A r". A- A statistical fiond estimates that it takes 100,000 clcnliante yearly to sup- ixlv tlui Ivnrv of tlin vviirlil. If llin rnimn ol billiards wore tp bo abolished, about 2o,O0U eloniiants would supply the de mand, and about oOO.OOO married men hi this country would be homo earlior in the evenings. A man in Duller County, Pennsyl vania, drilling for oil recently, struck at n depth of one hundred feet.'onc of tho most powerful veins of gas ever en countered in the oil region. The vol ume of gas was so great that the roaring noise made by its escape could bo dis tinctly heard livo miles away. Tho crow of the Jcannetto will probably remain in hiding in the wastes of Siberia until tho tlood of poetry now uenig turned loose about theui has sub sided. They have sullered all tho hardships they care to endure. Boston Post. Booth' Fanncen. Tho audience at the Opera House last Friday night when Edwin Booth played "Hamlet," undoubtedly noticed tho pungent odor that pervaded the house, after tho great scene be tween Hamlet and Ids mother, during which the old Chamberlain Polotilus Is killed. It was peculiar yet not unpleasant, and only X those familiar with the substance producing It, could account for tho odor. The eminent tragedian himself and the company support ing him, have been suffering for several days past from colds and physical aches produced by the changeful weather and the usual ex posure on the stage, and one of the company, Mr. D. 0. Anderson, who played Polonlus, was taken violently and suddenly 111 during the play; by directions of Mr. Booth, who Is always solicitous for the welfare of his people, a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil was brought from his dressing case and the suffcrlne actor thor oughly rubbed with tho famous German Kemedy, which soon brought relief and full recovery. Mr. Booth always carries this re liable emollient with him, and tho contents of his dressing case without It, would be as In complete as the play of Hamlet without tho Blioal.JlurUnrtoii (Tit.) Gazette. In proof of the assertion that cattlo will stray Into strange places, wo havo seen a cow hide In a shoemaker's shop. Tub Enquirer of Cincinnati says: Hon. P. T. llanium strongly Indorse St. Jacobs Oil for pain. Ills combination and artists all uso It. . A liiiAi'nuY-nouMK advertises lawn-dresses that will wash. Isn't It tho business of a laundress to wash. Junoi: V.T.Fn.i.r.Y,or Plttsfield, thisState, was cured of severe rheumatism by St. Jacobs Oil. Sprimjjleld (JiiM.) Jtepublkan. "Hannah," said Mr. Smiley the other evon Ing as he turned down the light after reading the paper, "do you remember sho 'twas Sa rah II igsuort lit" "I.a, yes, Ichabod. I never shall forget her. Why, she had a snickering notion artcr you, did'n't hol" 'Hannah, you put that very delicately. I did pay some little attention to her and she seemed to like . It. Well, 1 see bv the paper her husband Is Ulead." "Poor thing. J'm sorry for her." "Well, you needn't be. He was a low-lived, Ruc.iklng, miserable scoundrel as ever lived. The rascal. If It hadn't been for him I'd mar ried Sarah mjself and lived happy." "Iclni bod! Iclmbod!" exclaimed his wife. "Haven't I always been a good wife to you. Haven't you always lived happy with me," and the aqueducts burst and flooded the surrounding territory of her face. "Ye, yes. There, there. Why, why. Who'd n thought? Why, what have I been eaylng, anyhow?" and It