u 1M 1 wJ) J 4 M.tt !1 oil .j.i n 1 1 ! . ' JlM I "i (riii1 iw J in di j) .t'i 11EL1UI0US AM) udugaxional At tho rccunt condition of tlio Ifylscopnl Dloeoso of North 'CJnroliim it cliiiiNof KbcloHfaflt!?!il ImtorO in flic was rotioiyod to uivnio MiOjuius jintu two dwiasyttJk 'Bishop Ljrninnlii1onco tuilly oppSeiiatlw plan. 4 -Dr. Willis Ifdfku hnlWjntotlTtlio Tlioololciil Seminary of tho Northwest to which liu was elected, and will bo jireaent uttho opening of tho noxt ses- , J rlioh? J jji 1 ij ifM"' A-"l-1-t"1p -' '''"'' whioh Soo includes Hip Crimen, who was for t ? fsnmojiTiffiiirbita'of 'HuCKiffiiii-wioiiHiii ' 'CllihaV' itiid pffijinrtot "Bonro valuablo works in llio Chinese, is Uoud at an ml vnnuotl ago. ...t ,TOiio of Junius , Freenmn t Clarke's 1 1 .1 larlHliloncfH, 'a' Ilidy' of front wdnlth, sent liitn a present of $.'),0L)0 on tlit'ovo of his ilopurtiiro for Kuropo. Hois now inpro than seventy years of age, and k Ihopos'to preach until ho is 'soveiity-llvo. Socrates, Aristotle, Onoslicinrn, Plutonium, Clirislian iMvelictam, Philov y jiJ oj)h"ot tio UagavaU Gita'and Flchto's works, arc tlio subjects of soino of tho loetnros 16 ho ddlivered hoforu tlio Con cord school of philosophy noxt summer. A Sunday-closing "niovonitjnt lias kiK'.hcen started In llussia titular tho auspices of Archdeacon Uogoyavjcnsky. Most of tho clerks in St. Petersburg .rt TJ!ftW,''ilfl'."Mi IX V?Mw. to.tiio.Kmporor risking him to enforco a cessation of all mercantile business on Sunday. ., , , ( , -r-Thc new Jt'rench version of tho 1111)10, by Prof. Sogond, has uttalnod ft ijroat success, and n copy of tho New , I'osluinont at throo-half ponco has boon ., . published, of whioh 100.00Q wcto sold , v ,of tlio first edition. Of tho Bocond fiO, 000 copies yuro Hold in tlirco wcclw. ,, f A Hood of manuscripts haS been pouring into Homo in respouso 'to an f ofTer of four gold medals as prizes for tho hcsteulogiuiu upon Leo XI 111 Thoy" , woro reduced by selection to soyon for iinal decision. Two of tlio winnura aro American, and not ono Italian. Tlio l'opo has, howovor, rowarded all with tho decoration of his benediction. ' Tho American Baptist missionaries speak woll of tho Tolugu converts. In ji recent letter ono of these missionaries sayjj: "Three years have -passed since I'tlU'n yonra of pcrsooutiou and trial to until-A grv'1 Miuny of thti now convor'ts ami 4 .Soinq chair has been blown out, but ...onjy enough to show the genuineness of 1 ,, what remains. Nowlioro aro thoro anv Mlimlieitions of a collapse, unless it is in t tlio.interest of friends at homo. Durinir tlio last yqiir 2,707 woro baptlzod, and , , Jibcmt l,80(f so far this year- a number which will probably roach 2,000 boforo tho ond of the Voar, and iiorhaps moro than that, in fact, thoro is no one who" can toll what might not bo done if tlio missionary force woro what it ought to bo in this Hold. I havo baptlzod with my own hands converts who luivo como from villages ninety to ono hundred, miles uifltnnt, and who camo all that distancu ontfoot, tlfroughmud nrftl rain, entirely at thoir own oxnonso, merely for tho sake of bolniy baptized. Out of two lumdrod candidates for baptism there aro seldom moro than ten from any 0110 village often onlyono or two; and thoy toll-of groat unmoors afc homo who nro believing, but wlio cannot como so 1 JtiiV Wlpo My Tcarsl I. Slio was nothing but a babv. a littlo quaint old-fashioned tiling, with tumbled looks of sunny hair and deep soulful bluo oyos that woro always full of clouds nr Ntllidlilnn. nnn fnllnwtncr tlin ntlinr in -tut iapld succession. Only a Gaby, toddling about tutor nor woary niothor, falling dpwn and hurting herself tvdozon times ultiy,' nntl going just as often to hold up n swoot llowor-fair