Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1882)
9fc USEFUL AND SUGGESTIVE. Spirits of ammonia diluted with vator. if appliod with a sponge or flan nel to discolored spots on tho carpets or garmonts, will often restore the color. One quarter of a pound of ammonia and one quartor of a pound of niter dissolvod in a hogshoncl of water and applied by means of a sprinkler, twice or three times a week, will nearly doublo your crop of strawborrios. It is ex cellent for other fruits and vegetables also. Indiana Farmer. Black ban soup is mado of one quart of black beans and three quarts of water. Wash tho beans, then boil them until they are tender; tako from tho stove, turn off tho water, and throw it away; rub tho beans through a colander, put them back in tho soup kettle, add one quart of fresh water and some stock made the day before; add popper and salt, and any herbs you chooso for seasoning. Pea-nut Salad: Shell tho nuts, which must bo fresh and thoroughly roasted, and remove tho brown skins; iust beforo serving arrange them on a icd of white and tender cscarolo, or small white lcttuco leaves; cscarolo is a variety of chiccory which has largo tender loaf-stalks; dress tho salad with a plain French salad dressing made by mixing one part of vinegar with three 6f oil and a palatable seasoning of salt and popper. Tho salad must bo oaten as soon as it is dressed, or it will lose its crispnoss and llavor. N. Y. 'Times. A very protty way to cover an old fashioned square stand (and almost every homo lias at least one) is to put over the top smoothy a lino pieco of scarlet or blue silosia, or cambric; over I thi3 put a covqr of any protty openwork lace or muslin. Then put a pioco of tho silosia about thirteen inches deep around it; cover this also with tho laco; tho effect is excellent, and in this way a usoful article of furniture is redeemed from positive ugliness and deformity. If tho legs are scratched or marred, a coat or two of varnish will niako them look all right AT. Y. Post. When hens lay thin-sholled eggs, as the non-sitters are apt to do, or eggs with no shells at all, it is not enough to feed broken bones, oyster shells, and other forms of phosphate of lime. They must have nitrogoncous food, in con nection with a considerable amount of fat. One of tho best and ehoapest foods of this kind is the common cracklings I lett alter pressing out laru. Witnout flesh or fat, both the limo and phos phate in good wheat screenings, though devoured with avidity, do not soem to bo assimilated so as to increase tho thickness of the shells, but then thoro is a visiblo improvement .in a day or two, and a very decided one in less than a month. Of course cracklings must bo fed with moderation, elso diarrhea fol lows, and mid no increase of urea. My oxperieyco is that for tho non-sitters Mmd the production of eggs, thoro is no ifood (tho fowls having nmplo range) equal to one-sixth corn, one sixth crack lings, and two-thirds clean and sound wheat screenings, with gravel and broken burned bones ad libitum. Country Gentleman. Tho Queen of Home. Said Dr. Talmadgo, in a recent ser mon: "When you think of a Queen you do not think of Catharine of Ilussia, or Maria Theresa of Gormany, or Mary Queen of Scots. When you think of a Queen you think of a plain woman who sat opposite your father at the table, or walked with him down tho path of lifo arm in arm sometimes to tho thanks- giving banquet, sometimos to tho grave, ut always side by side, soothing your little sorrows and adjusting your littlo quarrels, listening to your evening pray er, toiling with the needle or at tho spinning-wheel, and on cold nights tucking you up snug and warm. And then on that dark day when she lay a-dying. putting tlioso thin hands that had toiled for you so long, putting them together in a dying prayer commending you to that Goil in whom she had taught you to trust. 