Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 29, 1882, Image 6

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gPtoJlH feUMtfoitt
Q. W. FAIROnOTHEB, 8ft. o w. FAinonoTMEn, JR,
jjfejy Entered at the ioitoflice at South
burn, Nebraika, ai Second Ctau matter.
Screen wire at Willing I3ros. & Jor
dan's. Try the Non-Explosive Safety Oil at
Bovin & Fisher's. $
Ilmdware and Furnlttfro Vt$Wllling
Bros. & Joi dan's.
Ice-ton is a very agreeable bovorago
tliene scorching, corn-making days.
.1. j. Linn, of Table Hook, and O. A.
Cooper, of Humboldt, were in the city
last Sunday.
John Culp and Harry WillianiB, of
Nemaha City, were in the city a few
hours last Sunday.
A young and unmarried lady of col
or living in Biownvillo has "dun gone
and got a whito baby."
Tho rains of Sunday and Monday
were regular old roof-testers, trnsh-
moveiB and gully-washers.
Til. Bniloy shippod two cars of fat
cattlo last Saturday, which ho pur
chased from Stocker, the well-known
stock raiser of Hertford.
iMrs. Jessie F. Croan, Bistor-in-law of
T .Tirdrnmi. lior little son. and Miss
Ind., are in tiio city visitingT
A 'number of very whito faces look
ed from tho parlors of thelloldrego nt
tho Btorm last Sunday morning, and
tho pallor was not confined to tho faces
of tho fair sex, cither.
Prank Reed and Hugh MoVioker,
two Stato Journal boys, wore at North
Auburn last Friday night, and "danced
all night until broad light, and went
homo with tho girls in the morning."
Mr. and Mib. Geo. D. Cross left on
Monday morning for a visit to frionds
in Denver, Col. They expect to bo ab
sent about threo weeks. The Test
wishes of many frionds go with them.
Tao grass this season 'grows most
luxuriantly about tho city, rnd affords
lino grazing for tho family cows of
such of our citizens as aro fortunato
enough to own one of those gentlo ami
useful animals.
Miss Mamie Daughorty, daughtor of
Pat. Daugherty, of Bedford, who has
boon attonding tho convent at St. Joo,
1b at homo on a vacation, and in com
pany with Miss Ada Scholtz paid our
llttloclty a visit Monday,
Wojudgothero must bo considera
ble sickness JnjNorth Auburn, by the
numloYof medicine casns consigned
fto that place from Kloos & llauor and
F$ep) Boysohlag, tho famous "drug
gists,"of NebrnHka City.
S. A. Obborn has gone on a two
week's jaunt to Denver, Pitkin and
other points in Olorado. Stoph. de
serves a llttlo rest and recreation and
wo hope ho will thoroughly enjoy his
trip and come back to his favorite Au
burn, like a giant refreshed.
Dr. B. Boll Andrews, of Nemaha
City, lias ids olllco at his residence,
where he Is prepared to treat acutoand
chronic diseases. Pleasant waiting
rooms for patients. Surgical diseases
of women a specialty. His success as
a surgeon is well known from cases in
this vicinity operated upon with per
manent relief.
An Extraordinary Offer.
There aro a largo numbor of persons
out of employment in ovory county
who could bo making from 3100 to $300
a month working for us. Thoro aro
many who have employment who
could mako a much larger amount by
obtaining tho agency of their county
of an articlo of great morit that will
soil well in till woll-to-do families, and
pay a profit of over 100 por cent. One
agent in Pennsylvania sold 32 in two
days and made over $00 clear. Any
man with energy enough to call and
show our invention can mako &l, GOO to
$3,000 a year. Wo only want one good
man in each county, to whom wo will
give tho oxcluslvo salo. Tho business
is pleasant, pormanont and profitable
We wIbIi to hear at onco from those
who'ore out of employment, or desiro
to get hotter. Sond stamp and address
and receive our largo descriptive cir
cular, giving full information.
llOSmithflold St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Take Notice!
Mrs. K. Monahnn, of Marysville.Mo.,
will bo at North Auburn on tho
17th and 18th days of July, when
slio will bo prepared to treat all
forms of oyo diseases. Her treatment
is a pormanont euro for granulated eye
lids and all forms of inllammatiun of
tho oyos. Como and see her.
Will bo at Nemaha City on tho 10th.
Mrs. Monahan will also bo in Brown
villo on tho lfithof each month.
Surgical operations will be perform
ed by Dr. T). 0. Wilson, of Mnry vlllo.
