'"""mmmhiiii i i ! i wlLfX,,, . mT""" "SI!!i!?'L-"""" ' i m- ,, A ESTABLISHED I860. I OLDEST PAPEf? IN THE STATE. naanMRnBanmananmnm AUBURN, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY; JUNE 29, 1882. VOL. 27, NO. 2. h A HOEDAY & EBERLY, doom mmum Have vTust Keceived ' -'' - t , OKlaa And everything that pertains to the Drug Business. any firm in the County. Gall and see us, and be convinced. Physician's Prescriptions and family Receipts carefully prepared. HOLLADAY & EBERLY, North Auburu, Nebr. Summer Styles ! Summer Styles ! . ANIMHtENSJE STOCK AT THE Staif Clothing House-. A Clothing Equal to Custom Work! bootaiul Sb Jos of -Every Variety ! u VJL;ull!s', Fine Shoes- l- K, ivoniy hoil ami Nobby 8oft and Elegant FurnlNlilnsr' , Trunks and HURLBTJT, Tecumseh, Nebraska w . ,; BUSINESS CARDS. tW -- uu n A n V Attorney and Connielor at 1., "'"' Brownvllle,Nb T S. STULL, W. ATTORKRVS A.T LAW. OUlcqof County Judge, Brownvllle, NebrAlkA. X S. ItOOTiAVXY, fc T iX Ptiynlelan, Surgeon, Oliatetrlotau. (Mrftduated In 18(1. Located" In Brown vlllo IMS. Omcc.Jl MMnslreet,BiwnvWet Neb. B. F. WEST,M.D. Physician and Surgeon, Calvort, Nebraska. OFFICE. Nickell A Shurti' Drug Store. COHODEN L. SWART25, 31. D., Physician and Surgeon, Bedfo'rd Xemaha Co., !Nebr. , D.J.WOOD,,, H JVOTilR i u k -f -jm. ttA. WMJUIC, -r-rAND INSURANCE Calvert, Agent, Neb., G. W. CORNELL, .tlTTOlWJEX 5r Jb.in; CALVERT, NED. OFFICE. One 'door North bf the 'Nemaha r r County Bank. Will practice in all the Courts and attcqj to; Collection!. i BOOTS, SHOES, ' "' AND HARNESS.; Mode and repaired n wall as can ba doui -. auywhenvon Hhort notice, and ,- VERY REASONABLE TERMS. iVcmalm City, Nebr. G. W. FAIRBROTHER, SR. 3STotaxy Public. Will pay attention to C O N VE Y ANCING And Land Agenoy Business. And Inking no on iobUIoiir. ninnk Mortgages, nnd Deedo, nil sorw of blanks on hand. 1 T . . ---.-.. ESTABLISHED IN 1858 OLDEST Real Estate Agency IN NEBRASKA. William H. Hoover. Does n general Real Estate Buslnesi. Sella w -" Comul8lon. oxatnlnes Titles, makes Doeds, MortitOKPs. nnrt nil m.ir ments pertaining to the transfer of Real E. tato. . n Complete AbBtraot of Titles to all Real Estate lu Nemaha County.1 " ' ' Li ' -ram. W' T DiRIJGGISTS, 1 SUCCESSORS TO 8. H..MAPDY. an Immense Stock of Drugs, Stationery, TOILET ARTICLES, a Specialty I aiiuntaiNi Goods ! Valises by the Hundred ! , ' ' . :g SOUTH! AUBUJfctNj REAL ESTATE AGENCY: h;j.f.wert&oo, Can furnish yon with Good Farms, tin proved nnd oUiorwIso In Woinaluv couu ty, nnd vacant and Improved, town 1 lrtt In rw.ip ' iLri if ":: .irlJv.nnil pww.tl. Jlb0fO2!iwrtMS!39WJVWfcJWi I'f . . o nlvu it a mjer nousoK in South Auburn for font. Crtn rum :rwi ui,inr1i1lini.'"-.-'.'u.'IICi tub niHUKs 01 any uiKoripiion. Apply ut the of any dlsorlp postomeo, Calvort, Nebraska. Dr. A. Opperxuann, Mrhymcian and Surgeon ' n occn locaiea in memana L-ounty unce County 1868. Strict attention paid to all ACUTE and CHRONIC DISEASES. Afllictioni of the Ear and Eye skillfully Treated, Jg?"Arti(icial eyei always on hand to-gn Suit any tize or color. Calls at tended to day or night OFFICE Northwest. cornerCourt and Second Streets. ,ti RESIDENCE Soutjiwest corner Main and ad Streets, SHER'lDAN, NEB. aoyi Central House SHERIDAN, NEII. I. W. SKILLMAN, PROPRIETOR. This popular house luis'fboon reiontly oponod.iind trnvoltfra will fluil ovory appointmdJit iirat-cluss. A.- PArfliEE, PROPRIEToi Oily 13ali:ei-y5 CALVERT, NEBRASKA. Fresh Bread, Pies.Cakes, 1 Etc., alwavs on Hand. Best Cigars in the City. Ice Cream! 99" Kemombor the pluco-oti the corner, south of tho Holdrego llouao. S. A. Oshorn, Notasv Public. G.W.Tayloi' Osboen & Taylor, ATTORNEYS and Counselors at Law. Calvert11 and Brownvillo. PRACTICE. IN THE STATE-AND FED. ER.AL COURTS. Special attention given t collectfonrand'sile f T-T 4-r m . 2HWf'i ' txcj ox'vriiiwu We propose to compete with Ifclmwlut fAwttfatt T I. . M - -" Q. W. FAIRDROTHER 8R. 