0! she was the Queen slio was the Queen. You cannot think of her now without having the deepest emotions of your soul stirred, and you feel as if you could cry as though you wore now sitting in infancy on her lap, and if you could call her back to speak your name with the tenderness with which she once spoke, you would bo willing now to throw yourself on tho sod that covers her grave, crying, Mother! mother!' Ah! she was tho Queen. Your father knew it. You knew it. She was the Queen, but tho Queen in disguise. The world did not recognize it. Our Horses in England. Tho marvelous porformancos of Amer ican horses in England and Franco last season, are naturally directing the at tention of o;i countrymen to whnt may happen during tho coming season. Many foolish Americans will lay largo wagers of money upon the American horses of this year, because of the suc cess of two American horses last year. Among tho horses that will take part in tho races this year are Foxhall, tho win ner of tho. Grand Prix, Iroquois, tho winner of tho Derby, Gerald, Sachem, Arnza, Mistake, Naereid, ami of course many others, these being tho most fa mous. American sporting men say that our climate is better suited to tho horse than that of Great Britain. Tho horse is a native of a warm, clear climate, and honco the superiority of the Kentucky horse over those nro'dir cd under moro Northern skies. Tho contest in England of the next two or throe years will show whether or no the American nice-horse is superior to the English stock from which ho originally sprung. Dcmoreafi Monthly. Vegetable or Mluernl, A phyilclftu writing to & journal of medi cine, not lonp ago, jlroclalmcu against the mo of mineral poisons in curing diseases, on tUo ground that In ninety-nine cases out of a hun dred more mischief th.ih benefit was the re sult. In his practice ha dispensed entirely with the use of it e ciiry, etc., and attributed his succe-s mostly to his prescribing Yefretablo and herb medicines only. In the faco of thesu facts, every Invalid should tako warning. Tone up thejsystcin and give strength to tho various orgnn.8 of llfo by using such a remedy as Dr. nuysott's Yellow Dock and Bara.ipa rllla. Its southing and re fro shins? Influence will drlVe away all nhji.cnl and mental dis tress. It Is espccla ly strengthening to the urinary and digestive org ins. A single bottle will prove Us merit. It is very pleasant to take. Wheh a murderer Is reprieved' twenty min utes before the perform nice is to tnkcpl.icc, a playful way to put It Is, that ho "skipped tho ropc.,, Texas S(ftliigs. . ... -I 1.1 1. T T TV A iuu.nh mnu smiling iiimscu u. u. is,, writos as follows: "Six months ago I felt all broke up, I was very nervous. The least ex citement caused my heart to thump like an engine, at other times It seemed to ceaeo Lcat Ing altogether. 