f f ibi ITCI.MMTI. AMI SIUJOKHTIVR. &!'reiim of tartar will clctiukid shoes or gloves nlcoly. i , I If voii liaVqa.mmldn, do not throw away tnu sotipsims from tlio laundry; keep it to uso as a fertilizer for your flower beds. ' A violet disease has, broken out in Franco. A white spot appears on the flower, muVit vvjUiors ,at once. It is caused by a very miihito insect. It isnot gcneraly known tliat a few sprigs ofjecdar bush mixdd With hay or any Kind of litter "for henV nosts, will keep them entirely free from hou-lico. . Cotswold sheep have large, hand some frame.-), well covered with flesh, and a great propensity to fatten. Their mutton is apt to bo rather coarso grained. Sorrel generally finds its way1 into fields which have a thin or, poor (foil, and one of tlio bust remedies is td enrich the soilfwith manure, and a small por tion of lime is often useful. To insure pasto from molding put into it a proportion of alum and rosin. A few drops of any essential oil will preserve leather from mold, and a single elovc. put into a bottlu of ink will have the same effect upon it. j-Tho character of the fooil willWcet the quality of the manure even Tmore than the icharatUer of tlfo. animal. A diet of cornr fodilpr and jjfraw, for in stance, canyieldj'only a ppor manure, because"; t huso fopd.s contain very" little nitrogen or phosphates. To prevent choking,jnn,eaK'ari9r into a cup and civcl i ... Hto -tho'ijoc " . fm chokinjr to swallow. The white of tuu eggscems to ilch around tho obstacle and remove it. If one egg does not an swer the purposo, try another. Tho white is all that is necessary. : Tho outlook for Western cattle growers is reported as exceedingly flattering. The average loss of cattle during the winter was four pqr cent, against nine' per cent.JList year, and tho condition of cattle is twenty per cent, better than usdal. Grass is more foiv ward, especially in the southwest. Tlio shipments will bo ten per cent, moio than last year. Prices averago 8-1.25 per head nioro than last year. Thero is no disease anywlioro. It is said that an aero of wheat will sustain three and a half individuals for a year. 'An aero-c-f potatoes will sustain ton persons for a year. In Ireland tlio introduction ot the potato has been fol lowed by a decline of every Irish in dustry excepting agriculture. Tlio small amount of labor required for obtaining sustenance from the potato is taken as tlio measure of ncces3arv labor, and the time gained is profitably spent in de veloping other industries, but is apt to be passed in idleness. It is so the world over, where tho earth yields of its abundance almost without toil. Kits In Poultry Ynnls. An Illinois , correspondent of, tho Poultry Yard writes on this suoject: Procure an old cightoon-gallon beer or juiy other cask. not smaller," which 'Avill hold water; knock one end out and cut a piece of board of tho shape of tho cask to lodge on tlio top standing end wise. Then cut a nine-inch diamond sliape, with a koy-holo saw, out of tho center of tlio niece lodged on, and bal ance it properly with two stout darning needles at each side of the diamond, which will work up and down freely if correctly done, and make a level top, then bend a piece of stiff wire in an arch about ono foot high, directly over tho diamond and suspend in tho center of it the bait out of the rats' way so that thoy can sec and smell it well. Also place four gallons of water in tlio cask, and grease the sides, and in the center, place a brick or stono only sufficient for one rat to sit on with comfort half an inch above tho level of tho water. Tho first rat landed, finding itself likoltobin son Crusoo on an island, commences squeaking, nnd draws all his friends and relations. Tlio strongest rat livos tho longest, as thoy all fight for this posi tion as thoy drop ono by ono into tho tub, and drown each other. The rats should bo fed for a few days on tho top of tlio cask to give tlicm confidence, and tho balance mado linn for that period. 