Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 04, 1882, Image 7

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    . w .,.. jUii
One of tho bost things ftr jvifnrtner
Vto cultivate is good humor. Scatter
every traco of morosoness to tho winda.
A lady in Now York wa3 niatlo aick
by lomonado. On investigation it was
fnillltl llifctf llfnilv MTiinn ahiHttr.nrnt urn
zinclatfed.faiKUthojacid oftho nfonB
piuuuwu Ulkliliu- VI 7.1I1U, 1YI11CQ 13
poisonous. Wooden or cldna squoczcrs
aro safp. N. Y. Herald.
To euro bunions, uso pulyorjzod
ealtpcter and sweet oil. ObfaiJTIiFa
druggist's (Ivo or six cents worth of
saltpeter; put it into a bottlo with suf
ficient olive oil to dissolve it: .shako un
well, and rub tho inflamed jqihtgjrtUglffo
and morning, and moro froqfaoallyflu
painful. IlaWs Journal. & jfj
A test of tho vitality of iwficlilbtlds. .
and therefore of tho probability of good
crops, was recently made. Uranchos of
trees fronutho valley of t tho Hudson,
frdin Delaware and f rorrVNow Jersey
wore placed in water kept materially
warm. In duo tinio Jjiqr Jersey JiuU
Dolawaro buds developed into full
bloom, but ovo. when JLiq water was .
raised to a higher tompdraturo' tho buds
from Now York failed. A heavy crop
is promised this yciw. Chicago Times.
Hero is a good riietlibd for raising
cucumbers: Take a common salt bar
rel, kno?k both ends out, sot it in ' a
convenient place and fill nearly full of
wcll-rottoii, manure. fora,, thrdd Shills
for'tlifi Ivine"s7 one on tho esf;,tono on
thoestnn(Ithorot;hr(lon 'thosduUsido
o.f the Barrel lfavobut,,tnfeo plants in
a hill, then place brush to keep tho
vines up from tho ground. Keep ,tho
barrel well watered; " if -tliosjj three,
hills don't furnish elfoughpicklo(3 fftr'a
largo family, then think mo a false '
prophet. Uhicago Herald.
Fried Bread: Put; into a 'common
biscuit pan a heaping tcaspoonfttl, of
butter, and let it molt and spread over
tho pan; then take enough slices of
bread (stale answers as well as any) to
cover tho bottom of the pan, undanalco
a mixture to dip them in by beating
well with two 6ggs, and pouring in
milk enough to soak the bread; season
it with a little poppor and salt; mako
tho bread quite moist; then lay it on
tho butter and fry brown one side, nnd
if too soft too turn, put it into tho oven
to brown on tho top, and you will havo
a dish that serves for meat and potatoes
Tlie Delaware beet factory lias sus
pended, the manufacture of sugar from
beets, claiming" that tho quality of b'eots
I T" i
reciuireu cannot be jrown m mat &iaio
raqmrou caniioi uo btowu ill uiiii, ouuo. .
Tho manufacture of su;ar from beets, '
iiuwover, is on mu jiiciuusl'. iiiu-iiaii.
of tho sugar product of tho world i3
now made from thorn. Tho pulp is a
great J5OUKC0 Df,rcVcmlo to manyfaetur
ers iniEtirqpe. No fapto'ry tliero coul'd
oxisf for a day if tho valuable pulp was
thrown "iiwaT, as was done in this coun
try Ti Portland and Franklin. yhon
'properly freed from nioi&turo it is AVortl
more for feed than, raw beets. In Can
sMtyi it readily sells at.from SI to SG, no
cordirfgeto condition, per ton. Wo still
lack lincjwledge regarding tho successful
manufacture, of sugar from beets. Ben
vcrtTrJbtme. l. i.1.- '- 1 '..I 1
A Duel Witli UoniiuocR.
loner, nco two vounar
C. C3 . .
on tho tablo between thorn, and ono or
twotof their fellow-workmen wero look
ing on at tho game with evident inter
est. There was little in the appearance
of tho group to attract especial atten
tion still less to suggest tno improba
ble notion that tho lour youtli3 compos
ing it wero two duelists and thoir sec
onds, or that tho stako of the domino
match was a human life. Presently,
however, tho game having como to"a
conclusion, tho younger of the two play
ers, a lad of sixteen named Stanislas
Julian, lifted tho glass to his lips, and
drank, oil" its contents at a draught.
