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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1882)
iwinuuwimtmwiiujLULauiniMuitiitiimimiiuiijmMux.wumimuiwsii tjmmMimn Y -1 VM?fci thci'tiner. j ' Q. W. FAIRBROTCIER ft CO., Pro?rIt3M. :'OALVERT. : : NEBRASKA. REGULATOR pp ...,. .i -.... imniM,imuMiMai UMkJ 1 X J- Proceedings of County Commissioners. At iin adjonnioil muoting of tlio bomd of county commissioner:), hold May 12th mid i:Jth, 18S2. Present, full board. , Tlio following business was done, to-wit: L. L. lliilbuid's resignation as justice of tho poaco accepted, and D. II. Mer cer was appointed to 1111 the vacancy. ' H. W. Knott's resignation as justice of the peace of Peru was accepted. .1. P. Hoover's resignation as road BUporvihor ot road district No. 1, Ne maha Ctty precinct, and petition ask ing the appointment of Chas. Howe to (111 vacancy; resignation accepted and prayer of petition granted. Petition presented by G. W. Brat ton bt'lil, askinir the board to appropriate means for uradint: the hill on SixtU street, south from the city of Btown villo. After duo consideration, the board allowed $100 for the use of Haiti grading. di:lin(jiti:nt tanks'. On lots 4, r and ( in block :16, Brown ville, for ls71) and 18S0: ordered that the county treasurer take tho principal less the interest; On lots 12 and 1!J in block 70,Brovn ville, for the years 1802 to 1880, inclu sive; ordered that tho value of said lots bo fixed at .$S, and tht tho coun ty tieasurer receive that amount in full of taxes for tlio above named years; On lot 12, in block 3H, Brownvillp, for tlio years 187(5 to 1882; application to pay piiiu-lpal, loss interest; ordered that tho county treasurer take tho principal, less interest, on above lot; On blocks r and 0, North Brown ville, for tho years 1S7:J to 1880, inclu sive; ordered that tho county treas urer take r0 per cent and costs on tho above blocks. i:itRONi:ors asmsmizxt On part of lot 10, section (!, town ship 4, range Hi east, l acre, valued at S1000 for tho year 1881, it appears to the board that there is an erroneous as sessment on the above land. The board authorized the county treasiuer to reduce the taxes on the above land fi om Si 000 to $10. In the matter of erroneous tax sale to V. 0. McClure, on lots l.i and 10 in block 24 and lot 14 in block 22, Brown villo; petition ptosonted by O.sboin A: Taylor, attornejs for W. 0. iMcCluru, asking for the refunding of money on erroneous vak sale to said . 0. Mc- Clure. After duo consideration, tho board allowed tho amount of said rlaim. In tho matter of the personal tax of !Mis. Hllen It. Beckford, for tho year 1SS0: Ordered by tlio board that' the county treasurer striko from tho tax books of the year I8h0 tho personal tax of Mrs. Ellen It. Beckford. orrici.u, jionus. Tho following ollicial bonds wen? ap proved : Henry Jacobs, constable "William Gulzmer, supervisor. 