Dr. G. H. Collins, Dentist,
Visits tho following places in tho fol
lowing order, each month:
Brownvillo, 1st to 7th.
Nomaha City, 8th and Oth.
South Auburn, 10th, 11th and 12th.
Brock, 13th, Hth and 25th.
If you wish to save money, and your
teeth, hold your dental work for Dr. G.
ill. Collins. G2-tf
AuuuitN, Nk., Juno 12, 1882.
Notice is hereby given that there will
bo uempernnco meeting at Auburn,
July 8th, at 1 o'clock p. in., to make
arrangements forthu coming campaign.
Two dologatos from each tomperanco
organization in tho county, all minis
ters of tho gospel, and other temper
ance workers aro rwi nested to bo pres
ent. By order of Dist. Lodge, I. O. G.
T. D. S. HAOKKit, Diot. Dop'y.
Dry Your Fruit.
I am prepared with American Evap
orators, to dry fruit on shares thin
season. Ab agent of tho company, 1
can furnish machines to those who
wish to purchase. Correspond, or
better, come and seo.
Rout. W. Furnas,
r2v3 Brownvillo, Nebr.
will soil you n piano or organ from
625 to $100 less than any traveling
agent. Reasons why: I pay no city
tax; I pay no rout; no traveling agent.
I support my famllyfrom my farm.
Address, J.H. Dyk,
Nemaha City, Neb.
Do not neglect a cough or cold until
it Is too late, try Ellort's Extract of
Tnr and Wild Cherry, wo' aro sure vou
will bo convinced of its morits, chron
ic coughs, and ovon consumptives mo
cured by following tho directions,
every bottlo Is warranted to give satis
faction. 1
Bright's Disease of tho Kidneys, Di
abetes and other diseases of tho kid
neys and liver, which you aro being so
frightened about, Hop Bitters is the
only that will surely and permanently
provent and euro. All other prctouded
cures only relievo for a timo and then
mako yon many times worse.
Wall Paper,
Linn &y(Jooper.
Calvert. Neb., aro. now ready to
ceivo grain of all kinds, for which they
will pay tho highest market price
Call at tho olovatof .
J. O. CiASKIIX, Hnuugcr.
tho favorite, every man that has exam
ined It says Is tho "Boss." Go seo tho
"Regulator" atf Calvert, and ho will
show you somo of its line points.
Music LoBSona.
Miss Hollo Gavltt, of Bratton, will
bo at tho residenco of J. N.Smith, this
city, ono dayoach week for tho pur
poso of giving instructions in Instru
mental music. Can tako a limited
number of pupils. 51ml
Bright'B Disease, Diabotos, Kidney,
or Urinary Diseases,
Ilavo no fear f any of tlioso dis
eases if you uso? Hop Bitteis, as they
will provont and euro tho worst cases,
ovon whon you have been mado wflrso
by somo groat puffed up preteuded
For Sale or Rout.
Tho business houso nt IIowo station
now usod for tho postollico. Posses
sion given July 1st, 1882.
40 wl
D. M. Mourns.
Money to Loan.
can (ill cholco loans in threo
, Oshokn & Taylok,
Beauty Eegakted.
Tho beauty and color of tho hair
mav bo safolv regained by using Par
ker's Hair Balsam, which is much ad
mired for ita nerf uinb,cleanlihos3 . and
Brownville Editors,
To tho Editor of This Aiiveutiskk:
The writer believes that ho oxpresses
the sentiments of most of tho intelli
gent and respectable peoplo of Brown
ville by saying that ho is heartily
ashamed of tho manner in which one
of tho most refined and talented advo
cates of woman sdffrago in Nebrnska,
has been treated by the Brownvillo pa
pers. While wo boliove that Mrs. Col
by was misinformed as to tho com
mercial condition of our city. Wo
have seen nothing from her pen justi
fying this scurrilous attacks of our ed
itors, and it is with humiliation that
wo refer to tho matter. Wo attompt
no defence of Mrs. Colby; slio needs
none other than that witlt which her
own ability and the justido of her
cause has around iter. But it is with
extremo trepidation that wo arouse to
combat a gontlcman of such intellec
tual forco and argumentative skill as
tho editor of tho Grunyer. Horo is a
specimen of tho logic of his last issue.
