chnwttn Jfrdvcriifscr. ' O.W.JAIRBnofHERA CO., Proprietor , .' S OAtiVERT. i ',' NEBRASKA, TOO LATE.. Tho train depnrfs ullinlf-pMt oIkIHj llio traveler runs Uimwj, ,- Hn yet may reach tho HtRUon.jriito IloIoschIh his faoo). Ho bccb tua train riidnjlityn. tho track, llootirnos fp'e h h into, " aim inuiUM n(no!yiwitieM i)ncK-j "Ho'b left Who crimen taa Into I" M lx tho flfnncr'rt mriokltitf hotj alio KHit ffflKilllhif from' tbo )xt. Which deftest waiter piuis. Tho wlno Is Hut: thumiun In cold; Tho dluor comnrt nt uigiit You hcu inn old, old Htory'rf told ,"Ho'h loft, who cOiuon too lntoj& "' A mnidrn holds a hcrtH In llirafi- JIo cliorlln'H n glov'o, i And plKhs to jrnln hgr, that In nlll ir Mf W I He does not tell MMOvo. And fotin.' lino diiy, tho cirnol tnnll Hours, n a dreadful fate, Itur woddlnif-cnrdu thon ltsthtm wall 'I'm loft, who ciimo too Into!" ItmUin AdvtrtUtr, i i m JUDUE BLAKE'S JLUtl) TDIL The thought often comes tome that Gilbert waH.b(rirw1tlun1goplus for find ing 6Ut poqplo 'ylicf,litwq.H" hirtl tjimo. One tiny last wcibloi new auiily jh. penred down on tho bottohis, put up a tent, moved -into it for th winter, hung out n sign bearing tho words: "Wash ing, Ironing ami Mending," and boforo Saturday iilglitf (ijllmrliknow'.alljj about their hardsljlpm did, had Uppc4JSo much of tho oil of comfort rtnd good cheer .into thu lt oa otjUioshrinkiugndis couragodni&ii ami Wbinan-.tlpitj astyhoy, told mo to-day when Uncalled, upon' them at Gilbert' suggestion "J t seems 'b if tho Lord ain't Altogether forgot us yet, though wd had Jest about reached the p'int of glvltf up. and not boliovin' in nnthin' nphow."., -, , , r Hans lln'rtnon, a Swedish ' oxpross driver, who hashadoifo inUfoituuo after another during Ihu past year Jjrdi- it wiur sickness, and death lu his family, then an unprincipled brother ojiontod hint out of something or otlier that of rigllLbolongcd to him; then a cow that oxcbljocl (ill othor-oownin the. neighbor hood foil Wok one' night and died hoforo moruhlg-f-addod auotlior hardship to tho listj last jveok by breaking Ids leg, and Gilbortjlicard..of 1. iiu less than an hour and gavojup hn evening' of comfort at homo to go ovor on tho North Side to see ,ih6 unfortunate miuu And now ho has jusj. ljeen tolling us of another man who has ueon having a hard Unto. 'ir called on Judge Blako this morn lng;'l Gilbert began as wo sat down to the) supnor-ttiblo this ovoning. "1 thought I'd juflt nm in nnd talk over that mining business a little, though I don't suppose wo can do much with those new claims boforo spring: but I didn't get a chance to say a word of tho matter 1 went to talk about The Judgo was having ono of his ' unhappy-stato-of-mintl spoils,' as old Aunt Clarindy would -say, and so I put in the forenoon trying to got. him under the influence of something that wotdd giyo plqasuro to ldmsolf and moro comfort to those about him." "I .supposo you found tho Judgo paoklng'up his pile of deeds, notes, cer tificates and what not of that ilk, pro juratory to his longiantioipalod advent into the county poor-house, didn't youP" 1 remarked, attempting facotlousness, for I know Judgo Blako, or thought I know him, about as well as any man of my acquaintance ' "Not exactly," laughod Gilbort, in reply; " but that which you have sug- fostod would'htirdlyjiavo beon any more oolish, to my mind, than was tho unwar ranted grumbling, mood (in which I found that man, sitting as ho was in his warm, cheery Horary a perfect pioturo of .comfort a.i)d qujot it was, but for tho scowl on tho brow 3f tlfo man who calls that lino houso his, owin Ilo'gruuiblod about this, that and tho other, until ono might have thought tho woo of tho world rostotl on Judge Blako alono. His mines had not yielded during tho year nlLho oxnocted: routdjhro Jowon-thnn they (wore two monies figp; woSpt his' down-town storo-rmitf lfav6 'been ra cant for a week, and ono of ids tenants ooidd pay him only Iwo-tliirds o'f his rent, uio urst ot the month, m-omisinf thp,pth.orthh;d, liovrover,. by tho, tpnth. Ho wont on at such a rate that ' I began to think if dyspepsia 4, wcrp cjitcldng.