Five minutes later he wasft corpse. Tho
wretched boys had quarrelled, and
agreed to fight a duel in such sort that
tho death of one or tho other must on-1
sue. Haying placed themselves in tho
hands of two seconds, thoso, latter ar
ranged tliat thoir principals should play
a 'set" of three games at dominoes,
upon tho solomn understanding thai the
losor should swallow a doso of tho dead
liest, poison procurable. This- hideous,
compact was carried out to the letter,
nor did " any of tho surviving porsons,
concerned in n, when interrogated by
tho police authorises, before wiomthoy
wer subsequently brought, bbtray tho
least remorse for thoir smi$ ,in, tho
ghastly transaction. Julian's adver
sary, indeed, boldly avowed that, had
ho lostf the .match, ho would havo ful
filled Itisipledgo to drink the pojson as
faithfully pb-find his dead antagonist'
and tho(eqbhds protested that' tlfey had
onlyaJd&ho theirduty la Qeing the
duel JniHy fought out uccordinjr to tho
conditionSrtSctUed beforehand." Lon
don Tdlcgrajjhi
'IV It ii itinn 4-
VII l JJtlUIfJlll
f f
At Milan,'!It;vly, hpy havo .recently,
had a'MUsfcal;Jndustri;it Exhibitioa.'andr
during :fperio(jlj; Qyend -months, .tho
largo, nOiiilnicund grputest variety of
musical' in4tMli3ents?ofdand new'j cvor
brought-together. America was lion
ored in the award. to, the MasonicHam
lin OrjraiSComiTaiivf Wo luL'irestmetiai.
and tuaio.nlrt onej in ithiHi ilepitrtraoilK,
,...Y., yOj niiuyVu ))1 W'W
Hiaijcectp lb is a continuation of tho,,fftnlonsQ('gab.1makor3
at ovef,y-oneoMho-Wori(l'8 Fairs':for
fourteen yoRrs;.to whi&intlio'rVhasbenf
bo exeoption. The Manhattan.
ournoymen uronesmitiis, wero sitting
in h sniallVarsaw cafe, playing donn-
linou A irluu linlf full nf linlin, cf-nrwl
. t
r w
Alexander, cdltorBarnesllftG,) &, has
been cured of rheumatism by tho uao oi St.
Jacobs Oil.
Onion-beds should bo laid out on tho bias,
and trimmed with $4 lace. Detroit Frtt
VV. A. Fonnns. Greenfield. Mass.. was
curedby St. Jacobs Oil of rhoumatlsm. Cin
cinnati Christian Standard.
Tun Pllllailolnliln Tin.: . (I. A
wuviiiiih . ... Duig .linn ir..u 4&ill;-
lean kiss fs to be the subject of a book to bo.
puuiisneu soon. no suoject is a very expan
sive and voluminous one. It will take at least
a .hundred chapters to give an unabridged
deflnltlon'off the American kiss. It will re-
(QUlie.Bo lpsi.flinn twenty na(jcs to portray the
iktss at the Kite, tl
tiincreut variations oi "lao lone;, Ion? kiss.
and there Is the eood-nlirht
thnt. wilt nrettr n'fll rrowil
itlwi balance of the first volume. Then Micro
Is the frigid, snappy kiss of the mother-in-law,
that goes oft with a pop llko a champagne
cork; tho juicy, flabby kits of the baby, that
has no.pop to it ut nlland tho JnslpldTlco
mnrriirino kiss of Voman'klsslnKWOnihh. O,
it will be a daisy of a book: and how com
forting Jo a young man, who has a feTcr
blfslor on his Up and can't go to sco his girl,
mat volume win uc, as no peruses it m tne
long winter evculncs.
Fruits nnd Vegetables.
Among scientific men who have made lon
gcylty astlidy, Ifcin almost unanimously ntrced
that a fruit and vegetable diet is conducive to
long life and perfect health. Andlt is among
tho vegetable kingdom that wo find our prin
cipal means of restoring health to the invalid,
and strength to tho weak. In olden times,
when eentenarlans wero common; aiidvmciFbf
sixty ycarji of hgowcro considered youthful,
herv doctors were tha only- physicians. Dr.
GifysdttVYolIow Dock and Sarsaparllla, with
the exception of one Ingredient, and that is
iron, is strictly a vegetable compound, and Is
not injurious to the most delicate Invalid. Its
effect on, the griherul system is most wonder
ful. It'glves real 'strength to every part of
the body, ad Us soothing effect iu quieting
tno brum ana nervous system is most remarK-
able. Its
Ingicdlonts aro Yellow
Dock, Sars
jumper, iron, uuenu,
Celery and Callsaya bark. Where the dlseaso
ls'of au exhaustive nature, it nutcklV checks
alt decay. In cases of dyspepsia It docs not
act as a severe cathartic, but gives real
strength to tho digestive organs, and thus
permanently cures this distressful disease.
Tnn army w,orm got as far as IJoston, when
amiss with ee-glasses called It by its real
name. It immediately laid down and died.
Jlotlon J'ott. i
Mn. Samuel Dnnitox. of LovolandrOhlo.
wrltds: "I think I havo cause to bo glad.
