Ti WlAaf 4JNUMH JHXJmnBttmR9V3CO rM3ueymwi.!UMiwaiJtwjii-WBg mfwagMPtuuiu uw&vtaisxuvjiMuiLi'riwi-Mirntrt.rrtTia aax.tvncaznrm. cftvasfeulvcvtisw - -'v .... cf. w. rAinnncTHerr, an. o. w. rAinBROTneir, jit. ' ' beh r. SAHDEna, fcV G. Vt. FAIRBROTMER & CO. UJ- EntcrrJ .n tfic postoliice at South Au burn, Nebraska, .u Second" Clan nutter. Special IsTotices. Xnttm under this IipihI "Wantoil," "For Hull'," "Kur lleiit," etc., llvu lines or k'Hs.Ji") cents earli Insertion. ' oMtltWIK, A N'. I rVumloc-tJrtlrwimletl J'l. ntlliu llnltlreipi llouso. Apply liiiinu illuioly. IAQH HAI.I2.- A itooil rjwlilijnco lii.Poulli V Auburn. Aj)ply,tif II. .r. i-'. Wert. v c;. i.iOll HUNT. A Kioto' room, rfft' twit ic"p. I1 wltli ffilur, rofttly fill oeenirttitiiy; 'In tho IiimlneHS eejilcrof B(U Auburn. Apply ' .Ni'iniilm (;)iinl.v Huiilc, i.lDK SAME Oft IlltS'T. -Tfic litiNlfirfU jiiiho nt Ilii'VuRluilbii irHv 'iWuu" tnr pfNfofllor. piMopNitlmmlvrii .Inly Imi, Jsi, Apply to 1). !. Morris. , , , "f ONIOY TO MIAN. Wh ciin llll choice iM lomiN In tliruailnyH. AhilV loOnliorii & Tuvlor. ' "' ' iTloHHAI.i:. IlliinU I)tilH,('liiiltiil mill liital J; ICtUUH MorttfituAx, Hills ofrtnU, Nutcw, lite. ill 'I HI! A IIVKItTlHKIl nllll'O. iXTItA ooplptof Tlik AiiVKit'mfc'ufnrimlo l1Jllt lllff pOStlllllPO. vtoTICI'': IfYOUowo u nnytlilrifc on 1 NiiliMcrlpllon plciwo eoinO In or M'tnt In nml pny iih. Wo uuihI our money, inyilH.VI.I'. Clover Muy. C'u)l on llurncy I; Qitens. tt lltsAt.K -I liuvi'ii ftrst-cliist set of riir. !' pouter's tools wliloli I will hull I'hwip.'.M. NV. Wulliicij, Nor.tli Auburn. , A Uaal) I1iikIims lot on Conlcr Avtiiui". - niinr IidIi'I, fsptitli Atitmi'ii, lor sulu clump by II. J. K. Wert A Co. LOCAL OSrKWS. Suruuii wiiuul Willing JIi"oh.& lor- dhtfrf. ' JlmMwiiruuiul FuniiUiio lit Willing JJros. & .Jonluii's. Our old friend Win. Williams, of Fob-, lug, was in the city Wednesday1. ' .MisB Mollle McKoe, of Teeiimsoh, is in tho city .visiting lnjr sistoi', Mrs. I2d. "Wort. M. Il.'llolmu.s, stock buyer f6r 15nus ildu Conner, quotas lings .Hub weok rial 'front $7 trt $7.30. on ' 'ivvovy llrm'In thls'town should -have a"lotrb'f.luttor' heads and envelopes ,in it , prinlud at this olllco. A twenty dollar counterfeit gold piece w'as presented" at the Nemaha fVnint,v Hunk Wcdnomtiiv. " Woiulor what makes F rim It ' l'ilniut look so pleasant uow-a-days? Hjivo 11 lair ol' sparkling eyes any tiling, io do with It? Oyclonas are not conllned to tho west. One recently struck Amsterdam, N. V., doing damage to tlio amount of $1.0,000. vr H '' i .Hon. Itachol Foatsijr, secretary of tho National WomaiVJ Suffrage Associa tion, is in Omaha, looking after tho work in this statQ. t 'll... K.lll 1... ,v, ..,.l,i.,., t- l'.w..r,..V. 1 IIU4U tt III UU ll Vllltlllllg. Itu VV1'JfUL i7 .J lull, North .Auburn, by I2lder .12. 