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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1882)
-T " ? 'bbkHbi TJ Hi i I t cbvnsku dwvtbw O. W. PAIRBROTHER Srli Q. Wt CAiriVROtHtn, JH, BeN Pi SANDIftti BY G. Wt FA1RBR0THER A CO. &ooaii x-racwai. llyo harvest is on. 'Good corn wchther." Go to the concort to-night, 2omo and bud Auburn on the 4th. Mujor J. W. Ford was in town Tues day. Very heavy rain hero Monday foro hoon. - Stationery of all kinds at the post ofllce. Crcain Soda Water at store. Jflckell'H drug Nickell, the druggiet, bargains in tea. will givo you Hon. J. II. Broady, of Hrownville, paid us a pleasant visit Wednesday. Again Ilomew'ood's nilU is making the boss Hour in the market. Try it. Machine, oils of all kinds at greatly , reduced. prices at Nickell's in Brown rilie. -----1 - 11 11 1 lj County Commissioner's proceedings are unavoidably crowded out, of this iss,' 'itfili appear next week. The popularity of Hojnuwood & Shifter's Hour 1b being re-established. Ask your grocer fdr Homowood's. iinVh'tre do theboys get their whisky? is the question that is agitating the minds of the law-abiding citizens' of South Auburn. 0. "NV. Cornell, Esq., who has been for some time at the bedside of his fa .tlior, who has been quite sick, at Salem, Neb., has returned. We call attention of our family readers to the continued story we com mence this week, "The Lawyer's Se cret." It's a good one. The Telephone Company have re- celred their instruments, wire, etc., and as soon as they can have the poles Bet will hoist their wire and begin oppor ations. On July 8rd and 4th, the li. & M. railroad will sell round trip tickets be tween all stations in Kansas and Ne braska, enst of McCook's station, at the regular faro one way. Good to re turn July 6th or before. There will be a meeting of the people at 6amuelson's Hall Friday evening to comploto the arrangements for the celebration. This will be the last meeting boforo the fourth, and all in terested should be present: ' ' . r- - tN iekelifthVUrpwuVIlle druggist, has fan immense stock of paints, oils, glassy also wall paper and window shades, 'which he is selling fit exceedingly low prices. If you want anything' in the above line do not fall to get his prices, as ii will save you money. Wrn M. Clark, living two and a half miles southwest af this place, hud tyo nlules kjllc by lightning Monday morning and his .brother, James Clark, living about three miles northeast of this place, 16st a Valuable hpao by lightning on he same day. Our Brownvillo correspondents junt everlastingly go for those Brownvllle editors. Junius" is a good judge of "humtn natur." Ilia kaleidoscope shows them to bp gentlemen neither by blood nor education the dunghill asserts itsolf tho spots will show. i The storm that visited tills place last Sunday morning was mnsually terrific at Talmage, on the mV1' in Otoe county, Tho Talmago Tribune issues an extra, in which it gives tho details of a frightful accident , that oc curred on tho railroad. It. seems t,hut a gang of section hands, vJQii they saw tho storm coming, got under their handcar to escape tho "rain, and a freight car that had beeu Started by the wind ran over them while in that position, injuring six men, tnreo of whom have sinco died. Dr. Onuer- man, of North Auburn, and Drsf Nicliols and T2wh, of Brock, were called immediately and rendered all tho assistance possible to the unfortu nato men. Tho threo who survival lire in a critical condition and it is thought that one of them cannot live. it i4 1 '"' tu ' l u IHsJl .'aftar i ' JF ii .! t Special. KSTotices. Nollees under Uili llead-r,'Vanted,,, "For tiaif," "For ltehs,' etc.,- nvo line's or kin, 25 cents each Insertion. YTULDHKaK,- A No. 1 foraelecook wanted AX at the Holdrege House. Apply Imme diately. J MR SALE. A. Rood realdonco In Booth J Anbura. Apply to II. J. F. Wert &. Co. riOlt HALK OH HUNT. -The business house 1 nt Howe Station now uned for postofllc. Possession given July tut, 1BWJ Apply to u. m. Morrn. ONKY TO LOAN. Wo can nil choice loan In throo (lavs. Annlr to Oiborn A fay I ylor. EORHALK. Dlank Deeds.Cliattel and Ileal Estate MortKHKaN. Hills of Hale, Wo tun, Kto. at Tiir AnvRKTinKR office, 1J1XTKA onples of Tick ADVicRTiiiKiiforaale It at the pOHtorrice, NOTICE.-If YOU owe ua anythlngon subscription please come In or send In and pay tin. We need our money. FOIlHALrV-CloverUay. Call on Harney Olteua. TXR HALK. I have a flrst'Clan not of enr Jlpenier'a tools which I will sell cheap. M. W. Wallace, North Auburn. AOOOU Iluslneaa lot on Center Avenue, near hotel, Houtli Auburn, for salu chrnp by II. J, F. Wert A Co. WANTED TO HUY.-Two Rood farms of from bU to 100 litres, near the rent or of Nemaha oonuiy. Apply to II. J. F. Wert A Co.. at postofflre. D. J. WOOD, -i" AND Lightning, Fire and Wind INSU RANGE AG12NT, i r- i , . A Challenge. Wo hereby challenge any cord binder 6f liny inauufacture, to meet the Wal ter, A, Wood binder In a friendly Meld contest at any place, at any time, and in any" kind of grain, 'opponent may select' " Respectfully, t IIutcuins & Co. Hutchlns & Co. this week issue a challenge to any self-binder to meet the Walter A. Wood in a friendly contest in any field, in any kind of grain. Thomas Richards, who has heard that tho challenge would be issued lias ac cepted in advance, and named Thurs day as the day, and tho rye field of J no,, Maxwell, near town as the place were ho will back the Buckeye against thq Wood or any other machine. Herb. Wilson will probably bo on hand also with his machine the Adams & French, and all the farmers aro invited to be present to see the fun. Parasols, fans, lawns, white goods, dusters, shoes, slippers, suits for men and boys, straw hats, etc., etc. Call and prepare for the Fourth of July. McGee & Moore. Sometime ago Homowood & Shifter had the machinery of their mill over hauled by an export millwright, as (hoy supposed; but by some mlscalcu httioii he made it worse, and the result was the turning out of some (lour not up to the usual' standard. Now, how ever, wo are pleased to say the machin ery as good as( theie is on the Nemaha riyer has Jbeen readjusted and re paired, and they aro making Uour sec- ondto nouo. UThjtt Henfry Shifter, the boss old mUJpr! stnwfs, at the hulin, is generally guarantee sulllciout in any mill that tho Hour is number one. Cyclone on the Muddy. On the evening of July 4th, a terri ble tornado swept down the Muddy de tr0y!nglevery1ulldlnglu itatr.tok! No lpss, all were Insured by I), .1. Wood against wind storms. TIiIh may not all be a lie,1 '! Pear Not. All kidney wld urinary complaints, especially Bright's diseaso, diabotes and llverlroubles. Hop Bitters will huioIv and lastingly euro, Cases exactly Uk'o your own have been cured In your own neighborhood, and you can find, loliahlo proof at home of what Hop Bitters hos. iuhI can do. "rq aro very sorry to say that the majoritv of tho drunken men seen on our streets Monday and Tuesday are, or ought to be, respectable citizens or tho town, and not railroaders, as slime might suppose. Nickell. the