i MiiMm-.Hnm. munmr.miii.i imjiMi. M.znui r rr. mil m iiiiiii iih ii iiimiiiui iif Mebriwltii Jldvcrtiw. f ' 0, W FAIItBftOTHF.n & CO,, Proprietor. CALVKKT. : : NHH11ASKA. , .SuteiriKi,$2. P Ytit W Aovwcf. . TIlVltSSDAV, .JUJS'Ks, l. , Rateaof Advertising! .Local N'otiicT, fi week,' 10 cents per line 5 each ff!tK"lueiit wefk', 5 cents pet line. ipWflay IucjIi, 15 tcnn er lint. . lAilvcrtlifmcnti on local fwgc, 50 cents per In ell per week. , Mt4cli.irtciui ids 50 cents perini.il per montli. ..Legal ads .it legal rates. . . f A. f. Xiekdl, reliable noVMlt;ulor, Jlr.nvnvlllu. t A. XV t Xickell, rHinblu druggists JJftBv.u villi'. ' " ., . . '3 A.-wr'lokulir tlMjoltloliBiv JWvfflVIHiv ' - For Lumber Limo ami C011I o to .!. Ki;nxs. . BRICK ! BR CK ! For milo by l- XV. Namue son, aL the Xoniiiliu County !ank. - Blank (Ii'I'jIh, notes, mortgages etc., forwilu lit tbls oillcc. VVM Dillon,, C'i-01111 & , C'.o.'h drug stoi'tjforlow prices in ovoryihing. Insure, your life in tin '('(Milennial Mutual Jxlfo Association of Iuwa. Extra coplurt of llio Ailroi'U.W for fcrtW fit Dillon, Croau & Go's, drug store. Si,". 00 pur your fan ho wittily nnulo nl Iioino woildiiK for K l. Klik-oul A Co., 10 Uarclny Htncl, New Yuilt. Hoiitl lor their anlulnguu iuul full imrllculniH. 11) y Money to Loan. Wo can illl choice loans in throe days. OsitoitN' & Vayi.uu. , LlnjM Goods in great .proljimbjn at lOovln & I'lslier's, Lawns, l'iQueorf, ami fino Worstwls at remarkably low lirlccs, Groceries at Coal. Wo" are closing out our (Iroccriua at Q$L Xickki.i, & SllLMlTS. . t'or :il! or EtiMit. U'lii) business housu at IIowo station liWaiRinl for U10 postollluu. i'osnes- sIqii given July l3t, iss'. IfltoM I). .M. Mounts. J)evin& 'Fisher am on baud with a duo stock of Dry (loods, (Jroeorics, Hoots, Shoes, Hats and Xotlons. Don't fail to call and exainiiio their slock. low Shoes at JL-n McGoo & Moore's. Beauty Regained, 'flic beauty and color of the hair may be safely regained by usiiitf Par ker's Hair Hatsain, which" is much ad mired for its perfume, cleanliness and dandruff eradicating properties. ;. . u Call iincl sec the new goods at MeGee & Moore's. When horses and cattle firo spiritless, scraggy and feeble they ueQil treatment with 1'iicle Sam's Condition I'owder, It pnrilies the blood. Improves the ap petite, cures colds, and distemper, In vigorates the system and will keep the, animal in a healthy, handsome condi tion. 1 A Vuj stoeU of sprinff cloihinij at . MeGee Moore's. Parties employing Dr. Messier need i huvo no learof being imposed on, as la often the ease, when, .you emplo.v traveling dentists, uiulevou those who protend to he permanently located. The DiVhas been a resident of Xohraskafor aoventeen years, and his work is scat tered over the country and speaks for itself, hast week the- Dr. isited us for the llrst time, and found among our business men many old friends and pa tients eaali having his work of from four to ten years standing, and each speaking a word in bis favor; 'I'ho Dr. will visit