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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1882)
cbnuiht MtluertLwr. 6. W. FAIRBROTIIER ft CO.. Proprietor-. OALVEItT. : : NBIJUASKA. liOO-A-Xi KT3iJ"WS.: David Campbell, of Hrownvilic, was in tho city Turmliiy. Hubert JJryunt'H now liutisc on Plfiur streut Ih iilmoHt ready for occupancy. Miss Loulmt Watson, of iirownvillo, i in tho city, tlio jjucst of Airs. CroHH. Captain U. M. Uniloy went to Chicago laat Thuraday, with . lnrge lot of cut tle. ,J. C. HoURrtel(l,count.v tieasurcr, paid a llying visit to South Auburn Wednes day. Mr. C A. Lyman has moved into Mr. DuitaIi'h ircut little cottage, on Majors strcoU Arthur Vxn lia purchiucd Hi. .Sttiict7,' t-tisty dwelling and will hooii move in. Mrs. Simmons is having material brought on tho ground for her now store building. Mr. Lyon and Ids assistants have commenced work ou tho new Catholic church building. Hank. Wrrt is building a now and more commodious postoflico than the one now in use. lion. Church Howe was in tho city lat Sunday, looking none tho worse for his recent illnrss. Mr. Howard, of Tecumseh, is having the foundation laid for a new business house on Centre Avenue. Mr. Harms has caught tho prevailing mania for improvement and is putting an addition ltx-22 to his business house. 1). 13. Colhapp, of Tocumseh, an old titno friend of tho Advertiser, and one of tho best boys in tho country, was in the city last Sunday. Mr. Welch, the furniture man, al ready finds his largo business house too small for his increasing trade and will at once build an addition Hx'24. Tho stock market is on a boom. A fat hog or steer will bring almost as much in tho market now as would a healthy nigger baby before tho war. A number of our business men are putting up haudsomo awnings. Mc (lee & Moore, Willing & Bro., Welch and others sue adding those useful ap pendages to their respective places of business. A card received from Dr. A. L. Ful ton states that he has located at North Canyonvlllo, Douglass county, Oregon. Tho Doc. says ho is in a mining town, that is having a boom, and his pros pectt are good. S. A. Osborn or Auburn, just as you please Is in tho ''Deserted Vil lage" again this week, and as usual, Is kept busy hunting up tho corners of town lots. If our village continues to bo "deiorted" as at present, Steph. will requiro an assistant. Tho court in banc is dually heard from, and Guiteau is refused a now trial, tho court unanimously alllrmlng judgment of tho court bolow. Tteod, tho assas sin's attorney, says ho has another re sort, which is to apply for a commis sion de lunatico intnirendo. Tho smart al'ccks who pretend to trueo a likeness between our Auburn and Goldsmith's "Deserted Village" of the satna name, aro very much off their base. If handsome dwellings and com modious business houses springing up on ovory aldu; additions being added to buildings already up and found too Binall for increasing trado; a largo ho tel dally crowded to Its utmost capaci ty; a host of busy mechanics; a con stant stream of travel If all these things aro Indications of n "doaortcd village" then wo plead guilty. Parties employing Dr. Messier need have no fear of being imposed on, as is often tho cose, when you employ traveling dentists, and even those who protend to bo permanently located. Tho Dr. has bron a resident of Nebraska for flevontefen years, and his work is Bcat Urod over tho country and speaks for itself. Last weok tho Dr. visited us for tho first time, and found among our business men many old friends and pa tients each having his work of from four