0. Towno, oC tiio Christian church of Kirwin, ICansas. All aro'invitod to attend. '. ', Mrs. Iargiir.et Campbell, now lectur ing in Nebraska undertho auspices of tho American Suffrngo Association, is Baiil to bo the best speaker in' tlio'lmsi nass. "Wu may infer from what "One of ?om," lias to say this week of the ex cursion to Atchison, that thoy did not Have a glorious" happy tinio by any ritiiau.s, and that tlio wliolo affair, was ' Bxcecdingly thin. A terrible storm blow down'Mt. St. Mary's academy, four tulles from Leav enworth, killing Ida Ooldun, Anna Mc Donald, Mabol Lanahan, Mary Austin, and injuring many other children. Tho Kansas Contral elevator was blown down. ' "When aro you going to move tho county seat?" is a question often asked, and wo answer wu do not kupw. That is a matter that belongs to the people especially, and is not inclusively Au burn's business as many seem to think. "When tho requisite number of voters want to movo it, wo presume thoy will do so. "Wo clip the following from the Lin coln Journal: Ifon. J., I, Alcrcur. and daughter, of IJrownville, aro in tho city. Ex-Oovornor li. W.Furnas came up from IJiownvlllo Monday and will spend a few days, at tho caplf al. Miss Clara Monjyr.'pf Ilro'wuviUe, is spoudiug some tinfu with" AUs? Il.v I'airtlold, of tliiBolty, and tlio two ladies made yesterday a air ol jnsjpett- tion 'through tho Joumul ustublltili- menr. At u fulj. tnunlin of tlio llcgontis of tlio Stain L'lilviM-Mily on tlio 11th ln.it., Mogcnt (iiiniiclt ofTerotl tliQ fol lowing resolution: "HimlrrU, 'I'liuL tlio resolution of this hoard on tlio 2o'tli of Junuiiry litHt, iliHcoiiUniiing t lie H('rvicoi fof I'rofiis rtor (J co. 12. ('hurcli, Huriiington 12ifi cihoii and (Jcorgtv 12. Woodburry at tlio end of fin acailoinlc year, 1b hereby ro siiindeil." This wild voted lnWi." Holmes ami (lannelt alone voting "for jl. Tliercup on (Jannctt en mo to Mine ngain with the following: "V . , lit-vtli'Nl, That Iho'h'w'u interests of the ruiiivni'HKv of Wlinlhlcu will ho sorved hy ( I i Ht'fi n L( 1 1 U f n K, the eonnectioii of Cliaiieellor 12.- HFairehild there with, and his service.? will bo dispensed with from and after Suptumbor .'JOth, 1882. " .-' ItiwiUunI, That the .secretary I ro (tieted to fiiriiisli a copy of tho above, resolution to ClnUteellnr J-'airlielif. The ayes and noes were iitfain called upon this proposition, and tlio vote was castas follows: Ayes -ltugonts fan nett, (Jero, Holmes and Powers. Noes KckciiIh I-'itluld anil Puraingur. Tills course. of the Jtyg'ehts will be generally approved by tho peojile, not upon any personal younjla",, but alone as lor Hie best UiUnmHroluthu uiiivor- sity. TTP Itoms From -Ngrtlf Auburn. Our ci.tiv.un3 .arft'.winTMng anxiously for tlio coining goM tfmo on tha Fourth. ' A. IT. (Ill more moved his family out from Ur'own.vi lie last weok. Our