our town regularly hereafter mice u mouth, ills next visit will bo Sou'th Auburn, Juno 0 and 7, Xorth Auburn June 8th and Oth. I'Qrsons'j desiring work should call early for thin Dr.a tlmo is generally euiploj'ijdt ; U his'htstvisithe c(juldnct wait Ujjlialf --Coal, uuiil. -J. ttr. Kern. Chain! j0(lb'rtl Uovln A J?H)licr's. A I.VA l.VA --drlfiitiiig clover .sued for sulo by Jl.XUluns. I'iXti.i copie of 'L'iik ADVitUTi.sicu at, A. W. Xickell llrowiivllle. Fresh UrOad, iis and cakes al Vj3 on baud at A. l'almor's, Hrown vllle. Dr. .Jacques' (hirman Worm Cakes stand unrivaled iik 11 worm medicine. (Jive tliom a trial. Hold by all drug gists. '2 Tho Distinguishing Ghana, A dollghtful fragranro of freshly gathered Mowers and spices is llio dis tinguishing cliarm of Floroston Col ogne. Do not neglect a cough or cold until it is too late, try Filert's H.vlraet of Tar and Wild ('berry, we are sure you will be convinced of its merits, chron ic coughs, and even consumptive art1 cured by following the diiectionM, every bottle is wanantud to give satis faction. 1 Are you sulTcrii.g from indigestion If so auk your druggist for a bottle of ylitil'iuau'H Prickly Ash Hitters. Takou as directed it will cure you. These Hitters have now been before the pub lic for a numb, r of years, have been thoroughly tried, and' give entire Satis faction. .. Dr. G. H. Collins, Dentist, Visits the following places in the fol lowing order, each mouth: Hrownvillc, 1st to 7th. Xeniaha City, .stli and Oth; South Auburn, loth, 11 th and 12th. Hrock, J:;tli,-1 -it li and USUI. If you wish to save money, and your t'tlbi-liold your dental work for Dr. ti. )l. Collins. 10-lf ffloney to Loan. Wo can lill choice loans in three days. Osiionx Tavi.ou. Reasons Why! I can sell a Piaho or Organ from .S'2. to f?."iO lower than any other hou&e or .'cent in the country: 1 pay no city lux. I pay no lent. I pay no clerks. I warrant id! instruments to be llrst oIubs. Should an iiiRtruiueut need re pairlui within live years, I. will repair it gratis. Adliess, ' .(A.xdt. DVK. latf Xemaha City. Nebraska. Liiiu & (Jooi)er. Calveit, Xeb., are now ready to re ceive grain of all kinds, for which they will pay the highest liuiicot piice Call at the elevator. .1. ;. (MSEtlLX, .IKaiuigct. Ail immense stock of dry g-oods,ct(, just arrived at MeGee & Moore's. Jirighl's JJiseasoof the Kidneys, Dl abetiM and other diseases of the kid neys and fiver! which yuu'are being so frightejied about. Hop Hitters the only that will surely and pernianenth prevent andeui'e. All other pit-tended cures onlj relieve for a time and then make you many times worse. 