w gfclwliii gjjftotmtt o. w. FAtnunoTHEB, dn. a. w. rAinonoTHEn, Jn, OCN r. DANDERS, BY G. W. FAIRBROTHER & CO. Iktos of Advertising! Local Notlcei, firit week, 10 cents per line Inch subsequent week, 5 centt per line. Display locals, 15 cents per line. Advertisements on local pafe, 50 cents per each per week. Miscellaneous ads 50 cents per inch per month. Legal ads at legal rates. LOOAL XtflS-WS. Heavy ralu at this placo Tuesday luortiing. A. W. Nlckoll, rellahlo druggist. JJrownvlllo. Ilorb. Wlll.son'n "ad." 1b clianged thin' week. Head it. Mail ficrvico on tbo M. V. H. II. will commence July 1st. . Dr. Hoal, of North Auburn, in build ing a nuat residence. Mr. I. N. Kite has added an awning to hiu business houac. MIhs Ida Shutts, of Urownvlllo, was in tho city on Monday. Quito a number of colored pooplo have lately located in litis city. Josh, Rogers, of tho north nldc, vuhh a 'Bub to and from each train. Mrs. Ella T. Schick Is now living in her ney hoiiHOin North Auburn. Tho tall form ofCapt. 11. M. Bailey was seen on our stroots last Monday. Tom Richards and family will occu by tho neat rooms over the now bank. Til. Bailey returned Monday from a trip to tho Turkio country in Missouri. Sheriff Tato was in ttio city Satur day hist and paid The Advkutiskh a visit. Mrs. Hen. Sanders wont to Brown vlllo Tuesday, to visit her mother and friends. Tho grain crops of Tonnessoo are Haiti to bo tho best over harvosted In tltat state. t j J. K. Curzoii, F. Dovin, R. A. Saun ders and Jits. Engle paid Brownvllle a visit Sunday. Tho ties and iron are now laid five miles west' from this placo, and tho work goes on. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. CrosB leave next Monday on a visit to Denver and othor points In Colorado. Elder It. A. Hawley, of Sutton, an old resident of this county, spent Mon day night in this city. Tho names the Brooklled robbon gave aro Jas. Hon. Fox, Hurt. "Ward and Mrs. Hurt. Ward. Tito Stato Sunday school convention appointed for Kearney, 20th lust., was indefinitely postponed. A. V. Walsh and Arthur Prescott went to Humboldt Sunday morning, returning In the ovenlng. tTho resldonco of Mrs. S. Walto, on the north, is finished, anil Mrs. W. has movad out from Hrowuvillo. ti Church llowo Is to bo tho loading man for congress from this district. (!ood enough. Talmuye Tribune. Mr.S. Welch has built a platform in front of his business house to facilitate tho loading and unloading of furniture. Hock Port, Mo., is to havo a $23,000 court hoii3o. The contract has boon lot to Mr. It. K. Allen, of St. Joe, Mo. Tho ladles of Hratton M. E, church will glvo a strawberry fostlval on Sat urday afternoon and ovenlng.June 24th. Everybody Invited. Tho Hock Port Journal Is Informed that David Gordon, whoso hog lots aro on tho Tarkio bottom, had 100 fat hogs swept away by a recent water spout, ThoH. & M. mechanics begin the construction of a largo water tank at this placo this week, 100 feet west of tho depot between the two tracks. They commenced digging a largo well Tuesday afternoon. Mih. Ada Kolth, who with her hus band lately moved to this place, do parted this life last Thursday, and was burled In the cemetery at North Au burn. The cnusoiof her death, was dis ease of tho livor and kidneys. ' ; Nomaha City. Call at Mrs. Crothcr's Mllllnory Shop for summer millinery. , Tho best building stone in this sec tion of tho country Is in tho vicinity of this place. A largo slock 6f seasonable goods at Mrs. Crothcr's millinery shop. Tho present prospects for grain is simply immonso; and evory aero of available ground is utilized. And not withstanding tho superabundance of rain tho farmors aro keeping weeds in subjection, and cornfields novor looked bettor. Applo and peach trees are loaded with fruit. Tho potatoe, cab Uago and ' vegotablo crop gonorally, could not bo better. With such sur rounding prospects for plonty Nemaha looks forward with u certainty for an unprecedented boom. What tho immeiiHo quantities of tics and iron stacked at this point means wo are not advised, but bolievo they aro preparatory to tho transfer boats across tho river at this place. Homier & Melvin havo burned and just opened a kiln of 100,000 of mu ch! no mudo, or pressed brick. They aro said to bo a success in ovory way; but Ujlly Hoovor fears to risk them in tho main walls of his building he will havo tho front made of them and tho same firm aro getting ready to