Ho explains his opposition to tho wo
man suffrage moveuient as follows:
"Wo tako this position because wo like
it, and because it isJn accordance with
tho sentiments of nino-iontha of tho
most'intelligont and thoughtful people
of this part of the state." Tho reck
less assertion as to the sentiments of
the peoplo in this tytility is too wild
and intangible to 1 e noticed, but tho
stylo of explanation of his position is
rather attractive from its peculiarity.
"Wo take this position because- we like
It." What a forcible and satisfactory
reason. "Just becauso" is derisively
called "a woman's reason" and "be
causo woliko it" is a man's (?) reason.
But that is not all, hcj takes his posi
tion becauso he thinks "it is in accord
ance with the sentiments of nine-tenths
of tho most intelligent and thoughtful
peoplo of this part of the state." This
is an oxhibition of candor that wo did
not expect. Mr. Moore does not claim
that reason, Investigation or principle
has anything to do witiWho formation
of his opinions, but openly admits that
ho acts simply from policy and blindly
follows an ancient piejudico. However
moro Injury will bo done to tho cause
of woman .miffrntro in this countv by
tho pUinMe nlleiiTj5bf the V5$$rvof
tho Brownvillo JiejmbUcan to support
tho cause, than by tho weak and incon
sistent attack of tho Grunyer. Mr.
Thompson claims to be an advocato of
"woman suffrage," but, poor follow! he
has had littleteditorial experience and
follows tho remark that the amend
ment will carry in Nemaha county,
witli a wholly uncalled for attack on
Mrs. Ada M. Bittonbondor, apparently
not content with his insulting refer
ences to Mrs. Colby. At tho fall elec
tion wo expect Brownvillo to show that
its sentiments on one of tho great
est questions of the day have not boon
oxprcssed by its editors.
A ok Bicowxvim.i:.
Millinery Goods for the Fourth of Jnly.
It is very surpiising that a littlo
town, not yet a year old, should boast
of as largo a stock of goods as many
cities have nevertheless it is a fact,
and in this connoct'on wo wish to call
especial attention t tho elegant estab
lishment of Miss Dollio Terry. Her
stock of millinery goods, consisting of
liats, bonnets, silkB,lacos, fancy notions,
etc., is ono that any city might bo
proud to possess. On tho Fourth of
July thoro will probably bo many ladies
in tho city who have never had tho op
portunity of visiting this establish
ment, and Miss Terry takes this op
portunity of inviting all to call and
examlno her goods on that day.
Tho papers teem with crop reports
from all portions of tho country, set
ting forth tho satisfactory condition of
tho wheat, corn, ryo, oats, barley, etc.,
but not a word have wo seen oi hoard
in regard to tho succulent watermelon
and its prospocts. Wo would liko to
hear from tho outlying districts where
this cheerful fruit Is raised.
If wo owned all tho iron lying
around looso about tho depot and all
tho railroad tics, spikes, etc., at tho
samo placo, wo would soil out and buy
tho finest breech-loading shot gun In
all tho land, and tho knowlngost bird
dog in Brownvillo and go on a long va
cation. Reports from different portions of
this and Richardson counties indicates
that a very large crowd will be in at
tendance at our celebration on the
rHi vrHH fr lH
The finest and most completestgck in this county, at the
Lowest Prices,
A splendid assortment of Mouldings, for Picture
Frames, and an experienced cabinet maker is em
ployed by this house who will make or repair
youfurnitur in good style.
Undertaking a Specialty.
-A full lino of Collins, uasKets ana
Trimmings, always on hand and Metal-
ic Caskets furnished on short notice.
Sheridan, Neb.,
Where you will find one of the finest stocks of General Merchandise in
Nemaha County.
You will find tho nicest SPRING STOCK of CLOTHING for
all ages.
You will find DRESS-GOODS of the latest styles and patterns.
You will find a nice line of LADIES' and GHILDREN'S Shoes.
You will find an excellent line of BOOTS and PLOW SHOES for
You will find a full stock of GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, etc.
You will find one of the nicest store rooms and the most gemlemanly
clerks in Nemaha County. ,tf
We extend a cordial invitation to come and see us before buying, and
we will guarantee that in quality and price we wil suit you.
Remember the place,
t .
Having Itcccittly been
' f
Commercial ' Mechanical
The Town is from 1 0 to 25 miles from any
other place of importance,
Anoly to S, A OSBORN. :S
iStejta Welcli
Calvert, Nebraska,
Dealer In
Embloms of Every Description.
Surveyed and Flatted
and 28, T. 5, R. 14,
.. "eaf
I Fourth of next July.
uanuruu ernuicauugniropuruus.