Allllcted for years with painful kidney trou
bles and chronic dyspcpila, I was Induced to
give Dr. Guysott's Yellow Dock urn S.irsapa
rilla a trial. Tho very first doso seemed Jta
reach tho right spot. I lloii't know yruatVa,
back-acho or sour stomach now Is." , ,
" Win' docs a donkey eat thistles 1" asked a
teacher of ono oi tno largest uoys in tuo class,
..lkcaU(i0 ho Ib ftdopUoy, I reckon," was tho
nromnt renlv. , '
- ! ' ' '
John McGinnes says: Dr. Henson, I will
pray for you as long as I live, because you
took pity on mo when I was sick and In tho
hoilaIJ and 6ent me two' biixes of; vout
Celci v aiul Chamomile Tills, and they (Aired
me oi Sciatica, Neuralgia and Nervous wedki
ncss. Dr. Benson's Skin Cute Is fust secur;
Idjj a monopoly in its special line as being tha
only safe and suro remedy for all diseases of
tho Scalp and Skin.
A conKun in peanuts has advanced the
Crlce of that gallery eseuleut from $1 to $i a
ushel. Small boys wlll'pleasc weep iu chorus.
Kcie JTaveii Jfrffitttr.
"Thoy who cry loudest are notalvyays
tho most hurt." Kidnoy-vVbrt does its work
like the Good Samaritan, quickly, undstenta
tlously, but with great thoroughness. A New
Hampshire lady writes: ' Mother has been
afflicted for jears with kidney diseases. Last
spring she was very ill and had an alarming
pain and numbness In one side. Kidney-Wort
proved a great blessing ajid has completely
cuiedher.4' ' ,,
A Boston doctor says -high-heeled shoes
ruin the eyesight, and yet ho can not be per
suaded to look tho other way. 'Denver Trib
une. .
Thousands of women havo been. entirely
cured of the most stubborn cases of fomalo
weakness by the uso of Ljdla Ei Tlukham's
Vegetable. Compound. Send to Mr. Lydla E,
x niKiiam. mm western
for pamphlets.
Avenuo, Lynn, Muss,,
Tim contribution plate passed about In a
fashionable church is apt to come back nickel
plated. iV. 0. PicaijMte.
'Gomien MBDroAi.DiscovcuT' Isnotorily
n sovereign icmedy for consumption, but also
for consumptive night-sweSte;.' bronchitis,"
coughs, Influenza, spitting. of vblood, weak
lungs, shortness of breath, and .kindred affec
tions of tho throat and cheat. By druggists.- '
Ax exchango reminds us that Fort Sumter
was suireudereJ by Mary Atnicrsou in 1801.
Elmira Frtt J'rex.
IJoiuitiriil "Woinmt
aro mnda pallid and unat tractive by functional
iricguliiritlos, which Dr. Tierce's "Favorite.
uTrcscrlptlon'wlll Infallibly cilre. Thousands
r ot testimpnluls.'By druggists . ,
Nuvnn a'ddrcss your conversation to a ner.
(ton engaged In ootlng up a column pf figures,.
lucres iiouimg so ucaj us an auuer.
Dr. TinitcK's "Tellets" little liver pills
(sugar coated) purify tho bloody speedily
correct ull djsorders of tho llvoc, stomach and
bowels. By druggists ''',
i - i '
Two or tfie most fashionable- ladles In Austin,
were couvcrtflrig about' tjonuets alid other
topics a few days ago, when one of the'in said
let my chlldien play , in? that 'neighborhood'".
,," t)t i miuo, ejtuer," j.eza$ avimqi,
' ' . W
A CroJlJVy,r
.1 fW'h'G-'l 10 condifcive lc ttynWromfin
Ihgy bachelor tfs strtpjilhg for ononiglifat tho
tfHllil6ris? "marripd 'frleudiand. ItomoU kont
awal.e for llvoorslx hours bvthfl crvlntr ofan
KCruaff bjby. JUJ cross aiulTcryln bibles "fceld 1
iiniy nop nutors to make Miom well and smil
ing. Young man, remember this. Traveller.
A w'lKif&'man w4 told brjija physician
to hold lihriirMifliVlflle l?e coitiited his oulsa.
tut he (ouldii't Ilia., breath Vaajtoo
i"""-iS5M,jt :f yrvct -.
