A. 0. W. FAIIUmOTHKK 4 CO.,FroprUtori. CALVKItT. "i i NEBRASKA. HKLF-nELtANOK. When tlio clouds nro lowering o'er thco, Ami, lit loneliness ami sorrow, Thou mint see tin star boloro thco Heralding ii brlRht to-morrow, Lot no coward thought persuade thco To resign a glorious strife Ask not htiiuuii friend to aid thco tiilhobutllo.lloldor I.iro; For. In 111" oliamhors of thy mail, Whotopori bunco they'vo slumbered long, Thou hunt Htlll supremo control O'er an ariny liravu and strong. Hone and energies are then1, High rosolvoand mighty thought: 0 brother, why with thoo despair? Noblor allies never fought. Onward, then, without a fear I Host not, faint not, by tin way? God will mako the Htar appear, And usher In a brighter day. Frwn the (Jermmi, fur the Ctitcaoa Tribune. "LAL" RYDQUIST; A Story of the Land and Sea, By WAITHIl IlKHANT AND JAMl'.H HICK, IN AM, TUB YKAIl HOUND. CIlAITBir V.-Co.vtinued. " It would bo no uso at nil," said Lai; "and if wo nro to remain friends, Cap tain Wattles, you will novor speak of tills again." ' I will not," lio ropliod, "until tho right, moment. Thou, with your littlo savings audmino, wo will go back to the Status. 1 know what wo will do wlion wo gut thoro. Tli tiro's an old ship-building yard at Portsmouth which only wants a fuw thousand dollars put into it. Wo will put our dollars into that yard, and wo will build ships." " Von had bettor givo tip thinking of suoh nonsense," said Lai. "Thought is free, Miss Lai. Tho time will como. Is it in nature to go on crying all your life for a man as dead as Abraham 'Lincoln? Tho tlmo will come." "Enough said, Captain Wattles," Lai said. It was in her own room, and sho was busy with bur accounts. "You can go now, and you need not como back any more unless you have some thing else to say. 1 thought you woro u sunsiblo man. Most American Can tains I know aro as sunsiblo as English men and Norwegians." Captain Wattles rose slowly. " Wal," ho said, "you say so now. I expected you would. Hut tlio tlmo will como. I'm not afraid of tho other men. As for Cap1 on Horlindor, ho is not tit company for a sweet young tiling liko you. IIo would beat his wife, alter n while, that man would. Ho drinks nob blers all day, and swaps lies with any rift-rati' who will .stand in a bar anil listen to him. You will not luworyour solf to Cap' on Horlindor. As for tho Nonvcogoo, ho is but n poor soft shell; you might as well marry a goll. I shan't ask you yot, so don't bo afraid. When your old friends drop away one by ono, and you fuel a bit lonesome with no ono to talk to, and those bills always on your mind, and tho house over your head liko n 3iigo and prison, shall look in again, and you shall hold out your pretty hand, and you will sweetly say: 'Cap'on Wattles, you air a sailor and a tem perance man; you subscribe to a mis sionary society and have onco boon a teacher in a .Sunday-school; you havo traded Bibles with natives for coral ami ivory and gold dust; you air smart; you air likewise a kind-huartod man, who will givo Ids wife hor head in every thing, with Paris bonnets and Now York frocks; your name is Barnabas, tlio Son of Consolation.' Don't run away, Miss Lai. I'vo said nil I wanted to say, and now I am going. Business takes mo to Liverpool to-night, and on Thursday I sail again for Balti more." GHAITKIt vi. Tim mkshaok vumi Tun bka. It was, tlion, in October, oightcon hundred anil sovouly-nlne, that Diok, tho Malay, mado his nppoaraneo and told his talo. Having told it ho ro lnaincd in tho house, attaching himself, as by right, to Lai, whoso steward ho beeamo, as ho hail been steward to Box. ' Tho thing produced, naturally, a profound sensation in tho Captains' room, whither Dick was invited to re peat .his performance, not onco, but several times. It was observed that, though sub stantially tho same, tho action alwavs differed in tho addition or tho withdraw al of certain small details, tho interpre tation of winch was obscure. Ono or two facts remained certain, and woro agreed upon by all; an open boat, a long waiting, a reseuo, either by being