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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1882)
l. '-!, j J mjul:jL91ijh.iui .!!i i i a azttMMjrTjmx.nwxirrrinzrmwnvivjxA'nL.i,, tww mm u uswui j, auunn mmiiw i iiuw.iiiiiett)utKniaiaaju,.ijteriaenw - .i iii'ii bmsh II r mer. S) ffi7 JP' & r 3 c ESTABLISHED 1866. I OLDEST PAPER IN THE 8TATE. BUSINESS CARDS. II. B It 0 A D Y . Attorney nml Onuniclnr t liav , Hrownvllle.Neb T S. STULL, w. ATTOUNKfS AT VW. Offleaof Coaty JudRe, JlrownvUlo, Nobrnskn. A S. IIOLLADAY, ! IMiyiloliiii, .Surgeon, Ulmtetrlolan. amounted In I8S1. Located In llrowuvlllolSAS. OrNee, II il.iln Htruot.lIrownvlUo, Neb. " b. r. WEST, k. D. Physician and Surgeon, Calvorti Nebraska. OFFICE. Nickel! & Shuns' Drug Store. D. J. WOOD, JYOTMItY PUHIjFC, -AND- INSTJ RANGE AGENT, t Calvert, Nob., C0110U12N L. SWAKTZ, 31. I)., Physician and Surgeon, Hertford, Nemaha Co., Nobr. G. W. CORNELL, JMTTQlt.YJMt 'ST MIF, CALVERT, NEB. OFFICE. One door North of the Nemaha County Bank. Will practice in all the Courts and attend to Collections, J. B. BERGER, Contractor & Builder, Culvert, Nebraska. Work Promptly attended to and Satisfaction Guaranteed, JOHN 8. MINICK, eherai Merchandise. Nemaha City, Neb. J. M. FOWLER, Justice of the Peace and K Real Estate Agent, CALVERT, NEBRASKA. ISTSpeeial attention given to collec tions. Oillco for the present with thoCoruiKu. 27yt Dr. A. Oppermann, Physician and Surgeon, Has been located in Nemaha County since 186S. Strict attention paid to all ACUTE and CHRONIC DISEASES. Afflictions of the Ear and Eye skillfully Treated. $3f Artificial eyes always on hand to"a Suit any size or color. Calls at tended to day or night. OFFICE Northwest corner Court and Second Streets. RESIDENCE Southwest corner Main and ad Streets, SHERIDAN, NED. aoyi MARLATT & KING, DEALEHS IN General Merchandise Dry Good, Groceries, Itoncly Mado Clothlriff, RootH, Hhocs, Hutu, Cip, rind u Oonornl As sortment of Dhih utid I'atnnt Medicines. Fence poits and wood ftlwnyn on iinnd for sal. Vju niu'hesl prices paid for butter nml ASF1NWAI.1., NJfiBRABICA. F. W. Samuklson, D. J. Wood, President. Cashier. Nemaha County Bank, Calvert, Nebraska, Does a General Banking Business. Particular JIttcntion iv- I ten Collections, Monev Loaned on A"roir,- od Soouity. Exchange on all parts ot V. S, and Europe, CALVERT, Farms, Farms. Farms, m acres, N E of S E 30 5 13 40 acres. SW305 13160 acres. W i S E 30 5 13 80 acres. In Washington pre cinct. SWNE354 12 40 acres, in Benton precinct. Lots in Calvert Lots in Oalverf. -AJSTD LOTS IN Sheridan! Church Howe & Son SHERIDAN, NEB. i msk b n Residence NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, 2cbnishn $dverftecr. 0. VT. FAIIlDROTnEn & CO.. Proprietors. CALVERT. : NEI1KASKA. local ssrirws.: Soo local of Or. Collins, dentist. Or. Messier, dentist, will be here next week. Wm. I. Emmet, of Madison county, 111., suicided in St. Louis. Tun Advhutisuk oillco is rushed with job work all tho time. J. K. llobortson, of Sheridan, will read Tun Avkutiskr hereafter. Win, W. Saildors, of tho Nemaha Timet, paid Calvert a visit Saturday. Fresh Bread, pies and cakes al ways on hand at A. Palmer's, Hrown villo. Mrs. M. 0. Simmons was in tho city last week, looking after hor business liorre. The big safe for tho Hunk of Auburn arrive at our depot Saturday. It is a nice one. (Jon. Pope telegraphs Uncle Sam that his Indians aro on tho verge of starvation. Six thousand Swedish and Nowogian immigrants recently took ship for the United States. Mrs. (J. W. Fairbrotlier, sr spent a part of last woek in this city, visiting her son and daughter. Mrs. L. L. llulburd and little Frank, of Brownvillo, spoilt last week in this city, visiting relatives. ' .John C. Thompson, editor of tho Brownvillo Republican, spent Friday night night in this city. Hev. S. P. Wilson, formerly tho pas tor of M. 13. Church at Urownvillo, paid Calvert a visit last week. Tho redistrictingof the state insures Congressman Valentino's ronomination and election. West Point Proyrens. Tho national convention of journey men horso'shoors wris" ecently held in Chicago. It contains 25,000 members. A. V. Xickell, bltn druggist, of Urownvillo, was in te city last Fri day, looking after his business interests here. Paul Douglas' addition to hia resi dence is almost finished. Paul now has one of tho neatest and best houses in Calvort. Tho Jlnrtoninn 'any: "Senator Van Wyok has boldly met his traducers.and they hido away in shame, silent and conscious of their guilt." J. X. Cassell; of Aurora, this state, shot and seriously wounded .I.S. Millor last Friday. Cause: Miller was too in timate with Cassoll's wife. Tho extension of tho H. Sz. M. to Denver, was completed last Thursday, fhrough trains are now running and regular passongcr trains will bo put on about tlto 1st of July. Tho Kansas City