"IljaubiVoVRiV" fcloar autr4ts.jnIcof
. wno nliAl!'. tuvl I ttiiid.i imnlia iilili.iniil.. . -4 r .
iqm& , mf ' i" '" ' tn" mt '
Iif.(JUctean'l hor.Eeg, .Use'DrKTsaac
Thompson's EyoWater. Drugglgtn sell IU iioc.
jTnBVTolrdo (0.)Jlee gay.' Colonef,.!. Dorse
mere was a veryangergus uog in, ner neigiit
boihood. l,Has ho bitten anybody!" aBkcdono
of the ladles. " Yes', ho iaiglft a llttlo pig by
the car, ami lilt it up tefiibly," ' Istjiat sol
If ho Is that kind of a do''. I'm noteoingto
An Invest iKfttloH of tli? iCaHsjuof Those
lMkhVoModliiRwlilcli; Jlako $
l'ovTcrful Men Weak,
OoWrt IMe,
Much apprehension has been occasioned
throughout America from tho announcement
made by Professor 1'roctor that the return In
nineteen years of the great comet of last sum
mer will causo the destructlou of the earth,
lint whllo people aro becoming so strangely
exercised over this announcement, au event of
far more serious Importance, which, is taklncr
pjcc t-o-uayqoms Wioo Rlmost wholly dVcr
llooJkcd. Tlujjna.tufe iJf thH mbst vital subject
tafi'bc'beit explained by relating the following
.-. .! j- r-Tri if. 'W rf i. V "
experiences :
liishop E. 0. Haven, known to tho cntlro
land, was ijriaceountably awakened ono night
out w a sound steep, and lay awako until
morning. Ills mind seemed unusually active,
it ml ho not only reviewed his past life, which
had been ah eventful one, but laid cttcnslvo
plans for tho future. lie did not feel especial
ly ill. but could not account for the umiMial
activity of his brain, nor for tho restlessness
which seemed to possess him. in the morn
ing ho had but little appetite, but was appa
rently well in othcrjresiK-cts. In a few days,
however, he bciran tOfcgl rosUcsa ami morbid,
although ho tried curuefltjy to oercomd tho
f (.cling which had taken possession of him.
But try as he,f quid the shadow of somo evil
seotneil to fqllav hlmand he was conscious
of a gradual sinking -hud wasting away of all
his ph steal faculties. Ho had been an earnest
amLdllIeciitworker. and In his zeal frcnuetit-
J jy ovcr-i-iiud histstrengtli, and being absorbed
1 in lilfdutfcs failed to ouservo tho common
symptoms with which he was afflicted, thus
perniittfng tho worjtfof destruction, to go on
unheeded. But tlfo end llualiy cdmo In a most
noremptory manner. Shortly beforo his death
ho wr9to a letter tho )aat one ho over Indited
in which ho speaks as follows: "A bcllof
that doath is near affects different minds dif
ferently, bufeprobablyall uho aro In afaircon
dttiou of pliyslcal aridiricntal strength Instinct
ively shrink from It with an linlcllimblu dread
and horror. A dying' man Is no moro able of
himself to foresee his owipdcstiny or the des
tiny of those ho leaves than ha was beforo ho
began to die."
The recent sad and Biulden death oMlon.
Olarkson N. Totter Is ono ot tho mb'stscrlous
Mornings ever given in the long list pf Innu
merable cases ot futal neglect. -It iiuiot suf
ficient to,say that m my other brilliant men,
Including Everett, Sumner, ChafeWood, Wil
son and Carpenter, Vetd swept away by tho
samq'fdtal tioublc. Thotiui'stlonls. werutheso
mon-.BUfllcIcntly darcfulof their health, uud
could thoy have been saved? Tho Albany lr
jjm. lu'speaklng' of Mr. Tottor'a sudden illness
and dchth.lsrtya :
uOnooiHhu"T)livsIclnns who attended Mr.
Totter here was interview ed la'st evening. Ho
stated that Mr. L'otter's Inabflityjto converse
had for somo tlino served td b.ulle tho phy
slclans In their efforts to determine tho root
of his illness. It seems, however, that Mr.
Totter, somo two years ago, suffered a slight
attack of kidney disease. Unwlso depend
ence upon a robust constitution and naturally
perfect health, and neglect of proper cloth
ing, doubtless sowed tho seeds of a dlseaso
thut needed t but some such personal neglect
as that of Tuesday morning to develop. Fiom
the symptoms at tlrst shown, it was thought
that his only trouble wus nervous prostration;
but his 'long continuance iu a scinl-uucon-Beious
htito led to tho belief that his Illness
was seated In a ehronlc dllllculty moro myste
rious and dangcious."
