F. Drain have dis solved partnership. , Nomaha City Lodge L 0. 0. F. moots ovory Saturday night. ILEtliott 1b the presont N. G., and F. II. D. Hunt, K.S. There in an exceedingly interesting scandal, recontly developed and now a popular topic of whispered conversa tion, in all circles in Brownville, es pecially in' church circles, ns tho prin cipal actor is a popular deacon in a popular church. The gist of tho mat ter, so far as we learn, simply consisted in the deacon making love to his hired girl, sho kicked and told tho deacon's wife, tho wife told tho preacher, and the preacher told the wifo to keen her mouth shut, as talking would only make it worse. Tho result, domestic ally, socially, religiously, fraternally, etc., will probably be known ere long. Preachers may cover up dirt in the churches, but wolvos in sheep's ..cloth ing or dovils masquerading in tho livery of heaven, get exact justice, so far as The Adtektisek knows, but may ex pect little mercy. "One of Them" Being a little ashamed of my story, "Tho trip toAtchison." I wish to say that tho good peopls of Atchison could not help tho rough road, tho accident, or the heat, and in ,my attempt to make fun of these tho Bhady side of tho trip I carried my jest too far, arid loft the impression that all was a failure.. In all1 candor I would say they treated us first-class. In fact I do not'sce how they could have dono hotter; and I know we all felt gratified to thorn for tho trip, pleasant visit, and kind hospi tality. One ok 'Em. it Money to Loan. Wo can fill choice loans in three days. Oshokn & Taylok. Wo received a pleasant call and a hearty hand-shako last Monday from our old-time friend Chaa. G. Van, who is traveling for the old reliable house of John Moyor A Co., of Quincy, 111. Mr. V. represent a reliable 'hoime and their goods aio 'strictly first-class and will bo just as he represents them. Como again Chas., our latch-arlng al ways hangs Out. ' Tho Distinguishing Oharm, A dolightful fragranco of freshly gathered tlowors and spices, is tho dis tinguishing charm of Floreston Col ogne. 11 1 Liver, Kidney and Wright's Diaaose. A medicine that destroys the germ or cause of Bright' Disease, diabetes, kidney aud liver complaints, and has power to root them out of tho system, is abovo all price. Such A medlclno is Hop Blttors, and positive proof of this can bo found by one trial, or by asking your neighbors, who have been cured by it. 81500 per yonr can bo easily- mud at homo working for, E.'o. Rldeout A Co,, 10 Biuolny Street. Now York. Sond for their catuloguo and fall particular'. 10 y Take caro of yrAir;' Llv?r, A groat nutnbor of tlib diseases to which man-' kind aro liable arise from a dlsordqrcd' condition of this organ, Koop it in a, sound and healthy conditio ftnd" on candofy dlsCUso. r Prickly Ash Hitters aro especially adapted for tiU purposd, bolnc composed of drugs wlch act 011 the Liver, giving it tone and strength -i ,'trnPwho,S."torJr,"e""ttnif woutojii," to wlflicttlitiil mlnrln ' vfi '.-Itoohester Deraoorat. Address J, B, Goon- lO.wuusrfiuUjin.ijnria. vi7KAifdtcocjoogp,iH. - 1 Worth Remembering. Now that good times aro again upon is worth remembering tint no otto can onjoy tho pleasantct surround ings if in bad health. There are hun dreds of mlsorablo people going about to-day with tlisordored stomach, liver or kidneys, when a bottle of Parkcr'H Ginger Tonic would do thorn moro good than all tho medicines they have ever tried. 1 . ' 1 , Children havo health and mothers rest whon Dr. Winchell's Teething Syrup is used. It producos natural sleep, roulates tho bowels, cures dys entery and dinrrhus'inrising from teeth ing or other causes. Sold by all drug gists at 25 cents a bottle. 