b.irgo lino, accord ing tho president's roport, has not been a very profitable onterpriso. This is mainly attributable, however, to tho general failure of crops last year. Tho boat in which four young mon were fishing in Wolf Lako, near Chi cago, capsized, and all wero drowned. Their names wore John Kronger, Otto Gibson, Geo. Oswold and Geo. Knohl. Patrick Foy, county Sligo, Ireland, a steerage passenger on stoomship Bril ish King, who committed suicide last Friday, exclaimed, as ho leaped over tho rail into the sea, "I'm tho man who killed Lord Cavendish." Thoro wore 8,1 22 commitments for drunkenness in Uoston last year, and of these 2,o;i!l wore women. As drunk enness, pauporism and crimo are great ly on the increase in that city, tho pro priety of prohibition is being seriously considered. Poko Wollflnnd Ohus. Cook, tho bank robbers and murderers, after a trial at Ft. Madison for murder, wero son toncod to thopanitentiary for life. Who ought to bo hung for his crimes if not Polk WollH? Hotter wipo out tho hanging buslnoss after that verdict. A fornalo crank at Chicago got jt.into head some way that she was going to have a baby, and that if she-fasted un til its birth it vould' Ijq llko unto Elijah, tho Prophet. In this effort Hho starved hersolf to death, after which it was ascertained that she was not even envlente. JUNE 1, 1882. u!jiUL.iUMW.iiuiijBLaxtvtuLumutAvuvitta.jvfnrjiiMiiiiiMimtjaiiimmmiii.vii THE FARMER'S TOES, DV I'. J. WOOD, The farmer's lot h a hard one, lure, You cannot imagine all he has to endure, No wonder he grumbles and frets at kit lot, For he can not rest easy in any one spot. In the spring It commences; it's too wePtd sow, The weather turns colder; his crop's under the' snow ; Then comes the strong wind, which blows them away, And starts a prairie fire, which burns tip h!s hay. And just as the weather begins to let up, Along come the cut worms and eat it all up, The little striped gopher comes in for his share, Who divides wish his couiin, a rascally pair. So the farmer rcpUnts it, working early and late, While sitting on the fence, looking sober, sedate, Are the craws and the black birds, both laying their plans To take the corn raising all ofT of his hands. Well, the wheat has come up; is about to get ripe, When ten billion of chintz bugs open the fight. They come, and they comiucr, and they march up the hill, His harvest is past, without any bill. Sometimes, the grasshoppers, to help out the rest, As black clouds of heaven, come out of the west And cat all they want, of anything green, Till no living plant on the earth can be seen. And cholera comes, too. and takes oft' the hogs, His sheep are all killed, by somt- neighbor's dogs, The wolves come and get his chickens at night And the tax-gatherer keeps him in continual af fright. He is hindered at morning, by a lightning rod agent, Who wont let him ofT, to fill his engagement, Till he has agreed to pay so much for his tod That lie wishes all agents were under the sod. Hut he is hardly gone, ere another one comes, Who has a new book that will help him do sums, He'd very much like his name on his list, And he talks it so nicely that he puts down his fist He is met at the door, when he comes up at noon, By a different fellow, and a different tune, Who has a huge fortune in an iron fence scheme; Hedrivesa finecarriage,drawn by a matched team, Who sa)s there's money in it, and tells it so true That he pays for the right of a county or two, But when he is gone, he rinds out too late That lie is the worst swindled man in the State, And so it goes on, from morning till night, There's hardly a thing that comes out just right. The order he gave for the book was a note; In order to pay it, it will take the last shute. Vou can't find any fun in farming for me; I'm going to town, and then you shall see That I'll learn a profession of an honorable kind, And lead a life that is more to my mind, An old liquor dealer, now retired frym business, in an interview says: "in most of tho gin sold thoro will be found oil of vitrol, oil of turpontine, oil of almonds, sulphuric ether, and extracts of grains of paradise. It is in tho manufacture of whisky, however, that the adulterators do tho finest work. You can purchaso oils and es sences fiom which 'whisky of any age' can 1)0 produced. This stylo of whis ky when tested will show sulphuric acid, caustic potossa, benzine, mix vomica, and other poisons. This is tho sort of stuff that bores into tho coat ings of tho stomach and creates ul cers. Pure whisky, in my opinion, will hurt no one when taken iu reasonable quantities, but this adulterated stuff is murderous. In porter you will find opium, horbanc, capsicum, cocculus in dicus, copperas, tobacco, and sulphur io acid. In boor, alum, opium, mix vomica, green copperas, vitrol, sub- carbonate of potash, and jalop are used." Mouoy for a Rainy Day. "For six years my daughter was sick from kidnev and othor disorders. We had used up our savings on doctors, when our dominie advised us to try Parker's Ginger Tonic. Fopr bottles effected a cure, anil as a dollar's worth has, kept our family well for over a year, wo have been able to lay by monoy again for a rainy day," A Poor Man's Wife. ImcIchm Fright. To worry about any Liver. Kidney or Urinary trouble, especially JJright's Disease or Diabetes, as Hop Hitters never falls of a cure Where a euro iH possible. Wo know tliis. 