Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 18, 1882, Image 1
BuitmujutaitMBmiiuajMaaTiiaiixijnignBrwiuiiJiaJMJiwJ l f tn-v sitzt5M V 1 :vVl IMIMf -yl ) VXJ rOTADl lodrn itjr.n CALVERT, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1882. VOL, 26, NO. 48. OLDEST PAPER IN THE BTATE. raaa&mrammmnm a niuwaaaaiaaga taii3ifTTraaijy.saAncigjgxotgTirjrarctM- 'iu.ui uim.i.iJAjjuiJ.iuJuinmiiuuuii' mjan a mmijwwnnmnimjmii.mjui Jl thtit4tvt if fin ; v vy ut '&fy$ wQ'J? 4. rccr -y - .... . t . . -. a i PP REGULATOR HOW IN CALVERT With a full line of Agricultural Implements. Will make the IixvpleaufcCiJifc X$iw?iio a, Specialty- A and will attend to the wants of all my old customers, and as many new ones as may come and deal with me. You will find here for sale ff f Plf"!?!? I-OI-IIIVIQ?49 and the famous JjJ 4$ Jn&ISs X Ju the best and most complete CORD BINDER i HARVESTER """' ""ikc, mVYV W A TWP0 TY 'W t2S"ft3 ra V&TOT& Manufactured H &JBJ l&IMi &&&aJk&AMXij PEKI.N, ILL. The 9i Mniami' Prnwhinrl With ablc Rke, is admitted to be the best Ob mmV&l uUiliUlliGUj and lightest running reaper in the world. ff ARBH MO. 4. REAPER & MOWER. M3X to all who have tried them, and will he sold at a bargain. Come and see them. I take great pleasure in inviting my farmer friends to call and examine my implements, and obtain some in formation of the advantages- which these famous machines have over all others. Come to the "REGULATOR" headquarters at Calvert for everything in the line of farm machin ery. I will make it to your inteicst to trade with inc. Remember the place. cbnwkn Advertiser. 0. W. FAinBROTHER A CO., Prv- tIetor. N. 1 1 1 . : : NKMtASKA. GATVKUT. SumcmrriON $2. Pin Yt in Aovanci. LOOAL aSTK"VVS., Buckeye Reap Ifw H K i m ttv BS 8 l! J. BUSINESS CARDS. II. HR0AD1 Attorney anil Ouimitnlnr nl l.uw, ltrowiivlllt ,Neb QPSBESES S&QP,jLl7l3Sg S Warner's Safe Kidney Cure, 85 cents. Any one dollar medicine, 75 cents. Any 25 cent box pills, 15 cents. Best Omaha white lead, 100 lbs.,. 6.75. Best Linseed Oil, per gallon, 70 cents. Pure Cider Vinegar, per gallon, 25 cents. in the Drug and Book line at same rates. Come and see. J'ollll iPilttCVWOTO . Peru, Nebraska. r S. S T IT 1, L , J. ATTOItNlCVM AT LAW. onictiof Con ny Jmltfu, ltionnvllle, Wuliintku. A S. II OL LA1J.VY, IX i I'iiyxloliiu, iirKrniit Oli.t t rlclnit. OraiMm toil In i&si. l.ouut i In Urowiivlllt lb'iS. nliCt.O Jt-ln Ntrttct, llruwnvlllo, Nth. B- F. WEST. M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Cnlvort, Nolirnijltn. ornCK. Nickelt A Slums' Drug Store. 4f B H I I AT CALVERT, NEBR. bUiB .aiiB&tofeffiibfess A. Oslmrii, NOTAKY I'UULIC. (J. . Tnyl.11 F. W. Smi i:i.sox, President. J). .1, Wood, Cashier. Osbokn & Taylor, ATTORNEYS and Counselors at Law. Calvert and Bx'ownvillo. PRACTICE IN THE STATE AND 1T.D ERAL COURTS. Nemaha County Bank, Calvert, Nebraska, Sjeclal attention jiyen t collections and sale ( REAL ESTATE. COItODK.V L. SWAKTZ, 31. ., Physician and Surgeon, Hertford, Nemaha Co., Nebr. Does a General Banking Business. Particular! lent ion (liv en Collections. Monov Loaned on A-vorov ed Sccuity. JU'xcUange on all parts fT. S, antl Kir rope. ol D. J. WOOD, .TJ T, 'ill I ' 1 VMS Sj tV AND INSUHANCh AGENT, Calvert, Neb., G. V. CORNELL, CALVKHT, NET.. OFFICE. One door North of the Nenuh 1 County Hink. Will pactice in all the Courts and attend to Collettioni. J. 3. BERGER, Contractor Builder, Calvert, .Yebrash'a. Work Promptly .UtenJed to and Satisfaction Guaranteed, t tjt -r?nTzrT.TS.r, Justice of the Peace and Real Estate Agent, CALVERT. NEBRASKA. 13? Special atlonlion ,'iven to collec tions. Ollico for the present with tlioCoi unci:. 