to ten years standing, and each apeaking a word in his fuvor. Tho Dr. will visit our town regularly hereafter onco a month. His noxt visit will bo South Auburn, June 0 nnd 7, North Auburn Juno 8th and Oth. Persons desiring work should call early for tho Dr.'s time is generally omployod. At bis last visit he could not wait on half of his customers. irm '"" Tho 'Torchlight makes montlon that Ilobborts' allldavit, alleging that Lieut. Gov. Oamos attempted to commit n 85,000 seduction upon him, also impli cated Church Howo.That'8 true.bnt now that Hobbertti and his affidavit huvo been ventilated, it would "ho no moro than fair play to tho "Implicated" for the Torchlight to state that so far as Mr. Howe is concerned Mr. Hebberts in his answers before tho committeo fully and clearly exonerated Mr. Howe. Kobberta sold he never hud a word with Mr. Howo regarding the bribery ques tion, and that ho did not intond to im plicate him in any manner. The Omaha llcjmblkan, a few days ago, by author ity of Mr. Kobberta, published a com plete vindication of Mr. Howe. Uroad guago journals like our much admired Tecumsch eotomporury can well afford to bo just. Coffiins and Caskets ? At Willing SlroH. & Jordan's. Notice Is hereby given to all whom it may concern that any and all stock, of any kind, found running at large on wheat now growing north of tho for mer residence of .1. H. Piper, on lands belonging to Lincoln Laud Co., will lie taken up and held for damages done to said crop, until the same is paid, in strict accordance with tho law. Dated, Calvert, Neb., May 2d, 1882. 47 w3 A. Kearns. Dr. Joseph Haas' Hog Eemedy war ranted to cure for sale by Nickell & Shurtz. Tho Slocumb congressional appor tionment bill, which passed the House laat week, passed the Sonata Monday last. TIiIh, tho First district, is com posed of Richardson, Nemaha, Otoe, Casa, Sarpy, Douglas, Saunders, Lan-j caster, Gage, .Johnson and Pawneo. Tho extra session lias about finished its work. J. F. Wykes, station agont bore, has received notice from D. C. Thompson that the matorial for the K. V. Rail-, road oxtoiiBion west will be shipped to this station. This means "Ho for Tecumseh! Beatrice and tbo main lino from Chicago to Denver." Mrs. A. II. MoGee and Miss Mamie Carson, of Brownville, wore in the city Wednesday. LIVERY! rpfijM4n? W. E. O'PELT, Opiioslto Lumber Yard, Main St., Drowiivlllo, Nebr. Q-003D E;IO-S AT REASONABLE RATES. Spocial Accommodations for Commercial B!:,n, AXl) Driver Furinshed when desired. Horses boarded by the day or week, and Farmers' teams fod and cared fo at fair rates. nsmasm rfwewos-wstae WHW umM VrWUm NVfAT 3OK 188S r rAl'iKI.l'Kfe'h."' !!-' i B. M. ItSXT h 00., Detroit, ju. OME TREATMENT. A cwuin core tor Norveus Dobll'ty, Seminal Voak- Kassflsa FREE! RELIABLE SELF-CURE. A favorite nrcscrlDtlon of on nf () most noUd and moceMirul itxtcltlliu In tin O. b. (uowrutlrtd) Ibrtbacuraof Xtrvoua OefciUw, JGii(Aratiee4.irMlrHceauitXaoav. Uel In plain scliHlauTlopVaa. DrutclitscauflllJ, Address DR. WARD I. CO., LeuUlcat, Me. sSMsSStik?S!3f & ssP XVr. jwmX w JK.eEsER.lTW fiP wjuiiiil TUTT'S PILLS SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LEVER. Ziobb of Appottto, Bowels costive. Pain In tho Head, with a dull aonsntlon In the baolc part, 1'atn under the Shoulder blade, fullness after eating, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of tomper, Low spirits, with a feeling of having noglected noruoduty, Weariness, Dizziness, fluttering at the Heart, Dotsbofore the eyes'. Yellow Hkln, Headache generally over the right eye, Hestleisnoss, with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. emaaomnaaHMi TDTT'S FllXSnro especially adapted te such enses, ono dose effects surh a change of feeling its to nstonlsh the sufferer. They Increase tho Appetite, and cause the body to Tnko on Flesh, thus thr system Is onrlihrd. and by their Tonic Artlen on the Dlicrstlva Organs, Krarnlnr Mtoola are pro duced. I'flco 25 cents. 