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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1882)
. r ic .-. r r , '"tf-'flW'Wtt",' K r , w1' thmnhi Avtrtktw ESTABLISHED IQB6. OLDEST PAPER IN THE STATE CALVERT, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1882. VOL. 26, NO. 49. &Xj . BUSINESS CARDS. II. 13 It 0 AD Y. Attornojr kid Ooumtlor at liiiw. UrownvltU-,Nb T S.STULL, . ATTOHSHfl T LAW. Slof ContyJudK, BrownrlllB, A S. HOLLADAY, i-. Physician, Mnrgeon, Obitctrlelnta, adQMed In list. Located In nrownvltlelSAJ. 0c,4l Mftln Mraet, Brownvllle, Nb. bTfTwest, m. d I hy Hi dan and Surgeon, Calvort. Netiraaka. OFFICE. Nickell & Shurts' Drug Store, D. J. WOOD, AND ' INSURANCE AGENT, Calvert, Neb., COItODEN L. SWAItTZ, M. ., Physician and Surgeon, Bedford, Nemaha Co., Nebr. G. W. CORNELL, JLTTOIWJEJ AT JLA1K CALVERT, NEB. OFFICE. One door North of the Nemaha County Dank. Will practice in all the Court, and attend to Collection.. J. B. BERGER, Contractor & Builder, Calvert, Nebraska. Work Promptly attended to and Satltfaction Guaranteed. JOHN S. MINICK, General Merchandise. Nemaha City, Neb. K J. M. FOWLER, Justice of the Peace and Real Estate Agent, CALVERT, NEBRASKA. larSpocial attention given to collec tions. Ofllce for the present with tho Couuiek, 27yl Dr. A. Oppermann, Physician and Surgeon, Hat been located in Nemaha County since 1868. Strict attention paid to all ACUTE and CHRONIC DISEASES. Affliction, of the Ear and Eye Skillfully Treated. Jl-Artific'u) eye. always on hand tog Suit any sixe or color. Calls at tended to day or night. OFFICE Northwest corner Court and Second Streets. RESIDENCE Southwest corner Main and id Streets, SHERIDAN, NEB. 2oyi MARLATT & KING, DKALBH3 IW General Merchandise Dry Good, QrocorlM, Ready Mario Clothing, Bootu, flhoee. Hats, Capn, and o Oonnrnl An aerttuont of Drugs and Patent Modlolnes. Fonoe posta and wood always on hand for ale. &. Highest prloea paid for batter and SKa. ASPlNWAZiL., It BBRA8KA, F. W. Samuelson, D. J. Wood, President. Cashier. Nemaha County Bank, Calvert, Nebraska, Does a General Banking; Business. Particular Attention Giv en Collections. Monev Loaned on Avnrov ed Seenity. Exchange on all parts of U. S. find Europe, 140 ACK12 FARM FOR SALE! All fenced; 70 acres under cultiration, balanc good pastureand hay land, A new, well finished, story and a hal house, good bara aad ether con veniences; 30 ncrci & tiuibar. Living running stock water; orchard with 70 bearing apple trees; near grift milt, school house and church. For further particulars call on un dersigned at the farm, one mile from Nimaha City. SEYMOUR IIOWK. I. Ik Osborn, Notait PeiLte. G. W. Tayloi Osbobn & Taylor, ATTORNEYS and Counselors at Law. Calvert and Brownville. PRACTICE IN THE STATE AND FED ERAL COURTS. Sfecial atteatUa givea t collection, and salt f REAL ESTATE. Notice to Farmers The undorslgnod has for unto the NORWEGIAN PLOWS! Harrow&i CULTIVATORS, Woll known to be the host, which he will ell cheaper than the cheapest. Farmers, Call and See. B. OTTENS. Armstrong & Scott, PROPRIETORS LIVERY & FEED STABLE Calvert, Nebraska!. GOOD RIGS AT REASONABLE t CHARGES. SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR COMMERCIAL MEN. Horses boarded by tho day or week and Farmers' teams fed and cared for at Reasonable Rates. 1UTHOBIZKD HY THK D. H. OOVEIIKMENT First National Bank or BXfcO W NVILL Ii3 Paifl-np Capital, $50,000 iuthorixed " 5001000 18 FIlKPAnttJJTO TRANBACT A' General Banking Busbies. BUY AND HELL COIN A; OUBRENOY DRAFTS n all tha principal elite, oftha United States and Europe MONEY LOANED On approved security only. Tim Drafti dUoount ed, and ipeclal aceommodtloni uranted to n. Osaleriln GOVERNMENT BONDS, STATE, COUNTY & CITY SECURITIES iDEJDPOsiare Re-eetred payableondsraand.and INTEREST a o wad on ilraertlflcte, DIREOTORB.