juurclmuts aro doing a good bus iness, and everybody is happy. Herb. Wilson, tho populilr hardware man, is getting a good trade. Dr. Hol'laday pays freiiucnt visits to tho center to look after his-Interests. I'. P. Stariii, canliier of tho Hank of Auburn, is an agreeable and pleasant gtiiillumau and is making many friend lic.ro. Mr. Kburlv, of Un; firm of liolluduy V- 12berly, is an excellent druggist, and is woll liked by everybody. .Church Howe took the II. & M. train for Lincoln and Omaha Monday. - lion. Coy has built him a neat car penter shop on Central Avenue. It is rumored that a large hotel will bo erected soon on the (.iilmore founda- Jion'j, WAVERLEY MAGAZINE. ' y'TH.3 popular periodical lias ijiptctm 'large pages, size 11 by lo inches, l in small type, and contains double the reading of any oilier woekiy litcran paper in country. It will contain in advertisements, but be tilled with stories, music, poetry, anecdotes, enig mas, etc, Tho music will consist o! anthems, songs, dances, and marches, which in one year will bo worth at least tfl:.'. It is tlio cheapest and boM family paper in America. N'ocontinued stories. Terms One year, l.()0;ix mouths. 52.00 5 three months, 1.00. Sixteen back numbers, all different, will lie sent, postpaid, to any address for .1. .Try it, if only foi three months. Call at this olllco and see a sample. A new volume, in a new dress, begins July 1. Please order soon, so as to have all the numbers. Address "WaVmu.kv Maoa.ixk, Lock Uox 172. Hoston, Muss. Parasols, fans, lawns, white goods, dusters, shoes, slippers, suits for men and boys, straw hats, etc., etc. Call and prepare for the Fourth ol! July. McGoc & Moore. , Our readers will doubtless perceive tho improvement upon our paper this week, as to size, general and local news. This greatly augments tho expense of getting it out, aim to conunue it at a ten pagosizo which wo hope to do, and depend upon our friends and patrons to give us all the support thoy can and pay their subscriptions and other bills promptly. There are a great many .whose subscriptions aro now due, who 5iro amply able to pay promptly. We hope they will do so without de lay, and without making it uecessai. for us to call personally upon them. The Teoumsoli TorchUijltt last week ,in a vein of apparent sincerity, wants us to believe that the railroads are playing sad "havoc with the liberties of the pooplo? because sonio railroad charged too much tariff on a crato of ware. That was n gmiuiuo dry joke, Al most too dry, however, as every ..self-alleged untl-inonop. paper in tho Htiitolms luul Hutnutlilutf to -'say aboht tliat same old orate, On Monday hist, a lield trial of the Walter A. Wood twine binder was held on tho farm of Shell Cochran, near tlio railroad croflsintf. Tlio trial was under the direction of A. I). McXeer, ! the traveling