picked up or by finding land, and then ono or two lights, but Avhy, nml with whom, was a matter of speculation. Captain Zacliariasen remained obsti nate to his theory. Thuro was a wid ow, thoro was a marriago, thoro was a baby, thoro woro conjugal rows, and finally a prison in which Bex" Armigor still remained. How to fit tho panto mimo into theso wonderful details was n matter of difficulty which ho was al ways ondoavoring to ovorcomo by tho help of tho more obscure gestures in tho luummickiug. Tho general cheerfulness of tho house was naturally much olovatod by this ovent. It was, indeed, felt .not only that hope- had returned, but also that honor was conferred upon Rydqulst's by so mysterious and oxciting a revolu tion. This distinction bocamo more gonoral ly recognized when the Secretary and ono of tho Directors of tho Indian Pen insular Lino camb ovo'rtoscritko'Malay, linrttiirr in trot, entnn Itrrlit. tlirnwn nnnn tho loss of their ship. W captain .acuarinson wok. mo cmur for tho performance, so to speak, Slid expounded the principal parts, Inking crotlit for such mummtcking as no other house could oil or. Tlio Director learned nothing delluito from tho pantomime, but came away profoundly impressed with tho belief that their olllcor, Cnptaln Armiger, was living. Tho Malny, now domesticated at Sov- en Houses, was frc(uenUy invited of an evening to tho Captains' room, whero ho went through his performance Captain Zacliariasen always in tho chair for every now comer, nntl was n con tinual subject of discussion. Also thoro woro groat studyings ol charts, nntl mappings out of routes, with calcula tions as to days and probable number of knots. And those who had been In Chi nese and Polynesian wators woro called upon to narrate their experiences. The routo of a steamer from Hong Kong to Moroton Bay is well known and easily followed. Unfortunately, tho Malay's pantomimo left it doubtful of what nature was the disaster. It might have been a piratical attack, though that was very unlikely, or n firo on board, or tho striking on a reef. " Hor course," 'said Captain Holstitis, laying it down with Lai for tho fiftieth tlmo, "would bo 80--E. S. E. from Hon": Kong, north of Lucon horc; then dtiob. E. between tho Pclows nntl Car olines, through Dampior Straits, having New Guinea to tho starboard. Look at theso seas, Lai. Who knows what havo happened? And how can wo search for him over three thousand miles of sea, among so many islands?" How, indecil? And yet tho idea was growing up strong In both their minds that u search of some kind must bo made. And then camo help, that sort of holp which our pious ancestors called Provi dential. What can wo call it? Blind chance? That seems rather a long drop from bonovolont Providence, but it seems to suit a good many people nowa days almost as well moru's tho pity. Two months after tho Malay's ap pearance, while winter was upon us and Christmas not far oil', when tho church yard trees were stripped of loaf, and tho vino about tho window was trimmed, tho garden swept tip for tho season, and tho parrots brought indoors, and Ryd ouist's mado snug for bad weather, another person called nt tho house, bringing with him n message of another kind. It was no other than tho doctor of tho Aryan, Box's old shin. Ho boro something: round, wrapped in tissue paper. IIo carried It with groat euro, as If it was something very procious. Tlio time was evening, and Lai was in hor room making up accounts. In tlio Captains' room was a full assemblage, numboring Captain Zacliariasen, Cap tain Horlindor, who purposed to spend his Christmas at Uydmiist's and to con sume much grog, Captain Holstitis, Captain Barnabas H. Wattles, whoso business had again brought him to Lon don, and two or three Captains who have nothing to do with this history ox copt to fill up tho group in tlio room where presently nn important Function Was to bo hold. At present they were unsuspicious of what was coming, and they sat in solemn circle, tho Patriarch at tho head of the table, getting through tho evening, all too quickly, in