1 have seen as many as a dozen caught in ono njglit by this wholesale drop. As a rule, where poultry aro ovor fed thoro aro plenty of rats.- : ' A i i a. 'Neater Farm Houses. It is tho gonoral complaint thnt when a man sells his farm ho never gets pay for tho improvements. It is generally tlio case when a man buys a farm' ho wants such improvements, near, appro priate and useful. Nearly all- farm houses are built without regard to ar tistic taste or tho least aim at modern improvements. Thoy may be largo, but inconvenient, ungainly, low Stones and' probably logatcd 'in- jus,L tho wrong place. No wonder a man of refinement novor takes into consideration tlio cost of such a house. It is really of no value. A small, neat cottage, bu'it with tasto and judgment, well painted, suitably lo? eated for lusthctie tasto, and surrounded by a few chosen evergreen trees, instead of its never being paid for, it will aid moio than double its cost in selling the farm. In building a second liousofann ers generally build too largo, without the convenient arrangements which modern science has invented. A small house, wjjtli jnoro architectural tasto ami nouse, ui jnoro arclntectur; overy tljing cloan.tcozy and nlo, the ownoV wllljstand ten selling at a profit, Ithan wher (l comtorla- tea chances of orotic, .than where the ioiisi is a largo; unpaintod1 shambling con cern, with dilapidated out-houses and tuinblo down barns. A man with money wants something of use to him anil ornamental to the promises. Wo plead for a neater class of farm houses. Iowa Stale Itegister. Advii-c. .When 5ou want to keep a socrot con do if to half a dozen friends. They'll keep 'it 'gting tho rounds. I If a man wrongs you nnd apologizes, are morally certain that you can thrash hi in in tlii'uc-quar.torsof it second.. Never give mpuoy to a charltablo cause. Always draw a check. If you give money people may never find out whorb tho charitable" contribution canto from. When you send'otitinvitatlons to your wedding, for gracious sake don't have printed on'thenl ' no presents received." Homo pf yotir friends may think you're In earnest and come empty-handed. If you happen to got one, dollar and fifty cents ahead', and it burns in your pocket, invest it in an Alaska diamond worth ninety-five cents; give thochaugo to a small boy to remunerate him lor1 beating' out your brains with a roll of cotton batting. When presenting a fribndvllh a brace of ducks bo sure and iufdrini him that you aro afraid ' tlmy will spoil on your hands uhd ho might as well liavo them. Of course llo'U bo gratified to realize what a warm inteiest you tako in saving your dUeks from tqioiling. When you are partaking of sqjip at a .public uliinor .ui'inK it out 01 tno pinto. Jjsing a qpooif is proper, of course, but awnn siow woj'K. .. aiiu, uesmos, you iimist show, tlipfpubHo that you have an original styleof your owi and aro a part andiparcol of a progressive genera tion. Old fogyism in the soup lino must bo.crnshed'out.'no matter what tho cost jnay DC. M.C0KUK uuic uu 4 5 . . . . . . . . Mr. James S. Ray, of this county, is tho owner of a gander which ho says was sixty vears old when Dr. W. II. Walk ins was born. Wo do not know tho doctor's ago, but suppose it about fifty, which would make tho 110 years old. Charley iMinowna1 his gandorslup ami says that his drajr the crouml. How much o: ground thoy drag ho does not state, but says the gander walks half a milo down to liusliy Creek every day to got