-re3tBT3rR" - n-','nmTiwii,l'XiunmB.giuimnw r Jii m r.ii . mwa -i A-Tgwg.nta t. J T.TTrjrTTr .w irtTr?jT9iT'Jnri-. -vnKWnrt.vmir wnr ns3m. 'n FOUSTS MAY LOADER oca Pi3 foL t3CJ CO mwm mSUEL Mw7V.n Pq m& NO "With a full linoof Agricultural Implements. Will make the and will attend to the wanis of all my old customers, and as many new ones as may come and deal with me. Yon will find 1 lere for sale f f jPf E5 W W the famous COM) FINDEIMIl ARVESTER """",,, THE HAINES Buckeye Reaper & EVlower CombinsiJ5 . Xt g MAKS H NO. 4 to all who have tried I take great pleasure in inviting ni) farmer fnends to call and examine mv implements, and obtain some in formation (t the advantages which these famous machines have over all others. Come to the KhtiULA I OR headcp.arters at Calve.t for everything in the line of farm machin ery. I will make it to your inteicst to trade with me. Remember the place. cbntsku tlvuliser. o. w, rATnanor;iKR 4 co., p.-oprioton. CALVKUT. i NIJimASKA. Sussomi-ripN 3!2. Pin Yrn in Aovtt. Neiuulm Clly luw u shoot sprinkler. Dr. West paid Toeiiinseh n vlnit IiihI weok. Unpaid taH of lust year now draw inturuHt. J. Ciiinniiiiys. iii'u:Iianl, oT T.ilniitKQ was in tliiu'ity thin wuok. SuuCiuo. Cross' "ad" (CIiIcuku I.uinl or Co.) on an iusido pugu. It is a ood one. llobt. Hryunt in building a nout resi duneo on I'ipiT street, north of Xc ninlia. Mr, T. V. II. Millur will build a bus 'mites room nurtb of bis millinery atoro in u fuw days. Mr. and Mm. Aaron Palmer, of l.rownville, were in tbe eitv W'odues- daj of tliis week. Mr. and Mrs. .lobu Harding, of Urownvillo, aro- visiting with Mrs. Paul Douglas, in this city. Miss Annie Reij,'iM of this city, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. V. W. Sandors, at Nemaha, this woek. Coffiins and Caskets, A Willing Biros. & Jordan'. AVAXTKD.-A dressmaker. I'lease call at Mrs. M. Slovens', ovur be jew elry store, Center Avenue. Calvert. Cleot-tfo Kieelieiv lias moved into the Cowol lunise on Maxwell stroet. lately vacated by by lieo. V. iMiirbrotber, Jr. Dr. Howard, of Teeumseb, !., build ing a business house, J'ixdO, on Center Avenue, south of the Uon-'l'm Ks tauntnt. Lace Remnants at McGee & Moore's. Messrs. J. P. Hoover, John Moore, Lane and MeKeefer, of Ne maha, with their families, started for Oregon this week. JCd. T. 13 wan, a young" man well known in the.su parts, who has been slnee lust fall with the H. it M. survey ors on the Denver extension, has re turned to his home in thiseounty. Messrs. 1 M. Iliehey and O. U. Ieks, of Afton, Iowa, were in the. city one day last week looking for u location. Tlioy seuined well pleased with the situation hero, and think they will locate. Notiooof Dissolution. Notice is hereby given Unit the part nership heretofore existing between Jlorbert Willson and W. Harmon, under the linn name of Willson & Harmon is this day dissolved by mil tual consent, W. r. Ilannon retiring and Herbert Willson assuming all debts and liabilities, ami is to receive all accounts and monies duo said linn. llKltllKUT Wll.l.SO.V, AW W IIaumo.v. to Tin: l'trni.io: Having retired from the firm of Willson tfc Harmon, I hereby extend my thanks to all the old patrons of, the ilim of Willson & Harmon for past favors, trustingyou will still continue like favors,to my former partner. '; ' W. W. H.VIIMOX. l i u. .... I W IN CALVERT ILLHEADER, KKMPEK ft MftWRtt l? KJVi!U-Wt.il dKaiSA Vtffa l&ffl&'L.J ISW lUs vei tlu-m, and will be sold at a bargain. Arkwright & Curzon, Brownville