n 1- i ' utfll J- llMIlliiim..,m,MW(1)( n$cbntshii tlverliser. 0. W. FAIRBROTHER A CO,. Proprietors. 'i n CALVKUT. : i i NKKUAtfKA. TlirHSDAV, .ItW'lO 8, I8S-J. LOCAL JM-fcJWa. Xow wrilo Auburn. Wo now liuvu two Imrboiri. Wild slniwburrios uro ripe. (loonobonicii mo in the market. (Suribiildl.tlio great Italian patriot, is dead. Strictly pure .Sugar Syrup at Dovin & Ktohur'iJ. II. I', llutcliins lias built another ad dition to liis Implement bonne. Wo luivo bad dry, bright weather nincu Saturday last. Very acceptable. Mrs. Ted. Huddurt, who has been tUito Hick for some time past, is ablo to bo out again. The South Auburn cornet band boys tini Improving, They pluy well indeed or a now baud. Harry Adams, representing the Omaha Ihrahl job department, was in (ho city this week. S. A. Osborn visited Lincoln last week, to see about changing the names of huridau and Calvert to Auburn. Track!uyiug on the H. ite M. exten sion from Auburn to T ccmusdi 1egan Ul the this end of the lino on the Oth iust li. (J. Whitlomore, of llrownvllle, paid us u call Monday, lie will build in South Auburn some time this sum mer. The 11, & M. It. It. and Denver & Itlo liraudo bavo formed an alliance, und their tracks have been connected at Denver. The postmaster of .South Auburn ni jioats with considerable aristocratic stiffness juat now with u big boll on hiu neck. This Advkiitiskii job department is just finishing, this week, a thirty-four page pamphlet for thu Grand Lodge of i flood. Templars. ' Mr. .1. W, Darrah, who has built HQVittal good houses, In this city, will to Cheyenne noxt week to engage in tiro stock business. JuL Mason, a railroad hand, while unloading tics Monday this weolc, had no of hla foct very badly mashed by ' , Wo fulling 'on It. Wp woro pleased to meet Mr. John Maxwell, superintendent of the county poor farm, and ono of the proprietors of Srttttli Auburn, in thor.lty this wvok. Mrs. AbVre ltiuhnnis has the thanks of the "forco" for n treat of delicious peaches on Monday. They woro sent to her by bor brother-in-law, 1 A. Tis del. from Sherman. Texas. J. X, Urush, the elficicnt road super intendent for this district-, is doing houi good work on the roads. At pros cut bo is engaged in putting in a cul vert -at thu foot of Center Avenue. A card, signed by the druggists of Lincoln, call a meeting for tho drug , gists of tho statu to meet in that city at 2 p. m., on tho '214 lust, for the pur pose of organizing a statu association of drugglstH. At Builovlllo, Mo., recently, Phillip Matthews shot and instally killed Miss Annll Geyor, becauso sho broke off an engagement to marry blm. Her reason for going back on tho young man was tho dissipated habits ho had recently gotten into. Matthows was promptly jailed. J. (J. lilaine, in answer to a written request, signed large by influential Ho publicans of Maine, to permit bis namu to lie used as a candidate for congrcss 'inan at large, in positive terms declines. "Wu present tTto following from Mr. Walnut letter: "Aftur tho fullest ro ilectlon I feel compelled to withhold the use of my native. For twonty-threo years 1 was continuously in public Horvice, and 1 left in consequence of tho tradegy that has involved deep tdianges in tho policy of tho govern ment. Since thou I have been attend ing to long-neglected piivatu affairs, and from which I cannot at this time turn aside, except with injustlco to those who have chums stronger upon mo tbttii tho great constituency which, in all these years, has honored mo with uiawerving conlldenco, If I could persuado mysolf that my candidacy was a necessity, I would subordinate all pertwnal considerations and at onco comply witb your desires but 1 cannot flatter luywilf thai this is tho case. Tho convention will not fuil to present a list of candidates for congress that will command Hiottuited