the usual way. "This was picked up," tlio doctor said, still holding his treasure in his hands as if it was a baby, " in tho Bay of Bengal, by a country ship sailing from Calcutta to Moulmein; it must have drifted with tho currents and tho wind, two thousand miles and more: How it contrived novor to get driven aslioro or broken ngainst some boat, or wreck, or rock, or washed tin some creek among th thousands ot islands by which it honied, is a truly wonder ful thing." "Oh, what is it?" Lalcriod. Ho took oil' tho handkerchief and showed a common wide-mouthed bot tle, such as chemists uso for cftervescin"' things. " It contains," ho said solemnly, " poor Box Armiger' s last letter to you. Tho skipper who picked it up pulled out tho cork and road it. IIo brought it to our office at. Calcutta, whore, though it was written to you, wo woro obliged to read it, becauso it told how tho Philip pi no was cast away; for tho same reason our otlieers road it." " His last letter?" "Yes; his last letter. It is dated threo years ago. We cannot hopo no, it Is impossible to hope that ho is still ulivo. Wo should havo heard lonr u"o if ho had boon picked up." "Wo havo hoard," said Lai. Sho went in search of tho Malay, with whom sho presently returned. "Wo havo hoard, doctor. Hero is Ilex's stoward, who camo to us two months ago," "Good heavens! it is tho dumb Malay stoward who was with him in tho boat.' "Yes. Now look, and. tell me what you read." Sho mado a sign to Dick, who wont through, for the doctor's Instruction, tho now familiar pantomime. " What do you think, doctor?" "Think? There is only ono thin" to think, Miss ltydqtiist. Ho has oseaped. Ho is alive, somewhere, or was when Dick last saw 1dm though how this follow got away from him, and whero ho is" "Now give mo his letter." It was tied round with n green rib bon n slondor roll of paper, fookiii" as if sea-water had discolored it, n Tho doctor took it out of tho bottle and gavo It to hor. "Fwlllroad Box's letter," sho said, quietly, "alone. Will you wait a little for mo, doctor?" Sho ctuuo'buok iu a quarter of an hour. Her eyes woro heavy with tears, but she was calm and assured; , "I thank God, doctor," slfo said; "I thank God most humbly for preserving this precious bottle and this letter of my dour Box my poor Box and I thank you, too, and your brother officers, whom ho loved, ami who wcro always good to him, for bringing It homo to mo. For now I know whoro ho Is, and whore to look for him, and now I understand It all." " If ho Is living wo will find him," said tho doctor. " Bo sure that wo will find him." "Wo will find him," sho echoed. "Yes, wo will find him. Now, doctor, consider. You remember how they got Into tho boat?" ' Yes oil' tho wreck. Tho letter tells us that." "Dick told us that two months ago, but wo could not altogether understand it. How long wor6 they In tho boat?" "Why, no ono knows." "Yes, Dick knows, and ho has told us. Considor. They wcro loft, whon this boltlo was sent forth, liko tho ravon out of tho Ark, with uo food. Thoy sat in tho boat, waiting for death. Hut thoy did not die. They drifted you saw that thoy mado ,no attempt to row for awhllo; they grow hungry and thirsty; thoy passed two or three days with noth ing to cat. It could not hnvo been more, becauso thoy woro not so fnr exhausted but that, whon land appeared In sight, thoy still had strength to row." "Go on," cried tho doctor. "You nro cleverer than all of us." "It is becauso I lovo him." she re plied, "and becauso I have thought day and night whoro ho can bo. You know tho latitudo and longitude of tho wreck; you must allow for currents and wind; you know how many days elapsed be tween mo wi-ock and tlio writing of tho letter. Now let us look at tho chart and work it all out." Sho brought tho chart to tho tablo, and pointed with hor linger. " They woro wrecked," sho said, "thoro. Now allow live days for drift ing. Whero would thoy land? Bo member ho says that tho wind was S. W." " Why," said tho doctor, "thoy may hnvo landed on ono of tho most wester ly of tho Cnrolino