Up to tne latter part of last year Air. Kd
waiil F. Book, a member of tho New York
stock exchange, was doing business iu "Wall
Btrect,.New ork. Ho had everything to en
courage him, and mako life happy, but was
tho victim of unaccountable uneasiness. His
cxperiento as described by ono who knew,
w as as follows : "At mutxneeted times, una
on occasions when ho had the greatest reason
to feel joyous he was Irritable anil haunted
with strange feelings of discontent. Ho en
deavored to cheek these feelings and appear
pleasant, but it renuhed a gieat effort to do
so; uftcr which life would ug.iin 1 olapso into
his former morbid mood. This feeling con
tinued, for a number of moutliB, when ho
becamo conscious of an added scuso of
lassitude. Ho was tired even when
resting, and although experiencing no
ncute pain, had dull, aching sensa
tions in his limbs and various parts of his
body. Shot tly aftorw ard his head begun to
acho most fretiicnth and Ills stomach failed
to digest properly, llelng told that ho was
suffering trom malaria he consulted au emi
nent pliy Blclan, who Informed him that his
kidneys wero slightly effected, nnd gave him
medicine to rcstoro them. But lie grew
worst instead of better. Ho then consulted
other einlnout doctois of auothor school and
was informed that he had u brain dllllculty
somewhat in the nature of a tumor, but In
splto of all, efforts to the contrary ho contin
ued tb grow worse. At tills tlmo ills condi
tion was terrible. What wero at first simple
symptoms had developed to terrible troubles,
lie was flushed and jc'erlsh, constantly uu
casjVatfd yet, ulwuys weary. lib had un In
tense appctlto one' day and very .lltilo tho
next. lils. pulse w arf irregular, his breathing
labotcd, and every moment of exlstenco was
a burden. These disastrous, symptoms con
tinued, his fuco and body bccamo'dlscploied,
his heart wns" Irregular In lts'hction, ami Ills
breath enmc lu shot t, convulsive gasps. Ho
grew constantly worcc, notwithstanding tho
utmost precautions of his friends and Jlually
died In the gro itest agony. Alter his death
au examination as to its actual c.uiso was
made, when his brain was found to be in a
perfect condition, and the ic.isou of Ills de
cease was of hi entirely different nature."
The experlcneeawhich have been cited above
all had a common cause and wore each the re
sult of ono disease. That dlseaso, which so
deceitfully, yet surely removed the people
above mentioned was Dright's dlsouso of tho
kidneys. Iu the case ot Mr. Hook the exam
ination uftcr death, while showing the brain
to bo In perfect condition, revealed tho terri
ble fadt that liu was the ietlm of ji slight kid
ney troubjc, which hud gone on, unchecked,
until , it 'resulted In ncute Briglit's disease.
The leading physicians and scientists' ofj the
worldkor fast burning that more thUn one
half the deaths wjikb occur are caused by this
monstrous scout ge. It Is one of the.most de
ceitful maladies ever known to the human
race. It manifests itself by symptoms so
slight und common, as to seem unwoithy of
attention and yet-these Tory insignificant
svmntoms nru thu first ut aires of the worut
"eomptylpt know" Iu the history of the world.
Thousands ot people liae died fiom troubles
tllut mo culled heait disease, anon exv. niicu-'
Inonia, brrtlu fever, and similar diseases, wheu
Mt was, in'facf, Rllglit'sdlscabooftho lUdueys,
ine ravages of tills (llscat-u nave ncen greatly
lticieasi'd from tho fact that until "recent cars
,uo way wus known to prevent Its beginning
jior check Us when it had become
ifince (1X0(1.11 pou, the yt,tein. Within tho past
'two years, tiowpver, wcImvo learned f, moro
.man iournuiulreilnroiioum.cucji8cs of Briglit's
iiscase, many oi tnem inucu worse man tnoso
KIdnov und Liver dire.
manufitcturedJ In
Itochester, Yairemidv tlmthtlfta)vou3lt
wuy lutp iheicoiiflduiico of the iiubltefsoldli
upon the rumurkublu. merits IU iKissessfi,pp
u rcsun, u is more wunuy ,unvu uiiil.tiioiOMKIiT
lv flfnlDiwl tlitm n.,n iilil.l. l.l.'rk.M
IV lira sun man ntiv men cmo whip i linfeTvpr.
oqn bdfdro the 'Amerlcuh public. 'Indeed
there Is uoUa dnipristoro In
entire land
''.PK Lt.n-,l,tiSfo'ILlu- ,tt MtH.