'SI) 1 Dr. A. Oppex'inann, Physician and burgeon, Has been located in Nemaha County since 186S. Stria attention paid to all ACUTE and CHRONIC DISEASLS. Afllictions of the Ear and Eye Willfully Treated, JCf-Artificial ees always on hand to""$jfl Suit any k'ue or mlur. Calls at tended to day or night OFFICE Northwest corner Court and Second Streets. RESIDENCE Southwest corner Main and 2d Streets, SHERIDAN, NEB. aoyi MARLATT & KING, DKAI.H'W IN General Merchandise Soda pop at A. I'almor'ti. Mre. E.. .). Mnnahan is in the city. Canned goods at Duvln & KishorV. Captain II. 1. Uillley vasln tlio city this week, the jjneal of liis ciiildion. Mrs. K. .1. Monahan will visit Sheri dan on the 17th of each month and Calvert on the 18th hereafter. Dress Hoods in great piofnslon at Dovin & IMslier's. Lawns, IMqneos, and flno Worsteds at remarkably low prices. .1. K. honirneoker, one of the most popular ami successful eommeroinl tourists on the nmd, was at llio Hoi diege Tuesday. Mr. K. 1). Clancy," a gentleman from Wilher. has eommeneed thu oree tlon of a business house that Is design ed for a hardware store. Devin.& Fisher are on hand with a line stoek of Dry Hoods, (Iroeeries, Hoots, Shoes, Hats and Notions. Don't fail to call and examine their stuck. W. T. Hogors, Esq., of nrowinillo, lias returned from Denver. He likes Denver, and ere long will remove to that city to make it his future home. 'PI... J iHf.liill'ilu Woifllllltlll- " Imiu .LIIWO. II tl'lllll Mil, I ll'fi llllllll , linn ordered another ear load of those famous Huekoe Harvesters and Hind ers. They are the most complete ma chine ever manufactured. Mr. Paul Mai tin, of HrQvnville,wlio has been nearly blind for a number of years, lias had his eyesight restored by Mrs. K.iJ. Monalian. Mr. Martin is now able to read, and to do light work. Hank Wert has sold bis nvat lit tle residence on Maxwell street lo Mr. Harm?, of tiie meat maiket. Hank, with his usual energy, will at once pro ceed to build another homo for himself. Kpliriain S. Durfee, a soldier of the war of lSl'J, and one of the oldest members of the Masonic fraternity in this country, died last week at kosh, Wis., at the ripe old ago of 1)7 years. "Eve's Daughters" is the title of Marion Hat land's new book, which is emphatically the woman's book of the century. Agents wanted in this coun ty. Address, A. (!. U'ir.cox, Pub lisher, Minneapolis, Minn. S. A. Auburn, paid his usual visit to South Osborn this week. On reading this over we see wo liave got thing slightly mixed, but it doesn't make any particular di (Terence, for the two names am closely identified, one with the other. If von are at a loss to know which part of town to establish your busi ness in if you are a stranger, make in quires and become satisfied as to from what diiection tho bulk of the trade comes, and then being sure you're right, like Davey Crockett, you can go ahead. South Auburn challenges comparison in this lespect. Mrs. M. (J.. Simmons, we Cook, for meilyof Hiownvillo, now of Kansas City, Is now having lior two story house, on College Street, Hrownville, torn down, to rebuild it in South Au burn. Mrs. S. was hero Monday, se lecting a business lot for it. Tho building will pay well for thu money invested in it, at this point. Regarding the- ruiversity question,' and appointment of a regent to (ill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Mr. Carson, a late dispatch in the Omaha Jfindd says: "Efforts luue been made to induce Church Howe to accept the regency, but ho declines. Tho governor is in favor of a conipleto reorganization, and will appoint to that end." On the day of the assembling of the legislature, Hon. Church Howe was seized, while in his seat on tho door of the House, with a congestive chill. Uy .