Brownvllle druggist, has tho largest assqrhnont, the best gopd. iitnd the lowest pricps of any drug house in the county. t ' , .i i i,, Miss Hattlo Mutz, a charming and vivacious little lady from Peru, was. in tlipoiljOast Friday evening. When you go to BrPwnvlllp cull in at Nickeirsdrugstoreand get a glass oi vreauiif?iwHgtfcMtoJ h "i ' Itena from Iforth Auburn,,, . Mr. J. Sversolo has just completed the building of a neat cottage opposite Mrs. Waite's now residence. B G. Whittcmore, of Brownville, is rebuilding in North Auburn, one of tho houses that was lately removed from Scott City, Mo., to savo it from the unsatiablc maw of the old Missouri. Hon. Church Howe returned from the upper country last Friday. Tho M. P. It. It. Co. havo let the con tract for u huge elevator, and work has been commenced. Dr. Boat is building a new and hand some residence. Prof. Boyd, of Humboldt, is putting up a business house on Central Avenue. J. E. Bell, the boot and shoe mah, has completed the foundation for n new residence. Hess & Co. are dishing up ice cream to those who are fond of that vegeta ble J. H. Benteris the proprietor of n neat harness shop, and is doing a good business. A lodge of Knights of Honor was organized here last week. Mrs. Jones Is the milliner here. She carries a large and well selected stock of all kinds of goods that please the ladies. It rained. Everybody is expecting an abundant harvest. . (J u i tea u can not be with us on the Fourth of July. Our new school house is growing rapidly, .1. A. Keedy, contractor and builder. Harmon V;Sl;o. have opened their brick kiln. ; Mr. C. S. White and MIbs Emma Rutherford, two huppy love strollers weie baptised last Sunday ioienoou while on their way to town. Joeenh Klchaidsou has built an ad dition to his resilience on First street. James Clark had a hoisn killed by lightning lust Monday. His horse was Insured and he came to town at once and called on the insurance agent. Avoid doing that to your neighbor which you would take amiss if he wu.v to do it to you. Thus spoke I'lttoctih 570 3 ears belore Christ. Mr. A. Carlson and Mrs. Emily Ban ditti were united in wedlock last Sun day. May their wedded life bo long and blissful. Everybody is coming to Auburn to celebrate tho Fotiith Wou'UMt be loiiBome everjW eie else? A and uutoituaate accident w.i.s that that happened near Talmage 1 ist Sunday. Wtare informed that s wr al familes aro lett not far from i e ti lute, and that Steps 'are being tan. en to raise a small amount of money for their relief. This is indeed a laudable step. It beats the "big bell and high steeple" enterprise and the grand fire works business clean out of sight. Elder E. C. Towne. of Klrwln, Kau nas, preached in Cooper's hall last Sun day. Ci D. Dundas is building an additloi. to his house. Mr. Filloy seeing the need of a first class butcher shop, btepped behind Mr. Smith and said "go in" and I'll stand to your back. Teachers' Institute. ItOSEKlHl.D, Nkiui., .Iune20tli,'82 According to arraiiKements tin teacliora of thin part I tlio cuuntx met at UoHolieli last Saturday ttj holii an institute. TcicIicib piescnt: MIhsc Dice, Schautz. Handall, ltichaids, Itoy. Uieee and Hughes; Messrs. Lorance. Gilland, Itiuhaids and Stokes. Consid ering the hnsy time ot thu year then was a very KiuH'jturn out ot" those in tereated in seho1 1 matters. Exercises opened by a iianer on 'The Personality ot the Teaeher," by Mlse Seliautr.. A vei good article aiuTwell read. Discussions followed on variety thoughts brought out. The use of school apparatus