water. Franklin, ((7a.) News. Ijiiirh, T.lvcr nnd Kldnoys. These great organs of life, as Is known to every one. arc most Intimately related to each other, and where one Is caused to sulTer, tho other two, on account of their sympathetic connection, are unavoidably made, to leel tlio evil effects. Therefore, when distressed with symptoms ot diseases Incidental to either organ, a medicine that will ulvc tone uud Btrcngth to all three, Is Nature's best ass st ant in icitoring health. Such virtues aro beneficial as are contained In Yellow Dock, Sarsapaiilla, Juniper, Iron, Uiichu, Celery, and Cullsayn. All thefo ingredients are scien tifically combined In that great health lonewer, Dr. Guysott's Yellow Dock and Sarsapaiilla. Ask you drucgist to get It for you. Honk fertilizers for crass are said by cheese manufacturers to produce the milk which will make the most curd. Strange that this whoy to "chocEo It" hadn't occurred to them before. Lowell Courier. LAwitcxcn J. Avkuy, of Liberty, Ind., writes-: "It wos my misfortune to become af flicted, several years ago, with a severe attack of rheumatism In connection with dyspepsia nnd symptoms of lung and kidney disease. It seemed no medicine would reach my case, for I had tried thi" and that. .My wife was using Dr. Guysott's Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, und persuaded me to try It. 1 did so, and used spirits of turpentine at the same time as a liniment. It has effected a complete cure. Young ladles with artificially clear complex ions should not permit the young men to kiss them on the cheek If they would become mar iled. To uo oil quickly, they should keop their powder dry. lloiton Transcript. "With Grateful Poolings." Dit. l'ir.ncE, Buffalo, N. Y. : Dear Sir Your "Golden Medical Discovery" and "Pur gative Pellets" have cuied my daughter of Scrofulous Swellings and Open Sores about tho Neck: nnd your "Favorite Prescription" has accomplished wonders in restoring to health my wlfo who had 'ocen bed-fast for eight months from Female Weakness. I am with grateful feelings, Yours truly, T. II. Long, Galveston, Texas. "I "WISH I could settle this colTco," said on Impatient traveler at a railway restaurant. "Try a broomstick," said a moody man with a scrntchednose; "that Is what eve everything is settled wltu at our bouse." "Golden MnuiOAi. Discovkiiv" Is warrant ed to cleanse tho blood from all impurities, from whatever cnusc urlsins. For Scrofula, Sores of nil kinds, Skin ami Blood Diseases, its effects arc marvelous. Thousands of Testimonials from all purts. Send stamp for pamphlet on Skin Diseases. Address Woiii.d's Dihi'iinsauy .Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. Biikakino an nwkward silence: Mrs. Monta Kuc Smart (suddenly to bashful youth, who line not opened his lips since he was intro duced to her a quartcrof nnhouruKo) "And now let us talk of something else I" ' I'ulr (ilrl (irailuiitcH," whose sedentary lives increase thnso troubles pecullur to .woniuu, should use Dr. riercu'a Fuvorlte Presurlptlon," which Is an unfail ing remedy. ' Sold by druggists. AN observant ncirro says: 4,Do man Mho takes up dc moas' sldewall; am not alius tho pussiui of de ino.is' cinseqiiciiec. A fifteen cent drunkard wants mo' room In dls world dan a Judge of do Supreipc Court." V "Do boldly what you do at nll.'t Boldly do we nillrin lb-it Kidnt-y-Wort Is the great remedy for liver, bowels nnd kidney dlneases; rheumatism and piles vanish before it 'l'liit tonic ellcct 4of KIduey-Wort Ib produced by Its cleansing and jairifylng, action on the blood."1 Where tliereMs "a gravelly deposit in the urine, or milky, ropy urine from disor dered kidneys, It always cures. - A jalsr prophqt Is, stirring tho Egyptians Into u rebellion. In Aniericu false prophets merely guess at the weather and sell their ul innnars at twenty-live cents each. l'htladel phia ChnmltM. .