and Calvert, Practical Watchmakers, AND nr.AI.KKS IN alches, Clocks, AND JEWELRY. Largest Stock In tHe County. Teachers' Mootiuj. A meeting will be held at Hrown ville. beginning with a lecture Friday evening, May l'.Rli, followed by the following programme-on Saturday, the '20th. 13xerciseswill begin at ti o'clock: rraver Mm sic ' -- Valieof general exercises in school. Teaching reading. Primary arithmetic. Silent teachings. Intermission. Hints (hi school discipline. (nidation of country schools. Co-operation of parents necessary to make good readers. I wish nverv school offleor and pat ron in Nemaha county could be pres ent to hear these papers and enter into the discussions which will follow them. Kntertainment free. 13i.ua TAiniAUT Schick, .Co. hunt. f3 J -- nv Mrs. E. C. White & Son, Of Millinen, Fancy (Soods, Notions, Dress (Jooils, I. idles' and (leuts' Fur nishing Hoods, etc., Saturday, May 19th, 1882. All are invited to call and inspect the largest and llncst stock of Millin ery, Fancy (Soods, Notions and Dross (Soods ever seen in Nemaha county. Muiit Struct, - - IIroviivill. XrttlCO. Mrs. 13. J. Monahan, of Maryvlllo, Mo., will bo in llrownvillu on May Ifith, and remain three days Call on berat the Union House, where she is prepared to treat all forms of eyo dis eases successfully. 'Her treatment is a permanent cure for granulated eye lids and all forms of iutlammuliou of the oyes. It matters not what kind of business a person may want to engage in, they cannot fail to be suited In the diversi llcd in to rests and competing railroad advantages at thu now town of Au burn, Nebraska. CMI IIK BW5 and si3 the best and most complete llllll x J U iVl.iiiufactured at PEKIN,1LL. Mas given uni- lts.iI satisfaction Come and sec them 'Evo'a Daughters," n, Now Book. The annouucemenl ot a new bonk b Mai ion llarland, whose popular unwl.s and work on household economy h.iw endeared her to thousands ot hearts, is sullicient to excite gieat public mti i est. 1'iohuhly no woman in the ciittii list ol American authors if.su peculiai ly lilted tor Hie task of will ing u work which deals with tlu physical,, intellectual and moral life ol her sex as Hie suueesstul and populai author of "Common. Sense in the House hold,"ol whieli lUU.UUU copies bas bein sold. The book is sure to excite a gieni (Iwil of discussion and will be sought alter by eveiy intelligent woman, young or old. Tlie book deals frankly, earnestly and leailessly witn the whole, subject ot woman's condition and position in the world, the position (Soil intended she should occupy ; her rights, duties, aim privileges.; ttu delicate peculiarities ot her complex nature; her relution.i to her own kind, and more especially hoi lol.itious to tho opposite sex. All thoughtful persttns admit the crowning need of a work of this peculiar chai acler, written by a woman ot unques tioned ability and wisdom, and that woman a wile and mother, a woman whose reputation for ability and pur ity is world-wide, just such a one in fact, as Marion llarland. Eveiy moth er in tho land may not only prHiin.Vly read this book, hut safely place it .N the hands of her daughters.. It was written from a keen sense of duty. and with the high purpose of giving help where help is surely needed. The work is tho earnest, practical talk of a thoughtful woman with wo men, upon what is to I hem the most momentous subject of the day and age. Beginning with the birth of the baby girl, the author leads tho child up to