1 also had dyspepsia bad, and at night I was Very restless, and had disturb ing dreams. My whole system seemed out of fix, and pimples and sores troubled mo great ly. I was admitted by a druggist to try Dr. Ouysott's Yellow Dock and Sarfiaparlllo,- It has restored mo to perfect health." "Ou, for a butter half I" said the sorrowing widower when ho found a counterfeit . fifty cent piece among his change. Cambridge Tribune. ' " Dragging Pains." Dn. It. V. PiKitCB, Buffalo, N. Y. : Dear Sir My wife had Buffered with "femalo weak nesses" for nearly three years. At times sho could hardly move, she had such dragging pains. We often saw your " Favorite Prescrip tion" advertised, but supposed like most patent medicines It did not amount to anything, but nt last concluded to try a bottle, which she did. It mado her sick at llrst, but it began to show Its effect lu a marked improvement, and two bottles cured her. Yours, etc., A. J. IIoyck, Deposit, N, Y. "Can you flirt a fanl" asked a coquette of :r partner. "No," ho replied, "l can not; it I can fan a flirt." her but Dit. Pierce's "Pellets," or sugar-coated granules the original "littlo liver pills," (beware of Imitations) curo'slck and bilious headache, cleanse the stomach and bowels, and purify tho blood. To get gonuine, seo Dr. PIcrco's signature and portrait on Government stamp, lio cunts per vial, by drtlgnlsts. It Is a sad astronomical fact that during tho terrible thunder storm tho. other night tho milky way becamo sour. Ar. Y. Herald. Snlcldo Mario V.nny. Let your liver complaint tako Itsowncourso and don't take Dr. Pierco's "Golden Medical Discovery." Sold by druggists. A foolish old woman, being ono evening at n party, was greatly at a loss for somethiug to say. At leugth she ventured to Inquire of a gentleman who sat next her whether his mother had any children. The gentleman politely pointed out the absurdity of her in quiry. "I beg pardon," exclaimed the old lady, perceiving her mistake; don't you "un defstaud me. i wish to Inquire whether your grandmother had any children." SlirewtluoHH and Ability. Hop Bitters, so freely advertised In all tho papers, secular and religious, are having a large sale, and arc supplanting all other medi cines. There is no denying tho virtues of tho Hop plant, and the proprietors of these HU era have shown great shrewdness and ability In compounding a Bitters whose virtues are so palpablo to every one's observation. Examin er and Chronicle. m Ryan, the pugilist, is fond of "Pinafore," It Is said. We cannot believe tills, as ho lias shown no desire recently to faco Sullivan's music. The Score. " A doubtful friend Is worso than a cer tain enemy." And vice versa a certain friend Is infinitely better than a doubtful enemy. Thus Kidney-Wort Is an incomparably better friend to the human race than wholo cata logues full of doubtful nostrums. It is an un failing remedy for that tormenting disease, piles. It moves the bowels gently and freely, and thus removes the cause. Do not fail to try It faithfully either In dry or liquid form. A ooon time to oftcr your hand to a lady when she Is getting out of an omnibus. The fairest faces are sometimes marred by myriads of pimples, and markings of tetter or freckles, which are readily removed by a popular toilet dressing, known as Dr. Ben son's Skin Cure, lit en seVofulous ulcers yield to it. Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile I'll Is have a wide reputation ns the best, safest and cheapest remedy extant, for all uorvous dibcasus and headaches. A slip ok Tin: tonoue: Sho (encouraging ly); "Your step suits mine exactly." Ho (nervously) : "So glad to hear you say so; I kuow I'm such a bad valtzcr."