'Q. MIRUROTHER, JR, "OEN f. SAND BY G. W. FAIRBRi THER & CO. J. B. KELSEY, P. STAEIN Prosidont. Oashia" .3 bank op mm. Services to the off .. Auburn WyAXD NE3 For tho fv IhislncHS In no lino l.tUt I ? j' ' , rM OOLBY VS. BROWNVIELE. "A rnnn muHtHorvo hlu tlmu to ovory trado SaviJc)ijrtre, -orltlc-irtro already inudo." ' Editor Adveiitisi:k: I have often had occasion to observe that history repeats itself, and nature with all her kaloideoscopic variations reproduces character. I was was formerly of the opinion that tho editor of tho Granger was tho only man in JJrownvillo to whom the above couplet would truth fully and justly apply. Hut lo! another and greater appears in tho person of young Thompson, of tho Iiejmblicun, who assuming the role of a solf-consti-ttitod judgo on tho throne of taste far surpasses his more huiublo co nputitor, by tho sublimity of his impudence. For him Monro seems to occupy the samo position that St. John tho Uaptist did to our Savior, nieiely 11 precursor pre paring tho way for a more exalted gen ius, whoso shoo latcheU, ho will soon bo found unworthy to unloose. Every body knows that Mooie's vicious stric tures arise mainly from a ictarded cir culation, an imperfect digestion and an occasional overdo w of bile. Know ing tho causo people genorally forgive tho offense becauso thoy can plainly seo that his moral agency is interfered with and sometimes overpowod by a phys ical cachexy. All his acquaintances aro awaro of tho fact tli.it ho has lived in tho "culchawod" precincts of Bos ton. And at times 111 h's private con versation is himsolf somewhat given over to a habit of reviling tho institu tions of JJrownvillo ami tho west gen erally, occasioned we suppose by an unduo "hankering" after the llesh pots Qf tho so-called modern "Athens of America." Perhaps it is because ho is conscious of his own weakness in this paiticular. that Mooieisall tho more zgalous and vindictive, when ho has a suspicion that somo one else is guilty of a like mUdeincanor. 'With this spirit at any rato ho has falsely ac cused Mrs. Colby of municipal slander in that she has spoken evilly and false ly of JJrownvillo with malico aforo thought. In this he is seconded by tho Republican, a disciple worthy of tho teacher, and tho two liavo set up such a howling and braying as would make ono suppose that Cerobus and Ualaam's nag wore again on earth. Ho certain ly has in a private circle been guilty of this offonso to a far greater extent than Mrs. Colby ever droamod of, and nqw he thinks that by turning statos evidence that ho can clear himself from tho odium which ho editorially claims is inseparably attached to overy blasphemers of Urownvlllo, and thus earn tho rownrd of an oily and indus- tr,ious hypocrite r.j But we now have the imposing nec- tacle of a smirking, smooth-faced JsiofBEniisiiEss Anil niiWi l iFr -r-rrr ff ItftVgi'iK " I m fc" fla'BPV. Art.... j "fl . IK 'V mf 0IVV xii'Viwiy- fit mVbsi wnmtJmtfKWK, stripling, who has what ho deems tho nxaltod privilege of miklng weekly exhibitions of his puerility lu a certain pnpor called the Jtejmblimn. lie thwre iu gravely assumes the right of criti cising or forging what ho in his infan tile judgment is pleased to consider as faults in tho opinions or conduct of persons much older thanhlmsulf.whoso maturor years alono ought to entitle them to respectful treatmont ami somo degree of consideration ovon from those who may honestly dlffor in mat ters of belief, Perhaps it is Jxuo that public speakers aro fair marks for crit icism, but it by no moans follows that they aro to bo pestered by every gnat or roviled by ovory sort' of human buz zard who happoiiB to lack sitillcloht sense to discover tho fact that there is hoiiiu distinction to bo made between criticism and ubuse. It is cerlalnly an evldonee of a vi cious tendency in modern Hiiclety when a community will penult or encourage u port youngster wno Happens to eti- eupo parental control una gam posses- oiuu 01 a low type to lieeiy inuuigo in' flippant talic, make slighting remarks of and thrust unasked for advice upop persons whose experience nnd culture have given thum at least bettor' oppor-' Utility to judge of tho propriety, mu.1, truth 01 what thoy may do or say Uj'aTi this untlodged usurper, wlio in ,yIii calls his sniniings "criticisms." It Is just that sort of criticism whoso sup port, as lionjainin Franklin wollsays, is louuueu in 1110 depravity of such minds as have not been mended by re ligion, nor improvod by good education, and of those despairing to rlso to dis tlnction by their virtues aro happy if others can be depressed to a level with thomsolvos. 