Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 29, 1882, Image 11

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TIIUUSDAY, JUNE 122, 1882.
-Coal, coal.
-.T. W. Kitiih.
Strictly pure .Sugar Synip at Dovin
AX 'ckell, reliable newsdealer,
A. W. Ntfal'll, reliable druggist.
Mn.(!i.,i. I). "Biodd visited Hrown
villo last wk.
Now, we suggest
raisu a wind mill.
Extra copies of Tun
for sale at tlie postofllec.
lion. Church Howe rt'tmued from a
trip to Omaha last Thursday.
Miss Annie Merger wont to Urown
villo Sunday on a. short visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. W. Sandeis, of
Nemaha, spent Sunday in Auburn.
For Lumber Lime
and Coal go to
J. W. Kkuns.
Complete files of tho Couitunt and
Advkutisuu can bo seen at tho post
office, C. I). Nixon, of North Auburn, left
for his homo in Owego, X. Y., on
Thursday evening.
Geo. Willing, manager of Willing
JJrog. & Jordan's lirownvillo store, was
in the city Monday.
Coal oil has been found at Baxter
Springs, Kansas, at u depth of 40 feet
in paying quantities.
Thos. Lorunco, of JJrownville, spent
Sunday in this city visiting his pros
pective mother-in-law.
Tho Calvert Cornet Hand has en
gaged Maj. J. W. Ford as instructor,
and is progressing finely.
A Teachers' Institute will bo held in
- Bedford precinct at tho ltoselleld school
house on Juno 2ttl, 1882.
E. W. Ilurlbut, the "Boss" clothing
man of Tecumseh, paid us a visit on
Wednesday of last week. See his "ad."
in another column.
Wm. Zook, one of Win. Penick's
(St. Joe wholesale druggist) traveling
men, spent Sunday and Monday of last
week in this city.
A. W. Nickell, tho druggist of Brown
ville, got hungry very early Monday
morning and drove out to tho IIol
drege lo get a good brealcfast.
Dolos Smith, of Falls City, wo neg
lected to mention last week, gave us a
pleasant call while stopping in this
city on his way to Brownville.
Church Howe always lands square
on his feet. Congressional candidates
in tho First District will do well to
bear this in mind. Franklin County
Tho boaiding cars on tho B. & M.
extension, which have been standing
on tho sido track at this place wero
movqd out to the end of tho track last
Tho ctilvort at tho foot of Center
Avonuo was finished last week. It was
a much needed inprovement, and re
flects much credit on our worthy super
visor. J. N. Brush.
Somo say Weaver's congressional
goose has been cooked and that ho will
not resign .the judgeship of this dis
trict as was anticipated by somo, and
very ardently desired bj others. Beat
rife Independent,
Our blacksmith, Wm. Mathieson, re
ports business good. Ho lias engaged
a first-class wagon maker, who will be
here in a short time, when ho will bo
bottor prepared than ever to do all
kinds of wagon wood-work.
Why is it that South Auburn has no
harness maker? This is ono of tho
best points in tho county for that busi
ness, and should bo l ('presented. We
invito harness makers generally to
como and look at tho situation.
II. J. F. Wort and G. W. Fairbrother,
jr., have formed a land agoncy, and if
you have anything to sell, faring, town
lots, horses and wagons, or houses to
lent, place them in tho hands of this
firm and they will disposo ot it for you
at a reasonable commission.
n liut our
To Brother Hall of the Wahoo
Time", we wish in say that when ho
makes tlieasseitlon the (!. A. H., means
"Grand Army of the Republican Par
ty," he lies. If ignorantly excusable,
if knowingly damnable. If this is tho
splenic advocate of (Ireenbaekism in
Nebraska, tho sooner he is mopped
from the face of tho earth the better.
We claim to run a paper as independ
ent ah any one, but when paity allegi
ance calls on us to tarnish tho name, or
impugn tho motives of tho well-tried
patriots of America, to whom wo owo
all, then party can go to Hades and we
will stick to tho men who stuck to the
old llag in perilous times. Jkutrice
Bully for you, Alex. You aro a Re
publican, and can't bo anything else
that's tho trouble between you and the
g. b. party.