- Ik you havo any skin diseases or diseases of the hi r orsc.ilp.any Itching or discolorutions, sur burns, frcck't-s, piuuleH, rough or dry harsh skin, you lmvo In Or C. W. BciiBon'p Skin Cure, a sure, erfect and elegant remedy, fold by all druggists. Also l)r. Benton's Celery and Chamomile Pills, tho Btandurd remedy for ull headaches and nervousness. " Wkll," says the canvasser, " I must keop walklpg and talking. That's tho way I get my living, nnd that's tho way Jjgot my wife. But slid bus done all the talking ever since. Good day 1" -Toledo American. V Np.w Touk Ins nn as.oc'iMoti called the IchtlivoplinKous Cltit)." which tnceUmu'oa ye r ntitl partakes of a flail banquet. Floii has tlio reputation of creatine brnln, nnd perhaps tho parties composing this olitu. nftcf two or three dozen banquets, will have brain enough to chnnco tho tlt'e of their organization to a nnnic that can be pronounced by a member afU-r looking upon a codllsh that bltcth lllto a bladder or somehow that way. . ' Grateful WoiiiiMi. Nono receive so much bcncllt, and none aro so profound! v grateful and show such an In terest In rei'ommundltii; Hop flitters as worn en. It Is tlio only remedy pccullaily adapted to tho many Ills tho sex Is almost universally subject to. Chills nnd fever, Indigestion or dcraniicd liver, constant Or period cal sick headaches, weakness In tho bick or k ducya, pulri In tho shoulders and different parts of tho body, a'fcellnvof lasslltfdo 'mid despond ency, aro all rcadllyjrcmovcd by. these Hitters VouranL ..." It Isn't tho beefsteak which people- look at when thoy pound It. Tho Idea Is to Inform the neighbors that they lmvo mado a ralsu for breakfast. Detroit Free Pre. Lndlcs, If you would bo forovcr redeemed from the nhvsical disabilities that. In thou sands of cases, depress tho spirits an 1 abso lutely fetter aill tho energies of womanhood, you liavc only to get Lydla E. l'lnklmin'n Vegetable Compound. . A maiiikn wants to know how to avoid hav ing a mustache come on her upper lip. Eat onions, daughter. ESJNo woman really practices economy un ions she uses the Diamond Dyes. Many dollars '';an bo saved every year. ' Ask tho druggist. I CiniioiTV Is always rci)r.'!iJ?od as on tlp Joc, which would seem rj; --.-itc that Curl- is a mighty sniu' ! S-?i V, K.". "'"-'( will JLJ Electro-Voltaic - ju trial for thirty days. '. W5 who aro ullllcted with ,)St vitality and kindred olng coinploto restoration hood. AdU ess as abovo. itieurred, as thirty days I of Ids now Jacket, In- ho was a six-uuttouUld. nUniiniinvniTii." Clears mlt rnls. mlrn. roaches, bed-biuis vermin, enipinuniiB. l&c, .WL... ". ,-....'. -- -", -- - lijiHin ttl ItikM'ittfAl flAninii-lint I rc.,l' irIva..V-'". FT"" '"I IIU"V.l, OUOIUMMI.U rat on. was trviuir Lo tell n i.l ft XT oor tippe? jsh" 'ujvU and said: Cttv'V .NA ., ot-ji,; (Ui a lie "H"jvWI"" uariieuuo W i'. "I .. Quick comrjflo cure, all i. Vmig; rists. tho pa- 'sK.iila Salve. Wise's known. ry best Walccllelft' rdlarrhea. Nation.' mils. Thy tho noVi CCO." "John." sec you ffl L'dncsdiii; iblo up ut ' my Kill's." "Up at your Kin's?" " ics. 1 waited up In an npplc tree ubout two hours for her daddy's dog to go In tlio house." Tun telcphono has developed an entirely new school of hcllo-cutlon. An English surgeon says the' tlmo is com ing when n man's stomach can bo repaired cud replaced without serious difficulty. It will simply keep him home part of tho time. JiIakkiri) men, nccordiug to 6tatlBtIcs, livo longer tl an single ones. Fogg, the villain, wonders why lu tho inscrutable wisdom of. Providence the married man's sutToring