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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1882)
EH 0. W. FAIK8R0XHKR 00., Proprietor. : : NEBRASKA. CALVERT, 8uOHlPtl0N 82. Pl YlA in AdvancI. THUHSUAY, MAY 26, 1882. A. W. Nickoll, reliable uowadoalor, Brownvlllo. A. W. Nlckoll, reliable druggist, Brownville. A. AV. Nickel), Jlrownvillo. tho bookHcller.- For Lumber Linio and Coal go to J. W. Kkknh. BRICK! BRICK I Koranic by F. W. SamtiulHon, at tho Nemaha County Hank. Blank deedH, notca, mortgages etc., for wiloat this ofllco. Extra copies of tho Advertiser for sale at Dillon, Oroan & Co'h. drug atoro. (inoo per ycur oun bo ohhIIt mada at home working for K O. Hideout A Co,, 10 lliirolny fetrcst. Now York. Bond for their ottiiloKue and full particular". 10 ly Money to Loan. Wo can 1111 choice loans in three days. OsnoiiN & Tayi.ok. Groceries at Cost. Wo aro closing out our Groceries at COSt. NlCKKLL & SlIUHTS. Spr ring Patterns at McGee Moore's. Permit no HuhNtltiitloii. Insist upon obtaining Floreston Cologne. It is pre-eminently superior in purmauenco and rich delicacy of fragrauco. An immense stock of dry goods,etc, just arrived at McGee & Moore's. Failed Colors flcRtored. Faded or gray hair gradually recor d's its youthful color and lustro by tho use of Parker's Hair Balsam, an elegant dressing, admired for its purity and rich perfume. Reasons Why ! I can sell a Piano or Organ from 32S to 850 lower than any other Iioubo or agent in tho country: 1 pay no city tax. I pay no rent. I pay no clerks. . 1 warrant all instruments to bo flrat clasi. Should an instrument noed re pairing within five years, 1 will repair it gratlB. Address, Jas. It. Dyk, 48tf Nemaha City, Nebraska. Wanted. A good, reliable man ami wife to work on farm and do housework. Good wngcJ and steady work the year round. L.H.IUttlks, Howe. Lawns that defy the heat at J. L. Mc Gee's, Brownville. Rright's Diseaso of tho Kidneys, Di abetes and other diseases of the kid neys and liver, which you aro being bo frightened about, Hop Rlttora is the only that will Buroly and permanently prevent and cure. All other pretended cures only relievo for a time and then mako you many times worse. ESTABLISHED 18 7 0. CONOVER BROTHERS, Manufacturer! of the Ctnover Dro'i Patent Uoright Pianos And Wlioleiale Agenti for "Steinway," "Chickering," Krnnicli & Bach, Iiiiidomnn, Fischer and Hainos Pianos. Publisher! of Muilc 1 f Jobben In Musical and Mucic Books. Merehandiie, CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Ola Main Slrcot, KANSAS CITY, M. if Money to Loan. Wo days. can 1111 choice loans in thrco OiJJSOKX & TAYLOlt, Plow Shoes at McGee & Moore's. Have Yon Ever Known any person to bo seriously ill without u weak or Inactive liver or kidnoyH? And when these organs aro in good condition do you not find their possessor enjoying good health 't Par ker's Ginger Tonic regulates these im portant organs, makes tho blood ricli and pure, and strengthens every part of tho system. See other column. Splendid line of Gents' Manilla hats at J. L. McGee's. A Foollxli Mistake. Don't make tho mistake of confound ing a remedy of merit with quack med icines. Wo Bpeak from experience when wo say that Parker's Ginger Ton ic is a sterling health restorative which will do all that is claimed for it. Wo have used it ourselves with tho hap piest results for Rheumatism and when worn out by overwork. Seo adv. Times. KEJYXM9Y8 Revolving Harrow ATTACHMENT. The Wonder of the Nine teenth tCentury. It Attaches to any Plow. ItjDccreases the DraN oi the Plow It will not Choke. It Economizes Labor. It Is aComplelo UuiTtw andPulTor izor Combined. Simple in Csnstructiod ; not Expon h!t. Sld by H. I. 3RYANT,.Prop., Brownville, Neb. Alflo manufactured and Sold by J. J. 