wis about an hour and a hair before the reconcili ation occurred, but then it was worth the lit tle diillculty. AVif Haven ItcaMer. Ilnw Very Annojlnp. When one is Invited out to a heart v dinner, how ery annoying to feel such dyspeptic symptoms as retahting of the food, belching, heat in the stomach, heartburn, etc. If thus alllicted, your digestive organs arc weak. Nothing assists nature so effectively In giving tone and strength to the stomach, liver and bowels, as that Queen of all vegetable tonic, Dr. (luysott's Yellow Dock and Sars.iparllla. It Is a certain cure for all kinds of dyspeiiMu. It also cures nervous weakness. It is kind and friendly to tho brain. It makes good ilesli and blood. It cures hysteria, nervous excitability, wasting of tho muscles, anil ex pels all blood Impurities. Tor braln-workcrs it is especially benellcial ; it checks all ten dency to insanity. It removes such symptoms ns blotches, skin diseases, dimness of vision, loss of memory, cough, catarrh of the bladder, painful urination, dyspepsia, general despond ency, etc. Jamp.x Gonnox Burnett's new yacht cost $'100,0(H). It is haidly necessary to state that Mr. Bennett Is an editor. Vhicayo Tribune. i Mn. CnAiu.r.s A. Rhys-olds, of Madison, Ind., writes: "l'or ten years I have been try tug to regain my health. Sometimes I doe toicd lor my kulucxs, again, I would take cough medicines and consumption cures, and then my dspepla would nearlv kill me, and I had to iloetur for that. Hearing of Dr. fiUVMitt's Yellow Dock and Sarsaparllla, I bought a bottle, It did me more good than I cxpeeted. 1 am now robust and strong, and have not felt s!ek for a long time. I feel strong In every turt of mv bodv, and at night 1 enjoy most refreshing, droamloss slumber." Ax advertisement In a Western paper says: "Lost Two cows; one of them is a bull." So is the at' vert Iseincnt. Oil City Derrick. . . . TiiEitn are political outbreaks so popular with the whole people that the stuto iltxio not interfere. The breaking out of pustules, pimples, tetter and the like on tho lace, can be pleasantly cured by Dr. Benson's Skin Cure. Also good for the hair and scalp. Dr Benson Is aho the proprietor of Celery and Chamomile Pills, which now have a wide reputation as the best remedy known for all dlhoasos of the nerves and all kinds of head aches. "Does poultry pay!" asked a stranger of a city dealer. "Of course," was the reply; "even the little chickens shell out." lliu-il Lumps In Itrcnst. Dn. R. V. Pir.K' 1:, Buffalo, N. V. : Dear Sir I wrote ou some time ago that I thought I had a cancer. There was a large lump In my breast 11s large as a walnut, and had been thero four months. I comment cd taking x our "Golden Medical Discovery," "Favorlto'l're Bcrlptlon" and "Pellets" In June, and the lump Is gono. Yours gratefully, Mus. R. R. Ci.ahk, Irvlngton, Mich. Or courso, smoking Is worse than chewing, for tho old adago says: "Of two evils cUuu tho least." Stinoj.no Irritation, Inflammation, all Kid ney Complaints, cured by "Buchupaiha." 51. Ucrnino Sound unit Well." R. V. Pirhcb, M. D.: Pear Sir My wlfo, who had been ill for aver two years, ami had tried many other medicine, became sound and well by using your " Favorite Prescrip tion." My n eco was also cured by its use, after revcral physicians h.id failed to do her any good. Yours truly, Thomas J. Methvin, Hatcher's Station, Go, - How can man and wlfo be one, when the woman is won hersclfl SaleinSunbtam. No Trouble to SxtiiIIoxy Dr. Pierce's "Pellets" (the original "little liver pills") and no pain or griping. Cure sick or bilious headache, sour stomach, and clcanso tho By stem and boxxeb. 