A big stock of
spring clothing at
McGec Sf Moore's.
Tho following from tho, Lincoln
Daily News concerning a daughter of
tho Hon. H. C. Lett, will be read with
pleasure by many citizens of this coun
ty: "Miss Nellio Lett was tho recipi
ent last Saturday night, at tho opera
house, of somo very nice presents, in
cluding vory handsome boquots, also a
full set of Shakespeare's works, con
sisting of thirteen volumes, presonted
by friends in St. Joseph. They were
sent by express and wore in waiting at
tho opera house for tho occasion. They
wore given in appreciation of her suc
cess as a young elocutionist, for which
sho has a natural taste and is particu
larly proficient."
Call and sec. the
new goods at McGee
& Moore's.
Booths Sold at Auotion.
Tho following booths on tho celebra
tion grounds, for tho Fourth, were sold
on Monday of last week :
No. l J. I). Croan, ii 3.00.
2 C. L. Whito.SlWiO.
fl Wm. doit, $1.1.00.
1 A. II. C.ilmoro. $15.00.
r W. W. Crai)dall.8l.").O0.
0- I V. Tennev, $ia.00.
0 II. Harmon, $10.00.
No. 10-jD. E. C. Long, ."510.00.
. No,.l8 A. Palmer, 10.00.
No. 10 O. Dovel, $10.00.
Swing No. 1 W. W. Crandall, 812.
Swing No. 2 E. Robertson 310.00.
East Dance Platform Joe Bains,
Plow Shoes at
McGee & Moore's.
The following from Auburn went on
tho excursion to Atchison last Thurs
day: Geo. Biechers, II. Froytag, A.
Moore. W. B. Fisher, Win. Willing, J.
D. Croan, T. I). Shnitz, D. J. Wood, T.
Richards and G. D. Cress. From North
Auburn tho following: A. II. Gilinore,
W. T. Heed, A. W. Morgan, O. J. Stow
oll, It. O. Follows, J. II. Pohlman, W.
Dundas, Nato Miller, P. P. Starin, W.
A. Eberly, E. L. Taggart, II. Willson
and L. B. Filloy.
Money to Loan.
Wo can fill
days .
choice loans in three
O.SIIOKK & Tayj.oh.
Soon will the vender, blithe and lucct,
Veil "Cooking Apples I "on the meet,
And when they're bought and on the shelf,
The matron'! small boy wicked elf
Will reach above, o'er plate and cup,
And eat a half a dozen up;
In just an hour he'll be seen
All twisted by the apple green,
Rut he will take it very cool,
And next day stay at home from school.
Lace Remnants at
McGec & Moore's.
"fis now the time
That poets rhyme
About the fan for half a dime.
And now they seek
The cottage meek
Where board is six dollars per wek ,
O the rye, the beautiful rye,
Standing fi e and six feet high ;
Covering hill, valley and lea,
Our teams are suffering, panting for thee.
Sallicwas our servant green,
And auburn was her hair;
She lit the fire with kerosene,
And climbed the golden stair.
The man who has a thousand friends
Has not a friend to spare,
But he wh has one enemy
Will meet him ever) where.
Try the Non-Bxplosivo Safety Oil ai
Dovin & Fisher's.
At Prices that
Farm Tools, Stoves, Iron, Nails, Firearms, Ammunition, Etc.
A Cood Tin Shop in Connection with Ilia House. Ji No. 1 workman in
h Charge Custom work a Specialty.