tpauniuiuuxu unguis uibCUHc is so common 111
rltlcs It. la all I tunr.l nrnn Krtr ltnV
---""-,-"" . ...vtu
When eminent physicians In the largest
'uuovo oescriuea, niui mpsi m wnimLiiau ufen
Jklven H)t b promitfenl physfflaiiH, wllft lLiVo
been cbninletelv 'cured. 'The tneuntf nscil to
nccoinnllHi this end lias been Warner's
cities aro not nbfo to rccdgnlno Bright' dls,
case, It is only natural that In tho country,
where there aro few physicians ot any kind,
and thoso'fow m nnacqualitted with tho MM
eMons to by somo othornumd, it
should rage, terrltdy and yet iinknorfri to tjio
ones Wlib'aro sufterln with It ThousaUda" of
pcoplo cau look back und recall tho death of
friends from what was supposed to bo some
common complaint, whcnlt was really Brlght'a
disease, anoxoonis xnkw it. Tho terrlblo
plouro-pueumonla, which has been so dread
ed, is usually tho result! bf uremic or kidney
poison, hunt fever can bo traced to a simi
lar source. Most casoa of paralysis arlso
from tho sumo difficulty, 03 well as inuumor
ablo fevers, lung, throat, ho.ul add bowel
troubles. 'A Vast number ot ladies have suf
fered and died from complaints common to
thoir sex called, perhaps, general debility
when, could-tjio rcal'causo have, been known,
It would havo be-n found to bo Briglit's ills
6asc, hiasqUcradlug under another namo. In
marked contrast to the sad cases which havo
been above dcs6rlbed aro the experiences of
tunny prominent pcoplo who wero as low as
any oftho persons mentioned, but who wero
foiuarkably restored to forpicr health and .vig
or by tills samo remedy. Among this number
arc tho following prominent names: Col. John
C. Whltnf-r, Atlnnta, Ga.; B. F. Larrabee,
Bostoti, .Mass. ; Gem 0. A. Hrckmnn, Thll
lipsburg, N. J.: Bev. D. D. Buck, D. D.,
Genova, N. Y. ; Dr. F A. McManus, Balti
more, Md.t Kdw'ln Fuy; 'Davenport, Iowa;
Kov. A. C. Kcndrick, LL. D., Itochester, N
Y; J. 8. Matthews, Portland, Mich.; 0. W.
Eastwood, New York; Dr. A. A, Itamsay, A1
bla, Iowa: Chancollor C. N. Sims, 1). I).,
Syracuse, N. Y.; Dr. S. T. Jones, Marlnotte,
ls.; T. 8. Ingrah.un, Cleveland, O.t Henry
T. Ohampnoy, Boston, Muss. ; Elder James 8.
IVcscott, North Union, O., who is a piouil
nentmemberof tho Shaker community, nnd
many others.
To all candid minds tho force of tho abovo
facts must como with special power. They
show- tho Importance of promptness and at
tention to tho first sviuptoms of disordered
health before dlseaso becomes llxcd and hope
departs. Thoy show how this can successful
ly bo dono, and that tho dangers which await
neglect can only with diillculty bo removed.
11 U' - ' ' ' '
AVntTit nlnlnlv nn nil cards. The
time of u postmistress Is valuablo. LoubvUU '
ISP With the Diamond Dyes any lady an
get as good results as the best practical dyer.
Only 10 cents. Every dye is warranted true ta
name und to sample.
Tommt asked hlsmothcrlf tho school-teacher's
ferule was a plceo ot tho Board of Educa
tion. CMcaio Tribune.
Helirj-'a Citrbnllo Itulve.
Tho Best Balvk for Cuts, llrulsco.Soroi, Ul
cers, Salt Itheuni, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Coins and all kinds of Slcln Kruti
tlous, I'rucklcs uud rnnplos. Buy Husky's
Cinnouo Salvb, all othors aro counterfeit.
Tr. Oroen'a Oxyiceuuteil 11 liter a
Is the best remedy for Dyspepsia, Biliousness,
Malaria, Indlircstion, disorders ami diseases of
tho iStomach, B16od, Kidneys, Liver, Skin, etc.
Duuno'3 Cataihui SNUrp cures all nftoc
tious of tho mucous membrane of the head,
Dn. Mott's Ltvr.n Tills are tho bost Veg
etable Cathartic Regulators.
CitnAi'iin than blacksmithlnf: Is
Axlo Grouse. For sale everywhere.
Try it.
1 8ek Qroon A Bartell's advcrtlsoment about
Kansas i;and in another. column. '
. H , ,
Cleats out rats, mlco, lllos, roaches, bcif-bugs.
J u-J
tTitr tho now brand, "Spring Tobaccov"
XflflTfn MM. It bcatu all other
'Vlv I UK aWK Uullura. halii
youl.loitunorTlovcrjPJgfapaa -m , , ulleJ
Circular oonflrmlnjr thla mailed free. Bcid for it. '
Uwncri at l'atenti au4 the oalr Vaaufacturrt lu Ui otll.
Kitabllnhed. 1872: Imornoraied.i
1SN0. For the Curo of Cnnoer,l
Turaiira, tllcera, Hcrurutat)
ind Bkin Dikkasks, without the
me ot mine, or uita or ni.oot, and little pain For
3DR. r. JL. POJ(l, Aiii-oru, Kane Co., III.1
tale. Come or wrllo for purtleulari
Imnrovel and un-
Improved lands for
Come or wrtln for mirtliMilara tn
- ""; i-.;'-- " .