7 Skoriff'a Salo. NOTICE 1 herohy given Hint by virtue of rn order of salo tssueil out of tho Din. Irlct Court of Neinatm county, Nebraska, nntl to mo dlreoted n ahorlir of snhl county upon w deoree mid judirmrnt rendered by nuld court, In i case whoreln Wnrreu O, Mo Cluro wit plrtlntiir. rind the Htato Unnk of Drownvllle wa defendant, I will ofr.r for mile nl public nuetlou nl the iloorof theoourl house In Hrownvlllo, In until county, on Saturday, July StMli, 1882, nt one o'clock f thnaflornoon, the following described Itintl to wit: Lois fifteen 15J nnil sixteen Id, In block twenty. four 21 1: ind lot fourteen 14. In blook the city of Hrownvlllo, together wltti nil lai prnvementN nnd privilege?) thereto bolon. ini( tnken nn itntii order of Hnle ns tho prop erty of tho Htnto Hunk of llrownvllle, No bruxkn. Term of nnla cash. D.-wod this 10th dny of June, A. T. t&1. O-'ii O. W.TATK, Sheriff, ESTRA.Y SALE. Notice !i hereby given that I will offer Tor tale at the residence of John Sodman, in Ilenton precinct, Nemaha county. Nebraska, on Friday, the 7th day of July, A, D., 18S1, the following deicribed horses, to-wit: One bay mare, with white ipot In forehead, and ifrtybhck marc colt. Said property being sold as m ettray to pay costs and charges. J. II. KOESTER, J. I. WEB NT YOU TRAVEL ALWAYS TAKE TIIK B. t M. R. R. R. .Examine map and time tables carefully. It will be seen that this line connects with C, B, tc Q R. R.j in fact they are under one management, and taken to gether form wl til called the BURLINGTON ROUTE!! r SHORTEST AKI) tJUlCKEST LlNK TO Chicago St. Louis.Peoria, Des Moines, Book Island, AND HSl'JCCIALLY TO AM. POINTS Iowa. Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio. ritlNCII'AI. ADVANTAOKS AUK Through Coaches from Nebraska to destination t on C, B. Sc Q R R. No transfers; changes from C..'B. ft QR, R, to connecting lines all made in Union Depots. THROUGH TICKETS AT LOWEST RATES CAN BE HAD Upon nppltnatton at any Mtntlonontho mad, Acentn nro nlo p.-npured to chock hiii.'KnKC throunb (tlvo nil Inforinnttnn iih to rntcn, routes, tlmn, ronneotloiiH, ein., 'nod to Heoure leeplng car accommodation. THE NEW UhTtO DENVER And nil points In Colorndo, ThU oxtnnHlon U completed nnd rendy for htiRlnoNH, nnd the publlo rnn onjoy nil tho nilvantngee or 11 throuith lino to Denver nnd ChtoAKn nil un der one manugemont. I'. H. KUHTIS, ooirrrioket Aut., Omaha, Nkii. J. B. BERGER, Contractor & Builder, Calvert, JYcbraftka. Work Promptly attended to and Satisfaction Guaranteed, W'ANTKD, Airentn. StnrtllnB nx the pugeH of roinmuio from the loweitt deptlie of slnvory to n ponltlon amonir tho nrnt in tho land. "IAto and Time" of FREDERICK DOUGLASS wrltton by hlmnolf; 18 fullpoflllluf)trntlonh: pricoss&ij; OutrlvalM Uncle Tom'H Unbln" In thrllllnR nnd romnntlo Interest, with the nadod oharm that every word la truo. A innryelouimtory moat grnphleally told and of great lilntorlnnl vnltie. This volnino will boongerly eouKht for by the hundred ol uiouBunai wno novo wntohel the aemnrkn ble careor and havo beon thrilled br tho elo quence of this wonderful man. Tho work gives nn nccount of rnnuy Interviews with prominent mou nnd narrate many anec dotes concerning them unknown to theeon oral publlo. It abounds In many graceful touohen both of wit and eloiiuenae. He U suoh a remarkable man that poople like to road nbont hlrn, and no wonder." Doston CnngroKatlonallst. "It Is as Inspiring as a, poem,,, Woman's rfiuruBi, "No stranger story has boon, or evor will boltold." Hoston Advortlser, . "It Is a more absorbing tnlo t!mn any crea tion of notion." Troy (N. V.) Times. "Destined to a wide Halo." Hartford Cour- ant. GIRtS DTSffcPSIA, lr10H2t5.lUR, 1 Try It Now! u bt au. tJKNTLRMKNi 1 hsre mttfi list. Hahtbr'h Inok ' la air prscucs, ana la an cxierleiirr 9twtntT-nTa years la nedleiat, hT inter fcnad anything to live the rtiulu that D11. tUuTi hs Ibott Tonio does. In many eases of NtrvoM rrostraltoa. remala Dlieues, l)jfptphi. and an Itu roTertihed eondlUon of the tilood, this peensM rUjr. luu In my hamli, rusilo some womlcrfel cure, !'