face all wot and dowy, with tho lisped vo(uest: "Plouso, mamma, wipo my toarsl" or to other ' members of tlio family in a moro dicta torial and peremptory voloo: "Wui n,V tears!" Either she could not or would not make 11113' attempt at brushing away tlio (cars of sorrow horsolf, and $oiiiq- . times wo laughed to, seo tho shut oyes and tightly drawn features, bathed in a liquid Bhowcr; sometimes thoro was n pitiful accent in that littlo household wail that mado our hoar.ts ache, but oft onor wo talkod nonsonso as wo wiped away tho pretty" drops fi'om tlio, long curled lashes, tho dainty Oheojta', tho small, quivering chin, and we drew gay pictures of. tho baby going aboutl with to'av-bottlc's hung around her hook, and crooned hoi? t0 sleep with an Idle1 repe tition of Tonnysoh: "'Tears, lillo toniu, I know monn." ' not whilt thoy And wo wondered among burpe'vos what sho would do as she jrrow 'older . iand Jqariut'tq .know real eorrow, and if thoro would n)wuyH bo spine doir ono .n'oar to wjpo d?uythq ready tears as A tnoro was now, Ami QoV llliisoir sliull wlpo nwuy all tparnl "Vo hud novor thought of Him'', and t ho was still only a baby,, a syeot win- 'spmo littlo tjiing that yQ,thouglt we 'ud s.afo in our liOtif is under lock and "loy, witli love for tho keeper, when tdl nt 6neo her teara'woro dried and ours, began to How, for wo all stood bushio hornnd sho know us not, was inponsk bio to hcnaiuofhor's voice, to toars anil prayors, Thoro was a short, sharp struggle with tho doitroyer, homy of insensibility oyon to pain, tuid then for a momont tno uany woke and know us, nd as siie fH tlip last ping of disso lution, hor dear littlo face npttod and soameii wltn tlio deadly pain, euo nut one tiny, trembling htuiil up to her , ; , piothor and said in a whisper,, tlip old, miftint words: 'V-iip-o'in-y t-o-tt-r-s," f t Then a sweet, glad smile followed, and a slip was gone wbero tierc shall bo no jnoro death, noither sorrow nor crying, .l !rliintl 0(1 8lulU wilP ,IWI1.V u11 !c'1 from lHiT.l.5hoirciyg?.U-;cWi7i.Vcc l'rfss., 1 , . (,'W7 1 Six Dajfl With BrlgnntR Tlio roappoaranco of brigantlngo In tlio difittuij. nclghbfJiood of Palermo so soqn after. tho locontrojoicings has pain jfully JmprcBSed tlie. Inhabitants. Tho marticulars ofltho treatment of tlio ox Bj ndlo Signor Nolarbartolo, by tho ibYiganlls havo become known since his return. Ah soon as his companions had been disarmed by tho protended'patro) tho cx-Syndlo perceived his mistake. His captors wcro drcssod in, now Jlor Hagllcri uniforms, spoko tho jargon ol floitllon, and had a thoroughly military appearance, rendering it likely that thoy hid all onco served in tho army. Wlion Sijtior Notarbartolo saw tho state of allairfl ho at otlce tohl his captdrs in a decided maNrier tliht till thrtsatw or bad, kinguage toward him would bo of no nvail, and such was tho effect of his su periority of charnctor that during tho whole term of his detention tlio brig ntids treated him with deferorico and respect. His companions Had been wont away with a letter to his family, ap prising thorn of what 'lind occurred, and tlltit h ransom of 76,000 francs was demanded. Tho brigands first took Signor Notarbartolo into tho woods, and then to a grotto, or rather deep iti vino, in tho mountains, whoro ho was detained for six days. Tho cavern was constantly guarded by two of the brig ands, who had changed thoir uniforms for tho torn drees of peasants. Tlio light ponotratod this rftvino for only a fow hours of tho day, and during that Urn ij tho prisoner could read n number of tho lie vue les J)c.ux Mondcs, which he hatmenod to have with him. This was his only nmusomont. Ho was not allowed to smoko during tho day, lest in so doing ho should betray tho placo of his