-it, wcro best for' mo either to attempt to ouro inoijiuigo ai oneo or not expose myself further to what might provn a calamitous result; sbJaahi-folunu i,i " 'Judgo, 'yoii hhvo- n' horse in.tlio' etablo and a lino sleigh, haven't you?' "'Yes,' ho replied; t' do yoiuwautto to borrow tho rip; to to civo some nnsot'ablu invalid a .slclgh-rido" is iroinc to m-pnosQ that.v nnrt'I take a 'littlo fdrivo 6Ut foirotl ou 101 this mornintr.' 1 said. 'It will do you I Want cood to wot otitr of'jilbors, ond you to make a call or two' " 'On some oLyour hard-timo' folks. I presume, to-teaeh"Uio that therd'aro trials 'and I darn jnthis hvorld Whioli AU know not of,' hu snapped, iU the same time going to the door and calling to his man to bring around tho tjlofghi Well, I supposo i do grumblo moro than ihqro fs a'nv need ofVdofr '".but J tell'youwhat Hfs, (Tilbort. those -miser-orablo. pebplodowi dh'tho bottoms ain't tho only ones that havo a hard time of it in this world.' ' " Theyludge'B lino turnout.was, spon inroiuiiuoss.iana, phttii)g' otiMii-Uioavy overcoat, iur cap ana gloves, no an noiinccd himsulfJat-'tny service. T (Ifnvii.flnuMi riiii rtnctminll i living him i ort(ofj good-allowiiwit dn; -whiph ljotjrijiia naWid, mi tluu yvjiMofi this ovitio vnuiiiuiuiioiuu juuu 'aiuppuu. nu Mrs. Mnllpry'jH. t K f " Now for-tears and ti'bvfble; and a long-tnced rocilnl of life-long trials,' said tho Judgo, as Wfl nllghtod., " I did not Baa-word, for" just"4thon wo caught the sound of- Mrs. Mallory'fi voice, singing: 'J'lin trlvlnl rounds tho, common taalc Will furnlflli nil wo ought to nsk: Jtooni to deny ouruolvofl. n roml To lend u dull) nenror (Jod. 41 1 knocked, -and wo wcro admitted by tho cheery Jijtlo washer-worrian hor, fielf, who, as sho'saltl, had fust stotiped nibbing- to sing out a versa that had Weh In her mind ovor Binco sho got up that morning. ,fi-Woli, we, chatted with Mrs Mailory for Kit Ifotlri arfd Ij'efdt'o wo loftj tho 'JtidiwliMMidBurowl, lawyor-liko wav. began to question tJwjjood woman tusl 'to her olrcuhiHlano&r'Uifrii6flds., llti found out some tilings she would never lilitn (rtl1 wtliKifhitltt null (,,1,.l f . ddubt if sho know.sbmotimcs'iust howl inuujiiijjiiiriiiiiuuji'njiu' wii giving- iiinifl lrojiut his 'qiTesthmsKo shrewdly; but when wo wcro b&ok again in ,tho 16ighj tho Jtidgd took tlfrt'.rclna, explaining to' mo that ho proposed lo do tho directing as to where we should go noxt. He drovo back to Medlar strce and do voted himself for half an hour to order ing coal, provisions, otc, etc., to bo .sent to1 Mrs. Mnllory, No. , street. North' Bide, 'riloli wo drovo back to. hi 'house in aliened;, ;Uc givo'lht Ijorso and sleigh over Into' tho nandsjqi, his hireU man, and then bo Urgently invited mo to go with him Into, tho library that I abandoned tho thought of accomplishing all I had planned for tho forenoon, and went with iopi tho gratd'ho jojeed up and said: ' 'Gilbert," T "am Too much nsliamod ot myself to know what to say; but if ovor you hoar m"u complaining again of havlngfca hard time, I wish you'd knock mo down at bnco, and don't bo at all alarmed if T don't got up again until I have bcggotd your pardon on my knees. Now, what' was it you camo ovor to talk about thh morning.'" William iV. Durr, in Chicivjo Advance. Llttlo Girls' Cloaks, Hats, Etc. 