should be so unnecessarily lengthened. JJoston Transcript, "Aiu.nK," says a writer, "is a mother's anchor." We havo often beard that tho first thing sho does is to weigh it. A VinoiNiA negro found a loaded Tarrot Bhcll and wanted to sec how It looked inside. His wife found tho ax, but her husband i mysteriously missing. Kino Tiiuiiaw can kill his wife, two of her slaters and a score of their relatives with a sword nnd Impunity, but in this country a man can't shoot a dog without raising a howl provided the first snot is not fatal. Morris town Jfcrald. m A oat when pursued by a ferocious dog may not be feeling qulto as well as usunl, but nev ertheless, she presents a fur-straight appear unco. . - Ik a Chicago man can guzzle $30 worth of liquor In three days nnd remain sober, 8t. Louis might as well abandon tho contest at once. It must bo in tho climate Courfcr Journal. St. Cnisi'iN was a martyr. Ho probably had corns. That must have been tho martyr with him An Ohio man was choked to death recently while trying to drink from a two-gallon jug. They :an't swallow everything lu that State. Dei -olt Free Pre. Jluha'i frtmlit out tittht bet,ehtiprft nnd mtutrellabU toUinlhfWnrlit.anJlhnimaniUnrt iMrrn nrruirnlfrrru yon hxiiit . it Is "tho ' I XV.U.UI'N JIII'.T. 1111)0 K-.i KOODricelvrthoinilnrheinimtfifiiliM clfinnofallRfltionlHtlioworlilnvr. Incuiiinf35ci-nU, fiScentn. 1 25nmll TMn-ArlnKtlie nlnnntnro of IVOOIjJCICII .1: CO. on efery lube!. OPIUMii & MORPHINE PArpTrYm Trratlie on llnlr JUU I 111 U ipoclv cum KK.N t KIIKK. On. J. 11. llorrxAN, I'.v.Voi m.CMiMUo.lU. Qsity v -a Ni O sondNS? aTT HeltKSaiV to iSbmH iBk -'2' HrtVrf.K nHi dMiicd his BlsuTB. PMIWW Jfurtford Ttmrim- I I in I ", A WVCtl-Wi i Ik "'-. . "" !. kf J U m i '? l-tV jX ' mi' tm I scutes. " K Jwm BLL-rk, has. l J tiiWHWl V yourlHk(ldlng 1. -""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""r .,.im.l ivecpit in nu Uiii ' n I JC Hi t A-xJfb iflHL m- saldJIwli wtir.wPBiraw 7 'icmicu a wait socm DR. JOHN BULL'S SB Tonic a FOR THE CURE OF FEVER and AGUE Or CHILLS and FEVER. The proprietor of this celobr&tod modlolno justly claims for it a luporiorltyovor all rem edlos ever offered to tho publlo for ths SAFE, CERTAIN, SPEEDY nnd PE11MANENT euro of Aguo and Fover, or Chills and Fovor, wheth er of short or long standing. IIo refers to the entire Western aud Southorn country to boar him testimony to tho truth of the aisortion that In no catowhatevor will it fall to euro if the directions aro strictly followed and carriod out. In a great many cases a single doto has been sufficient for a oure, and whole families have boon ourod by a singlo bottle, with a por foot restoration of tho general health. It li, however, prudent, and in every caso moro cer tain to euro, if it uso is continued in smallor doses for a wcok or two aftor tho disease has boon eheokod, more especially In difficult and long-standing oases, Usually this medidino will not requiro any aid tokoop tho bowols in good order. Should tho patirnt, howover re quire a cathartlo modlcine, after havinii takon three or four doiei of tho Tonic, a single dose of BULL'S VEGETABLE FAMILY PILLS will bo sufficient. The genuine SMITH'S TONIC SYBUP must have DR. JOHN "ULL'Sprivato stamp on each bottle. DR. JOHN BULLonly has tho right to manufacture and sell tho original JOHN J, SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, of Loulsvlllo, Ky. Ezaralno well tho .abol on each bottle. If my private stamp Is not on each boitlo do not purchaio, or you will bs decolved, DDrt. a-Qxxixr oejxjijIj, Mnnufnoturor nnd Vendor of SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, BULL'S SARSAPARILLA, BULL'S WORM DESTROYER Tho Popular Remedies of tho Dny. Principal Ofllrp, Sill