m . ' 'i mnik.u-''.ui-Mi'JuUii!!Mivujnisxsiiiun iriBUMLJiviainiMiuaiJux.ximwwxjjuui.itui.j.jiu. .sfftscygtataaKHV7ti f f nhn vufTt D ESTABLISHED 1.056. I AUBURN, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1882. VOL, 26, NO, 51. OLDEST PAPER IN THE STATE ByT3alaJJ;lu..LL:uJmlMU!J! iiii jnriin tjLuaiJWiJga'JiiKlJiuJuit,TtTinuMJJu.yLtiap,MiUMiJvtci! .mmsfua mmm ii i mimmLfcCMnam I II IWIWfWltCIJin3WaMrittllLUMMTWWIWWIIIjl'li-UWWLWli.tjUytMW.UtfJl Mtlvevtiur. jc4 -. n j BUCKEYE HARVESTER wwnwwnwiwiaiiitiMJ'iiwiwittitw aMMawmmmnM lw'pMwww','MI''''aw,", AND 7 CORD BINDER. Is the best machine ever invented. Go to the x a wran ttt- a ca1tfl(al VJTS & lO-H-ianli and sec tlie reports from Texas of the excellent work which it performs. No mistake in its being the Lightest Hiinning ma chine, the strongest, the best finished, the easiest to operate, the best reel, and has what no other Harvester has, no shrinking, no wabbling, in that kind of wheel. Kcmcmber that the main drive wheel lias to run the entire machine. Eor the best Reaper and Mower combined, the Buckeye Table have been sold in this selves. BUSINESS CARDS. 7 -lfc B-H O A-I) Y, ' " ' w i Attorney anil Ooiuiaelnr at iinvr, f- V.li'v. Hrnwnvllle'.Neti .,:' T S. S T U JVE, ; ,tJ. ATTOIWBV8 AT LAW. ioaictnf County Jidgo, llrownvlllo, NVbrnikn. : & t-r- t .- s. no if jy ad a v. o IMij'ulolun. Surgeou, Oliatetrlctaii. - - vmrlunled In 1851. Located In.Brownvlllti liiAS. Otjlce, II -Main streftt, lirownylUo,: Ni'b. B-'FrWESTrS-.D. r Physician and , Surgeon, Calvert, Nebraska. OFFICE. Niq.kfcll ,t Sliurti' Drug Store. . D. J. WOOD, JVOTJ1MZY , SUEiJLK, -AND 1NSTJ BANC I: AGENT, Calvert, Neb., COKGIW L. SWAHTZ, 31. I)., Physician and Surgeon, Hod ford, Nemaha Co., Xchr. G. W. CORNELL, CALVKKT, XFM. OFFICE. One dour Nurth of the Nemaha County Bank. Will practice in all the Courts and attend to Collections. J. B. 3EEGER, Contractor Sr Builder, Calvert, Nebraska. Work Promptly attended to and Satisfaction Guaranteed, JOHN 8. MTNICK, General Merchandise. Nomalia City, Nob. J. M. FOWLER, Justice of the Peace and Real Estate Agent, DA L VERT. XE MRAblvA. ISTSpeciul nttention given lo collec tions. Ollico for tlie present with tlioCdlHlKH, 27jl SIIEItlUAiV, lUiff!. I. W. SKIUMAN, PROPRIETOR. This popular liouso' has" loen 10 'pntly opened, ami tr.iuders will llnd tei appointn.i'iit t.ist-Ll.ib-.. Central House fprvn r? a T-TFiaw US - Li gF .- fcaSidkofcil V county for years, and Dr. A. Oppormann, Physician and burgeon, Hat been located in Nemaha County since 18GS. Strict attention paid to all ACUTE ami CHRONIC DISEASES. Afflictions of the Eai' and EyO Skillfully Treated. Ifcay-Artificial eyes always on hand toYj5ft Suit any size or color. Calls at- ' tended to day or night ' OFFICE Northwest corner Courtand Second C, ...... , RESIDENCE Southwest corner Main and ad Streets, SHERIDAN. NEB. aoyt MARLATT & KING, DKALKtS IN General Merchandise Dry Goortu, OrncerlfM, Kemly Mmln Clotlilnir, KootH, Shoes, lints, Ciipt, mid n Ui'iirrul Ah xnrtinent of DrtiK unit Patent Mi'illcltifH. Krnce iimUmul woikI nlwnys on liund for nl. KK. HlirliPil price paid for htitter mid ASrlMIVAI.Ii, XEBIUNKA. ESTABLISHED IN 1853 o L, iy 13 w t eafiEstateMgency TIM N11.AKICV. William H.Hoover. Does u Konoiul Ilenl K-stnto liusliicss. HollH Lands on Commission, uximilne TUIoh, iiinki'.s Dt'L'dh, MortKUHs, uud nil liihtru tnetitH portnlnlns to ino tnun.fi.r of KuiU K tnti1. If ns it Oomploto Abstraot of Titles to nil l'ftl KsUto In Notunliii County. PIMPLES! I will mull ifroo) tho rt'i-olpt) for n Mmplo Vi'KPlnt'lf llnlin Unit will icmovn tan, frccU 1ih, ptmplos niid hlotcliox, louvlnc tlio Hkln mlt, clcur mid IikiiiUKiiI; iiNo liistriuitlons for pjoduclim n luxuriant growth of hnlr on n Imld hond