9 V PC I 9 Shelf and Heavy fe: f Tlic celebrated Glidden Barb Wire, at Willing' Bros. & Jor dan's. Mi. K. Moualian, of Mar,,sille, Mo., will beat tbo HoMree House, ("ah ert, on the' IBtb of JunMinil remain two ilas. Slie will be nviareO tutwat all a jf Take Notice! luiuihin eye uiHease.s. ncr ireain.enl i.s a permanent cure for granulateI oye lidrt and' till forms of tiMlammation Of tbo eyes. Come and see ber. Will bo at Sbcrldan on tbo t"tb. Will be at Neuwiba City on the loth. Mrs. Momiiiau will also be in Hrown- S,?illMl bm'nitftlnW'wlll MMAAiVfhrin1- ed.by Dr. I).' C. Wllaun. of Mnrvville. ' t i I I .on ,i..ji i .miruf iiii ESTABLISHED 1 8 7 O. -. y CONOVER BROTHERS, Manufjctur' j or the Cneer Bro's Patent Uoright Pianos, And liuit.ale Agents for tkStoinvay,,, "Chiclioring," Kranicli & Bach, Lindoman. Fischer" and Haines Pianos. PublFslicriorMuii ) I Jobbers in Musical ami Mucic llu . ) MerehanJisc, CHICAGO l'RKLS Ol'I'LlCATi:!). SKND rOR CA'IAi.OCJUK. (Mil -Mala Sheet, KANSAS CITY, MO. IEY.VMlI9'iN evosvmg narrow .'I VT.BCM. WIS, YT. Tho Wonder of tho Nine teenth Contury. It Attaches to any PIow.9 It)I)cci'eaMs llio Ih-all of lliePlow It Mill not Clioke. It l.'couomics babor. 11 Is a Com pi Ho Harrow amllPulvcr-izcrCeiiiliiiH-il. Simple in Construct iml ; not r.xpen si ve. Sold hy H. I. BRYANT, Prop., Brotvnville, Neb. Also illaiuifaclHit'd and Sold hy .i. .i. niKBU'i-:se, Etiowiiviiic. 7MM9S7)MU4ix... MAwii...jd.il4..ii 1'lioQriiiiNlHii.lllo.l 'ictli.liii-cvfr-M.'iilp. AnoRmbinnt .in t Want. Sucliu. Mnn- ClrnkAannil L),,iiJr!unl.'ninninilH-il mi J Moot o'luratii-! i ,. . .r nil (ti,er HiIIith, ii.iki-ru neu " - l oo rurlf!r, L.iver Rorf ti I v 'ltor, ' ' ' - "' -I i ia!tli luntunui; No ilKcuMH V nt- insMy I'-w rtt whero Hop Inn. i i. i.i hslI, ourteuuil iiii.turaUitir 0Hluti..19i3V Tie; C8 s" 11 a.i la'TiC" th lyi :si icira. 'IohII Ii,hni eVilJlol lill nt ruui lrieKUlurl' ty.rtlu lu.,ioruii!)ary un,im, tr lm rt UUlienn AtU iVTunlil uml in'lcl Sllmiiliiit, iiuiiiauibiHv r'vlbtovltriout' Intox Icntlnx. lu. lllllllulnllllt;l,lrfv,'lns nr , viiiptiiiiis Mo unt llio iiiMian...r ulTmont In 'i-.i Hup lilt tuM. I ii t wail until nuntliA sii'I. but If you only fni ik.il ur iiu . mLlo.t "' t "'"i t 0:1.1.. It Ml I y .. Ulll 1K lll.l h1ru(J l.tl . ' i ilg, 8300'!l!iOmlil fvi nr '- tht r 'U u run., rli. Ip. I H) Mnl ii-i .orltt foiirlrl, m nur i, bin ii4imiil iir'i tli.i.iJkWm Hoi) D lli-im lulu i, liun lillti .a i . nov v". lriiiri-,vl .1 l I ...I i -ri it (i.l l . .l.i.i.i.ii.ll. tun, in. in. i i .u T -- .1 MiMin iei-torin.i.1 tlif "IH U.IHsMsv Hllj; Ul ...... "v M mm ilui-h ' u-ni iu hiuu ir fi.ini! n. ...... i i . ...ii, .i ..i j nswyuiW D.I.C.i "'If . .i 1' ll ! i ill- inilS f I III ' 1. nil - I I .1 I, i'ii uikj ii . ii . i n k, i I it i..i .f.ii. . i. , ..., I ' I ,;j. : ki .- 'i 'i-.v.vhhi Smlillfit lU inoil l'litl.lloiu M n lierlif. t IHIr lu?itirrr niul Ii Drt l.lnjt. Ai) nit. il fur lUclwillllIu .ill I. - i.l I.. i.i.ilH.. J .Vrr 1'ulN to Itcstoro (roy of I-'mli-il 11'iirH , u.v juuimmiiiijr ,ui i.iiuiiij i .ir.. nin mn jguu. r - ' my 'i'A1?i;fi 'MMwAwf' VTV. V'.