girlhood and womanhood, each with its vicissitudes of lecreation, study, society, home duties on to marriage and prospective maternity. The book is intended for homo reading, as a reference and a help to tlio.10 with whom tiie author is .'ilready in lull svmpathy, through the medium of her "Common Sense 111 the Household Se- ries,"--tho Ilousumotliors and Daugh ters of America. The style is easy and sprightly; each chapter is delightful leading, apart from the vital questions therein treat ed, and the value of the practical les sons to be learned from every page. Price .2. Sold only by subscription. Agents wanted everywhere. A.Ci. Wn.rox, Publisher, Minneapolis, .Minn. Notice is horeby given to all whom it may concern that any and all stock, of any kind, found running at large on wheat now growing north of the for mer residence of J. 11, Piper, on lands belonging to Lincoln Land Co., will lie taken up and held for damages dono to said crop, until the same is paid, in strict accordance with the law. Dated, Calvert, Neb., May -2d. ISS'J. Ulwil A. Kk.mins. BRICK! "BRICK! For sale by F. V. Samuelson, at tho Nemaha Couiil Hank. ! FHEE! Reliable self-cure a r.,n.i. .....inllnn nf nrift nf tbO tnoitlioti-d Will HU'COfUl M'WUINt'. Ill tti VJ.tj. lnownitlmliftrUietirrof.Vrt,uiiI''if l.ant .1finhil, ireii.'H,tiaiiil i'rij. luiilulUKtMhtluuvtiloiieVae. DrusBlitsiiwiriU.i, Addmi DR. WARD A CO., Luls!:na, Mc. Ptlibn!, sm&A vmsma MiVr3fVlM'MtW CJ1 tifi I M rm tm, - SSgyfrAr v. Atr t cavp nnmre np MACHINE IN ONE SEASON'S USE. 1. ! . II A DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR OF THIS AND OTHER MACHINES OF OUR MANUFACTURE SENT UPON APPLICATION TO KEYSTONE MANUFACTURING CO., Sterling, III. CREMATION TO m iy 55 AX-'i ri.HjiAfv- x" I UUI1U1JU Vc.i.- --v-i- -Vi&t r mt j, 1784 l V ,l3 ntlirr form, DAVID LANDRETH 4 SONS, Seed Growers, ill 11.1. .MI N: 1 lino u-i I Ilt. 11 vun u a jko.v Lm.iiju.lJiiiii.i..iwwi..i ' J ..,.. ' t '1 1. .' 11 .i.T""T.'H'' i!J l'Iit otivftin-nvp vin in 1 kuicIiip, li .vp never Imiml anvt.iln toj li too r sum fiat 1'is. JlAKTKit'rt I II-if Txn'i' 'lots. In 1 anyci 11 f .Nervous rrortratit a, 1 ir.i. icl ifasn, l)j pcpsla, and ,-ui Im vo 1 rl-'ir'l cm lltlon ' f 1 1" lilno.l, tl. iicerli .3 remedy, l.n l.i ry Ii.iih' . iii.ii.u mjiiio wouiIiti'uI cures, r.ivntlint liatplo-'loi! Kr.m ffor. , t tfl-Ilutit 1 hyti i. ". li-v"- Ul -d to llili Rrcat anil liicoinp.ir t!iln renin Iv. 1 ,r"!-'lt)i' It I i prcfi rairp to r.ny iron rpparallon ia u. In ftct, mull a i-oinpauud asDit. IlAUTLiioIuuN loMi (j a tirrc M'vlu iiit !ir.i( tice . Ul:. IJUJJLl.l HAMl'M.S, Sr. T.t". Mn.. Nnr. SClli. 111. Slut ash AToime. sti----? : : ii r" nu.yi.wm'iwfc.jr.ioifffiLUM'4jvt.ujjHTi.jTIJ 'I .jm.ujBtfE3Mi J ( fir'r .v I 3iir i 1 1 if ci rifm.i nntiiriil liruUli fill tonr to thn it 1 1f.st I rf orintmnuilj firri'Dif t K'istrm,miil;tn;f it lymllrittitn to fjrtirrilll J)rlillttn, 7 of Annr- tltr, I'roitrntlan f I'ltiil) J'oirm mitt Jmtintnncr.l MANUFACTURED BYTME DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO.. 213 N. MAIN ST.. ST. LOUIS. I CURES DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, en Prepares ohly by BROWN MEDICINE s Try it Wow! gcous? all Till' MOjI MUT't'.