33 Murray N. T. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Oray IlAiaonWimKKns chanced to a Glossy IlLACXby aatncloappllcatlonofthlsDr. Jtlra parts a natural color, acts Instantaneously tf Bold toy OruKdlsts, or sont by express on rocelpt of tl. O FFICB. X5 MDBS4T AT., NBtT IORK. (Dr. TCTTS MAIC1L of T.ImM. lahnutlM tatV CmU RMtifti wiu wim ran rUMUM. JkASYin mMmWa. e -C V a ? JF efl JFK . irm. . sf AislsVslsHHsssU Ahl? jCr Jf Jf J Zf . . amtBm!k Vxmtt?Z5lA&M .rS ssl MZvvVlfcf3 YYV V" V g LiarMsMsW msnits Kte.frnfriJb.frUS5Z3 iBKjiiaeiiiiiiiiv bht Pt , , r r-rr ' - "- nw czaiiss-'irs?-es 1784 sategjjM l Hii . isW g Iff -Wk W ' W' KENDALL'S MM I lis irea g CsPAVINCUREfB a ?a r mSi. w i m TJ 9c r m o ii o 3) una mm w?o:od coommco T DH. nine ur 1 An CUKES THOUSANDS TKARLY. APIIITIVECInl FrCougrii,Cldi, M COMOTUrTIIX. (sths jtefTaniea; CuraDv8ieMla: rlestoristhaApitlte; ttru(taiu the System; materes xnt waaK Bd Dskllltatad. . A trL.1 fU will sr.T.ill w.sUlm.Aik ytttrdrvriiit f.r Rr. Croah'e WTne f Tari us. a iw, rT ! J H iTBJf lU. S.M. SMITH 1 CI., Prtp'r tawn mwiw wt . tATTM. !!, SEEDS! FARMERS !t iists talis ve good torl snd sords. t j to buy nf a reliable nous. t wfll nsy you to wud for our llfutratyl Cjitalofnio. GARDENERS NURSERYMEN IMPLEMENTS Philadelphia Twn Mower. yalioon lroadmnt H1 Bower, MattlicwB Bml Drills anil WE AltK TIIK HO OJLE other ftl-nt-cUjut l WKSTIUtN Xvyythiuj fnr the Lawn, Oar-1 urn. UlfIlhounn nr VnntfrV. I AUENTH. AVc WAUltANTcvrrvtlilnarns represented. HIRAM SIBLEY &, CO. SEEDS AND IMPLEMENTS, ...... 1ull' IUuBtratd CatnlOKU" sent free. CHICAGO II "-- .. ,-sr. ROCHESTER, N.Y. AflFNT.Q WANTED ' i - I 9 S.Ui.f rtefctrtal S.thi tU tnt rtJMtSNywM. Htm.U TtMwa't .. St. LreU. SU. &j 51 3 is D "TJ c r S3 r sig ea 5." c5 o ? 3 3 F ?T Cjj O p fr fei i DO M i&aS CO I C D sal" bI5 rA o b M 4 en 3 C 2 iljio Jsl S t irteT " ales Itr; gr- m I f J In i "4w inn shsstrsMsli t I muw.'mja.ujiiiiju-n'mTrrtca FINE FURNITURE, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. The finest and most complete stock in this county, at the Lowest Prices, A splendid assortment e of Mouldings, for Picture Frames, and an experienced cabinet maker is em ployed by this house who will make or repair youfumitur in good style. Undertaking a Specialty. A full lino of Collins, Caskets and Trimmings, always on hand and Motal- ic Caskets furnished 011 short notice. , ii i i- - . - Cremation i ty MERCHANTS WJtrV jjg.!eia.i mt ffy, -ry - r 'l r AIX BEED3 In papcre left orer at K I J yJfjT ATXnT. Xj U JUVlN close of Season. Send for comllUene U JyZMhrtMJS&bSPlnOS at thl NEW SYSTEM, tho Most AdTantaereeua Yer ether form, 0AVID LANDRETH & SONS, Seed Growers, The Most MiccubHlllI Keiliedy ever dii covered, n it U certain in its cllcctt and duel nut blister. Also excellent lor human flesh. READ PROOF BELOW From CGI,. L. T. FOSTER. Youngstown, Ohio, May loth, 1880 Dr. B.J KENL ALL & Co.. Gents ; I had a very valuable Hambletonian colt which I prized very highly, he had a large bone spavin on one joint and a small one on the other which made him very lame; 1 had him under the charge ot two veterinary surgeons which failed to cure him. I was one day reading the advettisement of Ken dall s Spavin Cute in the