91EKCER, Brownville. HnMhMTiillifflWflMK""J When physicians havo made uso of a prescription for yoars in their pri vate practice, with certain success, n is a duty they owe to mankind to put such remedies within reach of all, and this is done by "copyright" such is tho caso with Dr. Sliorman's Prickly Ash Hittors, and they havo proved to bo a blessing to mankind. PAINTING, PAINTING. I am now prepared to do all kinds of painting, graining, etc., in a flrst-cfoss manner, and at tho following prices: Two coa, work, 15 cents per yard. Throe coat work, 18 cents per yard. I will do tho work and warrant It for three years not to crack, scale, or rub off. Get your painting dono in a workmanllko manner, by giving mo a call. John Siiippen. Call and see the new goods at McGee & Moore's. Linn & Cooper, Calvert, Neb., aro now ready to re colyo grain of all kinds, for which they will pay tho highest market price Call at tho elevator. J. G. Gaskill, Manager. A big stock of spring clothing at McGee' Sf Moore's. Experience the Best Guide. The roason why women ovorywhoro uso Parkor'8 Ginger Tonic is, because they havo learned by experience tho best guide that this excellent mediclno overcomes despondency, periodical headache, indigestion, pain in tho back, and kidneys, and other troubles of the sex. Home Journal. All wool carpets, cheap, at J. L. Mc Gee's, Brownville. Take Notice! Mrs. E. Monahan, of Marysvillo.Mo., will be at tho Holdrege Houso, Calvert, on tho lfc'th of, June, and remain two days. Sho will bo prepared to trout all forms of eye diseases. Her treatment is a pof manent euro for granulated eye lids and all forms of inilummutiun of tho eyes. Como and seo her. Will bo at Sheridan on tho 17th. Will bo at Nemaha City on tho 10th. Mrs. Monahan will also bo In Brown ville on tho 15th of each month. Surgical operations will bo perform ed by Dr. I). C. Wilson, of Mary ville. urrat aud Bent Mi'dleiiie iicrMuilo. Aoolmblntlon of Hodb. Buchu. Man- tlrnk la aud Dnndollon, with all tne best and moatouraUT. irotU of nil other Hitters, iuokeathBrratritl Blood Purifier, Liver ReaulXatr'Rni1 'jroni1 "all' Ib"trliijr No dUeue oan poislblr lonir exlil where Hop Bitter are ueVoil-io Varied aud v-i feet are their one rations.! Thiy BlTiBiwUlh ttlrigor t tki ag.J aal laSm. To all who. mU)jmenUem. Irregular!' tj of thobowel.orV urinary owana, or bo re quire an pp.UMrVToJ and mild Stimulant, Hod IMtter are lnal l" "" ,l""u'"," loatlnn. No matter itkatTourrarUng or irraptoma are whet tbe dlieas or aUwneu ' Uop Bit ter. Don't nail until youel,r ilck but if you only feel bad or miserable,"" them at once. It may u your lial,Td hundred. flSOO will b. paid fora eaHe tbey will net oureorb.lp. Bo not ufr.rotl your friend luffer.but ue and urge tuioVWu Hop B llemember, Hop Hitter U noV1!. dJuSCJ drunken nostrum, but tbe l'ui-e.v no Beet Medicine erer made t the "INTiUMi nUKRB and UOrK" and no ixreon or family abould be without tbwn. J). 1.0.1' an fcofolute and !rreitlble c orbrunttennru.uMotoniutn, tobacco narcotic. All eohl br di-uir-l"'- Be for Circular. H.p DllUr. fr. C, nochwtor.N.V and Tortmtn. Ont. AND Fine dress goods at J. L. McGee's. A. W. Nickell, the Brownville Druggist, has just received an immenso stock of wall paper, tho most beautiful patterns at 12 cents a bolt. Window curtains all styles and kinds, and cur tain rollers of most ovory make. It is astonishing how nico a room can be made with so little monoy. Ho also keens a full lino of books, both school books, miscellaneous books, and blank books, writing papors, all kinds and sizes; envelopes of every shade and color. When you go to Drownvillo do not fail to call in atNckoH'B drug and book store, and if ho law anything you want, ho will sell it to you as low as can bo afforded aud you can depend upon tho quality and of getting exactly what you buy. Thoso who buy of Nickell will uover regrot it. Furniture, Shelf and Heavy Hardware The celebrated Glidden Barb Wire, at Willing Bros. & Jordan's. Wall Paper. at Nickell & Shurts. New Store! New Goods! HABD"WAK,EI HEKBEKT WILLSON powtra,at Hut Hultk an4 Strwalh RMlorer Evir Ud Itcurta Dypepe, Rheumttum, pieep.wnc, alldlieaitt of tno Stomach. Bowel;, Lungl, Liver, 111 Olteaiti ouno oiomi.i. ""-; I'M I .IIP .t. rnmnlamtl lfvmi.r.wiiin awv yun Coniumption or " t: " ..