25 cents a Vial. . PcAitir teeth anddlamond eyes arc delight ful, but a topaz noso is dread. ul. "FioriiES are not always facts," but the Incontrovertible facts concerning Kidney Wort ore better than most llgurcs. For In stance: "It Is curing everybody," writes a druggist. " Kidney-Wort Is tho most popular inedlc.ne wo sell." It should bo by right, for no oilier medicine has such spocllle action on the liver, bowels and kidneys. Do not fall to try It. ' Tun man who never failed Is a myth. Such a one never lived, and Is never llkoiy to. All success Is a scries of efforts, In which, when closely viewed, are seen mora or less failures. The mountain Is apt to overthrow the hill: but a hill Is reality, nevertheless. If you fall now and then, don't be discouraged. Bear In mind It Is onlv the part and experience of every successful man, and the most successful men often have tho most failures. I'ops of Doctors. The fco of doctors Is an Item that very many persons are interested In Just at pres ent. We believe tho schedule for visits Is $3, which would tav a man conilned to his bed for a year, and In need of a dally visit, over $1,000 a year for medical attendance aloucl And one single bottle of Hop Bitters taken In time would save the $1,C00 and all the year's sick ness. 1'ost. What Jeweler was It that made the welkin ring? - Lyiua E. Pinkiiam's Vegetable Compound has douc thousands of women more good than the medicines of many doctors. It is a posi tive cure for all female complaints. Scud to Mrs. Lydla E. Plukhum. How to to get a head Buy a postaga stamp. II I ! ' '" ' EST The Scarlet, Cardinal Red, Old Gold, Navy Blue, Seal Brown, Diamond Dves,glvo perfect results. Any of these fashionable colors only ten cents. Tin, wheel of fortune runs slow, because Its felloes are tired. Whitehall Times. Woui.n not be without Bedding's Russia Salve, Is the verdict of all who use It. Price 'J5c. Don't Dik In the house. "Rough on Rats." lfic. Clears out rats, mice, Hies, roaches, bed-bugs. Tnr the new brand, "Spring Tobacco." An Indian chief, while In Washington, was taken to see a burlesque show. After tho performance ho remarked, through an Inter preter, that the Great Father was very kind to send the poor Indian blankets when they were so much needed at home. Chicago Tribune. A Chicago woman has discovered a way to keep eggs fresh for six months, and the hens which have been lording it over tho land will now take a back seat. Detroit Free Press. Thuhe Is more vitality consumed to tho square Inch In getting out a newspaper than in any other kind of work, if wo eveept the pieparations of a girl for a ball or the making up of a young swell to lit aclgarettc. Sower ville Journal. So Sad: A pretty girl In Sweden turned up her nose at liar poor but deserving lover and it froze in that position. Now she doesn't know whether to retlro from tho world or hire out to stand in somebody's hall as a hat-rack. San FrancUeo l'ost. "I'M. make you dance," cried an irate niotner, pursuing Her erring sou, Blipper In 11:11111. iiieu," remarKcu me juvenile, we shall have a bawl." "What would this world be without old maids?" Clarissa, dear, did you ask. It would be 11 paradise free from corkscrew curls, strong tea, and