concoalment. Tho brigands called tho ravina thoir best palaco, saying thoy had others in places moro dllllcnlt of access, but that thoy had choson this as it was moro com fortable for "his Kxcollcncy." During tlio Hwt evening thoy convorsod frankly about their nlVairs, recounting thoir ex ploits, and then begged their prisoner to excuse them if it annoyed him, but thoy did not know liow'to talk about anything hut thoir own allairs. At the end of tlio six days (during which, in accordance witli the petitions of tho family and a high functionary, tho brigands had, by order of the Minister Doprotis, been loft unmolested) tho .s,Uin of fi0,000f was convoyed to them, witli which they oxpressetl themselves con tent, tolling thoir prisoner that ho would bo immediately roloasod. Tho latter then asked for his watch, saying it was a koopsako very doar to him. Willi oharaotoristio courtesy it was im mediately restored to its proper owner; not, however, beforo one of tho brig ands had eyed tho chain with great envy, exclaiming Hint it was vorytasto nil ami ucautitul. I lie cx-bymlic jui mediately declared with vivacity tl ollorts to deprive nun ot it won useless; on which tlio brigttnd w taken a fauov to it dec'TJkd tl wish to have it was qrfSliHpift? and that ho would crludlwWay At this timo the band had assumed very good cloth clothes, had rings on their fingers, and gold chains to their watches. Signor Notarbartolo was received in Palermo with great demonstrations of joy, tho strcot in which ho lives boing illuminated by tlio inhabitants. Meas ures for arresting tlio malefactors woro then immediately taken, tlio district around Termin, whore thoy are sup posed to be still hiding, being surround ed by military. No news ot their capt ure litis yot arrived. Naples Cor, Lon don News. Tho NowcrjVrithiuctlc. If a man buys n box of strawberries with tho bottom shoved up half-way to tho top for twenty-live cents, how many can ho buy for S2P llought a horse fourteen years old for $G5 and sold him to an editor for $120 as a six-year-old stoppor. How much did 1 maker1 If it takes eighteen men to do tho bossing and four men to do the lifting Avlien a street oar horso falls down, how many bosses and lifters will it take to put Hvo horses on their feet? Julia has Hvo beaux ami Emily hw throe, while tho old maid next door has none. How many beaux in all, ami how many would bo loft If they should give tho old maid half the crowdP How many aro $18 less tho $f you lent 11 Congressman's son to help him pay his faro to lowaP , .. A certain city has, a population of 120,000. Tho census man can't find but 2:11,580. What is the dltleronco, and Whoro' did tho remainders Shidb dur ing tlio census takingP ,. A. lpis tui overcoat for which lip paid $18, and his wife trades it off f6r two red-clay busts of Andrew Jacksoh. worth thirty cents each. How much money will ahu got frpm iier husband to) buy a fall bonnet? If yx nidi who lalk )oltiCfS and dis pute. oi ljiblieal questions ion lulhl n wall in live daws,, how long v$ll it jkq two-moVwlid wfttyttu null lllrt wth tho widow on tho corner to do the sumo workP A man pays thirty cents for threo pounds of evaporated' npples and gets a $14 newspaper UulT for Bonding tlieni to an orphan asylum. Does 'ho gain or. loso, and how muchP HoW many peek poaoh-baskottf, each holding six quarts, will bo required to hold smoii uushcls of poaohos, each bushol of which is short four quarts? How do you obtain an abstract num borP Answer: Hire a strtingo boy to tako a tlozeti oranges to youtl limine. How do you obtain a'conoreto num ber? Answor: Mix .ono part Akron cement with two parts of sand and spread.