-Vufj. ' Old Slobson was raking In tho front yard yesterday when ho noticed u boy gaiiug through tho picket fcuco in a most earnest manner. "What aro you doing," asked tho old man. "Watching the Hake's Progress," replied tho boy, as ho dodged Just lu time. ltochenter Exprene. A Tennessee negro ato two raw mackerel, two dozen hard boiled eggs, and drank two buckets of water. Mako liiin sick? Oh, no I Ho wanted more. You see he was a week do ing H.lioston J'oit. "Do too admire tho principles of Jeffer son I" asked an enthusiastic politician of a society friend. " I really don't know much about ids principles." uas the reply, "but he plays MUp Van Wiuklo' superbly." J'itU bnrgh 1'elegraph. An eminent scientist says that when a lady cannot sit down without her nose becoming red, it shows that there is imperfect circula tion of tho blood, caused by tight lacing. Same with gentlemen. A red nose is a sure ign of tightness somewhere. " Ir you would retain tho lovo of your afll anccd, younir man, do not permit her to in veigle you Into an ice-cream saloon. If you do a coolncsb will soon exist between you. At tho annual session of tho National Acad emy of Sciences In Washington, Theodore Gill read a paper on "Tho Development of Chi ropterygium from tho Icthopterlglum." There was not a dry eye in the house. ATorrUtown Herald. " I think the gooso has tho advantage of you," said a lady to an inexpert hoaider who was carving. "Guess It has, mum in age," was tho withering retort. Tvnpall's theory that heat Is simply mo tion In another form must bo true. Strlko a piece of Iron and It becomes hot. Strike a man and he Immediately boils over Thoro li, however, ono exception to tho rule. 8t Ike a warm friend for a short loan and he at once becomes aa cold as an iceberg. Philadelphia Neva. Wmtij to Mrs. Lydla E. rinkham, COT West ern Ave nuo, Lynn, Mass., for names of ladles that have been restored to perfect health by tho use of her Vegetable Compound. It Is a positive euro for the most stubborn cases of female weakness. CosTOMRii " nivo mo some flih I" Walter "What will you take, sir, Uuoflsht" Cus tomer "It makes no difference; I am color blind." J'uck. m t3T"In the Diamond Dyes moro coloring Is given fortOcentsthan jnanylSorL'ft-ccntdycs, and they givo faster anil more brilliant colors. m Wnv would coal dealers make good lawyers! Bccauso they know nil about coke and little tou. Cambridge Tribune. "Rottou on IUts." Clears out rats, mice, roaches, bed-bugs, vermin, chipmunks. 15c. SoMrfof the young ladles who go to Florida bring home young alligators. Others secure uusuanus. " BuciiOTAinA." Quick, complete cure, all annoying Kidney D.'seaies. f I, at Druggists. Miss Dickinson Is a uoble-henrtcd woman, sav what they will. . Bho Is always ready to tako a man's part. JJoaton Transcript. IlEtmiNa's Iluss'a Salve Is unequaled for clillu!a!ns,cliapped hands, frost bitcs,etc. Try It. Tar the new brand, "" Spring Tobacco." " National Yeast Is tho best. Use It. HOME QUESTIONS to Tim Sick and Debilitated. Is it worth whllo to cmluro ponal tor turooverynlnht from wakefulness, Ina bility to sloop, nervous prostration, 4o., when you oan bo immediately relieved nud pormanontly cured by so agri-cablo n remedy na SAMARITAN NERVINE Does It pay to bo compelled! by dobil lty nnd languor, to ubaiulon active busl- ness when brain, nurvo nnd musclo oan bo braced up and the wlinlo system oan bo restored to a healthy condition by a courso of SAMARITAN NERVINE You nervous dyspeptic, why np praaah tho dinner-tablciially with a posi tive disgust for nil th it Is savory and delicious, whim ti vigorous appetite for even tho plainest food is created by tho usoof SAMARITAN NERVINE Is it wise to llvo in this bright world as though It wero u dnntroon, constantly miserable and discontented, whan tho worst cases of epilepsy, nervousness or hypochondria nro cured In a very short Mini) by such u picusantand wholcsomo nn oxhllernut ns SAMARITAN NERVINE Can it bo possiblo that