agent. Tlio machine did did the work perfectly, missing only i three bundles In '2'20 rods in grci n heavy rye, fully h feet high. Xet ' .Saturday there yJAJ be another trial of the samo maoliine at the same place, and I?. P. IIutcIiiitM, the agent for this county, wants all who are JnlcroMod in luirvesting machinery to be present, and see tho wdflwdone. Jf . . t-iia- g. Ai, The (Jui'HSs- safe, inveiftl'dby tlio bufldor of tlio famous Corliss engine, k something new, and delles tho inge nuity of tho burglars. Its exterior is tho shape of a cannon ball. The Ne braska National Hank of Omaha, has just recoived a Collins safe weighing 10,000 pounds. It' would tnko thirty six hours for burglars to effect an en trance into it, and to blow it open would require a pressure of :,000,000 pounds. ATTENTION, FARMERS. On Saturday, Juu 2 1th, 1S82, at two o'clock, p. tu.f a ,fiell trial, or exhibi tion of tho Walter A. Wood Cord Hinder will 'awgbtgfcon the farm of Shell Coehraiiafplfc.tlH' tailroad cross ing. Ail intdrosted in Harvest Ma chinery are invited. It. P. llrrniixs, Agent. On Sunday morning last, at -I o'clock, two negroes attempted to rob tho ticket olllco of the Hannibal & St. .loo U. 11., at Chillicotho, Mo., .iad Fred. Tucker, the assistant iqwittor, being aroused was ilangorouslj&ihot. Tho burglars wore driven away fcfore they effected their object, and 'wort) afterw'ard ar rested and jaiWl&jt- S tifFnm iwi ctfT nm DB.WBITT2SB U17S1.'imrlre1r"(i,Sl. A tlnr iXr'-.tn it if fi ' I Idnuor lnn.K'il li 1 1 nnr v ltrii,'l i'l'w . I'l .11 o Ounux '.im H.O'i-et. Strict yrlnniy UjjjlilU'-lo or Ii Tbro,,s ;m 01 Kciie uu' 81JOD1 1 1 . 1 I.pi. Sexual 1 im thu ri'-. II nf s. If-Ahttxe. i' nl.l) . M lllty7ltffWl' 'MT?Ml',' 'l 'i'-r. Aerv i r- iam, uh.i -tintp'.'- '"'w'-'rat 'i T r ritrniininl i rr.miirm n u r . K ntnlar iii !'. in 41 I'K't.ll .tin i. .i.J ( lnM nf Siirna l. Vi lioir tl-tuui iii'ill l.t' PLf' I ) v iU ( L.y .!' 1 - ,'t ,, ( t 1 Hf all l, 'jJ. AOKJ1AOC 2USOs ":rv.a.ii"ji... t pCWIfi. ..a GUIDE U fc o S"V ii fes. ti ir "Mrj, will tfipl. rkwRjc it Ifttf tn T, :v"(l rillim-tnif umI.j HnSiJ. W iirinntioml. -, VMWji'it. why .. AVCui-lii nil ill ' 1 in ulnrrTilin'vlirnnnd liii'i'iiVjrtni i t ait mi ' i iuiTPuil ,(ti. rl thin ni'ir. Tho-.il innrric.l 01 1'llhiiry nn'l riw trcont-MUi li.uu ZK.'ni-i'liLi.i4aij M ! illt lien K" . un der lurk n! Ih 28 WLl'' m "' ia wni' or pofl I mi', VikIiMi QeniutngyrJj " (lfetli-7,!fn. i my ii n hiii'' rifiiMidn t tl , Aur-idM I V- n y r"l'tivH "finor anl Ilf dT Itrmu'hCoti li Slr- huHH. An .Iriu'uit I th i'Kii1 alnt. ht. 1ij' Cut, MV lilt .'V-t.ChMon.J5TI..i.N M.i Dr.JAC j 705 0honut a-, CtUoiil3, Mo. t !' . rim Din ." t it m iixj MMortucu'i " Onnioi .1 " k nun. iiu'K-lf in il! tiiiittn ill bvpfaiKigtori il.T'i Olent, I)i .nary r Bl KVfcr rtlnimo. iiv'"- i cunnl n ii