1). II. Mercer, justice ol tho peace. mi.sui:m.ani:ous. Tho board approved tho annual statement of Frank Woodward, as su pervisor for 1881. In tho matter of locating a county road o;i section lino between sections ;) and 4,' in township .", range 14 east, running south on section line .'1 miles: Ordered that tho county surveyor plot tho same and the county clerk ordored to draw warrants for all expenses at tending the same. Tho board entered into an agreement with C. W. Butler to sell him tlio stone in the old abutments of tho bridge at Boy's branch for $585. 1)i:unqi'i:nt taxj:s On lots 1, 2, :l, 4,." and 0, in block 54, and 7 and 8 in block ."),", and 1,11 and 12, in block 8s, and 1, in block 87, in Peru, for the years 1805 to 1880, inclu sive: Ordered that tho county treasur er take 50 por cent and costs on the nbovo land, except for tho jear 18S0 Arkwright & Curzon, Brownville and Calvert, Practical Watchmakers, AND DIUI.KHr! IN psB atcnes, AND JEWELRY. Largest Stock in the County. aT. p a. t mee, iMtoi'uiirrou VV - &' v. r, v - 1A.X - y Oily 151 CALVERT, NEBRASKA. Fresh Bread, Pies,Calces, Etc., always on Hand. Best Cigars in the City. Jce ( 'ream! Cf" llcmember the place First door west ot McGce & Moore's. 1TOW IN CALVER1 With a full line of Agricultural Implements. Will make the cm ici&t Siiiiiei? a. SSpecialiy. and will attend to the wants of all my old customers, and as many new ones as may come and deal with me. You will iind here for sale WOTWWtFJi MOIITJNIS, and the famous M the best and most complete CORD BINDER A HARVESTER "m "Z. ffftf&ipH i (rat B JOHINSON Nemaha Co., Neb., IUing'Abecn recently SureeJ tni IMatteJ n SHC. 7, T. s, R. 13, In the Western part of Nemeha County, Ne braska offers rare chances for Commercial Mechanical 'Mm&T u On part lots 1 and 2, ami pint s i sv .i .-.. i aim w 'i all in Huc- YOli CASH Oil OX TUE. Apply to s. A. OSBOBN, Hrownvilli', .Johnson, or Calvert ne and pau nv 'i iinu part o n v l.j anil part sv lt no inv .( and part so nv tion 20, township !, range 10, and part of lot 1, in section 25, township 4, raiiRO 10 east, for tho yours 1807 to 1S81, inclusive. Tlio following order was made on tho above land: Tt appearing to tho board that tho land hereinbefore described bo and is hereby valued at tho prico of Gf). KEPOllT OK COUNTY' JUDGK. Tho report of John S. Stiill, county judgiJ, for fees rocoivod for qunitnr Gliding-April 1st, lbS2, 190.70, was ap proved and ordered filed. IICI'OKT Or COUNTY TJlKASUKIt. J. C. Bousfiold.county treasurer.made liissomi-annual report as county treas urer, which report, with vouchors, was received and placed on lllo. A310UNT KX'l'KNIinn I On general fund, $l,!n8.r0. On bridge fund, $l, 10-1.00. On district road fund, $17.00. "Board adjourned