was tin subject of an article by Mfss Itiece. Mins Dice read a paper containing Home excellent thoughts on school dis cipline. Why districts are constantly chang ing teachers was argued at hoi'iiu length by district olllceis and teacheis present. Of course they did not agree as to tin reason. Adjourned for dinner. It is onouuh to say that the dinner was a ciedit to the people of Hoselield. After (spending an hum in ver, pleasant social inten 011 raw, the meeting was again willed to order. Miss Handall read a paper, tho sub ject of which I failed to get. Miss Hughes read a paper by County Superintendent Bowers, of Lancaster Which contained some very good thoughts. Subject: "Teachers and their wages." Mr, Lorance came next with an ar ticle on "The Progressive Teacher." Noxt was a paper by Mrs. Schick un reading. After which she closed tho exorcises by showing tho superiority of .the "word method" of teaching verv stnall children reading, by forming a class of Borne ot tho little folks pres ent. Theexerclaes wero iutcrsneratd with music by Mr. Dyg and others of the neighborhood. Taken altogether tho meeting was a very interesting one and I am confi dent that those present went away feel ing that they had not only spent a pleasant day but very provable oije m "well. ' .1. -"Terrible Tornado. $2,000,000 of property destroyed in Iowa last week. Nebraska's turn next. Secure a policy against wind Btorms, cyclones and Tornados right away of D. J. Wood. ' WITCH KRLV k HAWKINS. HIRST DOOR EAST OF THK POST Jjoffioe, Himre the UeHt touftorinl work lit rtone In llrownvllle, or Nemaha c-ohntjr. Concert at Samuelson's Hall this, Wednesday evening. Do not fail to attend. Legal Notice i To Francis M. RIchardi, Samuel Dally, R.T. Dally, Morrlion. You arc hereby notified that I am the owner of a trraiuter'i certificate of tale No. 1231, of the following described real eitate to-wltt Part of the southeast quitter of section six, township six, north of range fifteen east, containing fifty acres situated in the northeast corner 0 said sec tion, in Nemaha county and State of Nebraska, and taxed in the names of Francis M. Richards, Samuel Daily, R. T. Daily, Morrison, other name unknown. On the 5th of Decem ber, 1879. said lands were sold for the delinquent taxes of 1869, 1 87 1 to 1878 and years interven ing said dates, amountinc to one hundred and twenty.fivc and 34100 dollars ar,d has paid up the taxes to dte. And that the time for re demption will expire Vh said property abore de scribed on the 28th day of September 18S2, at which time the undersigned will apply for , tax deed. ' Dr John F, Nial, Owner of said certificate by Oiborn tc Tajlor, his agents. ' aw$ tlit lk m futUlm M p rftl lulf Klmr so DrMtUf. Admiral rrlUluilliMdlfiIIf'm. Ksrsr 'alls to Restore tirejror Faded Hair It lb jonlMul clr; 0 U, ud (I tliM at ll 4tffitU. Olnitsr. Baeka, Xaadrake, StIlllaKia and many of ins Lett medicines known are here com bined (nloamtdicino of such varied and effective powers , as to males the GreatestDlood Purifier&tlie Mat malt art Wrtnf RMtm Cvt r Hart. It cures Drsnepua, Rheumatism, Meeplcsneu, all ditestcs of ine Stomach, ISoweU, l.unj;, Liver, Kidneys, and all Ferrule Complaints. If you are wsilinc awsy with Consumption or any se.use the 'Jomc lo-usy. it win surely F emember I it Is fr suncrior to limit.. Ip Ettcncefc of Ginger and other Tonics, as it builds op the system without intoxicating joe and$t sins, at all deslcrs in drucs. None cenuine without signature of Hi'COX & Co.,N Y. Sendlorcircular LARQE BAV1NO