Main SI., I.OUISVIM.K, KV. E QUESTIONS TO THE Siok and Debilitated. Is It worth whllo to onduro ponnl tor turauvcry night limn wakefulness, Ina bility to sleep, nervous prostration, &o., when you can bo Immediately rt-llovcd mid permiuiontly cured by so agrecublo a remedy 113 SAMARITAN NERVINE Docs It. pay to bo compelled, by debil ity and languor, to titiauilou active busi ness wlien hralu, nervo mid iiiiihcIc can bo braced up mid tlio wholo system can ucjrcslorcd to a licaltliy conilltlon by u coursu of fc. SAMARITAN NERVINE You norvoiiH dyspoptles, wby np- firoiicuiuu (limit Ivu ilisirusl tot ironcli tho (liniicr-tiilile dally Willi a post- all t nit Is savory and delicious, when u vigorous appetite for oven tuc plainest loon is ereaiou uy 1110 uso of SAMARITAN NERVINE Is It wise to llvo tu this bright world as though It were u dungeon, constantly miserable and discontented, when tlio worst cases of opllopsy, nervousness or hypocliimdrlii are cured lu a very short time by such n pleasant and wholesome nn exhlluraut us SAMARITAN NERVINE Can It bo possible thnt any person of a nervous temperament will run tho risk of apoplexy or paralysis when ho can touo and regulato tho nervous con tors with SAMARITAN NERVINE Is it not a species of moral insanity for any merchant, mccbnnle, farmer or traveler to bo without tlio bust known nutldoto ngalnst disease, SAMARITAN NERVINE Considering tho liarrasslng and do pressing nut urn of tho luhotlonnl de rangement to which woman Is subject, is It not astonishing that any Invalid of tho feebler sox should hoslfato to seek tho cortulv jllef ntrordod In sucheusea by the general operation of SAMARITAN NERVINE TAKK HrCriJIOND'S CATHARTIC AND NERVINE PILLS for tho euro of all disorders of tho Btomncb, Liver. JJowols, Kidneys, Iliad dor, Nervous Discuses, lloitduoho, Con stipation, Costlvouess, &o. Theso pills are mado to work In harmony with our Bamarltan Nervine. For Salo by All Druggists. FRAZER AXLE GREASE. IIv.l III the World. Ocl llio urnulnv. IZv rry imikuifit Inia out- Triutfiiinrli unit l murkeil Kiazrr'a. NOI.ll KVKIl YWlIHItlC rtjrtA Pi:iC WKKIC can bo made In any locality JDOlf Somi-ililiiKi'iiiln-ly new for iiircnu. 86 onto Hv II.! frcv. U. W. INUUA1UM lc COMliotou, Mail. inirtt HOM s UU Sunday Soliool, lib Musical, Tomporanoo A or Soliool ii OB CO!fYNTION, CANNOT t0 HltTTr.n THAN TO KX AMISK, Al'l-ltOrr AM) AllOW DlTtON & CO'S OIIOIUK SKHIKNOr MlSIO III) KN SUNDAY SCHOOL TKACIir.ltS ennnot helplflnB tnkrn wlllt our truly gulden trlu of bunday Bcliuul viiiKvrs. Light and Life. " ailiKNTH, Stilnlna with Oot. IK'lMMlit. lli'pn-in with Hid I.Wi' of k. m. Mcintosh. BANNER OF VICTORY. XI CI'.NTS. AflDEY & Mt'NQER, JuyoiiiclilMliood. In i In- front Milk. Will lu rocolvnl wiili n utiiitii liy Beacon Light.''K, IlllltlO TENNEY & HOFFMAN. run lie found sny wlicro SCIIOOI, TKA0IIK113 WIMi NOT TAIL TO UHK Sunicin-IM Hnsin j fur U.imiium ScliuoK orWolcouit (Jliorii (II) for lllidi Si'liouK LOVKllS OK GOSIT.I, MUS10 W1M, l.IKB AT.VI.i: VOIOIU-IIOIIC (,vk.-i ). by limomon, null Im s implinl ti-l of tuiii ami lijmui, insy lo lull aud of HKiiliTalo coiupsM. LYON & HEALY, Chicago. OLIVER DITSOH & CD., Boston. BS A SURE CURE for nil dlnoneea of tho Kldnoyo nnd It haa speoUld notion on this moat lmportnnt organ, onabllne It to throw off torpidity and Inaction, aUmuUUnc tho healthy acoroUonof tho BUo, and by kocplnit tlio bowoUi In froo condition, offbotlng its rccuUr dliohareo. IMtr"'ff I IfyounroBurTbrlnafrom I VI d 1 d H I U malarlA, havo Uio oMUo, aro bilious, dyipeptla, or constlpntod, Kldnoy- Wort will ouroly rcllovo and tpilokly euro. In Uio Bprlnff tooloauioUioGycUm, ovcry ono ahould tako a thorough courao of It. It- 8OLDDVDnUOGI0T8. PrlcoSI. PATENT