to meot tho third Monday in June, as a board of equali zation. F. Ki:nn:nx, Pros. J. B. Docicmt, County Cleik. Oil liilSS Fresh Dread, pies and 'cakes a w,uys,ou hand at A. I'almer'fl, JJrowii-villc. Thv niifjorltti of the Ills of Hi humnn body aria from tt iltringrmHt f tha I.lvcr, affiellny both the slom aeh and birrln. In ortT effect a iil, it it uectsauru to rmi tha cntnt. Irregu lar titid Sluggish acllmn vf the Htwelt, Urudnclie,Meltniiaiit th Btomneh,rttlH in the ISaeli ami Loli3,el., imlteul thnt the Liver i$ at fault, unJ that nature re quire Htelitano t rnttliU thin mrgnn tu mfflmpurltlcn. IrIcUly ABll Mltcwreeepeclallt eetnpoundtd for thl purpose. They ure mild in their at Hon and tffentire m a ours; art pltamnt to the tmteaud tahen eatlly by htth children and adults. Ta ken Hocerdlng t dlreettewi, they are tafe and pleasant rurefer liyttlHiVHln, Oaueral Dehlllty.KHlJltuiil Cou stlpatloti, OlHcaocd KldneyH, etc.. etc. Asa itloott lnrlHeriiry are superior to ? '' mcdMnot cleansing the yiftn thtroughlg, md imparting neui life and enereu Ihein valid. It is a mf UclH d UOt an Intoxicating ! ASK YOUR JRUODIST f8B fBICUY ASH JITTtM, tnd tV:a n other. WlXCB, 1.00 per Bottle. I MEYER BR6S. & C4 , SCLP PROPRIETORS, tOUIjUki fl 7 aS uitiJ VL.ff in Tf TAb Hi"0 a fiJL.!3UfeB3 A LL. KEADB ? Mamifacturcd at l'EKIN, ILL. The With Tabic Rake, is admitted to be the best !.. Dm P. KAA,nu ISMVMk;Mn,l WithT; iBYl3 llGti Jtil Olf IVIUWCI bUniUiildUi and lightest running reaper in the world. MARSH NO. 4 fflTW yj csrv Has tivcn nm- r vcrsal satisfaction wv h H'V" hh a n wrti k. rrt lEkMiairH (&& AOiU o' faVS WW iftttlttittn to all who have tried them, and will he sold at a bargain. Conic and sec them. I take gicat pleasuiein inviting my fanner fiiends to call and examine my implements, and obtain some in formation of the advantages which these fatno.i. machines have over all others. Come to the "REGULATOR" headquarters at CaKeit for everything in the line of faun machin eiy. I will make it to youi inteiest tt) ti.ule with me. Remember the place. TMOIOCAS lEtLXOSBEjfikSiO DB.WBITTIBS w 17 SI. Chark's Sired, SI. Louis, 3ff.-i. V rit.l(ir Krnjiu out lu "I ImitCultav", lnw wa loncir loiiilfd ttmu nai oi'iurl i ui i In .bt.l.ouU.nt titr iiiinrKiiftn,nnilnll oM tMliln- kuow Byplill ; Ocuuor hn,cri fpt.Htrleturo.o ctitls, liuntuie.e i Vrlnnry 'le op Metmr a Aftoctlyus ut VhroRt,!iXluorX:nMiiri'il Hifrlj- I'rlr.oilr. iP3rrR5r'-Un,Bn3;UnliiCj htv au(lIi-.pQtnoy . ihultnf hlf-Abv., v.niilii'oi.oilr n iti:ur .ari,0' orr briiMnurk, iiroduulnsnurtMBtinw.Hiiruln- I ernl lsn, iih Hr, illmnpfinf nft.'jt,lofn.