the usual concom itants that seem to cluster about the femininity that falls to unlto Itself to somo masculinity. JVYmi Jfaveii HeijMer. - Tun waves at Long Branch this summer will not be allowed to come to the shore on Sundays. They will all be arrested as Sabbath breakers. -V. O. Picayune. ' - Gus Dn BitoxvN, who has prolonged his call considerably after 10:15 p. in.: "So you don't admire men of conservative views like myself, Miss Angel?" Miss A., with vivacity: "No, Indeed, I prefer people who havo somo go In them." Do 11. reaches for his hat. Tiijtr. "Do you nlay croquet?" "No, I don't nlav croquet, but my Sister May. who Is vcrv ! gay, plays croque'., ewrv lino day, In a most I charming way, aiid is quite aufait.'' HAS BEEN PROVED Tho SUREST CURE for ECBEDLMEY D88EA8ES. Does a lamo back or disordered urino indi cate that you nro a victim P THEN DO If OT HESITATE; uso Kldnoy-Wort at ouco, (drug crista recoraraond It) and It wlllspoodlly over como the dlseaso and rcstoro healthy action nrijno lor complaints peculiar tam a i I C S3 to your sox, BUCh ao pain snd weaknesses, Kldnoy-Wort Is unsurpassed, as It win act promptly and nafcly. ElthorSox. Incontlnonco, retention ofurlne, brlok dust or ropy deposits, and dull drncclnft pains, nil speedily yield to its curatlvo power. . BOLD BY ALL DIUJOCIISTS. Trico 81, vmmx Ai. ZUi PARSONS' PURGATIVE PILLS &$&& llluuil mill will ciiinpli'icly rlninni- ili bluurt In ihe en tire njiicin In 'Iiiit moiulu Any rsun wtiu will take 1 plifench nlKht from I lu IVI wi'i'ks inny be ri'stond to sound health, If such a thlnR I" poiMijV Hold ov f rywnere, or ifnt by mull for M li-iter sunups. I. 8, JoilNiON & Co. , notion, Mais., formerly liaiiuor, ilo, H SOCrCJJ IMPROVED ROOT BEER rClC.C "e- liscksKiMiukcsSKSllunsof adelclous holooini'. unaritllnir TVnipcrance icvtski' Ask your UruKKM, orn'iit ojr mall for MSc. C ; E. HIKES. VI .Tl UIW. ATI! . mil. OPIUM St MORPHINE PA TUMP Treatl.o on tln-lr Juil 1 111 IT rnrMyrurrtSKNTtmK Dn J.U 1 lloirrmN, I'.O llox IH, Chicago. HI, w fAISTKIl AOKXTH for the romplM and u ' ilieniln I.lfo of 1IENIIY W. I.ON'OPKI.I.nw i. K. 11, Vmirttwoetn. Illuiirtcl. The people Mrs rrtir (or It, I). 11. KUSSBLL, 67 CoruhlU, lioitoa. liui IStt rji tJ rTH I k XYix v.Yf n 1 to lM2 ir-MI kj1 W & 0X11 S5if il l4 A IK'' A l.Ti ftS4-fl pi BTnn mini iims fi&tiuaa uuv MRS. LYDIA E. PINKIIAM, OF LYNN, MASS., o Cf.laifil,SftBrisBBP'? , w XiisiS " Vv)llBaKLasjBis i. U - v. . . w LYDIA E. PeiMKHAM'S VEGETABLE COHPOUND. Inn I'oslllvpCiiro foritll (lint I'alnriil i'niiipliitnls nml Vr1.nriiss urunimoil looiirlic.t fi'liuilp uniitluii. It rill cure entirely tlis wol't form of I'cuulo Com plslnts, all OTarlan troubles, Itirtaiiitiisllnn and Ulcora tlon, Kslllnir and lli,iUceiufUls, and tho eomtquont Bplnal Trtakucts, atid is particular) adspted to tho Chaues of Ufe. It will dltnolfe and ip1 tumors from tlisuUrns In an early itnuoof ihirelopnifiit, Iho Umteurj tocan cvrous htinini s (hero Is chfcltrd terj apcodtly by Its uso. It rsmoTosfatiitnem, llatuleney, deatroysall orarloo; forstliniilanln, and iuMotc-s nenlnifM of tho stomach. It cures Illoatlnir, tltsilnchos, Kerf 0110 Prostration, Oenaral Delillltj, Blsepleisncti, Dtpreulon and Indl BettloD. Tliat frstlnir of tirarlnp; donnjCaiintnir pain, weight and backache, Is always ponuanf ntljr ruled by Its uio. It will at nil times and under Ml clrruiuiUnrts act In harmony with tho Una that got em tho