or nioitli fn'ci-. Addross Itiolot liii?:ifHtiunp, Hon. Vnuilflf AOi., i Itnrclny htrwt. N. V, "" TO CONSUMPTIVES. " ThonclvortlKor Imvlnt,' tipon ponimiicntly curod of tlintdrt-iul dlsciiho. I'oimumplton.hy u Hiuiplo ri'inudy, In anxious to mulct) luiown to his follow stillbriTH tho tho nn'iins or euro To nil who rtPHlrn It, ho will Kind u copy of tho prescription usod, (lro of churKo.) with tho illri-ctlniiH for prepiirliiK mnl ti'-lnn tho miiiiio, which thoy will llnd n sum euro lor rouuhy, ciiltlH, roiiHiimptlon, ikit litini, hrotl ohltlM, etc. l'urtloH wUhlllK tho pn'x'flplloi) will plcnwo iicldrcHS, Ftov, K. Wlliun, l!ll penn Htreot, WIlllHiiiRliurKli, N. V. ERRORS OF YOUTH. "" A KPiitlnrenn who Htitl'orod for yonri from norvrxm tlotnllty, promntiiro decny, and all thocirtoUof yotitlifnl indlHiTftlon, will for the NiilcoofNtillurlnu Immunity, Hnnd froo tti nil who nood It, tho ri-i'lpo mid dlrooilon for miiUlnu; thOHlmpIo rohu'ily hy which ho wuh cured, huirorcrh wlslilnu to profit Ity tho nd vortlHor'w '.porloiii' ciui do ho ly nddroiHlri( in ppricciconnuono .ionr n. uoiikn. My l -TJCeilnrHtroet, Now York. ESTRA.Y SALE. Notice it hereby given that I will offer for alc at tho retUimcc of John Sod man, in Ilenton precinct, N'anuaha county, Nebrjkka, on Friday, theth day of July, A, D., 1882, the following described horsei, to-wit: One bay nure, with white tjHit in forehead, and one black mare colt.1 Said prupert) bum,; sold as an ettrav to pay costs and ilutgo. J. H. K.OI.S I'hR, J. I. take ami tdMitOiVi tb y tKiU rite iZiaP a 9 Marsh lo they speak for them i u. An Extraordinary Offer, 'l'liore aro a lalo number of iionm out- oi' ciiplomL'iit,'iu every county .who couUUe niilkini: fioin $100 to?uOI) ii month working l'pr us. Thuio are uiauy who havo '.umployuii'iil whu 'c.uuh'l ni.iko a mupli.lart't'r atuount, by btiijiinr (.ho iiK.onfy of their county or an avjt'.loj of jrroat merit that will soil weir in. all well-to-ilo families, anil iwty a profit of, ovrTJ'per cent. One HKont in 'I'ennSj'lvania sold nil in two days and inado over S'iO (dear. Anv nfan with UL'rj,'y onouli lo call and show our invention can uuiUodl.oUOlo ?o,(K)() a year. Wo only want ono ood man in oacli county, to whom we will Rive the exclusive salt!. Tho business is pleasant, permanent and profitable. Wo wish to hear at onco from those who ore out of employment, or desire to net belter. Send stamp and address and receive our largo descriptive cir cular, giving full inlorination. JtKNNKK MANlTACTl'UINd Co.. lKJdinltliiloIdfcit.. I'ittsburgli, Pa. Dissolution of Partnorahip. Xotice is hereby given that the part nrship heretofore existing botween I). M. Morris and .lames A. Cowoll, known by tho lli-m name ot Morris & Co., in the grocery and other business, wasdis sol vedby mutual consent on theasth day of April, iss-j. All accounts duo tlie linn will bo paid to said Cowel, and he to pay all indebtedness of said firm. I). M. iMouuih, May 2:1, issi. .1 iMiis A Cow 1:1.. Coffihis and Caskets, At Willing Kids. & .lordaitN. If You Aro Ruined, in health from any cause, especially from the use, of any of tho thousand nostrums that promise so largely, with long ficticious testimonials, havo no fear. Hesort, fn Hon Milters at once. and in a shoil time oii will havo the most robust and blooming health. Tor Salo Ohean. All tho furniture and fixtures of the M011 'I'on Hesturant, consisting of stoves, beds and bedding, show case, stock of candies and nuts, candy jars, otc. Call on C V. GiU'iN. tf Culvert. Xeb. If you want a good lihotograph or gem, Peru is tho place to go to get it. W. I). Abbott, of that place, will take us good a picture as you can get in the State, and at reasonable rates. Do not fail to call on him. He will rofuud the