-tlv, iuia orj, phwlCRl tt finJou to toclHtjr uinfuUnn f I 'int, low i I re(n( or,uU.'ht Im'xs.rnndoriiiK VHnr rI(ro t"TinnnpnMjrctireil Cunviltatton iitOitico or j mnll fr4 nnil imlud. r.tin.ililnt on tamp. Jfiidlrl'irn snnt bjr muil or oiprotg. Cnmj i7i"vratM(l. VJj?r doubt oxlt It Ufruntilr ttu.i. pfWI. L GUIDE.! lha'ii)', wll told.tii till until, o, on Dm rollowlnq Rulijvrlv: Wlm m r in rf, wh l ml, win iliinliood, Worannhood, Vlijtli ilcieriy. V imIhiuW innrrjliovTlIfud hpplnotimibiiliicr':i,- i.nti of Cillnnc7 nnd xtHut, uuil m kit inoro. 1 ' umiur Mi irrontHiuplutlniMiirrlitK'itibiiuldriiiidltilM '-c im O.r look nntl Vr. S3 Otrt. b'null In niiiroj'ur yri In?. B'lglUh qgrmnti j-ion 'ir ilunclBpoVca raKK? PRESCRIPi":OH i.V M Sa&V6aknoH, it JUnlioo(l,;iprvoiinii', innv,Mu03iiliialiii) of I'ffn. Aversion ( Soi 'ii'y I )iiiMil.nTAniArT tirfll Dtn.vrlrM'hrfiilrht un Itv Holt. t MM 6lBSibllJte0l ljrlilS S"3S71JdaL3EHJS3! S Warner's Safe Kidney Cure, 85 cents. Any one dollar medicine, 75 cents. Any 25 cent box pills, 15 cents. Best Omaha white lead, 100 lbs., $6.75. Best Linseed Oil, per gallon, 70 cents. Pure Cider Vinegar, per gallon, 25 cents. , bint). Anrlrii:i.-lUluwt!ioli;crMtlnuU. St. Lout 'nriitlTInt' MitHt C'llftrlOi.Ht ).nul. ?tn 70B Chosnut Ot, 3t. toula, Mo. nt old oiru. , tontlcu isloiuro BiicrroatoiThtxiT., B nilnil viit iia, Xuipowncy.nll furms of DypbUiB,0 jjor- U Oleet, Urinary or Bladder iltBonHPH Hwro i il ciir'id In a fenrdnMi. Alltho dsuaui riniili'ii! fiuu wlf ubait, tioPHiisorojiioturf ourt'd for llfo viili it modlola). Adlco frm rimrnslow (Jnll or nr'tc lu otrloc conlKkncM Bvmptorn Book for twoi'tim' in the Drug and Book line at same rates. Come and sec. Hie I'iucsUikI llratMcdlclnoeTermailD.''; M A eo'iiblinUon of Hope. Ilnrhn, Slnndrnto, f .--. ' .-..,.... .... ..v v. av iu.. .UVJ0 VI ii3 - u-ra n-uicnica or ait oi'ior utrcni makoa ttiorrcfit- f5-t.V.!a,li1, V.u,'Itlw' I-lTir ltCUlutor, and LUo Uu lloaltli lUmtotlnff Acout on iaiUu j no u4Haso or 111 Iioaltli can poiulblr Ion exlut 5 "ere J lop nittoni ure usod, o rurled and pcrioct 8 Tli.jglf.n.Hllf.tBdtlg.rt.theBjtod.mlUBm. J' H To nil whoio e mploymenta causo Irrcirularltyof it jMIIiobovcig or urinary onrans, or who ronuiio un fi ATKtlzcr.Tonlo ami mil J btimuliuit, Hop UttcruM Jaioluraluable without lntuzlcotliitr. H J No matter what your focluuf. or ymptom. nn. R Jwhnttli.dlseaHo or ailment Is, tiso Hop l'lttem. 1 JDoii'tTra tunUI joaaroick,lutir you only fcolH nuiuormuieniwe.UBo tn Jiittora at onco. It may Si'mito your lire. It liaa taved huudrcda. ' i ?30 ,i.,rlu k" PftIl f or caa thy will not cum or y IioI.t. I)o not f ulTor nor let your frlcnda uuiTor, but iuo and un; tlwjn to use Hop Bitter. J iwujwpDer.uopIiIttersUnOTlla.drumHj.druijk m nOitiHinijlmtlho IrttunflUeBt Mwlicino over y no person or ranuiy ihould U without thtm. IiuiUly Oct umo til day. BBTl I Hop Couau CumUiS. wTet, gafcet and bct.fl a.jc cjjuurcu. k rrii Hop Fad for Btouiaeh,LlTcrand Kidney lstnp- . u .. vburiih vuix. uj tuiavt muii. abic urufur. D.I. C.Jianiibs)lutoanJlrres!rtlUocurefordnini f eancw, uo or opium, tobafco and narcotlMi U rft1Jl'r'J.