feiunlosystom. Fortbocuroof Klctnoy Complaluta of eltlsr sax this Compound Is unsurpassed. LYDIA K. IMNKIIAM'fl YnOHTAIILR COM I'OU.NDIs prepared at Hi and S35 Wuatsrn Atciuio, Lynn, ltiun. Pilcofjl. Slxbottltafortl. Sent by mull In the form of pills, also tnlho foim otlotenees, on receipt of prico, SI per box fur either, lira, Plnkhara freely anawors all letters of Inquiry. Send for pamph let. Address as abore. Mtntton (Mi Jupar. No family should' lo without I.TDIA E. TINKIUM'S LIVHIt l'lIJJ. They euro comtlpatlon, blllouinois( and ton'I'Hty of thollTor. Sicentsper box. JST Sold by till Drueclots. -a A REMARKABLE BOOK IS THK mmsiiw Book For I.imriilii); both Six'iilitr unil Sucruil .Music 011 tliu lluixl or I'urlor OrRiin. By A. N. JOHNSON. The Brom AVejt U full of wd orit.n, but fcwknoy how lo play them. Why? "You see," said the teachera, "when a farmer buys n reed orKaii, ns they all do, he naturally wishes hit llltlti il night r or 1011 to lern to play twi mttvlc fit he tl 1 mo 1 1 1,. l.l.l.i'tl tt ill, ,,,,. nitllllldP .J, IK., wdltftltl tlllfl ..n., ji- ..v,. . .....i.v. ,"-, ....... "w,.., nw,,..v, ....v Biiiiilny kcliool mniKi, KoHpel a .iiki and ti) iim.tuin'., mid ho thinks all this ean be dune In alx iiiontln Wo h.uemnii) such acholats, ami no book ihut fits tho ciiso." At the special request of many such tenehon (his lluok n pii'paied, ami pruvo 10 be JuMilie thliu. 'Hi" iiuilior Iihh 11 iiiukIi'aI till nt for miklui; bind thliiKH enny, mid any child cut mule rstund his explana tion. A prnetlcil teaeherroeently Imltcd hltn to hear the lensoiMOl iitiumlier of pupils. t.uiKllt fi urn this Hook. They weiv exc llent lctom "I mild nut prmluco such tfsultd by uny oilier ho ik," a.ild the tcachur I'llcoll 50, for which oip will bn inallril, pent free, lOiui) Hdilres by return 111 ill Ilett ncnd 11 St bill nml Wets In stamps bv r Rlmered letter, nud order JOHNSON'S Parlor Organ Instruction Book or- OLIVER DITSON & 00., Boston. ' ty.Me.mlou this papir mwkTf7!mmEsmi&m9k CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED! Cures Consumption, Colds, Pneumonia, Influenza, Bronchial Difficulties, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough, and all Diseases ol Ihe Breathing Organs. Itsoothes and heals the Mem brane ol the Lungs, inflamed and poisoned by tho disease, nnd prevents the nlgiit sweats and tight ness across the chest which accompany it. CON SUMPTIONIsnotnnlncurablemalady. HALL'S BAL SAM will cure yot, evenlhough professional aid falls. $10 REWARD "onvtimaclnneliutllngaimuclicliiitrtetiUiilila'jinlln t ix'iitH all other llullers, liaitiir u Jd Ltmt ttit niiil thodeiuatuU'oiild Hot bo miiiiillivL Clrcnlar conflnnlnK' fhln mailed free. Bend for It. NEWARK MACHINE COMPANY, Newark, Ohio. Uwnrra of 1'atcnti anil the on Mauuficlurtra In the vorl'l Heat In, the Woi-ld. iet the L'ellllllie. liv ery iiix'Uilur- Inn i, Mr 'l'iiile-iiii,li mill la mat u.e.1 ivitAur'a. hoi. ii i:vkuvviii:ui ts aruaciiTS Iv onae.1 la thu ptotocu tlonof I'un.lon and other War L'lalma.andia- ia ril full ar ara. lleit coueiiioiKldnra. I ljliltii Ymirk' i;Kiir aincia MII.O II. MTKVK.' :VKfiit(U, Atloinev-.cte.. WAflHINUTO.S, 1. 0, f Cl.KVKLaVNIi OHIO! Cuioaao, lu., DtrKOir. Jliail. $!8 S K W I ?iii .11 A J M II : I ! N tr Itnnroved bliiL'ir At seliinenls romiilete llox Co Mr. tMoilraweri (iron-leaf table lluvnvnur Kxnreaa Aeent onleriitiHi no monev wanted until iifirr l rial. If nofsatlafM-torj.rrtiirn sttnyexpentu. 