money if you aro not sitislied. Lace RemiuuUs at McGcc & Moore's. YVS'B'CIftKKKY & IIAWKI.I'H. First door east of tho postollice. Ko momber the dace, whero the best ton ijprlal, work Is duno in llrownvlllo, or Xemaha oouuty. Tim. MoLnuglilin and Milt. Drydon, of Mrowuville, aro doing some mason work on the new Catholic church here. O. W. FAIRBROTHER k CO,, Proprietor-. CALVEUT. : : N13HKASKA. SuJ0flllriON $2. PlU YlAH IN AoVANSt. local jsrtivirs. Irs. Clara H. Colby, ono of tho load ing speakurs and orynni'.ors favoring tho woman sulfrago movt?ment, addressed a full house, at Samoulson's hall, Mon day evening this week. Wo never had tho pleasure of hearing Mrs. Colby be fore, and found her to boa lady speaker of pleasant address, good appearance, and well calculated to advance tho work she is engaged in. Sho presents her arguments in well chosen words, logically, concisely and convincingly. Sho nudersjands her subject well. Mrs. Colby benefitted hor cause hero, for al though sho may havo made no con verts, she was certainly instumental In giving now strength and energy tot huso who already believe. After an address of forty-llvo minute, she proceeded to undertake the organization of a socie ty for this place, for tho promotion of tlie cause of woman 'suffrage. Mr. I). .1. Wood win made temporary presi dent, and (1. W. Kairbrother jr., secre tary. Tho following committees were appointed preparatory to permanent organization: TO SOl.UUT MlS.MtlKU.SlI IP. Mrs. K.T.Schick, Miss liinma Mor gan, Mr. Wesley Oundas, I). .1. Wood, Mrs. Abbiu Uiehards ami Mrs. Dora Sunders.' (ON-s'nrrrio.v an'd'uv-i.aws: , Hen, V. Sandors, Mrs. Fowler and fl. W. Kail-brother jr. j-o xo.Mi.VATi: nriMcici. CI. W. Kairbrother jr., Mrs. Schick and D. .1. Wood, Quito a number of ladies and gentle men beam iu) inombers of thtv'soytuty.J Tho first meeting 1f tho socio Ly will be hold iu'North Auburn. Fl-idas' evening, the lotli inat,, when otlicors will be elected and a permanent organization effected. 1 " m j Auburn has resolved to celebrate-the Fourth of dulv, and invito all of "Ncy iiialia county to como and c,oloura.e with us. As Sage's grove Is. a' 'good place and tho most convenient grdve', tho dinner will be there. l ..Sftntpr Van Wyck lias consented to conio- anil take dinner with Nomalia cbunty and deliver the oration. Attention, Ilv!i-.YlMHly. .John Smith has removed his barber shop up stairs, over Samiielson's new building, second door to tho right, and will shavoyoii for Five Cento, or cut your hair for Ton Uonls. Tho best harbor in tho county give him a trial. Bright's Disoaflo, Diabotes, Kidnoy, Livor or Urinary Discar.os. Have no feni of any of these dis eases if you use Hop Milteis, as they will prevent and euro tho worst cases, even when you havo boon niado worse by some gieat puflod up pretended cures. Musio Ltssons, Miss Melle (lavitt; pf Mratton. will bo at tlie residence of J. X. Smith, this city, ono day each week for tho pur pose of giving instructions in instru mental music. Can tako a limited number of pupils. .'iliul Auburn would go right along and grow and prosper and become a city, about as well without the county seat as with it, yot "t scouts that tlie people nrodelrinined to move It front Mrowu ville. I cms (Jro.iin I'oNfivul AtSamuelson's Hall, "Wednesday night, Juno l-ltli, Proceeds will be used to purchase singing books for church and Sunday school use. Let all attend. Take Your old iron, rags, copper and brass to M. (J. Whittemoro's, in Mrownvillrs He'll buy 'em. Married, on Saturday, May UTth, ''-', Mr. Isaac Cool;, of Xeiiiaha Citv, to Mrs. Julia M. Kofgusbn, of Mrowuville. Wo return thanks for. a nlgo supply of cake. Ncmulm TlinM, ' ' i , Try tho Xon-Hxplosive Safety Oil at Devin & FisherN. FAUTSJOItlTHE