-Wm.T. Dan, B. M. Bailer, M.A llandley, Frank II. Johason, Lather Hoadley Wm. Vral.her. JOHN L. CARSON, A. R. D A. VIS0N, Cathtar. J, C. Uclf Anourow, Aast'Cashler.. President. i AniFftr'Jiti,"1' ?? wmmmmmmmmmmmm rC UmtU Patt.hUtdllMtnt. riu.i)fiTi.fd.Mrtpu.iihiih.,,.,4u;iue7!r.i! ft' tru uum ithiirr m, it. ioiu. mZ Farms, Farms, Farms, FOR SALE 40 acres, 80 acres, 80 acres, 160 acres, 160 acres, 160 acres, 320 acres, 280 acres, 320 aeres, N E of S E 30 5 13 40 acres. S W 30 5 13160 acres. W i S E 30 5 13 80 acres. In Washington pre cinct. S W N E 35 4sl2 40 acres, in Benton precinct. Six Business Lots in Calvert. 5 Residence Lots in Calvert. Business AND Residence LOTS IN Sheridan! Church Howe & Son SHERIDAN, NEB. jtbriwhi AvtHintr. S. W. TAIRBROTHER 00., Pror-rUton. CALVKRT, : : NEBRASKA. 8uCIPTt0f 92. Ptn YtAH IN AoVANCf. Eatos of Advertising) Local Notice., first week, to cent, per line eachiubiequent week, 5 cent, per line. Display local., I J centi per line, Admtiiementi on local page, 50 cent, per inch per week. Miscellaneous ad. 50 cents perinch per month. Legal ads at legal rates. LOCAL 3STU-WS.; Coal, coal. J. W. Kbrns. Can noil goodB at Boyiu & Fisher's. Call at Aaron Palmer's for fresh broad. ALFALFA overlaBtlng clovor cod for siilo hy H. Ottona. Thorn wan froat on' the morning of tho 22d, but it did no harm. Quito a party of ourcitizona will at tho circus at Tecumsoh Friday. Extt.t copies of The Advkutiskii at A. W. Nickoll'a, Brownvllle. Insure your llfo in tho Centennial Mutual Llfo Association of Iowa. Visit Dillon, Croan & Co.'s drug store for low prices in everything. School books and all miscellan eous books at KickoH's drug store. C. S. Hotchkiss, of Johnson, paid Tine Adtkktihkk a pleasant visit last Thursday. Mrs. Simmons' business house in Brownvllle was torn down last week to remove it' out to South Auburn. Dress Goods in great profusion at Devin & Fisher's. Lawns, Piquets, and Hue Worsteds at remarkably low prices. Devin & Fisher aro on hand with a tins stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Notions. Don't fall to call and examine their stock. James P. Henry, publisher of the Weston Farm and Home, Atchison, Kansas, spent a part of last week in Auburn, looking aftor tho interests of his paper. L. L. Hulburd, Esq., Btarted for Col orado Monday morning last. Hid des tination is Pitkin, a famous mining town in Gunnison county. May Lee strike it rich. Thos. Richards, "Regulator," has ordered another car load of thoso famous Buckeye Harvesters and Bind ers. They aro tho most comploto ma chine manufactured. Our advortlBlng has got to be so ox tensive that we havo not much room for anything else, hence, aftor this woek, wo will Issuo two pages extra, making our paper ton pages instead of oiglit. On Monday, June fith, Dr. Messier, of Falls City, will be at tho resldonco of Prof. J. R. Dye, whoro he will at tend to all parties dosiring dental work. He visits South Auburn Juno 0-7; North Auburn, Juno 8-0. Buokoyo Table Rako Binder and Mower Is known all over the world as being the loading machine It is a front cut, and tho rake is detached from tho reel. Can govern the rake so as to make any sized bundle. Your attention Is directed to Mr. .9. Welch's card, which appears In another column. If you need anything in tho furniture lino, you can find just what you want at this establishment, and at prices that will suit you. The rivor is washing away the bot tom now on the Missouri sldo, opposite Brownvllle, on a magnlflcont scale, and Scott City Ib threatened to bo swept en tirely away. The largest homo in town was