nnd hearty sup port bt bar nollileal friajids." K Ml '(!) li ' A New Name. 0HDER3 OF TIIE DISTRICT JUDGE OHANGINO THE NAMES 01' OAL- YERT AND SHERIDAN TO A. OT B "CT E 1ST ! In the District Court of Xomaha County, NobraskujS. II. Pound, Judge. In tho matter of tho change of tho nitiius of Calvert, Nebraska, to Auburn, N'cmaha County, Nebraska, JLTUOMKNT (UlANTINO UHANUH. This cause came on to bo heard upon tho petition and testimony, and was submitted to tho court; on considera tion whereof, tho court HiiiIh that duo notice of tho intended aiiiilic.itiou in said petition wius given bv publication in Tun NimiiAHKA Advuitimkh, h newspaper printed in Nemaha county, of general circulation, for thirty days previous to tho hearing of. said cause in this court, and the court beim satis- lied that the prayer of the petition Is reasonable and just, and that two thirds of the legal voters of such town desire the chango now prayed for In said petition, and that there Is no other town, city or village In the State of the name prayed for. It is therefore considered by the court tbatthenamoof said town of Calvoit be, and tho samo Is hereby changed to Auburn, as prayed Tor In said petition. Dated June Oth, 188-J. S. 11. Por.Ni, Judge. In the District Court of tho County of Nemaha, Nebraska. in the matter of the change of the name of Sheridan, Nebraska, to Au burn, Nemaha County, Nebraska. .IfllOMKNT OKAKTIN'O niANOK. This cause caimj on to bo heard upon the petition nnd testimony, and was submitted to the court, on coiisidertion whereof tho couit finds that duo notice of tlie intended application in said po rtion was given by publication in the XkiikasIv.v Advkutisku, a newspaper of general circulation, printed in Ne umha county, for thirty days nruvious to thu hearing hereof, and tho court being satisfied that thu prayer of the petition is rea30iubleaud just, and that two-thirds of tho voters of such town desire the change now prayed for in said petition and that there Is no other town, city, or village in the State of the name prayed for. It is considered by the court that tho name of said town of Sheridan, Nemaha County, Nobnwko, bu and tho same hereby is changed to Auburn as prayed in said petition Dated Juno Oth, 1882. S. H. Pound, Judge. .lust how much or how littlo Brown yMu lias tho small-pox wo do not know, nor Is It possible to ascertain upon most diligent Inquiry; but that the dis ease is there, or has been, there is no dOubL Tho Zook child, as our Infor mation goes, had tho small-pox, but last week was about well. How many and who, have been exposed to the con tagion, who will in all probability have It, is equally a mystery, but that there will bo some persons It Ik reasonable to Unlieve. For the Information of those who may not know the history of the case hero hinted at, wo will briefly state that Leo Zook. of Omaha, son-in-law of Bon. Thompson, and his wife, woro down with small-pox, when' Thompson's wont up to Omaha and brought homo with thorn tho little child of the Zooks. They did not bo lievo that the child would have the disease, but It has lnd it all thu same, and while thu fondness of grand-parents for their grand children Is a com mendably humane soutlmont, it is gen erally regarded about Brownvillo as having boon over done in this instance, for thero can bo no justification not oven through humane niotlvos or filial lovo- for a careless exposure of n com munity to small-pox. And to cap the climax wo havu authentic imforinatlon that Zook a few days ago shipped to llrownvllle his household goods, beds and bokdlng, reeking, us people will be lieve, and probably truly, with tho In fectious virus of tho torrlblo conta gion. Tho last wo heard of thu goods, they woro still In the car In which they camo. that Mr. Karris, tho agent, re fused to bavo anything