'Jjho Mpther Hubbard gatliered cloaks are still used for voi'y small girls, and are made of checked Cheviot for every day wear, and of pale blue, gray, or whito cashtnero for nicer use. Tho dark navy blue flannel cloaks aro also nice for traveling, and for cool morn ings in tho country. Straight coats of whito diagonal cloth, with a French sack back and deep shoulder cape, aro prettily piped with satin and ornament ed with satin bows, or olso made moro elaborate with whito open embroidery dono in wool for trimming. Largo round collars of whito grona dlno edged with Russian lace, or plaited collars of open Hamburg-work, or olso tho Irish point embroidery, aro worn, with deop cull's to match, over outside cloaks. Dark straw round hats aro choyen for general wear, with wide brims rolled tip all around tho edge, and trimmed with a great bow of four long loops of satin ribbon on one side, with the loops going upon tho crown, while tlioro aro pompons or ostrich tips on tho other side. These, aro all ono color, with sometimes two shades of ono color, as roso-cblorod pompons or feathers trim dark garnet straw hats, and ecru trims seal brown straw. A dark velvet faoini; inside tho brim and a velvet ribbon band with a prim )iow is a pretty trimming for whito straw hats. Tho most dressy hats aro all whito having tho largo bow of satin and tho halt long ostrich plumes all whito on an English straw hat. Chip is so fragile that it is soldom bought for children; tho porcupine straws with satin finish aro moro durable and quito as inexpen sive. Thoro are many dressy little poko bonnets with tho front turned back, a cap ruche insido and tho wholo thing, straw and plumes, of pure white. Love ly littlo poko sun-bonnots, with high crown and short gathered skirt, aro mado of blue or whito lawn, shirred on radius, to match tho guirapo dresses in color. Very dark 'stockings aro worn by children, and black stockings aro often soon with tho lightest dresses. Their shoos aro df kid, buttoned high tippil tho ankles, and without heels. Tho French aprons mado of full straight whito muslin, gatliered to a binding at tho neok, and without slooves, aro used for service. Thero aro also lugli-tliroatod aprons with yokes and long sleeves that cover and protect mo iiress won. i won. dr is worn banged in front and lohirid.' Vl'hb batfg'Ms. Ufdlght,: gins far back 'upon 'the head," Tho hair llowinir In thick, be; and fnlls loyV doyi,upyn thettyrohoad; but tlioro aro'noisino bangs covering tho tern los. Tho' half back of this is oombc(Liuckrnml allowed to How. with oiit'.frizfjijgr.p)iii(s, ami if a ribbon is used, it is tied around tho ton of tho Head, noUmerely around. thq, back hair,. If tlid'hhir has1 tlid.-slightest fendonoyj to ctirLjt is ..formo'd into 'four or" live4' nirgc, iniOK, long curls, that aro really only curled at du oiuls Harper1? hi- At ond inbntln did '.tho ox has a full copiplomont of incisors, with three tem porary molars in each jaw. At two years oltl tho fourth, fifth and sixth per manent molars aro prqsent, and tho Uvo central Inoisora, aro changed.- At two .years andtahalf .oldrthoirstennd second molars hvd cast, and tho Natural central inoisora oro permauent. At three yours and throe months all tho temporary tenth aro shod and havo .been replaced by permanent, ones. Ofllcor of tho Prussian c-uards. looking it tho ocean to his yifa: "Isn't thisit glorious 'sight, MlimioP 'But tho son seems trreatlv-asr tated nrobablw has never. bdforaisoou an, ',oflloor of tho Prussian guards." FACTS AND FIGURES. Tn 1881, loY,T8-i,.'K)0 tons of coal were mined In England. Capo Colony exported last year $22,oOO.OOO worth of diamonds. Tho muoular siibstanco of tho body, occupying about two-fifths tho en tire weight, is composed of carbon, hy drogen, oxygen, nitrogen, in distinction to tho fats whioli contain only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Ono cubio foot of puro water, at G2 degrees F., weighs bV-KM pounds; at 212 degrees F., onlv fiD.GIO pounds. A cylindrical foot of wider at C2 degrees F. weighs lbU7J, pounds. Ono ton of water is 1)5. fJO cubic feet. $ ,. . - Tho year 1770 saw 29 public libra ries in tliis country. In 1878 tlioro wcro B.G82 public libraries. Tho books in tho 2!) libraries numbered -15, GM: in tho M.G82 libraries, 12,270,001, with 1,500. 