BBB MB jEH OH CM bwk be xm vrsn M MB CM M2Vl VBI 9i RMBBI RM HM HHi MHAi
I I 1 a wrk Epl w 6$ H J! vnt ma W fe II W K
AND " i
mmmmmm Smmmm tMW ! n nn i i,mtammtmmmtmmmmtmmamaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmatmKam,mmtmmmmmmmnmmmmmm
Ts the best machine ever invented. Go to the
and see the reports from Texas of the excellent work which it
performs. No mistake in its being the Lightest lluniiiiig ma
chine, the strongest, the best finished, the easiest to operate, the
best reel, and has what no other Harvester has,
no shrinking, no .wabbling, in that kind of wheel. Remember
that the main drive wheel has to run the entire machine. For
the best Reaper and Mower combined, the
Buokeye Table
have been sold in this county for years, and they speak for themselves.
ice to Farmers
Tho umlcrHlKiml hns for siilo tho
Well knownto t)o tho host, wliloli ho will
iell etivnpur That) tho ctiinjicNl.
Farmers, Call and See,
Your old Iron, rag.s, copper and Iihib,
to 1$. O. Wlilttoiiioro'd, iu Utownvill
JTd'Il buy 'em.
. nr
will Suit. Remember you can get
aid twine binders,
I will mnll (frco) UiMnvolp.) for n Hlinplo
Vi'K'titl)le Mnlin t lint will iuiiiovo tun, trunk-
lOK, )lllipll)Hltll(l l)ll)tUllUN, loilVldK till) Hltltl
holt, unit liciiiitllul; iiImo Insli uutlotiH
for pjo.liii'liu t liixtirlniit growth ot liulr on
it linlil lit'inl (irs'ii )'lli rue". Ail Iross IiicIoh.
Iii:i'htiiiiip, Hon. Vituilelf &Uo l llnrcluy
Htrti't. N. V.
Tliomlvurtlhur liiivlnu Iiopii pcriniuiontly
curuil of tliut ilrciui iIIhohko, Coiiiiiiiiiptlon.hy
it Hlinplo ruiiicdy, Ih anxious to niiiUo known
lo IiIh follow MilI'nri'rM llio tliu liii'iuiH ot cmiio
To nil who clenlro It, tio will hoik! it copy ot
tho prescription tisod, (Iron or ohitrKii.) with
tlio illrt-ctloiiK for preparing mill iihIiik tho
name, which thoy will Mini it Hiiro euro lor
couuliH, colilK. coiiHiunptlon, iiKtliinu, hron
cliltls, ito. Parties wIhIiIiik tho prcsurlptloii
will plcHKunUilicHM, Hov. 10. Wilson, 101 rent)
slreot, Vllllumnhnrli, X. V.
A KoiilloiGiin who Hullurvih for youro from
nervous (lohlllty, i)rematiiro ilncny, and nil
thoolIi'oDtof youthful Indlscrotlon, will for
tlio siikoof sullcrlnn hiimiinlly, sond free to
nil who ncoil It, tho reclpouml dlreellon for
iiiiiidiiK ijio siinpio remedy ny wniuii no wits
, y nrTM wIhIiIiik to iirollt hy tho ml
r . tliirlittlft r.ri ! tm l.t nuu tnn
- ivmw vttn 111 mi P iiiiii(-nniii
Jnllileno John Ji. OanKS.
12 Cedar streut, Now Yotlc,
Ui:l,Y & BI.tWKIiVg.
lero tho host tonsiirlnl uorli Ih
Mvnvlllo, or Noinulin county.
KSTA J3 J..1S M'ED 18 7 0.
Manufacturer! of the Conuvcr Bro's
Patent Uoright Pianos
And Wlioleiale Aycnn fur
Ki'anicli &L Bach.,
Xjindoman, Pisolicr
and Hainos Pianos.
I'ubliihcrsofMuiic 1 f Jobber! in Musical
and Mucic llooki, Merchandise.
l!l Main Street, KANSAS CITY, MO.
Sv )t M TT Ki1 if ' " ""iiki i.m
Sfi-iiVl i IZ.U ciiii v in (he L a. U Mil tl
H()iliiprIU i'l 'lu'.i. uilli Iii.mU, ' 1 mUcnjIiwi.
loiucli tutu, mtliiitiwl rtfat-nvl i loo.l.l. Il.r .ulttl lrr '
ik) iht Icfinl hIII lu.urr "I'lktr vttr blllu it muiilkV '
Aalictil.Nri.ll.AIIOktll III. 10., Uo, (M. ttl.LgxlLj