Islands, unless tho current carried them to tho I'olows. There aro islands enough in thoso seas." "Yes,' sho replied;' "If is hero that wo shall look for him. Now como with mo to tho Captains' room." Sho walked in, hoad erect and paper" in hand, followed by the doctor, and stood at Captain Zaohariiisen's right hor usual placo whon sho visited tho Captains in tlio evening. " You who aro my friends," said Lai, bearing in ono hand a chart and in tho other the precious letter, "will rejoice with mo, for I havo had a letter from Bex.'" "When was itKroto, and whoro from? asked CnplaiirZac'harlason. "It is nearly threo years old. It has been tossing on tlio sea. driven hither and thither, and preserved by kind Iloavon to show that Box is living still, and whore he is." Captain Wattles whistled gently. It sounded liko an involuntary noto of in credulity. Lai spread tho chart beforo Captain Zaoliariason. "You can follow the voyage," sho said, "while t read you his letter. It is on tho back of one from mu. It is written with a lead pencil, very small, becauso ho had a great deal to say and not much space to say it in my Box!" Hor voico broke down for a mo ment, but sho steadied herself and went on reading tho mossag-o from the sea. " Anyone who picks this up,1 it bo gins, 'will oblige mo by sending it to Miss Rydquist, Seven Houses, Rotlior hithe, becauso it tolls her of tho ship wreck and perhaps tho death' But you know all of you," Lai intorposed. "that ho survived and got to land, eNo how was Dick able to get back to England? 'of hor sweetheart, the undersigned Box Armigor, Captain of tho steamer Philippine, now lying a wreck on a roof in latitude fi.ilO N. and longitude 133.25, as near as I could calculate.' "'.MvDraiikst Lai.: I write this In tho Captain's gig, whoro 1 am Hunting about in or about tho above named latitudo and longitude, after tho most unfortunate voyage that uvor started with (rood promise. First, I send you my last words, dear lovo, solemnly, becauso a man In a boat on tho open ecus with no provis ions and no sail, cannot look for anything but death from starvation, If not by drowning. Uod help you, my dear, and bless .vou, and mako you forgot mo soon, and Hud a bettor husband than 1 should over havo made. You will tako uiiothur map' " " Hear, hear!" said-Captain Borl'mder softly. "Hush!" said Captain Wattles re proachfully. " Captain Armigor was a good man and a prophet." " ' You will tako another man,1 " Lai ropoated. "Never!" she cried, after tho repetition, looking from ono to tlio other. "Never! Not if ho wore dead, instead of being alive, as ho is, and wondering why wo do not como to ros eue him." "The boy had his points," said Cap tain Znoharinsen, and a good husband ho would havo made. Just such as I was sixty years ago or thereabouts. Get on to the shipwreck, Lai, my doar." " ' It was on December tho First that wo sot sail from Calcutta. Tim crow woro all Lascars, o.eopt Wok, my Malay stoward. tho chlerolll eor, who was auUngllslminn. and tho engineer. o mado a good passago under canvass, with auxiliary soivw, to Blngapnro, and from thence, In ballast, except lor a tew bales of goods, to Hong-Kong. Hero wo took In our cargo or rice, and started all well, on January tho Four tobntli, eighteen hundrod and sovcuty-sovon. U ho nuito wan a good sailor as out stopped on iibrdge.nnd tho ship well found, now, and good iu all respects. '"Wo hud fair woather across tjio China Sea, and iu.thn straits north of fciuon until wo wo camo to tho open sou. Horo a galo. which blow us off our course to Jf. R., but not far, and still In clear and omm sailing, with novor n roof or an Island, on tho charu 'Wo kept mourn up, rnnnlusr In tho tjjuthof tho wind, all sails lurled. Whon tho wind moderated, voprlng from b. h, to S. W. (within a point or two), wo mado tho Polow Islands to starboard bor, no camo well In tho track of Uio Sydney etcamors. If you look at a chart you will find that horo tho sea H onun.nnd cloar; not a shoal nor nn Island laid down for n good thousand miles. Wherefore, I make no doubt that after