In, Ua. AIWh illiin-i rm iWii n..ni ptf .ibiifi, diirHiiti t,oriis;MWurfi t-ra1ol'lf ith (ill ii'ctMiCf.. A(1I.'h frti. rimi unti liivv. (aHiir vril. In Mnvt fonli I. tin. Hyitvtoii lloulc tnr tW4l.iitn W8ARR iAC r p x f!r!i-nv' l,tU4lLJ lOCt'. The tiiftoi'ly of the iUa oftht Ituitutit liocfj iii'ltv from a derangement of ill a lL,lvcr, affecting mth th stomach and (mirels. In rdcr t effect a cure, It la necesvarii to rcmuvv th cause. Irregu lar and Slugglxh action of the nitwits, Hi attache, Mckue.il at the Stomach, I'aln in the Illicit and Lolnntetc, Indicate that the I.lver Im at fault, and that nutiirv re quire tmnlnfffiic t tnaltU thin organ tit t rie ff Impurltten, lrlcUly Attli llltttiritare eniuctnllg C0)iiitiuntrd fur th I purpose. Thug art mild In their action and effecttm as a tn re; art jdeimant t the taste and taken eatllg bghth children andadnUa. Ta ken iwrdlng t direction, they art a infi and pleasant ru rtfernyHtiiipsUi, Csnurul IjulillIt',ISu1)ltual Con. atlputlou, Dlscuscil ICUlneyH, etc., etc. .Jrr itlooil lurllurf(i r superior to niiy other medicine; cleansing tits hi item llitvoughly, and imparting new life andrnorpy to the In valid. 11 I u iMcrficiito and nut mi llltoxlcatlllr livevraga. KM YIUX tRUQQIST FCR PRISKU ASH UTTERS, nd tuka no other. VUIC5, ll.PO per Dottle. MEtER BROS. I CI., - S2LE PROPRIETORS, Ht Luliid K-'" "?' WITGIIHICKY & IIOVKB.VS. ?IRST DOOIt EAST OP THE POST 1: Ullluo. u luiro tliu Dull tiiiiNiirlul wiiil; Is tlone in llrowiivlllo, or Xuiii.iliu uumity. I.dTOfc.0. ifctaHr ' 'iV&w'dur -''-f.i!' s.r '"' rjr il : FSlSKEf BITTERS rjuxaujuiixMnixaMmjjMUMJ. SKSSSSSfi PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. Theret,naiiMtandi mott Economical lUir & nTver!;ail? to Rutin thr youthful i olor tnptf luir. 50c atnl $i Uteint Jniggi'-ti. PloMsten fahm. Anw J eifc.tliijt)r fr-H a . l..iM. ..f.a. r? not 11 1 1" PARKER'S A Pure Family Medicine that Never lntoxlcati. If vju lire a mechjnie or farmer, viatn out with B I overwork, or a mother run ildwn by family ofhouit- l hold-Jutiei try Vahukh's Gikcbr Tonic. Ifvoiiareal.-iwv.r. minnler nrbmincM rrnn ex- X limited ly mental ttrain or nnxiou cire do not lake intoxicating Jtunul.itiU, but use Parkkk's S (Jim.kk Toxic, f Ifvotilnye Dvtnetwix. RlieitmntiMn, Kidney or I, ITrin.ii-y Complaints, or if you retron!!ed withany ( di-iiii erofiheluncs. stomach boweKUooflorncrvcS , you urn be turedly I'ankcr's UiTOer 1 ah- A Ifvouare watinr awav from ace. dmitintion or J any ilue.n. or weakness and require n stimulant take J Gincir ToKlCat once; it will invigorate nnd build you uprrom the first dose but -will never intoxicit. It has saved hundreds bf lives it may save yours. ittanrw i. rn vtnt as v l It, asd k I one doJUr 1U41. At nil dIri la mtdfHiti. GREAT SAVING BUtlXO DOLLAR StJi V. !23KSusa "JUST LET ME SHOW YOU" jiu. i'ori:s fc HAKD-BOOX OF HEALTH UMTS -Iiuf Jti'iiily i.'oi Ipcs, "Woi'th ?'2.. CoHt 2c. Jiv III Anllir of "TLAtN IIomi- Talk" and "Medi cal CdMiJO.s Skkiik." IOQ I'AllKf AHrlrpiib lit llnllt H.t.ll. ' Hi.