000 pnmphlets. It is estimated on good premises thnt the naval storo crop of this country along tho Urunswich & Albany (Ga.) Railroad will this year exceed that of last by about 100,000 barrels of rosin and 200,000 casks of spirits turpentine In the United Stales 187,0:50 mon aro employed in mining coal, while tho total amount of invested in min ing is S2fiO,n02.!J7!l. Tho total output of coal last year exceeded that of tho previous year by more than 10,000,000 tons. Tho desert land tortoiso of Califor nia and Arizona carries on eacli side a menibrano containing about a quart of clear water. Tho water is nrobnblv derived irom tlio secretions o tho giair barrel cactus on which tho tortois ! . .. . . feeds. 33 Moulting usnallv takes nlncGW fowls through tiio months of OctobcTt Nnvmuhnr -mil niwimlwn nrivl!iiir i tho ago of the bird. February, March anil April chicks obtain their adult jilmnngo in Octol)er "and November. I'lioy drop a few chicken feathers, but do not moult outright, until the follow ing August; old birds moult later ami later eaeli year, according to their ii'ie. A German journal rehnjs to a dis covery mado by iI. ,Grof of Paris, which tends to thrqv'nomo light on ho complaints which were made) bub not seriously inquired into) during; tho Franco-German wjn as to the Ai-iu of vur, rny I poisoned iniiiets nv I no c it i i- . both sides. M, (Jros expl eonsi ruction of the motlt loading arms causes tiie bid rA Willi it a portion of acid which tho oxplosi lias caused to no barrel. Even if ctont does not tiiko marked that the Imal'm materially thin staneo. WIT AN1)WISI?0JI. iTwi i Tho moon, like sonic mon, is bright est when it is full. , Guttenberg invented printing, but who is tho genius who will rise up. ind invent a proof-reader. llnrJnUjlon 1 lawk eye. -V A white monkey with pinkoyos has just arrived in Now York. It must nuiko the society mashers nervous for thoir laurels. There is a kick in some quarters tjgainst tight trousers. It's generally a quarter where it hurts, too, if tho old man is very mad. lioston Post. Innocence is very much like a bank bill of n large denomination you often hear of its being lost, but never of its being found. Vrom'thc French. It is complained that -onio of tho beef now sold is impregnated with gar lic. They havo to strengthen it so it oauholdupthe price. Lowell Citizen. --As between tho "greenery" of our bills and the "yallery" of our gold coin, Oscar Wildo has no choice. Ilo takes thorn all in. New Haven lleyiMcr. What is moro disgusting to tho sight tfian a young woman in a stato of intox icationP Two of 'em, of course Noth ing easier; como again! Chicago Her ald. Queen Victoria bus a great dignity on stato occasions, "and looks over)' inch u Queen." Shcjlhas beon a Queen so long that sho ought by this time to boar a faint resemblance to ono. Low ell Courier. A school teachor was asking her littlo girls tho other day questions in re gard to tho growth of plants, and on putting tho question: What makes tho UoworsP onoof thorn presently answered, "tho buds." Oil Oil ij Derrick. , Wo aro told that "Nilsson wears deepest mourning for hor. husband; and recently declined an oncoro after sing in p at Albert Hall, London." Sueha touching display of grief as the declin ing pf an encore is somothing to make tho whblo world woep for sympathy. - Jlostan Posk Newspapers, aro nqtiojng- tho faot tlmt.a,thof'iii Jlarrisburg carried olta ton of coal without waking llio family, but we do not seo anything remarkable about that. A ton ot coal is so small nowadays that any smart boy could run oil' with ond. Philadelphia New. "What lunatip asylum is that-P" askod a stranger in Philadelphia, point ing to a building from which the most horrtblo soUndswcro issuing. "Why, my dear sir," was tho reply, "that is not a lunntio asylum. That is a female sem inary; tliis is tho music practice hour." Philadelphia News. " Does hoss-niom' hurt anybody P" oxolaimed a llluo Grass turfman. "Hoss rucin' hurt anybody P Why, a clean, squar' race, run fronicond tocend, with no ptdlin' and no pockotin', titer's uo mdro'dangcr in attendin' that sort o' race than ther is in in than thor is in a duel botwoon two Congressmen." Louisville Courier-Journal. He Illl)!