sold a few days ago for $50, and torn down. Tho Nemaha Valley Mill, for merly known as "Allen's," now ownod by Mr. Joseph Curtis, is located on tho Little Nemaha river, four miles from Auburn. It has no uuperior in the west as to location, improved machin ery, and the excellence of tho Hour it turns out. Mr. Curtis has one of tho best millers In tho country, and wo know by actual experience that flour bearing the brand, of the Nemaha Val ley Mill Is not oxcollod by any in tjils market. Undo Jiminlo Glndor's now dwelling is looming up. Try Homowood & Shj iter's flour popular with ovory family and you will havo no otlior. Mrs. E. J. Monahan, who has such mtrvolous success in treating soro oyes, will bo in Nomaha City on Mon day, Juno 10th, to administer to thoso who want to bo cured. Sho will Rtop at Crhn's boarding house. Romorabor tho timo and place. J. G. P. Hlldebrand, traveling cor respondent of tho St. Joseph Oazettc, and an old friend of tho junior of The Advertiser, spent Friday night in this city. Hildobratid is a jolly good fellow and one of tho very best trav eling nowspapor men in the west. Wo wish him success. Business mon aro woll sorved by Tiie Adveutisek. It radiates from tho center to tho circumferenco of Nomaha county, with a very largo subscription list, going to evory neighborhood and postofllco. Thoro aro very fow fami lies In tho county that do not eithor road or hoar of everything pinillshed in The Adveiitiseh. The Tocumseh Torchlight saya Shor Itlan and Calvert were dubbed Auburn "from tho fact that a largo number of red hoadod women dwoll in 'Bwcot Au burn I loveliest village of tho plain I"' That will do protty woll, Al. If a real witty editor can't got off something cutoln 1700 terriblo offorts, why, he had bettor suspend in that lino and try his hand on poetry. A farmer starting for Brownvllle last woek for a largo bill of furniture for his new houso came into Auburn, and, learning of the splendid stock just boing displayed by Mr. Welch, mado his purdhaso. The big stocks of Au burn, are a great benefit to tho people, an the above instance illustrates. That man got what ho wanted at reasonable prices, and saved travollng a round trip of 25 in 11 oo. For Sale or Rent. Tho business houso at IIowo station now usod for tho postofllco. Posses sion given July 1st, 1882. 40w4 D. M. Mourns. Sweet Potato PlnnfN at Fur nan Farm, Brownvllle, No branka. VnoIcnn Fright. To worry about any Livor, Kld'noy or Urinary trouble, especially Brlght'a Diseaso or Diabetes, as Hop Bitters never fails of a euro whero a euro is poBsiblo. Wo know this. Farmers! Farmers! It is invented a porfect Daisy. It's the Buckeye Cord Binder, now on ''ex hibition at Calvort. Adoine: Give no order, and buy no machine, until you have Been all kinds for salo by tho "Regulator," Thos. Richards. Tho Buckoyo Harvester and Blndor gota away with any maohlno OYor yet put on tho markot. Lace Remnants at McGee & Moore's. Notice of Dissolution. Notlco Is hereby givon that the part nership heretofore existing botweon Horbort Willson and W. W. Harmon, under tho Arm naino of Willson & Harmon is this day dissolved by mu tual consent, W. W. Harmon retiring and Herbert Willson assuming all debts and liabilities, and is to receive all accounts and monies duo said Arm. Hehheiit Willson. W. W. Hahmon. Fine line of ladies' slippers at J. L. Mc Gee s, Brownville, Dr. G. H. Collins, Dentist, Visits tho following placos in tho fol lowing order, each month; Brownville, Iflt to 7th. j Nemaha City, 8th and 0th, South Auburn, 10th, 11th and 12th. Brock, 13th, Mth and 25th. If you wlah to save money, and your teeth, hold your dontal work for Dr. G, II. Collins. " 40-tf Boston baked beans at J. L. McGee's,