-sliil J.cilll'lly ev. r dis- covcico, ai it is certain in Its elicits ami duts not blister. AUtiexu-lli'nr lur human ileh. RLAU l'ROUr Ul.LuW iiun. COI.. 3L. T. FOSTER. Ycuiigjtuv.n, Ol.iu, Mj) loth, iS8o Dr. II. J.K1.N1 ALL fc Co.. CJcnt. ; I had a cry vjluable H.miLletuiii.in colt which I pricd very highl), lie had a large bone spavin on one joint anil a small one on the other which made him vcr lame; I had him under the charge ol two eteiiiury surgeons which tailed to cure him 1 was one diy reading the advettisement ol' Ken dall sbp.nin Cine in the Chicago Uxpreis, I de termined at unci: to tr it. and not our druL-ciits to send for it, they ordered three buttles ; 1 took them all and thought I would give it a thor ugh trial, 1 Used it according to directions and the linn th day the cult ccsed to be lame, and the lumps have disappeared, 1 ued but one buttle and the aults limbs arc as free tioin lumps and as smuuthasany horse in the state, lie is entirely cured. The cure was so remarkable that I let two of my neighbors have the remaining two buttles, who are now using it Vary Respectlully, I.. T. TOSThR. Kendall's Spavin Cui'C. Send address for Illustrated Circul r which we tliink gives poshive piuut ol its virtues. No rem edy lias ever met with such niitjii.ilitieil success to our knowledge, for beast as well at. man, I'rice$i per bottle, or six buttles for $5. All Druggists have it oacaii getit for you, or it will be .cut to any address on receipt uf piicc by the pro prietors, L)R 11 J, KKNUAI.I. Si CO., Enos bourough Falls Vt. Sold by all Drxiggists. JSSS 1 For Border Outlaws, By J. W. hJuoll. The New, Thrilling, and AUTHENTIC History of the Lives and Wondeiful Adventures uf America's great Outlaws, Tlie Younger llrotliiirs, IT t'u 11k and .It'NNc Jiiimvs, And their bands of highwijmen, down to the prrsent moment, including the DEATH OF JUSSEJAMES.and all the late startling and thrilling developments. Fifty illustrations and portraits, among which arts Jesse James, after he was shot, and 1 i line colored plates. Interviews and letteis Irom Cole Younger; the breaking up of the hand and revelations of STARTLING SECRETS. The Black Flag, the Teiriblc "lllack Oath," and hundreds of other astonish ing facts. Most wonderful and exciting book in existence. Outsells eveiything ! New and greatly enlarged edition; New illustrations; 500 pages, prii-e $1,50. Agents' Canvassing Outfit, 50c. Illustrated Circulars and full particulars FREE. Agents, don't lose tliis grand opportu nity! Address DNN. L1NAHAN & CO-. Pub Ushers, 4.th and Washington Ave., St, Louls,Mo. JtmMamVXK FKENDAlUsl SPAVINUQEfe wmmi mmutemasxp. asSBp- BERCHAMTS pxyp-vrALIi Ki:i l m import ic-Jt ovrrnb JL J JLYJlN clot.ooriH'ii.soii. .Semlforcotul.ilotw SVaWfS0 '"' L,'v ""'Wi l" ""'' JUivHiiiHyii-riiH ' aAJ&z?S xvtrii. rcil in both Tlivrohnul ntnl ( miFsumor. 0fVlv3lM crrorvn on t:iMiown J arum, uv iit ajiw ! ,l!il!iDS53i3AC::nrilvotca to this purMo nr t:o I'liArii 1 .1 1 Mil in Al.l I i. r iJJTj" ( ttp nttriti tiC7ci r.. u.w..1 1i11 mullrd to ltmrchuntH oil utmlJcutloH 21 &23 S. SIXTH ST. PHILADELPHIA A. combination of Pro- UKctdi'of JroHfJ'orm'lnn. Jiiirkantl I'hovphavHH In pnlutnblp form O Tho iitiljirii)(irntl)i iii iron Unit will not liluekrn tin tri thfho fhiintcti'rlatlruf ntln r Iron prriiiirntlons. 'io.Nit' in u.y iiraciit-c, aim in rii uneni-tirctn HEADACHE & BILIOUSNESS. m & MFC CO. Leavenworth, Kan. DEuaoisxsii Wever Fails!? LEGAL NOTICE. I'd M. Stowull: ruJ lire liiii'iiviicilllleil thai lot No. four I liilu tilni'lv rso. ipiic liiiinliiMl and thlity livo il.S.jJ. Ill IViu, Xciiiiiliii rouiily, Ni'lnas I. 1, t.lM'.l III till' lllllll.. (II M M.iW.'ll. Wllh nil Hie 'Ji ill ilny i .Mil) , IS'ii, sold 11 1 iilviilo iiln( lir 1 he lfliiimiit liixo inr iliu yi'iiin lhiS.i IsTtf, 1ST", iiiul l7.", iiiiiiMintiii lo 3.1(1, nml Una llio imichuM'i pit 1 1 1 tin. Iiimik ol iSTll, HiiKilllltlli 111 II t't'llls. July 'Jiltli, LkN), uliil Hit) taxt-k ol Ijvmi, ainoiiiiiliiu to LU cciitf. Ail'll JTlii, iMSI, till' tiiXt'n 01 l.