-. Ik" BM x- SjRfWiloi- aciHu tho 4l of Mniffi iki -. . - -'. -' nirctnn- k Religious Department. AFTFAl MANY JDAYS. Tho lnnd was Btlll; tho skies wore jrrny Vflth wooplnKj '-n. Into the solt, brown enrth tho scod aho Cflflt " Ohl soon," Bho cried, 'wlllcomo tho tlmo of reaping, Tho Roldcn tlmowhon clouds and.tcarsnro nnfltl" " . Thoro outno a whlapor through thovutuinn hnr.o: ; " Yen, thou Blmlt find It nftor innny dnys." Hour nftor hour sho ninrka tho fitful Klcam- Of suulKht fflnnclng- through tho cloudy rllt: . , t tllotir after hour ho lingers, Idly drowning, To hco tho rain full and tho dead lonvoa d"Ut: , .. " Ohl for soino smnll ffreen signs of llfo, buo I'ritys, "Ilnvo 1 not watched and waited 'mnny ' days' 1" At enrly morning, chilled and end, sho heark ens To stormy winds thnt through tho poplars Mow: Far over hill nnd plnln tho heaven darkens," Hor Held la covered wlthn shroud or Htiowt "Ah, Lord!" sho clghs, "aro theso Thy loving ways?" Ho answers: " Spnko I not of maw days?" Tho snnwwrrop blooms; tho purplo violet On banks of moss thnt tnko tho sparkling showers; i Half cheered, half doubting yot, alio strays and lltituns To llnehea slnglinr to tho shy young llow ers; A llttlo longor still Hla lovo dolnya Tho promised blessing " after ninny days." '" 0 happy world 1" sh6 cries, "tho sun Is Hhlulngl Abovo tho soil I sco tho springing green; 1 could not trust Ills wint without repining, 1 could not wnlt In peace for things un seen; Forglvo me, Lord, my soul Is full of prnlso: My doubting heart prolonged Thy 'many days. " Sunday Magazine. iriiHiuns TWKNTY-THIKD l'SALM. .twenty-third psalm is the night- liigwrcr or literature. 1 ho nightingale is a bird unattractive in plumage, but marvelous in song a bird which, to hear aright, you must listen to when other voices aro silent; which sings best in tho night; whose song .seems to have fresh beauty every time you give atten tion to its notes. For thirty centuries those who havo had earn to hear, anil who havo been willing, when tiie stars shone out, to got away from tho artili ciaily paved and ligliteil town, had their sis uplifted by its thrilling melody. Pd its music is as strong and fair now nTever. Hlesscd be God lor tho twenty third p.snlni! It is in tho evening of life that its mu sic seems tho sweetest. The aged saint, when earth's brightness disappears in tho twilight of liie's declining years, delights to hear it. read by a littte child. then it seems like some echo Ot tllO harmony of Heaven. Surely David wrote it in Ids old nro. He must havo . . sat down one day, feeling that his life's work was nearly done, and tho scenes of his checkered careor camo up boforo him, brightest of all the memories of his youth in Bethlehem, when as a shep herd he tended his tlouk brighter than tho hours of martial triumph, brighter than tho days of kingly majesty. Tho scenes of his early lile, tho gra-ssy past ures, tho mountain gorges, tho Pliilis- m.u i,uM-,Bumu "' airoiuii wuosa iiT. ., i UU"B"U .lo mw-au up vividly on tho mist that darkened , ...,, .,... ...,..,, ,.,,.!,..,,, V..HHU nis inning signi. ami then these mem ories of his own shepherdhood suggested thoughts of the loving, wise guidance thro ighout his ooumo of tho great and good Shepherd the Lord God II a heart grew glad, and ho wove them into a song for tho Hock of Jehovah for ages to come Tho first scene is peaceful, is lying in a green pasture. Tho lamb It sneaks ui u, uuiiiiuiiu rosi. uur oariniy jot is ono of pcrpotual unrest. Never moro so than at tho present day. Jesus Christ, tho