to do with them, had switched the car down the road and telegraphed for instructions. That car and llrownvllle, will doubt less lo given a wide berth by many people until tho scaro is over. Obituary, Mist Emm Edith Neil, the only daughter of Or J. l and Martha A. Nral, died (May 21st, 1882, at Peru, Shier Edith waiborrt in Peru, rebruary 19th, 1861, and hat lived in this icinlty cet since. Was educated at die Normal School, was a fuu: student of good standing and had many friends. Her entire life was irreproachable. She died gloriously gUing a wonderful exhibition of purity and of the wonderful power of the gospel to save, which is a great comfort to frimdt and especially to the mourners. J. A. Ciiavin. Mr. A.Struek.or, with (!eo. Hinchers, hns carpenters at work on a residence) on Muvwell street.' l 'uuo.vinvit . Our Nemaha County Hank moved into Its new quarters, south side of Neinabii street, west of Center Ave nue, Wednosdny, this week, where tho gentlemanly and aceonlinodatlng cash ier of thd same, Mr. Wood, will be pleased to 'see Its many friends and natrons. Thu Sowaid Reporter, speaking of tho IIouso resolution, introduced to censure Llout. Gov. Curnes, says: "Tho resolution would no doubt have passed, had It not been for the filibustering of Church Howe." However tho resolu tion was defeated, it was very proper to defeat it, for Gov. Carnes was not a member of the House, was under no charges from the House, had had no Investigation or trial by the House. The Senate over which body Mr.Cnrnes presided investigated the matter which inspired the Hoiiho resolution, and had therepoitof thecommittee as a guide to a correct conclusion, and tho Senate declared thu charges unsustained. ft is a matter of surprisu and regret that any considerable number of Nebraska legislators would seriously consider a proposition to condemn a state olllcial without a trial, or a hearing in his own defence, The truth is there were too many nincompoops in this legislature who know little and euro little about parliamentary law, but have an In tonse desire for re-election. They should bo consigned to tho quietof private life. Death of Mrs. Anna 0. Martin. Died at the residence of her daughter-in-law, in Peru, June 1st, Mrs, Anna C. Martin. Her last illness was very sudden and severe, being a kind of strangulated heraia of the bswels, corn pletely obstructing all passages. She was taken ill on Saturday, May 17, and was in most excru dating pain, except when getting momentary re lief from hyperdcrmic injection of morphine, un til her death. The physicians made postmortem examination and found the passage above the constricted portion ery greatly gorged, while be low, it was entirely empty. Mrs. Martin came to Nebraska with her fam in 1868. Her son, Prof. G. M. Martin, was for a number of years a teacher in the Normal School, In 1873, her daughter, Lottie, died very suddenly, and the next June her husband, Joseph Martin, died of cancer on his breast, from which he surteted greatly. In October, 1877, her son, P. M. Martin, died of diphtheria, after an illness of less than a week, and now the whole family rest quietly together in the same cemetery lot. Mrs. Martin was a lady of more than ordinary refinement and natilral cudowments, and her whole life breathed a purity and sweetness of Christian character seldom met with in this sin cursed world. Her place In the public conjtega tion, prayer circle, Sabbath school and class room, was seldom vacant, and in deeds of charity and acts of benevolence her hand was ever open to share her scanty means. She was especially watchful over the morals of the young around her, and while a woman of nearly sixty-fuur years, her heart was young and responsive to all the yearnings and aspintions of the youthful breast. All hearts were sad at her departure, for she wjs without an enemy in the world. J. Mi M. Spring Patterns at McGee Sf Moore's. PAIXTIXCL PAINTING. 