Inquiry I should havo my eortifloato roturnod to mo, In snlto of having lost so good a ship. "'On Holiday, at noon, tho wind having moderated, wo found wo had mado two hun dred and twontj-soven knots In tho four-and-twonty hourj. Wo woro. as I inudo It, in lati tude Ji.iW N. and longltudo i:R.25, ns noar as I could calculate. At suusnt, whloh wits nt six twonty-flvo, wo must havo mado somo sixty ml Ion inoro to tho ti. W., so that you can lay down tho spot on tho map. Tho wind wan fresh, nnd tho sea a littlo choppy, but nothing of any consequence In open water. At eight t turned In, going watch and watch about with tho nip.to, and nt llvo minutes past eight I eup poso I was fast asleep. " It was, I think, a littlo after six bolls, that I was awakened by tho ship striking. I rnn on deck at onco. Wo woro on a roc f, and by tho grating and grinding of hor bottom I guessed that It was all over. I'm sorry to say that Iu tho shook tho mato scorns to havo boon knocked ovorboard nnd drowned, bo cause I saw him no more. Tho ship rolled iromsldo to side, grinding and tearing hor bottom upon tho roof. Tno mon ran backward and forward crying to ouch other. There was no discipline with thnin, nor could I got thorn to obey or dors. Tho onginoor went below nnd reported water gaining fast. Ho and I did our best to koop tho crow In hnnd, but it was no uso. Thoy lowered tho boats nnd pushod off, leav ing behind only tho onginoor, and Diok tho stoward, and mysolf. Thoy woro in too groat a hurry to put provisions on board, so that I groatly foar thoy mttst havo perished, unload thoy havo boon nlukd up by somo steamer. " All that night wo stayouondeok, wo throo, oxpectlng ovory momontthat sho would break hor back. Tho cargo of grain was loose now, and rolled with tho ship liko water. Hor liows wcro high upon tho rooks, and I bollovo wo wcro only saved bocauso sho was lodged upon tho reef as far aft as tho englno-room. In tho darkness tho engineer must havo slipped his uuiu mm union uvuruoaru, i (ion l Know now. Then thoro was only Dick und mo. " 'In tho morning, at daybreak, tho lookout was protty bad. Tho roof Is a shoal with noth ing but a 1'rlngo of whlto water found it to mark whoro it lies. It Is now, I reckon, about seventeen feet bolow tho surfaeo Of tho water, but I tako it to be n rising roof, so that oycry year will mako it loss, and I hopo it will bo set down at onco on tlio chart. My mato was gone nnd my onginoor, tho boats and their crows woro out of sight, or may bo capsized, not a sail upon tho son. Hut thoro was tho Captaln'sgig. wnon wo got nlloat, my purpose was to keep alongside of tho poor wreck until wo had got enough victuals to last a week or two, nnd somo running taekio whoroby wo could hoist somo sort of a sail. Hut, my dear, wo hadn't tlmo, becauso no sooner had wo lowered tho bout and put In a few tins, with a bottle half full of brandy and a kog of wator, than sho parted amidships, and wo had no inoro than tlmo to Jump into tho boat and shovo off. '"Thoro wo wcro, then, with no oars.no mast, no sail, no rudder oven, and provisions for two or threo days. " ' Wo havo now boon lloating a week. We drifted tlrst ot all in a nor'-westorly dlrootlon, as near as I could mako out, so long as tho poor wreck remained in sight. Slnco then I know not what our courso has bcon. Thoro is a strong curront hero, I suspect, from tho shoit tlmo wo took to looso sight of hor, and there has boon a good strong broozo blowing from tho S. W. for throo days. " ' Wo havo now got to tho ond of our pro visions; tho last drop of wator has boon drunk; tho last biscuit oaten. Poor Diok sits opposito Jo mo till day and all night, ho cannot spoalc, but ho refused his sharo of tho last ration for my sake." Horo Ltvl broke down again, nyd Captain Zacliariasen said something strong, which showed that his admiration for a generous action was greater than his religious restraint. "'Wo spond tho day in looking for a sail; at night wo tako watch about. Thoro remains only a littlo brandy in tho hoot or tho bottlo. Wo husband that lor a bust