1 warrant every msrhlneforSvears Alffntswatit dlncrenr town. Adirewi N, P. U.RBEN, 353 Dirlilan Bt., Cblcaco.lU DR- ISA! 3 ' wm. HULL o victor m Doilllll, llllllr'rl l,.i...-l!n.13 r-rv UUIK can xjTIAb yjv sTT i: j ISO iVdh&avt Wm?&&w iiav. H!AKE WM LAY An Knelish Veterinary Siirfeon and rtiotniat. now traveling in thin country aa.s that imistof the llornn andCattb, Pumlura sold hm aruworthlenatrash. He saysthatSliHridau HConilu ;.,n I'oMilitrNiirunbuoliitely puroandlmmonaely valunlii" Notlmiir on earth will make limis lay likn KliHr.'laii'H Condition I'nwdars. Dono, ono tuaciinoiifnl to one unt food. Knld uvi-ry-wherp, or Rent by mail for n eht letter stiimp. J 8. HHINSON.iro Itnat.nMs foriimrly Hanitor Mi. l'AlibO.sV 1'uwiativi; I'u.i-n iiiakii new rah blood. FfiAZER AXLE UREASE. PENSIONS i OLD AND RELIABLE, JJDn. SANroitD's LrvEn LwiaonATon IlA n Ptfxilfllilfil Ti'n,,, ,'Kf l)nmn.1 t. ? -' -- .- ju ..... j juvenile iul y tiBcnacBot tlioJUivor, btomnch and Uowcla. It ia Purely .V&l gVogotablo. It never JjDomhtntcfl It is , sffn.ii j . . &j ,u..,..wu.um ji niiinriin nnii roino. r a --v 2TI.Y rft'll ." B NT VtW tti' V,'.lC ,.n. 5. IMI J3W,i .o .? .ii.-M ssasn sk'i .. . - . ,- .uoi'. ao '.AO' ".rioO s ' V rT tZKd!Kit . w., vAilttV. rtAw Zm M-.ll"-" II 111 111 ill W oy .n exx1 wrw urw ni - 1 i iv v-xnv. j' j 1 Kffn v rtv, .-n .l 0"rt, '.rtSi u J m IV) ,. ft v ,va- L v- L V 5!Tn v w S? McA S UV In w 1 rt Lto' A a" V, rt . V 0 i srz 0) ;p v VJ .nV . rV : A&$m?. O.rlOr.cifAiS Un.S tssssssasfs tV . W . . Ol ill ii-W"lW- v.o r-riw rV ."IP. VAfifl?ClvPWl 0 sflvor..iV)'a WM$tSi sV V ' 1 1W . 1 .t iaVn HIM ! It Ml - 31 AV An""i t- Z HI OB B KTni.-(i -.11 t dsWjaiH W JH HI Bssl .- I Illaas .11 mwmu ism jm mmmMM ra a . s ILLlYorS jpf InvigomtorS una ucou ubcu5 in my Drnoticcx nuil by tho public,? . m mil t-ts t s . u r ...... mm jmIL'!V yv1 unprecedented iesultB.J ? 100 Pago Book sont froo. i ?S, T. W, SANFORD, M.D.,11??gxTTvS C .vi,imnn,.,n,, ..,, ,. l ,11 IIHIUHI3I iiii.iiii,i,u luuiiaiiAriuilll.,, r. mrnzBrrvBrr A NEW DISCOVERY. : k HTFor several years wo havo furntihod tho; Dalrj'tnen of America with nn excellent nrtl-i flelaleolorforbstteri so meritorious that It mcty I with t?rcat auceeM evcrywhero recelvltiu thu hlKbci-t and only prltes at both International ,I)alry Fairs. ; 1 fsrllut br natlent andselentlUc cliemlenl ro- hii.iieh vti havn Imnrnved In aevernl tiolnbt. and! HnowoOcrthls new color as the but in theieortJ. Kit Will Not Color tho Duttormllk. Itj Will Not Turn Rnnold. It In tho StronRoot, BrlRhtoBt nnd ChenpoBt Color tVlntlo, IXTAnil. whll prepared In oil, Uso compound cd that it Is inipowllilo for It to become laiield. I ) HTBCWAnE of nil ImltntlniM, and of all other oil eolora, for they ntu llublu tobeeuuio. .rancliliinil pHiitno nittter, ) tfTlf you cannot tret tho "Improved" wrltous to know where and how to get It without extra kexpciuc, (1C) WELLS, ltlCIUUIIHON 1 1 ., llurllnjlori, Yt. 1 1 i . fih i T a ttn. t n - . - -"- tir't t'tfiltt one athr litit.fht tprt' anil n Irrliuhlt r'o'hli.inth'W'mtiUnndthmimnihni hOilrrnii ni-rilrrr u tm, !, ,. II la thn " IWAMll'S IHT'I'. ItlDfSK'S KOtI)reenethiindor!emeiitofibi i elniHnf nllrelirHiUllinnorliloter Iiicnnnfl5 , ntu, CScontH. il 2atnl SRI 7.V henrinutlio lenatnrii of "WUU1.IC1VJI als CO. on every label. A. TABLE 1JOOK iND INTRODUCTORY ARITHMETIC. nY I.YDIA .VAN II. This little IJook takrs thn learner