- A FINE ESTABLISHMENT, South Auburn can now laj claim to having the neatest and most complete furniture establishment ip southeast ern' Nebraska. Mr. Stephen "Woloh, lately of Shelby ville, Mo., is tjio oi igina tor of tills enterprise, and ho has start ed1 out as though ho really meant to supply the want that has for sometime past been felt, not only in this city, but throughput Ncmalia county, viz: nn.op portunTty fur buying lino and durable furniture at prices that wouldn't bank rupt a person in moderate circumstan ces. Mr. Welch has his large liow building packed from one end to the other witli a bewilderjpg array, of handsome sofas, bureaus, chairs tables, bedsteads, mattresses, parlor suits, centre tables, chairs, pictures, kitchen safes, and in fact everythlnii that one could think of In tho way of furnitdr,e, and every article marked at a fai lower price than has been' known horeto'fore in this portion of tho country. This o-i-tablislnuent will also carry a full line of carpets and oil-cloths, will imke picture frames to order and give you an opportunity to select tho mouldings for Hie same from a large and beauti ful assortment. Mr. A. Diehl, a cabi net maker of many years experience is connected with this house, and is pre pared to do anything in his lino tlml may be required. When you are Inthe oit call and sen this new and well up pointed store, tho gentlemanly proprie tor of which will show you around and tell you all about his goods and prices whether you want to buy or not. . Reasons Why! I call sell a Piano or Organ from !5'j,r( lo $.10 lower than any other house or agent in the country: I pay no city tax. I pay no rent. I pay no clerks. I warrant al! instruments to bo Urst elus. Should an instrument need re pairing within (lvo years, I will repair ' it gratis. Address, .I.n (. Dvk, istf Nemaha City, Nebraska. Farmers! Farmers!' It is invented a perfect Daisy. It's tbe HiickoyoCord Hinder, now on ex hibition at Calvert. Adrift: (Jivo no order, and buy no machine, until you have seen all kinds for sale by the "Regulator." Thos. Richards. The Buckeye Harvester an. I Hinder gdts away with any machine ever yot piit on tho maiket. Hright's Disease of the Kidneys, I)i abetes and other diseases of tho kid neys and liver, which you aro being so frightened about, Hop Hitters is tjio only that will surely and permanently prevent and cure. All other pretended cm es only relievo for a time and then make you many times worse. t Dr. R. I). Messier, Dentist, of Falls City, spent Monday and Tuesday in this city, and will make us a visit once a month hereafter. The doctor is well recommended, and all needing a dent ist's services will do well to call on him. Huckeyo Table Rake JMudcr,, ami Mower is known all over the world as being tho leading maehine. ft is a front cut, and tho rake is detached from the reel. Can govern tho rako so as to make any sized bundle. Someone sends us a card to notice the marriage of Mr. James A. Vance, of Peru, to Miss Clara Robins, of Oleu Rock, but neglects to give tho date or to send any cake to our devil. Serious omissions, INultthN Fright. To worry about any I. her, Kidppy or lTrinary trouble, especially Uright'a Disease or Diabetes, as Hop Uittcirs never lulls of a cure wheio a euro is possible. Wo know this. Pry fjorwls, Ornpprlrs.Rf'iKly Mmln Clollilim, HooIh, Shot', HutH. fip". mill n (loiirra) An Hortiwiit orPruuHnmll'iUoiil Morticing, Fnncp posts mid wood alwnyn on Imnd for sale, tnj- IIlKhfil prlpi pnld for Initlor ntid ise. AJIPI.NWAMi, N Kim A SIC A. Tho foundation for Dr. Howard's business house was fieguu Tuesday 'of this week. I, ''STATU of .loiiaH Crime, rieomsed. In lliuounly conn ot N'iiiAlm ;outv. Nil n the eras- Ha. In tliu imUUT ot utlowlni; tho Until nil ml tt Isti at ton atcoiiiit or Cutlicrlnu t. J . Crittii' executrix ot tlincstntnol Joints flnmi . prompt medical attention ho was soon ' dec-am-a. NotieiHhouiiy uiven timt m ,,,,.. , ,, , itLM, A, l). luo'oliH'Ifu. ,.. ui tint at- rel oved, but lorn wliilo he was a very nuoor thu county JihIkh oi Nenmtm rouiii.. , i,.i ....... .....l ,... .a .inli.liwi.l 1,1 Mu ii'iiniiiui, iii iirownviiio. .iHirnMiu, us nn-u iiiiiii, ! mi.i mvhumi" Dion Iixi'il uy tne I ' court iih tho Mine antl pln' . ii.. vniiiuiiiiii nun inn.. Ulty nun iiuii. in,. ' when antl when' nil nnrhonr. Interested nmv Ulld USUal energy IS appear and context tliOHiuiiu. I iintett April J.'.th, J HSU. r I .MrlX S. STCLT. County Judite, i iinm for two or three days. We learn i .'" ""' "l "HowinK khui cvohiji. that his health being restored.