burn 100,000 of tho old-fashloncd slop brick for liim. The people here are well pleased that Dr. H. Hell Andrews has concluded to stay with them. As a physician and surgeon ho has no superior in tho west, and but very fow equals. Mr. James Bennett has becomo half owner again of tho Nomaha flouring mill, having bought out Mr. Skeen. Thero Jim is at homo, right where he was raised. Ho is a number ono mil lor, and his many friends will bo pleased to seo him permanently In stalled in the old mill. We believe ho has arranged to leaso Eld. Itowo's half of tho mill. Mr. J. J. Hendor has tho most com plete drlig store in tho city, and iB do ing a good business. Tho Nemaha mills had to suspend operations hist week on account of back-water. Tho Missouri is having her Juno riso. It will be of short dura-, tlon howovor, this year. ,i V Mr. J. S. Minick has moved his stock of goods into ono of his own business rooms south of tho hotel. Mr. M. is jiiHt recovering from a sovcro attack of sickness, which kept him at homo two weeks. Business is better in Nemaha than it has been since hist fall. Elliott shipped throe cars of hogs and Bailey threo cars on Tuesday. Mechanics aro at work on Hoover's brick block. This will bo ono of tho beat buildings in tho county. Si.o 70x80 threo business rooms bolow, 80 feet deep and an opera house on the second floor intended to bo second to none in tho stato. Titus & Williams are still on deck, and aro masters of the situation in tho mercantile lino and soil goods at sat isfactory prlcos. Mr. L. M. Woddle, who has tho con tract for making a good wagon road on tho bottom from tho brldgo on tho No maha to tho bluff toward Asplnwall, has done his work and wo presume did It well, as it has boon recolvod by tho county commissioners. Tho amount of monoy expended on this peico of road was $.100. City HallSquuro is worthy of men tion. Last year It was fenced with posts and barbed wire, trees plantod and blue grass seed sown. Tho trees wore of good sizo, nearly all lived, and now aro in full loaf, making vigorous growth, and tho blue grass is most lux uriant, tho whole giving the square a very attractive appoaranco. Wash. Gulp, Dopt. U. S. Marshal, has a fine looking two-story resldonco, fin ished this spring, and ho Is now a resi dent of Nemaha. Tho postolllco hero Is now an inter national money order ofllco, and soils orders on, or pays orders from any part of tho civilized world. This through tho enUrpriso of our ofllclcnt P. M. Dr. B. Boll Andrews, of Nomaha City, has hts offlco at his resldonco, whero he is prepared to treat acitfo and chronic diseases. Pleasant waiting rooms for patients. Surgical diseases of women a specialty. Ills success as a surgeon is well known from cases in this vicinity operated upon with por munont rollof. Miss Emma Grim, a student of tho state institute for tho blind, Is now at to home. ,. , , , , . i , Mr. Stephon Gilbert has nearly fln iuhed a very nlco residenco, on tho lot whero Shuck's houso burned down years ago. Thco. Hill's now residence, with tho ground appertaining thereto, as to ex terior appearance and interior finish and appointments, has not tho equal in Nemaha county. For summer goods, clothing, Btraw and felt hats, etc., go to tho old rellablo stand of Titus & Williams. Davo Morton, the boss blacksmith, has jusKfinlflhed a nico spring, wagon for Ed. MVoisonrcidcr. Our esteomed friend, Esqulro Donald does tho wood work and docs It right. Itabo Elliott has built an addition to his residenco. Hon. V. P. Peabody was in tho city Saturday last. Ills cuiirso in tho lato extra session is indorsed hero by ovory rcasonablo man, Mr. David Campbell, of Brown villo, is selllng.agrlcultural machinery at No maha. MrB. E. J. Mouahan, tho famous oyo doctor, according to appointment, was in Nemaha Monday. It seems to be a ftict that sho can and does euro tha worst cases of soro oyes. Sho will be In Nnnmli.i mmltv. .Tulv 10th. Tho couiitdiiiuico "chlld-liko nrirt MniicT-of tho Hon. T. J. Majors wi seen on our streets Monday. -JmBwhere you will find one of the finest was closeted a couplo of hwirf 5 ho ft N ' . nnmtv. his second corporal, L. W: "' "'SIS, ...:n r.nA ,1,,. ; jv.tiu urui may 00 interred tiiat winKtikluueu 1:11(1 to touch oil a small HV-.?. tor nodo in Nemaha, soon. Bu uchancos , aro that tho msichlno will fail to oxplodo. !c wot and An immense of dry fjifa&fifcG. arrived at ixei Jfoorc'stf Slti