1 Tho moving causo of these rotlec tions is tho appearance of numerous "squibs" concerning Mrs. Colby and her work in J3rownvlllo in the said HejmbUmn, and more particularly in the edition of Juno 22, No. V, which wo father on tho smalUpox editor of that sheet. It appears from tho facts that .Mrs. Colby has been and is a prominent workor In tho woman suf Ji.igo movement In tho state. And wheor she has been heretofore she has been highly spoken of as an intelli gent ami cultured woman. 'Ono who t, HWB.jWflflwn, wfiini vH is it), no ,Qnt&H2$M$ffliiror Jftte- fame on sucn toiiows tiH'iuis musu anumilk ed itor of tho Republican. Sho caino to HrovMivillo as sho haul a perfect right to do, and (as oho had not been ox posed to the small-pox and did ndt ship any infected goods to this place or slip into town in a box-car) sho was freo to go wherovor shosa wilt without having her conduct called in question by this edi tor or oven tho town council. Sho ar rived too Into to attend tho school ex hibition, (but Moore holds her roponsi bio for not attending all the Bamo,) and sho was not hired to write up a puff for the town, nor did her business permit her to tako a minuto inventory of tho colossal commercial enterprises of Or become acquainted with tho An tors and Vmulerlts lesiding In tho place. And I have nqw no doubt but that sho has a kqoi sonso of her be reavement when slip reflects that sho had no timoto improvohorsolf in the society of the distinguished Moore, tho "cdlcliawed" JJostoniim or to correct her manners and icsthotic tastes by a personal interview with tlo great critic, J. C. Thompson, yho edits tho gro.at moral paper, andthus at opco avail herself in tlio conversation and carriago of the latter, of tho combined wisdom of lluskin, Oscar Wildo aiid Lord Chostorllold. Whattyi pity 'tjs that life's so short and, unsatisfactory when so much is to bo 'learned from tljose small fry editors! ;l. Tho Republican endoayorffto mislead tho public by culling outsit, fow setii tonces in Mrti. Colby's'lottpr and seeks to distort it into ovldencp of a mali cious design on her part to injure Hrownville. In this ho does her doublo injustice. First, becauso fSw readers of this county will huvo the opportun ity of reading her whole letter and thus have a basis for judging fairly from tlio tenor and connection what she really meant, or tho spirit in which it was written. And secondly, becauso at present fow readers realize what a gen uine "ass in 11 lion's skin" this tyro editor Is. until ho has further oppor tunity to discovor himsolf by his con tinual braying. Waiving all discussion of the rela tive merits of the towns of Nomaha county it would seem fair to say that tho malicious intent should be proven as charged boforo sentence is finally passed upon Mrs. Colby or her cauae. It does not appear that sho had any in ducement from pecuniary interest a motive which would no doubt have great Inlluonco with either of tho two captious critlcB above namod. Sho could not have been prejudiced by any porsonal knowledge of tho town of Brownvillo as she came a total strangor to the placo and its institutions, Like every other porson enguged In promulgating questions of public in terest sho would naturally make in quiries in regard totho occupation of its citizens, its general prosperity, pros poets, otc, a-jdwlfy peoplo hore seemed ' iKF & to lack Interest in the attftrago move ment. She Was every whdro mot by tho ono answer "Oh tho town is on the de cline, there aro other tqwm building up in other ptoria of tlio county and bus inefls seems to bo unsettled, etc." Find ing these leplies confined to no ryto pet-soli or class, but protty general