$ebrtrkt Advertiser. a. W. jrAIRHROTHJER ft CO., Proprietor. CALVERT, i : NEBRASKA. THUR8DAY,MAY 11, 1882. XiOOiVli KTJbrWB. A. W. Nickell, reliable newsdealer, JJrownvillo. Extra copies of tlio Artcertlser for Bale at Dillon, Croan & Co's. drug store. Fer Sale Cheap. A homo and buggy, by Mrs. G. S. F. Crane, Hrownville. ttAOO pe-r yonr oats he enally md l borne working for It. O. Hideout A Co., 10 llnrciny Street, New York. Bend for their catalogue and full particular. 16 If Money to Loan. Wo can fill choice loans In three days. Oshohn it Taylor. Groceries at Cost. Wo are closing out our Groceries at COSt. NlCKKI.L & SlIt'HTS. Spring Patterns at McGee Sf Moore's. Permit n Sabijiltution. Insist upon obtaining Florcstou Cologne It is pre-eminently superior in permauonco and rich delicacy of fragrance. An immense stock of dry goods,etc, just arrived at McGee & Moore's. Farted Colors Restored. Faded or gray hair gradually recov ers its youthful color and lustre by Hhj use of Parker's Hair Rnlsain, an elegant dressing, admired for its purity and rich perfume. Plow Shoes at McGee & Moore's. Guiteau Will Be Hung! And still R. P. Hutchlni will continue to sell implements from the largest and beat selected stock in Nemaha county at tho lowest living figures. Fine line of ladies' slippers at J. L. Mc Gee's, Brownville. Wanted. A good, reliable man and wife to work on farm and do housework. Good wages and steady work the year round. L. II. Rattles, Howe. Lawns that defy the heat at J. L. Mc Gee's, Brownville. Money to Loan. We can fill choice loans in three days. OsnoitN & Taylok. IIuvc You Ever Known any person to be seriously ill without a weak or inactive liver or kidney b? And when these organs are in good condition do you not find their possessor enjoying good neaiiii i rar ker's Ginger Tonic regulates these im portant organs, makes the blood rich and pure, and strengthens every part of the system. See other column. Splendid line of Gents' Manilla hats at J. L. McGee's. A FoellBh Mistake. Don't make the mlotako of confound ing a remedy of merit with quack med icines. We Bpeak from experience when we say that Parker's Ginger Ton ic is a sterling health restorative which will do all that to claimed for it. We have UHed it ourselves with the hap piest results for Rheumatism and when worn out by overwork. Sco adv. Thru. ESTABLISHED -18 70. 1 CONOVjER brothers, Manufacturer! of the Conover Bro't Patent Uoright Pianos, Ana Wholesale Agenti for "Steimwnar," "Chiokeriag," Kraaioh. Sc Baoh, ILiAtfeiBLAii, FUcher: amd Hain Pianos. FubllihenofMuilc 1 f Jobbers in Musical and Mode Books, J Merchandise, CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. 018 Main Street, KANSAS CITY, Mf. New Store! New Good! HAR T) "W JL IR, IE 1 HERBERT WILLSON LIVERY ! ANNOUNCES TO THE Citizens of Nemaha County That hli Steele ot Hardware la aew Hand, and that ha Is Mow Prepared tofwrntnH cmjrttilag In the Jlna of SHELF OR HEAVY HARDWARE, At Prlc. that will Halt, Rimimlnr tttftt yon aim get Agricultural Implements Farm Tools, Stoves, Iron, Nails, Fi rear bib, Ammunition, Etc. VsJ- In Connection vrllU the Store. A No. 1 Workman In Charge. Caitom work n Specialty. CENTRAL AVEAUE, SHERIDAN, NEBRASKA. W. E. O'PELT. Opposite Lumber Yard, Main St., Brownville, Nebr. Q-OOX) BIGS AT- Wall Paper. Dillon, Croan & Co. have just re ceived a largo invoice of wall paper, latest patterns and best . quality, which they propose to sell as low as any other firm in Nemaha county. Oall and seo them. Boston baked beans at J. L. McGee's. REASONABLE RATES. Special Accommodations for Commercial Men, AND Driver Furinshed when desired. Horses boarded by the day or week, and Farmers' teams fed and cared fo at fair rates. Call and see the new goods at McGee & Moore's. Linn & Cooper. Calvert, Neb., are now ready to re celvo grain of all kinds, for which they will pay the highest market price Call at the elevator. J. G. Gaskill, Managor. A big stock of spring clothing at McGee Sf Moore's. DIsielMtlea Notice. The co-partnership heretofore exist ing under the firm name of Dillon, Croan ifc Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent, J. J. Bender retiring; Di lion 7c Croan assuming all liabilities and collecting all accounts due the firm. Dated May 1st, 1883. Aliikut Dillon. J. D. CltOAN. J. J. IlKNDKIU PAINTING. PAINTING. I am now prepared to do all kinds of painting, graining, etc., in a first-class manner, and at the following prices: Two coat, work, 15 cents per yard. Three coat work, 18 cents per ynrd. I will do the work and warrant it for three years not to crack, scale, or rub off. Get yotpr painting done in a workmanlike manner, by giving me a call. John Shippen. Revolving Harrow JLTTJlCMMJttEJYT. A. H. GILMORE & SON'S, Sheridan, Neb., Where you will find one of the finest stocks of General Merchandise in Nemaha County. You will find the nicest SPRING STOCK of CLOTHING for all ages. You will find DRESS GOODS of the latest styles and patterns. You will find a nice line of LADIES' and CHILDREN'S Shoes. You will find an excellent line of BOOTS and PLOW SHOES for Men. You will find a full stock of GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, etc. You will find one of the nicest store rooms and the most gentlemanly clerks in Nemaha County. Wc extend a cordial invitation to come and sec us before buying, and we will guarantee that in quality and price we wil suit you. Remember the place, A. H. GILMORE & SON. SHERIDAN, NEB, Fine dress goods at J. L. McGee's. Experience tk Best Guide. The reason why women everywhere use Barker's Ginger Tonic Is, because they nave learned by experience tho best guldo that this excellont medicine overcomes despondency, periodical headache, indigestion, pain in tho back, and kidneys, and other troubles of the sex. Home Journal. A. W. Nickell, tho Brownvillo Druggist, has just received an immense stock of wall paper, tho most beautiful pattorns at 12Jf cents a bolt.' Window curtains all styles and kinds, and cur tain rollers of most every mako. It is astonishing how nice a room can be made with so little money. Ho also keeps a full line of books, both school books, miscellaneous books, and blank books, writing papers, all kinds and sizes; envelopes of every shade and color. When you go to Brownville do not fall to call in nt Nickel l'a drug and book store, and if he has anything you want, he will sell it to you as low as can bo afforded and you can depend upon the quality and of getting exactly what you buy. Those who buy of Nickell will never regret it. All wool carpets, cheap, at J. L. Mc Gee's, Brownville. Take Notice! Mrs. E. Monahan, of Marysville.Mo., will bo at tho Iloldrego House, Calvert, on Monday May 17th, and remain two days. She will be prepared to tsoat all forms of eye diseases. Her treatment is a permanent euro for granulated eye lids and all forms of inflammation of the eyes. Come and see her. Mrs. Monahan will also be In Brown ville on tho 15th of each month. Surgical operations will be perform ed by Dr. D. C. Wilson, of Maryville. The Wonder of the Nine teenth Centmry. It Attaches t any Plow. It Decrease! the Draft r the riow It will not Choke. It Economizes Labor. It is a Complete Harrew adFnlver IzerCtmblned. Simple in Cenatractiod J set Expos slve. Htld by H. X. BRYAUT, Prop., BrownTiUe, Neb. All MMMftactiire and Seld tey J. J. MERCER, BrewHVllle. TOWN LOTS, - iW X TOWN LOTS, AND FURNITURE, Shelf alnd fifeavy Hardware, The celebrated J Glidden Barb Wire, at Willing Bros. & Jordan's. or Wall Paper. at Nickell &Shurt. If you want a good photograph gem, l'oru is the place to go to got it. W. D. Abbott, of that place, will take as good a picture as you can get in the State, and at reasonable rates. Do not fail to call on him. Ho will rofund the money if you are not satisfied. I K? f rail to EMtar rjr JUlt I EICSrrw RgMK??9R3E.iRRRRRRl IKS V!?GvVp,HHHH Vbv ! ' vtRRvLRRRRRRRw Jspjjfe. . ?2JnRRRmTRRRRRT Cilug.r. Bieh-TlUmdr., Stilling!, mna rainy or th. Utt mtdicusM Known w bincdtnlo-.ni.dkiB.of uch Tjxitd and -iTec tW. powers, itomtk.tht G retrtBlood PuriStr & th. MM KMHft Mi MTMtft UWHdT w . U.RrrtB! 1ldlieuS( Siomteh. BoweU, Luojo.Utw, L'U.... ..J .IIT.-.l.rnmnlimtl. W.W...,., .u .w.---:-rT: ., dim, ElotplcHacM, 'tU, L UinU, It curt. Drip!!, loith.Sior nA all V.n If you r wutinf .w.y wiw Conuinpti.n Of ay Uncut, uu th. Ton icto-atj. wiu uriy k.fnumi. R.mlti It UfkriuiMnor lolMttra. H.V. -- -. ... .- Emocm of Ginger nwl ch Tonte, u u ouuo. ulkaiMiM Mliiyi. lal.ltettuir. IOC. Mall Am. t all dt.m In fcurt. N.n.BWiuJn.-rfthout rifnturofHicos&Co.,'.Y. Send lor elfcukr LAMX SAVINS IN IKTriKv THK SOUU UU. THE WEEKLY Nebraska State Journal Hia recently been enUrged t Seten Column juirto, tni fitted out with an entire New Dreii f Type. It ii now the Urgeit, hwdiomeil, ind The Best Paper for V ebrakan published in the Sute. It contains all the newt of the week, and it the only paper in the State that givet all the Nebraska Newi. Subscription vice, $1,50 per year, post-paid. Address, STATE JOURNAL CO., Lincoln, Neb Calvert Httvtng Recently been Surveyed mnd Matted OH SECTION 21 t&d 28, T. 5, B. 14, NEMAHA COUNTY, NEBBASKA, OFFERS RAKE CIIANCE8 FOR Commercial Mechanical BUSINESS. The Town is from 10 to 25 miles from any other place of importance, 4 IS IN THE CENTER OF THE COUNTY, AN SUKROUNE BY THE BLST FARMING LAND IN THE STATE. LOTS AT LOW PRICES FOR CASH OR ON TIME LOTS Aooly to S. A OSBQRN RROWNVIIJ.E or J CALVERT, NEB. n ' -V 'C f 9 ti