Bright's Disease of abetes and otier disc noy.s and llv frightened i only that wil prevent and cv cures only reti make you m; W atNickollfc ' .: Dry Your Fruit. I am proparcd with American Evap orators, to dry fruit on shares this season. As agent of tho company, 1 can furnish machines to those who wish to purchaso. Correspond, or better, como and seo. Hoiit. W. Fuunas, G2w3 Hrowuvillo, Nobr. J. M. D jTi will sell you a piano or organ from SUfi to $100 less than any traveling agent. Iteasous why: I pay no city tax; I pay no rent; no traveling agent. I support my family from my farm. Address, J. It. Dyic, Nomaha City, Nob. Take Notice! MrB. E. Monahan, of Marysville, Mo., will bo at North Auburn on tho 17th and 18th dayB of July, when alio will bo nronnred to treat all forms of oyo diseases. Her treatment is a permanent dure for granulated eye lids and all forms of inflammation of tho eyes. Como and seo her. Will bo at Nemaha City on tho loth. Mrs. Monahan will also bo in Brown vlllo on tho lBth of each month. Surgical operations will be porforn od by Dr. D. C. Wilson, of Maryvlllo. Try tho Non-Explosive Safety Oil at Dovin & Fisher's. Sheriffs Sale. NOTICE is hereby clven Hint bjr virtue of nn order of fialouued out of tho Din. trlot Court of Nemaha county, Nobrmkt., mid to moillrooted as nhorlirof Hald, county upon 'it ileoroe und JudKineut rendered by mu court, ill n cnno wuutoui y nrron u, Mo Olure ras pltiltitlir, and the Htuto Hank of Urownvlllo wai defendnnt, I will ofTer for mile nt publlo nuctlou at tho door of tho court lioimo In Urownvlllo, In Bald county, on Saturday, July 20ih, 1882, ut ono o'clock In thenftornoon, thofollowlnit described land to. wit; Lots fifteen 1G and sixteen 10, In bloolc twenty-four 241; nnd lot fourteen 114, In blook twenty-two, In the olty of Urownvlllo, totfottmr with nil Ira- firoventonta nnd prlvllftfos thereto bolonic tiK talion on buIiI order of sulo ai the prop, erty of tho Btnto linnlc of Urownvlllo, Ne. braskft. Tor inn n( unln cimIi. nntod thli l(Jth day of Jim. A. D. 16812. (MM O. W.TATE, Blierlff. estravsal Notice h hereby given that I will offer for tale at the reildence of John Sodnun, in Denton precinct, Nemaha county. Nebratka, on Friday, thc-7th day of July, A D., 1882, the following described horses, to-wlt: One bay mare, with white tnnt In tirnA .inil nnr Klarlr mir. rnlr. 1 - -I " w,-..-. .-... ....... w.,. I Said property belntr told as an estrav to nav coiti m 0jBlt jfLl r KVtt aKm M.-kid- fQJuihljSHp mg so iHBllVis the nBl pently VQcnded HHvr then "TSWlrc,"-T&T I. l' j and charges. J, H. KOESTER, J, P. , s jB&dttir vwsfiirii annular FINE FURNITURE, fJTTTTSTA AND The finest and most complete stock in this county, at the Lowest Prices. A splendid assortment of Mouldings, for Picture Frames, and an experienced cabinet maker is em ployed by this house who will make or repair lyoufurnitur in good style. Undertaking a Specialty., A full lino of Collins, Caskets ana Trimmings, always on hand and Motal ic Caskots furnished on short notice. ft. H.GILMORE & SON'S CjLfc ,yt4 A 1 1F "NTl2lT" tWAAWJL AVAU9 AX & hJm9 nicest SPRING H1UJI' win iiiiu hi. ... tMsan - find DRESS GOODS of jnd a nice line of LADIES' and CHILDREN'S Shoes. You will hnd an excellent line of liUU I b and 1'LUW briUlib tor Men. You will find a full stock of GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, etc. You will find one of the nicest store rooms and the most gentlemanly clerks in Nemaha County. ftrV extend a cordial invitation to ,r,xtcnd a cordial invitation to come and see us before buying, " Ml & . ! n.nl.a rfl aa.n ..til t...t ..1. V; Will guarailici; wiai hi ijuai.iy Dyber the place, il. H. GILMOHE & BON, SHEEIDAN, NEB, TOWN LOTS, V4 .1 I Calvert Ifavutg llcccntfy been Surveyed ami Platted ON SECTION 21 and 28, T, 5, B. 14, NEMAHA COUNTY, NEBRASKA, OFEERS RARE Commercial t Mechanical BUSINESS. The Town is from 10 to 25 miles from any other place of importance, IS IN THE CENTER OF THE COUNTV, AND SURROUNBED BY THE BEST FARMING LAND IN THE STATE. LOTS Aooly AT LOW PRICES FOR CASH OR ON TIME IU Oi M UODUEIIM. sttikn Writv Calvert, Nebraska, Dealer In GLASSWARE. u Emblems of Evory Description. stocks of General Merchandise in STOCK of CLOTHING for the latest styles and patterns. come and see us before buying, and j..u ji.n-t wt wii aim. yuu. TOWN LOTS.1 . CHANCES FOR LOTS O A nODflDRI BltOWNVILLE or I; CALVERT, NEB. A iS