-I Kr pM fl LiltK 1 I Li'llllii R All' n. I.; ultmt bm i nfHuf.fpni . tfr wry Fn nit "1 23 r.nu. bv hlIi, rfjlit. I lie' lliii d b . iiiititin. cli.l.ri .11 11 j tIp'i fr 'l mmim n. I nm inlt Fmii. n ( um inmi 1II..IIm!Uiiii Iii'iiIimi V.liri,ll AvM t'n.t.lnib! llillrpn, Knmlcl IVtiflh Klmifliif. II lit, on lUlhU'.nn Stir.ltiir lti .. i. ti Flmrifnirlu, lllnl' fur ITifmihl V. inii, ti'C.th.r witli mmii t tht I'rhnl. 1- -in lie of lr. l-notr, mil 1 tli.r jiliv, ri. n. pf 1 irli rpvir mi'l ' irr. ilnn tr yii .ill jr f. ndi.r linnliiu. tiTAi.l.Ms WAMLl). Murray Hill PuWlshiEir Co., i:5 Si:t ZB'.h Strut, lUw To:i City. CPIDfJWr1 ni'i'A'jnt crnr.ni w aaiiUrilLi l"'11 i".'!""! ;ut l,y ,,1,",t Jiiivuiu 111(l,t ,.(l,iiiHr lunik on jnnln nl, nvlal nnd "fxuitl olmiiv, Plain- IIo.mk Taik ami MKlUi l. I'OJlMHN rKNoK. Ni-Hrlv 1.000 .ikcs W lllu ri'i iv: tiy ir. li 11. Y t l'lin hnsi r-nicrn-tiii I i Mil -ii. -ult fi m, i-ithtr mi iKMuin, i bvnrili A i wj'ii.i iWn luii li.'ti'A m ii itt1 fCiii-Ari.vr lIllIlK ill 111 I'.MIf -II Of 'il I M'. 1 (MlL-M H'l' HllLlK" O.itu nt l 1 1 hi f ri ! V'. i ' -h'I lr'i niiiii if 1)11 lnuTi n IP U Hi M I. Y .th ll-t of l" .r'y Km prnntmn-; r c -lit v ir O - .1 .HilAY U1I.L I'L HI., .li Nii lO.X.V i ity. n aw D m h Bs HI B Jfl W U mw4 1 sis? a r4pi b a - b (M oc 8 S l ? CD r m D3 S1'i?ra& &3b o m an -H y izw 0)0" c 03 SEEDS! FARMERS It nays trilinvu o-nod tooln iuhI wil. GARDENERS NURSERYMEN It puvKtii buy nf u n'LiiMe 'louti', It will ray you to Hi-inl for our lllili-traicii (.-jiraioiruo. r a! l'lilladi'lrlun Ijiww Mowrr. nlioon lil Mir n.t Sm-I Sinvcr. JUttliMW hi il )rtR unit sou: Wli.ST.nKN iiuiiTnr w ,'i.'Hif hhIh, .'; A1..1; f.jn ti, i.awu. Oar .VtilwNTH. ..lii.inuiiiuiiinr en' Mirxury 1 ' i' W Alt U NTnvor.vt blniis ri'i'ifU'iiud. HIRAM SIBLEY & CO, octu;. Ann irviK'utiVii-.rj i a, r .im . !""J tlliiftrsjic d i;nt.ili'iru iwut )'ro. CHICAGO. !... u u -u ... 1 ...u.i ROCHESTER, N.Y. Or EVERT KIHD CHEAPER THAN EVER. Rlflofl, Shot Oiiii., Itcvolvrrs, Ammuni tion, 1'IhIiIiii; Tnoklo, Hl'lnex, Nets, Klilvort, ItazoM, HkatcH, IIiitnnioL'ItK, otc. lifirfyo IlltiRtrritoil Cntnlou FKlin. GPEAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, l'lTxsiivnan, va. WANTED I Iullentnl Oetitlpmoti, to otiini;o with ub to soil rvoml Uhpi"uI IIotiHtlioiil Articles. 