-Jktrail Free Pr(s$. Every farmor ought to be nblo to boast of having a cold sifting on' his farm this year, , ,, jr iH w.t'm .Al "VY wfvrtm for it. Tlio Sunguluo Man. Tho 8anguino man lives in tho future. Tho pleasures of life aro, for him, in tho hopeful toinorjw. JLIq. ia ipntrolled by hope and imagination. He sees a larger area of silver lining in tho .dark clouds than other men do, and. to 'him, ovorything that glitters has some gold in it. Ho is a strong com ort to those who are despondent and unsuccessful, and nflords them much encouragement. All Bchomcs arc feasible to him, and no matter how often his best laid plans "gatig aglcic," still ho Is full of un bounded conlidcnco in the success of tho noxt. enterprise ho engages in. Times aro il ways'-ijpJngr to bo hotter witlnJiinii Tho sangulno man Is iisual-.ly.verycrcdulous,- aud,Js often. tho victim of tho lllshonost promoters of soino wild-cat 'scheme, because ho is easily influenced to believe in the profuiblo success of ICHb docs not rea son from, cause toi'cnbctp'ncflthcr does ho tamper with log$$ bptjdlows his feelings (o take thc.placo.pf his judg ment. He counts all his chickens bo foro tlio old hen has laid tho Ho . is a vory clmorful cus. even In tho prcseiico 'of'1 a' meeting of sure that the out all. rlirhl his creditors. Ho is business will como somehow. When ho has to wait for n train that is reported four hours late, ho Is tlio most cheerful man ,at the depot, ' Ho sits doWif on a baggage truck and soothes tho savage breasts of his follow-sufierers by prophecying that "ulio'll catch up on some of hor lost timo and bo hero directly." The .sanguine man is a usofttl nicmbfcr of HoclotvlHu starts inanV urlorprjk,. that othor ilieii, moro practical tijnd c ' , diluting, take an interest in unof com- f( ii .Til 1... 1. f..n.wl on thom.V, TTsJl never commits JlhWIo, o sl"m dies a million) Altogcthor, ho lain man moro to I, nod than dispari ver thow aged; wo ani nil ovr tlin world thorn kilns of sau guino mom $? H. V" V.' m r 6p, Wt fT'l inocif lhjs l popular ne VfTttf ratnnd tot been IIU1U 10, Uobson, ono o , ami a almost man of tptal utinjr- room paper .. Inn ovor,, on ta his 0.1 two Cl occm wvro to read it to his ft very intor- cstin days ho h: lindinr tlio by it, when u culostial plio paper when ho rh tho ac- com 10 children hov 'or tho comincr .list: "Wero much olat on Mr. fDobson trtt anU'nlfflfM them smoke it over tlio lamp, antl the Youngsters izdt smut all over their noses, as they looked through tho obscured fragments, and Mr. Uobson, himself, blistered his linger and thumb by taking up a red-hot piece by mistake for a cool one. After half tin hour of this sort of recreation attention was given to tho conclusion of tlio article. J'hen Mr. Dobson loud that the only places whore ono could see tho eclipse were situated in remote sections of Asia and Afiicu. Thereupon he baid ho would not take such a paper any longer, and the very next morning lie stopped his subscription. Which shows that 11 newspaper cannot be too careful in tlio arrangement of its facts. Boston Jour nal. . White vs. (Jreen Asparagus. Ono of tho queerest things in connec tion with tho benighted tastes of city people is that tlwiy select bunches of white asparagus instead of green. " It is blanched, and therefore it h tender," is tlio reasoning which seems to guide thorn. Thoy scorn to associate it with celery, tlio green portions of which aro worthless. Tho strangest part is that thoy do not learn, while eating it, that tho" white part of asparagus is worth less, and that tho green portion is all thoy eat. The asparagus grows from the tip thot satno as other plants. A mark mado tit tho surface of the ground on n given shoot will show that that part ot tho stem remains where it is, and is never carried up as tho shoot in creases in height. It is