any person of a norvous temperament will run tho ,rlsk of apoplexy or paralysis when ho can tnuo.aud rouulato tho nervous con fers with SAMARITAN NERVINE Is it not n species of moral insanity for nny merchant, mechanlo, farmer or traveler to bo without tho best known antldoto atrulnst, SAMARITAN NERVINE Considering tho hnrrusslng nnd de- pressing nature of tho lunotloiinl do runirnmout to which woman Is subject, is it not ostonlshluir that nny invalid of tho feoblor sox should hosltnto to seek tho certain relief ntfordod in such cases by the general operation of SAMARITAN NERVINE TAKE RICIlAlONDVS CATHARTIC AND NERVINE PILLS for tho euro of all disorders of tho Stomach, Liver, Howols, Kidneys, mad der, Nervous Diseases, Hoaditoho, Con stipation, Costlvciiuss, Ac These pills nro mado to work in harmony with our Samaritan Norvlno. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. M RICH PAnSONS' PURGATIVE PILLS &$& Wood, una will completely cliaiiKu tlir blood in tliu en tire lyitcm In three mnmln Any ponton who will takn 1 pill etclinluhtf rum I to 1 wet-kt iiiut lie reiliirecl to lounrt health. If inch a tiling he poiiltilr Bold ev ery wneru, or unt liy mad 'or H letter tanip. I. 8. JouNtoN A Co., Uuitou. Mas., fonncily Jlausor.Me. TH BOOK THAT UVKItriiODT WANTS! QKANDEST WOItK 01' THE AOBI 8ALE8 ARE XXkXAX3axr3iJ i Teachers, Bin- IMPERIAL! It war. Tat at-mi,tinuoih TUUTOWMTU I'Hl Kxclu- tt worker v i .1 ivk Tmal toht (iivrx. AGENTS I If" Aiiiirrn. with aUIDI), O.W, BOntAND&CO,, I'IBLUIIHU.1, 103 BUU-at, Chicago. 111. AGENTS WANTED "r'r IHcuitrJ by hit WtjtmtJ Mot.rr. Outfit, etc.,. IO . J ll.CUAMHEIta & ( O l'ubllihpri. fct. I.ouli, Mo. IK linn .VUir..Tr.ItH now me our Nivr I U U U U nit-r hi (Up Mil kind) of w,o they wtu cut better than ever. I'rleo SB.rtO. Clrcitlunt amlprliu-ato Aceufk. Aililrc K. ItOl'll & UltO , New OiurJ, Pa. QA l'er Week can be made tn any locality. JP)l Siiinedilnir rnlln ly new lor asrnM. SB outfit inc. a, W, lAUJtAlIAll Ji Co.,Uoiton,MiA BLOOD ! HIGHWAY I A NEW DISCOVERY. rtTFor nevcral years wo har furntihod thel Dairymen of America with mi eireUont artl-J flcial color for battn ao meritorious that It met 8 fwlln (treat aucoeaa everywnero recelrlntr tho 4 highest and only prlsoa at both International A nr tin I lir nnllmit nnd aelentlfla rhitmlml ra. Mxnrrh wAlmrn tmnmYitl In fMNTml tinlnlji. anil I now offer thin new color m tht brtt in the tcorM. J It Will Not Color the Buttermilk. It I Will Not Turn Rnnold. It la tho j Strongest, Brightest nntl Clionpost Color Mnrte, tWAml, whllo nrpnl In oil, li so compound J that It la ImpoiWtile for It to become ranclil. nrBEWARE of alt Imitations, anil ot all other oil colors, for they aro liable to becomo rancltlantl itioll thn butter. 1 VTlt youronnoteetthe"lmproTed" write u to know where an J how to cct it without extra oxpenaa. (IS) WCLLS, lltCtliutlSOX A CO., nnrltnttoa, Tt. ON 30 MYHRIAL Wo will send on 30 Days' Trial DR. DYE'S GRLGBIUTBD Eleciro Voltaic Belts AND SUSPENSORIES, And other ELECTRIC APPLIANCES TO MEN BuffrrltiK from Ncrvoui Debility. t.ot Vitality, Vljcor and Manhood, rt-iiiUlnR from Abutci ami other raiura; or to any pcraon aflllcteil hh Uheiimu tlam, Nrtiriilirdi, JHi-nlyal, Mtttnnl IHrricul ties, I.uma Hack, I.lvnr mill Ktihioy 'I'mu Met., liiiiiturca, unci oilier diseases of thn Vital Oricana. Bpecdy relief and complete Matura tion to In nllli Kinirantvcd, Tliraa - Ihn only Klrctrlc Aiillanrrs that hun ever been rou striK'trtl upun Nclrullllu principles. Their tlioroiiuli i-nicary Inn been praetfrally proven with tin most Moiulerliil success. Wet liavo tlir rstt ntoiiy or thousands m lu luivo tireu aiulcklr nnd radically on red lty their use. All we aau of nny pet son Is IiikIvo litem a trial I'ur UO days and lie emit lm-eil Mild at once for Illustrated Pamphlet, giving nil luroriiiiitliin, free. Address VOLTAIC BELT CO., OTAKHIIAI.T., MITH. r 'am i ..Tw.TT7rTTyT1ffig'7iirrf RTIFI L. P. HASKELL, Dentlst,12;.