1'rofItN lurcr. I.ubor Is ;i(tlii. I:xcIuhIvc territory given. No rtniHti Hon. Terms llbcrnl. Circulars VWK. AddrfK, Howltt Manufact'g Co., Ilox bIW, l,lltllnr'h, Vn. " A"NEW"ODRB FOR "" lira m i .; irft . v..a o. ij. i?3if.y u n iti - . sftl r MI T4W AND ALL TROUBLESOME VERMIN. Pifii. sure, clcinlv Bn 1 clicup. (-mntilo t'ncliii!e, V I rnld .in rU AOKST" WSTEI'. ,V..r. , T. OTrl. Johttnton, t'ltfsbnrshi Va. USICAL gSTRUMENTS of all kinds for salo vorychonp. catalogues froo. A'Mres, richard HULL & CO., Box 868 Pittsburgh, i'a ROUND CORNER. Solid Welded Anglo Iron Frame. FIRE AND BURGLAR EXTRA SECURE LOCKS. NO. W11 NoRRiS, - 11 . Vice-President and Gen'l Western Arrcnt. 57 STATE ST., Chicago, III. TUTT 2srmzss&a p SYMPTOMS OF A TQRPBD LBVER. ' Los3 of Appetite, Bowels costivo Pain m tho Head, with a dull sensitlon Id tho back part, Pain under tho Hhoulder blado, fullnesa after catinp, with u disin clination to oxortlon of body or mind, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with a foolinR of bavins noRleotid Homo duty, Weariness, Dizziness, FlutterinR nt tho Heart, Dots boforo the oyes, Yollow Skin, Hendaoho Renorally over tho right eye Hostlessnoss, with iltful dreams, highly colored Urine, and CNSJJPATION TUTT'S ril.LSnro eiiptirliillyndnptril to Kticti ensft, on doHo olliM'tH kiicIi rt clunigo of feullnp; us to 1iHtonlr.I1 the Hiilt'i-rcr. Tlit-y Increaiie tin- Appelltc, mid ciuisc the body to 'l'iilce 011 rioih. thus tin syiti-m N liiMirUlinl. nml by their Tonic, t-tloii mi thu Jliri'tlv Orvniix. Itociilur Sloolw un pro duced. Prlco 'ii cents, as 3Inrrn. St., '. Y. TUTT' ion OttAY Uaiii on WitisKKim chnnuert to n Oiosv 11LACK by asliiKU'iipiilicutlnti nrthls Dvi:. It im parts a natural color, nets Instnntnueuuslv ciRold by Orutrelsts, or sunt by express on receipt of 11. OFFICE, 311'IIKAY ST., XVW VOItlf. (llr. TITTS )HMU, r TutiwIiU turornullnn-unit V Ci.rul lUKlyU "ill bo uMM riUC n,lftlon, jfO&f TREATMENT. -"TX DL-'i ". Scm'nal Vea!.-.o-jkr noav, injioionco, otc. ,,I!,B?,,i'" ,r'"1' "' -L c"nfc frm- 'v'''f .Ii.T.WJl.LJrV,-i ? "' '. 1 ;y . '.Mi..tu. l",,i jWUWvAi rag iiarTgjjawEggaBnroyji HOP bitters! (A Medicine, not a llrluk.) CONTAINS nors, iirciur, .iiandraki:, DANDHMON, Asi)TnBt,'nKT AMiHrRTMrnirtiQuALi. ilk VF ALL, (I1IIKH lUlTtKS. THEY CXJIiK All nifcncenof tlioStornnr.li, IlowrR Plnod, i.ler, uiniipyn.iiim i nimrj h).iii, oujuc68, Mi'i,iilL'i'iR,i'f and uipeciull) reiimle Coini'l.uuu. SIOOO IN GOLD. 0 Will be paid for a case the) will liotrnn- or help, or for nn tliliiK lmimru or Injurious Akyotir dniKf.'1't for 1I;D Ulttonnn;! try llicui befote you slop. T11U0 lie oilier. 1) I 0 lnnnabfitonnillrri sIstliil-PMrrfor JJruukoiuieBa, um) nf (ijuum, tooatto i.ad 11 II tutu.. I Rrvn Villi fn.i'lT l IM.TJ.-1Lll- . . , ;, All h'iOV. oU .y Jrn i-i.t. Si ...c. 8 It 11 H'lt.n Mi f. UocHt.ttr, V. Y , ATnrnii I3sssisxa?jxr3 LADIES"" Ulli ' Ji'l - ' ! !! l.i'ferhi- 1 I ii ili.u,. nn.ir r... . l'v..l. I a.... ii ii.ii. fi 1 , .1,, 1 k Ilp uJ,1Bf ,u 1 iiiiipiiiii nii.Hirri-i K.i,.. 1 ,,.,..; 'v'.",ri, .'. jBLCENTS pu i a e y mm m BceawanmxtLn jb a.mm 111'? mm DOll ums r.;f.:t,,' c:., st (cuis.iir X i r ' -r