1 Tho Distinguishing Oharm.1 A delightful fragranco of freshly gathered flowers and spices is tho dis tinguishing charm of Floiestou Cologne. VOL. 26, NO. 50. Prison DotB. On tho ovening of tho 15th of May thoro wore in tho Nebraska peniten tiary just 270 convicts. Two hundred and sovnn sontenco d from Nebraska; forty-eight from Wyoming Territory; ten from Now Mexico, find flvo United States prisoners. Douglas county has tv larger repre sentation at tho penitentiary than any other cplinty iu tlio stato. Siio heads tho list with forty-threo convicts, Lan caster comes next with sixteen con victs, followod by Gago and Lincoln, each having ton. Strange as It may bo scon, thoro aro no preachers, lawyers or editors in tho prison. Among tho occupations rep resented aro sixty-two f armors, nine teen herders, forty-two laborers, cloven mineri,, three saloon keepers, ono tolo giaph operator, eight Carpenters, four blacksmiths, six brink layers, four book-koopors and four barbers. There aro 2!12 convicts that can road and write, fifteen who can read but can not writo, and twonty-tlirco who can't read nor writo. Thqro, aro 180 moderate drinkers, 85 hard drinkers, and forty temperance. titaio Journal, An Extraordinary OiTor. Thero aro a largo number of persons out of employment in every county who could bo making from $100 to $000 a month working for us. Thoio afo many who havo employment who could make a much larger amount by obtaining tho agency of their county of an article of great merit that will Sell well in all well-to-do families, and pay a profit of over 100 per cont. Ono agent in Pennsylvania sold .12 in two days and mado over S'10 dear. Any man with energy enough to call and show our Invention can mnko$i,COOto $8,000 a year. Wo only want one good man in each county, to whom wo will give tho oxclusivn sale. Tho business is ploasant, permanent and profitable. Wo wish to hear at onco from those who oro out of employment, or desiro to get bettor. Send stamp and address and receive our largo descriptive cir cular, giving full information. . HKNNKIt MANrKACTUKING Co., llUSmit.nn.olil St., Pittsburgh, Pa. While In Ninth Auburn a fow days ,.snco wo wore pleased to form tho tho acquaintance of .1. B. Kelsoy, pres ident, and P. P. Starin, cashier, of tho Hank of Auburn, that placo. Tliey aro both pleasant and agreeable gentle men and will no doubt do a good busi ness in tho "deserted village." Tho following general order was is sued May 2."), 1882, by Mr. Iloldrogo, general superintendent of tho B. & M. railroad: Oenvor freight station will bo opened for business Monday, May 2l)th, 1S82. with 13. J. Swords as general agent, and J. C. Swartz local freight agent. Eow to Bavo. All hard workers are subject to bil ious attacks which may end iu danger ous illness Parker's Ginger Tonic will keep tho kidneys and liver active, and by preventing tho attack save much sickness, loss of fimo ami oxpenso. Delay at such times means danger. Detroit Press. Soo anotlior column. If You Aro Ruined, iu health from any cause, especially from the use of any of tho thousand nostrums that promise so largely, with long delicious testimonials, havo no fear. Resort to Hop Bitters at once, and in a slioit timo you will havo tho most robust and blooming health. A girl in Dublin struck her croquet partner on the head with a mallet; brain fever sot in, and tho young man nearly died. The girl was kept under arrest until ids recovery, and when lie got woll she married him, and now ho is sorry ho didn't tlio. A. GENT SW ANTED FOR bUIlil VAN'S IRELAND OF TO-DAY! Introduction by THOS. POWER O'CONNOR, M. P. Now, Able, Reliable, Highly Commended, It tells why the people ac poor and uneducated, why rents a e high and famines occur. It show how the land was confiscated and the manufacro ries ruined. It describes the Land League, tlio Land'Actand the Coenion Hill. Contains full page Kngravlngs and Map in Colors. Price, Only $2.00 Por Copy. Sales immens. Send 50 Oontf! ftr Ml outfit and begin work at once, For full particulars, address, , J. O. MoCUBDY & CO., Philadelphia, Pa., Cincinnati, 0 Chicago, Ills., QrSti Louis, Mo. ,!f" 1 (flTSlf irY ilr Ifoi , BOOTS, SHOES, AND HARNESS. Mniln nml repulnxl hm wH as can ! doiii iiMywIinrt, on Miort notice, nml Vti.'lV lUUSOXAnLE TJ-JILUS. ' fiU