1 am now prepared to do all kinds of painting, graining, etc., in a lirst-class maimer, and at tbu following prices: Two coa. work, 1" cents per yard. Throu coat work, 18 cents per yaid. I will do the work and wairant it foi three years not to eraek, scale, 01 rub off. Get your painting done in a workmanlike niauinr, by giving me a call. John Siuitkn. Wall Paper. at Nickell & Shurts. Money for a Rainy Day. 'Tor six years my daughter was sick from kidney and other disorders. Wo had used up our savings on doctors, when our dominie advised us to try Parker's dinger Tonic. Four bottles effected a cure, and as a dollar's worth has kept our family well for over a year, wu have boon able to lay by money again for a rainy day." A Poor Man's Wife. Ir.sclf)XM Fright. To worry about any Liver. Kidney or I'rinary trouble, especially llright's Disease or Diabetes, as Hop Hitters never fails of a cure where a cure is possible. We know this. Sweet Potato BMuntN at Fur 11 aw Funis, iirovi'iivitle, e- ltruNltu. Jf. !? $v&$he&p BOOTS, SHOES, AND HARNESS. Miule nnd rrpulretl am w11 n on 11 a Uou Rwywlier. on Minn notice, nnd VEliY RRASOSAIILE Th'liMS. 1 1" -cnvsartiimaBsra ra jokm How to Save. All hard Workers are subject to bil iotM attacks which may end in danger ous illnusrt JVrkei's Ginger Tonic will keep tbu kidneys and lier active, and by preventing the attack save lnuHi sickness, loss of lime and expense.' Delay at such times means danger. Jhtroit 'res. Hen another eolumi . WDOOD WOWWW GUNS OP BVEHT KIMD CHEAPEE THAU KVEtt. Riilen, Shot Guuft, Ruvolvert, Ammunl- Uon, Fishing Tackle, Seine, Nets, Knives, ltnzors, Skutos, Ilammocks, etc. Ijargo Illustrated Catalogue FREE. GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, l'XTTSUUUOU, I' A. AGENTS '""HSaaBIJSlnBEJ WANTED I. Ladles nnd Gentlemen, to enftace with us to soil several Vncrnl Honacbofil ArtlcICM. ProHtn Inrgc. I.nbor ia light. Kxclnfilvo territory given. No competi tion. Terms liberal. Circulars FKKE. Address, Henltt Msnnfoct'g Co., Ilox 808, 1'lttsbnrgh, P. A NEW CURE FOR POTATO RUGS AND ALL TROUBLESOME VERMIN. Pfe. sura, clttnlr nd cheap. Simple Facktga, rot Pld, 30 ct.. AOF.HT6 WASTEU. Address, 0 J. 3EZ. uonn.ton, l'ltuoarsh, Vm. USIOAL INSTRUMENTS of all kinds for salovorychoap. Catalogues free. Address, RICHARD HULL I CO., Box 868, Pittsburgh, Pa. W.JWJt,iujv.inrisftrArfWl11fltJji 7 3D3R.. OB.OOBl'a rf AflLtir- ..Vin nirai- uh 1 ak fuitua lUUUSAADS YJiAKLY. p A POSITIVE CURE fe ForCough,Cold8, 5 AXD C0H3IMPTI0W. r Is the Best of Ttnloo; Cures Dyspepsia; l Restorc8thoAppetlte; f Strrnglbettf tho Systam; ? Hestores the weak t. and Debilitated, f A IrUt mtil will hr.. oil JT S I til in . ielr aaup J unaUl " TV St Skill.. rrPT. SiittMunttOlliwl'rtakAi'. B IKYTOX. UI. C W rrn SEEDS! FARMERS It vavH toliAvo (rood tools and seeds. GARDENERS iv IMiys 10 uuy 01 a reuauie uuu. NURSERYMEN It i l j'y yoi to tieud for our IMPLEMENTS illUBtnuou uauiogue. Philadelphia Lawn Mower, 1 Ohoon Uro&ileaiit Hotxl Sower, Wll AKETI1U BOLE WESTEKN AUENT8. nuuiuwn- dhi uruui, ami otber 0rt-daw4 (nKnlH. XitrylSing for tho IJIWU, Oar den. OreuihmiEQ or Nurperv. AV WAItltANT rvrry tliluir u reprrMrntcil. HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. SEEDS AND IMPLEMENTS, .... Kully Illustrated Catalotrno pent fw. CHICAGO. ILL. wh.ie.ne u...u. ROCHESTER, N.Y. OME TREATMENT. A certain enro for Nervous Debility, Seminal Weak- nacn. ImnnfAniA . The BecIjMs usod in my Vracttco for 25 Yoaxt and an iaulriJ hu,k ot 60 pnjrcs pivlue full Ol" ' '"nafjrMlfrestsifBt. aont froo, Addrnro DR.T."WILIJAKa. 