IN DUYINO THE DOLLAR SIZE. kV V H BBsa flaBasaj R SS u sasWiiil ELB kg m 3 fs SZSSul wl ts o s c? 3 at ti g c r S 50 00 "J I o 5 iBIllVv ,"! tJ IsbBBBH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBV flRHBBBBBBBBBBBaf sVtl .BBBbV cJ 2.D S1 35 v q "UsV P II IS i m 1 ----- f GUNS or imi kxitd cxxatxx tham xter. KMes, Shot Oooi, Ryo1tt, Amrauul- Uob, Flatting Tackle, Solnei, Nete, Knlrea, RAcora, HkMtes. Hammocks, etc. Large Illustrated Catalogue FRKK. GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, piixsBunan, va.. a CENTS CD ! iAdlce anjl Oentlemen, to engntfo Arttelff. rroflta large. LtikerU light. KxeltMlva terrllety le. No competl Uon. Term liberal. Cfreulart FUEK. Address Mewltt HtJisifaet'c Co., Bo 606, Pittsburgh, PJ A NEW OURE FOR POTATO pGS AKI AIL TMUUESOME VERMM. ar. - aonnsioa, a'iiutrk, r. 1SIGAL INSTRUMENTS M m biii Kmas tor sbi very oneap. Cataleaues free. Address, RICHARD Wftl I CO., Box 88. PltUburgh, Pa. DIEBOLD SAFES ROUND CORNER. Solid Welded Anglo Iron Framt. l-IKIi AND UUKGLAK EXTRA SECURE LOOKt. J NO. Hi ItORRIS 1 Vice-President aasl fiaa'l Waatara Ws S7 STATE ST.t Chicago, 111. TUTTS PILLS SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Losa of Appetite, Bowels costive. Pain in the Mead, with a dull senshtion in the back part, Fain undor the Bboulder blade, nillness after oatinp, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with ft feeling or having neglected some duty. Weariness, Diwiness, Fluttering at the Heart, Dote before the eyes. Yellow Skin, Headache geaerally .over the right eye, Beatlennese, with fitful dreams, highly oolored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. TUTTS PIXtS are especially adopted to such crises, one doae effects each a change of feeling aa to aatoulah ttte atssrerer. Tbey Isseressee th AaBHptlt, and cause the body toTsUse est Fleah, tbus the Jtytcm la MOMrtaltetf. add by.thWr Tattle Art latu on the Olsrcatlve Ornsssa. Krtilsup SMeat are pro ducea. Price cenk .ft Mssrrssy'ed.. W. T. TUn'S HAIR DYE. Obat Haia or WiusKtcxa chaheed toa'droxar Black by a slnplo application of tola DTK. ,It Im parts a natural color, acta Tnstantaneoualy.Sold by Drufglsta. or.aent by express on receipt of ei. erricat, u mchrat sit., mew ibrk. CBr. TTJTTS MiKCAL ,r TiIhU, I.f.rU u OME TREATMENT. A certain coro for Nervous Debility, Somlnal Weak- The Bedpetused in mv Wcttce far 2h Yeae aBaalllsui,dVookoriKrpaBi- FMuir roll. l"nfi?J,''trestins.t, snt free, Addrea OS. T. WIXXIAM8., 4W t. U w R. Wwsaies. Wk hop bitters: (A IHedlclne, net a Drink.) CONTAINS BOPS, BUCHU, niANDItAKE, DANDELION, Ahdtrk TcaasT and HsTMmicALQnAXJ ties or all oTiiKH Uirraaa. THEY OTJIfcE AH Dlseasesof theStomach, Bowels. IJtood, Ltrcjf KldncTs.and UrlnuryUriraiii. Ntr- KiancTs,ana urinurynrcani. ijh iDcsSiBleepletsncssand nnpeclall) VOBsncss.birenieiancsaanu i sreuiaie LOiuinsinis. SIOOO IN GOLD. Will be psld for a case they will not cure or help, or for anything impure or luxurious found n Hum. Askyour druggist for Hop Hitters and try tbem before you sleep, Tuko 110 other. D I. C. Is an absolute and Irresistible rnrn for Iirunaenncss, use or opium, tobacco muu narcotics. BBjBsHHsl 8snd roa Cibculax. All xm ult liy ll.p BllUr. M. C, ItMbutcr, N. V ., A T.ronlo, Out, 1 JL mCC vk. ir, tUHti HS l..rji-rt taflt0 CI i.r .ur ntUi I by N.1..1 .1.1- a "fr'r- "M-rU'l'MiMpliMllll-""'"1 .f.!7."i-.i 7 '"r'1' i'iki., i . mj U J.'i' C" H,UlBf ll.l.LfMr 1, ., 1 t ,,11.,: ,r IU; Jlll.. LbW, a I ,BiiBasaaeBBrBaaaaaaaaal . . V '5 Ut ' mw.h ...! .H . fcWW.W Ft 1 k j