good, tho great, tho chief Shepherd says: "lwillgive you rest." This is found when Ilo is found. Tho first hours of the converted life aro liko thoso of ono just getting well from a fover, and lying down in a sun-lit mead. Thoro is a mingled feeling of recovery, feebleness and peaco. hi humblo faith tho spot is found where tho Lord makoth His Hock to rest at noon; and, having discovered tho stream of Divino grace, ho rdposos in confidence. Blessed and happy time. But tho return of it need not bo sighed for any moro than tho return of tho joyous days of infancy. The stream of "Divino graco oneo found has to bo followed. Tho waters aro life-giving. Ho who has drank of them fools that tho chiof thing on earth- Is not rest, but progress, and progress in righteousness. Tho first attraction to tho Divino life is fulfilled, and anoth er litis taken ifs place. It is now no longer for green pastures, but for lead ing in righteous paths, that tho ,soul specially longs. Whither, is not, known. Ihey lead on. perchance away from tho quioc grassy scono to a dark and rug MWista'iir -""Or t C.'.. er.iuiu r gedlaud. No aim is pursued with tho I Vr J "is person was. a young ln Stuno motivo throughout. A new im- u.v' .of C0,,fJ. nd very pretty, while pulse is ever found as wo proceed. ' J,,.0 J1"".0' w'l ft susceptible bachelor. Christ may besought after at lirst fori ,"9 ovulonco is that the, two exchanged the peace and rest Ho can give; but, rF, Ct(S nnil sm5u?s during tho trial; that that attained, a higher longin- arises, j, J' U0WC(l to etch otlier oil meeting in. Advance is not nitulo with tho motivo of "? street; thit he paid to a follow juror: seeking sonlo now gratification, it "How cap wo gtvo a verdict against comes to hn for Him mniwt'u cnlm. Following tf io course of (he stream, a very uiilercnt 6oonui S found. Tlinmiiot. till ilowing through tho meadows on the high lands roaches a broken rnoW gorge. The waters leap down the chasm w, uuuu grave, uoiow, alt is dark as death in tho shadow of ovurhiui"in roeks and trees. Horo is a sight word! seeing. The feeblo mav desiro to stay In tho green pasture; the healthy travel er rejoices in tho wild rugged grandeur of the pass. Ho will follow on and daro tho perils. It is the stimo stream that nourished tho meadows that gives lifo to the darkening mass of vegotablo lifo. J ho strong man is ready for tho advent ure, lkey who speak of tho rod of alllictipn fail i inir updqrs,landing; thc' psalni. In such a Spot aBitlilsthWo jlre serpents to bo oncountorcd, and lions havo their lairs. The good Shepherd; who loads on, is no hireling to lice in tho hour of danger. He has a powerful staff for protection from all harm- Thus timidity is dispelled. lie who follows tho stream down the ravine is assured that ho need fear no evil Tis lidlpasscs through, confident in tho caro of his Guide. Beyond, another scone is discovered a yet severer trial of faith. Tho bcliovor not only finds peace iuuI progress, but firotection in tho presonce of a foe. Ilo las gonc througliliojiiiountaiil pass, and reaches an open land whore the en emy is discovered. Tho lirst thought of a foe who cannot slay is to deslrtty sup plies. Hut tho dear Lord prepares a tablo villi abundant proision( ami that right openly. The trial hero pict ured is greater than any ,prcvimtslyt considered. Tho Divine life is not re garded as a rest, n walk; a tcsf, but a light. The pilgrim has become a sol dier. The course of tho stream has led to an enemy's land. Hut hero there is not merely supply, but a feast and not merely a feast, but a jubilant banquet where tho guest is anointed with tho. oil of gladness. At longtlt n less trying scene is readied. Following1 tho course of tho waters, led by the Shepherd, a quiet sun lit land is attained where all is well. vTho stream has become a deop rolling river, with rushing waves of'. gopdn ess and mercy (if tho Hebrew bo read