tluough Tinz IHrlv Inn. Italsocouiniaiiilt Itself ai especially usotul to tho TI'.ACIIKKM of the I'rlinarv Di'iurtuiunt In IIkmo public schoolt which do not put .1 l'llmatr Arlthmotla iiitothohnudsof I heir puiill.s. Apply to tho author. NN HinaiHtroet. KlU:iboth, N. J. i'rico IS centn. No extra clurire for inulllii.. RAILROAD 6AZETTE. A JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION. i Engineering and Railroad News. PulilUhe'I at 7!l Ilniailrrny, Xoit Torlt. The four finest Cabinet Bteel Enerav lriKon tlnieil card board with Ulll llrvrlril Kititpa, et"r JAS.fl. MRS. CAnFICLD. QUEEN VICTORIA nnd PRESIDENT ARTHUR. SO its buya Hi. 4. A.MIKL'N.kU.I.t.NCIWOUTII, ItuUtford, 10. IfAXBY'N TIt.Ti: MAMMI.H Practical 11 bu Ks fur priii'tb id info in nit full. r llabl ami li an rulniiT. 'H Carpi n . r 'in W'n Inn.iWi r and Jew. Ii r, i). Kurnliiire nml Cabinet Kililale r, 'ii. 1) rand Scourer, 'i). Anlnt 'i. Il.iker, 'i I ulidy tnnkir.f) Hoajiliniker. JS llt.dir.'V II .rae alio, r 'a. I uvlilf.rmtit r.i A ntli.irMlil,, .ji 1' .1 .,. .,.. i or iiooun in rs or by mall JEibH HANKY i CO. "..-......., r ....." ,(,, "' ,",, Ufcltl ,'l, by i iii nasaiiu at., ti. THE ST. LOUIS MIDLAND FARMER i the ol and cheape-t ARrti'iilturiil Monthly No pre inlutna No clubs. W almply ailc cents for each subm itpilon Eiery rurun-r w.inis It KstablUhed ulus years, baninlu cup) f.,i l c, m aniltip Addn'St SHIM. AMI I'AUMKIC. Ht. Iillla, Mo. TAPANKHKsnd other designs, plain and fancy al phabet!, nratilialnrilelea. nelrea, c , In Haney'i .lollrnnl fur ..il,ra .,,.,,. -?... Muun. ii'ctu Journal HANKY t. CO.. n Nasasu bi v. .,,,. n, ,,,w, I,,,,, , . is b ,,,i, viaon N Y. AdKMTS J.adlet or Ocnts make money faat icIllnKoar now ook Invaluable to housekeevrs Uroful, prac tical and populai. V K.Owkns, khi KuitonSl .Chicago. OTAJillAHll riCINIt UIUIII.VON AXII O ltl'A'1 TATIO.VH,- lli-st piece In prow and Terse. Ificts. Any iicdt!alcr or bookseller. E r,OOUTIOSIVI"H .MIIJKXAI,, full of fresh J arid gooJ pkevs, only tin vcui of all newsdealer. c mil M m Ol 1 32 n!mti tfifo m m wii M' I Hk H ZP9 imiii MLMM9.& sra tthm rvipjsK r km 1 5dLW n v ml9 IVroS mmmX .s wi&.t ' w - 1 " -1 1 .mmmmumji aWiigirafill'IITfBWlBlllUWlTrlll ii 4 prinieii or ia GARF ELD SAMARITAN NERVINE, THE GREAT NERVE CONQUEROR, The only known gpoolfto remoily for Kpllopsy. SAMARITAN NERVINE Cures Hpnin, roiivtilslnti", St Vitus Dunot', Vortiiro. liHiinitv, I'lintlyrt a, Nitvoih l'matnt tlon nml (it nonil Debility. SAMARTTAT NERVINE Never kiittwn tti full. It fKitmllzos tho circula tion, rcpiiln Hi wttHto, nml iflves ttmo mill vltfor to tho vyBleiu. samaIrItan NERVINE Ctire Scrofula nml till Nervous und Illool dl cnst'8. SAMARITAN NERVINE Tim (j-reiiti'St tottlo known. It uliliilliroatlon, liiRtir'' kooiI iti)otlto, wives toii'i iiipl vl,'"r ti tho Hyst nn, triiiiniiitt'OH swmt nml rifri'Mliltiar sleep nml ri'HtmiM tinft obled utul uurvnim con stitutions to mlitmt liimllh. SAMARITAN NERVINE Sitfc, Cortiiln, Sum ami Speoily. It N Invuluii blo to l.inlliH wlioiii'tioxperli'iii'imrtlioclimiifo liiclilont to mix nni'i'il yent-H. by a-,s hMiit iiiitint at Its iiniioitiitit pi rloil.riMitlitiiuUit-t viKormttt tramiiililty of tutrix lll'o ami carryinu; tlioin wltU ciihu ami Hitfuty IIiioiikIi. EgiitaaRgigngrffigagsM SAMARITAN NERVINE in thn tiuly honestly L'uarnntorl lttueily plaivtl beftno the public, Vo i,ruisrait o every bottlo toirlxn mil Htitftioii or