JuncUou City, UavUCouuty, Kaiuas,
Xi .
steel. Poublo Drais
frelnht. Bold on trial.
gTeryslzo sfmaliylow, JONES .OF
- U'at. (lot. 31, 1KT7.V
uociwr dnr. 513c. V'rdoz, AOo. per dos.
Not. lf8, a,
a. ft. u.
v. . h:
For Trout, Tor Dan. For Plki).
pealera ajijd for 1'rlco Uix. Manufao'
turerandrruprlvtora.i .
1 Vurren St., eW York.
Ask vour dealer for them oraend fot
ado Iclous, vthulc
Tfn1n?raneulxTd-iirc Aakvoi
uy uiall (GrKSftC.E.liiBKfc. 48 Ut.lifV
Mrttilqe HalillCnrail III I ;
Us StU dura. Ha iinr till Curt.t
Uu. J. HTKi'Utcwi, lbunou, pU(o,
'lboulapdi of references frpm personi curod.
.fignd itainp-for Hook.
IlnmoTreolHlrnt. Adilroi
L j. Foruslneaa at tha Oldest Ilest
-..- ..- ii. -
!! apaiKI
"5, 10, 25 oanFcOUMTER SUPPLIES. ,
fi noyn, xutioxm, .tc. citaiogn..rV.
0AEY, yHLTOH 1 00., HO tJumtner Bl, Tloiton.Mas,
parlor organ
Instruction Book
For X.arnliir both RocuUr nVid Huorod
Mnilo on the Rend Jp I'urlor Orcn'n.
Tlirtt'WMtUfnof recitdna, but feWVnow
how to pur Uicrn. Why? ' ' .
'Vou ic," itlil lha trachem, "whfnn farmer buys
arctrtorfftn. Sithoy ill do, ha naturally wlnlic hi
little lUusblTor ton to learn to play lieS t)iifcm .
J.HV Jlf marchru, dancca, popular nmxi. achoolAnd
Sunday ichool aousv Kuapel iuiizt and hymn tunna,
and he think all thll can lie duno In illc indtithi. W
bavejniany auch icliolart, and no book .hm lUa liu
At'th'n ipeclal rcqttrit Of many mien 'tf'itrlipra thli
Book wai prf pard, and provra to bn Juattlio thlnit.
Ilia autliof hat a maatral talent for making ImrJ
thlURi caiy, and any child can tindcratind liU cxplnua.
A practical tfahr recently InvllM him tohcnrto
laiaoniot a number or pitplla, taiiKlit from thli Door.
Thoy ware rxocllent laatons. "1 oould not prmluc
luch reiulta by any oiher hook," aald tlio teacher. ,
1'rlcatl n, forwhleli ctpie will ha mllfit, ptit
free, to any addreta by return mall Iletti raend a HI
bill and to cm. In itaiupa by registered letter, and order
Parlor Organ Instruollon. BopiV
OLIVER DITSON & 00,, Boston..
tZTMenllon thli paper.
1 lie largeat dealrri In lliiud unit .11 II II toy
1nUUrma In lh Untied BtaUI. Bond for
I'lnteand Circulars.
lll,&0 Nrond-l(nnt1 flilforma la
ii. rtiucu nn un, . wouniry lianas oriir
III Ini-reiinmnleat nut nta will ilo irofl taKAIntna-
iOtnuieie iiniiorm, roai, iiania, iiui, ipnuieuca una
poinnon SlSandSlNt fianiplnaull aenton n celpt
nf nil. aa Ruaranteo of faith. Otabllnhed Hustings
tui Want daa Aitenta for our Ciutom t'liitlilur
Oi'rfei Work, In every largit town and city. Sprlnir
audBuininrBainpleanoivrrAdir Aitdieli . ,
T i OAK II ALT., llmtoii, SrUa.
OAK IIAI.I. OTJTI.1XR 1KMHC, ferluvrtilla
artlos, with book ot superior w ator Colon, lintsiies
and Bauecra.
Four boxes and books fur Jt.OO, express paid to
any addruaa. . Bliipls book and lolor box. HO , cents.
Duplleate books, lo cents IVii prcutiitt thlnir (or
Ouk Hull, lloatitii, Maaaw
r' -. vt;':v'-:""' "V"".j:v v-."-"-'. n"-::ri
To One nmt All. Arnyu anir rlmr ft-uiit i
CoiirIi, Cold, Antlinm, II rem hltla, or nny nf th Ma
rions pulmonary iroiiliUa that so nft'-u cud In Con
itimpllonr If ao, line " WlWor'i I'm x f ml .Irer Oil
and .line," n safe and aarn remrdy. Till l n iu let
preparaltou. but la prescrlb id by tho inrdlral fnitlty.