plain, therefore. that tlio dcopor underground we cutjtho! snoots oil, tlio older, harder, moro stringy woody is tlio stem, and that tho nearer wo cut to tho tips of the shoot, tho younger anil moro tender it 10. mu uu uuu luau iu lllipiy Willi shoots are to'ngh because they aro wl TliQaibsffUco ot color is merely owtn is. Wo do not wish to imnlv that tho lute. owing to the exclusion of tlio rays of the sun, without which tho coloring principle, bo it grel'ii of purple, cannot develop. If tho shoots woro htllotl up as thoy grow, blanching would vender them more tou der. This is, practiecd,iu France, but not in our country to any extent. It adds too much to tlio cost or production in labor and care. Iiural Nctu Yorker. f ' ' .i 1 1 mm m Oli, doctor, do you think my littlo darling will live?" inquired an anxious mother of tho family physician whoiluid called tho seventh timo with his, pUlf "Live! Why there isn't anything tho matter with nun, 1$ tliero?" "Wjull, no, not now; but you knpw, doctor, thoro tiro so many children's diseases around.'' ''Huh! If tho child takes after his fathor, he'll live where an hon est man will starvo to death. Good morning." New Haven Jlcgister. 1 m fc 1 Out of a population of over 1,000, 000 in South Carolina only 7,000 aro Episcopalians. m nr Zmli W .OHI&i l 'v "vrililW . i" i . uljM j jl. mm .Aii I n ittflHU I. . 1 HH , IHBVKj " By' u t Htl v a ijMmi 1 DBv OTflU'Wwawv? c ii how to Tho Queen of Ilarmalm Tho Queen kept ns waiting two hours. At length thoro uroso a slight hubbub, which meant that she was com ing, and all tho court nut ityJOfl? Inttftbc usual attitude for receiving majesty Jin Ilurmah, I. 0.: tliby prostrated thorn selves, and foldc'd their hands farMh front of them as if in prayer. Tho Queen is only "twenty -ono yeais old. Sho is very nice-looking, unusually fair for iv Burmese, and her expression is really good, and makes 1110 inclined to credit the assurance, given mo by Sister Teresa, that sho knew nothinir at tho tim(Mf tho horrible massacres thattooka placon at Mandalay 'about? ciglitconj months' ago. Ihad to sifln'frontof' hor Majesty, who jiorseiiuiu not. occupy tlio throne, but sat on. a purple velvet carpet, with a cushion for her elbow to rest out, JSistcr;. . Theresa. then introduced fcmo by name, liy tho way, -'Gamp" had EeoniieB- tloned about mo.iu.tho nfornlng,iand,.ta, my groat umusemont, 1 huanL.that,slio had described mo as a norspnage only second to royalty itself in rnnkr-,'Tho moro they think, of you.tho bottcr'j wo thb explanation sho afterward gave mo J of this wonderful romancing. My prcs'enW vcrJ'lhfin mani6jicil, and then' a maid of h&nor' Handed mo a beautiful gold cup, and, a niece of silk, tlip Quccn'ri gifts. Iadcjplowb$W llio Queon then took a pul at a huge cheroot, mid th eh asked my Age, and several othor pergonal questions. Sho seemed a littlo shy 'hfirsclf, arid when tin) conversation1 flngge'd' slie ohbo or twice laughed likon school-girl, andj made nil tho proslruto onest idolftdingv the nuns, laugh, too, by some remark of hers. A mischievous littlo dog that would run all about tho throne-room upset her gravity first, and for onco it took off all tho stiffness of tho thing to seo tho general gigglo Tho Queeu d how I liked Mandalav. and of rsc I had notlih g but praise's of jail I upon tins sue sum mat. tiicsp noxt.. ays would be a groat Biirmeeb il. and that there "woultUbo all sbrfe 01 onicrtai union is ai uic.paiaco inasne -would like mo to stay ami See. I rcall feared there would bo no escape this ' m . .f . .il IO 1 t ? i"J t m time, buPfcvgged Sister Teresa aside in French to get mo ,out of the difficulty. So slio expressed iriy thanks to the Queen, but said my husband Was obliged to leave at onco for liangoon. I