4SA K ttlirSt.B)1oiM,H'ii REEl REUABLE SELF-CURE A flivorlt nrrlDtlom af one of thfl mostnotvd and lUorMifUl iitUllXi In tha V.ti. (now retired ) for the cure of A'art'otia Itllttt, fit Miinhmtl.iratetrHO a.a Dfmtti, Haul uIlJnselclnreorVa). DruilticmUu. Addr. DR. WARD & CO., Uulslcaa, M. I 75 en O p l& is o l C" 2 rn II iS 3 w o Sit hx si S B r w ha ; L j '-7&f,mmmf j 2Kulv 4pb mr ur. vrooui tvsuvm f Tnri Uk a thr. W r u cmitii n.ilr n. jniiin 1 ff&iimk sif Al 1 CtJI .. . in i u i, n u "ljtU,,i(U ui lk.v, M.rtb iiixilxf" Ijr .mUtnuloa. lotiidiiu.ii ill. i..J rrUici.ic in fri,i.k iF.e ult frt. I I.J (tut I. III., lln, ,ur;i l.l.r Ol.r S)tlU raanlk AiJrc.i l.M .Mx tu:,.a . 1. 1. .1., Kw HU. at. Umi. Mc ttmtxtH. jBwfMtv 11 Dunn 11 1 1 iijutatuniw S. A. Osborn j Notak Pbiilic. U.W.TmjIoi OSBOKN & TAYLOR ATTOHNJ2YS and Counselors af Law. Calvoi't 'l Brownvillo. PRACTICE IN' THE STATE AKD VT.D. ERAL COUKTS. Special attention jirca ta collections and sale af HEAL KSTATJE. Notice to Farmers The uiidiTMlsjncd has for bIc tho NORWEGIAN PL0WS!v Hanows CULTIVATORS, Well known to ho the hent, which he will sell clivnpcr thnn tint clienHnt. Farmers, Call and See. B. OTTENS. ifr2S?E , For Border Outlaws. By J. W. Buoll. The Kcw, Thrilling, and AUTHENTIC History of the Lives and Wonderful Adenturts of America's great Outlaws, The Younger HrothciH, Fin 11k and .Iv.hkv, .Thiiicn, And their bands of highwaymen, down to the present moment, including the DEATH OF J ESSE JAMES, and all the late startling ami thrilling developments. Fifty illustrations and portraits, among which are Jesse James, after he was shot, and 12 fine colored plates. Interviews and letters from Cole Younger; the breaking up of the band and revelations of STARTLING SECRETS. The Mack Flag, the Terrible "Mack Oath," and hundreds ul other astonish ing facts. Mot wonderful and exciting book in existence. Outsells everything I New and grcdtly enlarged edition New illustrations; 500 pages, price $1.50. Agents' Canvaning Outfit, 50c. Illustrated Circulars and full particulars FREE. Agentsj don't lose this grand opportu-. nity I Address DNN. LINAHAN & CO- I'ut' Ushers 4th' and Washington Ave., St Louis, Mo. .umioitizKu hv Tin: t. s. mivkuxjiknt First National Bank OF Publ-vp Cantal, $50,000 Authorized " 300,000 IS PltEPAltH'JTO TllANHAUT A General Banking Busmen. JIUY ANU8WU. COIN & CURRENCY DRAFTS n nil thn principal rltlp 01 the United States and Europe MONEY LOANED On apiirovoil lecurlty only. Time I)rrt dUcuimt STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES DEPOSITS t(?celv-u pnyahtuoiidoaianii nnd INTItllKST t owedoii tlinxcortlrli-utesoirlvpoilt. DntKCrOU.S.-V!ii.T7ifn. H. M. llallev JI A ""Jfnk K. JotaSion'. I'lSil,." Hoall,y J01IM I. CAltSOK, A-'l-')A VIbO.v. CHshltr. rresldi'iie. TUTT'S PILLS SYMPTOMS OF A TORPBO LEVER. lS.BI,wAppeHi!9 B?weU coBtivo, Pain in the Head, with a dull aonHuUon in tho EffJiL iV' PniIi udor the Shoulder bltwle), ftillnesa after eating, with m diain- TU.natLSft.t0 S?01"011 i oody or mind, l, o?i U5 Sf 'P'nper, Low spirita, with a feeUng of having nogloeted Bomedutr. Wearinoss, pizzluena, Fluttering at the Heart, Dota before the oyca, Yellow Skin. Headache generally over tho right eye, Hestlessnoss, with fitful drcami, highly oolored Urine, and CONSTiPATION. TCTT'S FllXSiiro i)8iriallyndn)til to uch cuiica, onu done oiled nucIi a clianga) of fealing ns to natonlHh tho sufferer. They Increase tli Appulltr, and ciuiie til body to 1'nke on Fl-li, tints tlm system li MonrlalifMl. and ty tliclr Tonic A-tln on the UlircallTe Urtniiia, Itrjiulur Kloola ure pro. Uuccd. lrlco cents. U3 Slurray Mi., jv, "jf. TUTT'S HAIR DYEi ORATllAinon Wiikkkhh chanced toaQLniwv Hlack by a alnclu application of ill" IJT. i?JSJ part uatural color, ucts Instantaneously Sold br Dninjliw, or sent by exprrss on receipt of 11 OrriCB. M XCHKAY T., XEW TOItH O'.Trrrs midcil .f t.i.ih. ir,rBu iv UmCI KI,U .IHfc. ..l. lM ..'JXtlli) ffi