aright), ilowing along the plain to tho infinite ocean beyond. Unlike tho re-, suits of following an earthly river, tho end is not some wild sda-shore, n scene of waste, fathomless waters. Hut tlioro is tho houso of tho Lord whore the great Shepherd has His homo; Ho who litis said to all His slioep: "In my Father's house aro many .mansions; I go to pro-. pare a place for you." J. Hunt Cooke, in Baptist Mayazmc. m 0 m i To-Day. Wo aro suro of to-day, and to-day only; then why not make of it all wo possibly can? of ourselves, all wo canP Why not enjoy it to the utmost in tho very best wayP Tho criminal in hfa coll knows his appointed time, but it is after all power of true enjoyment litis ceased at least he must always bo overshad owed with tho cloud of tunc and mem ory, oven if he bo repentant, inust re proach him. Each day in a Christian's life should be a forotasto of the Heaven to como. Wo need not wait until tho soul is free from this body to bo happy. Years ago, vllen a littlo child, a "ro- W.'ird nf mnrit." wn.a nlnnnil In vn liourl lwMll'illK- flin hlinlltlFlll I v"..- H". Uk.l.HVI.111 CUlllllllUIIU. "There is nothing earthly more delight ful than the full, sweet music of an ap proving conscience;'' a delight to which all Christians should attain. If wo could only remember eaeli morning that "as thy day so shall thy strength bo," and boliovo it, after earnestly commit ting our ways to Him who always hears tho feeblest cry of His children; if wo could only remember that we aro only responsible for our own actions, and coaso worrying about thoso of others: if Wo could only romamber to do all tho wo could only remember to good that comes to us each day of our I HVIW 111 VMVimld wni'O Mm L-iiwl look, tho pleasant word, tho gentle action: if wo could only ceaso seeing the moto in our brother's oyo and remember tho linn tit 11 milt man 1. , . !.. 1.1 .1 i 01117070 mthtbTviV? " i" , ,. a, - -j. very weary, wo should he down upon Bint pmows ami enjoy rciresning rest. I havo been told of Mr. Shiikeythat during tho first weeks of Mr. Moody's labors in England, while tho meetings wore thinly attended, and thero wcro no visible signs of success, ho asked Mr. Moody how ho could lio down and sleep so soundly when everything scorned so discouraging, and added that ho him self was tossing about In a very discon solate way. I ho answer was character istic of this earnest disciple: " That tho result of their work wag none of hia business; that was tho Lord's part, and Ho would attend to it in His own good time. It was theirs to work diligently and with all their might while it was day, and just as much their business nnd duty to rest at night, in order to bo ready for tho noxt, duys, work." That was putting faith into practice., the re sults of which wo all so well know and so highly commend. Why cannot wo, too, bo constantly diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving tho Lord with full nndhnppv hearts? Interior. -Tho will of John ' broken by a Baltimore V. Johns was jury, and tho verdict would distribute tho estato , of friJUU.OUO among tho natural heirs; but tho lawyers aro trying to impeach it, on tho grotlnd thnt ono of the iurors wnt i unduly mlluonccd by a ihrtation in tho (court room willi ono of tho parties in huuji a prciiv girl:"' and that hu has sinCo become a suitor for her hand. i.j.: - 'i .1 . . . . It is said that the fifteen dynamito manufactories now under tho control of M. Noble (tho man who introduced nitro-glycerino in its varied forms into public use) turn out about 5.000 tons a year, In this country and in Europe it is estimated that tho production of ox plosives containing 'nitro-glycerino is between 7,000 and 8,000 totls a year, and this- quantity has the enorgy of at mini la.uvv wag or oruuui uiry gun- powder. A late patent' granted is a "cow tail holder." It will bo needed at the annual exhibition of cow's Uiils. K i i.