Chicago Express, I de termined at once to try it, and got our druggists to send for it, they ordered three bottles ; 1 took them all and thought 1 would give it a thorough trial, 1 used it according to directions and the fourth day the colt ceased to be lame, and the lumps have disappeared. I used but one bottle and the 3olts limbs areas free from lumps and as smooth as any horse ir. the state. He is entirely cured. The cure was so remarkable that I let two of my neighbors have the remaining two bc'tlea, who are now using it. Vary Respectfully, L. T. FOSTER. Kendall's Spavin Cure. Send address for Illustrated Circul r which we think gives positive proof of its virtues. No rem edy has ever met with such unqualified success to our knowledge, for beast as well as man. Price $ 1 per bottle or six bottles for $5. All Druggists have it 0.1 can get it for you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the pro prietors, DR B. J. KENDALL ic CO., Enos bourough Falls Vt. Sold by all Druggists. $T&1 1 For Border Outlaws, By J. W. Buoll. The New, Thrilling, and AUTHENTIC History of the Lives and Wonderful Adventures of America's great Outlaws, Tho Younger CfrolherH, Frank and J ease JamcN, And their bands of highwaymen, down to the present moment, including the DEATH OF JESSE JAMES, and all the late startling and thrilling developments. Fifty illustrations and portraits, among which are Jesse James, after he was shot, and 12 flae colored plates. Interviews and letters from Cole Younger; the breaking up of the band and revelations of STARTLING SECRETS. The Black Flag, the Terrible "Bl.ick Oath," and hundreds of other astonish ing facts, Most wonderful and exciting book in euitencc. Outsells everything I New and greatly enlarged edition; New illustrations; 500 pages, prirei. 50. Agents' Canvassing Outfit, 50c. Illustrated Circulars and full particulars FREE. Agents, don't lose this grand opportu nity! Address DNN. L1NAHAN & CO- Pub lishers 4th and Washington Ave., St, Louis,Mo. ESTABLISHED IN 185Q O L r 15 H T Heal Estate Agency IN NEBRASKA. William H, Hoover. Door n uenornl Ronl Estate DuhIiicsh. HOlls Lands on Commlsslou, ox run In en Titles, makes Deeds, Mortgngos, nnil all Instru ments pertaining to tno transfer of Ronl Es tate. Husn Complete Abstraot of Titles to all Heal Estato In Nemnlin County, BOOTS, SHOES, AND HARNESS. Made and repaired as wrll as oan he done nnywbere, on short notlco, and VBKYJitiASONAJJLE TJSliMS. Stepben Mi Calvert, Nebraska, Dealer In Embloina of Every Description. iia. iii Herod to both Merchant and Consumer. aml3BF?TmtitMMBmmM mi IiAITDRETn'S GAKDEN SEEDS jpcarrm on their own Farms, OVKR 1,BM ACRES deYoted to this purpose, are the HTAITOAKO ITOn QUAMTY, JBf WHOLX- SAXK TRAD K l'lUCK X.IST8 for Seeds, In bulk er moiled to mcrchanU on anulicaUea. 21 &23S. SIXTH ST. PHILADELPHIA LEGAL NOTICE. To M. Stowoll: YOU nro tiorcbynotlfled thnt lot No. four (4) lu block No. 0110 hundred and tulrty Uvo(ii!5J. In Peru, Nemnlin, county, Nebras ka, taxed la the unmoor At. Btowell, was on tlie.'ltli dnyuf July, 1880, hoIiI at private salo for tlie delinquent tuxes for llio yenrti 185, 1870, 1877, on a 1878, ninouiitlriK to S3.00, and that the purchaser paid the Iuxuh of 1870, lunountliig to 4a con IB. July VXnli, 188U, nnd tlio tuxcH of 18S0, niiiountltiK to W cuntH, April 'J7tli, 1881, tho taxes or Ib81. uinountlng tb ai cents, April 8th, I(s82 Unless snld prop erly Is redeemed from said tnx snlc on or bo ore August llltli, 1882, the undersigned will upply tor nnd receive a tax deed thcrelor. Dated May 81, 1H82. DAVID . RANDALL, Owner or said certlllcute, by Ills agents, Os born & Taylor. 