- lias devoted UO years exclusively to Artificial Terlh. KurlKlymra Ims nimlo " Xt.l.V.SH' Cotf ttntious (lutii Work." th only perfect method for Artl. tlciulTeuth. Write for tils book "In FREE. Jurlous effects of Vulcanttcd ltuliher." ASTHMA cureo llrriuuti AntUiun 1,'uro nevoryulistoirlvn im. ..rtiiuierriif in uv wuroi ciiimih.iuhu ran coin ton- slim Bleep : cuocia r urr a wncni an ntnorn tail. A trial rontintei (As molt ikrpticul, I'd Co MIc. nnd Kl.tHliOllJruiririHtHnriiymau. baiuptn irKl'.F, lorBiniup. iiu u nuiiifr man, ni. 1'Aiu, Minn !! Month For Men or Ladio s In m nieiiMHiiL lliislnrss nt Home. Rend for Circular. P.W.ZIEOLEH&CO,, 1B0E. Adams Bt., OhlcaBO, 111, ESTABLISHED 1041. CSAL TEETH IE FORSYTH SCALE YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO, UANUrACTUUK AM. KINII8 Ok SSOXi-JES ARE NOW MAKING, FOR FARMERS AND fl.OOO fbs. Platform AT REASONABLE SEND FOR PRIOE-LIST, nrA Good Active Man, In this County, Wanted na Airent. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS. AGENTS! (LADIES OR CENTS) Make Money Fast -SELLING OUR NEW BOOK. Invaluable In All Housekeepers. Useful, Practical and Popular. Addross V. K. OWK.NS, 030 Fulton Streot, CIiIciiro. RAILROAD GAZETTE. A JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION. Engineering and Railroad Nowa. Published at 73 nroadtray, Nit York. a4.XU per annum iiostave freo. Wins. OArtFIELD. QUERN VIOTORIA nnd PRESIDENT ARTHUR. 00W. buj- th.4. AKDKUM A H.I,IAUVOUTll, Kockford. lit ANCY'S VA.NOTT at.ii(aiii:tn for llfn painters M) eta. Htandard filirn Writ r. .'. State dard Scroll Hook, . Hcrolla and OrnntrtMits (Loudol jibe), II, Japanesft Ornamrntatlun, . rtlRn.OarrlaKe, Car. Fresco and Decorative I'alntlnK, su cts. Clitap Ilookof Alpliabeti, Wets, Of booksellers ft nl pal lit er's supply stores or by mall. JUaBE HANKY & CO., lit Nnsau fat.. N. Y. IilLOOUTIO.NIMT'H JOURNAL, full of fresh J aod good pieces, ooJjr Un ceuia ol all ocm dealsit. 4 The four nnest Cabinet Bteel Knirrar m Inmon tinted card board with Ullt Jt2 llnvclad Udccs, stt printed ot jfm JAS.A.GARhELDT Dawn of a New Era. Dltaon A Co. mako a special fcatttrn of Hun lay School Song tlooks. ami o.n (tfoly coinnvnil th'' thr e new ones which they publish this aiasiin I'helr cum pliers an-tiractlcil work rstn theMunday Rchool, itud with prcylous publications hare been extremely auo ccasful, The new hooks aret THE BEACON LIGHT. lly J, 11. TKNNKY and K A. HUFFMAN. A collection of new hymns and tunes, I'.ireftllly ( beted trom alaricequtniUy of manuicrlpta, of which four out of every tlv wore n'Joi!t Ml, onllhu voryboat bclug retained I'rlce, lit rents. LIGHT AND LIFE. lly It. M Mcl.VroSII This new book Is quits C(Hiiin'lienh i', protldlnir In a atnsll spscatmilc material for two years. IiicIiiiIIi'k" (treat arloiy nf new hymns, ns well as Mtn oldi'r onus which are always In roqtls l'rloe, ." conla. BANNER OF VICTORY. lly A .1 AlltlKV nnd M J, MUNOKIt. This la Ihe latest of the tlireo new hooks, nud la sure to tmetwItliKoodiucci'ss I' conlnlus nil th varlotyimd freshness which could well hi ile r 'it. tin IiiiIIiik iii.iny tM'autirul plecca esp o.lslly ailasi mI for Prayer nnd pralit mrctlnci. 