tetuia the itioney, I.eatl Inu; ili KiciaiiM testify tints lnuiu lmriiilt'siiiKl Kooil, etiiittentitlvlnesU n ,n It xcellmit utid umitiiitiil ami peoplu evrrywliere bear cheer ful anil oliiiilaty icHtlinoiiy to Its went virtue. ISffiTAN NERVINtE". In imfnlllm,- anil liifullllilo In ourliik' Alcoholism nml Dpluiit lCatltnr. I'o coiiin Iml'orothu putillo )x'ilh an absolute cure or n hikVIHc' to rumovo thtMleslre lor alcoholic Rtimuliuit't or tho habit ol'opiiiin eiitliiK, Htionm to man' , xve have no tlotibt, an iibMiiriilty; Htich Is the cise uuvurtlio 1.. I 1. ..I'....,. ..If.. ..I,,. ..,n,j,.ll,.ltl .. 11. a le.1., Ulin m'niiu wut'itiiH ,,u, iiii'iil'iii7 ,', uiu public xve thoroiifrhly coiivlnccil oiit-clvcH by nt t ti it 1 oxpcrluitcu that II wop I J ilo all xvu claim for it FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. UZZZSSE-ZSA.AVtmi Wo v. Ill moikI on .10 Uiiyi' Trial IIII, M1CS CliLEMATED Electro Voltaic Belts AND SUSPENSORIES, ELECTRIC "aPPLJAMCES t Ftilli rlnK froin NcrvoiM Dchiijt) I ri ciillty. Vlaor and .Manhood, reaiiltllu; fr in A.:i nuil oilier (aiiaes m to any pemon ntlllicu wl h Itbi'timu tUni, .Veiiinlulii, I'nriil) N, Mnliuil llllllcul tlt'a, I.iiiiiu Itiick, l.lvi' unit lililney 'I'rou bli., l(llilllrt', Kllil oibf,' illae.ioi'a ol' Ilin THiil Oiifinia. bpeidy relief and i ompieti) rtirn tlon lo h nl'll L'linruin I'd 'I'licait 111,, Ihe only Kle'li'l- .VimmIiiiki". tlm li.iv' ei r bom 'iu atlllrti'il ll,oli Ni'lelltllle itt'lni'liilea. Their .,... ..t..,,ii ... i..i.. r, ..,,.. .......... ...i. i. .t. Ilioiuiiliii III, in v nun ,' iiii,' n au) )ii',v,-ii niiiiiin tiiORi t oikIi-i'I ill Kiii'ii-io. V linvi; tin li'tl inouy id' IIiimisiiiiiIs wlui luive lirvu 'iiileUI.' nml I'liillcully cured liy their ne. All xve usl nf.x.v n, rM ! ,.. i.l.'i, . I... ... .. . Ii.l ..... ,tlk .1 .. ... .V nun I'liuiciuiy luii'ii uy int'ir iim. ah we usk of uny pi rson is to k'lve Ilium it trial lor 1IU diy nml lie eon vim I'd end at mice for llliislrati'il I'niiiiihlet, icIvIiik s.11 liiroriiiiitlon, fret'. Addreai VOLTAIC BELT CO., MAitsifAr.n, Jiicir. frlSHfllll Moriililno llnlilt Cureil In Id lOSlwl lwKlny. Nopiiy lllM.'iirftU H IS Ii? aUll I'll. J.Hrki'itKNH, l.olmuou, UUlia. ZB 'Hiousiinds of references from p t'ona cured. SAW iWLLS,- The tiett m Chenn- ri' Forbracrlntlvo write THK Al I I MAS ,t I AYI.uKcu , lamlluld. 6. t iretl.ar nml I'rleB AS I Re I Hoi ml Htatap for llfKilc. - i- illl,t, I1UHII " 0 Jilt. ItL'MII.Iliiiralo.N.Y. mill I .1 imiiil A Jilfuaa MfiriTH- -AGENTS WANTED-i"'."Ht ePfWW-jA illlnuuriU'li Klntb world. 1 sattinle frea. woriu.i ililna, ,luy Iti'iinsoii, Uetrijlt. illch. H I I O O I f Pfr foalfrs MeHlura Work. low II 1 1 1 1 1l I r N r ric" UNION OAItRIAQE MFO. U J U U 1 1. W CO.. Cincinnati, 0, Catalogue Stee, C tin A WKKK $12 u ilay nt home easily made. J)i bCostlyouttllfiru. AddieM'l'ruo&CXi,AluiusU,M. SOLDIERS ' 0 AcruH lo All. urlta l ,1. ICOOKUM. and AEcrit. I'l&nkluioD.Ualc. tn U ?TR portlayatliomc Samples worth 8V J 0 ZU free, AilUui.ssSnMjOS.VCol'oitlaiul.lIe. YHIINR MFH l'jo "nnt to learn TeleKraphylai I UUnu mctl a fL-xv mutiilia, nnd be cenaln of a. Hiuutlon, addreas Valkntine Ukos . Janoivllle, Wis. (Ton A WEEKIn your own town. Terins ana DUUf5oiiMifree. Audi's ll.liallutt&Ca.rurtlund.Ma A. N. K. api 871 irifK.v WMziTixa to AJii:inisKit. pleaaa ttity you aitic the .ItftorfUctiicnf--itt (lti$iapsr, - - --' '-r Oil 30 MW TBSALa MET s