resource. Wo havo fashioned a couple of rough oars out of two planks of tho bout. ,".7,1i,.V0,kI)tthl8,,m' l"rof. No sail in sight. Wo havo had two or threo drops of brandy each. Thoy nro tho last. Now 1 must commit this letter to tlio sea in tho bottlo. Oh, my dear Lai, my pretty tender darling 1 1 shall novor, never coo you any inoro. Long boloro you get this letter I shall bo drl ftlng nbout in tills boat, a dead man. I pray Hcavon to bloss you '" Hero Lai stopped and burst into tears. " Head no more," said Captain Hol stitis, "tho rest concerns yourself alono." Lai kissed hor letter, folded it tender ly, and laid it in her bosom. "Tho rest only concerns mo," she repeated, and was silent a while. Captain Zacliariasen, meantime, was at work unon tho chart. " I re ail this story somewhat differ ent," ho said. "You can't always fol low a mummickor in his antics, and I now pcrcoivo that I was wrong about the baby. Tho widow 1 stlnl-iif "Nr.i, ing could bo plainer than tho widow, uiuugii, ui umireu, u was not lO uo ox pected that ho'd mako a clean breast of it in that letter, which otherwise does him credit. Lai, my dear, you aro right. If Dick is ulivo, then his mastor is alive. Question is, whero would ho get to, and whoro is ho now?" They woro all silent, waiting tho con clusion of the Patriarch before any otlior ventured to speak. IIo was bejidiii" over tho chart, his right thumb as tho position of tho reef, and his forc-iino-er acting as a compass. "1 calculate from the position of tho reef, which is here, and tho run of tho currents, and tho direction of tlio wind, that thoy drifted toward tlio most west- orly of tho Carolino Islands." ft hardly required patriarchal wisdom to surmise this fact, seeing that theso islands aro tho nearest places northwest of the reef. "And next?" asked Lai. "Next, my pretty, they wcro taken on of that island, but I do not know by whom, and were shipped away to somu prison, but I don't know whero, and there Cap'en Armigor is still lying, though what for, as tliero was seeming ly no baby and no chucking ovorboard, . wo mortals, who aro but purblind, can not say." Then Captain Holstitis spoko again. " I think wo might have in tho Malay and go through tlio play-acting again. May be, with this letter beforo us, wo may get more light." The doctor now showed Dick tho bot tle. Ho seized It, grinned a recognition, and, on a sign from tho girl, began tho story again at that point. l'irat, loaning over the imaginary side of tlio boat, ho laid it gently on tho ""Thereby," said Captain Zacliariasen, solemnly, "committing tho lotlor to tho watery deep, to bo carried horo and driven there while tho stormy winds do blow, do blow. Anion!" TO UK CONTINUni). Ono swan will eat a gallon of iisu spawn in a day. RELIGIOUS AND EDUCATIONAL. -A boll with tho inscription: "Sin-Y nors, this boll calls you to the worship of Christ and nothimr more," has been presented to tho Baptist Church of Ded Iiam, Mass. John Wontworth says that tho first Protestant in Chicago was a Baptist, tho first book tliero published was written by h Baptist, and tho first Protestant sermon was printed by a Baptist. Prof. W. W. Goodwin, of Harvard, has acceptod tlio directorship of the American School of Classical Studies which will bo established in Athens, Greece, next November. Tho funds necessary to conduct tho entorpriso havo bcon qollectcd. N. Y. Post. At n recent meeting of the Phila delphia School Board it was statod as a proof of tho stupidity of tho school systom in that city that It took twenty minutes to road over tlio courso of In struction authorized in primary schools for pupils In their first four months. A novel plan to promoto tho cul tivation of fiowors among the poor is being tried in Philadelphia. Mr. John Wanamakor, of that city, President of the Presbyterian Sunday-school Super intendents' Association, has given notico that ho will supply gratuitously (except tho cost of mailing) ono hundred packets containing four varieties of llower seeds to every Sunday-school Which. Will airroo to lil!lk-n a rmilsmmnini