Mnnufactured only by A II, WILllOlt, CH -mtnt,
Uostou, Bold by nil druggists.
An Knglinh Voterlnary RUnjnon nnd Clmmlut, nbjL
trarellnir lu this cuuntrr. aaja that innat of the lloroe-
andUaltln rowuura aom nora aro worinioaairaan, un
aayathatSlterldan'aCondltlonroudariaro absolutely
puroandlininlinaulyTnluablo. Nothing on earth will
maka liena lay llko Hberldan'a Condition l'owdera.
whore, oranntliy mall for eight letter atamps. I.
JOHNSON .t CO.. Hostmi,Ma..foriiiurlyllangor.l
1'AmoNB' l'uanATivic l'n.La mako now rich blood.
Half Million.
roR sil ariiK
Ocd&r Rapids, Iowa.
IMood. and will completely cliougo the blood In the en
tire satcm In threo months. Any person who w III tuko
1 pill each ntttht from 1 to 1 weeks may bo restored.
to sound health, If luchn thing bnpnstllilo. Hold ev
ery wnere, or sent by mall for M letter atnnip. I. 8.
Johnson & Co., Uostou, Mass., fonneity llangor.Mo.
inCIITC WANTED tir tu- t.ixv.n i aivi:n.
AuCrlld yCixi'M .if tu aoii;i iiiriLAWN,
Frank and Jesse James
Otintaintni the only cmitet ititil quthtntla ac
count of then? Jlulil High tt ikymrii. The intent lit
formation about tin Nlioutlnir ! tleate. The moil
vlrlitlv interetttna ami trcittmi hook -eter icrlttennt
Fully Illiial rated. Hrnil SO, cent .Tot- com
plete ontllt, nnit wrlln quick for tenii,wlitiU
are orylllK nil, and you ran mako money fnar.t Xi
U the time. csiiiiiiiN m!Wiia I'liu. c
MotrupolllHU lllucb, Clilrvgo, III.
ah( wniit-
911 1 W
nl for
and WORK of!
And th C.uplt lllwlury ut thm
By Jlokn Clark KltlpntU, I.T.. D. Two volumea
In oue. Bold t Ilia prlea of nnn hook. MOO pnffr.
Elagantly lllnattaled. Ill Knjtllatli nnd Uriuinti.
tlHtS BOOTHKUS CO, ClailaaiU. CkUi. bun Ulj.
'C)ir, American Nleke.1 Pte.mi Winding,
tid Ktr d tlnieketniTor intinurnfuad1
II. Kii.viAI.l.1UA IlobcyHt.,ClilL'ago.
Ton Wagon ficalo is tnido of (he heat of :
Tiro Ileum. Jones lio pays tho TJninn fifk
ForfrcobookonBralcBAddreia I llbU tPVJV
DINGHAMTON, Blnghamton, N. Y.'
sFor pampliluta descrlb'g
(I,.. f..u, ilf,M.I fAH.
rr llulUnu Attachment
write TI1K AUI.TMA.N & TAYLOIt CO,, Mansfield, O.
incUTe Coin inonev will! Dr. Chitae'a i'cw
KUUtllO Kecelpt Itoolt, Newly n-vlned nnd en
Urged. l(ynal,ri, AdilrciulJlia!l'ub'g Co.l'olulo.O.
selling anieu annua worm ii samnnyrta.
Additai layllronaoii, Detroit, Mlctx
I7,I llriMMIt
Hiiln j Iti.tall Vdno
Sit 'rr
Uxl UO.BritKlllln7)Vaby
A WEKKIn your own town. Tcrnm nnl
w r nun
bj i era lv II
$5 ST
X psewsM3iPiwsiPiWiuiiiiiitauiawwii4lPTs
ri7n A WEEK. $13 luy at homo cai?ljnailf. ft
3) I 6yytlrutlt'j). AUdwawJ rue tf Ai)gutrf:.Me, U
(tlirtfrtFaW eStebmhweTd ar rI Tge co. .6 lifi A oi
lllllfM tattUutyityxn. C'MtKloKMI're..
eo, AtWrj ll,Hl0tt bJty.,yhlnfW3J
''!"' ' a 'J. i .ii 't ii ' ' ', J 1nf
1 i j'
MC fne. Komre Co.,
r. St. IOiils.'Mo. '-
yv ji.ii. jxrjxj
lilllA "us:t Mtnto Ilorncs almost clyert awiir
'IHUOiy CaiaioKuci free OI'Ab. HIlEllil. hie,p.
C 4. )nperdaVatHome. Sampfos worth 85
3 10 wZ U free. Addivtn S riNriiiN U 0i l'orlland.'Mo.
fjrittsx H'jKzrxJVMaTo Anrr.ttriHKns,
iilmutt any you oie thn AiltiertUetneirt
in th( paper.