-i.sl. ailliillllllli in .ti wills, Apill Stli. iflVJ UnJi'hS allt iio,- 1 t.v Im ii'ili'cini'il tioin Mild tax Mile 011 orlio lint' AllKllsl llllli, (fi, tliu lllltk'lhlKlii'il will apply f.ii ami n-cclvi- a tax iked lliuiuliir. UaU-il .May ;id, Ksj, IVIIi S KANDAhL. Ovviier of snlil fCltlllcale, liy Ills ngi-iilx, Oh- Iiiiiii t: T.i lor. lliw'l LEGAL NOTICE. In Dlstika L'utiii or Nuiiinliu county, Ko lirnslcii. In llio muttpior I ho cliniiKu of thu nuiiics 11I Calvcri ami Slit'ililan. NOTfCIC is lififlj gh'i'ii Ilia! a petition Ih now on lilt In ilii- Disirn-t noiwi ol Mil I I'ounty. hlunml 1 y a two-llllld.s iiiajoiltv ol tin1 li'unl voter ol th lowii of Calvert, In said county, playing Unit llio nuino 01 on viti lie I'liaiiKi'ii to Aulinin and conolldaifd with Hlit'rliliin.iiiidt'r.stioli nainc. In aicnid anuti Willi itifalli-Kiitlonh and lorin ol huid poilllon. And iln lliinl iii'irlnn f I tiu muttors and fuels M'l up In said p. 111 Iciii Ism'I tor llio .'Id day ol .Inn. , Im.iii Iiwlilel colli t 1 oniii, Jn Mii'Mln. In Laiicavter cn.inty, ubriisku, in Uoelncka in., 11I wlili-ii llinc ami placu all persons in teicNtcd will appear and contwt the Miine. Dili'd .May lid, iss-JT. . , OSISOHN .V: TWI.OR, "l"'1 Aiiy'H lor I'L'tllionciM. ESTRAY .VOTICE. Tvvohlniy liorMis, Inken up 11 tlio farm of .I11I111 S. idiniinn, on tlie KI1I1 of I'nt). ks., Dlsciliiilon.onu liny inaiu. Willi wliltu Mini on tin gin ad. One black mare coll. Thuown. er will please lake notice and cnuiu mid pilv lor kecpnK, or they will be Mild, a ceo id I n't; IO,1mW , , . JollNSoDMAN.N, Klk Creek, Johnson C ., Noli. ha:um4 nut 1 ci2. To C. Uotu'lilns and Mary llonclilns; You aie licreby noillled thai llio lulotvln iletMM ilii'il rual estate, lo-wil; 'I ho tiiidiviiied liiur-iilnt his ii-uj of the Mtiiih halt ot tlm iioitiivvt'st (juiirttiol M-cilon JS, towiiHhlp a, north otiniiKi' i.l, eontainliiL! tlilrty.tlvo and .VfliKi (;i.j.rii.uih iicil'.s, hliuattd In Noinalm county, Neliraska, and laxnd In tho narne ot ' lloiiclitns, wasoii tin llih day 01 April. Ih77. sold at pi'lvaleMile (or tho dolliimieiit taxesof ini'j, ih7;l, IS7I and 1j7j, itiiuiiiiuliit: to $:l'J. (U, Alwitlietiixcho! the years IS7ii, IS77, 170 and issn havo hcili paid by the tindcrMKiiiit NUliseiiuent 10 purchase. And tho time ir redemption will osjiiro on the 10th of August naled Nemaha county, Nebraska, May :td, sh, PUTLJIt HI'Tll.I'T Owner of snid certlilcato. by IjIhiikchis' ' JWJ Obliou.N vv T.vYi.ult. WANTED ;:.. H"',.,t",,,LV"',"ir,e -t)tl....IU .1 I... .-. ur,i. ..,li,.. b ,uUcr.ilUi." ,1,,ul"';" - '"' '. v.i ,,.!. Il vullil Im, .v". " ' "'" " 'kfr i,.rsooioiilb AdJr,. mi !.. 1 oaI. II K. 10.. e.. Jiit. l "."" Mi rriT7r.rT' ' r"r '"rrl.Timiiililrt (llU.lnteJ ll I Ulcl, fl.lUf it... r( linn . I in. Itniin. , ,'mJ ,lc- , ,: fl'.".'0n,-.,. .rhe ro....l.l.t 1. taluill. t. ,r ,jr I j,fi. ritf hrilth. lemi i l . .....xi I, nr.rnc I irr.i .i .ml'ii JUkiw Kuiirtf. HA3K1S REMEDY C3., ST LOUIS. Kfl. 0M TREATMENT. A certain cure for Norvoui Dehii'.ty. Somlnnl Woak- ThTi7in.. I u"' iT?e9A9.npi. etc. roctlnoeforcclf treutiiiut c-iriVfrT.I v. , ! li iMTMwrri-iim rnniiiMiwiwM MiMiViT'MriirSnViJtlTF WVj w XtpM Ji iC A r I w 'if T