then tusked if I might seo tlio Princess tho baby. The Queen smiled a grat ified maternal .smile, but said baby aged two months and a half was asleep. After ti fow more formalities the inter view camo to u sudden end through my foot being ti little cramped, so that I tried to wriggle into a more comfortable position, seeing whioh tlio Queen consid erately lcnitirked to bister Teresa that I must bo tired of sitting on tlio ground, and, rising herself, left the room. Here I must say that women faro much better than men at thoso interviews. All that is iiece.sary is to keep one's feet out of sight, and a woman, thanks, to hor skirts, can etisily'do this, sitting tailor fashion, and no comfortably as she would on her hearth-rug by the lire. Hut the unfortunate men Europeans must twist themselves into positions that soon become torture in order to keep their feet behind them. Wo did not talk polities, or say a word on cither side that could give rise to discussion only one thing 1 told tho sister to say emphatically, and that was that I com plied with the Queen's wish to fcco me because I heard that slio herself was tv good and humane woman. I was vory glad tho King did not appear ono could not pay him tho same compli ment. When tho Queen left, the Prin cesses clustered around mo again, and one of them took my hand and said something that seemed vory amiable. Jt turned out to bo that sho loved me vory much. Already! Poor ' things, they havo not much outlet for their af fections, for thoy aro more closely im mured than tho nuns in tho convent. There are about 80 of them, all, I believe, daughters of tho luto King, who had 53 wives and 110 children, of whom only 59 wcro alive at "the time of his death. Fritzcr"1 s Magazini.' A Narrow Escape. An engineer on a Boston, Hoosac ..w. ...t ..ij.jt.i.&ti A..tkijt,i4 kit, 111, AV", contly, by rarojprcsencofjmind, avert ed what would have boen'li terrible ac cident. Between Reynolds Station and MechanicsviBe is a deep cut. On one side is a hill of clay and on the bthOr'tv deep ditch. tTh'o train wasjifst enter" SlkvOjfp, ft? fengt.cer,fgiiarles Diloway, of Mechiitucsville, discovered that the hill was moving and tlmt'in a moment? it would bo down upon the cuVs, causing great damage and proba ble loss of lite. Ho know he could not stop in time to avert tho accident, so lid grasped tho throttle with a strong hand and pulled it wide open. Tho traih jfiw vVl VKtyPWJK" Ar!ll, ami it had barely cleared the cut when tho earth fell with a terrific force, covoriii" tjio track ten feet deep forn distaticq tf two hundred feet, , Hud tho, earth, struck the train it would without a doubt havo been hurled down the embankment, ami UbVJoss of lifo mds't have been great. A number of Chinamen havo bo? como portrait painter in San Francisco. Tho ehiof merit of thoir workf Is cheap ness. jThoyiuQ jiat" 'midertnkoilo paint from life, but only make enlarged copies of phQtogrtvphs In oiIs,'at$2 each. These pictures usually ronroduce the blemishes of the original with remarkable fidelity, and tlio oyes are likely to bo a trjllo asianr, yot tnoy sou. t Tlio Galveston News givos estimates of acreage from fifty-six railway sta tions, bliowing an acreage this year of cotton, 81?, 477; corn, '459,812. Incrcaso ovor 1881 cotton, 23,459; Jorn, 40,580. HKlSKt 1.....1.. !U V-L tm wWPpw T erance Is not signing a pledge ortakingasolemn'oath that cannot be. kept,, because o( 1 m tncnomrcmovai 01 tne cause - 4wM,ii9H3nc w4y to mac .