aluong those who ought to know, and yleldlngtti the uddtfionnl ovldonco tluit tho inoqt curelMg obsorvor would not fall to note, alio most naturally con cluded that so far as appearances go theyiwaro against tho town nnd so sho states it, And from tho manner, of stHtwnentnQ fair inforenco of malice cbn.WjJlrawu, and had tlio Reptilll'ca'n dqnlior tho slmplo justico to publish" th rest of her letter relating to lliown villo tlio inpuuueas of Its cavllllig would b manifest. .jTthinktho origin of tho whole row can bo traced to Moore's bllliousncss RiulhUunrort.uiuite liabit of drinking vlnegav to countetacts his bile for Which no ono feels 'disposed to hold hin strictly accountable, but the com munity should not bo very forwaid in excusing tho editor of tho aforesaid Republican, who has no manifest phys ical weakness or defects that would afford hiih lnv adequato or reasonable excuse for his shortcomings in the present instance. And this article is written with tho hope tliht' a remedy may no applied in lime to cure his disease, and that "because sentence against an evil deed 1 executed s ily ho may not be fully sobln hWiw totio.ovii." ' r 'JUNIUS, . - . i 1 . ' "jwisi memson, jjenvonworin, , urinneiij Mt. pleasant aiid'otliqr large eftles'wore inado rlilhs last wook by,by a cyclone. D. ,T. Wood will. Insure your property atnttnst the storms. '&.,,.-. . -. ra . . 1 HowtoSavo. ' ' All hard workers aro subject to bil ious attacks which may end hi diingqr-; ous illness, l'urker's Ginger Tonic' will keep tlio kidneys and liver ucttvo,.nIiiy by preventing tho attack save l'mlich. sickness, loss of time and exqtlfleij Uelay utsucli times means daligvr-'J , Detroit Press. Seo another Column. Money for a Rainy Day, . -"For Fls.ourAUiy,daUKlte.r JVa.s.siplc 110111 kMyiey and other disorderrf. Wo had used up our savings on doctors, when our drimluie advised us to try Parker's (Jinger Tonic. Four bottles effected a cure, and as a dollar's worth has kept our family well for over 11' year, wo have been able to lay by monoy again for a rainy day." A Poor Man's Wife. Dissolution of Partnership. Notico is lioroby given that tho part nership heretofore existing botweon D. M. Morris and James A. Cowoll, .known by tho Una name of Morris & Co., in tlio grocery and other business, was dis sqlvedby mutual consent on tlio 2Uth day of April, 188'J. All accounts duo tho firm will bo paid to said Cowol, and ho to pay all; Indebtedness of said firm. . 1). M. MonniH, May 23, 1832. . , JAMKarA-Cowisi. '""', Are you Buffering from IndigestioniVi If so ask your druggist for a bottlfi of, Shormai'i'rt'Prickly Ash Bitters. Takfiif as directed it will euro you. These Bittet's have'now boon before tho pub lic for a numbor of years, have beeil thoroughly tried, and givo ontlro satis faction. IM1.VTIJ, PAINTINfS. I am now pretarod to do all kinds al" painting gm'-ilng, ('to., in a llrst'-ola'ss. uiatiuei', aiid at tho following prices: Two coa, work, 1& cents juir yard. Tlpeo coat work, 18 cents per yard I will do tho work and warrant It for throo, years not to crack, scale, oe rub 01T. (iQt your painting done, in workmanlike manner, by giving mo .-i, call. John Suuu'i;.v. If You Are Ruinod. in health fiTtm any causo, ospeoUillv from tho tiso of any of the thousand nostrums that promise so largely, with long ficticious testimonials, have im fear, licsort to Hop Hit torn at once, and in a short tiino you will huvo tho most robust and blooming health. Whon horses and cattlo aro spiritless, scraggy and feoble thoy need treatment with Uncle Sam's Condition Iwder, It purifies tho blood, imptoves tlio ap jwtlto, euros colds, and distemper, lu vlgorutos tho syfitom and will keop tho animal in u hoalthy, handsomo condi tion. 4 TJnolo Sam's Nervo nnd Bono Lini ment is for man and boast and is a balm for ovory wound. Sold by all druggists, r A Delightful Novolty. Ladios prefer Floroston Cologno be causo they find this lusting combina tion of oxqulslto porfumos a delightful novolty, A. "W. Niokoll, reHablo druggist. Brownvillo. ' nr jmK&tt needLdiHF - aftnr $ r-1' H r . R-WW