4tiw3 LKQAL NOTICE! In District court of Nemaha oounty, No bras It a. In the matter of tho chnngu of the names of Calvert and Sherldau. JOTICK is hereby given that a petition Is IX now on tile In tlio District court olbuld county, signed by two-tlilrds majority or tho legal voters of the town or Calvert, In snld county, praying thnt tho name of CiU Vort bo changed to Auburn and consolidated with Sheridan, under such name, lu accord ance with the allegations and terms or said petition. . And tho flnnl hearliiK ol the mntters and facts set.bp lit said. petition Is set for I lie 3d day or Julie, 1882, at District court room, in Lincoln, lu Lnncaster county, Nebraska, at U o'clock a. m at which time uud place oil persons interested will appear and contest tho snme. Dated May 2d, 1882. OSBORN A TAYLOR, , Idwl Ally's lor Petitioners. ESTRAY NOTICE. Two stray horses, taken up n tho farm of John 80dm an 11, on the IO1I1 of Fob. 1882. inscription, 0110 bay mare, with white spot on Kircht'ud. Ono black mnre colt. Tho own er will pk-iinu tako notice and coiini and pay for keeping, or they will bo sold, according t" law. JOUN HOOMANN, Elk Creek, Johnson Co., Neb. LEGAL. NOTICE. To C. Ilouohltia and Mary Ilouchlns: You nro bereby notified that iliu following described real entuto, to-wlt; The undivided (our-nlnths (4 II; of tho south halt or the nortliwestquariorol seollon28, township fl north of range 13, coutalulng thlrty-tlvu and 55-100 (35 55-luO) neres, altuatwl In Nemaha couhty, Nebraska, and taxed In tho nn 111 oof O Houiihlns. wnson the llth day ni April. Ib77, sold at prlvatosale for tho delinquent taxoHor lt'CJ, 1873, 1874 nnd 1873, amounting to SI12.40. Also thh taxes of tho yeara ls76, 1877, 187U and JrjSO have been pnld by tho undersigned sutifcequeni to purohaao. And the time or rfdetpption will expire on the 10th of August Dated Nemaha oounty, Nebraska? May M. 1882. PETER HERLET, Owner or said ccrtlfloato, by bis agents, I5w3 OsnoitN it Tayi.oh. Central House SIIKRinAIf, NEB. I. W. SKILLMAH, PROPRIETOR. Beat place in the city to get n uqimre moul. "JUST LET ME SHOW YOU" DIC. I'OOTK'S 9 HAND-BOOK OF HEALTH HINTS And JU-udy Jlelrn, "Worth 5. roet 2flo. tl) th tuthnr of "Tlain Homk Talk" and "Midi cal Common Siksic." IOQ I'AiRSr AiKlt,b.nt D.llr 11.1 Hi " O mi.l i.wjp.i (or Curt u Cvuiuxn All. m.Tit. Rvalunbi. bVo(lt.r.tei. fur ttirr r.mlly. Onl) 28 nnu kjr intll, 'trM. It,. Ilnn.1 Ikii. ci'iitalai rh.jl.rt i llj. flen. fur ll .nni, Cixuiu.n S.n. . C.u mm lll.,lljplnlt, How I. AroM UiiJ..lrbl., Kn.cki WerlU Knowlnt, Hint, cm llMblny, ou ICTliijr Uk Sick, on rmrrytDtlri, lllul, for Vr(ni.Bt Women, (oy.lh.r with oiu. of tb Trlvat. Frinul of Dr. Foots, ant ollitr liilcl.a. of nigh rtputo, aitil (llrwtlon, f.r pr.t irlnc fooJ lor lnlln. OrAUKIUS WANlfcU. Murray Hill PaWishlng 0o., 123 East 23th Otriat, .Tiw Torz Citj. PUDflMIP DIREASCS crnEDt New Li Ii fl LI II I Lb 1-tlie mufkul out by that wiiiiwiiiu )IWbtr .Miimlur Ixxik on medical, yslal nnd soxunl sclciicti vulix Homk Talk and .Mkuicai, Common 8enk. Kmrly 1,000 parrs, Ito illiwtnitlonj; liy Dr. R U. Koto. Vuruhascm r tn titlol to f roo cnnBultiitlon, either tn iwreon, or by liinil. A $J.'J5boolc nvlucwl to ll.M. mikklnir It tho C-JIKAI'K.ST Hook In tlio Enoi.isu or UlcnuAN LanKiuiKc. IB men Contents TnulP free. Wo nl tcrft f rco snmiilua of UlL I'OOTK'S SIOSTIILY with Ikt of nearly KjOiiruinlnms; COcvnMn txir. e -MullUAY UILI. I'UUUKUINQ CO., N. VCity. w ante d ... "X'vxr .r'-rsT ia l.rmi . .HI U..r. .tl,r .r.r Stes ,.,,. .4 B i e , "fr I Jl ev . l: d