AFrLIOTED. Successful Treatment of Woak and Dis 0080(1 Eyos. Thero is so much humbug In tho world that It Is often dllllcult to make tho people believo In tho real and gen uine; and many continue to suffer after a remedy is found that would dure them. In Mrs, i. J. Monahan'n ltielhods of treating soro eyes wo. per ceive a genuine and olTootlvo remedy. The cures sho has performed here, and In this vicinity, to say nothing of tho hundreds of testimonials from other places, are ample lo sustain our assev eration that Mrs. Mondiaii's treatment Is effective does euro soro oyes of tho worst kind and most chronic ohuraotor. (leorgo II. Swan, an old citizen of Mrowuville, says in an article published in Tins AovisiiTlsiSK last October, "I suffered two years with granulated soro eyos so nearly blind that 1 could not see to read, and It was with dllll'culty that I could even walk about Mrs. Mouuhan took the case, and to-day my oyes aro well." Mil ford Itandall, an other citizen of Mrowuville, said in a cardinTuisADvuuTisisit.' "To all who. limy bu mulcted with soro oyos; you will do well to call on Mrs. F. .1. Moh alian -she can euro you . . . . L could not see lo drive a leant on tho public high way. Now I can work on tho faint, and my oyes aro Improving overy day," J.W.ThoiiipKou,through Tun Anvini.s Kit, said, "I havo been atllicted with granulated soro oyes for live years . : . was part of tlmo entirely blind. .Mrs. Moitahau began tre.it lug my oyos, and now they are so much improved that I can read coarse print." Tito citizens hero who havo all seen those half blind people groping on tho streets cim cor roborate what thoy say as to their former condition and cure. Another Case at Urownvillo Is the recent one of Mr. L'aul Martin, who .for years has (buen at times on thoHtrcelH'olthe'i'-bp-' jn,' icd'dr eeling ht.s way along wHh h j;ano. Up did not believe thero wan auyiJiolp'forhliru Mrs. M. a short time Hgo'uii'derloolc to onto hlin. We saw jijty' a oy days ago on thu street, .wlth )utoiino, or leader; ho, could seo well .where ho watt going; Inllnmuiutioli had loft his oyes; they seemed tojift getting clear and healthy, and Unit ho will ul timately bo entirely ourod wo havo no d'oubt. The Mound City (Mo.) Tivivu says: ''Mr. Wm. Kerr, who has been alllictcd with granulated sore oyes for the past foui'loon years, called on us Tuesday. He has been entirely cured under tho successful treatment of Mrs. Monahan." Miss Ida Jluruott.nf law son, Mo., adds her testimony ns follows: "I have been troubled with soro oyos for a year, t tie lids being granulated, and 1 havo been pefoutly cured by Mrs. 10. .1. Moiiuhau." Columns of such thorough and unequivocal indorse ments could here bo adduced from all over tho west, but thu above will cer tainly suflice to convince our readers who have sore eyes that Mrs. M. can relieve and cure them. Sho will bo in Xoith Auburn, on tho Kith inst., in outii Auburn on tho nth, and at Ne maha City on the llh. J. R. DYE will sell you a piano or organ from .-tf-j.") to $ino loss than any traveling agent. Reasons why: I pay no oity tax; I pay 110 rout; no traveling agont. I support my family from my farm. ' Address, ,1. H, Dvk, Nemaha City, Nob. Tor It out, A store room, so feet deep, with cel lar; ready for occupancy. Jn thu bus iness center of Smith Auburn. Nis.maiia Co. Maxin. For Sale. A first-class, four ton scale. Second hand, cheap. Used six mouths only. Nkmaiia CJo. Hank. Undo Sam's Xorvo and Uono Lini ment is most efllclont in rheumatism, nruises, burns, scratches and many oth er ills incident to man and beast. Sold by all druggists. a Senator Lapliam, chairman of U, S. Senate Committee oh Woinan Suffrage, on Monday reported favorably it bill giving woman tho right of suffrage, lNaa0M