-Sllt. IIopIlliWillfe.Co.R(.t,.t.r,r( Yj fDJ for Urmr. t j a rtZcnV T. JPttltcs-JSO'ia, Peru, Nebraska. v3 M i t w a fi K fib (Tfo (fl? g 1 1. i ii w u u '. ?j r.t i f & M n r " U ki L B HBIiUta -i g LmMmm AT CALVERT, lS'EBB. PPrJ wra anp&v& it ht2i PS m$& mw P mm ?N, ii HW OP EVERT KIHD CBI.AFCKZBAU ZVEK Illllug, Sliot Ouiii, Holera, Ammunl- - ,tlon, KIhIiIii; Tncklo, h!)lu, WotM, Knives, J-.'rs, j.utun, Ilamitiui Kh, tc. Ittirtfo Illuitratpd 'atnlo;ruc IIti;K. GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS, riTTSJivnon, va. GEO. I). CROSS, Manager. UJ JffigSi iin i N 1 iwiihwwi ' ' "' " am MSfeyH lb3 tii ".4.7jil rlSa nssssens3CSK3'WiaBBtsairinsH3J WANTED ! Iju'.Ics nti'l OentJemen, toenpujo with un to soil Mviril I'ffKl cfinHi'UoM Articles. I'roJlts Inrt'. Cii'iitr u:i,'lu. Ixclulvn torrlfury (tlNrt. No P'lmjii ti tlon. Tormi liberal. Giro iltn HtKH. dilre. Honltt MBiiBfuet b Co., Hoi vj'S, 1', I'.i. A NEW CUHBFOR nilRFS nYSPFPS A. lliniRESIIUN. HbAUAUHb & bILlUUbHbbb. s w.. .".- L . ... fllPAUBIHlYBY BROWN WlEDICINfc IVJI-U VU. USAVaHWBRTH, M. Try It Wow! ijoeLB dt ail Dxuooiaxs it N eve T Fails!" K POTATO RUGS .H auA.. . . . ! .' n - ': uixzjaixiaws,!: a. Ml iwj;.- .-- AilSf ALL TnOUBl FSOr.EVERMlH. flufo iur olfunlv t c .on i. B&uipl. rtcajjai Iwt' PM ? rn OIN I I IdrA . ,l T. 3C. Jolinnion, I'lltubnrah, I'n BSUSIOAL liiSTRUMEHTS HHfii'of nil klntlo for alo vary ohoap. flW W CatRlOgUf TVeo. AflIrw, niCHfiRD. HadrlULLI&o., BonCOS. I'ltcrijareh.a.'1- aiiui.ui A eomhtnntlon of JV' tnxitliuif Irnn,J'eruviat JlareaniU'uiKjihtfus in i vulatalile furn 0 T onlipri nitration t, j iron tlutt will not blacken the tei (h,so churaeterUtlaof ot'u rirnn nrriutratlons. bNTM.MI.Ni 1 liavo unr I in:. llAiili.U'b liio liMO In my iiraotlit, itml tit an istirlriice of twenty-flvo icars In r.icdlclnn, liaTCMievir ton ul ar tjlnj tw I c t io rs-fcu.u tiut Im. lUUTLn'.l litnf Tosto iloia. In r.anv c".ica of Ntrvoua l'rortralton, r tcniie j uc.isi i, lijsiiirwlt. and m lu- roTtrlMiod condition of tru blood, t' U pcorlws rcircdv. Ins In my lianu s. w.v.o tomu woudurfulouri". I iiea that have l)anlc I 'omoofoir, tt.t tt""J bt ..irIKIJ, lwojlih i-U uRrcataufl Incompar- liu. HAitTxit't luoN Tonil la a nrrc-si" in my jirvilce. i'l'. IIOUUIT WAMUKI.B, r!IM!!2!S!!S?''iilMf WIWSWWnWfSlff ffl7kf!lJ fMSjfiiFjilWKim nb." t . Li'TI". Mo . )m. Kill. 1RS1 Slot Wash Ait k Euanvssa)nn'nRr.M..HKMj'-n.Jw .' a'j.awwr.uuinH.cT'nvrr J gives color tit thv blood,' natural healthful tone to the digestive organs and nervous system, malting it apnll fable to Geixeral Debility, Taisii of Apne tileJ'rostratlon of vital J'owers and Impotence,, MANUFACTURED BY THE DRi HARTER MEDICINE CO.. 213 N. UAIN ST.. ST. LOUIS.