-aJnzui.tcrnpcratcJUs,.ta, kill the desire for those dreadful artificial stimulants that car- -"" ry so'many bright intellects Cto premature graves, and dcsolatfon, strife and un- happinessinto so many families. I iJiTTKRS.atruc non-alcohol ic tonic, made in Baltimore, Mil., by the Urown Chemical Company, who arc old drug- Jfyjt "jrj,'gists"nil jnevcry-partieu-. A. PFlnreliablcVwill, by'femovA V JlS' c cn1v'nG appetite of N - 'tKcHlrnhUar'il, hnd by curing ntlit jvjvousness, weakness, and general ill health result- ing fr5ni Intemperance, do more to promote temperance, in the strictest sense than . any other means now known. y ItJpjsJawell authenticated fact that many medicines, M especially 'bitters arcnoth- jiigjPutcheap whislccy vilely concocted for UseliiH local option countries! .oucn is rfotfthe c&ewith jrown's IoS BitltrsJ Jlta'mcdi cine, a cure for weakness and decay in-.thcvticrvous, muscularj.and-digcstive or gans of the body, produc ing, gopa," rich blood, health and strength. Try one bot tle, Price 3I.OO, t.UlTJH f y-fT-rr- MRS. LYOIA E. P1HKHAM, OF LYNH, MASS., n i , LYDIA E8; PJNKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Ja al'owltlvn Cure for nil (lin.o I'iiImI'iiI !niiiilnliils nml Wrnltnene oroiniiioii tiiiiiirlic.t Iviimlo iiiipuliilloii. HttIIIciiio eulli cly tlio Troitt ruiiiiurt'uiniiloCom rlalt,nllonrlnii trmil.leJr, lnllaiiiiimllon and tlleer (Ion, Tailing anil Displacement!), anil tlio coiiitquent Bpliial Weakness auil U.iiatllcularljr adapted to the Chwigo of iXla ' f V t fit wllljdlasolvei ami rjiioltuniom from linulenm In n early ftngoor iluvctnpinent. 'Tlio tenitcncy to can cerous limtioi bIIici 0 In cliccked yei y ictdi)y liy Its use. It r'cmoTcafnlntnen, llatnloncy, dcitioysall crailas forttlmulniits, and rellnTesVroaldKBS of tlio rtomacb. It cures Illootlnif, Ueoilnclien, h'crrous Trostratton, Ocncral Debility, bloc'i'ltisnm, Denicatlou and Indl gOBtlon. Tliat fcellnff of lionrlnf? donn, (niijlnff pain, weigh! audbnckodio.Junlwa'yo permanently cured byltsuie. 1i It will at allllincs and mulerallclrQuintanctsactln harmony with tlio Inns tliat goTern tlio fcmalo system. For tlio cut 0.0C KlilucTCouiplaluta,vt olllier sex Uils Compound fsMifsurndnjed. ' , ! M LYHlX V.. I'lNKUAM'S A'rOKTATlI.E COM roOMUs jircpaifld.'at 23J and 2JJ Western Atenuef DLynn.Maas.; I'l-tcoOl. filrliottlesfor 35. Gent by mill In tho form of pills, also 1 11 tlio fonu oflozcnge. on receipt of prCD, $1 perbox forcltlicr. Mrs. rinkhsm frcelyaiunors all letters of liuinliy. fiend for pampn let. Address as abovo? JVrntfoil thlt Iiptr. fco family sbbuld bo wllnont LYDIA K. HNKnAM'S UVEIt rilJ. Thoy euro constipation, blUouiness, and torpidity of tliollrer. 25 cents por box. JOaT'Sbld by nil I)ruclta. -iO -i-f-vhi t JlOOi; l HAT KVIUIYIIODV KVIUIYIIODY WANTSI QiiANnJr yoftic jf''tiik AGE! SALES ARE ITVnvinuiVSE ! Teacliuiii Rtu ilintH, uudotli r Work urn W nntu .1 an Ir mil. l'At you to writs us KXiH- ACENTST .SHE TKHIM- WahJii.-, lsjtlv. ttauip, 0. W, BORLAlfD&Ca, l-uiiMsiirns, k 103 6tate-st, Chicago, 111. WAY! TOltV liUKH. ARTIFICIAL JEETH! L. P. HASKELL, Dentist, 1M0U&B5.t' 'as dcioud till yrnrs xi'lultly to Artlilc-litl .. c,"nJllr. ytars nnn niiinu VA.iJiAH' 1 on ttt)llonnXluiU'"ork.1Mhi flclnUTcvtti. . rltP for hl Ixxik-yiii'i; D C B? lrlous vm els of VulcaUiied llubber MKbB' zi.s ""..' r .".; '" " 'in- t' lkiFnr , tn.rtli.wl fn. A rtl. MAKE HENS LAY trftvelli aii i.uku.ii tuirnnsry nurgcon and Cliomlat, noi jy,ll;?,l,,,f,,1100C,muJ'tHfttiniistflf tlio Horn nd Cattlo I'oivdorssoldliero arawortlilonstrasli. H now and ore sajsniai.nneriuanbtjoniiiIoiil'ow(leMnrual)soliitelir Bpuraridliuraensftly valuable. Nothing imnnrth will ake liens lay llkn Hliendan's Condition Powders, ono.'ono tsasiioonful to on idnt food. Hold overy 1 iii&sSv fyi? inaiUor eight letter stamp. J. &. JOHNSON A CO.. llosUin.Ma8.. formerly llangor.Ue. TAiuONk' l'unuATlVK I'iih make new rich blood. ... .... ., --".....,..., MIOu,l(,UM,,B,, ,,, 8 temp k"V 8 THE 1PERAL . ' i.l