. hft liKv AmiinfflnPMA.i AEfilBMit tihv&IMini. nave TleliiMl totHli srKt Anil Inrfliaturw able remedy. I prescribe It la nrefereaee t any troa prtparaUoa wsiis. In fjjt, such a comp id as Da. lUKTxa'i IKOK TOMIO Is a neeewltr la my practice. D. ItOVKKT HAMUKI.8. BT. LOUIS. Mo.. NOV. It ai color to th blotii natural hsmlthfUl tone to a HgtiUve organs mndf M mpplUmbU to Gnrm Jftbuity, Xosa Jlpp- tUefVrotinfUn titml eT- ANUFACTUlEtlTTNl BR. HARTMHII WHOLESALE LIST TURNIPA SEEDS !TT fiORR'S IOWA SEEDS 0 R R S SEEDS, POtATOES -f SMAU- FRUITS, 1og&K wiia'WMiy nbweUueeas artlelsa for Iks FARM ARB flAKBIV, ars decetlbed la DORR'S IOWA SEED MAMAL, Waloa will bo sent to every one who Is enough latersslsd to send their a6&s, and a stamp to pay posUga. Write far It now, It wlU pay you. It Is fall of vslasble Information, and should beta evsry home. UsTIt will bs seut to last year's enstotaers without wrlUns;. C. W. DORR, DES A.PAL ME R, PROPRIETOR oity DBaicci-y5 CALVERT, NEERASKA. Fresh Bread, Pies.Ckes, Etc, alwavs on Hand. Best Cigars in the City. Ice Cream! - Homomber tho pl-ieo-nn the corner, south of tho Holdrotte limine. Town Lots! 'I JOHNSON Nemaha Co., Neo t Having been recently Surveyed an4 Platted sn SEC 7, T. s, R. I j, "si In the Western part of Nemeha County, Ne braska offers rare chanees for Commercial Mechanics! Business, Fon cvsir ou ox tije. Ai.iiy to s. A. OSBORN, Drownvllle, Johnson, or Calvert FREE! IPre CS5 A fsTOi REUABLE SELF-CURE. A fvnrlt.a BrMUv4nl1nn of CHS Of tfeS taoatnotad ana iuoeearul riiiit in saa y.a. (now retired) tor thscur otVervttum JBottWW, ( Stan h, tfiitw and lv. Wfa UiplalnsealeaenTaloiJa. JrutiaUtseftaflllA Address DR. WARD , CO., UsItUa. M. Spfing Patterns at McGee & Moore's. i .T S RUIUAUIIC ft BILIUUdNtdd. MHtm Never Fails! f A. tM)iat ln nt Tra- t44lofIron,XcrHvUin JiarkmnHl'hoMpti' rt t wAlnlahle foni I7t only prrpnmt Inn 4 rn thmt vrtll Hot titi trth,o ehtnitctrrlitlevf other fryrs rvftfi ration. WW. IH, u VI u ATI 4. DIOINK OO..XU .HrM tT.tT.LtVM. MERCHANTS ! SEND US YOURi'lUSU NESS CARD FOR TRADE LIST. , D. LAWKLTK A, tONS, PHILADELPHIA. E E D S MOINES, IOWA. .?:, "JS.i wftMJmssrjfiiA mmwwmj mmtrwA wwm D.J. Wood, Cush!ei Namaha County Bank Calvort, Nobraaka, Does a General Banking i Business. Particular .Mention li((1 , CM Collections , .f'iin Monev Loaned oni A.riroTi ed Seonity. Exchange en nil parts .- , S. and Kiurmne, ., tliTII01UKI II T TIIK U. H. IIOVKIISMKNT First National Bank OF BHOWNVILLM Paid-up Capital, $JO,POb t Aathovlxtid aOOiOMi IB 1MIKPAHKOTO TKAPXAUT Al General Banking Busincs.. HUY AND H KM. OOIN & OUREENOY DRAFTii i allthatirlnclpaloUte nfthe United States and nrope MONEY LOANED On approved security only. Time Drafts itUcouui ed, an4 speoUl Koooiumoantlan milted to deposit r. Uealersln OOVKUNMKNT HONDrt, STATE, COUNTY ft CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS Iteoelrnl payahlo on demand, and t.NTKKHJHT a owed an tlneourtltcatei ofdepotli, DlUKOTOll8.-.Wm.TTuo"n. li. M. nivlley, M.A llandley. KranW K. Johnson, l.nlher llaadler Wrn. Krlilier. JOHN h. OAKSON, A. , nx V1SQ.V, Owhler. lisvililnt, J, C. Jlc.S'AiiniiToy, Ant'Ot-thlsr., john s7m'inick7 GENERA, I ; SKflaWaW TmPm f' i ! I I ' 4 -) i i i i i i i .i 1 ! ' .- I "Jl I Nomaha GU.aKTeb. i V ' r t