display of Ilowors, with prizes, and send a report of tho results to the committee. A speaker at an educational moot ing recently held in Chicago, insisted that instruction in morals should be given in tlio public schools from somo good text-book. Ho added that schol ars should bo mado to commit to mem ory tho Ten Commandments, and theso should bo explained to them so that thoy could Understand them. Thoy should bo taught tho existence of God, and to recognizo Him as tho Hulor of tho universe, as woll as a man's responsi bility toward God, that tliero was a life beyond this one, and tlio hopo of over lasting life. Bishop O'Beilly, of tho Roman Catholic diocese of Springfield, Mass., has been preaching strongly against mixed marriages of Protestants ami Iloman Catholics. He says a Roman Catholic woman who marries a Prot estant ondangors her own soul and ' those of her oli'spring, as tho husband will not bo likely to allow the children " to bo educated as Roman Cntholi.cs, whatever ho may promise. Never should a Roman Catholic marry a Prot estant woman, because in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred tho children in herit tlio characteristics of the mother. Chicago Ilcruld. 4 Two Misers. A lawyer in Troy, N. Y., states that in tho bitter weather of last January ho was called at midnight to make a will for a supposed pauper named Agcr. 1 IIo found tho man dying in a wrotched hovel, without a lire, apparently of want, his wife besido him, dying also of hem orrhage of tho lungs. Ager had ono thousand five hundred dollars m four small bags, and six hun- dred dollars in irold in his Dockets. which he had carried so lornr that thov wcro black and crensv. Gobi wo a nlcn found secreted in iron pots and tea-pots in tho house. IIo died before mornin"-, and his wifp an hour or two late". Thoy wero both educated and of frood birth. fa Thoy had bought no fuel all winter, and had literally starved and frozen to death. When asked why they had not spoilt a fow dollars in making them selves comfortable, thoy replied: "Mon ey was a good thing to have." They oould not tako it with them, however, and at almost the last moment of life gavo it to a charitable society. Such instances of extreme avarice aro very rare among native Americans. The Nation is too well-fed and woll-clolhed; tho general habit of life is too prodhnil: money comes too easily to foster oveTi a wise economy in tho character of Ameri can children. A certain Maior S was waii.imn.n to tho past generation in tho Middle States as a miser of land. Ho was childless, and owned enormous tracts in Pennsylvania, Now York and Ohio, which ho only improved sufficiently to onablo him to pay tho taxes on them, and to buy moro land. His wholo life was spent in traveling on foot over his possesions, and it was Ins boast that ho could walk from the Hudson to tho Miami, and sleep every night on his own ground. On these journoys ho bogged his food from his tenants, and woro the samo suit of clothes, until it literally dropped off of him. rotten with filth sind a-e. Nothing could Indueo him to sell or givo away a foot of land. At last tho old man was missed, and after a couple of months his body was found in a for est on tho Alleghany Mountains, where, having been tnkon ill on ono of his jour noys, ho had crept to die. Six foot of ground was given to him for a grave, ami that, by a strnngo chance, as if in derision of the old man's folly, belonged to another man. Tho folly of thoso two mon is ovidont to the dullest of us. Their lives to tho very hour of death wero spent in dis comfort and want, that- thoy might ac cumulate, x'iohes which thoy knew thoy must loavo behind thorn. But aro wo any wiser? How many of us aro striving only to gain tho property, famo or social position which wo must loavo behind usP What goods havo wo to mako comfortable and happy that life boyond tho grave? Which of all the things wo prizo and hoard here, will bo of any more uso to us an hour after death, than woro tho gold or lmd t thoso two dying misers? Youth's Companion, ' s j I A A '