ADJUSTABLE SU.R GANE MSLLS Evniiorutor.s, &o. AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF, NIGH SPEED Stonm Engines. Uf For Drhphiitivm CATAl.oui'Kaililn'itu MADISON M'PG CO., MADISON, WIS. AGENTS (LADIES (3jl GENTS) EUE mM m'JvSkvIV- EBaaLUHM"lKa.4$ MAKE MONEY FAST,,, -SF.IXINa- , j - OUR NEW BOOK. Invaluable to All Housekeepers Useful, Praotioal and Popular. Address IT. K. OWKNS, C.10 Fulton Street, Chlcasro. RAILROAD GAZETTE. i i A JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION, Engineering and Railroad Now. Pnblliheil at 73 nrotdtriir, Ken Tork. 4.SO per annum po.titze free. THE ST. LOUIS MIDLAND FARMER la tno wit and thtapeit AmlciiHiirnl Monthly. Norm mluai. Norluba. Wu aluipl)-nlc as cent for ciich lupicrlptlon Kvcry Farmer wiinli It. BatniilUlird nlna .rean. Hiiinpio copy for U-ccnt utainp. Adda-ai MI1II.AN U FA KM i: It, Mt. I.niil., Mo. KANET'H'PANflT AlilMIAIirrs for itltn painters, 60 cti. Hlanilnril Sinn Writ r, li. Btan dnrd Hrroll lfook, II . Bcrolli and OrniMiicnu (Lotidot Phe), II. Japnnran Orniiincntattoa, li. Hlicn, Oarrlnijo, bar. Frrico and Dccoratlvo l'alnttr.K. 30 cti. Cheap Hook of Alphabet!, N) ct. Of hooknellera nnd paint cr'a aupply alorcs or by mall. JKSHE UANUV it UO U NaniJau St.. N. Y. PARSONS' PURGATIVE PILLS til lllood, and will completely clmnioi the hluud In the en tire vtem In threii moiitlu. Any pcrcon who will tako 1 pill each nlKlit from 1 to 1 U week inny lie reitturcd to Bound health, If audi n tliiiiK hu pomtlble. Uud ev ery wliero or lent by iniill fur M lettLrNtnmpa. 1. 8. JoiiKnoM &0o., Humun, Alan., formerly lluiiKor.Mo. Employment for Ladios. Tlie yuii City Sunpeiiilcr Company of Cln ciiuutl art nuw in.inuf.ir turmi- unit inlriHlucinj; tlielr new hUilhi Hii)nrlrr fur ltllr. mid I hllilrrn. an. I llicli uuciujlcilhllrl hu.iriiitrr. fur UiIIm, anil want tellable lady a'cnti, to ull tthein in every lumtehold, Our atfcntt evciy V wliorc meet wflb iraily tucce and innke band, tome k.Urle Write at owe fur leniii ami te- cui eiclulte territory, AJ!rett On.fn Hlr HH.u.nrlrr Co.. Ilnrlnnafl. Ohta- 03 I-cadinjr lliyklciaii riiuiiiiuenil tlieta upiurtcr. 2) MBOBTCif IMPROVED ROOT PEER D K ItZ. "2S Ji'"- Pekiik"- milk' h r, aioiM of iidellelmiit, uIiuIi'miiii .npnrkllnu; Temperance be veriiitn. Ak yum- tlrucKlut, or Bent byinallfora.'ic. 0 K Htnut, IS N I)e n. Atp.,I'lilln. (TVacflouil- lrttMf)tor Farm. Saw Mill & 1'luntu linn. Fur tirlcea. rlr... wrlleTlli: AUI.TMAN AiTAVI.Oli CO.. Jinn-Held, . mm .Mornfiliif Ilulilt -ured In 1( III i!l (III)'. ,l PI'.V till i'UIMMt. 1)11 .1. STI'IMIKNH. I.l-llllllllll.lllllll. JIT TliotiHHiida of refereneea from peraona cured. lUlUUUrii,.,,,,!!!, ullkl ICH nmv mt-our Nutv kllldtuf :iwh. Bell lii'V will rut better than ever 1'rlef (-.. lilrciilnraaiulnrlcva to AKeuui. Atiurt-ai r- liui ll iiuu., .M'W uxroni, 1'a. A MONTH-AGENTS WANTE0-'et -i-iiiuK i i " in in lie' ivuriu, . fiimpie re. Addreei Jy lli-oiiaiin, JlAroll. Midi. Ml A MONTH nd iitmrd In your county. Men. or I. miles, l'leiiaimt liuIIH'f. Aililrrm 1 W Zixiilkii A. Co. Hox 111, Chlcaifo, 111. T no A WEEK, f 13 ii dny lit home easily iiindo 411 &Costlyouttltfre( Addrei'IrueA!Co, Auuta,Mo Mo. SOLDIERS B (10 At M to All. He to .1. ICOmiKM. nuil A Kent, I'lnnklutoii, Dak. tnC A WEEK In vour own ttiwn. Terintt nnd 'DOUlSuiitfllirif.Aildr'Mll llnllett&L'o.,l'uitlaiid,Me YniIMn MPU U you want to lenrn Tel-i;r:ipliy In I UUHU mtri a fnw moutbn, nnd ho tcrtaln of i Itiiail.n, aiiilroim VAt.r.s nsr. Iliti)4 , Jnnrinllle, Wis. ?H la Mfl "HTilaviitiioiiu). Sniiiiiles worth 5.f i J 10 ici fnH. AddrouiHriNiON ;it'u.. I'urtlmd.Mn. A. N. K. 85 877 m IE 6 vt tniKX irittrt.va to Antnttrimatu, titrate mini ui mine th .ldn)tHne)i in fifa jKijier, .?