-..-w-- '.. l. u; I'. Ba tpu t- ""-"- i- l, ,; I ,r- Z ( t ui I. Ufu-.uonor to Hitters. EtiencteorGiniw and other Tonic, at it build ..-.1 . .-?.!.... I.nintlnir. oc. and Si t&e. atallUeelert in dru8i. Nonecenulne without Smltureof Huttex & Co..N Y. Send lor xircuUr --. . ..... B.Bme em ptijt iimi i.ah. ni .a UlROK S-VYtnu in Buim ...- . ... ANNOUNCES TO TUE Citizens of Nemaha County Tlmt Ills Stook of Hardware 1 now en Hand, ad that h la How Prepared to fiirntah anything la tho line of SHELF OR HEAVY HAEDWAEE, At Prices that will Suit. Remember that you o Bt Agricultural Implements Fann Tools, Stores, Iron, Nails, Firearms, Ammunition, Etc. tmm MnoAa H In Connection tvlth the Store. A No. 1 Workman In Charge. Custom work a Specialty CENTRAL AVEftUE, SHERIDAN, NEBRASKA. A. H. GILMORE & SON'S Sheridan, Hob., P Where you will find one of the finest stocks of General Merchandise in Nemaha County. You will find the nicest SPRING STOCK of CLOTHING for all ages. You will find DRESS GOODS of the latest styles and patterns. You will find a nice line of LADIES' and CHILDREN'S Shoes. You will find an excellent line of BOOTS and PLOW SHOES for Men. You wHl find a full stock of GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, etc. You will find one of the nicest store rooms and the most gentlemanly clerks in Nemaha County. We extend a cordial invitation to come and see us before buying, and we will guarantee that in quality and price we wil suityou. Remember the place, A. H. GILMORE & SON, SHERIDAN, NEB, TOWN LOTS, 1SRB I i TOWN LOTS. 1 5lUUrnt7uu45uruap.r(Mt luttwrr end Drl.. lmlr f.rlUclnllu.MM iljjMtvt(unv. n iHeTerFellitoIUetort firwor rmled IlalrH ItetaeyoiiUfuleeler. .OtH.aatlil tiMtllclnittiU. Get -dMUk IV$HJeHI9ffi eB'lBBBBRK5Ht P.f l1MJlJJHJI.Ua4aiiiiiir QlnRtr. Unelia, MaUrM, ouniugin . " . a . r jr! . Lnunt era hrfi rftlTl. many ot tne wuniaiicu.."v-" -.- ----; lined into.meJicin.oI ucn SXSXiZ to make the ureaitiiuwuu ..... Nebraska If yo um, re ou want a good photograph or gem, roru is tno piaco to go to get it. W. I. Abbott, of that place, will tako ob good a picture as you can get in tho State, and at reuBonablo ratea. Do not fall to call on him. Ho will refund th money if you aro not satisfied. THE WEEKLY State Journal Hat recently been enlarged te a Seren Column qutrto, an4 fitted out with n entire New Dren of Type. It li novr the Urjett, handiomeil, and The Beat Paper for Nebroskana publlihed In the State. It contalni ill the newt of the week, and ! the only paper in the State that t.lvei all the Nebraika New. Subicriptlon vice, $1,50 per year, poit-pald. Addreit, STATE JOURNAL CO., Lincoln, Nek RUPTURE TUE TRIUUVU TRUWI CO. cure BP'; rltoek P'S In fwia M te 10 day, and will PM ? KuvUire ther n uot eure. Ben4 5e. wi w ' ... .w """'". .-,.. b:.i' JB Bowery, N. Y er w " VMla1IPli 'r., and . . msfssn Calvert Mia vtne Recently been Surveyed ami Flatted ON SECTION 21 and 28, T. 5, B. 14, NfcMAHA COUNTY, NEBBASKA, OFFEESiRAEElCIIANCES FOR Commercial Mechanical BUSINESS. The Town is from 10 to 25 miles from any other place of importance, IS IN THE CENTER OF THE COUNTY, ANB SURROUNDED BY THE BEST FARMING LAND IN THE STATE. LOTS AT LOW PRICES FOR CASH OR ON TIME LOTS Aooly to S, A OSBORN, SSr A I el