-f ' ' c mrsmsmsTFm U2AS 'AWAWmJklXVJ3lltKIlM& (Uiivnr, llurliu, Jlumliakd, hllllliiKl:i ami II ni.uiy of (lie lie.l inctliLUiss Knoun aie licic c n- g linml iiiioaiiieilianeol such .inel nml cii'Uitc iuu ci , uj lo nuke the Greatest Dluod I'm ifici c i..c Octt llealtli anil Strength Restorer Ever Used. hi ii f I)vensia, Uhrunutistn, f-lceiilcssnesi, all.li. . n f tlie htninaJl, ll.meK, I un , Lucr, Ki I-' . in J .,11 J cin-ile CiimpI.imU. If x u jtn v ivutiB nway wu Cuimmiiui.ni or any Wa:,r, e tlia Tonu" t" diy. It will min-ly ln-lpjiiu. Ivriiieniberl itilfurMiiierinrtulnurii, Licmi-iof t..n'cr uudutlier 'I, uks, lib ittmKU 2 up the syirnt without intoMCaiiiij. 50c. nr.il$i(j 1 sizes, at -ill ,1c ilci ! in drills. IN iic genuine ulinut Jsign-iturcof Hi in &l ii ,N . h ill acirLiilar LARUE SA INU IS lltm.NO THH DOI.I.An SUE. THE VKIJEiH.Y Nebraska State Journal Has recrn'l) hern enlarged to a Sren Column quarto, ind fitted out with an entire New Dress of' T-t- It is now the largest, lunJiutiicji, Jiid Tho Drst Paper for Nobrasknns publislieil in the State. It contains all the news of the week, and is the only paper in the State that gif sail the Nelira:ka News. Subscription vice, $1 50 pei year, post-paid, Address, STATU JOURNAL CO., Lincoln, Nek MUFTUBE iiu ii i uir mi . . i, i-uie i:niu. i In irotu Uj i . 41 (uii. i. 1 ni ; ,, ji i ik lluitinitK i 'i up i e up. Si (u -i"H fur f.. ..is l III- U. If. jRKMUM, (Mn'l Sup't, .lit I nry, M. Y . iW O hwi.U U.U fcnevi, rnllaiif phlfi, I'ii., Mul b cm.fl " 8 m$ .... TW.-lJ 3 fr, VVF f VC& irifvr ii'i-;,,k'-t ew Store! HABD"WABEI HERBERT WILLSON AA'IVlr!VCUS TO THE HH A" of Tlmt liU Stock of Ilnnlwnrc U iiimv mi Ilniul, nml tlirtt lt li Tinw Prcinreit to ritriiUli nuytliln In t ho line of SHELF OR HEAVY HARDWARE, At Prlt't-n Unit AVI1I Stilt. Ittiiiiiiler Hint you 0an ;ct Agsicultuiral implements Tarai Tools, Stoves, Iron, Nails, rirenrms, Amuiunition, Klc. jSl OOI lioi:x shop In Conned Ion with the SI ore. A No. 1 Workman In Chaise. Custom ivork n SiL-clnIty. CEJvniJlIAAYEjYUE, SHERIDAN, JEBIiJLSKA &a Sis 111 iS1 tOafecyilQiSijQin rJaNJ u Where yon will fiiul one of the finest stocks of General Merchandise in Nemaha County. You will find the nicest SPRING STOCK of CLOTHING for all ages. You will find DRESS GOODS of the latest styles and patterns. You will find a nice line of LADIES' and CHILDREN'S Shoes. You will find an excellent line of BOOTS and PLOW SHOES for Men. You will find a full stock of GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, etc. You will find one of the nicest store rooms and the most gentlemanly clerks in Nemaha County. We extend a cordial invitation to come and see us before buying, and we will guarantee that in qualit) and price we wil suit you. Remember the place, JfA ECSr ??,F 1MFTO m a.. C&SdtAB . 4.-S".S.J.jM!i.OifS..fc5 m. SHERIDAN, NEB, TOWN LOTS Pfg j ff$ ff BSav'nts KvcchHi been Siirvctjei! mnl 2'latted ON SECTION 21' and 28, T. 5, I?. 14, NJLMAHA COUNTY, NEBRASKA- OI'EERS RARE BUSINESS. The Town is from !0 to 20 miles from any other piace of importance, IS IN ''HE CENTER OF THE COUNTV, AND SURROUNDED BV THE DUST FARMING LAND IN THE STATE. AT LOW PRICKS , FOR CASlt-. ' - - OK OX TIME Aooly to S. A OSBORN, SS&Sr m$,l Nemaha County "opo xa 0" i23 U j 9 TOWN LOTS. CHANCES FOR 1 Si i "