1'rlcu, lift cents, LYON & HEALY, Chicago. OLIVER DITSON & CD., Boston. Hbltft'i rwif Is ont otht but, tiwiinl anil miutrtldOilt Fvmh n tht U'orM, rh lltlrrn oriieel rr'ry tt biU. Itt"the ' INVAI.IJi'H IIII.T. IllOnirS FOonrecelvpstliolnilnrsoiiinntofplDtl olana of all sehonlath nworld over. In oanaof.lS cents, Otoautajai .lamlri TMirarlinttho alttnalurnof VOOI.KIClt si: VO. ou every label. IS A SURE CURE for nil dlaonoos of tho Kldnoys nnd LIVER It haa apcclflo action ou Uila tnoat Important orenn, cnabltnc; It to tlirow otr torpidity nnd Inaction, Btimulatlne tho healthy aocToUon of Uio Bile, anil by keeping tlio bowola In freo condition, oUbotltiff ltd rocular discharge RTIctloirSca Ifyounro.utTcrlnirrrom aWi U 1 3 n C9 malaria, lmvo tho olillls, aro Wlloun, dyspeptic, or oonatipatod, Kidney Wort will Burcly rollovo nnd qulolcly cure. la tho Hprinff to alcanaotlioOyitatn. ovary ono should tako a thorough oourso of It, U- SOLD DY DRUGGISTS. PrlcoSI. lliMrajMMMM tAKE HENS LAY An Kngllili Veterinary Hurceon and Uhoiiilst, now tmvelliiK lu this country, anya that most of thn llnrsn ami (lattln I'owilnrssoldlioriiaraworthlnMtrash. Ho sa)athat8lleriilau'M(JondltjouI'owdnrnnroahHnlutely liurnanilliniuunsely valuable. NothliiK an earth will mako linns lay jlkn Hherldan'a Condition Powder. Uoso, nuu tnasiioonfiil to ono iint food. Mold uvery whore, orsantby inallfor nluht lattnr Htat.ips. I. H. lOHNHON &nO,.ll(iton,Mass..formtirly llaiwor.Mi. l'AUBONa' ruiiOATlVK 1'lLLH make now rioli bloud. fA.REED& SONS' ORGANS.) ;uiti aiilt-ed liir'l.inr Hint IMiralilllly. IV NKW CATAI.I)(1I'K JI'HT tHIT-SIINT FIIKE. Ki:i',i)'N 'I'KMl'I.KOI'' M IINIC, I OTHERS, Scales, M WaarnacttT ly encased In tile pnxeou tlunof I'cn.loa ...1 .,,.... r- nit., uiiiui ,, mr C'lnliiis.snd ra- HIiM. tfllllv .. 1 fit eoiii-sionnanru lrlvl. I'tlf ll,-l Yon,- iii,i j.,r. MII.U II. HTKVr.Nfl.liOO., Attoinoys.alo., Ws'.IIINUTON, I). 0, ClKVK.r.ANn OHIO! Ciitciuo, Ili i UicrKoir. Miuu. aOKTO' IMPROVED ROOT UEER trXEUsO u"1' I",liiK'iinak-.Spslloiihof adelclous mIioIhoiiiu, iparkllnK TejiirH-rancfl ImTersirr A.Vviiiinlnii'irliL or strut oy null lor Cc. U.U.1IUM. It N 1). la. Ave., mils. OPIUM & MORPHINE TJAmTNfi A Trontlso on Hi 'r Dil 1 111 IT siifiy ruru bi.N i' I IlKK 1)11. J.O. lloKmAN, I' O nox lS, L'lilcAiio, ill. Tht Rut In the MteviMi. Hint 'irated nrliVllt free TIIK AULTMAN 4 1 AYLOIt CO., Mansntld. O. OPIUM tloi-pnino IInliU4?nrl In IS .Vunur till Cur L. Uu. J.brKi'iisNk, Lebanon, UUlia, if lUousands of referiMicea from persons cured. SOLDIERS '; KIO Avrutt lo All. rlln .1. ICIIUIIKM. ndAifint rUnUlutou.Ualc $2 (H.K A MONTH-AGENTS TED-o't i"hlllnKiirll'Ii'liiili' world 1 sutnple,rre. rw? Address .1 uy 11 i-ouson, Detroit, Midi. n A WEKK $12 ii (lav nt homo easily matlo. Owtljf outllt f reo. Addi ess True it Co, Amruata, Ma. Scud atamp for Hook. J la NbBJbM I iiic.ltU.MH,UutTalo. iresi N.Y. n 1 1 O O I P C r Dealers Medium Work. Low K 1 1 h li I r V'rlces. UNION CARRIAGE MFO. U U U U I UJco.,Oinoinnati,0. Cataloruo Frea. H ia fOnpcrdayntlinme. Saniploa worth 8. 3 i0 vZU free. AddrwsSriMio.N 4iCu 1'ortland, .Me. VDIlUn MPU It you want to learn Telegraphy In lUUflU mtn a few inontlis, and bs certain of lUuation, address VaLK.sti.nk IIkoj.. Janesvlllu, Wis. $66 A WEEK in your own town. TuruiH and 5ouUltfroo.Addr's llallottAi Co.. Portland, 11 A. N. IC. kr T3 ifiK.v wuiTixu ro .tin t: h, Vleitm mtu iom adic c .liftioriyeiitcilf in iijnr.t jffWHtrr7",'.uT'ii' i'-i'Jtf1'iifl!P sWHl4V'p i i ' ' LLi.tix3w) BgfTlb,txjsjiasaiL j ss! lai m LT.'ittka l PRICES. ?$ skfaflassskw. QflvL L5lA aBBWIaal ' 1 ' Tn T m J Twl7 1 MTi Mff rV ' VI ppHsmws i